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COrraiOMi <«>« Mag^voXiTX^W-.MPJ-M-Vx IdahQ’s Largest Ever.? e n i n g , 71st yeor . . . - • " ■ TWIN T W FALLS. IDAHO, THURSCRSDAY,-AUGUST 7', 975 13 coolerer deliveryd«

-J ______— ■»— ------^ ^ ------. .------S e e e sce a ila toi r r i s i ni g a g ai i i n f e d[ f a y ©Washington Slarir For the loss,volt.volatile Industrial commodities I from the calculation ot the sharpp inInc c re ases lor in F e b ru ary andndM Mi areh. , WASHINGTON - Probably signal;:ignaling further index - consideriidered by economists, to bc • i • months preceding July 1974 ratherIther than lhe The picture-for!- for coiuumer' goods was even siiarp Increases at'the supcrmarkenarkct checkout steadier indicatortor ofo over-all innationary4rends i situatlonlastmonth. more bleak. Therhe Indexii I n c r e a ^ 1.4 p e r c e n t, ill br ------IL nrifrt rnhlimiP tn H fnr n ML>-cacal41iefull ; ____ wbU«-pn>duc«i^g( last monlh with farm products, food:foods and feeds June and equalllr lalllng the highest mark sincc rate registered last month, thec an n u al boost cent, ; ..lea'leading the • wny, . Ihc . L aboror ' Dcpartincnt"D February.-,, . .w-ouldbGaboutl5pcrcent. • . W llhin lhe consumerconsi goods figures, food led' rcpreported today. . . T he dep artm e n t J ent snid the increase in Industriol As a result of th e Ju ly increases,«. theth wholesale tho way with a boostbo< of 2.5 p c r ccn t, D u rin g th e W ilso n m ay b c d r u ^ af{({cncy pick tThe Increase, which followed n sli| 0 slight declinc commodities wnsvns prim arily duo lo fnnU nnH llha rinlthori-fnnritt h au n lmr«»n«»/^ 4n-Jutw,‘ wfl.i th e slm i|iu.sf 't ift6st>st inIn wnolesolc rela te d e n erg y products.proc a,^S taf ------p e r ccnt which m e an s il cosl S17.S7.57 la s t m onlh to . by an overage}e of about 2 pcr cent monthly. In- priccs.sincc April and_ was only)nly theI sccond For all commot WASHINGTON - Presideni Fordrd has tentatively decided to nmoditlcs. wholesale price last buy the same wholesale Roods that could have creases In wholcsilolcsalc prices usually arc reflected m onthly increase .of m o re thanin oneoni percent month were 8,7pei ■ —-.nameJonncr-DistrictJtColumblaI pollccp chief Jeny-V .-W iison_____ f per cont higher Ihnn they, were been p u rchased forSlO in iW?. al the rolaillevellevel after 0 month or-so although sincelnstNovcmbcr...... yeor ago. That is I to head the troubled drug Enforc<•cemcnl Admlnlstrallon, ac- I Is th e sm allest y car-lo -y c ar In- The Index for finished productss -— those ready sometimes changhangcs in merchandising costs and Tho-wholcsalo index for farmm pnproducts and crease recorded in cording lo informed sourccs. td in nny m onth since th e c u rren t lo bc sold to retailers for ultimiItimale salo lo . other factorsi affectaff« relail priccs. processed foods and feeds Increasedascd4,(jpcrccnt ^ round of Inflationon began.b< A full Federal Bureau of Investigal;ailon Investigation of Wilson. f " customers — increased J ,2 per ccntccnt lasl month, vThe more closclyclos watched consumer price last month following a 1,-t per ccnl decline In . How ever, thec seemingse Improvtpicnl In llie — whoiteppeddowmapdicfrthieHastat-SeptrgOrls now.t m d e r w y ------jj|p ivcm bcr- a nd.lh o------todox- w UU-bft-ist»4s6ued-later-thl9-monthr-— ; June, •' yo«f-Io-year figuregurcs wns due to the elimination If it goes well, the President Isi cxpected< to announce lhe fourth consecuTlvc increase followl:lowing declines______nom ination within M veral weeks, c- i n d ■ ■ j(p an i c d-HeiirH<- ! > ■» rtc h i k ^ HARRISBURG. Pa, (UPI) - Fo'ederal Judge R. Dlxori.IIer- H p F T m an today granted a delay until Aug.,A 18 In Micki Scott's o p - _____ p c aran c e bleforc a grand ju ry investiitigating the disappearance of -S missing newspaper heiress Pally Helearsl.*/ £ ------MrsrScotirwifeofradical-apotlrfirflgurW a^cottTsat-quietlj------W--- JA h yim ..; ^ p ^ B R U —A i i it J l n n lr " HtediJiM.ia.appganxfrorcThc' H i J v f A ...... gran d ju iy today, K i.UMP.UR..MaIaYSlA LUPJl^Aband_l u p i I ______ef-dapaneSe-Red army terrorists relt JflSiiast Ij hostages (oday and tookik oHoU for Libya riiShl view ------ai>oaboard’a' Japanese airllnierrehdihgding “ian 80 hour ' ...... • .INCOLNSHmB.Jlt^tUHI»______•'eifreign of_tcrror.thnLcr.ented_n.dJplomJplomnllc_crisis ______^ w p m i r i t i e d ’ _Roy. D. .Chapin. Jr ...... betw een Jap an and M alaj'sia, „ k . . : , v ^ Amcnerican Molors board ^Malaysian Home Affairs Miiilsteinister Ghazall * V ByD/\JyDAVmBOCKMAN chaillirrnan. lold a news con- Shaflc said tonight he had to threaten th lo 1 Tlmes-NewsTtmi writer , ‘ ’ •ence Wedncsdoy AMC "*'*"hijack" the aircraft himselfif andar put a \ ^^^^■^_B01SE-1^Idaho Powvr officials "clarified"- mony-^^-wednesday;— sa y in g -- the-' . sp rir•ing q u a rte r this year. end to Ja p an e se stalling ta ctics j^nd{^nd mn 6cl a Red ^ V $ c om pany expectsects its1 ra te s to b e ab o u l 2>: tlm ei; V. ^ ChHiopin predicted an o th er Army deadline for departure. as high as theyyaretodaylnnlneyeara. are ------prull ifllable quarter from July The notorious Red Army group'o up 'w hich, has T hat i raise the average residential' / tUroiougn iicptcmDcr aiicr thu «ew4ed-out- *®’’ motioocroo.—bombtoga^lii||i ml iilliii > I ^1 c ustom er's bill111 Itomfro B M a v e a r Iw liiv lo » I 8 « I cof a scries of three straight outrages throughoul the world, shot theirt way- 1 ^ ^ y e a r jf he u sn ^ tbethe sam e am ount o f pow er — an- Quarirtc rly deficits of m ore th a n . inlo the U.S. E m bassy la st M ondaylay andan seized 53 increase of S314.-14.. - - . m l L \ V -, .:-mB $cotTmillion, *>oshostages Including U.S. Consul GeneralGene Rolwrt Fim U id u s anll-Communlsl demonstraliitra lo rs at^ B ut if th e averajverage cu sto m e r's po w er use rises ...... ste'Stebtilns,- two “American' buslnessmlessmcn' and a ' • V ilaa Nova de Famallcao, Portugal, .overturn.gv< from 1,000 kllpwi(llowatt hours a m onlh to 1,700- d-set llre tira'carbelongtnf tom Comniom m nnlst------^kilowatt^ourrrr Brroaho-arflciBr^xpccirtfie*as iN r a e l, E fjypf n e a r in teicriiri aftrecm enl ' ' The guerrillas freed most of-thcli rty member Wednesday. Violence conicontinued average annualual nresidential bill would be SS8V. Wednesday and tlw j;emal_nder toe t u g u e s c spread tode^as Communists armecrmed wllh Thai would box an Incrcaso of-S6S7-a-yearover-. ------: ■ -By United Prea»In»itematlonfti - ' ------chchange a for~nlne~Jap'ancs<; crewmenvm cn lo flv the_ n „ J , . , tomaUc.rlOes.(lred.lnto.B.crowd of.d em o n - . - ___ currcnlhiUlngsloiigslontheaverage family ------Israeli Defense Minister Shimon PPeres said today lhat Israel P'aplane, four official subslilulclc hostageshc to IH JU S,s Ita r g e t 77“ ' Sratore In Fate. UUtng one and woundlnndlng five. . Acconllng to.lO' IIdaho Power testimony ^ed- . and Egypt arc in the final stages ofif n egotiallons an intcrtm - guarantee Ihcir safety and fivelive RI ed ;\rm y ------.. . ------, Arm;-my troops have sided with the cnwrdslnsome da li nesdDy.'iM'lAi^•liOteases would" bc necessary to peace agreement, crimlnolscrii flown here frem Japanan jailsja to meet a ree as,a (U P I) (Inance a numbilumber of proJecU. bvcludlng tbc Egypt’s reply to Israel's latest pntroposals "will moke a good their ransom demands. '■______propoaed mlllloi ------piintnearBetoe-. basis for the contlnuailon of the talklks,"hc said, buthe did not . - The tesU mhooyended oay the Inllial portion of th s u p p ly nny det«lls...“ We vrtlt have toti wait a number of weeks before we know the results." "Cross examination” of-tbe-coffl ’Port noiseequir lals kitehe&n-dispo8^ ___I , pany*s caserforlts'Ptofleer fo r I Plant wfll faeafrh ...... - During thee thrthree-days of bearings, compaiy ^^ohanonfaotnlair^faiBfai IS landing and departing from the ~ sta te 's H n ilth ^ r v ic c Dtvlston.:------W IlM ss^ oUUlii)uuuied an am uuous. expan^joc ------:~ B y T Jn itM P ra ffin witemflaonB------^------ec------c a sl and.w esL ±m Mhinfltan SUU'a____PrngTflm .tfhll^tlhlcti nm nfBM tiiilldlM M «Hv Roclcetfirc (rom Israeli territoryy rak e d a Lebonesc army TWIN ^ PALLS — Engineers dcvelcdeveloping plans wind runway dls(discussed in the sta te m e n t wfll Ilmales lhal 60------PtoiKWr-lilll-ila r 0 convcnmllon Brownlee byI AprApril, 1979; a new p o w er plarit'A l .. position today In the.fourth straighthi day of border clashes, a - for the proposed regional airport'rt northnoi of Twin "defirfllely nol"it" bbc built be.causc the casl-wcst iecibels Is about the level of a ( Fjll&£ay.nolM>.IflvelB-8oiUh of tbih c» 4Si n a k » ^ tv o r—^ ^ifunw ay urtll accoi ^alls d a m by N oveftiber. 1979? a Canyon will bc below 85 dccibcls.i, winds over thelalrportJiesoid. air] to 80 declbcIs, busy urban s lr^e to o f lte r s noise 10 fourth 500,000X kllkilowatt unit arJlm '^H dger'Ih _____In .a .se p a ra lC -in c ld e n l.J sra e IL riraiders-Sllppcd-aiToss-the______-Thai-|s-Ihe~sound~Intcnsllv bf o k1 ttfIDOUmTrsm~nnnlcriselhona_conf ro nve n fa n on~A— :~WyDnilni(. ljyrJgneri98irand-B'TiutieflrT)flwef J l^ — bordar>lnto^souU)em-ljebanonrbiewHi r o m 'c n gar- ' ~ ' Hlanes~wnilioI~n^ circle over lEr^iyrMorTgcr b'age d i s p e l or'm o re th a n 100 tim es JC lh a n a con- I’y May. I9ff owner,;______^______J______Imes the level of said, becausc a coconlrol tower on the new aiport thousand times, more Intense i ------BSJBsprtien conversation a t th re e f c c tr - neslnTastncni-csrpathsrKMVTs—— vcrsBtlonrahcavy'tTOckTJasslnglInrso-tccniTCij ------IliepMpoaeilsed ninuclear plant-would be a-mllllon - BBul thc_enginccrs.say, noiseise won'L-be_a_w ___ !elevj§lpnJowcrsjcrs north of th e sile a lso .will not con bc m casured.at 90 d e cib e ls.. kilowatt unitt jointlyjoin owned by Utah Power and t - . proproblem forTwln Falls, obslructairtrafficaffic, hesald. Beyond an orca obout o halff‘mile ml north and ~LlghtandIdahouahoulH lty.------’ ------u a i t w o r d JThe regional airport, proposeded for fo tiic area Monger said1 his firm has not figured o u t w hat sooth of the runw-ay, "few humiluman acllvilies ■ Following tbe the h e^g , company preside «-sald a site for the nuclear.pUlQl JOGOTA. Colombia .(UPJ) south of IhlerslateSO near IhcTcrrlPcrrlhe13ridgc;— "thccxact arcosIS of noise around Ihe a ip o rt would would be.affecicd by alrcroftIft ssound3.::_ac: ___ Jam es Bruce-sal mmental Impact hos nol yet been select^. He also said an ap- The U,S. embassy. will have on east-west runway withvlth thtl e c a sl end be. but hc gav e on estim ation. A reas of "critic a l cording to the airport cnvlronmf about a mile from Snake River Caa\ study. Building designs for[£ir_fliidlloriums, plication forr permissionper to build the nucIeai tombtan polite and Scars ’ • Caoyon.ang'ils___ nfllse.flroundthRithe Airport,would.be,htil hn gavp 5 and th e a tre s {Jliifii Will n o n * ebuck awailcd a message west end obout 1.5 miles from the canyon.ci The an estimation.I. ArAreas of "crillcai no|se" would1 churchcs. schools, hospitals ai site Is about four m iles from the Twii half a mile or less around the! "should consider sound reducingicing controls In year. ay from the kidnapers of ! Twin Falls cilv be about a half l^evschcmal, a company wltnesi nald Cooper, M. a Scars ^ccnlcr. according lo the sludy,, JtJ t Is aboul two runway, although)Ugh th e firm will su g g e st th a t not areas closest lo thealrport," the»c slislu d y s a y s ...... - John A. Neva m iles a way from the n o rth ern cllyUy limlin its, houses b e buillIt oron the north rim of tfie canyon, Noise ratings used In thee cicnvlronmcnlol employed by>y SteamsSU Rogers, teslltled, "lw :o president who has spent 20 ,11 '"Noise Is nol a problem, stmpi t , impact study are based on "sev‘se v eral things,’' U m c" for a nuclearnucU planl is about nine andlooe ^ 1arsinLatinAmcrico, ' . ,r simply bccausc where noise mighnight reach 65 decibels at certain , tfiere's no ^pulatio^' near the airport,a a c - ___tim es, ____ Including studies of what noiseilse 1levels people , half lo 10 years,ears. Actual construction will taki 'ooper—was—abducted ------c()fainglo"Jamcs^iongcr. Bozeman,;man. Mont.. trie'' ‘He sMdlie guogUCT^ thalthe area to' IHe-horlh'i' clalfino ftnd discomfoff, acconfcbraingTb'John— abourflve andonBdone^half'yMfsTheMTd: T I ■- e sd ay evening as he arriv e d :.. the avialion rim of the canyonnyon would experience less than 155 Olson. Boise, on engineer for Inlcmational One of theLhe witnessesv called to the stan his home by several men aiport planner for TAP. Inc.. th consulting firm nOw w rlling the! masterm ast plan for scconds a dayf of J85 dccibcls of noise, B5 decibels,i, Engineering Co. which suppliedfd ththe Information clarifying testimony lestir Wednesday was Robe d 0 woman. An honorary I h e a i r p o r t , ______h e said,,1s aboutout Illke.thejioisc.ln a kilchen when„n___ forihe linaLslatemcnl______Kluinpp.jhe_ut:icjJHliiy's .senior vice president,:c ------— Dutc :lch-consul-attd-l5-ttTalthy------Monger said the planned east-to-wl-to-wesl runway lhe sink garbageage idisposal is running, ______Ahport noise is a "very infreqifrequeni thing ... finance, Klump]lumpp said an exhibit hc en tered Int lombians -have-fiiflo-been ------ng on thb south side of the canyon ilcT'Noises hazar:------evidenee-Tuesd '—~iHI h — Inap^ this year, ii not 0 sleady drone," Olson said, 1 "Will DTObahlyju l,==dt>u8,t»hcallb-would bcnypprirncdcnccd within the hikes totalingIng twob and one-half times the "Monger said.d7Hc H could not eslimate ihc lowerr one-eighth to bnc-half mile rangrange around the company's currentcurr rales included a propose B razil hikcH inwlant cc*offec ex po rt pj*ice ------noise lev els thereh e re . Saying it w as hard -to id e n tifyy. , runway. Discomforting noise)ise should not role hike requesliqucsted by the company,tnM ay RIO.d e JANEIRO (UPI) - The BBl razilian Coffee Inslllutc has a noise le v el lowelower than 65 decibels, rea ch to th e south rim of the canyoimyon. he said. (C fC ootiQ uedonp. 17) II liu lu ill k'uffiH! illlU ------^ ^ ------A - noise pnmiwmphlel relosed by- WeaMngton-” _ '■ .— 1 . _ ; ~ (c omiDP« n m p . wHi -______announced pricc hikes of up to 40 p

miM61UUUllisnaiieupltrilliil uwinatilp.V'. :.:z Living. 12-15 - J i - N o 8esefigurew ssum e farm raales te s would rlseaL _ _ prim e'exai^e.npleUainlflOsafd, ______^ aae rc a te g o r lea ^ z - FifertleaitiaiB aintoSSM ttai President of the Idaho Inigatliigation Pumpers rate InertaiMIm b A coold Im ^ r u |M n d ^ to1 twctwo Republkjin lawmakers, who ■ -Associatton. Mark MoormanrsaJdlaid itlie pro p o sed ^ ' fromflOO,OOOyejooyeaflytoaB^WOlOOO: ■ ' chldMC5ngrw^ for ta k in g a m onth- w Wednesday r a le increases would have " a tremremendous « effect IftberateliKrB increase came tody. It would put tb B illG o rg <{ e n S e ll s . ■ long recess.w^thout ltbo acllon on energy. Pool shark non on agriculture." ...... • ' farroer outt of I b u s i n g Clinton: said. S prei Bill'GorgBnTTwiri Foti»7gof IN T w 6 U T Of I p «■Mt a t ' ^ i t e i h a i t I' . . ' Murtaugh. said the effect wouldild tbe especially sorbed by finm'innO Tr^^^sii^^ p ig ...... '' ' _ txbelieved lo be tbe Iirgest everir.caught .cau at 2,«0 ✓ T ^ felt by thoee farmers who usele deep-wdi d( and tbe co#U oa-- 4«flireit*rMlihrtrtmo»obl*lop. ■ pj M r.T -N siys pouDdi and 15 feet. 2 iDcbee k»«liBlllIU)oa^:... g It B 1 *i)l^llft pumps and In nen-deve]JevelopUfg areas' ,* ,''pHcM"'wmbe'UIbetbem ilt'--';^--'-; ...... $I05.734-«M, ■ ' \ ___ .iktaetfilu^.oom w J>oat.It. H»et b b04l.crew -'_ ------— whereihe farmer* use all sprlnklenkl«r» and well*.------‘T lie urbanite«nlf-,^(teutpyly-8«pgwb»v-* How'd you /fk* fe _ CALL 73313-0931 . . . 1 Jp S S i .tb m boon lo eipbiralira tbe t moutsr ^ IT /' Kay, Anderson.-Oakley. p a rlJ _____ ^vlte t h e > ^ ai iM dvUtfinrai'Ge;m-BB(U^IiySlaT~ cofch one of Ihose— operation w hich owns aboul 25,000:.000 a c re s. 98 p e r (aninw inbusliie KOBISK-CUAHAIIlI^EEDRESIJLTS u LosXnsiW iquiUc . on/fflhf focWe? cent of ^ ic h anJi^gatedLsal^jnc$;lncreasea could l-WeUiurylvfzylve; lM iLtt.wnj«Jieck U jo lag i 1 ____ ' ^______> ^I»Mt.(UPn7*^ V - - - pu l farm e rs out of b u s in g , 11 make It tougher,ghar.'-atatoflsalcL ' — V 2 Timos-Nows'. Twin FallsNfiaho) Ttiii/sclay, Auf)u5l7.1975 ; ' • ''c n * e ______.Baker deienies classisifie d - - Hnp.iimPiTiints h e li at.t-h o m e ^ iForrt’s V ail © W ashingtonS tar '- C om m ittee In his pos.sesslon memorandum" ir Instead of WINNEAPC WASHINGTON - Sen-. "when a mysterious burglary taking tx il wllh him lo Ten- 1 5 » u occurrcd al Jiis _northwesl ly m ss ^ _ A U K tE — _ , ‘vac-ation’ .- Howard II. Upker JtU I-Tenn.. deiilc^Wcdne.ith!r thal hrUad — "*Virhinr1nnhffmni_iy_; - hec^kj^il^sday- in motion . clas.siflcd documents from the Baker. ' reached al his Uial U Ihcy Have no leads In the Senate Sdecl Intelligence >■'residence In Hunlsvillc. Tenn., St^aMn «,hjch iht_barglara ' c K i c A o o - ^ _ ITINERARY for President fliilly cohlradiclcda-slalomcnl' r r« ^ H e d l y lhtiml>ed- through • -RorHErf"* feonA ------F ^ ’s “workfiig vacation" In — l>y-)it!r-prt‘SH-5ecrttaiy-ecri vi I VAILr^'^V^ _ _ ^ visits the refugee camp at Ft. vcsllgatlon, which enlercd thc ' Chaff«.Ark..onlhcway,lhen; jamboree Sinvesligalihg lhe C entral In- easec. briefly on Tuesday, has . IclTigcncc Agency, ^ on Aug. 18 goes lo Rifle, CoI9;,* i^ilhdrawn sjnce apparcnlly no Baker's comments and in-' fc to inspect an oil ^alc plaal, federal properly w as stolen. co n clu d es tcrvlews, wilh staff member.s T hc Libby'Dam , Mont* vlsU is 1 Ilem: Ilow stringent arc the FT.CHAFMt \ f oof the intelligence panel left’ c se i {or Aug, 24. and stops In commlllce'.s rcgulalions 1 . LILLEHAMMKlt, Norw ay uunresolved a number of g _____C hfcago_and_M liw nukec_forI governing lhc r e m oval nf — ( U PI i -T-ThcHth-Wnrid-Scoiil—"'“ ^ ^OSiroifiTulwul lhe burglary’ ^d> speaking engagements on thc documcnl.s dealing with 'the JamlHirec has ended-with a ■' a way back to W ashington, D.C., ■ and the procedures th c .com...... :....invcsllcalion?:., ir ______Iraditionai ' candle-lighting' m r lllcc uses in releasing lo Its Aug,2S, (UPI) Spencer Davis, chief ceremony ' and a nol-sn- meml)crs r documents dealing1 spokesman S| for the IMncniber traditional call for .girls lo w v llh lhe probe; commiltec. d said Wednesday parllcipale •'In—scnut ing ------Item; Why wns-Bakcr's; that tl -Scnalors- can remove programs, ■ • xrented home tiurglarizeil? The! classified c documents lo their i A total cf 17.IKK) candles hreaj(-in l occurred when Baker• hom h es If Ihcy wish, even flickered in lhe Nordic night w \ as away - som elim c bci- thouRh'rcgulatlons tl forbid such Wednesday as the scouts' ween v -J p.m . Monday, when one! removal. n He said thal hc

