Community Grant Application Township of South-West Oxford 312915 Dereham Line, Mount Elgin, ON N0J 1N0 Phone: 519-485-0477 Fax: 519-485-2932 Email:
[email protected] Web: Organization Name: Primary Contact Name: Phone Number: Secondary Phone: Email: Secondary Email: Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ PO Box Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ City Prov Postal Code Provide basic information about the organization and what it does. Amount of grant requested: $ _____________ Explain how the grant funds will be used, and why the funds are needed: Was a Township Grant provided to your organization in the previous fiscal year? Yes No If yes, please provide details on how it was used and how it made a difference: Please attach updated copy of your Community Group Financial Statement. *Please note- grant requests, once submitted to the Township, are public information and will be dealt with in open, public Council meeting. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg Area 2017 Approved Budget REV Apr19, 2017 REVENUE Bowl for Kids Sake 40000 Curl for Kids Sake 20000 Bid for Kids Sake 43000 Other Events 5000 TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS 108,000 Nevada-Ingersoll (Available) 0 Nevada-Ingersoll (King St Variety) 1000 Nevada-SW Oxford (Available) 1000 Nevada-Thamesford (Mac's) 7500 Nevada-Tillsonburg (Mac's) 12000 TOTAL GAMING 21,500 United Way Member Funding 74000 United Way Designated Pledges 500 Municipal