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PRAIRIE FORUM VoI.6,No.1 Spring 1981 CONTENTS F.W.G. Haultain, Territorial Politics and the Quasi-party System Sta"nley Gordon The WCTU on the Prairies, 1886-1930: An Alberta-Saskatchewan Comparison 17 Nancy M. Sheehan Soldier Settlement and Depression Settlement in the Forest 35 Fringe of Saskatchewan John McDonald The Conservative Party of Alberta under Lougheed, 1965-71: Building an Image and an Organization 57 Meir Serfaty The Historiography of the Red River Settlement, 1830-1868 75 Frits Pannekoek Prairie Theses, 1978-79 87 Book Reviews (see overleaf) 101 PRAIRIE FORUM is published twice yearly, in Spring and Fall,at an annual subscription of $15.00. All subscriptions, correspondence and contribu tions should be sent to The Editor, Prairie Forum, Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, Regina,Saskatchewan, Canada, S4S OA2. Subscribers will also receive the Canadian Plains Bulletin, the newsletter of the Canadian Plains Research Center. PRAIRIE FORUM is not responsible for statements, either of fact or of opinion, made by contributors. COPYRIGHT1981 ISSN0317-6282 CANADIAN PLAINS RESEARCH CENTER BOOK REVIEWS paNTING, J.R. and GIBBINS, R., Out of Irrelevance 101 by D. Bruce Sealey KROTZ, lARRY, Urban Indians: The Strangers in Canada's Cities 102 by Oliver Brass KROETSCH, ROBERT, ed., Sundogs: Stories from Saskatchewan 104 by Donald C. Kerr DURIEUX, MARCEL, Ordinary Heroes: The Journal of a French Pioneer in Alberta by Andre Lalonde 106 BOCKING, D.H., ed., Pages from the Past: Essays on Saskatchewan , History by Elizabeth Blight 107 OWRAM, DOUG, Promise of Eden: The Canadian Expansionist Movement and the Idea of the West, 1856-1900 110 by Donald Swainson KOESTER, C.B., Mr.
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