f c ; iMiree hy reciting the scout and ;i U ii.m. Tuesd.iy. when a1 so slncc lhe commillec was - nath.,ln the lani'uai’es dr 'it____ c nalions, rcdedicaliiig them- ' premj ises in disarray, "United Stales senators arc selves lo the Idealsof scoulihg. . .The burglars ignored anI vvery Important perso'ns," O B i The steering commillee of esllmalLd. c S-ltl,Oixi worth off TDavls said, explaining 'that ^len addis to Ho.offa pngizzle ^ I' 'CorffTinn^ *" . a t lhe JamlMiree m ade a series phologmphic j equipment, but ccffeclivcly be ignored hy I of recommendations for , D K TR O lf lU l’li • Till' volved in Holla's ilis,i|i' for f< all olficiai imrposes -;;______). v o lil lo n ,______^that..He_hesiLate(i..,st;illed.,and_ used an ax to hack open a n a fe:___ memlwrs.n "How ihey deal cHildreii of Jam'i-s Hoffji, liir pearanei^ rriurr'a~ri^si;uiraiil...... sisince 'I'luirsday, Ihe day afterr " If he cared, then he wimFd said, 'm aybelaler'.' — changes—in-thc—scouilivg------ini wliicli Ral(er says lieI w lliriheir malferK is'up f ^ i c h m issing fallen czar n( llii‘ parkinn lot a we.ek auo Wcrl- Ills In adiiplive father disa])-I- Ihave heen with us thnnigli this '•There are nn bad feelings. program to be considered at •’c o n sid e re d " sto rin g the! mnn.n I wouldn’t presum e to T cnm stors Unldii. said lodav I------buUnwiuifcbul-Mwliuve he l;a^__ the World Hureaii of .Scouting ____^’routine ofr|j|);irv. sU\U.F___ sneak5) fort hem."______\ meeling In Copenhagen avI^icIi Ih c lr m vslorioiis atlnni ivi' H er hrolher. allm nev J,iiiies 111' s u rfa m l VVediiesflav aotl[| ^w anted to he with us ______. , ,.kimwlmli’ti^iL ivlial--lu p pi:uLtl— — U#l^|.|-iday' - ' ______■T ’-. -L _ X o n T>-oo u :l: k i i u w ------L.- — h ro lh er— C h n r lc n -'’CliiK-kic'=------—Hoffa—:ilrdem:mdrd--’rfathcriirmniuiT:in nnr-^nI u.'htvJnua.pyrrftnr“ ----- They included:______. ------^ _^ B y Unilcd Press•esslnlcmfltlonal^-— ll ------liiiH ii < -liu:nti|iiariiTS--tc1linr~n nI — Mrs,I Criincers voicc broke’ '^ I ‘'1 Ihink'"Vo'mewhere, ------h a ke ll.iikal iiia m luprsiiuTia lStti li;ts"i :OMKpprfcs------scouting associations to test , year. ' idem and. "Iie.sj|;ile/J, ,sl;i}Je/J aUt-Hls. :i/ pnlfcf .-ind felJoH'{• (■ off. " I'm nol .-iccusing him of soniihuiw lliere Is a rela tio n ­ ol fjl.-ml. .•mifjial .-(Hti fi.shi.sh II! /flimd nou'here else____ , CO educational ..scDuiing,' w itlr - - - ''-T h e '-s ln lc m im l hy-“ SIrsT—--(indj -Miid- ’nioylii- laler';"- -'TiTennisfcrs officials what heL> -' «' anything al any lim e.” .she ship t>eiween ' my^railier's ' ...... tm earth.------’ the mitv thal in jjom'c cultures _ Barbara Crancer. Ildffa's YoiiMf! Holfa heiieves "Iw has knew kl -j(;niyililnR.._...... s said.’'B uilt may lake a lot of dis;ipiwarancu and his alteinpl ■ lliis would not be p e rm itte d : dauRliler from St. Ij)iiis, ^^uine kninvledti' of whal — WlU'.'.'.J'efiot onl, h e sa id n oI l. . , nerv e for hinito call us up..'! lo return lu powerja Ihu.union. . : -'Provi;.ion for a -'doiihle - N o r t h w e s f s t ' ■■calSfdspeciilalionsoTwhcllu’r ‘1liapjiened." a a wol^il and charged away In a:i ■ Mrs Crancer liridled at the- There are some Ihings lhal strike ends oalh " which would allow Ihose O’Brien was slill uilli lhc O'Hrien, -11, a Teanislers cjir cj wilh his attoniev. .lamess s suggestion n'H rien wa.s her indicate thc possihiity that he who did not iR'lieve in a Ml.VNICAPOI.I.S i l 'P h - hour'session h with , federal Hoffas or sjimchow w as In- ornani/er.hailt)eenmissini’ i - Burdick! H Ihirdick, in a hecticf ' "adoptive hrolher.".'■He’s iiol____iniglil l)e alive which i’d rather. J— kupumicJwuig4uaakt«4);trt-in------!Itepre.scyilalive.-J of the Airr tiegollalor ti W. ,J,_fsurv. who ...... ^ r L ilii;!i-,l*Tluts Anfc-oc ia iloiK»tH{-i— rflluiwd-tfMhe-T-wln-€IHes- r lerence. confined liimseHf cceded he had grown up in her II had hecn speculated lhal Northwest Airlines reachedf W V ednesday from Washlnglon. mostly lo "no comment.’' home. h : in ra l: ' l>a(elin«> I77i O'Brien aidedlloffa toarrange lentalive agreemenl on a newI- The pilots went on strike at 2 allhoiinli denyiiij’ O'Hrieifwass Young Hoffa s a id ' O’Brien . - Inclusion of minors on the his own disappearnce. lloffa’s Ihree-year contract lodav, a.m a , Monday in a dispute over By United Pr llu* man seen last Thursday "has some knowledge of whal family rejected l!iis Thursday. governing bodies of national P ress Intem atlonnl ft' ending a Ihrei'^ay-long strike interpretation ii of several L’clltoe inlo a Teariislrrs earr happened’’h and "I demanded scoulingassot'ialions. » ^ They said O'Brien had iiit , i » im l). - ■ ’ic^cHrillI't.1 Hillin' H o H L ilsmT— ^Jpnipiele ohiiuary and' fiiiimirirMTVurs wifT'V Tity Ho^plHT------.-T tiuy— w fll— xtnpi-irff— rn—T—rn r n n n u n rc d —thp—n ^ m n n iil s ' pastor. be anm uniced hy Walk'HatiM'i-en -Morlii.iry, lioni Ain;"l-1,U, IK:to. 1,1 Soldier, Idaho, shele Washington with their lamiliess clean hill of health _ 207 E.Moln\oin, Jerom e ______^’Rupt-rt.-- ■ ■ ■ ------m.im pn-.inn m-NiMr'i' .'f'! l l'l, r r irn in " n r ( ii.\ n fitV i — lor a"Saiuriia'y luncrieon"wilfii------iT ? irT M n ic ie' r -s iti— n ie " ...... I'lM P -...... ' TWIN FA1J>;- The annual___ ...... -■ ' i*r«?;'tdcnl-Ftirrl nnd nn nw nrrts—-r- —ypncfmen-dt^dfftrdinhaliitiiiii 5 7 ^ v ------x h u - tr n m mn mom iirl' iir s i, .M.irk's Kpi.scopal—Iil ceremi ony in the White liuuse. ol escaping nitrogen telroxtde^------duoti-pavtiri4>*cni4U)(4lw4^H*— ■ O rder of Mo.uie_ju:ixervices, will.hi:_Lundudi:d-at.Jl] 1 ,____n^inislrallimsaid. Ne M cClain, KMlvII-' ■' '• MacRae, T4, Heyhurn. wlu> died M Miiiid.iy, Will t«' w odiu'diu-stlay evciiini; at lhe,.\lmintainin I;: A u t h o r i z:ed e d Jennings j conductcd al 10 a in. Saturday iti,tl .loseph I’.iMie I... j j M cm oriaM 'iiape!. Hitnal wiil I«■h- ni ll.v.-iM.I,. Ki.m.ral'arrMntinu i'm i'iil' will tic ,imioniii'ed hy Cpm elery. While Miirliiarv ^ doesr t T ” r ~ CompouniH O M l e n f " ; :;i— — Wohovo'JffnnlngiModbt'jdbrT-Compoundj ------—I- I fwi(*r~ r a T W ^ ^ m p o u n d t I n V I £ y - t o § [ p soteills i

Shokospooro Slorro ,n a f l i r Vjilh>.> M oml oi r J n l CfO«to o riiii{ < cost I 45 L b . BOW Adm llled Adm llled $ 4 2 i i n (righl or loh handod ...... Mrs. Hard Neiliaiir and Marv Cliaidr/. ( Iioth Mrs 1‘al lli-nncnn .'lt. Hill City, Clay Salladay, Tyler Shaw, llailev,' Hyan H Smith., , Mrs. lirvil Nielso•l.Miii. iOK.I D arrell.S c iu illk c r..allII iiji'i - a t o uir r . ■ 'H e y b u rn ; Kc'vln-Kllti and Olivu;- H radv. inilh (io<'diii« ...... - | ■flonPodrson iJurlcy; Joann Gonialei and Mrs..K I vilh Simons, Dismissed funeral cho|h a p c l ■ ^ bplh Rupert: Nina Hansen, liatansi-n; HoIm.t I Mallhew Hoan,lU. Pamela Siiiiiniers. Mrs. John i; 45 Lb. H unter .. Hadlock, Jerome; Mrs. Wayiie Am / olh, Huill; M adsenand ^^^srs I Uioialil Kwiiii;. all CtMidrnu y o u d e c:id i d i e ajid Lawrence Smilh. Carey. n in h s Shokcspooro Modol X-I3 $ ^ 5 0 tMrs. Gary Robml, Mrs. Jame:,es Smitli, Mrs A ilaoutiler waw as .iM.ni to Mr and Mrs P aat l i;:;•: Wo lia.c iu'HTol >orv.cc\ in «.«v(ty prlno.hldirFROMW . ------S6D0 to_$799 ^ iL _ HUNTING ARROWS ...... D ... o z . I J . bj>lh Je ro m e. Clenn .Mahrl. Kininilx'riv. Simon BY INVItAIION- ■..Admllted ‘ 39*..SPSNTFR0MW ------SSjOiOR MORE , iShlrlcynKjIh SliirlauRh. Mrs To — «5B ,Jack}W l; Mr.-; .Mieha.-i Sh.I...... mui ~ ,n "■'"'■'wa;way. all. Hiirlo. M ri.-Miduc! _ : ' FlOlirARROWS rI ! n ! i n r Filer,- Kinn. M is HaljihJih h’cllwell aiid.),imes i-’uss ,lr ((or bkd hunting) ...... holf doz. ^ Births all Huperl. narrtirrell McFarland. Hevhurn ami COMPLETE STOCK OF AlAHCHERY ACCESSORIES ■ .b a u g Jile rs w«T.' i,orn to Mr. .,i«l .i M rs 11,■.,,1 . Declo. f^ibaur. Paul, and .Mr anil Mrs D ism issed . _ . . _X w ln t'.alls. M rs 1 Heldado,,■ Kn.sliiia (,‘arpenter. (HITE G un R epairS|io|»|iop.ln O ur Store - • -Mrs -Wijliaia .M-Mercer. llerm.jp-'i^oKtT and ■ f e - V X all . Hurley. .Mr.-.. Charles Jewell M iiiidoliu Momoi ;:s.______• F U l l T l H E I anil Nathan \Vari■arreii. IkiiIi Hevtiuin and .Mrs ME GUNSMITH .'LoVon James, Minidoka; Iliihyly A ndersnn'and H uhni .S’evare/,,'..H H iipi'il *» - • . ’T h eChapel a by the Park" EXPERIENCEDICED, QUALIFIED '^ lan d \Ulkins. Iwtti RupiirU- -• B irths , ' - ■ ( MH ' 13E4th'th’AVE. EASI-TVIIH FAUS ' ji;i Dlsmlased A (Jjunliler w as Go| Your G unt FIxodx o d IEorly, 8 * 0 ) Th* R u th I I'aslwrnloMr. andM rs Mlcliaet PHONE 733-650(1 ' - ' | U ndL Hines, Hurley. kill}'., lliipert . t , » a • ...... I , 1W. ^ ,1• ( lU^ « V rVM. » •Vfll .««b..,w — y , '.T-V ..


7 x / J( ^ / \ ' V i ^ ' sV --^ J i - Y - p i I H ^ p Am ■ ______i ' . A \ t —-A ^______p..-...... I T W IN FAi^LLS' I 1 ^ D om iN T O W liiM E R C H A:n t t s = I — A r e ^jrQ O Pie r* i t e o s f r r s ^d t d \ i ^ E ams 1 1 ^ I r TKJ ^ rP iH liS ra


, _ _ W e've reolly gone allI outi for Mother n p m r : e d I . - ththis year with buys all o over Down- tcto w n — fo r Bock*To*:3'Schooll We're ' ______Olout to please the buyjyer and pleose ______EARRRING t^the mothers with hei^tipfui. courteous i - i J \ ...... "~alfd~fr!enHly~s'ervic€* a »• ' fdr the "SPECCIAI" stores with the Peeople Pleasing - 2 D A YSOHLT- S I 'M A 1 J signs in the window;w." Look for the DOWNTOWN y t t I salespeople with the) Ibutton on their TWIN FA U t ^ M ia ■ lapel that identifies ththem as a Down* I town People Pleasiser. You'H be • • - v i pleased that you didlI! m OFF"'

______u JEWEtEBS^ ^ ____ -lOSLMaInlin Ave. E. Twiii~fn Falls -— ^

I W om enn’s G u ru s I Jr. SizeB 1Dresses . . . (4) only .' . . .. L1 a d ie s l W yL e.r . P o l y e sjte t t r P a n t s Regular to1*39.95 *3 WRIST)WATCHES R egular to*]1*12.9^ ____ One, group) assortedas ______S p e c:ial i ( Styles - Plain and PiPrints in------styles and colcolors ^ •u 18. R e g .4 7'.5 ,i 0 to 4 9 .5 0 sizes 8 thru ] in broken sizes 3-13 REDUCEED 25% $ ^ 0 0> 6 NOWi/V A T . .

______AncwKvav ol walking, s AnewwdvoMe«ling, P ^ E ^ n p l .^ ^ 9 9 ■ ■ ■ H s ot I

- I DOWNTOWN 1 JEWELL R Y C O . TWIN FAILS I E V ON-THE-MALL I "W i. j y Oi^h«Corn*r Downiown, Twin folli

WK^ RHeuniatisirtisnTPaiirStnkw . / ^ ■ RhnnknmatieandAilhritlc r ^ B A C K TTO C SCHOOL^^j^ 1 3 lin ean ttrfta Aa |oints Sueded S(Iplit Cowhide I IM IRON PANTS I iounfoanyofdMbficttad. M4MI ats im arrows on chart) JAG;kets “ .’now promotl>t{ohaIly~ p fl^ I ; I Get the incredible weanorobllily of-MANN-)ren Ponfs at 0 price you can alidrdJfd. Iron Ponfs are now better 1 ^ 4 1 ^ m } 4 TWO NEW STYlIES ------1 Bathing-Syj-Syits— Covers^— ~thdn“everwith-crnBw-bi«blend'oHlbon-woven-for-dorj— ability sp_good.-the parants ore guaranteed In writ*, • BROWN, RUST, R ANTELOPE - ' ■ ingi Guaranteed to outliitloil ,ony comparable pair of- M s P a ln tb * ponts or your money bocli.ckl • , • _ Jhorlsjrls&Tops ^ ■“ Iron'^dnri Jm'r*. d i» J •«>" f o r PP.E. .E , Classes lU g.« Slim. 1*4. « 4 .f 9 ...... ♦ 5 ” '" IL E E ^ j*an» ill* 11» U. ii ff / a Now™»fo» fw »• twi limt; o w -" '■ J t f ^ilrnJU*. *7.M ,...... "o w « 6 ‘ ^ c u s t O ! ______>"'9''LW m i - ^ ■ — - ...... tiiiiftM* ju*t fu© icrHOf'I'Cflinty on Cf W lnfovtf 1ft# • i - - — ■•fl. M . t t ...... •fftcIM |0>0ta or irmKln.I. «ndWld you c«n aciuilty iMl Iht MA «tiM Ivmning B«4n 10 i l w ptitflolly I----- d a h l ^ U E E■N N FASHIONS’^ ® JodtH. aioU . tg«>n It you Opnl h M» reNreitt in 74 hour* «w'll lUg. IM »...... n o w » 8 ” («tund your manty- S3 00J tor.3(Of. JU M- HU-.OT-tSOO lo r -

: - : :...... nZT-...... -ti>Oa.i^i *'‘ O p e n ^ rld aay Night*'tli r^' — ■ c m iE r n 140 Motn Av«. North•rth ON*THE-MALl.Ll. DDOWNTOWN * On-lh«-Moll Downtown, Twin Folli f l P h .7 m 6 7 l ______BaOVUtoAvo. . TW INMNFALIS

— 'ij (PpiT D OD C O T ■ Di-rohul lo llw rilizi’iiss o f M a fiir f a l h ' y ..______W illiom E. H ow ord.d. Publiahof_____ ■ ' Richofd G. High. Monjnogfiig Editor* • *- |jj|| ------^-IhuJKJay.AuflusJSI 7.1975 ^ 9 'Mombot of Audit Buf*ov ol Circu'oiioiion end UPI. Oinclol Cily ond' - .. H | Counly Newtpopor po'iuont lo S«i9nolod □> iho doy/ iof Ihn w'Qgh.ofl which logoi . I M • •. PuTiH C T a ^ publi.».«l.- PubfiiKSih • -~ S b n } T d b 7 ^ 3 7 Tbifd Sifool. Wo»l, TTwin Folli, Idaho‘b330i! by Mogic VoMoy Nowjpoperj, Inc. Enlelerod Oi tocond «> in Iw.n Follt -IJoho 83301;------B E M igi undoflhootlolM orchO . 107?...... - Pl)oH77b3~0' 0 9 3 i' ...... • j TIt i! is a hlgll piece of fallow fiiTmoriof'thal tTi; IR^I'; scuffoliiirii: of myriai,Tiad decision ol llicTUpl-Omc— Cim‘mpiro~comiiracs“ lo “ scok'-to-subvcu b v e rt—th e ------Hungary;-or-to-savi chefsicfs who concocletl Uie Helsinki.inki Security courl which tell uss sutsuch c arlh y UilnRs a s lhal we ' nov;ovei^nmenls of other countries and lo10 Ufupset Ihe even, to understandland why. at the margin, we Trentrcaty spent hours and hours over lhc In- m ay nol Ijc clcclrocurocult>d, or lhal we m usl send slai,tal»s ijuo elscvvhere. simply packed up aiand Icfl Indochina, never J nccii..‘cllonsof ilsphrnsc.s. ' our children lo n sehO'school of anolher m iin's choice The T Slale Department's arRumonI11 Ihalhal. nfler mind our Irenly obllRalionsobllj ond Uie resl of It. H i g h c «D S l 0"Ononeoccnsiontlicymcl Impasse;se; aa< couple of o r th a t wc cannolnl pipraise God on novernmcnt all.ill. tho Helsinki document authorizes;s pcipeaceable W hal Is not easy:y to to understand Is the air of countluntries simply wouldn’l aRree;e on bow a prem ises. All olherLT pipolillcal insirumenis lend to cliailiannes in exislinn Iwundarics Iss aboulat as Jubilallon We crankrank up every time we get irtlc u la r IhouRht should Iw communitmunieali-d. So - have a symbolic impimportance. If they have any reli■elevanl’ a s the urRumenJ of an almllllimlillonlsl In fleeced, , e l e c t r i ci c i t y ■ Ccy came up wilh a wonderful solulioolullon (0 lhat - importance ul ull:I; ui and. most usually, tiiey nrc ITO,7li9 lo the effet'l lhaf the CoiistllullonIlllon. while „ When the principal:ipal foreign w riter for the New • probl•obtem: - How alluul wordinn, Hiellie i proltlem -' a llrac liv e nuisances.ces. • autluthorizirin slaver?’, also set up a niccnicchanlsm Vork Times is nppalliipalled by our tergiversallon In The Soviet Unionfnion rallfled Ihe Universal forW am endinnthci'imslilutlon, ___„ _ Helsinki,lllstimeforle for a RcncraJ a l a r m s ______»people a great deal of mlencc incoherently? "■ Evidently it will cosL Idaho ^ [iTnnirniRntsantiiis soL'raraird "THelacToniie i mailer Is lhat day■y aall fle r day. Why was ll neces.seccssary? Bccau.sc West Ger- money ‘ lo sup^rl. JdahQ__ .r o w e r s . e x p an fij[9,n .;. jis'r'*Thnr jnich w<5p(.kHHl-I^Kil*lM«.T-rll«*r-«.it— lUmimuiiitU—{wrly, i . U ul—l»»-~wiiw-luav umenl- when the documeni wA no t|ucslinn who winsAins-ThecrilicsoflheHelsinki wiiininn wii side. In ord er lo Join lhc losiiiR losii side. formulated'l') yearsears ago. rallfled in the Sovlel The average residential customer < now pays jmyiiiylhin«. A sa niallerof facl,J can uiily lliinklinju^iL'iiL'KL'-L ULUUtUi—iju-vvliu^jea^l-uitkcliuii;ciwi»-^itui>e— amiuiimi..ii:-wi.iiii.u ivntilrt“ TinrrTirTnnitt~nni“ Cf) ici wvar ar to save------A H lT ~ lu r e ,-, Neville!s7^ Chamberlain stoppl'd amount of power would pay mn o r e t h a n $;514 e x t r a eelebfalinRNaxiCeri German's successes. Why Is il necessary for usIS lo contlM ^lo celebrate the -eaeh-year-for-pow cr.^^ ------■■ ...... succe.s.ses of tlie li SovSovief Union? Do wc believe B u l IjK* I d a h o P o w e r d o)esn’t e Ihink average m B thal hy so doingg we can transmute them inlo residcnLiaLuse^\iJl.KiTi(iin.;itjt t h e c u r r e n t le v e ls . 11______^ ______succcsscs for llie? freeworld?(rec ______i.______—flxpccts usage tn risTUmm-:-ahoi^L-UlUlLkilmiiMl ------1 hours each m onlh to aboul 1770W kll(^irirours: y m ------personal delif^ifof;-of L Ixjonid B rcihnov?-A ftcrall;— .■Uiln^J»g..lnhral«7------

residential electrical billwoulilid rise lo S«81 a year, — -^ ’hnt^jra-whopping-S(i57-a-y-yeai'-inore-lhun now I. . • ^ ^ paid by Uie average family. - T h e r e a r e I w o i m m e d i a t e s ee l l s o f q u e s t i o n s : ...... , . L Rocky:y boosts ' 1, Can we afford il? W hal wivill be the effect of an extra SG57 in utilily bills on a I;typical family? What --will-l)<»-the-«ff«wt.^n-new-farTFmland-devolopmonl, — p — n ______„ v Q i i n g o ; particularly high-lifrirngatior)n iracTs'.^Vhat about TUCKKKTON N..1 i n d u s t r y ? ^ N.J. (1,'PI) - Twelve-year-old m ■ Tom m y Waltonn 'h;i'has a reading problem - ' ' 2. Can we afford nol lo havee Ihe new electricity? k B - dyslexia. So doesloes Vice President Nelson A, .Whal would be the social andd economic impact bf :.*5 Oisi^\. \ W Rocki.'leller. less energy growth? Could a famf; ily gel along wilh^______- > L _ : 0 ------^------\nd-lasi weckrrekr nockefellcF wrme llie TccT“ "Its c'Urrenl power consumpiuion?“C (^a imlustry? - \ | haired, lrccklc-fac(j-faceK)G!' syslcrti. (Ii« u r b a n1 f u t u r e The vice pre.sidenlskleiil lold T om m y thnl In his job h e has lo d o n hII i oof fr rending, m a^v linie^tT_fnujl.._,. ^ ^ ------CHfHnmSclftcc)e Monitor------M ^ i^ -'“ ~''7)r’atocncesv ■-■ ^n«‘CTnl ;K liiin taken liv NVw Y ork’k’s Mayor Abraham'Ucame " E n d Torfpo^^tam f lip ripoff mandatoryI L y ■ " It has never: iK'crlK‘cn easv bul I've been doini; ll aioul'tf |iriiviil>- tlu-' Kk)>1 lu fo ssiir’irv to nel lhal (jnanciallv-' ■ lliivr l.ii' ^'e.ar,s,‘’" i; K ..‘■"s.1id H oekelellerr "Voll Jiisl lie in its lonR slan'dlnKcrisis, . bctvu^ucTi-Ji Ity (A VI'Uu;iwxl liunlk' W A SniN C TnN A first order!• ufOf InisliiessIn In rou>;lilv one of ever,ever^.l2 ai'e nda ndiiin tliib- - haveh jiilrotluctd-a-bilK lu-torreciI at111 Ic.isl ChD "> >‘“ l’ '■■>■'"1Irylng iK'ctiuse.- you know .-hard f llic municipal cmployi'es' ' •nic M;iyi)r. iiicmt- willi U-;m1its of ■ic Senale Anrleulliiie O.niniilUim illee.- onee >-ravy train . Pres1‘residenl Ford ,i>l.e>l for jiiii nrossest n abuses. TIudr objeci Is.to1.. re ri.HTlR. Mil- •™'l I’™;iclice '!! " nre-thc'-ktn-jr-lp-flninB7“ uai'nn; is to Im" com jiicndfd lor mnkininK th e first nf wjiat no dotiht - mslliv,,' «i,|» ;m.vll.mewcll“ 'onj'rcss reliirns from ll«. Aii«uslisl recess,fe- will biiiion lo keep il noinn.- noin , ''Ielinibilily rules, -and-to lai;e poslli lommy's molherHlber. M rs L aw rence G raham . will havi' to Ih- manv von- toudi div^visions li> nel Nevy York out leihemalleroffiHMislamnreformIU______L . 'lidi'L pre.sfnlll law.I; Uii',l!iv.'>iilciiL,ii:uL-iit:—, at!;iiii::limmtiiiiLfrimil,a. •------lidn'l have a very hiRh opinion ot • _ 0f|t^ta(iM)n.ankrupli7l _ ^ . , ■ . . . ThThe jiriibleni cne.s oul lur.allenlluienllun, .Chair- allcrnalive. • Tht;i(i fi lood sl;ihip budncU ii-iipL ii.--. .. The I Isis sso l(K)scly sau l her son"di(ln'r 1^-777- tiim self“'t3ccausc‘o{- r k 'H s lnry-rtnPAmU.finl.n u h c— Him— Hefmai*—•T^ihnmltH'— of—-rtaiilly-paidfor. aid111 to families willi dependcnlI childrenchil bas r.7,:i million persons•sons are polcniially elinible example e <>! a laniily with carninRsli's ofo Sl.OWI :i L'luiiii’eliislik'.slylf. ivanlslobealruck driver. T lif oni’-nalMitlhiin dollar tnulnL-11 rer d ^ 'lio n lo com e Ihrough a proviroviiled Ihe resenlmenl now.ilirech;irec1(;d low ard one oul of four --alacostofSI.-.lo$jo!,iIli,.iia at nmonlh Tlie lorniula requires il«li.cltonsdedii Ilf 'lmniiiyslillw.ini! __ Clty-huil wutic f r m v . pulilic IraiisilI ffare mcrease.s, and cultlnR foinimxl slainps. Over llie .years many man federal year. This is madncidnc.s.-.. ■ _ eexpenses lor loeinne laxes. relirenicienicni. Social _ . . th e cily universlly Inidui'l shmitd1 convincei- polential invcslors pro|!ironrams have bccome “rip oflr."oflri — crop • Sccurily, uniniidiu's. medical costs,its, childc c arc. RM X Ip m unltlpcl iKinds thal Uu- cilyV is exhibiting hikkI faith, sul'subsldles, oil deplelion. sofi forclnn forcij loans. ^ and rounhly hall of all housiiiR costs.isK W hen all thus providing lhc nulhon nmL-essarv ‘ lo pav crucial delils specpeeial lax privileges for sham fmindallundations Hul ff • ^ 1^^ JAMES ‘ Iliis'is' taken oil Ihe lop. the family cat buy SlfH rominK due lalcr Ihis iminlti Ina IIhe fiHKl slaiiip pruKram. Conf in foiiii stam ps every m onlh lor S'Jfi. ' up h> ;i w rH arr siilisirlv of <7l)» a vc ------A i NirV Vork'.', luniiL'i' iHinimilPrr . Mr .' iU'.iiiiL’ used in.'iiiy uf ;:;rst.::::i ;i )r,-ir Ii is------prepiisleroiis '' lhc qucslionablo financial |)raclico>e s lhal nol Ihe city into ils ill. KILPATRICK f ■ Talm atin'’ remarked in the Senateate lasl1. monlh • present (|iiaiKlary He lias exliibiteled reluctance to make tlie W hen Ihc I'ood Slam p Acl w as adnpledmlliM.adnpl' / he commendalilc idea was lo assisl lhal "e v e ry lim e I no hom e lo Ci'orn h e ar painful moves nec'cs.sary to net New.vN-ork on a recovery course, ; [issisi llie in iiy .»• j . , iecdyiiiolUaiiiiiiK.^1 iiulrilioi)allyadfi-siitmp-iil(Ust.‘i ‘ ItUSC'Sr^SUCh----- — havin[rtH?i’n-pn.’.'OTrrcl tiy c ity c miployocs-ftn-onrsiflOMnti p inp— i secondarv puri>ose (which accounccounts for ad- ' Sen .lames I. HmHiirklev of New Vork has taken icomplaints are iiatinnwuie: Thoi jlatcH-slablishwl Municipal Assisista n ce (-■onx»ralion on the [linislraliiin by Anriculliirc ralheralher Ihan by the lead in a nn.wiim nn.v Senale movemenl for ^collene simlctils deinonslrallnn the oUicr. One parlicu lar prnlilem h:h a s lH.-en Ihe Irresponsible ITI",’I V elfarei w as lo priinm le Ibele disposaldi: of reform Cniinresstressinan Uolierl H. Mieliel of ,professional i nii m en. a re raiding! the posilion laken by leadiT.s of [ho iMilice,i fire, and leacluTs' (•riciiHiirt*-sur|ilUMV.—I'hc pronnim^nim'nol ' under----- Illinois Is marshalliilalliiii'InxipsiiilhcHouke. Tlius lSchool leiiehers.-slnkinn workers,., andski-humsanc -- unions. / .av III M arch, l!n;.'., willi a caseload:'load issue It isiiulraneousforthe ttransferable." liiey are in lad as tr; Uircc-yoar ccilinfj on Ilic clly bud(jJfiel Wllh no lax increases, Tlie -i-tj piouram lhal bci-an as anI innoiinnocent baliy nr;l irklsh aid leads whal to do williIII a a M'crelarv ol .slale whose i llie Turkish aid culolt failed to sofleiiof’len Ankara’s hilter alwut ietcnle; deten Helsinki. Cuba and the As an urban affairs cxjktI wrolilie on these paj-es recenlly, allure lo reverse Ccniircss on Turkish o-on inescapable (•(ineliisii.n witbtb far reachlnn ^ prese n ce on Cj^pibilpibil filli hu rls i;ior>- Ihan helps | position on Cyprus. Lobbyinn lo reverse ri Ihe ' Panama Canal.1. ■ Cities musl ‘'p ay as libev) n u a n d p■racllce r; nuin* aii>.l«'rllv •' ‘ . ..u ■ Itni'lmplications; the Irawe. perhapsp s.Irreversible, In “ in a Connn'-'-. 'Uil-ll:. ‘*il' ;.V,.-Ili‘vi- alHitil foreinn ‘ 1 hoiisc, KissiniJer merT.’irrnuiy y.i^tl).u1th th e huRe When SirhleslnRciilnRcr tnel w ilh lhc :h recalcitrant ------birrnk rrr tn tnrf:S-^iirkIsh-alUa-m'e for Congress;s irnirresponsibly KIssinner slill- u’IJ’ „ .1 ( '• r'nl (iiitire on Capilnl lh a l. '•yim polilicians" ouRlil lo understandi instead stre.ssingIng thet adverse effectls against cull;•ullinn ofl aid lo Turkey is Ihc bra/eiira/en pressure lllll Hul Turkrti-.!•!, .J 'I -i'fi-H , l,.-eam e per- ..m olives of the.Turki.sh leaders.-OlheOlhers fell him U.S national security sect from closing Turkish ...... carrinmpniRn'orihp-nrpek-Amoriran'r a n ' lilobby, nu t sonallred iH'twr.11 i f; n r.:;7;iv m tr n ':r -p er aminnitl iniisst*rliiinexH'ulivedomirlo m in alio n o v er- baRes',;— ...... - ethijlhnii; .politics would noi have' boeibeen enounh • wnalities u .i .1,1. .mil three foreiRii policy; Rep. Aimer .Mikva_'kva of Illinois,. Thai lurned aroundaroi si-veral nnti-Communlsl \yi';>Vhal provided the niaruin of defeadefeal w as Dr. cham pions rj| ihi-llll- c r M, Ihl' OllliT: more experienced and usually calihi:aliner tlKin his Repuhlicans, bul bul nolMidy could abosolutely isissiinier, Fi'eMimli.c.had Itaasfuriiitfurm t-a Turjiish , lleps, .l.uhn Itra-l-.ia-l-:i-,.i- Ij.lx.tl- freshman colie,igues, enlered lluIhc meellng,' guarunloearevers;;versal in Ihe House. So. Congress • lid Itilo a lest-ll WlH) runs loreignnil po:policy, som e -.thal ' o l i\ew ymVI,Ik ,ii,.; I-,,.11 s.-.ril.mes of Icaninn loward suppfirl of aid: hele IcflIcl opf)6.scd.' " Icfl lo\vn Aur: : 1,’lo'lK' l . ’li idle tor tf fulPmonlh fn liberal IX'ni.K'rals were lilied auain;anainsi Turkish Maryland. fearftil lhal Kissinner inlendcd Ihelhc is-sucI* a s the ’ which D.S.-Turkislirkisli relations will grow more :tid. Kven more dam anin«,.. rabirabidly anii- Mailers nr*'W vn,V wor>f|''.'l. il--ilJbi th'- tlinx.' • - oiM'ninn wedne lo drive Connrcsss oul ot foroiRn poLsoned, Kvenn aa reversalrc on a id a fte r Congress ;frninuiijsl lUyuliljt^ is opaftbcUaidd Jld Ibecjji^- of ,Connressmen_-.visiivisilr.l.,S.rrH;.ry ol Deleibe • . jw llc y .. returns in_Sy)lcmlp^ember iby.nq.rneanslccrlolnJ., ki'ssiiii’cr’s iiele n list [oreifiii poiinT IftSTr, ••who 'siin n e strd - ti eirTufktshcg’^ . '- ^ • ' While nol eondoniiii' surhmil molives, promise lo coneelv,ceivably break Ihe impasse The ' had Republicans held firm, Thoy?y dl did nol. The • Should Dr, KIssin:issinger iiow“ ila y oul of Uie firing T 7 ^ I lu-iHepubllcan connressional^ ieail.'icallers blame ConRressmen repnrepnrled Ibis to Kis.sjnner, who to 20r. deteal w as aulhorit-d byy 2'}3'J IRepublican llneon this Issue?jc? KeyondK Turkish aid. should he \ U % ? k / \ ) . Kis:KtssinKc.r for Ibe T urkish ilcbacicicle SomS i- even____gave Ihem IheIhe impressi(jn_of .".riihentiuK— jnw;iDnaI” dmies--anir"siick~To feel hI^ OM-fulness a s M-cr<'tarvry otof stale lias SchlcsinRer’s , interference, int Indeed, such anainst Ihe President w ere ihe vanRj/anR|tard ot the diplomacy^ nmiut hihandling Congress has been undcd, a vtew now .shared by a fow-

