• • r i i . I / i m e ; COrraiOMi <«>« Mag^voXiTX^W-.MPJ-M-Vx IdahQ’s Largest Ever.? e n i n g , 71st yeor . - • " ■ TWINT W FALLS. IDAHO, THURSCRSDAY,-AUGUST 7', 975 13 coolerer deliveryd« -J _______— ■»— --------------^ ^ ---------------- . .-------- ---------------- S e e e sce a ila toi r r i s i ni g a g ai i i n f e d[ f a y ©Washington Slarir For the loss,volt.volatile Industrial commodities I from the calculation ot the sharpp inInc c re ases lor in F e b ru ary andndM Mi areh. , WASHINGTON - Probably signal;:ignaling further index - consideriidered by economists, to bc • i • months preceding July 1974 ratherIther than lhe The picture-for!- for coiuumer' goods was even siiarp Increases at'the supcrmarkenarkct checkout steadier indicatortor ofo over-all innationary4rends i situatlonlastmonth. more bleak. Therhe Indexii I n c r e a ^ 1.4 p e r c e n t, ill br ------ IL nrifrt rnhlimiP tn H<a> fnr n ML>-cacal41iefull ; ____ wbU«-pn>duc«i^g( last monlh with farm products, food:foods and feeds June and equalllr lalllng the highest mark sincc rate registered last month, thec an n u al boost cent, ; ..lea'leading the • wny, . Ihc . L aboror ' Dcpartincnt"D February.-,, . .w-ouldbGaboutl5pcrcent. • . W llhin lhe consumerconsi goods figures, food led' reportedrcp today. T he dep artm e n t J ent snid the increase in Industriol As a result of th e Ju ly increases,«. theth wholesale tho way with a boostbo< of 2.5 p c r ccn t, D u rin g th e W ilso n m ay b c d r u ^ af{({cncy head pick Thet Increase, which followed n sli| 0 slight declinc commodities wnsvns prim arily duo lo fnnU nnH llha rinlthori-fnnritt h au n lmr«»n«»/^ 4n-Jutw,‘ wfl.i th e slm i|iu.sf 't ift6st>st inIn wnolesolc rela te d e n erg y products.proc a,^S taf ------- p e r ccnt which m e an s il cosl S17.S7.57 la s t m onlh to . by an overage}e of about 2 pcr cent monthly. In- priccs.sincc April and_ was only)nly theI sccond For all commot WASHINGTON - Presideni Fordrd has tentatively decided to nmoditlcs. wholesale price last buy the same wholesale Roods that could have creases In wholcsilolcsalc prices usually arc reflected m onthly increase .of m o re thanin onione percent month were 8,7pei ■ —-.nameJonncr-DistrictJtColumblaI pollccp chief Jeny-V .-W iison_____ f per cont higher Ihnn they, were been p u rchased forSlO in iW?. al the rolaillevellevel after 0 month or-so although sincelnstNovcmbcr............... yeor ago. That is I to head the troubled drug Enforc<•cemcnl Admlnlstrallon, ac- I Is th e sm allest y car-lo -y c ar In- The Index for finished productss -— those ready sometimes changhangcs in merchandising costs and Tho-wholcsalo index for farmm pnproducts and crease recorded in cording lo informed sourccs. td in nny m onth since th e c u rren t lo bc sold to retailers for ultimiItimale salo lo . other factorsi affectaff« relail priccs. processed foods and feeds Increasedascd4,(jpcrccnt ^ round of Inflationon began.b< A full Federal Bureau of Investigal;ailon Investigation of Wilson. f " customers — increased J ,2 per ccntccnt lasl month, vThe more closclyclos watched consumer price last month following a 1,-t per ccnl