HEALTH AND SAFETY NAUTILUS AT WORK NL NEWS HISTORY Special feature on the General Meeting to be Nautilus targets working How the standard British impact of migrant live-streamed to members conditions in off shore Merchant Navy uniform rescues on seafarers via private Facebook group wind sector came into being

Volume 52 | Number 9 | September 2019 | £3.50 €3.70

RETURN OF THE TANKER WARS? As members tell of their experiences under fi re in the Middle East, Union pressure wins greater protections for seafarers transiting the Strait of Hormuz

01 cover sept19_SR checked.indd 1 15/08/2019 10:49 Sustainable Maritime Operations MSc | BSc (Hons) | BSc | PGDip | PGCert | Access Course



WERE YOU AWARE that following the successul outcome of a judicial review in respect of two Seatax clients, (brought before the Courts by Nautilus in collaboration with Seatax Ltd as expert advisors on the Seafarers Earnings Deduction), it was deemed that the two Seatax clients did have a legitimate expectation in applying the only published Revenue Practice with regard to the application of a day of absence in relation to a vessel sailing between UK ports. HMRC did not want to accept this practice (although referred to in their very own publications) but have now accepted that expectations of a claim based on such practice would be valid until the published practice is withdrawn. Following on from this, HMRC have now confi rmed that this Practice is withdrawn as of the 14 February 2014. Seatax was the only Advisory Service that challenged HMRC on this point. Please visit our website for full details of the case. WHY TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR TAX AFFAIRS? Let Seatax use their knowledge and 35 years experience to ensure you do not fall foul of the rules OUR FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Annual Return ...... £225.00 inclusive of VAT at 20%

NAUTILUS members in the UK sailing under a foreign fl ag agreement on gross remuneration can obtain a 10% reduction on the above enrolment fee by quoting their NAUTILUS membership number and a 5% reduction on re-enrolment.

Write, or phone now for more details: Elgin House, 83 Thorne Road, Doncaster DN1 2ES. Tel: (01302) 364673 - Fax No: (01302) 738526 - E-mail: [email protected] 02 September 2019 CONTENTS telegraphVolume 52 | Number 9 | September 2019

24 COMMENT  Shipowners could save themselves a lot of trouble by consulting unions, argues Nautilus GS Mark Dickinson


 Union pressure leads to high-risk zone designation for Strait of Hormuz  How to join Nautilus GM online  Nautilus legal director condemns sea rescue criminalisation  Nautilus calls on governments to follow UK lead on emission control  COVER STORY: Members past and present tell of their experiences 29 transiting Middle East warlike zones


 Mixed fortunes for families in three accident compensation cases  New app to help leisure sailors  Truck driver safety on ro-ro ferries  SPECIAL FEATURE: How saving lives at sea can a‚ ect seafarers’ careers and take an emotional toll


20  Call for female STEM role models

STAFF ADVERTISING & PRINT MANAGEMENT Although the Telegraph exercises Incorporating the Merchant Navy editor: Helen Kelly Century One Publishing care and caution before accepting Journal and Ships’ Telegraph advertisements, readers are advised ISSN 0040 2575 chief sub-editor: Sarah Robinson Alban Row, 27-31 Verulam Road to take appropriate professional Dutch correspondent: Hans Walthie St Albans, Herts AL3 4DG, UK advice before entering into any Published by production editor: June Cattini-Walker commitments such as investments Nautilus International (including pension plans). Publication Head of sales: of an advertisement does not imply DESIGN & PRODUCTION Jonathan Knight any form of recommendation and CPL 1 Cambridge Technopark tel: +44 (0) 1727 893 894 Nautilus International cannot accept any liability for the quality of goods Cambridge, CB5 8PB, UK direct: +44 (0) 1727 739193 and services o˜ ered in advertisements. tel: +44 (0) 1223 378000 email: [email protected] Organisations o˜ ering š nancial web: web: services or insurance are governed by regulatory authorities and problems with such services should be taken up with the appropriate body.

September 2019 3

3-4_contents_sept 19_SR edit_15.8 revision (1).indd 3 15/08/2019 15:03 CONTENTS


 Meet Nautilus at this month’s Monaco Yacht Show


 HCMM conference considers WHERE'S MY future skill needs for seafarers TELEGRAPH? 34 If you have moved recently, your home HISTORY copy may still be trying to catch up with you.  The origins of Britain’s standard Merchant Navy uniform 36 To let us know your new address, go to and log in as a COMMUNITY member, or contact our membership department on +44 (0)151 639 8454  Maritime families making music or [email protected].

The membership team can also cancel NAUTILUS AT WORK your print copy if you prefer to read the telegraph online at  Nautilus International  nancial statements


 Letters GENERAL SECRETARY  Maritime book reviews Mark Dickinson MSc (Econ)  Ships of the past  Crossword ‒ with our new DEPARTMENT EMAILS crossword-setter Mordo general: [email protected]  The face of Nautilus membership: [email protected] legal: [email protected]  At the back telegraph: [email protected] industrial: [email protected] young members: [email protected] welfare: [email protected] Cover image: professional and technical: 2010 AFP / Getty Images [email protected] U.S. warship number 57 brings up the rear of the 25th U.S. escorted Nautilus International also administers the convoy of reŽ agged tankers. Nautilus Welfare Fund and the J W Slater 38 Fund, which are registered charities.

• Nautilus urges North Holland provincial council to rethink • Nautilus International’s participation in the Ship and its bridge and lock policy Shipyard Sea Foundation (SWZ) and SWZ Maritime IN THIS • ‘Heavy work’ given consideration as part of national • Nautilus gives advice on ancillary labour pension agreement MONTH’S • Roos Mijnlieff wins Nautilus award for Most Socially- DUTCH • Time for good working conditions in off shore wind sector minded Student PAGES • Nautilus lay rep day announced for 31 October • Candidates wanted for BPFKoopvaardij pension council p46 • EBU, ETF and IG River Cruise sign fair employment • Survey on shipboard news provision agreement for river cruise sector • Climate change and the role of trade unions 4 September 2019

3-4_contents_sept 19_SR edit_15.8 revision (1).indd 4 15/08/2019 14:50 FOREWORD Comment In anticipation of the autumn publication of the government’s regulatory proposal for minimum wages of seafarers in UK waters, Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson laments the failure of social dialogue and collective bargaining

he UK has a new Prime Minister industry on those proposals, and once again, we who, apart from pledging a ‘do or offered the Chamber of Shipping an opportunity T die’ Brexit, is busy spending billions to discuss how best to resolve these issues – but to – and I am expectant that some of no avail. this laresse will fi nd its way to the eartment or At Nautilus we champion the interests of our Transport. The many pledges in Maritime 2050, not memers, and ensurin a level layin fi eld throuh least the commitment to establish a Maritime Skills pay fairness is one of our goals. Being mindful of Commission, will need resourcing and funding if we the global nature of the industry and the need for are to succeed. British ships to be competitive, we are of necessity Whilst we often criticise governments for making pragmatic. There is no point imposing higher wage too frequent changes to political appointments, standards on UK ships if the competition is not also it came as a pleasant surprise to learn that Nusrat required to apply them. Ghani has retained her ministerial portfolio for We can look to Europe, and our colleagues in shipping. She lost no time reminding me of the Shipowners the in particular, for examples of how government’s commitment to extend the National are in real strategies and policies can deliver jobs, training, Minimum Wage (NMW) regulations for all seafarers fairness and decent work. Where social partners in UK waters. This is potentially a welcome victory danger aree mutually enefi cial outcomes y emracin for our campaigning on unfair competition in our of being collective bargaining. Where governments prefer to domestic ferry and offshore services sectors. I hope, empower unions to engage with employers rather though, it does not turn out to be a pyrrhic one. hoisted by than reaching for the statute book. Our campaigning for fair pay goes back many their own Throughout the last 20 years we have repeatedly years, but it became particularly important when petard by set out roosals which re ect domestic and loal the UK Tonnage Tax with its minimum training norms and arrangements, which we believe would obligation was introduced in 2000. After decades of having failed secure greater opportunities for the employment underinvestment in training, the country was never to engage and training of British seafarers, whilst ensuring fair oin to e ale to crew the eected eet rowth pay for everyone. with its own nationals, but we wanted to ensure that with us As we await the detail of the government’s NMW non-UK seafarers on UK vessels were protected and proposals, the shipowners are in real danger of had decent wor whilst our erchant avy ofi cers being hoisted by their own petard by having failed of the future were being trained. We offered to to engage with us. When the industry should be discuss how best to do this with the UK Chamber of using its resources to support collective bargaining, Shipping, but we were rebuffed. we will all be using them to interpret and enforce Almost a decade later, the UK’s application of EU legislation which only sets a minimum hourly rate race equality laws to non-British seafarers brought of pay depending on the age of the seafarer. ‘pay differentiation’ on UK ships into sharp focus. In this scenario, the lawyers will enefi t. hilst The Labour government launched a review and in its Nusrat Ghani’s commitment to extending the fi nal wees in ofi ce ulished the socalled arter minimum wage to ensure fair pay is welcome and eort. This roosed reuirin a oerators a victory for our campaign work, it is a pity we to pay UK wages to all seafarers. The incoming couldn’t have sorted out the issue through social coalition government consulted the shipping dialogue. A lesson perhaps for the future?

September 2019 5

5_comment_SR HK.indd 5 15/08/2019 11:09 LETTERS

What’s on your mind? Use these pages to tell your fellow maritime professionals what you’re thinking – preferably in under 300 words. Photos illustrating your point are also welcome. ou can as not to be identifi ed b name, or to be non onl b our Nautilus membership number, but ou must let the elegraph hae our name, address and membership number. INBOX The editor reserves the right to crop or edit readers letters, and to refuse publication etters Your space to join the debate on the issues will be published as space permits. Send our letter to the ditor, elegraph, Nautilus that matter to maritime professionals nternational, 2 he Shrubberies, eorge ane, South oodford, ondon , or email [email protected]. While the RN is watching over these non-British crews, who protects us?

urrent events in the Gulf The ship involved, registered in London purchased 32,000 DWT chemical tanker, point out the paradoxes (or and yin the ed nsin, was reorted Norwegian owned, Liberian registered. The C nonsenses) inherent in the to have no British citizens onboard, yet is crew consisted o fi ve rits and iliinos. relationships of ownership, entitled to Royal Navy protection. We were ordered to Bahrain for a full registry and crewing of ships. ow many orein a shis in the cargo of Mogas. Information on advised On 19 July this year it was reported Arabian Gulf today have British masters, routes and hazards was very scarce, so that a British ship has been detained by chie enineers and ofi cers, and what level I was happy to encounter a Royal Navy Iranian gunboats. Cue handwringing by of protection can they be afforded, and by riate and attendant in the ul o spokesmen about the impossibility of whom? Can we assume a joint task force Oman. They were reluctant to respond to providing effective Royal Navy protection provided by the Liberian, Marshall Islands, calls, and when they did, they did not as there aren’t enough warships for such and Panamanian navies for the others? follow normal protocols, but I persisted, blue-water operations. Back in early 1987 I was on a newly- advised them of ship’s ownership, registry and crew, and asked if they could give me advice on where my owners could obtain The View From Muirhead the best information. ‘No’ was the reply. I suppose this had the merit of using one word when they could have used two. I had no option but to carry on with whatever information I had. I arrived at Bahrain only to be told that my information was in error – my night time passages should have been made during daylight and vice-versa. We loaded and got out without incident, but we did feel somewhat lonely. That was then, when there were many more ‘real’ British ships and British personnel and a slightly larger and more capable RN. Now it is rare for British seaarers to serve under the a, ut not unusual or ritish aed shis to e owned and manned by anyone. Paradoxical indeed. Capt A. Ian Hale Membership no 89709 6 September 2019 September 2019 7

