(Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-07-08
UnoN CALERDAB Rain ~ocaam rcODS bIll. ,,_po AI throu.h V8 valid Indd!· ~; ....T Hd ......... AI tIl~ W. valid Indeflnlh,lYi SUGAR !II " .11 (booit tl valid ~t.lY. atamp to for OaJ\JUlllJ IUlar DAILY IOWAN IOWA. Scattered Showers !NIl hb. II, lMO; SHOll "'-InD. aJ'1Ilane -.mpl I and 2 (book ,aUd incI.flDlwly; OA8OLINE ".1. CO\Ioon expires Sept. 22; II. Ou. per. , ...... __ ..cpuw IMI>(. 30. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper IfE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, JULY 8,1944 n. "IIOOIA'I'IID ...... VOLUME XUV NUMBER 240 I·A,l · It ' A Ib t J u, S, Hard Slugging ,;Y a e r . eres sup I Reaps Local Gains Superforts Hit Naval Base 'resident Emeritus, Dies o~~:~::~~~~ --~-'--''--, * * * * * * Southeast of Carentan In N;pponese Homeland ,erves SU.I Isolate Nazi Junction SUPREME HEADQUARTERS 18 Y ALLIED EX P ED I T ION A RY At a Glance- ;Chinese Smash Jap JI'ORCE, Saturday (AP) - United All Planes ears States troops surged forward along L d ' I a flaming 33-mile battlefront yes- 0 oy S Hold on Hengyang terday in a drive to crush the Physician Attributes whole German line based along In Swift Comeback Return Safely the marshes a t the b3'Se of the I Death to Heart Attack Cherbourg peninsula, and the out- owan I Clanked enemy anchors or La Haye Troops Counter-Attack I SuHered Wednesday du Puits and St. Jean de Daye Aerial Task Force seemed doomed. To Remove Threat I Bombs Sasabo, Tobata, NEW YORK (AP)-Walter The most specticular American President Emeritus* * * Walter Al To Strategic Railway Vital Steel Center bert Jessup, president emeri· drive was a new one southeast of bert Jessup dies in New York I of tbe State University of Carentan, where doughboys struck City.
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