' . i ------J2-Tlmw--Nevr3r^witTFallsr«or«>- ____ ».ftivtedJUujintju.,dQ_wiih_ Cows In the United States . Ic leftover hord-cookcd Eflster lelead the world , In'..milk eggs? Use them to add high- ; P'productionat 10,271 pounilap^ , quality protein tu salads. cow ? annually Closest com» ■ Mllic i i i ! Esat aROUHD '‘■ S S t KACHti SLOU* tUOM VELIOW S'sandwich lillings,* dips. ..p, ^titor, cows In tho • • P l l CHUCK A'{j> _ crcamed dishes, sauces. NNetherlands, yield. ..TlTTsl. - I * * ' oSL -» '► omoii* ' . . t l «oi. I t; ESSli M « I>. Jjc asscrolcs . . . R efrigerated inI pipoundsycarty. • - ‘ f e y tho shell h a rd ctMikcd eggs will1 . : A 7*9" — -59 • tXOB" H73I1 7 3 8 ------: S 8 - — 6 8 ------1^5-^ $1;M - »ia9- —“ kecp^lorat-ieaal-SAvccks:------By A bigail Va'an Buren .- l a r t w ______.39^ .99 l.»9 i.9'1.99 .63 .97 ■33 .J 1.39. a.48 , i 11.69- . 6 _ .89- ■3T* -M fc: -a a r " I — $ DEAR ADBY: .l was ihviuited to a house party last C tw y e m w ______.47 .73 V.09 1.99 t.9 .61 $1.05 .;.35 1.13 1.66 . ____ .Saturday, given by_a young wqmim an w ho w ^ k s w H h m o. I l 'm __ B 23-yearold divorcec.) < - - - - CInclnnrtI - ' _;:.4I-4B,: _b!»9 j:4j:49. 63 :i.85-,:r:T;t33- -1r39- -V.W ' introduced-bimself-and-uid,------"Anothcr^'^w and $20 bet on. Hc says you’re , Concofd.N.HT .4S- |43 nra T4^ “T9 ~7S3~ .99 ^T3~3~ ,X a/B9~ wearing falsies, and I say you'rero not. I f you p rove i t to m e. the t20^is yours.’' P t l l M .44 .55 . 1.19 1.19 l.l .56 .83, . M 1.19 1.89 I t so ha p p en ft-lM t 1 am 38'26*:6*34. a n d I d o n 'l need falsies, a.08 .59 .75 s p o r t s w e a r M 50 I said. "You win.” Then I took t him into the bedroom. awmniipiiit .41.40 .55 .89 a.( — 1 1 .6 5 unbuttoned my blousejust fare• enough to prove it ahd gave ' H o n o lu lu ______^ 1 . 4 9 : n 1 . 1 5 3/$i~ 3 , 1.8r JI.95 j M him a quick look. . 6 0 .93 . 8 9 1.1 Ho collccted the $20 fqom hisis friend and gave il to me. I ' ■ Jiek»onYlll».. ____..^5i i ..55 1.49 V79 ,59 - .89 ■ 30 1.49 1.09 lo ld him I w as ROing to p u l it in thc-poor b o x a t ch u rc h th e - — next momingi'whlch-lnsxflctlj;ly-whnt-hdid...... - • ------~ : T 4 ------769 r^Tay 1:49 l;t : — 61- — ^9- -^ 4 - —1.53- —1.39------r . , -O n.M ondoy i t Wbs all (w er the tl office lhal I hod.done a " W li'fto^ ^ strib-Masc “dance a t tlic'parly*yJ •• ' ' " -,»5 . .53 .67 a a. . 0 9 . 5 1 ~ . , S 9 .JS ^1.07 1.10 Abby. I 3wear, I’m telling it like it was.. Do you think Lot AiiBal*> ! ■what I did was so lerrible? ItIt was for a good cause. 1.59 .69 l.Ig' _33/99 1.75 3/1.49 MISSJUDGED N o w Y o ik ____ J.41 .79 • 1.19 1. .P h o o n l x .39 .73 1.19 7.a.39 .57 .891 .37 1.43 1.95 DEAR MISS: Face il. dear.r. You sold a quick peek for ------S20—a foolish gambit, for n yoiQung woman who values her : ^ - : r r~ r r 3 r < t — t 7 S - — I v U - —- 1 1; : 5 3 — t 6 3 ------r 9 5 ~ —- t h ------r a y - t t » 9 ~ ~ reputation. - ...... - - Portland.Ore. .44 .63 1.07 i1.18 .75 1.04 33.'$1' 1.59 115 ------H o t ^ g h ____ f i T ' .50 .73J Z— ll W — : 5 9 ------r 7 8 ------—.sa 1.49^ — : ~5irnFrtnel«ce ---- 7 : 3 6 ------:63------;B« —Ii99 -1 — .55 .89 - .35 1.49 1/39 - Quickipeek S t .L o u U .43 .78 ' 1.19 __ 11.89 .56 ,.8» .a8 .1.35 a.45 Wostilngton - • — T T T — r o v ——CSS .65 | ~«9“-!

____foolish . ______:______^______.^s'p_e_cjal ______:N .o> _ Available Pricn • I * "I • I I I '* P C f g l , I- b a ^ g a tf ts = ______D E A IU A B B Y i-W h e ii. docs.ts.a moihcrjsoy_no?. I.om 7 7 . ______h av e w orked in factories for 44>4 ycys and have raised three / f . W N B liS S S M . . . ------^------conls In Boslon_was_22.ccnts.ai alx>vo th e a v erag e . T he high still ------reprtscntrrproteiirb'irgnin-M'l-M't^h-o^9efv}ng^^4W0-egg(^^)0KMni^-^ Tho youngest is my problem.m. ■ lIPIKSod'FooffEailor Mol. now 50. w as in th o Nnv;;vy and graduaUKl from c o lle g » ~ 5 were a,vnilablfr-at-Bupormarkcts—— ^ Ic ss than 17 ccnia ------— - under tho G.t. bill, but his bigg dream wus gelling inlo show a cro ss Iho United S late s th is week - Iwff. chicken and eggs. T he New- Y ork C ity D cpartmIment of Consumer Affairs said the business. Illo iR a good musiciician but not good enough, to .. - .. Despito;risingb«fprice8.-groi.-ground chuck w as only' r,7 c en ts a .. . cosloffccdlngafamll>j]ffour(ir dropped sixrtenlhs of one perccnl .a ll. hc.w ill .se llle . for. |...... 1 I ... .work.-thD.big.Limc..which js.ii •-•■•pound Ih'a U s Angelea morketrket (ond 89 cents In Grand Rapids, ., , las^.wcck. partly. bccausc mamany, stores Jn Jts .marke] basket I hov'c lost track of all the10 money Mel has cost mV It Mich, and Honolulu, comparedired with\ an average of !H5 ccnts a ' sam ple offered beef specials,, aiand som e had pork specials, socms like all 1 do is draw molonoy oul of the bank for him. sc week for U PI’s regular su^^•cy of Elinor Guggenhelmer. constnsumcr affairs commissioner, saidl < . l ■ M y incom c is o n ly S2C0 a molonth. and I am eating up my pound last March IG, the base we fnnri pH fPa Insplpptod U S mn aarkc rk e ls. — the drop apparently occurred1 bbccausc of co n su m er resistance, Off!H;[lininh’e«rae«rcaM ^^^rw as'a'iD 'coni ju m p 'trn ttc GKt-ot-a" ■ - ' "'"r.^ySfher so n s ti-ll me I amIII ii fool a n d th o t M cl c an w o rk l! Chicken priccs also have been increasing steadily, tiut whole wcvcr. Ihc same size bag was only he wants to. (They have bothI ssenl him money but gave up.) brollcr-frjers sold for as litlletie aas s 4'J and 5t c ents a pound in Losi fivc-pound bag of sugar. Howc j 4" collar, revere fromfront, long sleeve, one Mel can sell, but ho hales lo gei’el up in the morning ond work Angeles and Dallas, and f>3 loto-IQ ■'>9 c( enls in Jacksonville, Fla., San1 Sl .07 In U s Angeles, com pared•cd with th e S2.2G av erag e in .March, a regular routine. Me slill thihinks he can make it in show Francisco and three other cities.:itles. only a few cents iwlow lo one! ,!lonolulu'sS1.87 w as lhe week’sk’sh lg h . ' ! button cuff, roundedIded pocket, hanger pack. ,-,r ------eefll-abovfrthe^Hkjenl-averuse-lo*lge-lost^Mfireh:------Shopprpi protoin J>apgalft6-u.«r«radvi8«W)y-Gorr>ell------ier son? I lovu him so much. Ik*' H ow can u m o th e r refuse hei A dozen large grade A oggsvwegsvwerc only 53 cents in l-«s Angelesi Unlvoriiys Consumer Educalration program to shop around forr to do? . never married. What am 1 K and 55 cents In Dallas. Grandand'Kapids I and Jacltsonvillc. Fla.. • canned salmon, sardines, lun;ina and chicken. It forecosts some •. MOTjiEIlLOVE compared with the March avcrniiverago of 77 ccnts. but Ihe high of ‘JOD specials al 49 lo 5.i ccn ts a pounund-for wholo broilcr-frj'ers. ______Rises anliclpaicd.ln.flQur.prip riccs Jxjcausc of w hcal sa les to thoI ______‘^ M ^R ■ M cnfl E nrobSTJ, Hend'^Iel'aiiolhM penny!~He ' Soviet Union were nol ycl appipparcnt In Ihe UPI .survey. A five- probably never stuck with o job'becauseji he knew he didn't pound bag w as only GA cc\its Inin A tlanta and. in 21 cilies. on a par ■ L ■ have to—Mother would suppcport him. Tell him thot you nre isl M arch. T h e high. $1.29, w as in a ------oil t«pp^_put------_jyiwjlljrananspprt _ ____ with Ihe Sl a bag average lasl Not everyone COB do [ he wantfi'to do'for u living, fn mldtowii m arket lij Nc\v Yorkk City's< borough of Manhattan.--- “ — which case he does whal heie CAN. Al 50. it's time Mel became a man. And al 77, you'vej earned o rest. children totc circus ------TWIN-FAI.LS-— An-op--op. - ticket as well, as supcn-lsionion i -:lT-IV-Phoi•nes-733..0931„ DEAHABBYVlri'Dd-ihel! letter wrilton by lhe lucly who portundy to attend thelhe durlngthcday.' our toll-free Hneg) .______w o S io ld aff.w h c n -s h cjn isfo)0k o a liltic boy-for a-"nia: litlic ,• ^ Ringling—fir«lhcr?i—Biirnumm m ------ThtJjua_idlUcaYQ.lhc_Yjvt.-jv l ___ ;_____ ( O m s e o u — 1 —liH h^-lynw ood------JECOML. * ■' ■ ^ r l" 'in tTie sup crm o rk el. '• a n d Bailey Circu.s in th e Salt a.m. Aug. 2.'! and returnjrh When I was a kid. 1 remcmmher going lo the carnival, and ------P a la c j! ..s n li l.f)kti C ilv. Is lhe same day al alwut 5 p.m.m. > . f<)f-m ^44vm »u i,iauia3BU £ s a ------bi'lng^ offered- 'MJ[;tf Vatltyitli'v AlHTWf^cy^mH^H^fe^*e^vtiH(^l^— 25(, he’ll guoHs your sex. ___!— musWje-lnbyf^ridHy:------— S-T-rSN-W4iAl7M-&W«tG6------T he YMCA will provide bus Upton.said children undert C .transportalion In Salt Lake.a k e y e a rs of ago m ust bc .ic- .. W h u t's yours'.* F or n nersnnnl ------aty Aug. aa-foM he-eiretts-■etHr— compani«14»j^njd»lt^mw.)- reply, wrilc lo ABBY; Box« No. G970II. L .A .. C alif. DDOtia. ,..Reservations must be made:el}y by ager. Those interesled’in thothe ------Enel6hc-H(Bmp«li-wlf-«ddr«re«(>«d-«nvelope.'pI«BK«.-—^ ' thisFriday: ------— -trlp-are askcd-to-eall-lho-l h O = J o nT tren ------— Pnr-3WJby*r-nrw-bwiklrtT■t7-‘*WhBt-Ttrn»»gtfw-Want «n ------— VMCA' cxecuHvo ’dli'ector'ijTor— YM CA: 7.S3-43S4.— O n t r - a t r Know," riend SI to Abigailill Van B u re n . 132 L a s k y D r.. C harles Union s.iid Ihe p rice[.:(•()( of reser\’allons will l>c acccplcd'Icd ------B cverli’- H ills T - C a tlf — 902121'i:— P lease—rnclofir— a— long;----- $13 50 pe r-person will includeiu

t ______

■ jf '■ Hifci : 7 " . SHOES ■ TwlirFollr~ E "Bo Brief." iho now #r>QC Averoi^oroge-to-long t"!!! Jontzen control Sportsrts tA fc Boy Log ,g Conlrolior. B rioi. >V /D Conlrolior. Bg.S9.00...... 1!.;^; R eg. S 5 .5 0 ...... J Reg. S7.50...... ’5® ss No-.-S e a m

______- \ ' ff" ^

V ' lli. • ' ______

fcK''_ _ ^__ •' ’ V |Tv~— 1 ^ ^ - i''"* 1 ^ . - . , ^ ...... I t

on*i you'll wpar wllh your j#on» ond ------lUlped iotkirAW d — r«al1y down to daiolU wllh iilKhino -- gole>f*ondwalk-*o|lfycr*p* - wl»t'. Juti groolt BuckU In brown S20.JO. ' i, " • ^ ______'______No-S«orndouldoublo knil . |nIn the .Lingerie Room ^ _____ IittJjyiaw.oiJoa3ttUifl!i!2£*!i22-~~~~------I — No4eom4ull pod bro Z:^:thTPaLL*'_ ^ with polurothono poco d ...... o lo s f ic iie ad b b o o d y - e n d ------: : § T)owntown on tKeM all, inJontion boslc.- t A le adjusloble sir ■ V - ..c h . - J ^ O O ,Tw ,T . inf-alls ' Open Friday niiale 'fll 9 bro dosign. T l'y itrops.-- ' ...... U Rog. $6.00 .. B ankcards & Chalarg * Accounts Welcome I’Ail i i F A K G i i ______DDovnntownov. ond In th* Lynwood S, R«g- 57,50 ...... - ______. / f t ' L ^ lle u is ( Ih’vnlrtI Dl llir rilizviiH o o d 01 tocond clott moil 1 moll»t A(i(il fl. 19 I fl. ol iho pO»t oHiC** ini Twin Follt. Idaho 03301. |H t print thersummaryy in Russiaan .....undct |t>t qcI o(,Mo' cIi,B.,I87? . ______Phonfe 733-09) 9 3 1 ______Ill lls Is a hipli piece of fallow humoror thatth.' the y> .^affnldlnt! of myrincTi.id decision nf the Supreme, cm;rn p lre ennlinues to seek to sulivi?ul)verl Ihc HunRary. or loI save sav Czechoslovakia r easy, . chef.sef.s w hn'.cnncocled Uie Helsinkiinki ISecurily courl which Id l usSl^lTH sue flhy lliiiigs i^Iliaf we— 'iTvernmenl'soronier counlri^aiTd"lo to upsetu f]je evyiiTToniiuJcrsrirnirr;rnd-wliyrarihc' marein. wc------T reatealy spent hours and hours over the in-- may nol be eleclrocuroculed, or lhal we must send slailalus quo elsewhere. slfnply packed up aanfl Icfl Indochina, never rllonsonisphr;i. slronn, imperious, condesindesccndiiiK Helsinki? Well, assuming assut we did not dare risk According to Idaho Power2r figures presented can.n beh developed, on the liasis of' e(ju;ie(iualily anil serves the Soviel I'niil'nionprim;irilyiisacal;ilonue ev.even; while the I’niled Slides losess lls allies In their displeasure,e, wbywb; send President Ford over bcTore tho Idaho Public Utilitiities Commission and f muiu.uliial satisfaction of the partnersiners and -wi)rld ;is :i resullll of an 'inep- th e re w ilh cases> ofof champagne?'c Why not send im ony. the-HH>mpany^',. n-riiiiciunieilv iiecmiltiili!. as a whole,■. an eeiniitable : lest, careiesslv. IItiK-yk' v fornet, and inariverleiillv liluile tili s.) eolossiil il c-iii Pith'Jssut;.-iia.L]a s tlio ureal an undcr-secrclarylary of slate, leaving Ford strlbuliiin of advaiilaites and ohilu.-:nblluallons of ' p erm it :i huniiin rinhl rlftl lo survive in th e .Soviet (•;iss;mdra (•;! ot our generation prediclod':lcd 20 years conspicuously iibsenfjseni? Why coiililnTFord, while plans lo ask for much higher rrales in the next nine , 'Ojparalile scale, with respeel fcirliilatrliilateralaml state. aano, n from ii fiital intei iial w eakness. vislllnninAuschwilz.iwiiz. read alound Ihe provisions y e a r s . iilllliiteral ajiieeinenls." I-:ven so. If we■ laklake the arf-innents of C. I. He I .sensed, W hiiliiker {'hiim berss siiiilsiii in bis of the U niversal. DeciDeclaration of Human Kiglils, By I‘JH-1 (he com pany cxpe(ects its rates will be "'|iy|Nglwily is «i)lnc lo invoke Uial seiilei:.eiileiic*' to do S ul/lierj-er and A.i. Solzbenilsyn. So up aj'ainsi the ;niaiitobionraiihy liescrihini- the diiy' he lefl lhe , and ask th e questionlion topenly: Whal is the point of m ore than 2! j tim es as high ass present rates, anythlythinf’ lo iinybndy, I'ver, in protest-olesi againsl . arnUnientsof (i. Fordh'ord;mdM'‘Kissin«er. there IS t’limmunisl (’i«ayear. for■liunian Iiu liein«s, and llial islhel'nile-l'nile'its~Thi' ' 'dnm ttin i i«»trN ind~tw amount of power would pay niijiorc m ail ^>.{14 O.Xira eolebralinj’ Nazii CerGerm an’s successes. Why Is il neees.'^ary for us lo each year for power. IS lo continue lo celehrale Ibc successes ot llieI* SovioiSov Union? Do wc believe ____B u t^ th e I d a h o P o w e r dj>e>e s n ’l th in k a v e r a g e IM.J ______UiaUiy-So.doinR^wc. the currehi levclsTIt g:wc;can:trani:mulo=thPTn-tT»o—-- “ residc^ntial u.se will rem ain at tl • succes-sos for Ihe‘ freefn*e world? LUUlruiIalc-laJlusKianrJor-Uie------h o u r s e a c f m o n th to a b o u t 1.7DCiH Tkilt^tl'hours. “^ 1 • por.wn.ll detlRnfon,:-nn.eomd nro2nnev?-A[ier aii;— if those projections are true, the typical ^------wno-clsfrfnsnityihinjj■lliing liuTdebFale? — ^------Few^gntiat-otoctJic^i-biil-wuuld W h i£lWuhingtoi>glyiS>lyJtywiioala . ■' , . I'hal’s il wlioppiiJ« S057 ii }’ !et-N t:w VorkLOBl” .i.^„:[|„ •Ih eirtalleri'.l hun!MrihilVh-forn'vII ------“ rnder presoiili i:r\v'’iheTi'esi;ieni"Iiadla lio HiW iiiisi r.irnri’iVii ir.'U'ii------‘Of ils sla te ol bankruptcy. TheT lu prol'lem cries mit .tor ;ittcntuin'ntuin. Chair- altemallve. Thele foudf. stam p hiidnel is opvn- T he presi'iii I'Hnihillu form ulaI Is so? lixiselv • >^«ii;r.ini;rani , iiiii’Hi m edical cosls.^Is. childc ciiro, - pALLm i N G STAR In m un itlp d iHuuls tliat tlio city iis exhihitinn nixxi laiUi, suhsiibsidies. ml depletion, .sofl (oreiu .and nm nhlv hall ul .ill liotisini; costs.)sls. When all iir liilla v iinvilnT '^ fnr sti,im fmiiiil^iij " JAMES------^Iliis’islat^eiiom iii'lnp Uie i..|iiilyvTiin cai liuV5T?a com ing (hie Inter Ihis immth ■ . in: the11 r.Hiil sianip |iiii«r;iin, C’oni: in fooil siam ps every inonUi [or S'lj. ' As New Vork'.s former I'ontroller., !M r Ik'am e used m any of itlinnly haserealedlhe ht«i;esl nnp p oftoi Ilf them ,'* _ ^ W up lo a Mi'lfare siilisiily of 'Ttill a yi 11 the (iiJi'Sliimahle fmaneial practicess lh a l ^;ot lhe city mlo its 1. KILPATRICK preposU'i-ous I present iiuanilary Ile lias evhihiied>d reliielance lo m ake llie W hen the Food siaiiip iibiise: ciiiliils for ;id- '■ S rn .lam es I. Hockley Hoc of Nt-wY-irk has laken «nte-esliil)lisli«l Municipal Asslstalance Corporatiun on llie secoiidiiry puniose twhidriiccmliil complaints are n;iiloiiwidi'. Thousands 'mot ilnKlralinn by Aunciillure ralherilher Ihan by the lead in ii itrowtrowiim .Senale movemenl for , collene^ students deiniinslr;itini; llw' oUiur One partnnilar prnlileiti lla^as iH'en llie irres[)onsil.le ("UJ. th<^ elfyirei was l(j__(wini^e, lhe‘ dis[»isaldis of reform. ConurebM'cbsman Kubcrl II. .Midiel.of ' jirofessinnal , < on men. iiie raidinn the posltlnn taken tiy IivuIit s nf the ptpolice, fire, and teachers'' ^ncullure siirplibes. The pro>:rainram notj under “ lllitinls is marshallmallini'lio.ipsm the House Thus School s leiiclnTs, .'ankinn workers, am. unions ;iv in M:in-li. I'n.'v u ilh ;i c a sein,idliKid j_ oL 112.i*)0 fur Iheeff.irl is m.Kmos(|v-,.-H,-inth!ieiiit-W ft.Hrlnl------r-nre-|erchini; iipnn less ofiponunlstlc “ T?HJ.‘>". M r ito.inii' wfitiWJliTWf'ii*'nrrmmm-mmircTi'ninTTi’ ------III an annual oull.i\ of $;;il niilimniin One.in(l 4:W ' perceiicllvc‘'l)rmTinrmt!:will nn wnni In pel nn lhe—^*^hntiiih • thn-mupnns .ire m.trki re^om nienilalions of Bin M ft'. Uie .slat.-ile<'(.nMirati(in,includinj;a inerieans was receivm i' food .•stampsnips nnhl side of tins issi. i.ssiie It is o u tra c e o tis fiirlh e |iransleriilile," liiev are in (art as in thnv'year ceilinj; on (lie cily hudt;enet Wllh no lax increases, t ,„ The program lhat liei-an as an innocentinnoc .iiaiiv ^reat bodv of Ainernneriianta\pawislo be saddled ;as dollar bills. Thev ounht to he q like diminalinn of Uic burij’el “ f’tnimicks,s," and Ihe apiwlnlmetil of IS jiH-ciinie a i'r;m k en sleiirs monslilonsliT. ^,Iusl any lonj-er wilh 1 foi...... I MiliMdtes unneeded and ffrancs, poimils.orhre ona foreinn exc an indeiwndent Kroun lo work wilh ccilv officials on hudL’e lin e _ ___ p, Ihr p r n grtttn------dMpn •spairinn iippniprinllon (onnitneefh.lM>iief.I—, iiidiKpenK.-.hlv henefil- millions ; Even if liie.M.‘an(l oUu t .steps a re lakiikenlopull.VewVorkoiilof r lh e presenl fiscal year. hom ew ork Thi'Vii'V a r.' eirciilalini: ;i criliciil of , Iruly m'rdy f;im:lies wilh earnlrif-s the lls pn-.sent fiscal hole, how ever, Uic le,leatlers of many I'S cities ' Ura[Jrace yourself. Some 2i\ millionon persons pe ' an;ilvsis'nf faiillsIs in 11,1' |)iesi'iit ael, and Ihey piiverh , line WashinfitonSlar: mu.sl sta rt makiiij! w hal m ay sctvii lililike |M)lillfally unpalatable movt's lo reform municipal finance Indi-ed. It many mayors will c m no cloulil (mil that Itieir ciinsiitiii'nts iireai willing, even ea^cr. lo jnakesunuisacaficciimjrilcr.li} jicLaciU-halLuii u Iirm .litu n a a l____ BL ROWLAND EVANS■>is AND ROBERT NMOVAK______looltnR. ■ M ayor Wes t ’hlm an faced clown co:;onleiilious city workers tn fc* SeaUlo and received an overwhetmliihiK m a n d ate in a sp<.'Cial F - i, clcclion. Boston's Mayor Kevin Whitiite three years a^n cut llie ' Kissingerr foreign ]policy turrrns off Contngress clly payroll liy 10 percent,ami so iniprpressed Wall Street lhal lhe &IK" c ily 's txiiul rat ini; w as tncreiisc'd iw ieecew»hinayi-ar. WASIIINUTON - The adminisniinisiriition's Deparlnieiil lliroiidi)iii:h l‘.lTr>, raisini; this iiueslion: IImpmvefl Ihriiiinli sprinn and rlv summer iis il. They did notI trusltrus him. they addinl. nnd were lilure lo reviTse Cunnress on Turkish h a se cretary ol sla le wiili^T' i Jlfl'n Ankara's------im il T ' aW ul duieni As an urlian affairs oxjktI wrotee on these pa^es recenllv, rkishaidleiidH ' whal to do with a Hjienio, lte tf fliw n \jb.i anil-i m;— ^ ctliesiniisi "pay as aiiey i j;oanilprai . an inesciipalile cc-iiclustnn wiihh far far- reachinn presence on C.ipiti.l^itiil liiil hu rts m n re than lieljis ;posilion on- Cvpriis. Uihhnnn lo rireverst* lhe Panama Canal, nplieattons: lhe trauie, perhaps)s irrirreversible in a Congress wildly wild .isserlive alHuil foreign 1iKiuse, Kissinn’er met late Ju ly il.witit.with the hune Wiien.Schlesinnerinner mcl wilb the ;W rec alc itra n l ______Uccala'ak.llUhe I.’ S -Turkish nlliaiice■ elikdvliki w o u ld — [Wl\ c ^ ______^_____ DemfKTatle froshm iui c lass of 7,'. memtxTS.m on • Republlcnns Julyfuly T».' they ‘ftegiin denouncing 111 have occurred if Dr H enry. F.K. Kissinger1 W'hen Conf^ressOss r n d J ^ -T u ik is li— a l.l-t.is l ~ The resulfiTwiMv diMslrirus'Someiom o irtiJiiiujii Klsslnner.’ ScliIiallliilialiieor rofusod to:Rct-imo-3ny— _ B e rry ^ ere nol secretarv of slate December because:nise ol the fypnis^prolilem. felt I Kissinfjer was condrseeiidinnin in In dedarinn . discussion of hishls 'eabinele, colleague and rival, eWorld ' "r «-irrvs|Hilill-cul.uul.u-iiia.steiiul lim ir e o n i‘:itiitol .. - I Uwl^you.-{«iliticians'.'.-ounbl. to.,umler.siandto.,i instead slres.sinning lliell adverse effecUs a g ali^ - ______ciilliiillinn 0(1 atil lo Turkev is the iVa/enra/e n iifi'ssure Hill. (Uit Turkish:ish aid i;iin kly heeam e per- molives i of Ihe Turkish leaders. OthersOlhe fell him U.S. niitinnal security secu from closing Turkish . anlpai^in i^lhe tlreek Americanan^ilTy”TCf lo ------S7iiiaTl7rfJ‘W T W r r ^------ethiiithiiie politics would mil have heen enouuli sonalilies 'Kissinissim;rr ome th.il of New' yorlvork a.ui I',mi Sarliane:* nf lc.inln(J 1 tow ard Firppnrt rrf aid: heIP lefltel opposed,* ’ left town Aiir , l,1, tnta b e idle for a full m onth In vL___ liiHTiH'ral Democrats were lilted anains■nainsl T urkish .Miiiyland. feiirful lhal Kissinner inlended Ihc.b:he. Issue as the which U.S.-Turkishrkisb relation? will’grow fnorc \ ik id Kven m ore dama>’in«,; rabidly rahi< anti M.ltters urKw• worsewo Fvli It uhen llie Ihree ’opcninn wedne to drive (’onf-rcsss outoiil'of foreinn poisoned. KvenJ a roreversal on oid afler Congress t ______:.<'p»i ^•i.^ij''’I ..Si'i-r<-lary of D<-fi-nse _p(i!icy...., | ___ . _'_relum s ir^.^*ptcml)lcml)cr (by_no means certain) ■?: ~~A~ ..r-r:-Kiss::iSSlJlccr'S.dcfcntisr7HiT]p^'di^'-'^: -KvunWi-tim.^dminUrratioH-wuu'ld \ y ^ \ / 'VIWhile nnl •'condoning •suchch nuitlves:i promlse'loconcdv:rclvably break Ihe lmpassc The had ] neptihlfeans KHd-nrm. Thc/di;y'did rinl. T h e ‘.'ihoiild'D'r, Kissinjissingcr now slay oul of Ihe firing A n f«‘-pilepul.licaii connressiohal leader:■aders blame Connressmen repoteporied this to ^issinjier, wlio 22:\ ; to 2(K) defeal. was nulhoritti byy 3UI3y Republican • Urte on Ihlfl Lssue?le? BeyondBi Turkish aid. should.he :issin«er fur lhe Turkish debacle.■le. Some Ki even nave Ihem he the impressiun of resenfinn defections, , 27 of them con.scrvatiV'.•ativcs. Votinn 'ab an d o n connressixessional duties and slick lo L-el his usetulne-ss as sccrelaryy of blale has Sehlesin^er's Interference. inti .In.leed, such iigalnst Uio President w ere Iheyanni'annu;ird of Ihe diplom acy'.' Bulul h::handling Congress has been endended, a VI,niivC shareil by a f-'wf-w officialsu in____ resentment wass pr prompllv rdiivi-d Irom Stale rinbl Winn, indudlnn ile n s. Johnm Ashbrook A: of parl of a secretarylary of stale’s basic duties for a j y T f e tie adm iiiisrr;ilion. Those slillIII aianonvmous • Department to :)efenseDefe Deparlment. Ohm. IlolH'rl Baum an and M arjorirjorie Holl of noneralion. rilics are not Kissinuer-h^ers ofif theth e fa r lefl or Al lhal point.. Hradem Hr iis iind his ci.li};;ii;iies M aryland, .lohn Uou.sselol of California Calll and Thus, the Presideesident musl dccldc whether Dr. a r rtniiLtinf rrsoonsibre' iNjCd sUppoiiXIpporicrjr- whiV h a n fm r tH lf H w iw inlll recently 'considered KissnKihsuii'er in- ihaVKissinner was'iiras'miire.ii;lirresicti in eu'ciTlive '“ ' "Kissiiiilci^. ■ - ■ .■CommtmW and[] InInil the m ldcast outwelgti hi!; now ^ . s'lispensahle branch dominancehco over forelj’n policy than in ’• On Ihe lloor iM-fore the Ju ly• 24 vde. con- obvious liabilitieslies Inli Congress. Ford obviously Now thnt (he Helsinki Ihincng is over, could I in- ■ PiPr.rsldent Ford views KissiiiKer'as'ler'Ss'his mosl coinpromlsinKlheThe Turkish pniblem . ___ ■ ; servalive.'; told IlqHiblican loiidorsthrs that If Henry Ihinks so, bul somisome Kepublican congressional ______wt/? SoFJionitavi) Id'lho0 Wi/r0~H0t)S0? ------%-alu T]-nr-ttTr~statc------^jNcvcrthdPsa.. IhoUii iidinlniiiU'aliofrs' |K)siliun. - Kisslnuer was for vimelhlni!. theyly uaMjipi .•n»ninsl loaders m av soonflntellblmthovdnnotngrcc. tel

