Bass Bail Extra! I Base Ball Extra1! PRICE ONE 'jfOhi*CENT fFtlPHTtTGll^fjTl5PRICE ONE CENT j I X/4JV l/lf ^ | | No. 20402. WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1915.-EIGHTEEN PAGES. -L 1 itor 2 del« * m i, u L± i STAR OF, T.. 3 0 their second victory over the Phillies in the third1 game of the series. Chitted,If... 3 0 C12 0 0 Gardner, 0 1 5 0 Lightning fast plays were mad e during the practice of the two infields. The inner gardens had fiehoff, 2b... 3 0 C) 0« 2 0 Barry* 2b.. .. 3 0 0 2 1 0 been rolled smooth and dry and gi ounders came to the fielders witlh snap and precision. The sun 3 1 1[5 c. .. 2 0 0 8 0 0 bothered the center and right field*:rs, and Speaker and Hooper wore sun glasses. lurns, c.,... 2 0 Carrigan, Dutch Leonard warmed up to pitch for Boston while Alexander tried out his curves for Philadelwere ilexander, p. 2 D C12 0 0 Leonard, p....3 0 0 0 2 0 phia. Both had plenty of speed ami a break to the ir curves. Before the game a silver loving; cup and a large floral horseshoe presented to Manager Car- rigan by Boston rooters. I THE GAMI DESCRIBED PLAY BY PLAY, '1 First Inning. iad to come in behind second Why Murphy Fired Jolrnny Evert. Totals 28 1 3t 26 5 0 Totals... . 29 2 6 27 9 1 )ase to make the catch. "Don't you remember me?" Arthur . Stock a Ph:lade'.phia got (* One ; one . Nehf, George Stallings* nifty young vbrjsw** to center, Speaker losing! southpaw, asked Capt. Evers, when he Fifth reported to the Braves and was f his fly in the sun. Inning. introluced. Bancroft sacrificed, th'rd to Philadelphia.Leonard threw "No; I can't recollect having seen you SCORE BY INNINGS first, Stork to third. c>ut Burns at first. before," replied the Trojan. 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R H going Leonard threw out Alexander "Why, you had me in Chicago the B|' Paskert fouled out to third. rear you managed the Cubs," was ilso. Nehfs comeback. "Don't you Philadelphia...... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 Cravath struck out. to I reported to you one morningremember,and Stock flied out right. rou me fired in the afternoon?" . . No runs; one hit. No runs; no hits. "Well, I'm a boob; sure, and you're Boston 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 6 1 to :he same kid. No wonder Murphy Boston.Hooper flied out Boston.Gardner flied out to lidn't keep me," buzsed back Evers. ..c :enter. And it's the truth. Nehf, found by a, ri iit. 3ub scout when attending Rose Scott fanned. Alexander had Barrv flied out to right. Institute in Terre Haute,Po«yechnicwas *S'ji * did last flied out to center. shipped to Evers at a stage when" the SUMMARY r: re speed than he Carrigan Frojan whs of slab tal* no hits. painfully shy No runs; wit. He gave Art Nehf a short truck out.By Alexander, 4; Leonard, 5 Sacrifice -Bancroft, Alexander, flied out to center.Friday. SixJt and then decided he wouldn'twork>utdo. 5-*' -aker Inning. fust then. ases on balls.Off Alexanc Hot No runs; no hits. Philadelphia.Bancroft popped 2; Stock, hitsler,iliteell, Second Inning. c>iit to catcher, - Hot One From Pitcher Mayer. hree-base hit.^Speaker, ^ Left on .Boston, 3; Philadelphia, 3 Paskert vent out, second to I*ew games of bssc ball are played . struck i, . Philadelphia Ltiderus irst. vltbout some fleshing repartee among EWJlJ*, RED M*. ~-:vzr$*&r T'wo-base hit. Stock, 'Time ofbasesWgame.1:50 out. j Cravath went oof, third to fiat. be combatants...... « j , TT^K. ( y«he_jBBMlng.gama Ibe 1.> nils E'ouble Bancroft, Luderus, Attendance. M um play.Burns 45»°o° Witirtea puppcu No runs; no hits. >urg-Philadelphla series Wagner, who |CHILLY AIR DOES NOT BAR ^ litzell. There was a fork to Boston.Leonard strucit out. vas batting, turned around to protest shoots and lots of HoopeT out, first to pitcher^ :he decision. As was his right, Mayer UMPIRES.QXOUGHLIN AND KLEM. Leonard's Scott fouled out tcr catcher. lellvered the ball In. an attempt to FANS AT S1FAR SCOREBOARD i in his service. Wagner and sneak over a thirdsurprise speed No runs; no hits. itrike. '0 sent a high one to This aroused the ire of Dan Costello. Niehoff up irho was coaching at third base. "I'm Seventh to Scott. Inning. aft jou for life.'