6-9_letters_sept19_SR HK revised 14.8.indd 6 15/08/2019 11:10 Follow us on Twitter @nautilusint no encasulated all my thouhts and Operators should reections over the revious worin month. Tweets of The sion sio wor schedule is clearly not be allowed to ridiculous how did anyone ever thin it was the month otherwise take passengers Nautilus International etween the end o one watch and the @nautilusint 7 August 2019 einnin o the net you would e lucy to The Nautilus Federation is conducting they can’t keep safe et five hours’ slee i you elt lie sleein a survey in advance of a proposed review of It would appear from Ian Corby’s letter at that time. radually over a month this #STCW. Please help us to provide the voice of #seafarers to this review. (Evacuations: an aviation perspective, July schedule wears you down with the ovious 2019 Telegraph) that it is not just the maritime nocon eects, ehaustion, irritaility, lac regulator who fails to have a remit to set o interest, accidents. Tom Jenkins @EUraTol 6 August 2019 minimum standards for passenger health; the dilient auditor with any seaoin Interesting #Seafarers @nautilusint explainer aviation reulator is similarly deficient. Ian eerience would see at a lance that the on the UK Warlike Operations Area Committee relates the recent air crash at oscow airort beautifully printed and signed ‘Hours of Rest’ where #shipping companies and seafarer where a lare entleman loced the aisle, could not reect the actual hours reuired to #tradeunions consider threat levels and determine whether war risk service clauses reventin others rom escain. nly three run a vessel. in #collectiveagreements should be invoked. eole ehind this entleman survived, the o, we’ll wait or the disaster to occur, and #Hormuz other urned to death. Is industry side the enuiry, when some nole coroner will linin saety in ursuit o rofit recent say ‘sion sio, ridiculous’. Videotel @Videotel_Marine 1 August 2019 letter to the oney sulement o the unday Membership no 128519 Times rovides a clue. In the letter, an yearold lady comlained that she had ooed a cruise holiday or Oshore crewing herself and her severely disabled son to later discover that si o the orts visited could rms aren’t all bad only e accessed usin a shitoshore oat. he contacted the cruise comany to elain I recently read ar icinson’s article in the that she and her son would be unable to board Telegraph (Comment, July 2019 concernin Want a free mental health resource a oat. stonishinly, even ater discoverin oshore emloyment. for seafarers that promotes positive their inaility, the cruise comany were Whilst I am fully aware of some ways to help deal with challenges and strains of life on board? content or them to oin the shi assin comanies ased in the urisdictions you Download our ‘Seafarers’ Mental their welare to the master o the vessel, who list ailin to ay yacht crew, I most stronly Health and Wellbeing’ package would e held accountale or their saety in disagree with your method of tarring us all free of charge today: the event o a maritime casualty. with the same rush. #SupportSeafarerWellbeing The maritime and aviation regulators need y comany has een in the oshore to lead on minimum standards for passenger emloyment sector since , emloyin micky smyth health and not trust industry to selreulate. thousands o mariners over those years. e @belfastbhoy1964 Industry appears to be more interested in have durin that time, collected and aid over 3 August 2019 @nautilusint the dimensions o cain as to ensure they memershi dues to autilus or the sta The rain never fit in overhead locers than the dimensions emloyed y our manaed comanies. e damped the o asseners to ensure they fit throuh have where necessary enaed with autilus enthusiasm of the emerency eits. on emloyment matters and wored with thousands who Roger Parnell attended Pride your union at all times. today in Belfast … Membership no 145127 e are certified and hold I fantastic turnout… in oshore emloyment and ayroll. ll our @belfastpride team are either ully certified and trained 6-on/6-o shifts are Maritime UK HR or payroll professionals and we have @MaritimeUK a fatigue disaster testimony rom our clients and emloyees 22 July 2019 tellin us how ood we are. We’ve just updated the careers section Thus I would be grateful if you would target waiting to happen of our website. those that do some o the thins you accuse Learn more here: I have ust let a worin in the orth ea them o name and shame, ut rerain rom and on returning home started to read my camainin aainst all. careers #MaritimeCareers uly coy o the Telerah. Nick Saul #Maritime2050 The letter rom arian irian memershi Chief Executive, Bachman HR Group 6 September 2019 September 2019 7

6-9_letters_sept19_SR HK revised 14.8.indd 7 15/08/2019 11:10 LETTERS Were you in 1969 Rialto crew?

We are trying to locate any surviving members of the crew of the MV Rialto, an Ellerman Wilson Line vessel, who may have witnessed a collision on the Mississippi River in New Orleans on Easter Sunday 1969. The collision between a Chinese vessel MV Union Faith and a fuel barge resulted in an inferno, which had it not been for the efforts of the engineers aboard the Rialto making the engine operable even though it was under repair, might have resulted in that vessel also Rialto Photo: Malcolm Cranfield via being a casualty. many lives and property from the US Coast Guard Gold might remember this We understand that the the inferno. It also cost him Lifesaving Medal. This is an disaster, in which 25 people pilot aboard the Union Faith his life. extremely prestigious award, lost their lives, and say what was seen to run onto the fore A retired US Coast Guard and the investigation must they had seen. deck of that vessel and drop officer is trying to verify be thorough to prove the Please contact me via the anchor. the heroism of Captain recipient meets the criteria. my email address, jon@ That act saved the vessel Ken Scarbrough, the pilot, The Nautilus Telegraph has if you can from hitting the New Orleans in order for him to be volunteered to publish this assist us in this endeavour. pier and undoubtedly saved posthumously awarded appeal in the hopes someone Jon Nagle-Alexander Ireland witnesses letter got it wrong The suggestion made by an anonymous decades were discarded in an entirely safety in the UK during the War might correspondent that Ireland had engaged unacceptable way. Widespread public have been diverted to Ireland. There were in infanticide during World War 2 (Seafarer concern following their discovery led to no such ships, owing to the Allied naval witnesses could help achieve justice in the setting up of a formal Commission of blockade of Europe. The Kindertransport Ireland, July 2019 Telegraph) is offensive, Investigation. It has since made a detailed initiative had brought an estimated irresponsible and unfounded. examination at Tuam and at a selection of 10,000 Jewish children here but it had First, he is mistaken in stating that other mainly similar institutions. ended by 1 September 1939. And had ships ’s Lebensborn programme itself The Commission has found that, been diverted, their masters would surely involved the deliberate killing of children. while the deaths of the children in these have been betraying their trust. Finally, Himmler’s main aims for it were the institutions are recorded, a number of his comparison of an unidentified site in production and nurturing of children them, including Tuam, had not kept burial Ireland with Ravensbruck concentration with so-called Aryan characteristics. records – hence it is a case not of mass camp is simply bizarre. Second, he is mistaken in claiming that graves but of no known graves. So, third, This correspondent’s letter seems a clear mass graves in many parts of Ireland he is mistaken in thinking that the alleged abuse of the valuable right to anonymity. are presently being examined. There is excess of infant remains over numbers of is casual slander finds no ustification in only one grave that might possibly be mothers in south coast institutions may his stated purpose of wishing to achieve described as a mass grave, at the site of a be accounted for by children brought in ustice for the alleged victims who lie in former mother and baby home in Tuam from Europe. the many mass graves that do not exist. (1925 to 1961). The remains of many infants Fourth, he is doubly mistaken in Dr Owen Murphy who died of natural causes there over the speculating that ships taking children to Membership no 423592 8 September 2019 September 2019 9

6-9_letters_sept19_SR HK revised 14.8.indd 8 15/08/2019 11:10 More of us now eligible for South Atlantic Medal

Whilst carrying out family the Falklands Task Force history research on the for 30 days after passing 7s internet I came across an are entitled to claim. The article about the South application form can be Atlantic Medal issued found on the MoD website during the Falklands War. I or by contacting the MCA served on Stena Inspector medals department on 020 during its deployment with 3908 5200. the task force, and we passed So, after 37 years I have 7 degrees south on 20 June now received the South 1982. This meant, that, at the Atlantic Medal. I don’t know A little piece time, we were not entitled i any notification o the to claim the South Atlantic change to the dates was ever of Britannic Medal. The ship then made but if it was I never proceeded to Ascension, St. saw it and assume there will lives on in Helena, and South Georgia, be many others who have and ended up as the never been recognised for Switzerland repair ship in Port Stanley and that anyone who had their service during the Harbour, where it remained served more than 30 days conict. I read the review of Exploring the until returning to the UK to south of 7s up to 31 October After such a length of Britannic in the July Telegraph with e refitted and sold to the 1982 was entitled to claim time, many of those who interest. One part of the vessel is still RFA as RFA Diligence. for the medal. This means served may no longer be easily accessible and working – its On doing further research that any members of the with us, but their relatives concert organ. I found that, after a review crew of Stena Inspector – can apply to receive the The outbreak of war in 1914 left the in 2014, the date for whether Merchant or Royal medal. German-built organ stranded at the claiming the South Atlantic Navy – who were onboard Captain John Turnbull manufacturers, Welte, in Freiburg. It Medal had been changed on its first deloyment with Membership no 312708 changed hands several times before landing in Switzerland in 1969 at

the Museum of Musical Automatons in Seewen near Basel, later being When will safety laws be enacted? joined by 1,230 music rolls, the organ Some 40 years on from the on the safety standards with the resources or being built for operation either by an Whiddy Island oil terminal employed at oil terminals. the expertise to attend organist or a roll mechanism, an early fire and subsequent Unfortunately, operational to incidents the size and form of automation. explosion, Ireland is excellence is not engrained scale of the Betelgeuse. Major restoration work in 2007 still waiting to enact key in all involved parties. Prevention is better revealed the inscription ‘Britanik’ and maritime safety legislation. The Irish government than cure! Further, it’s so was the origin of the organ finally It is not enough to must enact the appropriate economical, and not determined. depend on the operational maritime safety legislation forgetting that it saves lives. The museum (see www. standards enforced onboard with heavy penalties for Peadar Ó Rathaille is only 25km from a vessel transporting non-compliance − because the transport museum Our Way to the hazardous cargo, nor our small island nation Whiddy Island families in Sea, which documents Swiss inland is it acceptable to rely is simply not equipped court action: page 17 waterways and maritime history and is based in the port of Basel – the home Send in your Merchant Navy Day flag pictures port of the Swiss merchant navy. We always welcome UK readers’ pictures of the red ensign flying for It complements the larger and Merchant Navy Day on 3 September. To join in this year, please select better-known exhibitions of the Swiss one high-quality photo of the flag flying above a landmark in your town Museum of Transport in Lucerne. Nick Bramley and send it to [email protected] by Monday 9 September. Membership no 199341 8 September 2019 September 2019 9

