Public Accounts 1999/00

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Public Accounts 1999/00 PublicAccounts 1999/00 SupplementaryInformation DetailedSchedulesofPayments CanadianCataloguinginPublicationData BritishColumbia.MinistryofFinanceand CorporateRelations. Publicaccounts.—1987/88– Annual. ReportyearendsMar.31. Continues:BritishColumbia.MinistryofFinanceand CorporateRelations.PublicaccountsofBritishColumbia. ISSN0382–2001 ISSN1187–8657=Publicaccounts—BritishColumbia. MinistryofFinanceandCorporateRelations 1.BritishColumbia—Appropriationsand expenditures—Statistics—Periodicals.2.Revenue —BritishColumbia—Statistics—Periodicals. 3.Finance,Public—BritishColumbia—Accounting —Periodicals.I.Title. De tailed Sched ules of Pay ments for the Fis cal Year Ended March 31, 2000 (Un au dited) Con tents Page Min is try Ab bre vi a tions.................................................................................................................................... 5 Sum mary of Pay ments.................................................................................................................................... 6 Mem bers of the Leg is la tive As sem bly Com pen sa tion ....................................................................................... 7 Sched ules of Sal ary and Travel Ex penses for: Min is ters ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Dep uty Min is ters and As so ci ate Dep uty Min is ters................................................................................... 9 Or der–In–Coun cil, Other Ap pointees and Em ployees not Ap pointed un der the Pub lic Ser vice Act........... 10 Other Em ployees................................................................................................................................... 19 Grants and Con tri bu tions................................................................................................................................ 25 Other Sup pliers .............................................................................................................................................. 153 PUB LIC AC COUNTS 1999/00 Min is try Ab bre vi a tions In or der to re duce words in the Pub lic Ac counts, of fices and min is tries re ferred to in this sec tion may be shown as fol lows: May be shown as Leg is la tion .......................................................................................................................... Leg is la tion Of fi cers of the Leg is la ture.................................................................................................... Of fi cers of the Leg is la ture Of fice of the Pre mier .......................................................................................................... Of fice of the Pre mier Min is try of Ab orig i nal Af fairs ............................................................................................... Ab orig i nal Af fairs Min is try of Ad vanced Ed u ca tion, Training and Tech nol ogy .................................................. Ad vanced Ed u ca tion Min is try of Ag ri cul ture and Food ......................................................................................... Ag ri cul ture Min is try of At tor ney Gen eral .............................................................................................. At tor ney Gen eral Min is try for Children and Fam ilies ....................................................................................... Children and Fam ilies Min is try of Com mu nity De vel op ment, Co op er a tives and Vol un teers.................................... Com mu nity De vel op ment Min is try of Ed u ca tion.......................................................................................................... Ed u ca tion Min is try of Em ploy ment and In vest ment.............................................................................. Em ploy ment and In vest ment Min is try of En ergy and Mines .............................................................................................. En ergy and Mines Min is try of En vi ron ment, Lands and Parks ........................................................................... En vi ron ment Min is try of Fi nance and Cor po rate Re la tions........................................................................ Fi nance Min is try of Fish eries ............................................................................................................ Fish eries Min is try of For ests............................................................................................................... For ests Min is try of Health............................................................................................................... Health Min is try of La bour .............................................................................................................. La bour Min is try of Multi cul tur al ism and Im mi gra tion....................................................................... Multi cul tur al ism Min is try of Mu nic i pal Af fairs................................................................................................ Mu nic i pal Af fairs Min is try of Small Busi ness, Tour ism and Cul ture .................................................................. Small Busi ness Min is try of So cial De vel op ment and Eco nomic Se cu rity....................................................... So cial De vel op ment Min is try of Trans por ta tion and High ways............................................................................. Trans por ta tion Min is try of Women’s Equal ity.............................................................................................. Women’s Equal ity Man age ment of Pub lic Funds and Debt............................................................................... Pub lic Funds and Debt BC Ben e fits......................................................................................................................... BC Ben e fits Other Ap pro pri a tions.......................................................................................................... Other Ap pro pri a tions PROV INCE OF BRIT ISH CO LUM BIA Con sol i dated Rev e nue Fund Sum mary of Pay ments for the Fis cal Year Ended March 31, 2000 (In Thou sands—Un au dited) Salary1 $ $ Mem bers of the Leg is la tive As sem bly Com pen sa tion .......................................................................... 6,330 Min is ters ........................................................................................................................................... 790 Dep uty Min is ters and As so ci ate Dep uty Min is ters .............................................................................. 4,062 Or der–in–Coun cil, other ap point ees and em ploy ees not ap pointed un der the Pub lic Ser vice Act ........ 74,063 Other em ploy ees—earn ing $75 thou sand or more............................................................................. 80,048 Other em ploy ees—earn ing less than $75 thou sand............................................................................ 1,411,123 Ben e fits............................................................................................................................................. 304,869 1,881,285 Travel Min is ters ........................................................................................................................................... 845 Dep uty Min is ters and As so ci ate Dep uty Min is ters .............................................................................. 684 Or der–in–Coun cil, other ap point ees and em ploy ees not ap pointed un der the Pub lic Ser vice Act ........ 5,047 Other em ploy ees—earn ing $75 thou sand or more............................................................................. 5,778 Other em ploy ees—earn ing less than $75 thou sand............................................................................ 43,126 55,480 Grants and Con tri bu tions Re cip i ents of $25 thou sand or more .................................................................................................. 16,320,644 Re cip i ents of less than $25 thou sand.................................................................................................. 656,541 Grants and con tri bu tions re cov er ies................................................................................................... (17,804) 16,959,381 Other Sup pliers Sup pliers which re ceived $25 thou sand or more................................................................................ 5,471,364 Sup pliers which re ceived less than $25 thou sand ............................................................................... 144,810 Trans fer of ben e fits to sal ary list ing ..................................................................................................... (304,869) Ad vances to lo cal gov ern ments in ru ral ar eas re cov ered from prop erty taxes col lected by the prov ince (149,954) Other sup plier re cov er ies .................................................................................................................. (1,857,113) 3,304,238 22,200,384 1Includes $1,880,463 thou sand of “Sal aries and Ben e fits” and $836 thou sand of “Other Ex penses” (see Sched ule of Ex pense by Group Ac count Clas si fi ca tion in the Con sol i dated Rev e nue Fund Sup ple men tary Sched ules). PUB LIC AC COUNTS
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