__ _>_____ ------*«u*8oar-''uflO TW 9?a— TtfmjTim^jiPiTijws.Twin Falls, Waho „5 [ n ]D (M ' bjaevrpohciaes s a m e ^asrKhyij^R^ By HARRY SCHWARTZ ohce. oh Speaking In Warsaw on | that country's independence: ffate a I of Hungary and - aid thal mlghi help counler th c ® N.Y. T in e s Service Nov, Nc 12. 19C8. for. example, he The peoples of Ihe Soviei CzeCzechoslovakia. thnthreat of Soviet Invasion. And NEW YORK - No less a defended de It in Ihcse term s: ,5 salelllte states havo no it ..only_a[ter_Aui{usl.___ P.e} — pollilclan and Statesman th an ------— “ W hen external ahd Internal— 1 _P.ekinB_toda>^_ncvct--tires.of.— ...... ~ p ° "lllusfolis'liial'lh'c^chairiR'b’fThe 19^, ToQ and the explicit cnun- warning wai , lhal Russian Im- • nrn rills h P r imp Mlnl^Jpr HfimlrV _focaa.hn.slHe. fni lo aocialkov-try------1 -RrezhtK‘V-I')wlrine-ha%t-bccn------Tlatlon-or-Uimreihnov-D»c:—cial por WlWilson seemed to lake . lo turn the development of n I loosened from them. A lhe Idi^e Idr th a t Mao T se -lu n g . M Mo oscow's K re m lifT '^ seriously Leonid I. Brezhnev's given gl' socialist country in'lhe J Iwglnnlng ol the laTU's the fearing fca for hts nation's InI 1968 Presideni Johnson ...... la lk obout non-interfercnce in direction dli nf reslorallon of lhe | Polish revolt which toppled existence, cxl began Ihe policy of canceled cat a scheduled trip to ^ ot>other counlo''s affairs a{ lasl 'capttallsl 'ca syslem. when a • 1 Gomulka was contained atlhat ra raj p p ro c h e m e ril w ith th e Moscow Mo when hc heard of lhc • ,„<*;ecaustotil».P oles‘ United Un S tates a s a m e an s of invasion Inv of Czcchoslovakla. . Apparcnlly an invincible socialism so in thnt couniry - a i fear that they might Invlle the getting gel political and economic- opoptimist. Wilson (jveh went so threat th to the'securily of Ihe far ns to hint lhat Brezhnev . socialist so commohwcallli as a — mlflht-b«-fli)ftndonlng--llie'-Tw].--w)iolo— -I.hl5 iBrno longer - ____ . . . .- .Brczhncv.^DocLciflcraind Bt __lu ____raficqlx^_problem.III lor ..that _ susuggest Ihol il he had said cccountry'^ people, but a «-'■~thp-whnlo-iao.1— q’quotJRTappmvingly Uiis e v e n ^------T— s a t o r b ought to be called lhe blu b n te r statem ent of the Soviei RDAY,AUGUST9r^Tws SALE TIME: 1:00 p.m . . Khrushchev Doclrine. because position p by Wladyslaw N O LUNCH th e essence of Ihls policy is Ihe Gomulka. G then head of , asassertion lhal the Soviet Union Poland'sCommunisis: P . . lOUSEHOLD ITEMI Frigidoiro rolrigprotor-frooior^!>r 7 ycor> old Iroti free on tho boilom -^MB-the-righl-tcMnvmkMmy------Li0:o_<4,o6*-friei\ds^ml— 'door-ouldoor corp^i!^ tewing mo- •‘socialW-country“ s whenever C(com.rades of ours from other (hm otlond TV lobloi. Ihrom rugi bedding, dijhei. poit ond p er. (>ult jort, meof iow ond oiher i ond poni, forge hond meoi grind. ___Ihc ru lers in_Mo.‘;cow dM ide_ cccountries who believe they are lhal capitalism Ufrealens tb defending dt lhe'JU.st ~cause~dl— rep la cc so c lalism , . . . ■ -so-.soclallsm-nnd the sovereignty' iSPORTINGA fipmmglon 1 J gouge oulomallcI &»h( LAWN & G A M T h e d p nrr»;l pr.ifllf>.il .np,-----.-PLpmplcsQl hy rimiinclnB and— lc tneigunjn e»cell»ni condition — Wltard -ItooprO otorpl^ ^U l loiviin ma.mowc. - Boin mowof* ore in excelieni Ci plication of 'his docthnc first prote-sting pr Ihe introduction of 7 — H t —soclaliRl-staU'Rr^Mir-pfilrloHi'T— ._colloneoui orjiclct loo " u rn e re y jjg jtia ^ — Bioodrm ’oivo'TOflfinflren'tt— nn 12:lJw ilC pficsonally-guar:rantee-your-independer encerG om rade!^^ ------^August. 19C8,lind^r Brezhnev. d 3u uly IS lo prevent this liy using ------T t R MMSrCASH i DAY OrSAIK A l l ------'Czechoslovakia 'aiid 'necessa't7 ne '.'' OwHeT^ irrEto i o p e T T ^occupied ll. Soviet troops still. . The.Pravda' nrllcle. on Sept... ------X ...... r r c e m a in - in . H u n g a ry .. a n d . . .2G, 2G. llHia. in.which Ihls quotation. . Said JHdiiagi igoil by M oitcri A urtlsnion Service © WashlnglonStAr n u d c a r w ar with lheiheSovlelK, ...... Cz-Czechoslovakiii toprevenl an y - appeareci ap went even further, in •THE! ■HE BUSINESS THAT SERVICE BUUT"JILT" ...... _ _ BEI-CIRADK —,/\ftcr Snyjc.ljrooiOPS siT ia sh c d ___ W itliin.ihc-limnitatlnn.-.nf itj which, an .ad-...... now-"’muUn>i^’no in eilher la n d --- - -. Ibilhc. best tradillon'of. Ceorgu.-- AUCTIONEERSr ------inlo.CzeciiosIovaki.') in lOTifl'lnprcvcicm lhal East ministration couns(inselled by Dr, Henry A. Brezhnev 1 has publicly O Or rwdl's "1984" It nrgued thal cTeRK: CAL*HARPER . LYIE MASTERS 'GARY OSBORNE K uropcan counlr>- from tJt'feclinK frorom Moscow- Kissln^’er Is perhapflaps more acutely conscious dedefended the invasion of the Ibi invasion of Czechoslovakia 543-5854 o r 543-6673 style communism, Wuslern ohscrvt'vers char>:ed than previous ones,.•s, i Ihere is how ever a hope of CzCzechoslovakia more Ihnn v.-zw as In no way a vloialion of :^sl>«h«4k>v4(>hUnlfmsii'ny and Ihc Wcstwasas woTO’inR nbout Ihe wrong WanfTsls wnolieTi^lwrtnlo power lolochangenre thrnljs wh-enirfriliril'd {b pfblwriiiimairTiRlils rules so Ihey can never Iw volcd oul. w ithout econom ic: prproblem s. Thc trip, which President Fortird has jusl_____ Folnnd is Ihc m ostlost obe diently loyal to Mokcow W i ^ p i completed IhrouRh Kaslern Kuropele w as a mTl^ ofTriiniiree ciuintrie(rieiTvTsTtFd'liyTord.-burifwas— AIM ► L E A SSEI'V _ re lo rt lo this Sovicl uUitude. sinKlcd out Jwcauseuse of good relations with the __ jTi.ostJmjiort.ant p e o |^1® iin the world, so we/e 1try very Both In his visits (o Poland. Holomania*- and United Stales for•almost all Iw'odccadesTPossibly ------W e-consldorer our customers, the r Y ugoslnvla. and in his speech to thilhe European Ihc most spontaneoile o u sly w arm show 'of p o p u la r.__ ■ -hard to-ofler-flr_SUP£B SERVICE 11 «tmer4n-GeflCi>Vfc:ttifc«?nteiHir=:^ — tnitttnirTn-tjigEa?;rF:uw»i5cmijnii:-~\v“Was iryinn [» an area whicli sent n lell Ihem lhat the Unileil Slates iss i exIendiMK a T he least organizenized turnout to greet Ford was hand lo help them achieve the v^1dIder horizons in'BelKrade. Y'uRuri oslavia Is the* least rigidly A^FosLEHfficient Chceckout • Cuiustom MealoTCuttmg Helsinki, indeed, hardly org;organized at all by Soviei or Bul thc Idea of Aiiicrlcan help to sin k .out of n om aiiian

LYNWOOIo ^ 1^^ 10 lb. Bog ■’CORD" ^ N o. 1 Brown Suodo V ,® Fresh NovySuode \V ' Dee Mlsenhl Biud u d william s R u s s e t. MS”__ TOMATOESE S ^ - —GOI>WIE IN-ANDJAEAEEI ___ __ Vi ^ "TUtLY" ;E & BUD. THEY'VRE PO Blocl.. Navy. ^ c dei ______Inn______/ - y " 2 ^ERTO-SERVEJ^IQUL.______I s : --...I- We Fecature Toblerlte U.S.I.S .D .A . ------

: - ' B la d e C u t ^ HQICEBEE!EF— ^ B o h e J :'N0RR1S'' . PO T ^ . Bfown AUSUM M ElER ^ I l«olh«r tioKi m ICK STUK . WOMEN'S n I ______* 2 2 ° ° ROASTS i " 1SH0ES rSANIIdals 7 ] PRICED AT 01)NE ' I >‘ . n ^ i w r * m r LOW PRICEE O p « n 79\ .F rid a y ' Filer A t ___ _ ^^111.:_____ Fillniore ^ - :— T W l ir R lll lf q l y a s t o ^r W Ivnweod w i l.LIAMS l ■2^00 - - --______Tw in Faili ■ ------^ ^ ^ 6 Tmii'S-Nov^f. ’Iwm Failu. Iil.iho T T fursday. AuoiiUt 7,1975 ■ l^ourt deni'lies I Health seirvices coniifa b • IFire hazards ^ in I c r e a s e d rateI hearii TWIN FA L L S-H igherghcr tcnperaturcs of lhe past - '".S PF lew days have conllnimtlnued (o dty out heavy slateid Tueesday in T 'rates for ils public ullllly I BOISK (U P I) - An I n - r a ' t vegetation In forcsl on I areas, Increasing thc lire < IcrmiTunlnifi G(is_CuuiDam^_.-iiCDserylcc as pmiilded-byJaw^------^ I i.y—-'l\VINiIfAUA-a-TVnit.‘(;tiiitHU-tlfai:u — f>?volopn»L'nl-Y\etr;iWr--whleh- iet)liic«‘S—th e —cont------^ requcsUluil lh(iSlutci>uprcmc_^ Inlcrmounlaln In loldjhe court I .■-A'nltpVsulTBHni^fifrnifh'sci^L'offrn:mEan»ruinrT"Pfencnm.iiupr()m(i-C»urUi(ave-no—-(Irm (irii —lo—r e ln f iln l ^ th e —op— — - is one til tliicc itx-ctint;!' mid is desifiigiii'd to ae- Coiineilsof(Joyernmiim enl In Idaho, C hnnccy said, have been a quarterr acnacre or less and have been reason pc for ils denial lor a Wrll plication plic - — ccinimiMliito Twin Falls aiid.Ii-roini- eountle.s,a • 'W ilh the thiee nx-cim-cting this nxinlh. Chaneey qufckly contioUcd, oHfclaflklals report, ' ' of ,,| Mandamus for In- ___ Red—- In lhe Rcd Fish LakeIke iarca. utere recreational .‘Vinllici iu ’<‘li[iy l(|i ltu‘ (?asslsla-Minidoka saiil he t)elievt's ann aiea ai health service advisoiy termountain. ^ I^^^TREMlE^^aiDAYT^^n , use is heavy, a num ber&cf 0of m an-caused fires h a w ... CollMly a tra will hc lu’lrl In lUiilcy Au|■ug, W at ihe' hoard v^lll l>e set up tiy Sepl. 1 and lh e 'a re a 's Inlermountain claimed lhat b h S k d to n (■assiaCoiinlyCitiiilhdUsi’. . three rep resi’atalLve.'-Ives lo the )(i.iho'Henllh Ser- occurred ond foresi; useusers are asked lo be cx- the- n, Pl'C "surninnrily nnd Em m ett Kelly A IIiIkI is I<'n1aii\<’ly set loi AiiR 2I< in Shoshone vice AgeniV Council;il vwill Ihi sclectcd. Iremely careful wilh fires. flrci Late spring moisiure without notice" dismissed its COMING AUG. 21 Ioi the CaiiiJis, lllaini', (tomhuR .iiiiind l incoln' ' Onetf foiiiied. thee aiea ai and state organizations Increased thc vegclalton,ilk)n. o ffk b ls say and while 11 application to increase nili-slo JULIET PROWSE -^mmn'Tiicns. will h a w jxm et ow,vr-all r-. IwallJi servicesLiuid.ap­ _ _ has r e n t e d giccnunU]unUJ recently il will rep rese n l producc !„ annual Teveiiue.s FOSTER BROOKS rh a n c ty said llu' iik-cUiirs ai(‘ Impotlanl In to propiiations siieh asis llill11 n m lo n a n d o lh e r fcderjil - . a greater than normalmal flre hJBard dm lrig .th e—I — -S7^r1i7;i,fp(t7. ll-cnnt irpicsciilatiM 's 'irxiie tlii’in $7.iioii loi unpaid p m a y h ir e professionj rials prodiu'tipn aftei a t\^o.niinith . hills. I’iH- ' v a ; /V riii:MA(;r u;if: t AUJj) planplant shuldown. Atioul empliiyes ^ »c^ie ^ i.Asr i niisS S.sj IM M E R ______n fin iv h .M l w iirk lo a .m1'iifes.sional ’lifi planning gniuji, ^ n)fc.s.sioii.il|)laiitiing(iriii. "I"’ho wilt pr.’sciit a iml aixl ^ - S t t i l i o n ------* ' l i w -TImcs-Ncws wrlt^ pni wilh re-hiring stading the lust T he Council will iik’cJ at ll prciji'roposal Inr coinjilcling Ihc .IKllfi.MK Afler monlhs of T ol Ihis month, accoiding to work, llll- •.li'ioiiic Coiinfy p.nni. lonii'fil at Wuntl Cafe to .leerome r^ Couiily Com- ' }ITE FESTIVAL*L T iiK V T R E -PiimtJiminucLMidmdliatum;! i^ar'':T''iinip6setrplan from proh' .... -operatoi'sO. ■plaTTniii);' raT iinT ' Im ’inircriT lu^a A stall ol seven is now will be a.ski'd li> lurn nvcr Ihcir Malarsilcn anil Associates, a The 'I h Iiriii's hi'd is anticipaled . 1',. - ill Ilv |.7ii|rlil',.,-(i.m[| i-f leailylng an oiilei ol I.ikhi _ EOOOIHG GDIIDIHC _J^1JHm iMi w n FILLS H IM _____ jflimiffiit1 ___ m i — — - _ducliQiilL_i;alm lalutii__l i i i _ _- 9 8 3 e t - i n e e t shipm ent lo Holniul. aeeoidtng - -P SUH 10 -T- HOH U P- r !.Tr'I7fiI?!!^sl (I"he ilaflui^- -■'‘’'I - W ! T ^ wiT h p- .mill U7 T ^ ri IS I- SH is = - :EEdb£ji3Lcj!i£Mt a t e d sill, '.i-ii.i t...„i,- •• I,. lo ■ .loe ilackney. a company SCN VAl.l.KV ldaln> xmliHord rr .lones, county eom- * ’^^ Buf ■■'despite (he Jiriuled u "■»H ill h«Jd jl.' ptodiictlon. thc cntniiany is •Kritiav ■!•>'' and Saiurdav at-Stm - - ___ - - T ^ T A RRTUEFE T l P— PICKLESES.& 8 P IP E S — ------Joiirs ‘ ^iiid--tin- eom- f‘*" by sixth gradd e r s ■ apparently lacing sonx- dil- Valley Val mlissioiiers iss were approache-Ui>»-lw-itUw-alUit—add L ff5=55fSic=BR5?=i5SFB==^ and Items will p) on sale caeli day .It; ii a.rii. an'd continue 7o~T. IJisliiclTourt, Hoise, ehaiging session, diseus>ing haij, haveave a m a jo r voice in deciding D(., lle v -T ro n ic s w ilh a lle g e d eh<‘cks. fh<‘ lhe fair Irailo acl ;uid .. P*” ■hether or nnl to ta k i’ this 1,,^, Many items have hccii colicclcil1 and; donated for lhe evenl, hieacholcontiaet lineingslnicture |nn inite." .loncssald.______^ — Otclrmiii^ nu l l j j r^i. lunikf., iii:iti:iMT;; ....t..u.wl.iU t..v.s >i;e\-'lionics altoinev I’liiil SjX’cial gui’sl.' ,il lhc l)iill<’l According lo Jones, ,Mar- OcddiiiR, lawn m owers and p a rts, a riding lawn mower. Ixial .I’ike said llie coiii]ian> is ^ ______A.UGI;usT den and AssUclatiuns havi‘ j.,,,, conleniplating filing a coun1<’i (ii’iirgc Cn ilaiisen • J]tiOl(traiidollu‘ritcm s. evelopcd plans for a nuinhcr suit idleging laihiie ol per- S s atu rd a\ >es-.iiiii-. vyill in­ ; T here a re no price tans and llie huyuyer will hcahle to dicker for f* other counties "T/u’ i|,,, fiiirTUinccl)ySH%£hiiology" volve voi' ejeclion and insiaj|a^>n .. hlB or her nwn price. nifesslonal group claim s il | ^ SU N Sh> H I N E ~ p ____ Diiiiltuiiici'-i^^Stsxa-illi:___ ufiL U iifiu - i » T - '. m*’“Tinii 1^1 ^ACOl *-7-^ hralu(ieia< tartM ir(‘in{>Pvvi;.yoi»‘,‘UvMllendiind l help lH H >;il-lhr-^~pirtrs^^llTp'T'()mpTiT»>ForUTe possitile sale ol ils-land aink-. jddand new huanlMif dircctu^s. Lorry Kk funa Hevenue rntsed tlulirimghnul thc year hy s.iles - p|.„,ilan and eim rdinate th e dif- j,,,, tiMr ^ property on Aug. l!'. as a resull ,.\All ilealer.-. and th eir wivt’s. and olher projects wasr(.|erent planning efforts going ,,| ol a suil tiy Vanguaiil Hee jm,niemlHTs and jm n riiemliers — fiQCnihurs._.\iiexcess\vaiduiuitud luLuLarr>'.i:k ------„nm iin-the eyiinly-as well .l^T - jj.q S P E C lAlUS... tj - trnn!c.'tCo.nic..rjnroriiiam ie- ;Tiii!ami ~lissocialc meml>e?s~a7e *- llanilicapiKnl tiy cercbral pal;;dsy. L arry will undergo vrile, u)i th e p la n In a suit alleged IVv-Tionics owed invited inv lo allcnd. Rirjiery li>r. a hrain paeemaker lo he>elp co rrec t llw haivllcap this pro!trolcssioniii w ay ," Jonen said f in in N ew Y ork Clly. JcJones said the firm would p “ A t T a c: o o T i m e alsii.dso l«- rcsponslliti- tor cnm- “Som ethingJo Rave AhoiShout!” “ Sometliing to idelinu till' enuntv plan anil ^ 659 Blue Lakeakes Blvd. N. - g , . ------L.-„ iC onveiT tlm ineiirpoi'aliii)’ plans from the t n ^ a t e d Cllll.•ities ol Jerom e. Kdi-n and Is ------ijvnN'TFATT.S' - Tll?-ITO-COI■onvpnitnn -n J -lh e N aiionai------ilo id lu a ______0 /JSSocialion of U'nal liives1i«ators,V w ill Ite held in Sun Valiev. iWWiHliiliW.- • = = ^ | l l ^ = | : ------il^ograin^ h v ~ : ;^ i ^ m e l l i l)ons I’axton. legal invcsliilatorrwTni' ' Mie m iinii m .M-.iy,------— TACO!lS~:^T7r3lflP .-^y. Sudwwks and Fuller, saul shele extended the invitation for ivt Aiifi. 22 ^ -----l»' jnJdalujJieM | year an.l thc in-______T TWIN r'.-M.I-S Ki’piililican ^% Rave ata b o u l ” 3 ______Frldoday-Saturday-Sundaday jV4!;:atj:tl».’r-td:tlm.duU4taUa------(u;: 4Ucndc(f the m eclinn.lliis y e ar in 1.:l.as VegasrNVvr'NOxn'CarT^ -CnicniiiTtv arf'“ p l^n'” np“ .T n in d _ ^ « ______D o n 't m is nissJhe______A ugust 8-9-10 ffli\’entioii w |ilT F-M r;pt)r5rr);>ii!>n\iii!~l~niir^lfs~P.~i^lirn iiav~inM)^r.itn':\ur22~rorr?;— ilav Zt as general convention chairman. lleiHep lii’orge Hansen |S: Top^OFTRiT h e ^ S l a i f ^ >0 Small 7-Up» With Every Purciioso•Kolol ,.__aiLVxSlLll_sm'Ii!Ll'rjV!ijnenl nalItlonal i aulhnnlies on legal TTlie event w:ll tcature an aOS m a tte rs and investiualivc pr(K’C(e d u re s 'h a v e a lieailv heen :iplapjiearance nf Hansen and .\rt F r e•e e (Gift From The Treasure;ure-..-..: ...... - - - - . I.inl.inkletti’r., televivKui -per- • fi^ieeing an a eiccessory to voluntary man- ^ I ■ Thursilay,. i!August j . JL 6S59 5 9 Blue Lakes Blvd. N.I. - SJaughl'cr ^ T w i n F o i l s •rS o Iis apiHMrwl liefore M agistral!Ite P a u l Sm ith in cnnneclio'n p B y 5^1^ 1 1 ^ i t l i clfarges lifoiigliragaTiisI liinTIi, -I _____ 8;0ap,p.m. -.y ' PETER SEU£RS .r;, * , « yos arrested early this week andid'alleged lo have'aided Ar- / ^ miando (‘oroiiadn. IM), charged wiihh voluntary iiiaiislatighter in T 1 lh e .lulv H. I‘I74 (lealh of Solomonn l{ui/..:i». Twin Kails Hui/ V \ L l ___ JloliilayayJnn___ |||_ ■ "idledliIWr^1Toru(TM(Is7on(W g~nn~inndpnt-m-1hr-<-h.ilrfiit------:B ar o No AdmlsjiorTiotT Ch'orgo |'~3I . " 'S oils w as in lhe Twin I'alls county:y j.iit follm ung the hearing in . ^ TifVKE HEf 1leuofSl.,*>iMil>(ind ______^ _1 ^200. in doo _ ^ "doKES COOI W TO V. . 77 is a^d lop'-Of-IliE-Stair^ " S “ k l , L NOT SINCE: i ^ Presenled ty: Tlie Paris a The Physicians onnd~ Surgeons^ t' IXA/EMIW.. ; ^■~ o| 2u|i|iaiiios„ jinoqy/ 8AE1I-0I; giijiliamos,, ^ Restourarant S Lounge T of fhe Twfn Foils ( C /inic ' # i ore pleased to onnnounce the anytiifiT ge'' e v f f l ^ h a p p i n s ”j a t t h e HOL)LIDAY INN — **— ^— ossoctohon-of — /-I-to m e i •w ant yoiroiLtolie-Sure_i- InlshteO llng jI gnrwrrpALOLS 9:40 j I HhumjXKi i> Mil- !(,l' snm h ol l|ii‘\iMr \ | mystctfy." j ------DR^PAUL-AAr-rW\IL-ES--- ——-M ___DJNINC^RO! 0 0i M ______1.: Pedio/r/cion -^--D R -JH A IR D )-SEAieH— “ jH — 7-BUFORD-i-j : | - D IN ^ __ ^ Inlernal Mcdicinne V J A—^PUSSER's-|- NER SPECI:iA L ~ I r DR. DAVID JJ. GILES ■ “ ji owntxnie i ilL fnfcrno/Modicinin o JM 1 w ^ T d p SSifloiiVStei i e a k ^ s t c j i y ; I Broilodtoyourtasli□ste and servod w tth a bakedi k e d tdoho Potato -KCJg-' T - DR. CAROLE: N. DICK ' _ Ji------Rodiohgy...... I > i BURI \ I Choice of chilled.juices•s or oi chilled fruit \jtf REYNOLDSV I I S k ie °of seven different solodsh frofnfri our exotic ■ fly chef'ss v(vegetable, rolls, butter,•. bbt e v e r a g e , y o u r 3 5 ^ ^ I ferent kinds oj^essgrfs. . -. 1 . (^EIWIIDE Turan KOTTO j f j I' { M FRIDAY & ^ T W IN FALLS F ^ I SATURDAY ' - - - - T S l l t B — f TjfTTMnir-n — I ONLY...... I CLINvjlC % KnCCUIVINr I . . . Z J i HXpPcworiTdAs I I Cliililreii's porjiorjions of many dinner itemns s aavailable. ,_ r a I a.'- m I ' t j y OTHER ENTREE?: * -T-wi»-Polk 733^7jaO -L -A.^Xwuaun.vrjj I ______Daluxo. AgtdNovNow York St»ok, TopSlrtoln Sfek~,•ek~. P rlm > R ib. ------I P © ¥ e S s k i V'lt . Tfiiirsday, Augusi 7 ,197S Timo5-1mos-Nows. Twin Falls, Idaho 7,