6-9_letters_sept19_SR HK revised 14.8.indd 9 15/08/2019 15:59 STALLA IN TI 0 O 0 N 0 S





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GOVERNANCE Correction Nautilus International Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December 2018 have been updated. See pages 40-41 or visit: www. NEWS international-financial-statements Strait of Hormuz designated high-risk zone following sustained Union pressure

Nautilus International has welcomed a Strait of Hormuz: The WOAC decision by the International Bargaining agreement applies to all vessels Forum (IBF) to designate the Strait of Hormuz a entered into the UK Chamber and the clauses are invoked if flag state and Temporary Extended Risk Zone, after 12 weeks industry guidance is not complied with of increased aggression towards merchant ships in the Gulf of Oman. The IBF’s decision, announced on 13 August, means that seafarers who are subject to an attack in the zone are entitled to a bonus and doubled death and disability compensation. It follows discussions by the IBF’s Warlike Operations Areas Committee, which has been closely monitoring the situation and the risk to shipping. Nautilus was present, with maritime employers represented by the Joint Negotiating Group (JNG), and unions represented by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). The temporary agreement applies from The UK Department for Transport raised The UK’s Warlike Operations Area 2 August to all vessels entered into the the Ship Security Level to 3 in July following Committee (WOAC) earlier in August agreed UK Chamber. The clauses are invoked if several attacks on tankers in the Strait of to temporarily designate the Strait of Hormuz a state and industry uidance is not ormu and the seiure o aed tena as a High-Risk Area, following sustained Union comlied with. That includes aed Impero, which remains off Iran with 23 pressure and government advice to avoid the vessels that refuse a military accompanied seafarers onboard. area unless accompanied by UK naval support. transit and vessels that do not take account of Britain has joined a US-led maritime The committee, comprised of trade unions relevant guidance from industry bodies such security mission in the Gulf to protect Nautilus International and RMT, and the as OCIMF, INTERTANKO, BIMCO and ICS. merchant vessels travelling through the UK Chamber of Shipping, met for a series of The agreement gives seafarers the right to Strait of Hormuz. meetings in July at Nautilus’ behest as political refuse to work onboard vessels transiting the Destroyer HMS Duncan and Frigate tensions in the reion intensified. Strait of Hormuz. Crew can request to leave the HMS Montrose are in the Gulf and will ‘Our priority has very clearly been to ship at a preceding port. accompany groups of two-to-three ships in the seafarers and any members who may Seafarers on vessels transiting the area could convoy as they transit the strait. be onboard these vessels throughout the also receive double basic pay from 2 August, in Up to 30% of the world’s crude oil and gas discussions. We have sought reassurances from recognition of the higher risks associated with passes through the Strait of Hormuz and the government and from owners over seafarer transiting and operating in the zone. Double Gulf of Oman. The incidents are the latest safety and security. Any risk to seafarers’ safety basic pay would apply to each day the ship escalation of instability in the region following is obviously of grave concern,’ Nautilus general is in the secified one. The ayments are in damage to four other tankers in May. secretary Mark Dickinson said. ‘We pledge our addition to all other remuneration earned. support to the international efforts to ensure The WOAC designation will be reviewed on 2 Nautilus members share first-hand that all seafarers are protected from aggression September or earlier if advice from the British experience of transiting the Strait of wherever that risk is evident.’ government changes. Hormuz, pages 29-33

September 2019 11

11_News_SR HK.indd 11 15/08/2019 11:11 NAUTILUS AT WORK

In brief ‘Digital rst’ GM19 gives Pay boost at Technip Members working for Technip you anywhere access Singapore PTE Limited have accepted a two-year pay and conditions agreement with a 5% increase in Nautilus members unable to attend the 2019 basic salaries from 1 January 2020 General Meeting in Rotterdam from October 8-10 and leave accrued on a 1:1 basis for can now follow proceedings on livestreaming via each day spent travelling to and from our new members’ only Facebook group. a work location, backdated to 1 This closed group is restricted to members January 2019. Technip members of the Union. Member-only links and offers wishing to be considered as a are posted here, as well as giving members the Nautilus liaison oƒcer can contact opportunity to discuss maritime issues with the Union for further information. each other. The Nautilus General Meeting is held every Salary success at Smit four years and sets the core priorities for the A majority of members working for Union’s work for the next four-year period. Smit International (Scotland) have The GM19 theme of ‘Global Industry, Global Associations will address the audience on voted to accept a 2.7% pay o‹er in ororce, loal nion’ re ects the worldwide Wednesday. the 2019 pay and conditions review. nature of the maritime industry, the work On Thursday, as part of a day focusing on the National organiser Steve Doran and members do, and the Union that unites them. longer-term vision for the Union, ITF general company lay organisers sought the Sessions to be live-broadcast include a guest secretary Steve Cotton, Dr Cleopatra Doumbia- above inŽation pay rise following speech from Guy Platten, secretary general Henry, president of World Maritime University consultation with members. of the International Chamber of Shipping, on and ‘Mother of the Maritime Labour Convention’, Tuesday 8 October. Han Busker, president of the and Nautilus International general secretary Bump up at Boskalis Netherlands trade union confederation FNV, Paul Mark Dickinson will be discussing the future of Boskalis Westminster members have Novak, deputy general secretary of the UK union the maritime industry. accepted a 2019 pay and conditions federation TUC, and Jim Scorer, secretary general Members can apply for access via: www. review with a 2.7% pay boost. of the International Federation of Shipmasters’ National organiser Steve Doran met with Boskalis business sector manager Chris Cates and contract manager Mark Penrose at the company oƒce in Fareham in June to progress the agreement.

Uplift for James Fisher Union members employed by James Fisher have unanimously voted to accept a 2.3% pay rise, backdated to 1 April 2019. As many as 91% of participating members voted to At the coalface: L-R Liaison accept the o‹er. offi cer Peter Callaghan and marine offi cer Jimmy Dowey with Nautilus national ferry organiser Agreement for Atlas Micky Smyth members Nautilus International members employed by Atlas Services Group Union visits Larne Harbour VTS Guernsey Ltd, serving on ships Nautilus national ferry with members the intention overdue and members will managed by Bibby Marine organiser Micky Smyth to update the current terms be updated in due course Management Services, have visited Larne Harbour Vessel and conditions applicable when a date is agreed accepted the company’s o‹er of a 3% Trafi c ervice T station to marine officers stationed to commence the much increase in salaries in the recent pay in August. at Larne Harbour. He anticipated discussions with and conditions negotiations. While there he discussed commented: ‘This is long management.’ 12 September 2019 September 2019 13

12-13_at work SR HK.indd 12 15/08/2019 11:21 NAUTILUS AT WORK

Nautilus International director of legal services In brief Charles Boyle: new law has significantly raised the stakes for involved seafarers Union representatives on European Works Council Nautilus Council member and P&O short sea liaison o cer Philip Lees was elected on to the European Works Council in August. Unite union representative Steve Biggs was also successfully elected.

Maersk talks stalled Union Partnership at Work discussions with Maersk Line (containers) have stalled following a meeting in Wallasey in March and the Maersk Line reorganisation. It is hoped that lines of communication will be restored and Nautilus is engaging with Danish unions in search of a solution.

Union condemns new New role for Union staer After more than two and half years with Nautilus, Christo de Waal will be Italian laws criminalising leaving the Rotterdam o ce at the end of August to take up a new role as legal masters for sea rescues assistant at the court in The Hague. ‘This is a great opportunity for Christo Nautilus has condemned as ‘draconian’ new humanitarian assistance was provided. Italy and we wish him well,’ said Nautilus laws passed by Italy on 5 August which could see has not acted within the letter or spirit of this assistant general secretary Olu Tunde. masters o rivate rescue shis fined u to m ecetion and has sinificantly raised the staes ‘Christo has shown great dedication to for disembarking refugees or defying refusals to for involved seafarers.’ his work and been of great value to the enter Italian waters. The UN’s refugee agency voiced concern over Union and its members.’ The text, adopted by Italian lawmakers in the law demanding that humanitarian work ‘not a confidence vote, ives hardriht interior be criminalised or stigmatised’. Your Union needs you minister Matteo Salvini more authority to ‘Imosin financial or other enalties on Nautilus is currently looking for block ships carrying rescued migrants from shipmasters could deter or impede sea rescue nominations for liaison o cers (LOs) entering Italian waters. activities by private vessels at a time when on Stena vessels on the Irish Sea and Vessels involved in humanitarian work can European states have largely withdrawn from routes, who are employed e confiscated and masters thrown in ail. rescue efforts in the Central Mediterranean,’ the by Stena Line Pte Ltd. LOs play an ‘It is very concerning that Italy has passed United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees integral role in assisting colleagues such a draconian law, which sharply increases said in a statement. and members within the workplace. the sanctions against masters of ships The UN migrant agency says at least 840 Nautilus provides courses to ensure belonging to private rescue organisations,’ people have gone missing so far this year that you are fully trained to carry out Nautilus International director of legal services trying to cross from Libya’s coast to Europe, your duties professionally as an Charles Boyle said. most of them in the central Mediterranean. accredited lay o cial of our Union. ‘Many of these missions will be of the type autilus ured any memer who finds anticipated under the general international themselves being detained for involvement in Hanson oer rejected obligations (which apply to all ships) under such matters to contact the union immediately, for second time UNCLOS to rescue persons found at sea in through Nautilus 24/7 if necessary. Nautilus members employed by danger, and the SOLAS duty to proceed to Hanson Ship Management Ltd have rescue on receiving information about persons Contact details for the Union, including the Nautilus overwhelmingly rejected a second in distress at sea. 24/7 help service, are on page 58. pay and conditions offer. Union ‘The EU Facilitation Directive (2002/90) gives officials will now go back to the member states power to exclude from liability for Pages 24-27: the human consequences of company in an effort to resolve this illeal transit o non citiens, cases in which Mediterranean migrant rescue on seafarers latest impasse. 12 September 2019 September 2019 13


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The Tube, 86 North Street, Cheetham Hill, Manchester M8 8RA 14 September 2019 NAUTILUS AT WORK Union calls for flag states to step up to emissions targets

autilus has called on a states to show ‘entirely reasonale’ esecially or shortsea leadershi in reducin emissions rom vessels such as erries which mae u a lare commercial shiin ater the overnment ercentae o the eet. announced its taret or ero emissions rom The lan includes a m cometition to commercial vessels rom . find innovative ways to reduce maritime ‘autilus arees with the osition that emissions and is ulished alonside a call loal action is the most eective way to or evidence to reduce emissions on achieve the amition o net ero emissions in waterways and domestic vessels. shiin,’ autilus roessional and technical s hani said in a ress release ‘ur oficer avid leton said. ‘owever, to maritime sector is vital to the success o the reach a osition where a loal solution can e ’s economy, ut it must do everythin it imlemented, it is imerative that individual can to reduce emissions, imrove air uality a states show leadershi to demonstrate and tacle climate chane.’ what can e achieved with suficient will.’ uidance has also een issued to orts UK maritime minister Nusrat Ghani launched the The lean aritime lan, launched y Clean Maritime Plan to assist them in develoin air uality maritime minister usrat hani, is art o the strateies. overnment’s lean ir tratey, which was The lan aims or all new shis ordered onsultation to increase the utae o ulished y rime minister Theresa ay in rom to e desined with ero emission low caron uels in the will tae lace the twiliht o her remiershi. caailities, which r leton said was net year. Nautilus pays tribute to passionate P&T Forum chair John Thomson

Nautilus Professional and Technical Forum chairman John Thomson passed away at the start of August following a long ght battling cancer, eventually succumbing to pneumonia. Mr Thomson hailed from the Wirral and started his seagoing career with BP in 1964 as a marine engineer before serving with Unicorn Lines of South Africa. He spent time ashore with several shipping companies, after which he went back to sea with BP in 1990 – achieving the rank of chief engineer in 1996. He came ashore again, this time as a technical superintendent, served as a cargo engineer and onboard liqueed natural gas Nautilus Professional and Technical Forum: John Thomson in purple shirt standing middle and back (LNG) and liqueed gas (LPG) carriers. In 2008, following a spell as a Nautilus Professional and Technical Forum and support maritime professionals by mentoring the charterers’ representative on a newbuilding was elected as chair in 2015. He had recently next generation. Anyone who knew and worked LNG tanker, Mr Thomson became a consultant stepped down due to his health. with John knows how passionate he was about and never looked back. He trained as an ‘John wanted to put something back into the the industry and in securing a future for the next OCIMF Inspector. industry,’ said Nautilus general secretary Mark generation of maritime professionals.’ John Thomson was closely involved with the Dickinson, ‘and channelled his wish to help and John Thomson is survived by his wife Rita.