decline In . How ever, thec seemingse Improvtpicnl In llie — whoiteppeddowmapdicfrthieHastat-SeptrgOrls now.t m d e r w y ---------jj|p ivcm bcr- a nd.lh o-------todox- w UU-bft-ist»4s6ued-later-thl9-monthr-— ; June, •' yo«f-Io-year figuregurcs wns due to the elimination If it goes well, the President Isi cxpected< to announce lhe fourth consecuTlvc increase followl:lowing declines_______________ ______ nom ination within M veral weeks, c- i n d ■ ■ j(p an i c d-HeiirH<- ! > ■» rtc h i k ^ HARRISBURG. Pa, (UPI) - Fo'ederal Judge R. Dlxori.IIer- H p F T m an today granted a delay until Aug.,A 18 In Micki Scott's o p - _____ p c aran c e bleforc a grand ju ry investiitigating the disappearance of -S missing newspaper heiress Pally Helearsl.*/ £ ------- -MrsrScotirwifeofradical-apotlrfirflgurW a^cottTsat-quietlj----------W--- JA h yim ..; ^ p ^ B R U —A i i it J l n n lr " HtediJiM.ia.appganxfrorcThc' H i J v f A ............ gran d ju iy today, K i.UMP.UR..MaIaYSlA LUPJl^Aband_l u p i I ___ __ ________ _ ef-dapaneSe-Red army terrorists relt iastJflSi Ij hostages (oday and tookik oHoU for Libya riiShl view ------ ----------- ai>oaboard’a' Japanese airllnierrehdihgding “ian 80 hour ' ............. • .INCOLNSHmB.Jlt^tUHI»______ •'eifreign of_tcrror.thnLcr.ented_n.dJplomJplomnllc_crisis _____________ ^ w p m i r i t i e d ’ _Roy. D. .Chapin. Jr .......... betw een Jap an and M alaj'sia, „ k . : , v ^ Amcnerican Molors board ^Malaysian Home Affairs Miiilsteinister Ghazall * V ByD/\JyDAVmBOCKMAN chaillirrnan. lold a news con- Shaflc said tonight he had to threatenth lo 1 Tlmes-NewsTtmi writer , ‘ ’ •ence Wedncsdoy AMC "*'*"hijack" the aircraft himselfif andar put a \ ^^^^■^_B01SE-1^Idaho Powvr officials "clarified"- mony-^^-wednesday;— sa y in g -- the-' . sp rir•ing q u a rte r this year. end to Ja p an e se stalling ta ctics j^nd{^nd mn 6cl a Red ^ V $ c om pany expectsects its1 ra te s to b e ab o u l 2>: tlm ei; V. ^ ChHiopin predicted an o th er Army deadline for departure. as high as theyyaretodaylnnlneyeara. are ------ prull ifllable quarter from July The notorious Red Army group'o up w' hich, has T hat i raise the average residential' / tUroiougn iicptcmDcr aiicr thu «ew4ed-out-*®’’ motioocroo.—bombtoga^lii||i ml iilliii > I ^1 c ustom er's bill111 Itomfro B M a v e a r Iw liiv lo » I 8 « I cof a scries of three straight outrages throughoul the world, shot theirt way- 1 ^ ^ y e a r jf he u sn ^ tbethe sam e am ount o f pow er — an- Quarirtc rly deficits of m ore th a n . inlo the U.S. E m bassy la st M ondaylay andan seized 53 increase of S314.-14.. - - . m l L \ V -, .:-mB $cotTmillion, *>oshostages Including U.S. Consul GeneralGene Rolwrt Fim U id u s anll-Communlsl demonstraliitra lo rs at^ B ut if th e averajverage cu sto m e r's po w er use rises ....................................... ......... ste'Stebtilns,- two “American' buslnessmlessmcn' and a ' • V ilaa Nova de Famallcao, Portugal, .overturn.gv< from 1,000 kllpwi(llowatt hours a m onlh to 1,700- d-set llre tira'carbelongtnf tom Comniom m nnlst----------- ^kilowatt^ourrrr Brroaho-arflciBr^xpccirtfie*as iN r a e l, E fjypf n e a r in teicriiri aftrecm enl ' ' The guerrillas freed most of-thcli rty member Wednesday. Violence conicontinued average annualual nresidential bill would be SS8V. Wednesday and tlw j;emal_nder toe t u g u e s c spread tode^as Communists armecrmed wllh Thai would box an Incrcaso of-S6S7-a-yearover-. -------- : ■ -By United Prea»In»itematlonfti - ' -------------------chchange a for~nlne~Jap'ancs<; crewmenvm cn lo flv the_ n „ J , . , tomaUc.rlOes.