i v w - i-^-V l i ...... a t ■ U k J f c jL i m S i i ” - SHO »PPINCe C E N ITIR

—— r ^ - I S I — w t t h -4 E R R I F=IC I VALIbUES- c y c P Y < : l l •' I N I ~ ^CTQPFl 0 I I * ■ ■ i


. ■ --■ H j = O usOEemlRDROBtfOR=^I EE ...... ^


— —W h J * « - ___ ^ White, Black = S H a fs= on Block S iio s 7 ^ , BiiA S E B A inTOSS a n d B row n ^ 8% to 3 ■------g i r BfSw n.------— Plush coordinated ------wtthTnoichiin^ ------— , Man'In v a lu a b lel e P r i z e s rSeverol Styles to0 Clchoose F rom ...... lootfTorlook trrim.

- t e $ 2 M - ruIiliHriipnAY^ini 1 IU' fi/e^soafs I Gra d e M - t TS r 1 6 ® : = L J VA1JIETY departiRTMENfSfORE-

~SEWTHODSFRinr— BACK-TO-i>scFrox>r~ — fflPSirSHI Prp c tn - riJrjlU ------fattre stock oflh o ^ r - H O ^ I t s ------The COnON & POI)LYESTl R KNITS liTTO'1% OFF! srmelQii— ; Reg. 'IB^" P- WITH FRIES ____— SHOB-OUR-IOVW£R-L£VEL FOR___ __ ^ - ALL W OV Et:N FABRICS. Seiieed • Corduroy •• Potchwork Prints O N A SEECEEDED BUN • D o n lm i •• Quiltod Prints • Bandon'o Prints •• X>ouxO''’r ln tt & P lains I Where»Quality ( FRI. A SAT.------f NEWGGROUP 2 a 3 _ SUN...... imUT SIMPLICITY & BUTTTEHICK-PAntRNS— - I _____ G klslSJieijes infont to 14 * NOW V\^2 PRICE - I Boys' Sizeses Infant to 7 sMIi#if» fMIIU i n n IF Iflllllw i i r t i H i i rlV Q n rm ivI# iifipr i p P l V ~ t c HhT Twin FallsIs - 7 3 4 -7 8 9 6 S K m wC l > 5 h o p u ' c I DRIIUO . LYNWOOD SHHOPPING CENTER w o o d

for movr in 'o n ! - - 'The newest fashic by Jorm on I SHERWFOOD'S ( I SPORTr ClCENTER , look for Fall! _toe SO G y m Si->hoes ____ ovory slylo is new M h le tic TT ond dXllerotit,______K e d r t I / A j

Ono ol mony, many nov}w Foil Mon's ond young men's | “ y " 1 shoo* Irom Jormon, Nuiunn Bush and Rond. M r \ \ \ _...... S ix es, ...... I Rtg. Se.9S to $9.^5 ■ opoii'tlt - ...... - " 9 p.m. Fridays- e Timcs-Ncws.TwmFaimdfl^ah o " ■ Thiifsday, AuQusi?, 1975-- IflUNDRY Disablecd vets L . SORI-A-MRI benefitsi hiked i m CO 7 P , WASHINGTON »UIM) - IPresident Ford has sl((ncd a bill . nil Kivin^dlsjiblcd vJlcrans iindJ widows\ nnd children of veteran s — .9 .9 7 .. cost bnlvin'g Increases of up lcIol2porcent. Fonl Raid Itic -in c rc a se dtHHWfitSiV««LbvJ:Qqa-eas::id ^ j{ n f^ ~ than the 5 per ccnt limit he! fproposcd.'would be retroaclVc fo '' 3 com^rfmonfs.'^Irtyt llnudr ■ ’Au^-1 fo r2.2 niini6ri W iu b cnirvedTlf Wcrrd'W.ir mincH25W0lrj“ r r»g75riiV dlif dry*r.'.‘7. .1 ... ------uniform during llie Vk'Hinm ei " ^ 6 "The nation owes them a s|special deht qf Bratitude," he said . Wednesday. . In his slalement, Ford saidId the expanded a id would cps( the ' government an extra (T)0() miliillion a year when he w as tr>'inB to hold down federal spcndliiRiR and lhat Ihe cost-of-Ilvlng ad- Juslmcntswenl farlwyond hisIsprojw.-cedcellinf;, “The fo iigrcss refused lo goKO Qlong, however, and oilier groups havo received federal l)cncfltit increases exceeding my proposed ft - 4 lim it.-... ------— ^a.fcrfiTir;irW)iil£|-nnt bep (cqultnbicunippIj'thWlmitTmlyio-— ■ “ .-; veierftit; dl5flW(-d iirth e 'so rvrvlce or tholr country and tn their survivoft,■'hesaid.'" Terms of the bill: ■ - Veterans with a disaliilltilly rating ol .w per cent or less will — KeH'lop'-’rt'cnllncreubelniiimonthly compen-sallon rates, - Ttiosu rated ft) piT cent'r (or m ore di.Kabied will receive’a'12 ix;r cent increase plus a 10) j ]K.T cenl IxKist in additional com- T H E O> F R I G I N A L ------. : pensalion lhal these ve te ra nIS s. gel for Ihelr dependents. W ______"S talulory aw ards" u illIbe t Increased 12 per cenl. ,______CLOJt a P P R Y I - The clothinM allowance given velerans wllh'Tn’tlfli-’nil'lim m — XARRIER-___ wllt«oiiplroniSI.')CI()$l7'.. OURlUR REG. OURIR REG. Increased aid for alxnil , 250 0 The bill also provides Ir ' ISIS” 1 11.44 SitaJ^e^fuau. ln'nefieiarics of "(l(’|H.'n(loMeyy and Iniii’innily com pensation" - ______wlduws. children and certaliliin parcnLs uf velerans who die , Iriimst-n’ice-connecn-il causesrv ______. The While House saldwuloniivs antl cliildrcn would (;cl a I- !«•'' . cent monthly Increase. ” NO. 2500 O R Ford also sipiedbills lhat: I j p A >R . - Would make II easier (o r■victims v ofa natural disaster lo get ______enHTUi'iK'v loans from Ihe AtjriincullureDeiiartment. NO. 2510 L n t-^ Jj uutj.iiiJjscal vears and )r>- Com m itiei-tiij ()et*nns aiid-Al------3 — ------tOTT'fnrihtrfirttmTTnt-.Arivison Pl.ostic lines w ilh 192-foi>2-fecl ot drying oroo. Complolc Amorlc'os No, i soilingng'cHildfon's'Bock corriof. Tho ...... -ma-iDherL. a :!j.inciiil>er i>annl111 .set Ull in 11)71 to review federal f ^ S M 1I = — — man comloflabla>»iay,u ------rrmrmcTmrhTtmnsphrrfrrncncnrcpm gr.ims:------______— IV rm lls'ihe l -'nited S taleses to join i:t olher counlries in im- ^ REEL « plenientinj; the "InternaOonalil Omvenlion forthe Conservation . -of Atlantic Tunas." Among olothec. Uiingb. the IDGO agreem ent y o u HAUL AT YOUR . requires piiblicatiati uf rules governlnu.imporl.s.ofU certain fish, CHOICE ____ and assessmenl of civil penaltiilies for violators. w f Special1 session I = = - = - = WASIIINCTON lUlM) - Ford during a working dinner Two Hi'piililiiMn law m akers. honoring Japanese Prime chitlini! Ihcir p«iHi-mi!iii-s forr M inisler Takeo MikI Tuesday ^ 1 ____ •• •' taklnn a mnnlh'ionti rccesss ’ nigfit" Those reels hovo outslondingling withoul actint; on an energyy They also held discussions ^ WOAAEr loaluros os precision bevel ______pcowam-sa)'J!riiauJentJuicd..J___ with_ Fedi'Val Kne rg \-._ A d-__ “gTor~t3QK^''oncrmct“frnrsli~T ih ~ ------is eonsidcrinu rcconveniiiuJl minlsirator Frank /arb, dolochablo folding liondlesJle s Congress. t C'onmierce S e c re lary UogersT 10-SPEPEED BIKE ■ ond many more. ShopI K Sen. William ilotli, H’Drl., C. H. Morton and Donald ______PU.fOmREG______ADD M 1 . R A L ______^______— -moft-where-you-fcovo big, ------aiurKoiru;.i'norc.M>Tilj!erJi'T— - - HumsfcldrWhit c- H oiisr-chief-- U-N.Y., said Wednesday theyy ol stall. ,, ______- ^ W t8 8 ------^------had ta)ki'd with Ford alxmt a Shorlly liefore leaving, A I R C O) I N D 1 T I 0 N E R Mia\on IhU monlh.h. ConKrcsi uppruvcd a six* b>UR u REG. ___ Wlillc the 1*r«.‘Sidcnl m ade no[10. monlh extension of -price — S^ojiea^aeztAe-- conimllineni, Ihey said,(I, controls, which has kepi the $238.00 is price of "old" oil - almul CO 7 jd m callinj; l’onj;rcss back is 8-onIy "cortnlnly-nii—nplinn" bplnpiR p e r - e e n t n f d o m e s t i c - ' seriiuisly cniisidcri'd " pnMluelion -- al S.';.2.'> a barrel. CoiiHress loll Auj;. 1 ami is hFirO U -PtA N TIT— ------U .-F o rd _ lia a. the cun-. ■ ■siltmiunal pouer lo nilerrupl OR rCCD IT ■. . ■ Ihc rcccss by calling a specialinniE rw w iiiT w iir-- roillour syslom. Ironl.nlI biand rear f colipor e hondbrokos,. ------Bi?Oa*-BTU~ul r - cj rTdlTtllrtD T io r-tio r-? -? p e ’btf =»fti-rT-73tih— session. )ors. fol-tfop podoK 36-93 ratio. odjustobid ihormostol,31, llc* o-rr|ount. duoi-vono. oirir * M ■"— Itolh ;iiTn'0in5hlP~snld tliOV ■” —How."No'. 80FGT1,----- — I - - -(h‘H'USMHl-llU‘-|M)SSjlnlily-WllhIh—

YOU HAUL - 7500 SPINCASTiST U S 76 SPINCA ililiiliiillllllllillillfflllillllilinr l ^ AT THESE • X H E : - B O ^N - M A R € h e '- |78 T w in 5 «

■ Reel with 8-pt loolprooaroof Sosv’io cost reel hoi — piclT-up,-'4 |--'io “ l-geo-‘^e o 'r dr‘o ^ d ‘rTd“ 6 n l i n u d u r ' fotio w.th 100 yds 8-lb reverse Comci wilh monofilomeni line. Co‘ monofilament. YOUR wSiSlj ||7 CHOIiCE — - DOW VIEW I FRIG[^IDAIRE “CUOXERS"^ t g . ______,____ / i»yy f{\p AIR corNDITIONER ; . M —- y y o o / / \ \ \^ \. , Choice of siokc'typi ». • f W \ m m OUR REG. \ \ dompon boof hoi No. WV 233 2P windovindow oir coolor has 2 speeds. - 2 1 W m 34 8 .0 0 ; K m o . r p , = m 2200 CFMoir volume. Cools opproximatoly 5530 fo 600 sq. fl, 11,000 BTU. U j.J monolilomeni line NO. 423 2p wlHdSWw coolorCO 4200 CFM oir volumo10 ^ ^ c o o lin g s p e e d s , au□ ulomotic thormosiol. NO. AE jjf melol fish stringer. £ ...... 167.00 8-only.y. irh W E .2 _ and save, ......

•“ W %•

M(\ ...... ¥ i a '••s ' » ^ . f c

U n Y"

^^NDS k ------J " V ^ . CH:harcoal - PLLASTIC : _ d u sJ te r :^ a le _ BORDPER FENCE ~ OUR REG. : 1 0 ^ 9 53- 1 5 .0 00 voluo I I OUR REG. Special sovingss on zip Iront dusters.- ' New loll floroljl prints iri eosy core 7 r 2 .1 7 " •••.' V.- - jerse y ••fabric,'^ nmoch|ne\josh ■& • dry~"'— ^ ■ EoSy sJoM cKdfcoorTloorTbryour’o'uidoor cobk'ing.Z Sizes S. M, L. Our rog. 54* CuIF Light.ig h t...... aIT' r .. PlasticM border pifkoltl fencing. Great lor ony yard. »tfooll«.ol . - '' ' -CHARGE »r TODAlAy AT THf BON MARCHE. — ------rvo-cflg8t77Trr3 7j4-f^0Cior------;------y o u^oppJ/cof/9f» r • >0 Tiiiwsl ^cwsrrmn-PaitsrtOnhp- Jury ^< e a i f s G ur t n e y , r a p sIS feH s Security ia g e n c y s nlo ( o p s I TAMPA. Fla. -(UPI) - g rand jury. 'W hen th e ju r o r s w ere .Wa.Washington,- ^ . ^ p ■ F o rm er U. S ,'S e n . .KdA'ard The jury, also ucqultled_-_-dij--dismissed Wednesday, dunicy —-_ fAs Ihe'iurors liparded a buii •' Gurney was expansive, his___ Jo.seph Baslien, Gurney's_al^,_'___sa s ^ 1^ didn’l know wht-re to __ io|[0 R'Jurors who cleared them of all "1 wish I knew," Gumcy "T"Tliank you, lhank youl” 'conspiracy counl against him - sa ©Ncwhousc News Scrvli/Ice given to the aRemjency to collccl forelRn com- r • t hibut a few charges were said, as hc stood sweating in KoKoonl7. chased a .juryw om an Federal Hou.slng Ad-, Ihc Uv Florida sun outside the lnl ' — - WASIIINOTON -- The Nnliononnl Smirily municallons abroadond." ■ ^ ^ sharply sl critical of the , inlo a parking lul to sliakc h er ' minislrallon, officials Ralph co ARcncy llslens in on some Ificplioilone calls bel* • Aspln: "Hul thehc Supreme Court has decided Rovernnient- i:ourUiou.sc. ••Sometimes these ' ha:hand. Koontz ^ 1 K. W ayne SU'iger. th In th i» t InllfH .iind .'ii in.lorc i t u i _ iii:i‘)GliiiaUMLiretaii:taps are proteclcd by ihc -jni . ____The m -dj^ trial of Guxney^ lhinRs_linppen b^gauj.^,- J|iry, fcrrein;»i .la m ;^ B aker—^ I—lfrtclliRcric?^flmpndTnCTitrwWch'ich'Tnfanr^dGTiaveT^ftt^ ^r^niMffihUiMJCiatps^un-ctiarfpjs^^ •-,’ •sorrMKJnfrllKOTTTjpin-a-80 brfT m i?^- salsaid,'"T he eviHeriec Ihey c a v e - conspiracy. jjti w?J'_.J-'n)-, J^ure J h e . ub ... William E^Colbysattl Wednesday. ^.warcanl.to conductuct a.wjrclnp. Where arc the __grm W n^out ot a SWI,()00 slush . us lo, \vork .will) _w as.. vecy___ 'tuiid‘~cn(|ed'Wcdno«lay. 'T he'-: ‘ •’decision was nnnie in pt> .•’Colhy.'s Ic.stimnny to llic- llmispp .SrIecI Com\ warrantsCtialthcNc National Securily ARcncy hns • The iddgc declared ' a " poor.” • - ...... n iiltif on inlulliRyiiL-e ;\c liv 'i(ifsv“wTinne hrsl~-wlieinriW din;nrini:•iiiiSKin n flm 'irof.’ip v '— ^ ------mistrial on lhe. deadlocked ac(|ullled of brilwry, receiving otdcini c'ondm ialloti Iti.'it random1 selections: nl Colliy; ‘T reallyIly Ihlnk we'would ^o Iwl'tcr to issues, (jurney said he didn’t unlawful compensation an(| intfrnaliiinal calls nre rmitincly’ subjected: lo discuss this in detailtail in executive session," figure lhe goveniment would - . ^ - ^ - v three Ih counts of lying lo a ■ su rv cillan n ' by tin- I.'S. Inlelli,llij'unce cotii- Aspln"safd th e pr:practice "seems to me clearly - allempl another trial. ■ Rrand jurj-. munily. illegal,'’ Tho six m en and six women "The governmenl had lls A n n o uuncing r The practlci' Is "a tiuar-viiilalallon" of Ihe '-ll was illefjala l In intercept m ail betw een i-;i)W Aiti)(;ri{M;v d, shot,” said Gurney, staunebesl Constiliilliin, rtfvnl .'luprcmc Courtirt ruilnRs and people in tlie Unitedllcd States and abroad, und lhal deadlocked on two counts - 7-r> t h e b p e n iling n j of th e fedcml wirdappitiK Uncs. said ilepep. Ues Aspin, was terminaled,"" A Aspin noled. ‘ ''*Hul il Is c lea r . . . ii(’(|iiilt<-cl • ' torfc ae(|utltai on the consp^iracy _ defender of former I'residenl D-Wis. nui Colby dlsiiRreed. Ihere is still lIleRallRallty gohiR on h e re and th a t is ' counl and ‘J-:! for cotwlclion on '‘’Uichard *' Ni.\on on the ------unolherHI counl of lyinR to a' WalcrRatoCommltlee So secret are lhe aclivjtlcs off the I National thecaschere." J e r o t kod alwurNM-lwcnuse he' is om e T"SW }riiyAgpnry=txsAi“iii3i£jhcho”cammlitcp"~- Colby syas asked headed'l)y Rcp. Olls 'Cir Plko.' D-N.Y.. 1 was nol' onfy iirecforor of-the Central-Tnlcllinence unalite'lo obtain a copy of Iht* dirercctive -soltiiiR ARcncy but alsoso Is direclor of Central In'- ChiropractictiG Clinic ■ 7 up NSA und defining ils m ission un'mill It Issued a telllRencc. whicliil mmakes him Ihe presidenlially- Probers5 eye< CIA waatchdogs subpoena for Ihe docum ent on Tues(^sday. designaled leaderer cof all the aRencjes Jhal make ews iiniler ii'viuw Ulit; Hep l.iicienN.Ned/i.D-Mieb, j s t 4 t h Cnlliy's discliisiirejilHiul ovorseseas telephone up the U.S. "Intcllif!!lllRcnce com m unity." ...... O'ChicoRo D oily News Augusl s of Ihe Mouse , . C hairm an Otis Otl G. Pike, i)-N.V., ol Ihe In- ___snrv-eiflance came stinrdy.aftor.Pik‘ike opened the Som e luRal expexperts believe a loophole In, WASHINGTON - M i'm bers of InlelliRbnfeYommiltee have starlecaried totakenim lelligcnce eomnnmiitee hlli lefnv. doubl timi he' ' fifth day ot pulilic liearin'Ks onm lnlelliR(?nce federal w irelappinjlinR laws permit NSA lo monitor ” 113 W est MAain, ai Jerom e I al'a fcw of their fellow iawniakeriikers durinR the believes the (piiiluallly of congressional cheeks on .spending, anil lurned over Ihe c)iiestio(iinR qi of overseas lelephoileoile calls by IntercepllnR radio j" Inquiry Inlo abuse.s by Ihe CentralIral Intelligence IheCIA was Inacladequale. Colby lo Aspln. .si^nal.s from leiclelecommunlcnllons salelllle.s, . P h o n e 3 2 . 4 - 8 3 4 6 Accncyand other federal spying’ grmm.s.grn ______fU'p. Dale MMilford. D-Tex . a’-conscrv»live . ----- 1—Aiipi(h-wiK>-tippi«l'4‘lllly-kNirtHHi.«0wiiuMJytoiljuif— fiinciMliat-u.puUUniUnvolvu aclually tappinR Inln.a------d TarRelcnl for eritieisni are lhethe biindful of - m e m b er ol lliee panel,p w om ed lo sliare Uial view ^ for AfTpoir /lhe NSA practice durinu .secrcl Iestimony I on wire. jointment senators and repru.seutative:i who.wilo.were assigned In a statem ent1 al W e{lnesday:.shearlng..' - ...... Tuesjlay from Df, Albert Hall;ill. A ssislanI But neilher Colh.'olby. nor Aspln provided -nny ^ Ihc re.sponslbility of providinRR congressionalcr "O ur inlelliReiRe'nce com m unity sim ply cannot Secretary of Defense for IntelliRenI'nce. nailed il delall.s In public sc'.s;M'.ssion nl>oul the cx act m ethods l e s F e n t o n overslRhl on Ihe CIA arul thelhe Intelligence ael as ils ownn judge] atul J u ry ," Milfor----- .veiJied~oiue “pni'rT^or~niii^nr wccn American clllzen.s and pwpli[lie in foreicn Heforc Ih t' com'mmilt«-e n \venl inlo exeeuliye th e Senate I'. Sen. S luarl U’. .Syminm inglon. D-.Mlil casu ally iif.spet former secretary of the .\ir Force..•e. InlhelIou.se.Ii telliReneeuctivilivilles amle.vpendilures." counlrlcsV" Aspin asked, session to hear_S'■_secret-.porlions- -of. C olby’s, "The agency dm‘s monitor foreiRii foi com- Iestim ony, m em berbers of lhe panel established tiie'm aii whoM'^actions iitul'iniTeinaeiions -• a re munlcalion," Colby said tbal Iheir own forrr:irmer Chairman, Hep. Luclen AsDin: "Ilow do vou define foforeicn corn- N<'d/i (t).M ich .i,. h:had lieen Ihorouuhlv brlefea — j 1 5tc-and-tmtawful-;icti\-Ttic':rb>-T-=; Spmidmjighk bYOUR-J}ONVENIENeE=::E"Tr"-T-7-y ------Colby T~ “ lf-il~is-rt>mniimif:il ioron-liia!-H(K.*s— the-C cnlrnl-lntciltRlltRcncc-ARcncy-more-lhnn a ------.ibroadorisabroad."...... Y fijriUtl, ,______rtre-hr!pfTnR!r“ tfrdehti}“ -in-WiH------m r , '" ______■ ll) i)f)lh N)‘d/i, vv)i(> > = -PRINT!B-Seftl!VE^ — - A s s o fio d *170* o n d VhopeV: - Colby; "On Mime oeeasiiins thatal cantiol tie' (he Ilouse Armed.•d .Services: snibcommillee on -— m m Many mulii-color prints $‘|88 .separaled from tbe (raffle lhalal Is iH'InR in le lliR e n c e ' over?■erslRhl, and S e n . S lu a r l Rog. S 2 :5 0 ...... ■...... mnnilored. It is teehtioloRically imm posslble lo .SymUigto'n, I)-Mo.. Ih^n I acting chairman of lhe ■ separare."'"- ' .Senale Armed ServiTvii-es Commillee,' Colby said ■_ I ' Aspin: "Mr. Coltiy, under Ihe pnirocedures of he read tn'SymlnRliiiRlon from a briefinR book hul ' PARK AVENUEN U E H O S IE R y Ihe taw whv Is lhal nnl illegal?" lhal Nedzi "sat dowiown and read the w IioIp ihinR " Slight irregulors, control top. SlTghf if.fogulorT’PofVilon■n ponlyh'osopo . '. , . . 788"^ Comlon fop shoor kneo-highh i g h s ...... 2 f o r 8 8 ‘

■ ^ S A — ------______T F f T ^ MiNiS^NDAtS Naturol cowhide uppof. II I %'^.f Nogoiive h eel ......

