Compromiso de cada una de las instituciones. A.1 – Organisation Role in the Project PARTNER - SCHOOL Legal Name I.E.S. de Puçol - in Latin characters Acronym – if applicable National ID Number – if 46020315 applicable Official address Avda. Corts Valencianes 31 Postal code 46530 Town Puçol Country Spain Region Valencia Website A.2 – Legal representative Name Mr Mrs/M Pilar First Name Millán Gresa s Position headmaster Official address - if not the same as above - Postal code Town Country Region Telephone 1 961420440 Telephone 609972468 2 E-mail
[email protected] Fax 961465263 A.3 - Contact person Name Mr Mrs/M Juan Ignacio First name Pont Payá s Department Physics and Chemistry Position Teacher Coordinator Official address - if not the same as above - Postal code Town Country Region Telephone 1 961420440 Telephone 699415176 2 E-mail
[email protected] Fax 961465263 B. Organisation and activities B.1 Structure Profit Non-profit X Public X Private Organisation type Secondary and high school Number of pupils 825 B.2 Objectives and activities of the organisation Please provide a short presentation of the organisation in relation to the thematic area covered by the project In IES Puçol, we teach Secondary Education, Bachillerato (A Level), and Higher Level Nursery Education Training. The school has 71 teachers and 825 students. The students are 12 to 16 years old for Secondary, from 16 to 18 years old for Bachillerato, and 18 years old and above for the Nursery Training. We are taking part in the multilingual programme, as we want to promote the learning of foreign languages here at IES Puçol.