September 2019 15

15_News_SR HK.indd 15 15/08/2019 11:22 HEALTH & SAFETY

Photo of MS model at the maritime museum, , taken August 2003 Image: Stan Shebs

An Indian coast guard ship French court fights a major fire onboard the Maersk Honam. Image: rejects families’ Wikimedia Commons compensation Rechristened Maersk claim for 1994 Honam back in service Estonia sinking

eventeen months ater a fire ried throuh sendin its new atrol vessel rom ochin, A French high court has rejected the the aers onam leadin to the deaths o five nm rom the vessel. compensation case of the families of seaarers, the ,teu o shi, rechristened aers ine confirmed the deaths o five o the Estonia ferry that sank in the aers alia, recommenced active service on the crew memers and sent three o its o Baltic in 1994 with the loss of 852 uust, oinin aers’s siaediterranean shis oeratin in the area to aid the onam, lives. The tragedy remains Europe’s ade’ service with . which was transortin , containers. worst maritime accident in terms of The m vessel, delivered in uust as The damaed shi’s ow was cut o at a yard lives lost in the last 30 years. the third o a series o si sistershis, cauht in uai and the remainder o the shi was The court ruled that shipbuilder fire on arch etween the coast o India moved y a semisumersile shi to lsan in Meyer Werft and classi‹cation and nm rom man while en route rom outh orea, where it was reaired y yundai society Bureau Veritas would not inaore to the ue anal. eavy Industries. have to compensate victims’ The Indian coastuard coordinated the rescue The redu vessel now eatures a reshaed, families. oerated rom the omay ssistance entre, less ared ow and an scruer. The civil court case opened in , where Bureau Veritas is headquartered, following the payment of €130m in compensation Toddler death blamed on by Swedish operator Estline in a case for material loss in the Swedish court. Royal Caribbean Cruises Lawyers brought the €40.8m compensation case in France on The lawyer of the family whose 18-month-old yet to hand over the surveillance footage, which behalf of 1,116 mostly Swedish family daughter fell 150ft from an 11th oor cruise ship Winkleman said was ‘certainly the most critical piece members of the victims, following a window while docked in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is of evidence’. 1997 tripartite international blaming Royal Caribbean Cruises for the death as a He said that the family needed answers as to why commission report indicating the ‘preventable tragic accident’. there would be an open window in a wall full of ‹xed responsibility of the builder and Police in Puerto Rico said Chloe Wiegand windows in a children’s play area. ‘Why would you classi‹cation society in technical apparently slipped from her grandfather’s hands have the danger without any warning, sign, or faults involving the ship’s inner bow while he was holding her out of a window on the notice?’ he asked. ‘Why would you ever in a kids’ play door unlocking system. 3,634- passenger Freedom of the Seas on Sunday area put windows that passengers can open?’ Swedish lawyer Henning Vitte 7 July. Royal Caribbean called the girl’s death a ‘tragic expressed disappointment with the However, the family’s lawyer in Miami, Michael incident’. verdict. ‘It is totally abnormal that a Winkleman, said the child ‘fell due to an open glass The Puerto Rico port authority o‘cials continue to case of such importance did not pane that should have been closed securely’. investigate whether the window was already opened pinpoint any responsibility for the Despite repeated requests, Royal Caribbean have or if someone had opened it. disaster,’ he said. 16 September 2019 September 2019 17

16-17_h+s HK_SR checked.indd 16 15/08/2019 11:22 Fatigue led to Relatives of 1979 Whiddy US warship Island disaster victims to collision take High Court action

A US National Transportation Safety Board 50 people (NTSB) investigation into the collision died when a series of between the USS John S McCain and explosions tanker Alnice MC found that insucient ripped through the training, crew fatigue, inadequate bridge 121,432dwt operating procedures and a lack of tanker Betelgeuse operational oversight were to blame. Ten while it was sailors died and 48 were injured when the discharging a cargo of ships collided on August 21, 2017, in the Arabian crude Singapore Strait, one of the world’s busiest at the terminal waterways. It was the second accident Image: involving a US naval vessel in as many Ian Vickery months, following the collision of the USS The families of men killed in the 1979 ensure safe operations. They are asking Fitzgerald and containership ACX Crystal Whiddy Island disaster in the Bay of for the state to apologise to the people of o‘ the coast of Japan on June 17. The NTSB Bantry have launched a fundraising Bantry and West Cork for these failings said the Navy had no standards for drive to cover the cost of a High Court and that it carries out a thorough ensuring crew members aboard the ship battle in Ireland. They will apply to have review of Ireland’s maritime and energy had adequate rest. the victims’ death certifi cates corrected, regulatory framework and implements to re ect that the deaths were unlawul currently outstanding international under Irish law in 1979. maritime regulation. Falmouth A total of 50 people died when a r inston said ‘y ather and all series of explosions ripped through the those who died, includin eole foots the bill ,dwt taner eteleuse while it was from other countries who came to work discharging a cargo of Arabian crude at in Ireland, have een denied their fi nal Falmouth Harbour has been left to pay for the Gulf Oil terminal on Whiddy Island riht under the iht to ie rovisions the re“oating of a Russian bulker that ran in the Bay of Bantry on 8 January 1979. o uroean law, and their death aground in strong winds on Gyllyngvase The deaths o rench eole, seven certifi cates are incorrect. beach on 18 December 2018. Irish people and one Englishman was ‘They died unlawully due to the The 1980-built Kuzma Minin, owned by the worst industrial and maritime aallin reaches o saety y ul il, JSC Murmansk Shipping Company, disaster in Ireland’s history. and the failure to address these issues is grounded after dragging anchor in heavy t the th anniversary o the a fundamental breach of their European weather. Damage below the waterline disaster in anuary, maritime lawyer rights by Ireland. included shell plate deformation and ichael inston, son o hiddy victim ‘They were let to die in atrocious breached tanks; but no injuries or pollution. Tim Kingston and vice-president of The circumstances and the state failed in its The UK’s Marine Accident Investigation renchIrish ssociation o elatives duty to ensure safe operations. Branch found that a ‘signi›cant underlying and riends o the eteleuse, called the ‘The leaders o the Irish state have contributor’ to the grounding was lack of failures that took place – both on the failed to show any compassion to investment. Unpaid debts had led to the shi, and at the oil terminal ‘some o the victims’ amilies, have issued no withdrawal of P&I insurance by American the worst derelictions of duty in relation aoloy or their clear ailins, and Club and bunkers not being taken in its to safety in world maritime history’. have ignored correspondence regarding previous port, Terneuzen. The vessel faced e warned state ofi cials at that event current safety legislation. delay in procuring fuel and lube oil in that, should no action e taen to rectiy ‘iven the ailure to address these Falmouth. Agency services in Falmouth the death certifi cates, a hih court issues, this action will not only fi nally had also been withdrawn. action would be mounted. establish the rights of our beloved The re“oating was co-ordinated by the The families are also seeking a state relatives who died but protect the Falmouth harbour master. Kuzma Minin aoloy or the amilies, worers and maritime industry and our precious was subsequently arrested and sold to pay rescue services, and the residents o rescue services and other workers today debts, and its crew repatriated to . Whiddy Island who were forced into from repeated failings.’ The salvage award had not been paid as danger unnecessarily due to breaches the Telegraph went to press. of safety and the state failure to Safety laws still not enacted: letters, page 9 16 September 2019 September 2019 17

16-17_h+s HK_SR checked.indd 17 15/08/2019 11:22 INTERNATIONAL

In brief MARITIME EMPLOYERS K-Line slapped with ‘largest ever’ ITF slams second preventable port death in Karachi The International Transport Workers’ criminal cartel ne in Australia Federation (ITF) has branded the July death of a dock worker at Hutchison aanese oerator awasai the transport prices of cars, Ports’ container terminal in Karachi Kisen Kaisha Ltd (K-Line) has trucs, and uses to ustralia ‘shameful’. It is the second death in less been convicted of criminal from the US, Asia and various than a year at the site. 23-year-old cartel conduct and ordered European countries. Muhammad Imran Ali was killed when a to pay an A$34.5m fine by K-Line, and other shipping container was lowered onto the truck in Australia’s Federal Court lines transported these which he was sleeping. ITF for fixing prices on the vehicles on behalf of major president Paddy Crumlin challenged transort o cars, trucs, and car manufacturers including Hutchison to ‘sit down and listen to the buses to Australia between issan, uui, onda, Toyota personal cost that the families and friends 2009 and 2012. and Isuzu and others. of these workers have been forced to bear ine’s fine is the larest ‘Cartel conduct, such as that because of their loved ones dying ever criminal penalty imposed engaged in by K-line, not only preventable deaths at the terminal’. under Australia’s Competition cheats consumers and other and Consumer Act, according to ACCC chair Rod Sims: Cartel usinesses throuh inated conduct cheats consumers and Amnesty urges humanitarian the Australian Competition and other businesses prices and costs, but also action for blocked rescue ship Consumer Commission (ACCC). restricts healthy economic Amnesty International has called for a K-Line pleaded guilty competition authorities. The growth and discourages Spanish rescue ship caught in a stand-o following an extensive criminal cartel operated from at least innovation,’ ACCC chair Rod between the Italian, Maltese and investigation by the local February 1997 and impacted Sims said. Spanish authorities to be allowed to dock. As of 11 August, the Proactiva Open LEGAL Arms – with 121 people onboard, including 30 children and two babies – was stranded at sea in sweltering heat TRIBUNAL RULES SHOULD and overcrowded conditions 30 nautical miles from Italy, between Malta and RELEASE SWISS TANKER AND CREW Lampedusa. The refugees have been on The International Tribunal for the Law of the the vessel since they were rescued in Sea (ITLOS) has ruled that Nigeria should on 1 and 2 August. immediately release the wissaed taner The ‹rst rescue took place near the coast M/T San Pedro Pio, held with 17 crew members of Libya and the second close to a and cargo for almost 18 months. Maltese search-and-rescue zone. In its ruling of 6 July, ITLOS said ‘it appears that the rights claimed by Switzerland in the New rescue vessel launched present case … are plausible’ and upholds its French NGO SOS Méditerranée and demand that Nigeria release crew members Médecins sans Frontières have detained in prison for conspiracy to distribute chartered a new rescue ship to and deal with petroleum products without replace the Aquarius, which was lawful authority. refused •ag registration last year. The Switzerland maintains that the 2012-built Swiss-flagged tanker San Pedro Pio has been held in Port Harcourt for over 18 months. Getty Images Norwegian •agged Ocean Viking is vessel, operated by ABC Maritime, was not in equipped with an onboard hospital, Nigeria’s territorial waters when arrested while the master and three oficers who were held in four semi-rigid rescue crafts and a engaged in ship-to-ship transfers of gasoil in prison before they were released on bail and helicopter landing bay, and can the country’s exclusive economic zone on 23 also returned to the vessel. accommodate 200-300 rescued January 2018. The tribunal said that Nigeria should release people. SOS Méditerranée said Ocean The crew was detained for ‘unauthorised the ship, its master and crew and ensure that Viking would work in strict respect for entry into Nigerian waters and illegal fuel under the bail conditions set by the Federal maritime law but would not let trading’ but were released and returned to the ih ourt, the oficers are allowed to leave migrants die in the Libyan zone and vessel, which is still held at Port Harcourt. The the territory and maritime areas under would convey them to a safe port. charges were later amended to apply only to Nigeria’s jurisdiction. 18 September 2019 September 2019 19