.' Costello yelled Ci'c- .. "1 V7at<;lies of World Mayer. "You might have hit Wagner. Again Plays no hits. struck I'm solnc to you from now on." 1URD GAME Philadelphia.Luderus ride OF WORLD No runs; SERIES! went out! ,;t for the third time. "Well, as you don't get In more than Series Game Produced Boston.Hoblitzell Whitted went to ten games a year you had better do Just to Alexander, who out, short four riding on a hobby horse," was on a grounder j ",T,t. Erskine's reply. ./>? as "1Fake Place. J|li on base TKey ... the batter the ! .... -Wv.TJpr'* touched Niehoff struck out. " "Badei" Alexander. j ASDESimm m j. ED GRILLO line. No no hits. Nobody runs; The air mrty be chilly, when the su nlreadjr tucked away, tho'bisr Willy . of the 'Lewis shot a past Stock. Boston to Tom Clarke, the backstop the lit pitcher had a shade, in the opinion of single Speaker singled Cincinnati and Herbie Moran of Tets arojind to a point where h Reds, Hide of the £tar is in th the crowd, on his opponent. Gardner ] art. the Braves were street buHding Rt(u>L''a funltv flnnhlo f« rtif up. . ; discussing speedy fans don't mini By J. ED GRILLO. Burns a ,pitchers. Herbie held that "Alexander ?hadc, but Washington Speaker' lost in tbfi sun. aroused a Lewis was out stealing, Boston.Speaker got single that. Just as c»f bubble of but when t the Great" stands first in' his i* little thing like many enthusiasm, were P.nnrrnft I :o left. scoreboar delphia was held runloss for the first BOSTON, October ir..All attendance records in the history of the rame broken here today, while he has no fondness for Ihem turned out to watch the Pliila(1 in estimation, 0 inning the enthutji-orn waned percept- \\ Hoblitzell hit front of the of today's game in Boston a"" a were thousand additional available Gardner flied to Whitted. standing up before the shoots of Smith iepiction ibly. Boston's fpi'iiirc to nick. 'ith seating capacity of 43,400, there several spectators. Every jlate, and Burns took the ball and of Brooklyn and Douglass of gathered Friday and Saturday to sec th aridcr to'any effect in its half riad.iAlexGa saw *""*cr>ace was while the ter stands in center were crowded. More people the No runs; one hit; no errors. |threw to Bancroft, and Cincinsati.first two game of the world' series.ia good; many fans turn tD their nerghbors occupied, nporary deep Speaker "Nobody ever tries to ride Alex while throng that stretched from the farthesit and say, "I told you so,'* or words to ird of the series th an have ever witnessed a ball le before. As early as i o'clock 'tvas then threw he said Moran. "It isn't » game present gair Third forced. Bancroft is working," street «fr'»m which boarfl that effect. Inning. safe to make remarks to him. He's one point up 11th the Then, in the second, when the Phillies til e dollar bleacher seats were cro\vded to suffocation. Because of tlie fact that Gardner has to Luderus and Hoblitzell was of fellows in the world, seen, clear down to the avenueb in Larry . Burns the quietest worked a run- across, any stranger inn In tlio hnftlnnr nrdpr tiUnflf Philadelphia singled:13Ut. but he knows how to stop any 'riding.' And almost from building to building i n town would have sworn Washington was DC:en of the team's effective he has been movi«U i All HIV lyuvmi^ vtuvij mtwn«^ He made me sit down three t'mes in doing thermos* batting over head. Lewis an infield 11th street. a city. r Barry's got single. i row one afternoon with 'high, hard And so it went, see-sawing back and ewis' after Jfoblitzell. cheered ones.' He I had been making Whe 1 the game started a narrow pat! place Alexander was loudly Cravath took Gardner's thought Boston plays elicited yelps of Lforth:. to a remote of the fly. remarks to him that he didn't like, and was left close up to the buildings a piness, and Philly feats brought forthbap1 Shortly after the Philies enter*:d the field Manager Moran took Rixey part as he came to No two hits. been those bur- each of the a v by the crowd bat, runs; I might have ducking sljle street, with gurgles of-glee; and there you were. earnest conversation \vith him. started bunt lets all afternoon if I hadn't told him down the Street itself. ..Mlnarr>lan.2th c The early-start of the games has caused bl ounds, and for fully twenty minutes was in .This naturaly Gardner took Alexander's be had mistaken me for somebody else, rest was filled up with lans, waiting t 0 crowds to seem small at the Eighth (be , i who Inning. "Alexander is the sort of a chap who eee what Pat Moran's crew would b but each scoreboard begin0 le rumor that Moran had decidedI to pitch him. and threw to Hoblitzel, to make a fellow duck ning, day's- Philadelphia.Burns flied out knows .how Able to do in the Braves' huge anoe, by the tiirio the final inningsattend-1were He Leonard, r>nd half of the fourth. Scott had filed to without actually endangering his life. In Boston Bill Carrigan s has "M"nmn W»tch« Batters. 