(lred.lnto.B.crowd of.d em o n - . - ___ currcnlhiUlngsloiigslontheaverage family ----------- Israeli Defense Minister Shimon PPeres said today lhat Israel P'aplane, four official subslilulclc hostageshc to IH JU,s S Ita r g e t 77“ ' Sratore In Fate. UUtng one and woundlnndlng five. Acconllng to.lO' IIdaho Power testimony ^ed- . and Egypt arc in the final stages ofif n egotiallons on an intcrtm - guarantee Ihcir safety and fivelive RI ed ;\rm y - - ---------- --------- .. ------- - , Arm;-my troops have sided with the cnwrdslnsome da li nesdDy.'iM'lAi^•liOteases would" bc necessary to peace agreement, crimlnolscrii flown here frem Japanan jailsja to meet a ree as,a (U P I) (Inance a numbilumber of proJecU. bvcludlng tbc Egypt’s reply to Israel's latest pntroposals "will moke a good their ransom demands. '■_________ propoaed mlllloi ---------piintnearBetoe-. basis for the contlnuailon of the talklks,"hc said, buthe did not . - The tesU mhooyended oay the Inllial portion of th s u p p ly nny det«lls...“ We vrtlt have tito wait a number of weeks before we know the results." "Cross examination” of-tbe-coffl ’Port noiseequir lals kitehe&n-dispo8^ ___I , pany*s caserforlts'Ptofleer fo r I Plant wfll faeafrh ..................... - During thee thrthree-days of bearings, compaiy ^^ohanonfaotnlair^faiBfai IS landing and departing from the ~ sta te 's H n ilth ^ r v ic c Dtvlston.:------------------- ------------W IlM ss^ oUUlii)uuuied an am uuous. expan^joc ------------------------:~ B y T Jn itM P ra ffin witemflaonB-------------------- ^------------ - ec-----------------------------c a sl and.w esL ±m Mhinfltan SUU'a____PrngTflm .tfhll^tlhlcti nm nfBM tiiilldlM M «Hv Roclcetfirc (rom Israeli territoryy rak e d a Lebonesc army TWIN^ PALLS — Engineers dcvelcdeveloping plans wind runway dls(discussed in the sta te m e n t wfll Ilmales lhal 60------PtoiKWr-lilll-ila r 0 convcnmllon Brownlee byI AprApril, 1979; a new p o w er plarit'A l .. position today In the.fourth straighthi day of border clashes, a - for the proposed regional airport'rt northnoi of Twin "defirfllely nol"it" bbc built be.causc the casl-wcst iecibels Is about the level of a ( Fjll&£ay.nolM>.IflvelB-8oiUh of tbih c» 4Si n a k » ^ tv o r—^ ^ifunw ay urtll accoi ^alls d a m by N oveftiber. 1979? a Canyon will bc below 85 dccibcls.i, winds over thelalrportJiesoid. air] to 80 declbcIs, busy urban s lr^e to o f lte r s noise 10 fourth 500,000X kllkilowatt unit arJlm '^H dger'Ih _____In .a .se p a ra lC -in c ld e n l.J sra e IL riraiders-Sllppcd-aiToss-the______ -Thai-|s-Ihe~sound~Intcnsllv bf o k1 ttfIDOUmTrsm~nnnlcriselhona_conf ro nve n fa n on~A— :~WyDnilni(.
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