18-19_int_SR HK.indd 18 15/08/2019 11:23 POLITICS In brief Unions back Unions cheer Jones US Energy Act waiver defeat US maritime unions MM&P and MIRAID Bipartisan bill could kick-start investment in America have applauded the US Senate Commerce as a maritime nation, according to its sponsors export bill Committee’s rejection of a new Jones Act waiver plan. The proposal, introduced by TTD, a coalition of 32 unions for transport said in a joint statement. They support the Jones Republican senator Mike Lee, was defeated workers across America, has called on Act, which requires cargo shipped between two by a vote of 22-4. Under existing law, Congress to support the Energizing American American ports be transported on US-built, administrative waivers of the Jones Act can Shipbuilding Act, a bill introduced by Democrat owned and operated ships. only be granted in the interests of national John Garamendi and Republican Roger Wicker The bill would kickstart long-term reinvestment security. Senator Lee’s proposal would to make more cargo available for transport by in the idea of America as a maritime, seafaring have allowed administrative waivers for US ships and crews. nation and counters similar requirements in other economic reasons, a signi†cant departure The bill would require that ships built in the export countries, according to the sponsors. That from the current test. transort o total seaorne liuefied includes the ussianaed vessel reuirement natural gas (LNG) exports by 2041 and 10% of total for Arctic oil and natural gas exports announced Blumenthal FOC seaborne crude oil exports by 2033. in December 2018. released in Belgium The US is projected to become a net crude I enacted, the neriin merican A ‡ag-of-convenience ship targeted by the oil exporter and the top LNG exporting nation Shipbuilding Act would result in the domestic International Transport Workers’ in the coming years, according to the Energy construction of 50 new ships including 28 Federation (ITF) for forcing crew to drink Inormation dministration. urrently there are LNG carriers by 2041 and 12 oil tankers by rainwater has been released from a no carriers reistered under the a. 2033, boost domestic vessel component Belgian port after addressing serious safety ‘Congress has neglected the maritime industry manufacturing and maritime industries and de†ciencies relating to poor maintenance for too long’ and is short of several dozen create thousands of jobs, according to the bill’s and working conditions. Union merchant ships and 1,800 seafarers, the senators sponsors. dockworkers had previously picketed the MV Lita, owned by German shipping company Blumenthal, over reports that the SECURITY crew had been forced to collect rainwater with tarpaulins to survive while the vessel CREWS REPORT GPS JAMMING IN GULF was o’ the coast of Brazil in May. Belgian The US Maritime and detention and release of unknown entities falsely port state control inspectors who boarded Administration (Marad) has ieriaaed esdar. claiming to be US or coalition the vessel at the port of Ghent in July found warned of GPS interference In at least two o these warships. 36 de†ciencies, including: non-functioning and bridge-to-bridge incidents, vessels reported GPS Marad recommended emergency lighting, batteries and communications soofin in interference, according to Marad. that vessels operating in switches; unusable life-saving appliances; the Arabian Gulf following One vessel reportedly shut off the Gulf review security incorrectly maintained lifeboats; several reports from crew. its utomatic Identification measures, ensure I is always inadequate †re extinguishers; insu™cient Since May 2019, Marad has ystem I eore it was transmitting, and monitor †re training; and problems with general recorded six attacks against seized, complicating response VHF Channel 16. safety policy and onboard procedures. commercial vessels, seizure efforts. Vessels have also of two vessels including the reported spoofed bridge-to- More on Middle East security: Fine particle study aed tena Imero, bridge communications from pages 29-33 France will study the e’ect of the emission of †ne particles emanating from ships in Marad warned the national ‡eet. The study is backed by that bridge France’s national o™cers’ training academy communications could be and the Brittany/Loire Atlantic Engineering spoofed University. The three-year programme, called Capnav, starts in September. Brittany-based coastal and island ferry operator Penn ar Bed and Western Channel operator Brittany Ferries have volunteered to accommodate research teams on their vessels. 18 September 2019 September 2019 19

18-19_int_SR HK.indd 19 15/08/2019 11:23 INDUSTRY In brief

NWA rebrands as Workboat Association The National Workboat Association (NWA) has celebrated its silver anniversary with a rebranding exercise to reœect the international nature of its membership. It will now be called The Workboat Association (WA) and represents workboat owners, operators, Role models wanted Image: Phill Williams / 1851 Trust stakeholders and independent professionals from both in and STEM CAREERS ROADSHOW SEEKS outside of the UK. It will remain a not-for-pro™t, membership funded/ FEMALE MARITIME VOLUNTEERS owned association. A UK maritime educational charity is looking for Hub aboard NLV Pharos. During each roadshow female maritime professionals to act as role event, up to 150 girls will take part in a multi- models and ambassadors for its new initiative activity day, combining: aimed at schoolgirls in years 7 and 8 (aged 11-13). ● an inspiration zone – small group sessions with The 1851 Trust is the ocial charity of the British female representatives from participating Workboat America’s Cup challenger INEOS TEAM UK, led by companies helping the girls ™nd out about the Association CEO Sir Ben Ainslie. Its purpose is to encourage more range of jobs available in maritime through Kerrie Forster young women to embark on STEM careers studying STEM subjects Black Pearl at Portland (science, technology, engineering and ● an investigation zone – girls undertake a series of Visitors to Weymouth’s Portland mathematics) in the maritime industry. practical science and technology activities (such as Harbour in August experienced a The charity’s Maritime Roadshow for Girls starts coding, STEM Crew mini-sessions, messy science activity) close-up of one of the world’s most in Portsmouth on 11 October, followed by London, ● additional activities designed to develop unusual vessels, the 106.7m three- Liverpool, Belfast, Swansea, Plymouth, Blackpool, resilience, con™dence and self-belief masted sailing yacht Black Pearl. Dover, Newcastle and Glasgow. The Cayman-Islands œagged, Event dates will be released in September during For more information on the Maritime Roadshow 2,986 gt superyacht sailed into London International Shipping Week, where the for Girls and to discuss taking part, email Portland port at the end of July to 1851 Trust is exhibiting at the Maritime UK Careers [email protected]. collect stores and do some re™tting and repairs. UKSA launches new maritime foundation course for school leavers

Nautilus strategic yacht partner UKSA is Topics covered by the course include launching a new foundation course aimed at maritime safety, vessel rope work, anchoring, yearolds who have finished their s and mooring operations, vessel construction and are looking for a career in maritime. stability and control operation of survival craft. Black Pearl Image: Paul Dalloway The two-year Maritime Foundation course The course is fully funded as part of a full- Bday for Red Jet 7 will equip learners with all the essential skills, time 16+ further education programme and is Red Funnel’s Hi-Speed passenger ualifications and nowlede or entry level ideal for those looking for work in the maritime catamaran, Red Jet 7, celebrated positions, with its 60/40 split of practical and sector or would like to take a structured one year of service in the Solent in theory training. athway towards ’s ashi course, the July. Since joining the Isle of Wight Will Satterly, education manager for the Isle ueryacht adetshi. ferry œeet in July last year, Red Jet 7 of Wight-based charity, said: ‘This new course eanwhile, has named evin eore has travelled over 84,000 nautical is designed to open as many doors as possible its new chair of Trustees, replacing sitting chair miles, completed 3,615 round trips for those willing to work hard, listen and learn illiam arnett, whose threeyear term has and nearly half a million passenger from experienced tutors who are passionate ended. r eore is chair o commercial erry journeys, to date spending almost about helping them set long term goals and oerator ed unnel rou and a ormer chie 3,000 hours at sea. giving them the tools to achieve them.’ executive of the company. 20 September 2019 September 2019 21

20-21_industry _ Superyachts GC HK_SR checked.indd 20 15/08/2019 11:24 SUPERYACHTS Helping yachties stay in touch YachtNeeds founder TONY RYAN is interviewed as part of a series of profiles of Nautilus strategic yacht partners on life in the sector. Described as a ‘concierge app’, YachtNeeds provides crews with easy access to listings and other information in the various ports they visit

achtNeeds puts As more vessels are being built individuals’ needs, and more users in contact each year, more jobs become importantly crew knowing who Y with over 24,000 available, which means more they can speak to and speak superyacht opportunities for crew who want openly about these issues, then services and suppliers in over to succeed in the superyacht we should be moving in the right 600 ports and marinas industry. It is a win-win direction. worldwide. It has a chat facility so situation for seafarers, provided users can keep in contact with we continue to get the crew 4. What would you say to other yachties. The ‘world’s first who want to go all the way in other organisations thinking of superyacht app’ has entered into yachting. partnering with Nautilus? a yachting partnership with Get behind Nautilus, it’s for the Nautilus and now lists our 3. How is the MLC beneting the good of crew who are the main information under the Crew yachting community? players in our industry. Advice and Assistance section in Having not worked onboard for

all categories. YachtNeeds founder Tony Ryan over five years now, I’m not sure 5. You were a concierge app but what current hardships people now you’re changing your business 1. What challenges does the technology. Older systems have. Each vessel is different. I model. How is that going? industry face over the next ve of doing things still work, so think we are now in an era where It’s going very well. We have years? shifting mindsets to perhaps it does not, and should not, recently conducted crew surveys I do not see too many challenges easier and faster ways can be a matter or even be a talking point on our pivoting business model as there are always new and challenge. about individual preference, and the outcome has been very exciting projects being released racial issues or any other interesting and exciting. We almost monthly now. I do 2. How do you see the future for discriminating issues. Yes, this can’t give too much away at however think that the industry seafarers in the yachting industry? of course will always arise but this point, but it is safe to say is still working at a snail’s pace What opportunities will they with organisations like Nautilus we will be releasing something in terms of accepting new encounter? International supporting very exciting into the maritime Meet Nautilus in Monaco Nautilus representatives will be attending the Derek Byrne, Nautilus head of membership Monaco Yacht Show from 25-27 September 2019. and recruitment, added: ‘We hope that Based in the ACREW lounge at the renowned La members take the opportunity to meet some of Rascasse restaurant, the team will be on hand to the team dedicated to looking after them in the meet existing members, welcome new members superyacht industry. into the Union, and to provide guidance on the ‘It is a great opportunity to obtain the Union’s Nautilus sea service veri cation process endorsed MCA-recognised Commercial Yacht Service Record by the MCA. Book – which for the rst time at Monaco can be Nautilus strategic partners in the superyacht issued on the spot – and to seek advice on the industry will also be on hand throughout the show Nautilus sea service veri cation procedure. Existing to speak to members about their various services. members should encourage those who haven’t yet The Union’s sea service administrator Pauline joined us to pay the Nautilus team a visit.’ Parry is looking forward to meeting members and new recruits face-to-face in Monaco. She said: ‘All To gain access to the ACREW lounge, register at: a seafarer needs to receive their Nautilus Service Record Book at the show is a passport-sized To book an appointment with a Nautilus photograph and their passport. Everything else can representative at the lounge or onboard your vessel be taken care of there and then.’ in Monaco, email: [email protected] 20 September 2019 September 2019 21