1 up himself today. caught Burns against " being played, been fully up to the >ut tore a hit down dropped the ball, going to second. His control is so perfect that he can for the honors oJ as he has in most games this eeasoiL when Speaker battling premie** lieSox,attendance on the 11th street side of The _ a trifle the foul line. The ball rolled out of foul Alexander struck out. put th i ball where he wants it to go base ball in the presence, of the! r Star world series. 1"he Phillies took their batting prac- The game was delayed by rightfield second. N .building .in previous operators, who brought territory' after passing the bag and md frighten the batsman." I friends. Even at a season when foot ball has been tic at 1:15 o'clock, after the Boston emoving picture three base*. Alexander had Gardner to Stock flied out to center. th® Lhe national commission down to instruct Speaker netted Stock sacrificed, From the applause that greeted on the map for two or three weeks, in- lyers had been batting for over half -i were on two strikes on "Hobby" when he drove Announcement of the batteries it woul 1 pli the umpires that they permitted to third and No runs; no hits. tercet is keen enough to cause several an hour. McQuillan did the pitching the Held. J a long fly to center, which allowed Barry, Burns going Faili to Draft Playeri. have l.een bard to say which team was thousand fans to assemble down town and to score after it was caught. flied out to d and Moran again occupied a position in The sun is directly in the eyes of the Speaker to second. Boston.Barry For the second year in succession ifavored. Leonard's name was receive watch the electrical reproduction on The and centerfieluer. With two out In the fifth. Stock hit a Alexander with and so was Mexander'fJ. thie intleld and scrutinized each batter. pitcher the chort. i the Cleveland American League club cheers, Star's- big scoreboard of a game that is seemeti 10 De ijouieiwu a.c mc^Speaker long fly to center which Speaker lost in it a-i if a few more fa i s turn at Burns scored on Bancroft's failed to a draft. though seemed being played several hundred miles away JAlexander took his batting he let Stock's fly cafe, which the sun, but Kooper, by a fast sprint, .cut struck out. claim player through * when outset, Carrigan thought "well of Grover' by two -teams' in neither of which Wash- pr as did Rixey and Chalmers, the Phillies a double. Bancroft 2rcross Speaker and pulled down the ball. President Somcrs will as be- - actice, netted to center, Alexander ^ depend :har.ce of copping. Wit'i one game al has Dode Paskert is a day of it, Leonard lined to short. ington any personal interest. p. xey took McQuillan's place after the sacrificed him to third. having busy fore on material claimed from his < balls and one excepting one inning there was not a to the throw-in * " a few minutes, Moran Paskert, with three strike, "O third.I On goino No runs; no hits. various minor interests. He lal>ter had batted a little foul round in which he d:d not have one or league took a swing and pepped up best from the mting his batters to get some hitting J more chances. In the fourth he had three. Bancroft went to second. has taken the al-jreadyPleased With Bill Donovan. to Gardner. his total Ninth Inning. Cleveland Association team and Poke at Manager Ganzel. "r<>m left-hand pitchers, because there fouled off two, then struck out, In the fifth two. which made took Paskert's appears to have little of use,Portlandbut Til Huston of the New Tork President of the St. Louis of Carrigan one Stock on third. s seven in five Innings. Barry high fly