- r --^g = f= y ^ -SPE<»EaA-H------" "CHILDREN’S SHOES ‘ Rog. 10SI2.99, • _ ».iTr>»-. fl--, ^ 1 , - IR N E S S ^ broken. Boys' and girls , , , | M p 8 0(OOTS MM lADIES’ .V-NECK CARDlGi Famous brond. solids and? » t g a a je x p e ririen ce _ — — loi'ctc^ol-ocryfic:------iflccs------Rog. to S 18 .0 0 . . . - ...... • Com pi co mf o r F ^ ~ ______lUNlOiUNMlRI^ ------5ii.o(jih t ilt in g stu rm ylc------the'<^gind andd proven __ZI _ :___,l«i>its, Solid c o l o r s .! . L ____ most cotrifortirtabl^sKo©::^-"^-.-® ----- Rog. SIO.OO.: ...... ,

______in Q tnel e i i c n ------: = ------^O Y S T TfUTMEN’S lil BELTS / ______F.amQui-bmndJ.meii-.teitJcQlhiiLdcsigns______-^O-dapwallHes?St - - • Theloiosiest, most comlorioblo leisure Boys' Reg. to $4.50iO ...... $ 1 .6 6 ' \ suil. ICO lhe comiort of lightwoight u up p p e rs , Cush- Exporioncf I), -* • E x p c n l y ttailored by fomous M en's Reg. to $7.5050 , ____ -..$1.66-- - isolcs. soft foom'bock and floxii}xib|o podded ioncd insi f .’Mustong.ig- oul-solos,5, ll you oro nol sotisficd ihol our>ur Eosy S troot -« A h a n d ssomo o solcction ol solid ' MEN’S & BOYS'fS ' TUBE SOCKS H illsdolosIS ore iho bosi fitiihp or'd moslsl comfortabloc c o lo rs. C o in lo f lob lo -stt.ttoich olc lubo socks. - f>lo46regularpnd38lo-S6 ...... sh o o s you)u hovo ovorrworn. bring them bocbock and we'll Boys' Req.‘3 for S3.013.00. . 3 f o r S 1 . 6 6 re fu n d your yc monoy! Sizes 5 ' j -9, SN.-N-M. - C olors: ______M en s K eg. ii for siT.i> 3 .5 0 .. 3 t o r $ 1 . 9 9 " com ol, &r^]TuoS'blcicT,’- ’ ~ - - moo >1 MEti’S«Y S^S'DNOERWEAR ’i ------Slighi'ftogulars ol)l T shs iris a n d briefs. a s i Boys' R eg.j3 for_$3.3‘3 .3 9 . . 3 for $1.99 w ...... Men~'s Reg. 3 for $4.4>4.49 . 3 for $1.66 BOVS’ KNIT SHIRTS ------S i » e i 4 l o 7 , ------_ _Jjjnqjind-shori_iloo..(©.— ----- f?og, S4,00 ...... ■ .. _BEAC0N..B1ANKETS-— % ------b o lc n . ■------/ ■I — H 6lyu'.lei bld<1kol.------'' Blue, green or yoNowT '■»COWJIO«l|HOfKl "U p ® Rog. S6 0 0 ...... s 'y\ I Womon's Nylon Quilt POLYESTER DOUBLE GIRLS lONG.DIG D R E S S E S " i HANDBAGS Our finesl collectionion oof girls'drosses ' ' • Top quolrly vin/l hon-Ji)(itj\ // PANT COATS KNIT FABRICS • Eiqh? Ia\hionobl» \lyyli>v sizes 4-6X Reg. to $8.i$ 8 . 0 0 ...... $ 5 .9 9 • OuiUod nylon loilofo 'r Do lOur own Ihing with ihn • Roof"/ci'loriorj. «»tto • Futi nylon Fining prr>at oi^orlmorx' ol 'oU corrporlmonli sizes 7*14 Reg. to $10.00$U ....$ 6 .9 9 . i i - • 5*>YBral i>'arp >tylp5 • Comtrl-brick btocli.minV * ' "^y/ j /' / qrcy qreo" ^ MiHCl holl f- $166 Co^por. ■ 5jjgg ' casual knee highs Rog $10888 54.98...... I yd. Orion Acrylic. Ono sizo , $30.00 ...... IZ fits oil. Assortod colors. SI7.00 ...... D ------R>g . S2,0 0 ...... 99°: WJ.'- MEN'S ■ ,W0HEN’S2PC.PANTS!T SU ITS l y J ^ POLYESTER Polyosior diublo kniis. \ CO RD ^ii^^O ' - H I ‘ ' ' ' 3 sty le s. DOUBLE fui!e\ Rog. St7,00 ...... 1 ..^ IMHS

( "liRLS'lACiM e t s ^ ^ F o m o u s b ra n dI. . SSev e v e ro l s ly lo s . ^ .sizes 2 to 6X. Reg.. to $ 2 0 ,0 a $ 1 0 .9 9 1 Bon M orchdM oln St; 8'2ndid St, E, B o x e s ' I '■ ■ ■ ‘ ■ . ’ : ■ ■ S izes-7 to 14. Reg. to $28.00 $15.99.'.'. I Twi_n f ttls , |d a h c ^ _ _ - _ • ■ _____ ;_LI______CANNON T O W E tP rN n m a , -J-- [ r ‘- ...... I A d d r e s s ______— — r - • C . 2nd color II ...... T _____ • Eoti^wpormn ------—j-p(oosQ odd-atirSniTirDf-ldidoho'TOlonqx ------;------, LEnUCE EDGE SCARVESP-S , S'jBS-- -I------^------■ W o ih c r o th ' Solid colors and patlerns ____ I Chorqo Check .Monpyly p r d o r^ ______1 ______...... D J —^ Shorp loll color »rt«clinn J — . ____ : - ...... : S ^ 4 q : ------Rregr52r50-r- . 7T“ , — r

- I v r " .------'.:-CHARG£r £ n JO D M AT THE.BON.MARCHE'H£. No.atcouni?. • - • JJu s l call 7 0 4 .4 8 0 0 fCr y o u r applicjiicoM on. fHE IDAHO'DEPARTWEIENT STORE - ON^ THE-^E-HA1:L - DOWNTOWBWN ;

_ v_ ...... ‘ ' ■ ■...... I J a c o b s e n I ducks cht 1—-^TTrTThuf»d»yrAugu5rTr19T»^lnn}iTUTOS^BwrTwift Failsndah o - i r — Larges I GOP aaides want fegearly convemntion ® Newhouse News Service Accordingly, it was learned u,, the site selection gfoup. a n d a L __ Ch J?y_lJS;st£ ^ W - A S H I -NUS^T 0 N— ------— from—party—Bourccs“ who“ ^ll,’j _Chalnnaa-Uary.'Loulsc-Smlth'___ ate nabs hilinL__ ^ 1 the same-llmc entertain a to advance the convention to Republican Party officials. ' ■ refused to permit lhcm.selves rnrequest from ,-National_____AuAlip Ifi - - ______— ^AtiSTiNTT(ijfnupi5"-'rtr i pmsecufcJacobwn on charges - brbribed Q)nnaTly w ith SIO.OOO to I —feariirr^ntcmal-rdlsscnston—— l^^bHdent)fied:------rclum for Jake Jncobscn’s of c misapplying savings and help he raise federal milk price - I after the selection of Ihe 197C - The Site Selection Com- •- Icstlmony-aBainst his former loan I funds, susupports. I ticket and awed by the com- mlUee for the 1976 convention "A n I ' i n - M =- ' friend' John Conn'nlly ^ the . Connally, n former Texas A district court grand jury in I . plications of the new federal - will ta k e a secret ballot on federal Rovcmmcnt refused to governorf ond prcsidentlQl San Sa Angelo Tuesday returned I election statutes, will ask 'the Sunday, Sepl. 7, lo decide - ■ '.1 - ^ , ___■A^stnnUva!uacartment “ since the canal was dug more refused to prosecute a case , **'liiwnclil problems of bis . Jacobsenr was accu.scd of re thanaccnturyago, w T b u y , m isapplying on $82S,00() loan involving In Ihe'samc misap- **empire. Playboy EqierpriMt BANK DEPOSITOITORS PROGRAM Contracls for the Ihrcc-year” from the San Angelo: Tex.. fJllcatlon f51 ol funds' incidents J?Inc. Hetner said Playboy bad , SELL, TRADE ‘ FO n FULU PARTICULARULARS ANO CO»jiPLETE dropped neariy a million In projecl { have bocn awarded lo INFORMATION,I, WRITEWR OR PHONE; - Saving.*! & l^ a n A ssociation because l>J of Jacobsen’s ‘*{ two large British consstnicllon. - clm ilatlon but he was BtUl tops five years ago when he was a testimony te against Connallv. , firms. Constaln Lid. and In the (leld. (U P I)______' GUNS! DAN KAU member of the firm’s Iward of U.S. U. DlstrlclJudge Robert llill Tarmac Ltd.. which already 215 SHOSHONE ST. S, HUFFMAN T (1 BOXA, FILER. IDAHO3 ' Ph. 326.4630 directors. of of Dallas dLsapproved of the ______have I moved in equipment and In exchange for not being deal tie and ordered Ihe govern- IF YOU HAVE THE SERVICE, begun I making soli lests on tho 109Q »=., ..-v. JAKI-JACOIiSKN pprosecuted. Jacobsen told a ment m lo prosecute Jacobsen on ?, ClajsHloU Ad» oel you Itio . . . fiicL-n Iria! Washington grand jury he the tb loan charge, ^ k 0931 now! £Suez Clly. __ Vote actLsigned-----

WASHINGTON (U FI) - •'Tlicle right to vole is at the very____ ' foundation of our American syslcicm and nothing musl inlcrfcrc w llh this very prccious ri(;tU," P’resident n Ford said Wednc.sday as he signed a sevcn-ycar extcnsiislon of the. 19CT Voting nights rl“H filial frrabrief ccrcmonyHnthcWhitctc H o u se R o se G arden 10 y e a rs------tft -thP flay_ntt<»r-Prr.!;iriPnL.Lyfufa

. "Jn Ihe pnsl dtradc lhc volinijriri^ lsji//nillipnyof.Amcric.ins _ h av e been'prolccted and’our syiit\stem of government* has Been slr

— New qiiartei;r Aug. 18— — — WASHINGTON(UPJ)-Anew.V qu a rte r fo ra new century will J v A ''" ’ ' ' FIRST SECURI1RITY BANK bc put Into circulation Aug, Ift. _ _ — ^TluLiiccnLplcci:j.-llLdcplcLa.r(.revQlulionar>’-ilr;immeiiJjo>Lon ____ the back, Instead.of thejvmcrlclean eagle, and will keeiv the ' likeness of George WashinRton onin Ihc front. The coin will have th e d a t o 1776-1976 below the hcad^d------Tho ^ r to r it tho toobnd-ofUhr filc w -^ • — tennlal. The half dollar was issi;sued a month ago. and a new version of the Eisenhower dollar wwill come out inOclolwr. Tho half dollar has Kcnhedjdy's head on the (ront and ------‘ ^ c Philadelphia's Indc^ndence HallillM the back. The'dollar will hBvrPwlght n Fisfnhnv.pr’s-p ’ UbcrtyBcllsuperlmposedonthef; face of th e moon on the back, Tho quarter will be distributedd to banks next wcck-and Iw In- „. usestartlnB A ug. 18, [WB I F ■ h______------

" ' ''til.T I®1 =ABAHHGHEGK i . , . b I I^GUARAHIEECA!)ARD? | ~ tn B ' ^ u ;s ; d : a . j « c c » , ■ s L Th>le1lowlngborilr>ei>^y»wr<>.lec o (hM < prevent ■ CHUCK I" ______; f _ C, ^ ' ,1 , ' T,' ’ ’ t,';. -’''"IC,.,; • ‘nro,. B ROAST I ‘•'" d a s , , , . . . ' - J ^__IdaBankCan

- l u ^ i c JiiiiN'.' I I 'l- m i II j>M.,i'f

a q A . . . ^ ------U .S : D r A 7 C H O T C E ------W 3 l-S E . , V CENTER CUT /OO r a y V p a c t : ■ . a __ -- I g S g S '***•— ... ______!on?, ------^ /M V i I Jenny Lynn n 16 oz. k m . P.55SO,, •■ -ss.?:*.!- s edit V L PH-7 PROTEIN v - r : I f I jHAMPflO. 4 4 * ^ ! ------: - - Large Slicing i IDAHO OEM - TOMATOES I AnUTIDH BUSINESS COMMUM O lttM H ------^ ------_ For moro Informollon oion thli ptpgrcm. - , T-ww aeiiifbiim w n call your local bonk orr ttKo Twin Foils • M f ( i# Chombor e( Commorco::o: 733-3974

- ^______* GREEN PEPPERS...... T r.T .iono^!' )R YOUR PROTECTKION AND O U RS...I I IGA ! SAUDDRESSING .... I MAGIGIC VALLEY CHE1ECKCASHING; POUCY REQUIRIRES THIS APPRCROVAL: I JGA40FT— - -- ’ MARGARINE...... IPound Pkg. 49* ...... i i. mnID BANK GUARANTEE CARD- C; PERSIINAI ClCHECKS i m TO: ■ LErPTEASETMlilEWliill*L * - ' oceompc I IGA :ompor>lod by your porsonal chock Amouni of purchrchoso unloss — —-T— *->-r“ ^opprovB dt)yT *D i -JLY00R.8AIIK;-..„™ ';Two-Pjjftylpor»onot.cho^»______:______===y^»T06r*«^6y^IW Mhofr^«aiJby*------WARANfEEilARDrfflEH-- ‘ • 'N on-Perionallxed" or counlorItor cchecks ------■ — £ U | ^ - — rPAYRllr&-lrlO lllEN T""^ jERT:Tir2ror3, ______H Idoholoho Oriwort s liconso wilK picto'o plot or checks - . ' ■ Mull hova.mononogomontopprovol.' ----- r - o n)« e ol tho• lollowlng: F, >5.00 SERVICE CHARGE ON aMMoior oio Cfodil Cold •, ,, ...... , \ H <-ompafty Of Miti«gTr>;0. — ——- — REnrtNED-CHECKS------r p M A E H 3. Slotoclota chock cashing cord'H«'nb«r {C our1irSo<»«hldolwCHotTifa«rnb«r iof ^ n w t r e * ) — ------:■------3 . SiqtPTo ro tCrfldjl Cord— ------:------liAiiicif i ■ m m m m IN SOUTH PARK . • ■[ . — — IN^COOWiOW »TIOtHIW TH M »» r a s SS5SSB5|ro55•M, ±AmwHwomwm\ p y r - ' Cows In lhc Untied Slates • 12 Timoo-News.Twin Falls, lilaho Thursday. Auflusi 7. J5'5 WonderiiiR^whal lo do with ' . leftover hard'-cot]uality protein lo salads, cbcow annuaIly~CIoscsl7C0m= MILKLK EQQI OKO0ND KACHCt UOUM ORAN1*0' tUOA* VCLIOW sandwich lillinRs. dips, p pc ctltor. cows In , tho ■* NctheHand.-:. yield lO.lKl tt p«i CHOCK An®; »»«• ■•>»>. •w!£‘ s > Ik. ONKWt . "c re a m e d .d is h e s , s a u c e s ," * N( ca^rolcs , ,, nefrlRerated In pounds po yearly. ■ q « V I 1 tx»x. Ib . [ S S w » » : » e » I t . “ the -shell hard-crxikcd c ru s will- .49 .59: »1.3B■3B . 5 9 A t .,'25 2 $ I .M $ a .W _ kei^p k« for •'it least .'> weeks.

By A bigail Va'an Burlen •• ■ o .t lm i______■ 3? . 9 9 1 .2 9 1-99.99 .63 .97 .333 1.3? a.46 e llf»tTChk»*oTfn>uM-H,V.l,V.H»-»*j-><)..lpe^ • " . .40. 4 0 .79 .89 t..696 ^ .65- --69- —y 3 3 " T . 4 9 ~ ■ - - — ^ ■ ■ n ^ fl^ t f f *y_ .h{)Ust jiiir t ^ iwitt • • ■ -Ttairww* Jiar: .73=. 1709^-Hr9S ? a » - - I .M Siiturday givon by n youn^ womunan w ho w orks w ilh m e, ll'm -• n'23-ycarold divorm-,). Cliiclniull .4 .46 B 6 ^ . V. 2 4 9 9 ...... - 6 3 . 8 5 .33 . 3 1.39 V9S~ ^ ------/Vfttihcr'cfmrt-lnflkl.ng-piyintntroduced himsclf-nnd-sntd;— ------____ j:Bnc9X il,N .H . _____.43_^.7-3__LA5L4 3 L .l.WIJg- -liM - — Jig : i-i J a : : i j M - _ weorinK fulsies. nnd_l sny you're•e not. If you p rove il u> me. lhc $20 iH yours," D i l U t ,.44 4 4 .55 1.19 1.1<1.19 .56 .83 ^ : 1.19 .1.89 i-34. und I d o n 't need folsies. Tl so happens Uiul I a m aH-2G-J SPORTSWEAR 1 , so I said, "You win." Tlicn I i)urgti~ . 3 9 .7 5 1.12 ______U1.53 .63 .95 2 1 1 . 3 9 2 » 9 reputntlcin. Portland,Ore. .4 4 . 6 3 1 .0 7 2.18 2.1 .7 5 1 .0 4 ).^$l 3.^ ' 1.59 1.15

^____ R i l e t g h ~ ~ ..50 5 .73 .97 1.99 1,< .59. .78 ____ .■■12. 1.49 1.99 ______SenFraiici«o .3 ^ 6 .6 3 . 8 8 ______M1.99 .55 .89 .35 1.49 1/39 ~SI.Loult. ~ .4,43 .78 1.29 ______U1.89 .56 .89 Tie T 1.35 i.4S - Q uick peek Wattilngton .47 .4 ,75 1.09 1.55 l.i .65 I !/69 2/ 1,77 1.19

f o o l i s h S Special S p X , . . No A v a i l a b l e P r i c e s • . . . . " - tf — ^'-''7^?^:^ nEA JU VUU^l^Wheii-doiia-a-a3;iHithi:i.JUJUl'>LJ_,nnj_71,______B e e f/c hi]G h R en7 e gigs c said B(>arqalns luive w orked iti facTories for 'M ye yi ars rffid b av e ra is e d 'th rw ’ ------sons ninnc nfternn‘cnri\^divorcc;•cr-'i'woof-mvboytt-urefini-.------B y JE A N^ N E E b U E S E M ------—c' centii.lnJioslu()-U';u;-2U.ci’nt);-at)o>:»vo.thc-avcrago.-Thp-hlRh Mill------z T k ______U P lF o oPdEdU d E d or______representsn a protein b-irnain withitira .servinR of twocg^;s cosllnR ■“■Somp'.'.iii'pUstiiiJ l).Ti't;.itTis*wrp^iTrr-iw nilnW c-iiH^u|H ‘rmHrkel?*— — w . . under thiiU.I. bill, but his bii; (iriIrenm w as j;e n in t; inlc* show ijcrass ,j^‘ lljt* ( !nll£*d .Sl;)le.s Iht.s week—.(.J;— iM'ef: rhickenande^lK s------—...... ■ -The .New York Cily D cparlnicnl:nl of CoiisumccAff.nirs snld the an bul not K<*«d enough lo ' ___ buaim;55.JI,l.; lim e, whicli Is n il’II luTwiirsTlTle-farn ------pound In a Ixis AnKele.s n u rk cnFdlliRenlsTirGraiiOnplds: t a n d ------—ir bst-^^•ec^frpartl^H«.THme-mnny•ny-fllorcs-trv-its-murkel-bnskct ------1 hnve lost trnck of nil the mrnonoy Mel bas cost me, It .1 Wllh ail a v erag e ,o| W c e n ls jt.. ssam ple offered beef speciajs, anilIII .somef had pork spcclols. ______like nil I do is dniw monejey outaof ibe bunk for him.- Mtdj. and Honolulu, conipjirod will Z r____L Fliniir Ciiifjuenheimcr. consumcmer affairs commissioner, said , My-incotne in only'S^r.O n nio'nihih, and I om'ealinf' up my pO'pound Ixsl M orch Hi. lhe base wvtck eek lo1 r ^ ’l's rcnular sirrvey of , foefood prlccs In sek'ctcd U.S. tnarkeKs.kel.s. tbedrop apparently occurred beca■causc of consum er resistance. n e st egg. ACTION SHIRT Mv olber sons tvll.iiie I anuif.M'ool nnd tbal Mel run uitrk if _ (Chickon prlccs alsr) have tH'cntl incre.'isini;itK steadily, but wliole______O flseltini' Uie.se de rrea ses w asIS ai ID cent Jump In the cost of a ^tiU V n n is [<>. rfbey biivell^h seiiliiniInrm<)nV.\''butT'iive-up:) ------"ITroiler'fFyOrsiTn MiliHor aslllirt'^i~'l!l'i;i~'l!1“ nd':n'ceiiTs'’ni)JiTliKlTtl'i:nS^==Tl-•fIvcTinnnd-hnrhf-siiBar.-llnwcvci Mcl con sell, bul he hales to ^el upuj in the morning und work Angeles nnd Dallas, and fu to *>'J'J centscenl in .Jacksonville, Fla .San ,S, Sl.(l7 in l-os Anfjeles, com pared withwi the sV^fi avcrnRc in Mnrch. • : 4" collar, revere front,nt, Ilong sleeve, one 11 rcRUlar roulino. He still tbinksks be' can niiike it in show pj.Francisco and Uircc olher cities,-•s. onlyonl a few c en ls belnw lo nne lillom iluln's $l H7 was the week’s biKb.hij . . !' b u t t o n c u ff , r o u n d e:d d pcpocket, hdhger pack, . ... business. cent alxA'c the M c enl'averaue lastlast .March.M Shoppers seekinji prolein barRirRains were advised by Cornell A dozen larRC [iraile A eniJs \vere~ivere only r>:i c ents in l.os Ani;ele.s Tl:nivcrily i;otisuiner Eduealionon pioRrain lo snop arounii lor never niarried. Wbal oni I to do?d< I H aplds and .la'cksonville; Kla . canned c s.'ilmnn. sardines, luna andai chicken, ll forecasts some MOTHKH hOVi: - and .V. cents in ftallas', Cnmd Hap cocompared wilh lhe March average•ane oof 77 cents, bul the htnh of '.til sspecials nt -19 to fu cents a |)ound1 forff whole l>rolkT-fryers. ■ L-es because ol wheal sales to the DEAR MOTHKR: Don't sen.nd Mel iinother penny! lie Rise.s anU t'ipaled In flnur price> ------probnbly-ncvcr-*UiduiLillLA.jubH ______I______SSoviet I 'nuin w ere not vt‘t ap pareiil'in a n Uie I.T1 survey Alive- ___ hnve lo—Mother would supportt Ihim. Tell him thnt j im.iire 'p o u n d haR w as only <>H ci^ils in AtlAtlanta and, in 21 cities, on a par llll to p p e d out. Y^ilTTrarisn sport .w s ith th c SI a boR averaRe last M;March.ThehlRh.SU'J. wasina , 1 Nol everyone cun do whnt he• wuntsx to do (or » livhtK. in inidlown markel InNew YorkCitj'ity 's borou^jh of M anhatlan

b ecam e a nffnn. A nil n t 77. younu'vr enrnrd u rest. ^ children to:o circus w M J

— —TW liV—F-AUl.S ■■ An ■ op' ~ l ~ - .DE;AH ABHY: l7.ii.7the leteil^ir \vrillcrwl)y the .lady who . — ------T i - N - P h o nies^33-fi931 i porlunily lo attend theI(. 'durhiKllieday. BANK CAROS ______^wfla._tijlcLofLwlien_a!n:-mibtuok-,k_xJiLtlLJjuv_fur-aJ:iiicii.hulc ____ j — HinRlinR- -H rn th e r'r~ lln rn iimTl------The ~ ■■ bus-w iii lenvr th r V - - —- ...... - ( O r u s e o uir r loU -free lines)— ------— 1- ••pirl" in the supprmnrkel.------In tfio L y n w o o d ...... w i i c n r ' — nnri-Hnilr\~(’imis tn the SailII -*-ii;:U) a.m . Auk. il arid.rcluni When I was a kid. I renienibi'biT fjoinj; 1(1 the carnival, and J Palace, .SjJll l.:ike Cily, is Ithe sa m e tlay al .ilxiut .'i p in for 2r)». a rniin wouhl t;ue>s y’e*inu^i tip .ic------R% Tryiinr'hn‘> ii 'p rnhtcnr” \VlV hnt \ ~MTTipr*-h‘nr - n-pprgnTni1------■'Cityf Au« :•;{ lor the circus!!