20-21_industry _ Superyachts GC HK_SR checked.indd 21 15/08/2019 11:24 HEALTH AND SAFETY TAKING THE SEARCH OUT OF SEARCH AND RESCUE Nautilus member and master mariner COLIN WILLIAMS worked for many years on the staff of the RNLI lifeboats. He casts his professional eye over a new app that aims to make it easier for rescue services to locate and help leisure sailors in diffi culties

any professional sailing, wind or ite surfi ng, sea with countries’ marine rescue seafarers are aware of kayaking, sea angling, motor co-ordination centres now M the network of marine boating and even walking on recognising SafeTrx. safety agencies that coastal paths, the SAR agencies have In the UK, the SafeTrx app is support search and rescue (SAR) co- even more diffi culty assessing the available via the Royal Yachting ordination at sea when venturing in exact location of missing persons. Association (RYA), and in Ireland it their professional capacity around To assist in this dilemma, an is supported by the Irish Sailing the globe. Whilst many commercial Irish software company called 8 Association. The use of the app has vessels are now equipped with the West Consulting has developed an been improved very recently using Global Maritime Distress and Safety app for use on mobile devices. ESRI nautical charts in the System (GMDSS) and Automatic Known as SafeTrx, the app was Netherlands SAR region, and dentifi cation System (AS) to developed by the fi rm’s chief KNRM supports the Dutch app support the automatic reporting of executive John Murphy, following under the title ‘RM Helps’. n their location, unregistered vessels his personal experience of getting , the Danish Maritime used for coastal leisure or inshore into serious diffi culties during a Authority has supported the use of fi shing activities are mostly not mountaineering expedition in the SafeTrx to help promote safe and fi tted with sophisticated Alps a few years ago. He developed responsible recreational boating equipment, so the SAR agencies are the app in close consultation with on the Danish coast. not able to easily obtain the Irish coastguard to improve the The user can download the app to SafeTrx screenshots information regarding voyage showing the phases co-ordination of rescue within the Android and Apple devices and history and last known position. of a SAR situation rish SAR area however, the app’s insert personal information initiated on the app For those who engage in marine Images: 8 West availability has quickly spread securely within the registration leisure activities such as coastal Consulting around European SAR regions, menu. When used in Sail Plan Mode, the starting point is recorded, and a destination is selected with an estimated time of arrival (ETA). If the ETA is exceeded, text messages are sent automatically to the user’s nominated emergency contact(s). The user should try to ensure that on arrival they end the trip upon the app to avoid false alerts. Should a nominated contact alert the SAR authority with a concern, the data from the Sail Plan can be accessed by the rescue coordination centre to ascertain last known position and a search plan can be initiated if appropriate by the SAR authority.

For more information on the SafeTrx app, see in the UK and for all countries where it is in use. 22 September 2019

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drive, now fatigued as they have not been able to sleep. If they pull UNINTENDED over to sleep, they risk missing their delivery target. If they keep driving, they risk falling asleep at the wheel and causing a terrible CONSEQUENCES road accident. When faced with the choice After reading a Telegraph article on the safety between the very real risk of of truck drivers onboard ro-ro ferries, Nautilus driving when fatigued and/or member PAUL GAWNE points out a problem facing a financial or wor penalty on the one hand or violating the t was with great and yet they are expected to deliver ferry rules and catching up with disappointment that I their cargo in the minimum some much-needed sleep on the I read the article possible time. This means that other, it should come as no surprise ‘Nautilus backs MAIB during the hours they are permitted that they choose the latter. warning to truck drivers’ in the May to drive, they must drive, and when I am astonished that ferry edition of the Nautilus Telegraph. they reach their driving limit, companies can be so short-sighted The article described the situation they’re tired and need to sleep. and blinkered as to suggest where some truck drivers remain in When a truck drives onto a ferry, it threatening the drivers with the sleeping quarters of their trucks stops driving. This then is an further enforcement when they on the car decks of ferries during enforced rest period, so the driver are already stuck between a rock the crossing, in contravention of the needs to get some sleep. This is and a hard place. Their behaviour ferry company’s safety policy. where the problem starts. The driver is only a symptom of a wider Firstly, I would like to clearly is not allowed to remain in his cab problem that affects the whole state that I absolutely agree that on the car deck and so can’t sleep supply chain. truck drivers should not be there. On most modern ro-ro ferries, Yes, ferry companies and the allowed to remain in their trucks the passenger accommodation is MAIB should work with the Road on the car deck while the ferry is at limited to upright seating only, and Haulage Association, but not to sea. However, is it really any it’s noisy and full of distractions so enforce an unworkable rule; wonder that some of them feel there is nowhere for them to sleep rather to work towards a real and compelled to do so? on the ferry either. mutual solution to the root cause Truck drivers are subject to rules The ferry then arrives at the of driver fatigue. To just kick restricting the number of hours destination and the driver must them off the car deck is to simply they can continuously drive and the return to the truck; and because kick the problem, and the danger, total hours in a day they can drive they have had a ‘rest’ they must quite literally, down the road.

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HIGH STAKES Rescuing people in distress at sea comes naturally to seafarers. But Italy has led a growing resistance and often outright hostility from port states to receiving rescued migrants – leaving seafarers caught in the middle. FELICITY LANDON looks at the impact on masters and everyone onboard

t the end of July 2019, up to 150 people Human impact attempting to make the dangerous sea Working on pipelines off the Libyan coast in January A crossing from Libya to Europe drowned 2017, the Deep Vision received a call from the Maritime when two boats capsized. It was just the Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC) in Rome about a latest in a series of tragedies on the Mediterranean. boat in distress. The situation escalated and Deep Vision, The instinct and responsibility under international a subsea inspection, maintenance and repair and survey law of seafarers is to help wherever they can. And yet… vessel, ended up helping to rescue more than 900 There are stories of ships changing their course in the Seafarers migrants from nine boats over three days. Some had run Mediterranean to avoid meeting refugees in distress; of involved out of fuel – others had no engines and had been towed with migrant ships turning off their AS of offi cers being instructed rescue can fi nd out and left to drift. by their employers to ‘loo the other way’ and fi nd themselves Captain Jamie Wilson, a Nautilus member who was coping with something important to do on the other side of the extreme honoured with the Merchant Navy Medal for his part in bridge; of masters who have done their heroic best later situtions the rescue, recalls the horrifi c situation in the fi rst (Images: Judith being penalised for changing track and delaying a Buethe) overloaded dinghy. There were 132 people on the boat, voyage; and of extreme pressure on masters from shipowners, charterers or cargo owners to keep to time. Last year Italy started to turn away rescue vessels bringing migrants into its ports. his year it fi ned rescuers who brought migrants into port without authorisation. Then it arrested Carola Rackete, captain of SeaWatch 3, after her vessel carrying rescued migrants docked at Lampedusa. The charges against Capt Rackete were subsequently dropped by Judge Alessandra Vella for being non-applicable; however, the case shows that the stakes for sea rescue are getting higher. Seafarers involved with migrant rescue can fi nd themselves coping with the physical demands and psychological effects of rescuing and caring for hundreds of exhausted and traumatised migrants, in diffi cult and dangerous circumstances, with little support at the time or in the aftermath. 24 September 2019 September 2019 25

24-27_Migrant Rescue GC HK_SR checked.indd 24 15/08/2019 11:26 including two pregnant women. A rescue boat was launched, life jackets were distributed, and the migrants Be prepared were eventually transferred to a French navy ship. The bodies of two children were found under a blanket. ‘Obviously the law of the sea states that I must help – and of course I would always help,’ Capt Wilson says. ‘But there is also the safety and security of my ship to consider. We had about 70 marine and specialist crew onboard. If I had brought 132 additional people onto my vessel, how could I secure them on deck? How would we have fed them? We did have extra provisions and lifejackets but certainly not enough for more than 900 people in three days.’

The Deep Vision provided a lee for the boats and Vessels should have blankets onboard Image: Judith Buethe assisted with the transfer of the people to navy and humanitarian ships. Ships that operate on well-known migration routes should be better equipped with life rafts, food, clothing and medical A lot happens in a concentrated period in such a equipment, while masters and crew should be well prepared, situation, the master notes. But an issue sometimes including psychologically, says migrant rescue campaigner and forgotten, and which he hadn’t previously given much photographer Judith Buethe. ‘It is important to remember what thought to, is the effect on the crew. a rescue operation is in terms of physical and mental exertion and the impact it has on the crew,’ she says. ‘I asked my rescue crew to take a boat and go across the Ms Buethe, who has crewed several NGO rescue vessels, says open sea to the raft – we didn’t know the situation there, rules, agreements and regulations should not unsettle seafarers whether the people were angry or injured or had and limit them in their humanitarian action, she insists; they weapons. It isn’t until afterwards that you think about it need to know there is external support in worst-case scenarios. ‘Seafarers must – without many trains of thought – be able to all and have to deal with the emotion and how you pick intervene humanly and e‚ ectively and save lives.’ yourself up from that.’ Albrecht Beck is managing director of Prepared International The crew didn’t hesitate to perform extra duties; the (PPI), a consultancy ‡ rm specialising in disaster management. stress, worry, nerves and extra workload were all put on He agrees that ships need to be prepared and crew trained for this sort of situation. He suggests having blankets onboard, chemical the backburner while they did what was asked of them, toilets, simple food stocks such as rice, and a supply of medical says Capt Wilson. equipment for basic coverage. ‘A big part of the master’s role was trying to return the Dr Beck, who has also spent time onboard a rescue vessel in a crew’s attention back to “normal operations” whilst support role in the Mediterranean, worries that ‘bad behaviour’ could be rewarded. maintaining the highest focus on safety and security.’ ‘Some companies are rerouting ships to avoid the zone, This was not easy, he says. Morale was low, the extra while other ships were called upon to support – but didn’t and workload had affected everyone, the rescue boat crews continued on their way. I can imagine the pressure on them from had had to deal with situations in each raft and the stress their bosses,’ he says of his experience on the rescue vessel. ‘On the other hand, we had many ships that did help. A large of the whole operation took its toll. tanker from Thailand stayed for nearly three days and took ‘The extra pressure on masters and on shipping onboard more than 1,000 people brought to them by di‚ erent companies from a hardening stance by EU states and ships. They gave up their last drop of drinking water and had all these people on the deck. They brought blankets to give them shade and worked through the night to support them. ‘For a tanker company, the loss from such an action is huge. The shipping companies that don’t respond and don’t care for the people will in the end be the winners on that route. There is a need for some form of insurance – you can quickly kill a good company if the ship isn’t making money.’ Dr Beck is also concerned for captains who carry out rescues. ‘By international law you have to help; but that is no security afterwards against the repercussions that captains may have to go back to.’ Judith Buethe has been in the situation where a merchant vessel provided the only help and support for her NGO rescue boat and the several hundred rescued people onboard. ‘Our capacity onboard was exhausted. The possibilities to bring people aboard the commercial ship were very di’ cult. We gradually brought people – with the help of a rope ladder – on to a tanker, including those who were injured, weakened or pregnant. In the end, they were well protected and supplied by the professional crew onboard until the support of a naval ship came, one day later.’ 24 September 2019 September 2019 25

