! / cASS CITY CHRONICLE EIGHT PAGES. ° VOLUME 27, NUMBER 23. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY' SEPTEMBER 16, 1932. CAS[ ON TH[ A DBLA[ , WINkleS INIUS OLA [ O lEST8 OCTOB[R [ ,L[NDAR Frank D. Reed; treasurer, W~alter Tuscola Co. Circuit Court Will D. Knox Hanna Named for Mater; drain commissioner, Horace Convene on Monday, Representative; No Con- G. McElpinney; and coroners, Wm. Bettis and Fred J. Taggert. October 3. tests by Democrats for Huron County. Tuscola County Offices. John A. Graham, who was ad- The October term of circuit vanced to the office of Huron coun- court in Tuscola county will con- One incumbent was renominated ty sheriff following the death of vene on Monday, Oct. 3, with 52 • for a Tuscola county otKce and Jas. J, Murray last summer, was cases on the calendar. Of (~this three were defeated on the Repub- nomini~ted for ,the office on the Re- number, six are criminal cases, 22 lican ticket at the primary Tues- publican ticket by a large majority civil cases, 15 chancery cases and day. A large vote was recorded. in the primary election Tuesday. nine divorce cases. Stanley Osburn, seeking renom- Candidates ~or other county offices The following are the cases on ination for register of deeds, won nominated by the Republicans are: the c~lendar: Prosecuting attorney, Thos. R. Mc- by a large vote over his two op- Criminal cases. ponents. In other contests, H. Allister; treasurer, Geo. Alexander; Waiter Cooper was named for pro- and drain comm'issioner, Wm. J. The People vs. William Adle, bate judge; Arthur Whittenburg, Steadman.
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