Open Source Software in a Practical Approach for Post Processing of Radiologic Images

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Open Source Software in a Practical Approach for Post Processing of Radiologic Images Radiol med DOI 10.1007/s11547-014-0437-5 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Open source software in a practical approach for post processing of radiologic images Gianluca Valeri · Francesco Antonino Mazza · Stefania Maggi · Daniele Aramini · Luigi La Riccia · Giovanni Mazzoni · Andrea Giovagnoni Received: 3 February 2014 / Accepted: 12 March 2014 © Italian Society of Medical Radiology 2014 Abstract 3D Slicer, MedINRIA, MITK 3M3, VolView, VR Render; Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the use while OsiriX received 10. of open source software (OSS) to process DICOM images. Conclusions OsiriX appears to be the only program able Materials and methods We selected 23 programs for to perform all the operations taken into consideration, simi- Windows and 20 programs for Mac from 150 possible OSS lar to a workstation equipped with proprietary software, programs including DICOM viewers and various tools allowing the analysis and interpretation of images in a sim- (converters, DICOM header editors, etc.). The programs ple and intuitive way. OsiriX is a DICOM PACS worksta- selected all meet the basic requirements such as free avail- tion for medical imaging and software for image process- ability, stand-alone application, presence of graphical user ing for medical research, functional imaging, 3D imaging, interface, ease of installation and advanced features beyond confocal microscopy and molecular imaging. This appli- simple display monitor. Capabilities of data import, data cation is also a good tool for teaching activities because it export, metadata, 2D viewer, 3D viewer, support platform facilitates the attainment of learning objectives among stu- and usability of each selected program were evaluated on a dents and other specialists. scale ranging from 1 to 10 points. Results Twelve programs received a score higher than Keywords Open source · Post processing · Diagnostic or equal to eight. Among them, five obtained a score of 9: imaging Introduction G. Valeri (*) Clinical Radiology, AOU Ospedali Riuniti, Ancona, Italy Open source software (OSS) is a model for development, e-mail: [email protected] dissemination and cooperation in the field of information F. A. Mazza technology, created in 1985 with the establishment of the Radiology Postgraduate School, UNIVPM, Ancona, Italy Free Software Foundation (FSF) and formalised in the so- called General Public License (GPL) [1, 2]. According to S. Maggi Health Physics, AOU Ospedali Riuniti, Ancona, Italy that document, a developer must make available all the source code and information necessary to compile (depend- D. Aramini · L. La Riccia encies, libraries, technical documentation) the application Department of Radiology, AOU Ospedali Riuniti, Ancona, Italy to allow others to: duplicate/install multiple copies within G. Mazzoni · A. Giovagnoni their organisation; change/extend or incorporate it into Degree in Medical Radiology Techniques, Imaging other systems; commercialise the extensions made, being and Radiotherapy, UNIVPM, Ancona, Italy only constrained to provide the source code of the exten- sions made [3, 4]. A. Giovagnoni Pediatric and Special Radiology, UNIVPM, AOU Ospedali Over the years, it became clear that an ideological Riuniti, Ancona, Italy redefinition of free software was needed to highlight the 1 3 Radiol med advantages both as a model of development and in terms Materials and methods of commercial prospects; FSF duly created the open source initiative which coined the term “Open Source” and has The study was carried out with methods similar to those encouraged the spread of less restrictive licenses than the used in an earlier scientific paper that tried to collect, GPL [5]. describe and compare the characteristics of software appli- OSS software is free but not necessarily freeware; OSS cations freely available and accessible on the internet [11]. is not an alternative to commercial software; their model The basic software requirements were: does not preclude the presence of commercial distribu- tion, suppliers of added value or support services. It is • Free availability, that is, applications must be freely more correct to define OSS as an alternative to the con- downloadable from the net; ventional licensing model (closed source), where access to • Stand-alone, i.e., the software is not just a plug-in for a the source code is not granted and in which the software generic image viewer; developer retains the rights to their own product, selling • The presence of a graphical user interface (GUI), to the user a temporary or permanent “license to use”, which allow the interaction of the user with the software with- allows them to use it without, in any way, acquiring prop- out the need for a command line interface; erty rights [6]. • Easy installation: applications were excluded if their The process of sharing applications and their source installation involved the execution of commands from code has played an important role in the management and the terminal or required other programs. dissemination of digital images in the biomedical field.T he • Advanced features beyond simple monitor display. processing of medical images implies, in fact, a series of activities that must be performed by specific software: first, The selected programs (split into two categories: Windows- applications need to read the input data from one or more Linux and Macintosh) are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The appli- files, previously created by a diagnostic imaging device cations were evaluated by comparing their characteristics [7]. This is not always easy because the data may be avail- (Table 3). In particular, the presence or otherwise of functions able in many different proprietary formats even though the (data import, data export, metadata, 2D viewer, 3D viewer) is introduction of the DICOM standard is now an indispen- listed, and an assessment of Usability was made with a score sable element of uniformity of the format of radiological from 0 to 10 in terms of GUI, speed and simplicity. images, allowing shared management between systems The overall evaluation was scored from 0 to 10 based on with different hardware and software [8]. the average value of the item usability with the increase or Moreover, several frameworks and support structures decrease of one point because of presence or otherwise of have been developed in which software can be arranged 2D and 3D functions of each program. and designed and then used in different applications, facili- The programs were tested using four different sets of tating the work of programmers by avoiding unnecessary images (Table 4) on personal computers having the charac- duplication of effort. This operating model has created teristics shown in Table 5. a huge number of freely available libraries and applica- tion program interfaces for the analysis and management of medical images, present in many programs, in terms of Results cross-platform applications [9]. Among the various frame- works for reading and writing common image formats, it is The results of the comparison are shown in Tables 6 and appropriate to mention the Insight Tool Kit (ITK), designed 7. Most of the applications considered perform the basic to be easily extensible to different types of files that are used operations of import and export of images, in addition to in medical image processing, such as DICOM, interfile or the elementary functions of 2D displays. other proprietary formats [10]. Another item of OSS is the Based on the parameters listed above, we highlight the VTK library which contains many algorithms for 2D/3D main features of the more interesting applications. image design visualisation and processing, and allows both For the Windows-Linux platform: volume rendering and various surface rendering techniques. In this paper, the authors attempt to verify the number of 3D Slicer and describe the functionality offered by, freely available and accessible OSS applications, as well as their potential 3D Slicer (Fig. 1) is a software platform developed by in the management (production, storage, processing and Slicer Community, implemented in the C language and ++ transmission) of biomedical images to assess their abili- based on VTK [12]. The software provides a very compre- ties in comparison to those offered by proprietary software hensive and intuitive GUI, able to immediately show dif- (closed source). ferent images in various anatomical planes with various 1 3 Radiol med Table 1 Selected applications Name URL Version for the Windows-Linux platform 3D Slicer 3.6.3 Aeskulaps 0.2.2-beta1 Amide 1.00 BioImageXD Beta-1537 Dicompyler 0.4a2 Endrov 2.18.0 EViewBox Non definita Fusion viewer 1.0 (beta) Gimias 1.3.0 Ginkgo CADx 2.5.4 final ImageJ 1.44i ImageVis3D 2.0.1 InVesalius 3.0.0 beta 2 ITK-SNAP 2.2.0 Mayam 0.8 Mango 2.5 Micro view 2.1.2 Mito 1.0 beta MITK 3M3 1.1 MVE Nukak 3D 4.0 Santec/Tudor DICOM
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