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...Continued from page 25

Tragedy in the possible refusal to accept migrants picked up on merchant ships cannot be overstated,’ says Capt Wilson. ‘But any Mediterranean master would say saving life at sea has to take priority over Wilko Beinlich witnessed anything else.’ tragedy at sea when he was volunteering onboard Eye-opener the Iuventa – a rescue vessel operated by NGO Patrolling the Aegean looking for migrants in distress Jugend Rettet. He had at sea has been an eye-opener for another Nautilus been serving as a second member, who wants to remain anonymous. o cer with Hapag Lloyd He says: ‘Those trying to cross the Aegean are Cruises, using his leave to work onboard the rescue generally from war-torn countries, primarily Syria and vessel. Afghanistan. These people have malnutrition, have had Easter 2017 brought a next to no healthcare, have endured horrible journeys.’ sudden spike in migrant The government-run patrol boat is not allowed to numbers, with several thousand in danger in the approach migrants’ boats unless they are deemed to be Mediterranean. 'We had in distress. more than 300 people Second offi cer Wilko Beinlich was ‘But what do you deem distress? You can look at a onboard, there were 3.5 traumatised by migrant deaths boat and say it’s OK but know that in half an hour it metre waves washing over people on the open deck, the boat was pitching badly, and we likely will not be OK. We are talking about 80 to 90 couldn't guarantee their safety. There were hundreds more people people in boats designed for 20, with no lifejackets, behind us in the water and we had no more assets to save them,' babies onboard, and no one can swim – it only needs he says. 'After that, I had a complete emotional breakdown and one rogue wave. They are in 40-degree heat, they have needed help. I had seen 400 people die in front of me. A 26-year- old from central Europe has never seen what it means to really no cover and no water or supplies.’ su‘ er and that was something I was de’ nitely not prepared for.' He believes there needs to be collective, offi cial The trauma was such that Beinlich gave up his seafaring career. advice rather than individual countries taking their He is now studying for a master's degree in crisis and disaster own position over migrant rescue both in the management, hoping for a career in the humanitarian sector. While he never encountered a migrant rescue situation while Mediterranean and elsewhere. onboard a commercial vessel, Mr Beinlich says: 'Ship’s o cers go ‘It should be clear: if you operate in this area where through a lot of training in order to deal with numerous situations you are likely to come across this problem, this is onboard. But being in a situation like that, full of emotion, fatigued what you need to do. No master wants to get arrested because you hadn't slept in 70 hours – it's not what someone from the commercial shipping world should be facing. but also no master is going to not pick up people in 'I would compare this to dealing with the threat of piracy, distress.’ when commercial ships take a lot of precautions; you train so you The 1979 International Convention on Maritime are safe, you have armed guards onboard, you mentally prepare Search and Rescue (SAR Convention) defi nes the yourself and you physically prepare the ship when you go into such areas. There are guidelines, and everyone is prepared. There is no ‘distress phase of emergency’ as: 'a situation wherein such thing for the refugee crisis. I believe shipping companies have there is reasonable certainty that a person, a vessel or an obligation to prepare the crew, to sit down and talk it through other craft is threatened by grave and imminent and to have regular drills. Seafarers want to rescue people – it is a danger and requires immediate assistance'. moral code of honour and good seamanship.' A master can face a situation where the ‘grave and imminent’ danger is not perfectly established, or not yet (in comparison to a situation where people are struggling in the water far from safety). Nautilus director of legal services Charles Boyle says that discussions have taken place in recent years to try to defi ne further ‘distress at sea’, for instance in International Maritime Organisation plenary meetings and during Maritime Safety and Legal Committees, with no fi nal conclusions regarding possible new parameters allowing a better measure of the distress. ‘In practice, it appears that if the maritime expert (search and rescue authority or master) has “reasonable certainty” that “grave and imminent” danger exists and that “immediate assistance” is The Iuventa rescue required, then that must suffi ce’, Mr Boyle says. vessel in operation

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24-27_Migrant Rescue GC HK_SR checked.indd 26 15/08/2019 11:26 SEA RESCUE: A TRADE UNION STATEMENT In 2018, Nautilus International and France's CGT maritime union initiated against sea masters and crews, co-signed an agreement calling for greater protections for shermen or NGO engaged in rescue operations. After years of proceedings, they have all been professional seafarers who become involved in rescues at sea acquitted, which proves their abusive nature and ea rescue is an international dissuasive purpose. obligation. There have We call upon the European Union and its S never been so many ships at member states to anchor into law a clear sea. However, since 2014, exception on grounds of solidarity, to prevent the number of casualties at sea has been such criminalisation. This is essential to ensure extremely high: gures from the United proper implementation of the Palermo Protocol Nations High Commissioner for Refugees against the smuggling of migrants (2000), which (HCR) are very revealing: (2018: 1,408; has been ratied by the European Union and its 2017: 3,139; 2016: 6,038; 2015: 3,538). member states. As was recalled at the 2015 Nevertheless, due to the specicity of the Conference of states parties to the Protocol: marine environment, the law requires any 'States should ensure that the legislative ship master to render assistance to any frameworks in place provide su”cient clarity to individual in distress at sea, regardless of action may reasonably be expected of ensure that charges may not be pressed against that person’s nationality, status or of the him.' (art. 98(1)) The law those who full their obligation of rescue and requires any circumstances he/she was found in. ship master preservation of life'. We, the trade unions and seafarers from Safety of Life at Sea Convention of 1974 to render We ask shipowners to provide masters and assistance to various European countries, hereby The (SOLAS Convention) provides for the any individual crews who save lives with assistance, legal emphasise our attachment to the tradition 'master of a ship at sea which is in a position in distress backup and defence, should on-land at sea and age-old ideals of our profession: rescue to be able to provide assistance on receiving Image: Judith authorities question them. is a fundamental obligation, regardless of information (2) from any source that persons Buethe The attending trade unions demand that the person and his/her circumstances. We are in distress at sea, is bound to proceed States granting Ÿags and States coordinating take pride in rescuing whoever is in distress with all speed to their assistance, if possible rescue operations honour their obligations under in the vicinity of our ships. Rescue, being an informing them or the search and rescue international Law and as required by these obligation, is not part of migration policy service that the ship is doing so...' (Chapter V, conventions and commit to co-operating with and must not be fashioned by it. Regulation 33(1)). one another en ensure e¡ectiveness by all means We refuse any criminalisation of the necessary. Faced with the increasing number of masters and crews of ships acting so. On The purpose of amendments to the persons to be rescued at sea, seafarers from the the contrary, we insist upon the fact that SOLAS Convention regulation 33 and the merchant navy cannot compensate for the lack of they are acting pursuant to the obligations SAR Convention chapter 3.1.9 is to secure national governments' failing to honour their of international law. Those violating the continuity and integrity of SAR services, legal obligations. Governments need to take all International law are the governments to make sure people in distress at sea are measures necessary to ensure every single which refuse to provide su”cient resources rescued while minimising the damages person seeking rescue is taken care of. to rescue people. those interventions may cause to the ships We demand that Government public services concerned. Therefore, they require that the for sea rescue be appropriately sta¡ed, trained United Nations Convention contracting States: and equipped to full their obligations, on the Law of the Sea of 1982 • agree and cooperate so that ship masters especially given the increasing numbers of (UNCLOS Convention) states that 'Every State rendering assistance by taking people in people needing rescue. shall require the master of a ship ying its distress on board be exempted from their We ask that European governments facilitate ag, in so far as he can do so without serious trading obligations with a minimal Ÿag acquisition for ships coming within the danger to the ship, the crew or the deviation compared with the initial route; scope of humanitarian actions to rescue passengers: • organise for rescued people to be migrants in high seas. • to render assistance to any person found at disembarked as soon as possible. Beyond that, we consider it a State's sea in danger of being lost; Despite the clarity of such obligations, obligation to organise search and rescue • to proceed with all possible speed to the criminalisation of sea rescue is increasing. operations, such as Mare Nostrum used to be, rescue of persons in distress, if informed of Many legal proceedings – on the grounds of rather than reinforce security measures, such as their need of assistance, in so far as such illegal tra”c of migrants – have been Frontex and NATO patrols.

September 2019 26 September 2019 27

24-27_Migrant Rescue GC HK_SR checked.indd 27 15/08/2019 11:26 Yacht crew Join now!

Nautilus International works closely with the MCA and regulatory authorities in Europe and around Commercial Yacht Service Record Book the world, and this Service Record (Power & Sail) This Service Record Book remains the property of Nautilus International. Book is recognised by the MCA as If found please return to 3 Bd. d’Aguillon, 06600 Antibes, France.