Bancroft went New Orleans Capt. Hedges is always danger using leaving Philadelphia the players called in from Americans says his club would wcl:- Browns wants no more to do with while toward right field, may save the day. Lee Fohl, having play- Qf his southpaws. Alexander Very Speedy. Luderus Strikes Out Often. running t, third to first. for iome an invasion of New York city by ers who have the Fed bug in their bon- was also given a chance to been assured of the management i)emaree Sn the fourth, flfth and sixth innings making a wonderful catch. Paskert out to catcher. next year, will spend the winter sort- 1the Federals, something: about whlch nets, as indicated by his cancellation ne pass up to that time. are no retired the Phillies * Boston.Barry Speaker was walked purposely. last over Pitts- riot giving them a thought: but an eni- manager of the Rochester team,* was rd on every occasion. There Leonard The Phillies would probably have been night spring, looking e to look after tho tide and every time second, showing good control and good on Paskert. Hoblitzell went second to The only Collins trance into New York would be th accepting money sh nrt fields in park, out Luderus better off if Luderus Was the bench, out, burgh sporting pages. finish. As for my team, I am well sat club's interests, and it develops that e ball is hit between tlie fielders It ctuff, starting by striking for he did not seem able to gaugo was the White Sox homo even and then Wliitted and Niehoff was first. .. he could read about isilcd with the work done by Manage stepd he was dickering with playersinrto sure to be a run, causing Leonard's curve and struck out for the Carrigan up.It Carrigan's pretty The to up easy outs to the infield. as a in the Lewis Eddie. He was indeed the wall flower Donovan, who hr.s had poor material! desert and follow him to the Federal foir a man of ordinary speed. pt>p of third time in the seventh. iirst appearance player up. i\j of the Pirates' camp. There were rill \ ear and has done well with it. W e League. gr een wall in center Is so far from the Lewis had the distinction making At least two records were made. a off Alexander, after Costello, Schang, men th ® . that It hardly furnishes the first hit center field is a mark ccries. Singled to center. tales of Lejune, glowinghave ol>t.iine«l some good in 9 110 me plate in the sec- put-outs in Paskert's "" and others, but there a season nex It is a matter of "Hobby" had been retired wh:le Luderus. in s*x Vance, Kelley draft, and look for good oper background. effort to steal resulted seldom equalled, Carrigan walked. Ilooper scored. wan a daily absence of the name of Vcar. McGraw After Herzogfs Farm. £e cord since this park has been opened ond. Lev/is' and a half innings, had not had a the newspaper aside of the games have been in his demise, as Burns' throw to is remarkable record. The Whitted Leonard's Collins. Tossing "The newspapers had a gccd deal to at most Gardner was another putout dropped ' in Aiasruftt h* n/nik*d over to the hotel contests, and this Is beat him easily. Bancroftonly two balls hit into the infield in this a run. was over the about row and I had ;ht-hitting that the distance the victim of a to left. the I foul after lone It not DISTRICT MEN SHOOT. desk and began to thumb Foiled. say the Herzog imed on the fact fly but period were one by Hob]itself in register. in Cincinnati," says John McGraw. "He to the center field wall is so great The Phillies scored in the third, second, which Alexander picked up and Ian error. asked From the Chicago Examiner. furnish a remarkable fielding by Lewis and other "What are you doing, Ed?" is ju3t as gabby as ever, and was that It does not proper only several touched "Hobby" with, and the Leonard fanned. All Bat Team Officert Are Competing Scoops Carey. "Looking for some one?" A. base ball player hit the ball and hi^ for the pitcher. Barry kept them from getting was a to Luderus, which he. name 'riding' nty club about being in last Sr backound with a to grounder "Yes, I am looking to see if my it good and hard. more. Burns opened single tossed to Alexander covering the base. 4 Hooper popped out to Stock. at Florida Camp. is here," replied Eddie. "I never see it He must have knocked it fifty feet outt- place. The newspapers were also after Bed Sox Loudly Cheered. center. Alexander bunted down the to and "Hobby" muffed No runs; no hits. Sp^-Ial m.patrh Th» 8Ur. in the papers." side the base ball yard. us out there, but Herzogr is barking up 1 third-base line a sint- a When the Red Sox took the field for twer on. Stock STATE CAMP GROUNDS, He trotted round, the bases.not the wrong tree. He will never, win Gardner's throw, putting A-Aiveeavagewva.