Development of Level D Hazmat Shirt Designs for Covid-19 Pandemic Medical Personnel
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Science, Technology, Art and Humanities (IJCSTAH 2020) Development of Level D Hazmat Shirt Designs for Covid-19 Pandemic Medical Personnel Inty Nahari 1*, Deny Arifiana 2, Sri Dwiyanti 3, Irma Russanti 4, Mein Kharnolis5 1,2,3,4,5 Department of Home Economics Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia E-mail: * ABSTRACT The presence of COVID-19 uncertain of impact on learning activities, including the State Vocational School in Indonesia, to prevent the spread-impact of COVID-19, and learning remains effective one of them is doing distance learning. The problem is that not all teachers can do learning online, including applying m-learning. This study aims to analyze the differences and increase the: 1) ability of teachers to prepare and organize materials-media learning to m-learning, 2) ability of teachers to utilize m-learning for learning, 3) ability of teachers to implement m-learning, after the teacher participated in the training and implementation of m- learning. The research method uses a quantitative approach to the method of quasi-experimental. The sample of 40 High School Vocational Teachers 7 in Surabaya, the determination using the technique of stratified random sampling. The technique of data analysis using t-test and test gain. The results of the research shows there is: 1) A difference and increase significantly the ability of teachers to develop and organize teaching materials-media to m-learning, from the average of 45.00 to be 78.50; 2) A difference and increase significant in the ability of teachers to use m-learning to learning, from 40 to 75.50; 3) A difference significantly and increase in the ability of teachers to implement m-learning, from the average of 35.60 to 72.10.
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