^ ■

SHOES , O ' / ■’Downlown • -- ______T w f h F o l U : ix : \ M f ■, Be Brief," tho now Janlzon conlrol Sports CA7C Boy Log \ trO R Averoge-l

' \

m ' | H

HutVy ctt'pov ore hofc the W im yoeriopniaoJ“

loolly down to dsia.lt wilh ililching golort*gol ond V.0II1 »oltly Cfnpp ___ ' »oio»*lov JuJutt giooll Bucklo In bionn S20. ■ , No-Soom doublo i , tlOr tio S;0 b io k n it \ In1 thtthe Lingerie Room No-Sol»fn full pad bra ‘ soft cup bfo'wifh , * a tt th

sp^ni guest speaker Tuesday ffi ■ durlfg an evening mcfllliig.ln [;■ — Ilie^noundiip-Room of the— K noM i^nllotcl ______9 f - ’ ilSlcn Beard. ' a world H traijjer and speaker' from M Auif^alia. will. uddrc»i.. Ihe B 'T 7 V .« groMp. Ilcservallons m u il bc n . maScIorthcprogranirandwill S CURLY be Jicecplcd no laler Ihan B SHORT>RT STYLE WIGS M o rta y . by calling 734-3093 o r “ j ' ■ , 324$374 lnJ: Jcrnmp.. Jhp . mc^lngwHlbcheldat7p.m. LORANAANlitKSUN !.< ------r£RRI BURCH ------EUENCbOPER 7 CINDY EUSON ^ SUSAN PAYTON ' Iftlcn Beard Is a well known V.. Bur/ey K/wan/s ... Bur/ey LJons ' Declo lions . . . M a l t a lio n s , , , B u rley R o ta ry - go^icl speaker. She te lls o( her I ' Special savings t(ni.caploss ,cap curly wigs. Perfect tixi^rlences In finding Chrisl foil ond summer cut. r^eot lopered neckline, a s a n ■ an sw e r, lo h e r alm o st hoffless sllunlion. Given up to hive cqmpee t e fo r Solura modocryllcc fiber,fib' the wash and wear : y H E B3 0 N IVIA ...... w ondorthot novorf fri:fr1«os7l6^naturol-colors:------die?she suffered chronic asih- ' i - I i C H E ' ma. pleurisy, pneumnnin, • U ur*i r« tU v # l ' brnnchill.s a n d bleeding lungH Cassia fairr q u e e n and kidney. She was heali'd Tw in Falls an i witnessed iniraclc alter, , _ Horsemansliip (rials aro m igicle through her rdig io n . BURLEY I’ive young . . I will Ih> i-umpi!llni3-iiL Wednesday morning at the _ ------Wl!Thranl>-min)hher-rx* ------“ ------Q,------this y e a r’s (Jucen ciHitest. al . i'f< ='" ■ Wednesday evening. They also Ju d g in g begins Monday wilh I ' -______|ithe queen’s breakfasl, where will "'II lake part In rodeo per- th e ew>h?st;fth d»jMMHUM4>r6ar>i.pa r >y.a t— L .. ^nm m nntly pl>.nl.- ' SllS iiitan^ay’ton.^18. d a u g h je i^ f r h ^ fiome'~'Moh

______- J j l H E B t O N I V I A ]F ilC H E ^ — M A\\ t w i n F a lls V _ V ______

______IT~.. , s - Vk.. V ftl

------5 S S

- - ~ T - f p _ ^ - ^ / / i ^ 5V \ = = ¥ 5 e j m S ■ I ^ 5 = ^ regitgular length save on \ ^______ladles coats classicc c a m e l — ------l^iesparit^ts hairlir c o a t s ^ 0 9 9 ______ra g . 8585.00 O T ---- r«g7^80;00 6 C h o o se;e fromfi o greot selection of U n trim m o d roguloilulor length coots In a !All woys' right fashion coots coc in six ponlcootsDOts in a v o rle ty o f fa b ric s a n d ______r ______lo rg o s e le c tio n iof tweeds, wool r-5oltdj-and-_tw.eeds.—Double plush, double'~S & singlo Breasted ^ ------stTtom nd'Two-tongthsrYi;7~YpuH-find- •' -. — colorsr-5o ■ T" ___ jusf the fight stylojoryoulul and singitingle breasted. Tio belts ond - styles in fall foshloth lo n sfio d e s . .______ilreelireel-levol m lttet tiie t m o re l

EUROPEANI % I Wl # « I « CQNNECTICDN H i FROAAFARA\H H ’ -As comfortable as o ld friends!— — Faded blue denim jeansj€ that I ^ H k have been pre-washihed to JflM ____ ' give you the, soft wc/o rn S H n . look that everyone ' i r . - 'i''''. likes. European cut r - s j •> . I offers-o fantastic . ______~ :-„„M I)O H DROPS B fit. Plop waist “• ______-iM U lTlPlLillSnREAGTIOII , L pocket. Sizes 28- SKIHCAREBYlbyreyioh:. 3r6. 16.00/17.00. ; | i P i J ^ 1 0 0 N 50 with Moon Dropj I i MMApurcha»owit silver plate I j 2 m M DROPSU------.Purchose; tlie; Smo i iiii'r iio r >ia>iC f<» W ■I*'" ~ l i ^ l o w aire r e by leonard || you will T«c«iv» Multipl* Moll • — ond for ^50 ytm F r fimi Ton.r,-plu. My;" Draw (- - r n * ™ ” ray lp«Hum* Ql3ni"T* w®nl Perlume Spfoy h> molilurliar lor your ikln on< 12.50). Try lh# IT Sliver plate 8 cryitoltol 3-pc.1 talod sal. Bowl valuel Under mok*up moisture I L JR O ^ receive Ihls'volu inO-Tnr'dlcjmeter.-r,- 9V«-In^^ silver ploted /d ry 4,0VR'6:00'Atol.lu™ bil" jM O O N■ J fjjfr f film, normal/dry ■ ' , \ \ \ \ ■ \ ■ ■ \ servers. 10 cup sltt" R '”!’* ------r------teM-4roy-20.00-li.00.;.po. Chipp«KiN MARCHE. No occowrrf W crft coll- ...... 14 T(m03-N0ws, Twin Fol/s. Idaho10 Thursday, Augusl /. 1976 —^PatriciaHk " I * I I (jicy.plaE L njJ3 L lids.p=too^ WASHINGTON (UPH - An1 “The response has been . In addition to giving worriedI D-Ohlo.I h a s crttlclzed the cmcrgcncy government plan1 trem endous," a Goodwill ot- homecanncrsanolherposslblc h ‘ (Goodwlll-Commerce projoci, lo help meet lhe shortage off flcial said, adding lhal nearly &soufte of supply, the'planI . w’ ondering b r id e o fB c□ifarcl~“ I : -m enl was able lo get lhe lids home canning lids is running? oil -; (the group’s supply Is Pprovided employment for the 'i KIM BfCnnr-P.ilridJiAnn were llghled »)y Pam Hen- sh o rt on lids seven days a ltc c li^i--.fllffiadxffCnKmiM[airt;" —^'hsntdlcappedr ;ii r-^~ -when no one else could. Hcndrtcks und^Jon Bnllard d ricks and Kelly ncndrick.s, - offci-ed 2.7 mlllion-of them forr ’TH'C. project w as'a The Goodwill official said hc! , "Whfre arc Ihcsc lids lo cxch^in(;ed wedding; vows July Mrs. I^ls Marlons, orgnnlsl, --^saic;-* ...... • cooperallve venture between . ddid nol know what lhe outlookc *■ come< from?" hc asked, “Are ■ .T25 in a double rinc.ccrcinony iti_ . a n d ~ Mr?r~~^Vilnniiiih Klifsev. ^ ------G o ad w ill— In d u s lrlc R —oI f------th - ff, C om m crce-D cpartm cnt—- _»yi5joiLobtalning.mQccJlds 51 ___ Ihev to comc from the Uic Ri'dccmcr Lulliernn vocallst7 >providod wedding Amcrica, Inc, said il Is sear­ and Goodwill, The charitable The 1 major canning supply/ • | produclion lhal mighl have Churcli, Kimberly. m usic. ching for more ]lds lo see if Itt ^ group arranged wilh Com- rmanulaclurers are workingI 'been distributed ihroughoul Rev. R..I. Scholz pci;formcd A reccpllon followed the can keep the project going. In1 *• mercc to buy lids from throe overtime c and hove allocation■> Ihenormalcha'ln?"' lhe ccrcmony kfore nn nllnr wedding,ccrcmony, A Ihrce lhe meantime, il plans lo send1 manufacturers and lo sell ssystems lo supermarkets In1 This y e a r’s production' of finnked l>y garden flourrs. tiered white cake decorated lids loday lo the 26,000 o r so1 them in lois of no more than^ coperalion in order to meelI replacem ent cap s and lids Tlib'l)ndin^lfil“driui’K lcr'or"~ wilh yellow ro^'s conlcrcd lhe ■■■■■ canners who got thclr. bids In1 ' 'laa lids'pcV request to any'ode what govcmmenl-oticials call1 ' estlmQtcd -to ' be neai^ly: 3 ' ------r.oorftlnm»-HcfHJr}cl(s.-Kim-— — Bince-the-projocl—was—on—— wriltnBTto-lls-hendquarler»*in—:— arrttlcal5 shortaBc:------berly. and Ixonnrd Hcndrlck.s, while chiffon covers .skirled ■" nounced last Thursday, Minneapolis. Rep, , Chorles A. Vanik, lids will not reach-consumers Onklcy. Mr. and Mrs, Jnck th e tables. G uesls were soated in time for this season’s Ballard. Wiilcliall. Mont., arc ol tables covcrcd with yellow canning. th c p a rc n lso f ihc brldcKroom. ■ and green cloths. (liven in marriage hyhcr Mrs. I^uisc Mathers nnd Dlspidy codor drives'i 'e m a w a y •. fnlher, iho bride walked down M rs. IxiUio M athers, aunts of “ — TrunmtciiigitT(rnisTnmT7rwni$— I-' -to-custonicis llidt Itluy either * - The odor pervading lhe new y e llo w ’and while Imws cn- Mrs, Fern i.ayton served avoided th e store .o r lef(I The wallpaper- firm ~is ' . je c Wnf r - l o s t ' ' 'tw ined wllh Ivy, Sho wore a full 'Toffeo and Mrs. Lois Vokes Peerless Wallcoverings Inc. shortly after eniprhm ii .v ,j slore in thisPlllsbiirglUyhucli— I profits and damages. Including ' . ' lenRthVlclorlani’own of while poured punch. Gerl Cun- i u l U tiH " f f i o i e d I r » ,142 for removal of all of thec _ S | | | B | E n eliiffon and Ince nccenlwl byi'i nincham, l/)rl Dean nnd Jullc againsl ihc alleged sourcc of ' t------th c sttnlr------!------bllli1 uiid^llClvtSi, chnpel tenglh Irain. ller.t>wgi-'<--. V ^ t . a ^ c d L w '||iniH>iM ' i x : According lo Peerless, c - , licred nylon- iHu.5tDri‘.y c il> ia «*«-ftpert?fRfiowcrs » and parlies i ------^_^_-\-_r.r_n.nn.n.n.nr chcmical engineer hired to ' ------»ii‘ld-by-a-crown-oLiac'c_:uid____ h n nore her f;randmothcr, Her tlie eoiiplc • will reside In . J14,G50 worlh of shelves and \ FRIDAY, AUGUSTAl 8 boii(|ucl w as of yellow m scs Boulder, Mont,, where Ballard show n to display bins composed of \ and white daisie.s, is employed hy.lhe cily police pressed board treated wilh; TU R QjU L O IS E ______CInilv Urcyli Wi-IN dcDnrtment. ______MR. AN D MRS.S. JiJON BALLARD______^Gqng&fer.s— was maid of honor iin Uiuiujn-Uiu->.— u ; GRAFF CORD STI ______IS------rUnder-lhc-ncw -pnltc\—un-— ‘ ------B a lla rd ___itaiidy_and_-Bill—I^q.wlnn !: .and., conduclcd ____ ------Kor-nexl-Mondiiy's niecttiig:— ;BEize£)&'Esmeea6i:E ■■■Universily.~unmarrie{I~l)lifcRE— marriedn bincKS'wiinje'atlo^I— ; Siclierl, ali.Moijlana. Candles d *' c m 0 n s I r ;i 1 i 0 n s . . ^ ■ also at.tlKLhom e of K ris Annis- _ II _ii, tlriiKttintii.wlll.UtidmiUwi whrn h 'claSie.'ibcftrn'Sl'pt.'n. — tlttic rsnti'\ciirtintT^ 5 T'fowarrtr~ ~ * ___ dale perstins of another race._____ *fllli/if; f o r a .wndiWch cake. A — ro.T-witt-al.W'bo-held-at-thnt— 4-H -projeG:t day set — - Untvcr.'slty-orriclals"'air• ------’ An oYflciaT with" tiio school r ~ nounced the chnnne in policv‘;..-_said' -_s, lhe.change.m policy was .'tinie * for moihers of cluh nOGEnSON’^PIansTor'a'corhrh m V n lly f-n project (lay. to be ' af after iho Inlernal H cvenuep. prompted.by..a.federal.court .. ’ 'm’eml)ers^___ ' - ; ■ held Friday at iho Tlireo Creek'Sdicliool w ere announced_ today_ by_.'... Sorviccrirulcdllllial^diodlil—rSo ii— rulinR—which—snid—nn ------ad lh e SaRC Chic 4-H club. . adm ission policies could resull^ educational

______•» ■ , _ shed 2 3 the in look for Bacck-lo-School m Yoi, tho Moylolf hok pro-waiiQthod donim t gnd mi/«lln jooni ___ oil , 5 10 15. From' $ l? .9 5 .lo ■ \ / . SIB.OO. Molch Ihcm up w ilh» rnow loTT ropi in mutlm. domm ._ ... . • ------, . oavllrkniironfieBrp^ms-FrFrDrrr<3:«trDp-----'------tr :-----T ~ ------T , ./ /


f f l W I P p nw i f i i I a STER DGUaBJM1S~1 - -

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Tanighit 8 p

Abo.e Jotkel J27.95. Ponu. S17QS in . blue rote, brown, w U oovy or block - ■ ' Do.wntown on the Moll'io ll " .Tho (Ockei S3195 - /-I"fglli ; ■ Pon. Brick or gold. irtmCTbifcs.Twin-Falirrdaho'^IS

\ "SOMETHING TO RAVi Oe^l)r;Tli«Uson^:__ _ • !AVE ABOUT" ■ — - - • K d I \ Sup*r Spctlotulor FcihloA R»vuil»vut prHtnltd by tb« “ ^4ft';V-du fam iliar w lth’a m ethodi o(< ulcer surg'erj’ where lhc Parlt and Top of iho $tol>. Holidailoliday Inn TonlghtI gMitrie nerves lolheslomach arc culul? • J l - 8:00 p.m. JJM lf> (,,00 „dmodmiiilo'n chofgo) AiX^husbond had a hlstor>’ of ulcers i (surgery al 21 and m ^ ic ^ tlo n for lhe pasl 30 years) ani K n i g h t HBjHHif k md Iwo ye ars ago h e had two XIood ht! Makes Ml l%thrcalcning^all^acks wllhln 24 hours. h He had thc gastric >Ti8 food since. ■ " — —— slam-grijrand— ------— • i M ,he has since ignored his doct(:tors orders lo qull drinking. even IhouRh he was lold his life couldId depend on this. . U.hc api lo gel another allack. or)r anolher ulcer, or what? — ^ ------1 seven SCVi notrump and had to do • M w ;R ;H ...... ,______^__A'orlli.-iDt______l7 - — thIhabcsLhe e could-Ha took dum-___ iji'serious eases (which yourhusbjband's seem s to be) when a l l ' ■ * * A K 6 < 2 my's acc of hearts and rattled - -ofrfourdiamondnrtillrchuclt^ ~ -'jctofailsins-paSniloto rwiuce thTr3 motllily oflhe stomach and - ♦ K 10 38. • ing his lowest heart. slonioch secretions by cuttlnR lhee vagus ncn'o. , This nen-e a q :. \Wests let lhc six of hearts go actuates these acllvities, allowing h healing of a peptic,ulcer lo West Kait . on I(he third diamond., Hc paus- proceed more rapidly. , LYNETTE BERRY A j ; .1IC 83 . . * 7 5 . . ..«-*d-..ed-.a long-while-bcforV mgking It Is even more' Inporlnnt now thnt th your husband jlUir-his - » K Q li ___ -_i-. - hhls^xLdiyardand-ilnalbdcLa-.. li - .II^B||l^. with spccial.jTfercncc lo»his 1 drinkinH-J:>terfel«UM>.^.^— .. > B s— '- y r m ...... 'smalT'cluD^go, V operaiiftt^Tjflrkes an ulcer Soulh’ ' oof f (the lunncl.. He ran off dubs it'iK s g - ^cs of Impnidcnl'callng and [“ ( A Q 9 and sure enough Wesl had been * ** -R- 5 . ddnlUng (han ever Iwrore, ^ - o r m e r » J1 0 H 7 squeezed again on lhc last club. ■ X^u^tyouwantmcto-'scare"hhim Into realizing this. Only _ j ♦ A Q J A •'heart discard would thc hyS m idO this Mv.hnoklot -.Hmv l prprM ss Iwt^ b f.irt trtrkq- n »laid S i _ v tnHe:il Pcplir llcfrs nnri - .11------4tA-K-4-2------P“ KfifiJtahem Healed,", contains sosome frank talk for ulcer F * * F -m iss------spaspade discard would dear thc North-South vulni-rablc whwhole spade suit. Might' hai p ntlcnt^. and U jcIIcvc your husbandid might be swayed by ll. If ______t rtriumpHcd i i again. ______>laid you want a copy, send 25 ccntsJoi[oc_lLtD-nic.in-car«-«Mhii; ------^ - i “\ \ o l .Nonh. Ea«l South ^ newspapcr.^lease enclose a long, stamsi ped and scU-addres,<;ed ^3iTgaged~^'' I envelope'for malllnK. ' 1 A ‘ Pass 2 A ~ A Georgia reader wants lo DearDr.Thosleson: TWINTV FAI.LS - Mr, ami i’,tIMss 3 * l-ass 4 N T. I , ' know.if after lhc bidding fias Irs. mil {•;. Hcrry. Hoise. Pa I m p ’ My hasband hashad whal the doctoilor .says is shingles. He's had Mrs. Pass DV P.-iss 5.NT.- 5^gone, one notrump — pass - Pass 6V Pass 7 NT, It for four weeks, and hc has rcceiveced pills and shots for it. Thc f^rmirm er re.sidents of fivln Falls th ree notrum p - p a ss — p a ss — I WlMforld 1.1 nnounce the engagement of <’•' islnK'k______- ^ ______nieirleir daughter, Lyneltc. to ■ . (Oponinc ImJ — K ¥ A 7i 4 V A 3 2 ♦ A 6 2 - ion A, K enney. . . * g j l 0 9 8 ? ...... -■ ------. . 4 .4J v " Kenney is the son of Mr. and The answer is an unqualified Irs. Hen D. Kennev. Sun- • By ^Oswald & Jam es Jacoby yesyes. They may make lhe con- 2 ! i n s e r i o u s — ------njTa>Talo,-Cnlif-‘— “ • ------"nancclortheHai pecrle.ss was un- -tract.-but-you“C3n^' wrftf for • •Jc Miuii Be r ry i.i u n i .j —■tw.ppii hnpjv iiTiihJuuh-iha^liimmy -..n^ ^urisure things. FurlhermorcCil is 7H>-ssiUle tiiat y ^ u i^ ^ arin e r win - ______gradirailualcolli,iralillll!llS<'t..il----- theUfUi bidding. Ditiadan, the worst —t4eer-€ases= player ancl knight, had aboul as PT°,' andId a; tten d s Brigham Young clubs and iwo aces 'will leave niverslty, majoring in ac- much righl to jump to tlirce diamonds as he would have had them Iwo down VOL' WOULD By George Thosteson I )unting. - - “ ‘‘■'"I' NOT IX)L’B L E W IT H O l’TT H K h H lo challenge Lancelot ti> single , }•' Kenney .served a mission for rnnili.il______comi I.KAD ______------H c 1 ^ l^ b o th c m ^ ^ g lth ^ ^ ^ •nnrt■ha m P S T niil d l 111 »r:i/i[ :mi,T-----—^ (>f-ei>urjie:-tf-sp«des-brokey { ------— HiOo^ou-haye-e-<}uo$lion-lof------ul.mutJiatJOtliUilsdlscasc._ ;iLsu-allcndS-BY-L'-whiiro-fm-iti— ^ ■Uincclot-hiid-13-euay-triekS:— U m c ■ll>o-J{icoi)ys'^-Wfite-Ask-ttiell>o------I am anxious lo know nnw if llicre: are;i any a fte r effects to Ihis m aaloring^ )( jn fix-c-irlcal Seven Scvei diam onds woiild be a Jaco';ys"Jac caro o l t h i s m iii.’n rrm M rs. W.R.G. Thc coupic plans a .Sept. sr> suit and .spades, cxccpt lhat torcstingtore Questions will bo Dinadan would have been pl.ty...... usoi ------T here arc no aftcr-cffccts. ■ Hm<-cvcvcr.nvhllc-sn^attnclrusually— — "•edrii? d d in g -in ~ th o rr^ R a il” nD.S— usod in tlw colvnw and writers - - m g il, kVf/Jwill tocoivo co p io s o l JAC O BY ------subsides wllhln a few weeks, it canm often llngor wllh painful ;m ple and will continue ih e lr ‘"*1" Anyway. Lancelot was in -MQiMQDBRN.i symplom^much lonRcrrin'rare casiises fo>, years; 'During this _cducn:ucatlonnInY ^^ ' - ■■ pertbd,'frare^;upscahWijr. es^ a allilly if Ihcvidrm conlfacls’a ' ------n------cold or some such Illness, T hesym ptptoms may persist longer in ' B r i 'd g e ^ ^ - older persons, Focho puts II olhogothorior IorIi Jim n mo ...... - ...... Ifgi^s w e r t e ' j , .»....»-JunioiA.wilh-thi&-auUlandliandlno-lO»*- — .J„ II Is.a virus-caused dlsea.se. th e virus vl striking at a ganglion im-t at tbi'l‘ri-shyti-ri;in Church polyostor porlormor. Crisp!risply toilorod ^ Winnm^lrfrfuclfd .Mrs II M. (nerve root) of a ma]or nerve. It iss a form of neurilis. It-you AIRS. DICK< DEDEAN PrwUir i." ami Mrs, II (!. Munvdti, shorf iockot with insot..solid sol color / ^ hnve .1 mpflirnl Iwink tnnk 11 iip.iinflnrJ iil'horpwgantiHir." ------— ^------fff, l . K i mr b r tc e f r t r - r — ------^ ------— p u iiL-li., $ 19 .7 3 . M otetiinNiyiiluidpoiii. g f , . f ‘------— How is ll caused? We’re nol ab;ibsolutely sure- Then* arc Julin lliibn, .second; .Mrs A. V. WlUtnms and Mrs K. 1.. Bom, S19.95, U s several theories. One Is that it can Iw■econtracledhvcontact i with ICECREAM . „,|xim ixture. Add: ’ , JJ’j' I tea Ihlrd; Mrs, A.’P. flussoll ,m-frrCT:rri— to cgg-s. Bcal cream into egg pm I am a'ljlrl. aye P, is li,really nccccessary to keep liathwater Fill free^T container lo th e ...... ------IwoiIwo thirds full mark with milk. gd by children In th a H m ! lukcw'arm during menstruallou? I .^iply adore steaming hot 'l l a n d y a n n r a r a tto c hard quoitioni ailcMi I iM hh-ttxyM n. Freeze. Makes four ([uarts,______- -balhs,-and l-don'i ftpt- why-I-Khniild-{j-give 'Uit;m'up during nu-n- - ■Start IJu'jIavjvith ' Sitnillllon. — M.M, ' ■ lany ways lo do 11; add col- FFavorites. iv If you have a | Ige chee.sc In scram bled eggs favo:favorite recipe, Juat mall It to IMI 5 1 * 1 1 1i v e « n eP«? DearDr.Thosleson:'------• m cll a chit'.se slice on Idhst, ththe e Recipe • Department; _____l_am .ln.jTixJlret_prc£nancy_andid,I havc.a yco'.-sensilivc, ______Heiere presom e pUhejwaii.slypilyou .ca'hlhalj)_8a»eonergy._ ynu'nr having jwachcd-cgp r-'W on ■fly:--™__ L question for you. I'm almost ombari ■ Women's Pige-Edltor. -*nje------irrased lo ask. Is it .safe lo ' „ „I ’ t,toasl. mcll swiss chccse . «recipe d i bewmes the property of r Always close thee refrigeratorH door, - have sexual Intercourse during your ir pregnancy? Tvc heard il „vj,r/e r th a l jind s e n ’c w ith , a ' 2. A lw ays turnI ofl o f f t h e f a u c e t . . -CJllh.^rml^Pllnhnm^hilrt_—Mr< M tbe TliDe>-Ne«> and cannot be ^------huttcittcr-gritlcdpinpapplerlng, returned rttu 3. T urnoH th e TV w henin non ohe's w atching II, No need for embarrassment atwul ut a perfectly natural — qucgiionr-prccfltitioiiTndUmnit-TakiTken, e.spocr^lv fiu7in|; ih<» j"* * " -ot-anv-others? - - - _ early and late pregnancy. Gentlenessss Is aiw aystheguide. Som e ------. Hea;allh-tex clothes for kids helphel| save Mommy’s energy, -^h j’srciahsa'dvise'agftinst tnlertoiirsds(Tnmie7^tm'onth. - ‘ ' rgy- r Although cholesterol has t>een linpllplleiited In hearl atlHcks n n d ...... — ~ . ~r-Thatls-becausijse ;H ealth Je)fcO teep ers, ,cra>:rawleis.-PoIO-Shicts_shQits. sitsjeans-and ______l other-circulatory troubles, il is also vitalvl to hum an life. F or Ihls jackets, singlee knits, doubleknits or wover) v e n s -a ll w a s h a n d dry in thtt e m ac h in e . ; reason Dr. Thoslcson has enlllled his h Ixwklcl. "Control Your______^ ____ 6nd_esterSryihing’s perm anentpiessjciS too: anolher nice Mommy-im y-saver,______Chbi^prol'SenKihlv:** Knr'n rnpv ^ ( n r / l i r l ^ g«iTQ Q f n o o th c ? tn Ci- ^------F or-boys-sh9ize-3-moftths4o-6iz#8ffoF-Twr*gTI ■ 11V ■ IU &-&H6 6 x » - . I I ' ------i- newspaper. P.O. Box 3 m ElRln, iSl^*col2^*^idos^t'ng ^ong"! SK: at prices th.ilt m i ak e s e n s e . self-addressed, slamped envelop andnd I'i cents. ® 1975 Field Enterprise, Ine. WHMIIMIM — ■ ll^He Duhl r e u r i i p T Tr ^ a n n e d T he Iraditionai LEVI’S* Jean and Jacket with BUIIL - Mcmln'rs iif the tefrosted n class members 'are Buhl llltih School gnidunllnK invivitcd lo lhe planning th e fit they’re fam ous ■ ‘ il Ihe c lasso f 1936 will hold their firsl- meileeling, for. Taking cover— 1 . planning meeting for a 197R Memlicrs Tif the planning th ild r e n 'i reunion Monday at B p.m. In conimmlttee Include Clyde and a soft and cuddly the R and R Cafe Fireplace Pat atsyCox, Dudley Rulhorfurd. turtleneckof luxuriousJS Room In Bull).______t«-. ean_Machac«‘k-and ’Floyd------“•“: - Cloodspon':— - " Je an .Machacck said thc -loth Dal'alss, Addltinnal infnrm atlfin______-->Tar~nnmtor-l.T-plamica~fOf------n; n available frum committee nex^ppum m er anti all in- ■ meilem bers,

r % ;

p s

■ •

p # !