^ .. Fourth Fla.. October 11..Every member gle sack he missed. championship the way he is going practlce they wore given a vociferous sacrificed and then Bancroft singled to October II In* Inning. Jacksonville, OF AEEA. But as he ambled to the bench thi© it. Wagner did the' v»um« amrina- end Alexander CLEVELAND. Ohio. it the District of Columbia detachment EXTENT SLIDE about t' , Wl elcome. Heinle of a we .. to third and was begun here today struck of riflemen the team omcers is crowd arose and hissed. "T thought were going to 'fln'sh for the infield, Carrigan being busy and Bancroft moving: vestigation Philadelphia.Luderus except "Why hiss the* man?" I asked a fan last this yeaf,' he hollered at me out batig on Speaker's throw to the plate. fire early this morning in .the plant of out for the competing today in the Marine Corns Cubic Yard* of Earth Wietching Leonard warm up. Alexander base on ballssecond second time. match, the total number from 10,000,000 who sat beside my seat.* there one day. 'That's what^you said, Alexander gave his first the National Carbon Company, engaged shooting . w; up with Ktlllfer. Ruth is also after Barry had caused Whitted flied out to til sections of the United States being Panama Canal. "He plays a wondrous game of wasn't'it? Who's last now?' armed in the third, when, in filling war orders, which Hooper, Dumped Into game you cannot beat." balla "I'H bet you your farm in Maryland, w.armiDg up. Carrigan seemed lined to Faskert, the Boston manager loss. Warehouses containing 5.502. At the close of the flrst stage " farno 1 $50,000 Niehoff sent up a one to and the PANAMA, October 11..A careful "I feel as though I've lost my dough, and Tve never seen It, I win a to one of his southpaws. walked. Alexander, however, ready for shipment to Europe high Richardson, Gerber Hood had the rooter made before do," I told him. pitch deterIned then caused Hooper to pep goods are sua* 5cott. i highest totals of the District men, each of the slide area In the Galllardsurvey reply. you championsliipIn addition to covering the world Leonard and were consumed. Incendiaries 6 bits to an e » having scored 95 out of a possible 100. cut reveals the fact that there "I paid see him hit umpir rics Cobb is not overlooking any to Stock. pected. ^ No runs; no hits. on tho eye." Ty he Barry's catch of Paskert's fly to short Of i he 423 riflemen competing are cubic of earth Sunday played a with 10,000,000 yards probably OFFICER FAILS TO DEATH. oiipurtunlties. with a team right center in the third inning out to in the match for the long-rangetoday Kiime in Montreal picked tar Boston.Scott flied In which must be taken out by ^ and third occupied was by HL championship Richardson. Earnshaw, motion, r a of. the gate receipts, second Minister Brand Whitlock before a tbe Phillies." percentage was the play of the series. Both Paskert.Shield, Schmidt, Jensen. Hickman and dredging operations "Oonaidering Lieut. Walter D. he announced that his share $858. greatest the ball end THB HAGUE, October 11, via. London, are the the cut Is From tbe New York Taliaferro, Army other to he and Hooper started for shot a hit down Klou .representing District. channel through permanent Tribune. y has several propositions that it was destined to fall 2:4# p.m.Letters received here from Speaker long Of these Richardson is high with 91 reached Killed. si >ow himself in places where he has It seemed This Is the conclusion possible."Consider the PhJUies of the field". Aviator, and to into safe, but with his back tp the stand, Brussels state that Brand Whitlock. the right-field line for a out of a possible 100. the canal who concede As A. remarked n7M^0, year. i ! , . fly - o' \...i ' xvoith TU" rx* ...... Lewis to IVV". ' - » - if flied out » M *. z1 i V