The Paris ^iic^ —I » o f fh e Joop of fhe Sfairr .. \ *> • 16 Timi'f.-Nckvs Twin Falls, (diihiIho tliofsday. Auflijsi 7.1975 H

Fam ily unit ~ ^ ^ u s F lboxes usedd to stop p l a g u e - ^ ■ h r - : , ' ' sets concert GALLUP, N.M, ( U P I l - IHea’ith k officials sc attered alMUt 400I provemenl •Agen'tyGeneral SanitationSanlt Division, said his agency -■•dust-boxes’- near this wealeile m New M cxlco com m untly Wcd- ■ ■ h ad distributed about 300 du.stst bo>boxes In th e vicinity of Red Rocks nesday to kill bubonic p1ague-lis-lnfeclcd fleas on small rodents, ■' State Park northeast of Gallupup. ■ - a t F i l e r A 3-year-old N avajo Rirl, Charlene Ch Brown, of Rehobolfi. died ; Monday of the bubonic plague,uc-thc tcrrlfyinR "black'tlealh" off The par^t Is the site of the Nalional High School. Rodeo FIl.J'Mt Tlu- Mckcl ' ' the Middle Agcs-al McKinleycy General Hospital In Gallup. Crhampslonsnips, under wayy ihlsIhls week, Aboul l.ooo persons are • . Fnm ily .SinjjiTS, SpriiiKfii'ld,' nl lmpmvioxe.s are sections15 of1 sewer pipe coaled on each end . iii;irri;ij;i' ;iii W om ack said-t'he disease cancan-ht t trfln.sm lH «ronlv by-infeclc.[)iriliiaI — D rives illII Grove, Ore., formerier rcresident of Buhl and Twin fliiiilily alw ays llu- p rim ary ^ Falls, is driving anm oxtoxen drawn covcred wagon ' T T T T ’ ' T T f 'f f f f 'T T T T T '.T T t ' t T T T V , f’inpli.isis w a ^ o n t r|*a ; i n InlheBlccntenfllalWajil_Wagon.Traln.whidiwlU.btat ______L IKcT'Ucr Fairgroundsinds SSunday and Monday. OkMMSm iWINGB row THURiRSDAY, AUGUSTSTT, 1 9 7 5 ------Rules on . Cable C h a n nii; el: I Catlelliannel 3 [~CCable Channel 4 Callle Channelin n e lS Cable Cliannel 6 ■ ■ \ Of Chonncl 1 1 Applicantits over optiitimistic \ r j Mic,.,MouJoCluli Stwmi-Sticcl ^ ______0.nirii . Anfl^Gtiiiiin hean^ng ------W 8fr«nn------^------HoBan-swroc!------■' 'MiSlerfic.scTi ABCNe«j ABC CBSt^cos UOISE (Uf’ll — - 'D ie B ureau of L and AlaiiagcnK-nienient sUilc dlrtclor advised L . ^ .i^} K0C{^s«l VrltjAtCBre - Bu,. r \ « 600 UuvcfliHilil.lIiL-i CDSN«»5 ...... applicanis for C.-irt-yrey Acl land tod.iy lhal Ihey are! over optimistic in Ihelr hope Eloct/iccompjnj Nowj No, Nc«j Aimosl An,inmsGccj cleared th a t f.in n ln f can bcjibcjijndurlnf{lhe next fnnnfnK.season,ason. r « Jean Shochcid's Amcncj TtuihofCor.scCucnccs Ttui Lci'sMjiiciDoii3«ii ' William I., Mathewhews snid that 11 docs nnt appear re; ____DMci'Pcf}pei:livc _ MlJ’i«: TncClIi;lJ‘'.CISl_. .IhaWillons ■ .... Si(cctj0t5a'’ ^'jn:|v«-nificjinl Hoil»*oM Tclo.iSion Tftejit* QBolOOnt-jok AH mine Family " nilsunder-slandiiiK over llif progress can In- madtlade. Three questions must Iw rc.solve!.solved Ihrough a suit filed l>y r ■ 10 00 ■ No*5 MASH rulf.s for proscndnc ti-sllnumy NN0*sc« N es News Uu'SlaleofldaluiInFInFedcral Hlstrlcl Courl: r ■ At!-ots nl licarln^s a n d lhal in- y - m 10 40 l>on-.,d.> Johnny Carson - iVhi'thor a hii.sli;isliand and wi/c can each file onn 10(1Itvi a cres for a lotal of ir.'d tionsde dividiiJils d(i not have (o Ih- aiTi-s and nii-c-t the■‘ rc.sldencerc. reciuircnu-nls:______i - A 1100 ABC Np *5 ------11'jii CM'iitrd In 'lrp il nniiiM+------—CJ-JUO ______^______" Wi(3(7WuTlJ ' ^ ^ Iv ririiu T uic S■iecrelarv m of Interior antl lU.M wilh di __[ " M - 'H O - B?n.'n.M .______Th\‘ W jIiii 1 (iiist-r;*inFori — diwn'lionln iillowhij;Int; s ta le seloclion u n d e rth e Gnrey-Aircj-Actnf-whelhcrthoStni'c"^ ------—“ ’ -Tomo.io*------aniKiiinced plans L f l tf^O will Ik'.'i11ovv(-(1-;uiv1’ landslai lhat ,ircapplied for: worksliop.s aruund llu- sljili- id mrricrcrnrDppn ' Iwo iiiKfidii .'icrc.s imift ...... g alher-pulilic opiniun on lliu. m ifer (he provisions of th e C arey A cl. , ‘ proposi-d I'nal firi-d PinncLT ,‘nmivirotimi;n(fli'n.iniraiyiilbT^ITorlYoircerninf’ liie'conle'conversion of raneelancl lo • RcncrnlinR pl.inl and bn lhc- farmland in lha.Snakcake River Uasin downstream fromam MllnefhaslwcnMi prepared ------fuliire-(if*cncrR\'-fluppite»-in • •______iuubtiouldjjuickasutiaUotpuLliLriiUtiuuuidcoiiinumuxHMJUv>thinjtUlayi ___ _ '■...... Idillfo. T h .iriiifo n n a llo n tlii'H .Malht’w ssn ld ltl.‘;ri(l.‘; hoped ihal Ihe an aly sis will assislsist in jjuidingthepronram. v would Iiu rc'hiyc'd lo (fii- V J S i cnininlsslnn h iiiii IIII 11^ p 1641HIGH1'fM M l S 5 m m - — END-OF-SEASON-^— — tlM1TED “ | - " QUANTITIES ANNOIBUNCING OUU R A U H iW -JCLEAHIA J iC E !!=— -OH-SOME-IItKS-- - ^ - :::Cil RPElETDEPARTiW A— SPECI AL PURCHASEI CARPETSALI LLE!! . ^ ...... MASTER . ' 3 n o u s OF I W COMMERCIALilA l BIUES foamlMBACK2iiliz. SHAG irA RUST HULIlUiTITONL , ,P 8tS ^ ^ ; AND GREEN IN A STRIPE PATTEBH'^ PAT ■■ ...... ' SHSHADE = WAS $140.00..,. REGULARLY 5 5 .9 5 S q . Yd. $<*99 REOlGULARLY 5 7 .9 5 * q.'yd. .owni?' N O W ...... ^ >1. yd. H0» i : : z ± - - SHOHT^HAE^— — — fJAMIMBAtlCKnCHElrFlifflTSWEVEIinilE aiFKREHT --- • 'liiN B E A MGAS l ~ COLDIlSHirPATTEIIN!; — 19WCH - • . . REGULARLY 5 ? .9 5 S q. Yd. ^ $ i 9 5 J!S FROM i8.i0 lltlD .Ji Sf. )d. ----- SUNBEAM ELECTRIC - N O W ...... : .q.yd. HO* 3 H.P. 1! IHCH WAS ------W AS------rM ANTS^ARE-',^ REGULAR PBICEI------S t3 ?T ? 9 ...... NC _ -OiflUiJm UllilLSCllLPJUfpjuR E itm raatizzzity • BROWN, BEIGE. W HlTt). ( f ROLIROLL; GOLD. BROWN, ™ BLACK) ■ $ 11 < ®® i ® 1)) i . vt G/IRDEN haflASTER: <49.a3 ,____ ■■ T''<‘ 16 REBOND P A D ...... MI !q. vd. ^ „ S j _ ...RE(^LV\Bt-y-SU ,9S Sq, Yd;— ».ats t i a r i : ? ^ -

19 INCH mtlJOJI 5135.0 0 ...... N O W i u 3 1 7 0 WAS m O L L GOLD TWO TONE FOAMBiIMBACK ■ U UFRA R, H E A V Y ...... ^ 1■ ' »q- yd-. S 179.99 ...... NOow*142™ — - SHAG SAMMPLES CAN BE SHOWNJ ItIN Y O U R REGULARLY 5 5 .9 5 S q, Yd. $ A 9 5 VN HOME BY OUR STAFF.F. WE\ WILL GARDEN MAMSTER NQW ...... - . . . . a : iq.yd. OFFIFER FREE ESTIMATES AND) ININSTALLA- ■* ' " 19 fKCH. 3 H.P. 88S )N ADVICE. WALL TO WALLL ININSTALLA- y WAS . I ROLL GOLD SHAG WIIK jUTEEITE BACK T i o h 5121.0 0 5N IS AVAILABLE AT A AN N E X T R A — 1 5 : 3 7 — “ ~~REGUtARLT$5:95^qrYd:------$ ^ 9 5 ------C-hiA a R G E ;------N O W . . ^ . ^ ...... -•-• ^ ^ q -y d . ------S A V i ------——SUNBEAH-GAS— « ____ ^S.EIF.EROPELLED______21IN C H V - W AS , . , $239.9.9 DELTA ^ NOW OSCILLATING ln>«tiuic. rV f ^ _ fiiPllPM MKTFR 0 w w wiiaiirMii iTfnv 1 CPPIUKIFP nnrr ufiufTfXtrcn I |jf|vg r — ^=2^ ?2ll(W,3’jH,P. BiS ^ ^97^ ------V fA S ------BEG, 5 1 1 .9 5 ------o y y L $ 1 5 1 .0 0 ...... N 0 \ SAVE -■liy) I *42.01 o w ...... T dust^ STANLEy )6m F r w w LAWN BROADCAST SPREADER REC,.si,3a 9 POWERLOlILOK ^ B S ' J 2 ( j S 8 GRRDEHMASe N CELEBRITY ^ f REC, S l ,5 9 . , s s . TAPE > " •AVl'flO.il ROTOmttR _ y : y ------— _- ^ ■ r F A H ^ i f _ _ _ 5H,P.BIS SWIHG MOUWT HOSE RE^ n i i t . i n . 8 “ ^ 2 7 - : ^ 3 4 - WAS 99' / - ■ ' I ’ N O W , , . $ 3 1 5 . 0 0 ...... NO ..’193=“ /1/ ‘ j 4 ! f AAVITr ' lAVHa.311.31 »AV1W ______t A v i M . l t AfASTOTOtiLLET~ 5HP,BlSP0«HmRU ^ ""“ CilAiSE L A W N HOS>SE SPPCIALS!! , WAS : ; IFI. GAnM ASIERVim. RETAIL U;4 l ,6 9 ...... ,,'SAIE$3.13 : ' . $ 3 2 5 .0 0 v-.t : . . . . ; n o o w ^ i y ^ nrnA«D!ii:MA5m!iHF0Rcni-viimiYi;-Rn«ii-$7,93^;:;„ ...... T7SJLE*S.M':“i R ill FT. CARDFN MASTER REINFORCED A.L ll WEATHER. I RETAIL J12.99...... ,,SAiE$s.aeI . ' ■ - —a k ■ w illFT. SWAH RFMRCED VINVL RETAILLJ17.45 S ...... SA,SALE$,fl.6« '■ ■ -5 /r.7 5 -F'rETrGAIlilEH T HATER REINFORCED ALLWWEATHIR. RETAIL 51B.99...... SA. SAlt *11.50

- GARDEN MASTER RIDEIDER ■ SAVE 3< , H ost HANOIH.-Rtloll $1,11* '•” ...... SALS a s LAMBERT PRO-HIDE * 22 INCH SAVE $1.73, lfFlON COATEO ORASSASS Shear,! retah 54,47___ sa ie M .ti PRATT S LA % - • s ~h :p : B s r c N G iN E ...... ^ ^.SAV£ SI,Oi,-«PC, SCREWORIVER SH, WIAUI S3.P5 ,- ,,. :, rS A tt »T.W SAVE SI,41, )OIN CHANNEl lOCK Pll SJP WAS... 5465.00 ...... K PlIEfiS. RtTAIl-S4.6»...... -SAlE » # .ll - mnX:HOUS£fAllff- T ::t.ow W 1SAVE S5.40. BMkwall '/. Vodabl*. Sp*«dSp* O'lll. RETAIL J:6.?9 , SA U Jll*jl‘< ______, ...^ U L,ULARU49.7J.GAL---— A 1 :Sftvc.9rM-ir«(inMfr:3/»'.ui>t«w»4f> ^ . - T C - w * a ; .- (CAIVANIZEDMETAI GARBAGE CANS:ANS. RETAIL $9,J S i *5.30. SAIE PSICEDAT...... $7.ft0 « PBOVENI PROPANE TORCH KIT ■ 7 PIECEPIEC RECUIARIY S t2 ,9 S .. . NOW «■.■! ^ P R IC E...... * 6 ” . . , IPROVEN PROPANE FUEL CYilNDERS,RS, RREGUIARIY S2.S0...... NOW $I.S< fTlnlIng Extra) STANIEY MINI-HACKSAW WITH BIAOElADE, REGUIARIY $ } .« f___ NOW »!.«<1 ® ' WEUER SOIDERINO IRON. RIGUlARnARIYS8.J0...... ,.N O W « * .l! KESTER ACID CORE SOIOER. RfCUlARlIIARIY SS.5S...... NOW U.V. MAMASTERSET -TRU-TEMP U OZ. nSERClASRIPHAMiHAMMiR. REGUIARIY S10.49 NOW f l.ttl - -MUln PURPOSrTOdl'Klt;RIGUlAniARlY .fi.J?.....;...... NOW «4.]| iTRASH CAN UNIK ... . ^ j r a o L0LLER;«:SET i ~ "5n3rai,TFHT!7AroNnfr.HT»itiTHR-'tJif; :rrTTrrrrrrfsA iE*f >:ii Q/'/ *EOUIEGULARLY $2.65 8 H.P. B&S ENGINE . ____ 35[JOGo!,)JBOST_KINGllNERS, Rts. RETAIL Sr,7?...... SAIE*I.«: ■ WAS... 5742.00 .... : . ..w ^634^-:SAVE i2,16, U INCH MPS W RENC^I,taiETAin7;«T7,Tr:T:— ,-s-Auij;t; _ ' «■ >OJJ^CK.PIfIJW«NCH^t] ------SAVE SI.66 ~ }AVE SI,36. lOINCHAOJUSTAaiEe‘wVww.*rVta1i WR iijV -!!!! sme^!*1 ■ NOW T; r ,~ P r i n c i p a l l o o t r z z i i : n a m e d a t B uihl l ■“ '7- ■ S H S ch (

TWIN FALLS-1• Former Buhl resident Dale IlM rniberTy, 3S, ha u s been oam ed new principal at Buhl High School.' ■nw rnsbeny, w r1 (of Stella 'H wra s b e n y . Buhl.______| ■ _ j n e e ------^------^Is-repUctofrBin-Beilenson, wbo will t e a ^ a rt a t BolseSUteUolvenJlsitynextyear. , A Buhi High ScNix»l graduate, Tbomsberry <0 received h is B.A. aIt ti the U niversity of Idaho and ■ ...... a m a s t m in guldtdance and c o u n sd in g ,-aD d ...... I I R I _ o n eg ] n s

SUN VALLEY;'.EY;'IdahT tliPl) - A pM t:' A Navy veteran,', ■nwmsbeny most recenlly E president of the thc state board of education, was assistant prlnclcipal at Nampa H ip School n Cher evaluation by students from ’ ' . vhere be bad previa'lously been a counselor. He b [HI m II kindergarten throuthrough the twdtth grade Wed--.. also bas teaching eexperience at tbe Blackfoot g nesday UttmpttNMe a m d M ro o m quality. JuniorHlghSchool. ' i would sayly al the prcscnl time we have a ; He and his wife Pal'at have three chiidren. B difticull lime judgljudging their competency because _^_^sxa!mssts^ ; they a re judgedicd byb; principals and deportment;.. th?miOT3«J¥ho.arewmp«TOtini; th e 'fie ld liwrnMlvnsclves," said Dr. J. P. Munsoo^,^ Sandpolnt, chain:halrman of thc board's public' schoolcommiltee.lltee. “ Students a re theU b c sl judge bu t th e public as' a includirJludlng parenU, do not have cm- fidendence in children Judging competence U y \ Dccauscthcylack^lackmalurlly.'-: ------some»m e “trepidation." Munson said he w ould advocate:alc Itit at the end of cach year, H esa ld valideiliid evaluation can be g a th ered If the in blrief- I m m m m properquesnonstlons arc asked. ______^------"rdlakB.lt.au-It,alUl»4vay-from-klndergartefH» Cam as Nignup Net . IVewfacilityr up,” Munson-SJin said "If a kindei^rten kid ' r a '/i'' doesn’t like Ihe leacher t then that teacher Just FAIRFIELD - Camas Couniy / High School rcgislralion will doesn't belong)g{nlha'tdBssroom,"beaid. inl ' be held Aug. 22 from 1 lo 3 p.m. a t G o o d in g For the begin;leglnnlng studenls, he said, High school foes are acllvHy canird, (5; annual, S9, imdsludent I : . BLIND STUDENTS at the'le' questions as,, "Is"Is your leacher happy? Is yottf. bodycnrcfa n ------Mah^State sdwol atCooding— M s-your-teache r kind ? " could ^vii School opens Aug. 25 a t 8:35 a,n.m.. Induding kindergarten, I now have a new facility, top. istolhat leacher'spe’HoiTnance. K indergarlen will dism iss a t 11:3030a,m, Kindcfgartcn studenls -*sg Dedication ceremony for Ihe*e - • A. L. Alford■d Jr.Jr., Lewislon, vice president.of _ ■ Jl ■ m ay c a l hot lunch. $458,000 stru c tu re is plannedd th e sla te boardrd amand Im m ediate post p resid en t o f School lunchcs will be served the1C first day. Priccs arc ■IS cenls ■ p next month wilh Gov. Cecil11 Ihc public schoollool ccom m illec, ag reed in p a rt. He. sfnrprnrtPsYthmitph 19______t ------Bus«)ul«6A(iilll>frslmilftMathcp-previouyyeor. • ^ ------as-sp aak er,— It-rep lacct-th c-:—e_------^------Raih-men.were,i-ero lOgSun-Valloy fQr-thc.annualp ------flrst-building-nt^the'Echool—I]------m eeting of theldaho e lda public-schooM nstees^a" ■1 administrators.rs. ____ Sqtqrda^iseheiaHLcjIli l v e n . 4 ___ fftiUh .ffaa.dcBiBlbhri last— ■___week,’ leaving onlrihc-tw p—" . - - 'H i t y a s aBed s a ;a nmnf e r o f edgca ttonal v l^ * BUHL - On Saturday th c Blcenlmtcnnial W agon T rain \^11 be at 9 __ poplar trees guarding theg in an Intervieww withK'lti reporters. - - : Iho Joe Ring Ranch two miles norQrth of B anbury Hot Springs oo ------^ form er entrance, left. The 19100 ' "There needsIds totc be morc'recognltlon'withlif old Highway 30 where ^Iftion Falls F Creek empties Into lhc H stru c tu re cosl 125,000 to buiidj th c teachers ranks'anks. thot quality In thc classroom ’ Snake River, . . . U'.. _ and $15,421 to Jem olM i. Thee___ Is needed nowV moremoi than ever before, *' AlfoH c o n tra cto r h a s unlil Aug. 30 to — A l 3 p.m . Sunday, thc F iler F ire 1 e D eparlm ent will have a w a lc r. ' ? clear the rubble and fill tho sltoa . He said thereere ,1s.Is a greotcr responsibility on hose contcst nt thc Twin Falls CountyC Fairgrounds, Filer, in * .for additional lavm. Bricksg school Irusttcscs anond administrators to dem a^ imT _* of--al)lllty^m et^thln.4hei^ begin ot 7:30 p.m . Sunday. ^ d islric ls. ^ sold for seven cents apiece for Thc train will remain In Filer ono Mondoy for a rest day and Hc said lhatIt all loo oflcn a d m in istra to rs take W use In new houses in Boise, will conllnue lls Journey Tucsda thc easy roule)ule , permit teachers with lay, slopping at thc old slagc' I according to D ale Jose, school ^ falterin g com)mpetevy pe lo remain in thb station sile at Rock Creek wherec the Strieker cabin Is still in- I pubilc relations offldal. The . .ta c t, ® ^ classroom. old building w as condem ned bi2______L j :^------^Bolh.men-oxpnoxprcsGed-conccm.aboul-growing- K x p e n d i i u r c s o k a y c?a c ■ I ------lOT'T>^iise“ 6rTra‘dc^^^ c ' cpntractconcems:crns bclween tachers and trustees. PU H L.-The Buhl Cily Council:ll Tuesday night approved the | ■ __ argujTicnt.somciomc:admlnlstraiQr&. hflVRfiuggesled ------revenuesharingexpenditures throrough Ju ly ,-1975:------;------d urin g rcccntU contract cor disputes with tcachers, Most of the revenue Ihis yearr Is being used for slreel lm- polntlngtostatcwtatcwldc coniract dllliculllcs. provement and new streel conslruruction, cily officials said. Thc ____.cxpcndllure_Ecpon^Jll_bc_PMl34bllshedJn_lhe_BuhI_Mi‘cWy______R n hbbits-outse l glLother^ _ ___ ^ -h '" " ------rw wapa p er as required by law.------3 ( n m n s ' Routine building permits were alsoal approved by lhe council. ('••.H i* TTHcIi reported jk at Good[lin g s a le ... J.-TW IN FALLS^Jrtary P,.Calialahan.-M3.GranLSL^toldTwln:ir:7" • © ------G O O D IN^Poundiorpoundrthe-rabbils G ^ f ai— t- -purchase—to-bring-thc-total-ll- of-thc—newiy~“ol t ^ i H t 8 Falls police someone took lhe ins< l .ln r f iln - : . ® ts - a tS V —^ isert out of her billfold while'll iHe'Gooding'Cou'Couniy fat slock sale WednesdayI established loan fund lo $275. w os In her automobile, ByBARTQUESNELL outsold th e beel. e e f.: sliccp and swine, The lop dairy cow. bclonglnitiglng lo Colcen . She said she left the billfold In ih 111 V lhe vchicle In front of her home rrt”.:,: V all Therabblls.s. whichw were ouclloncd oif at thc* ' C larkson. Goodlng 4-H. wcnl for i$370 and w as ' 'Tlroe»-Newj writer Wednesday while she went back k Into her house for a momeni ______fal.atD dL .sale.siie.spBnsofcd.bY the fH and.FFA^ , pu rch a sed bv Bill Snhala. ■______SUN VALLEYLLEY — The cducallonal system I - - . and reiumedTto iind som<^e I h~a3 opened lhc~bll!foia~an g " ^ ^ • • y — TTOfnnironBhtbcfirbctwecn *12:50 nnd Sifrcoch.- Tliei ------P^eceding-the^al-slock sale.theMhc Ilnal doyol Idaho is notot si(sick, Roy Tniby, I d ^ superii ■tfr-...taken ounhecentcrlnsert, :h weighed in:al-hr>wf>rn:a-nnti:1Vr: Jn^r-nrtlvltP.:-ptfKPri-:yith-thP-a.irni.H-anrt-PiM ------if>nriffnlfllffiMic ^ . •hiL'm a tn trticr gn v c f s ■ pounds caen .rtt'cro u*ci danated by lhc buyers lo ihcc aw a rd s assem bly. • ,S j ^ k l n g; bef-I)— i-Schroederr-horsemanshipr-SnrtSnrn-Jocobaw-JjmppeningrJic. 'ho has .attacked educatiaoa D ean Slandlce had a sked D istrict Court Judge Jam es M. • Groughber, Goo(Gooding 4-H, w as pu rch ased by E &St horseman^ip. and Cari Smllh1 and Lonnie T ale, p e r s o n , w ho bureaucracy.'’:y .'’ Cunningham lo allow him lo becoromc eligible for paroic.'despite C l i J l S G W Im plem ent,It, GlGooding, for BO cenls p e r pound, dairy fitting and showing, discount no s are happening, he said, bccjius a law which required he serve at least a third of his sentence • Ken Coulterliter. Gooding, purchased thee T ro p h ie s were aw arded lo Mikelike ElllolI for bcsl T he fiulta ar« 1C In sheen and inistcesandidadm adi lnlstm tnr^ nr.> ro n iy m w ru rft ------before nnml<» H p^trithPtnu-iL-ncfisunrnnsiliiirinnjl______. - re g istered H^crc^ord ere donaled by H ow ard Nic*:• • flrst*ycar fltllng and showlnc li quality animal. 2 - irrdgvanl causccauscs leaving th e com m on peisoti t Thc districl ludgc refused Sianandlec’s request, and Slandlce ill, foF Iho I II luuii luiiU. L U U Ik•T, r C'hrfsly Arriaga foFbest dairy q^: The environmental Impacl aalcmcnllsllnjl,slaler ' p„|j52s„^,h'N fight for m ajorujorissues. L appcaledlotheSupremcCourl. . th NIccum adding an o th er $25 to lhcic y e a rs a n d older; ...... — ------• • a according lo f.corge Buley. Seattlecattlc. chicf of the _ ____ School trusteerustces have spent around one ha The high couH upheld the localral judge, saying he had acled fi Airports Plonning branch of thci Federal __ - | — ...... - . -billion dollars,liars,-Truby -said;-concerning tb properly In denyingSlandlcc’s rcqijquesl. /I Aviation Admlnlslraiion. air a child may wear when attendin F i r e d a m a g e s d r iv e *•In ! ' ^ Citizens have 30 days fromI thcthe dalei a nolicc J[\.Uipert .l OK’s’s safety p►lan l , .. 3.”'“” was published in local ne\v.spaporsipcrs to respond to J tralors and trustees must stai TWIN FALLS - A grease fire•c at lhe Red SlecF Drive-In on thcslalemcnl, I' hesald. R U P E R T— - TThe l Rupert City Council Tuesdayy his organization be allowed lo administeradm clinics looking towardvard the real Issucsrhe sald,~such i _____ BI_u^Ukcs,BoulcvardJ^orlh.lhlsilsmornlng-resulted-in several------____.The, Reginnpl .cMrpart. AulhoriJ;ilioriJj jc n L p re s - _ oppmvcd