Nautilus International evidence of acceptable service. 1&2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, London E18 1BD

Representing Maritime Professionals since 1857 Once your yacht service is veri ced in our o ce in Antibes, the MCA accepts the Nautilus ARE YOU A SERVING OR SRB as su cient proof of onboard and sea service. RETIRED UK SEAFARER? Contact the membership departments either Seafarer Support is a free confidential telephone and online referral service helping to support serving and former UK seafarers via email or telephone to receive your free SRB. and their families in times of need Email: [email protected] 0800 121 4765  or Call: +44 (0)151 639 8454

follow us on… @seafarersupport 28 September 2019 NAUTILUS AT WORK CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE As the Strait of Hormuz is declared a 'warlike zone' and the UK joins a US-led maritime security mission, following an escalation of violence aimed at commercial shipping, a Nautilus member spoke of their recent experience of transiting the Strait. The member’s identity has been withheld due to security concerns in naming the vessel, crew or company. HELEN KELLY reports

September 2019 29 Image: / Komisar Image:

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uly 2019 was a normal nder the Maritime abour month just like any Convention (MC), seafarers who do J other for Captain X, not want to go to a war zone for who has overseen which the ship is bound should be large tankers ferrying gas from repatriated by the shipowner at no Middle Eastern production hubs cost to themselves. for many years. Captain X doubts the crew would The big ships kept up the steady ever refuse to transit a Warlike Area, ow of liquefi ed natural gas () to as they are afraid of being blacklisted energy-hungry consumers in Asia even though blaclisting is and Europe with barely a blip in forbidden under the MC. their well-honed routine. The stress involved in this most cept for the newly acquired recent transit was made worse by private security guards onboard, last-minute instructions from armed to the teeth with semi- US warship security agencies to increase number 57 brings automated weapons, and the short up the rear of manning on the bridge and to the 25th US pause in transit just after the Strait escorted convoy of introduce increased ‘hardening’, of Hormuz to check if any mines refl agged tankers Captain X says. That included putting January 18, 1988 had been attached to the ship’s hull. off the coast razor wire around the deck areas and Captain X had just arrived back in of Dubaï. deploying water cannons for Image: NORBERT the Arabian ulf, site of the world’s SCHILLER/AFP/ protection against illegal boarding. Getty Images largest eporting facility. o get The crew were ordered to proceed there they transited the , at full speed from the ulf of man, a ‘nightmarish’ journey with ‘the through the Strait of Hormuz into pilots probably being the most the Arabian ulf. diffi cult we have contact with’. The captain was also ordered to Three private security guards Captain X doubts the crew call the operating company’s were boarded in Suez at the south would ever refuse to transit headquarters and he Royal avy side of the canal. The massive tanker operated nited ingdom Marine then made a rendezvous with a a Warlike Area, as they are rade perations, M, to oating armoury in the Red Sea to afraid of being blacklisted – confi rm the vessel was whilst take on weapons for use by the transiting the area of Hormuz. guards. even though blacklisting is Captain X describes seeing lots of The armed guards performed forbidden under the MLC coalition warships in the area bridge lookout duties from the start asking ships to report any unusual of the designated HighRis Area (HRA) in the Red Sea. hey Stressful and scary disembarked as the vessel exited the Captain X describes transiting the HRA close to the ulf of man. ulf of man as ‘stressful’ and The crew of 30, made up of six ‘scary’. At the time it had not been nationalities, were basically on their designated a warlike zone, but own from the ulf of man to the tensions were high following the Strait of Hormuz and through the capture of agged Stena mpero. Arabian ulf to the load port the The international crew are acutely exact area where the Marshall aware of the imminent danger of slands agged oil taner ront Altair attack, seizure and arrest by Iranian and anamanian agged oua and other regional forces. Courageous were blown up in June. There is perceived commercial While Captain X gets weekly pressure from the operating updates from security agencies, company to ensure each charter is including based arlie completed, Captain X says. The crew perations Area Committee do not receive any extra payment Captain X was asked to make a short (AC), the crew usually hears for transiting the Warlike Area or pause in transit, just after the Strait of about it fi rst from international designated High Ris Areas. hey Hormuz, to check if any mines had been attached to the ship's hull news agencies such as America’s have not been asked if they agree to Image: C or the ’s BBC. continue onboard.

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29-33_Security middle east_SR re-checked.indd 30 15/08/2019 11:27 Warlike Operations activity via radio communications. Moments of black humour surfaced while listening to the Iranian Navy Area Committee asing S warships to divulge eet A guide to the UK body with the power to declare numbers and details, including whether they have helicopters and international waterways a ‘warlike zone’ submarines in tow. There’s a very long history of merchant seafarers turned out to be the last month of the war the Board In late May the Joint War being thrust into the front line of con ict at sea, agreed to pay a £3 per month bonus for seafarers. and maritime unions have sought for many A total of 26 British merchant ships were lost Committee (JWC) in London decades to ensure that members are not exposed during the Spanish civil war between 1936 and extended the list of waters termed to excessive risks. 1939, and seafarer unions had to ˜ght to get ‘high risk’ to include Oman, the With merchant vessels once again facing owners to agree to pay a 50% bonus – later United Arab Emirates and the threats in the Arabian Gulf, the Warlike increased to 100% – for the crews of ships trying Operations Area Committee (WOAC) has to beat the blockades. after attacks on four agreed to temporarily designate the Strait of When the Second World War broke out, vessels off Fujairah. Hormuz as a ‘warlike zone’ from 2 August, merchant seafarers were given a special ‘war risk’ That means Captain X is required following government advice to avoid the area payment amounting to almost one-third of basic to report to the vessel’s insurance unless accompanied by UK naval support. That salary. By 1943, with profound concerns about designation gives seafarers the right to leave ships seafarer shortages, the bonus was more than provider when it enters an area bound for the area, as well as additional ‘war risk’ trebled, and agreement was reached that every ranging from Hormuz to territorial payments and special insurance protection. shipwrecked seafarer would be guaranteed full pay waters of the load port. This is in The roots of WOAC can be traced back more – including the war risk bonus – until they returned addition to the previous areas than a century – and its existence serves to to the UK or found a job on another vessel. underline the scale of the dangers that seafarers The NMB was abolished by shipowners in 1990 identified by C. t adds to the have been exposed to over this time. as part of a wider move away from centralised volume of paperwork he has to deal More than 12,600 British merchant seafarers industrial negotiations, but they agreed to with. lost their lives during the First Word War, with the continue with the operation of several joint bodies introduction of U-boats adding a new dimension of – including WOAC – to bring both sides together danger to maritime warfare. Yet during the early to discuss important issues. International cooperation stages of the war, seafarers serving on ships which The committee is now comprised of the trade Captain X reckons close protection had not been chartered by the government went unions Nautilus International and RMT, and the by international naval forces and o‘ pay as soon as their vessel was sunk, and they UK Chamber of Shipping. It still provides a forum continued diplomatic dialogue received no compensation for lost possessions. for shipping companies and seafarer unions to Although the Admiralty had agreed to pay a £1 a consider threat levels and monitor ‘warlike activities’ would improve safety for Merchant month bonus to seafarers on ships ‘taken up from to determine whether war risk service clauses in Navy crew transiting the Gulf of trade’, along with compensation for those killed or collective agreements should be invoked. Oman and other High-Risk Areas. injured because of ‘warlike operations’, it took two The interpretation of ‘warlike operations’ Those sentiments are backed by years for an industry-wide war risk scheme to be has been a consistent source of debate – not introduced giving torpedoed seafarers a minimum least during the 1980s ‘tanker war’ in the Gulf Nautilus, which has lobbied the UK payment of one month’s wages. and in relation to other security threats, such as government to commit ‘significant Worried about the country’s ability to continue piracy and terrorism. But in a politically unstable naval resources’ to the region to crewing its ships, the government established world, the need for WOAC has been repeatedly protect British ships and seafarers, a special Board of Arbitration – which was to demonstrated and its value has been underlined become the National Maritime Board (NMB) in by the fact that it has served for a model for and to reduce risks in other areas of 1917 – with representatives of owners, o—cers and similar schemes in other countries, as well as at the world. ratings to regulate the supply of seafarers and ˜x a global level for the International Bargaining General secretary Mark Dickinson their terms and conditions. Forum and the Maritime Labour Convention underlined the importance of War risk payments and compensation were high provisions for ‘war zone’ service by merchant on its agenda right from the outset, and in what multinational co-operation in the seafarers. region, with many Nautilus Image: werbeantrieb members woring on ships ying nonBritish ags. Waiting to load yet another high- value energy cargo, this time bound for Southeast Asia, Captain X says: ‘If given a choice I would not sail onboard a vessel transiting the Arabian Gulf or the Strait of Hormuz at this time.’ His wish is that international diplomacy will resolve the political tensions quickly, so that future generations of seafarers do not have to risk their lives to feed their families.

September 2019 30 September 2019 31

29-33_Security middle east_SR re-checked.indd 31 15/08/2019 11:28 NAUTILUS AT WORK MEMORIES OF MIDDLE EAST TENSIONS This year’s attacks on civilian tankers in the Gulf of Oman have brought back memories for many merchant seafarers of working under fi re in the Middle East. And thanks to a collaborative life-story project at the Nautilus Mariners’ Park retirement estate, we can still learn from the confl ict-zone recollections of a late supertanker master. DEBORAH MCPHERSON reports

aptain David McCaffrey was C sleeping on his bunk during a Gulf passage off Qatar when the telephone rang, and a junior’s voice said: ‘I think we’ve got visitors, sir.’ The master rushed up to the bridge just before an Iranian Exocet missile hit the iberian agged 236,907-tonne vessel during the height of the Iran-Iraq war in 1985. ‘Captain McCaffrey lay for two days injecting himself with morphine before he could be rescued – amazing man,’ says Roger Cliffe- Thompson, the men’s activities coordinator who helped compile a memoir for Capt McCaffrey at the Mariners’ Park Care Home. The Wirral-born master was 51 at the time of the attack while in anchorage off Qatar, and he vowed never to return to the war zone after that – advising other merchant seafarers to stay away as after being hit by a rocket from an well, according to a report Iranian aircraft. Ten of the crew of published in the Glasgow Herald on Captain McCa rey lay for 34 were injured and a watchman 19 March 1985. ' killed, illustrating some of the ‘I’ve had enough. I’m bloody well two days injecting himself dangers of transiting war zones for going to retire now. I’m a congenital with morphine before he seafarers in any era. coward,’ Capt McCaffrey told The incident occurred as the reporters. His discharge book tells a could be rescued – warring sides’ targeting of tankers different story, however, and he amazing man,' says reached a new intensity during a continued the seafaring life in and mission of Gulf states to Baghdad to out of the Gulf. Roger Cli e-Thompson, try and end the then 53-month-old Four-and-a-half years later, he who helped compile the con ict. suffered injuries to his left elbow, The Caribbean Breeze was one of scalp and chest, when the shipmaster's memoir three Very Large Crude Carriers wheelhouse he was in collapsed (VLCCs) chartered by Oil to

September 2019 32 September 2019 33

29-33_Security middle east_SR re-checked.indd 32 15/08/2019 11:28 RM Geddes: a war which no one cared about

transfer crude oil from Kuwait to Khor Fakkan in the UAE, where they would tranship to Kuwait Oil’s own tankers. Capt McCaffrey told Mr Cliffe- Thompson that during the war the Iranian tactic was to target any with a connection to Kuwait that entered the Persian Gulf (also known as the Arabian Gulf). The lasting e ects of ffi cers at the time were mainly from Britain or Pakistan, with war zone experiences Filipino crew. The vessel was used as oating storage for about four In 2015, the Nautilus Telegraph ran a poetry competition, and one of the winning entries months, before discharging its fi rst came from RM Geddes, who had written his poem a few years earlier to mark the 25th cargo and sailing to Kuwait to unload. anniversary of ‘his war’ and express how it had affected him. The merchant seafarer had That was done without incident, but been caught up in the Iran/Iraq war as a chief engineer and fi re master on a salvage tug on its return the vessel was targeted based at Kaharg Island, Iran, from 1986 through to the ceasefi re on 20 August 1988. by the Iranian air force using French- ‘My tug,’ he said, ‘escorted convoys of tankers from Khark Island down to Lavan Island built Exocet anti-ship missiles. and back to KI, daily running the gauntlet of the Iraqi missiles. During that period I took As the missile struck the bridge, part in 120 major Fi-Fi/salvage operations, all carried out under war conditions with six Capt McCaffrey, the second mate and to seven air raids a day. It was a war which no one cared about, but one in which merchant watchman were all severely injured, seamen of different nationalities died, just doing their jobs.’ and a watchman was killed. They were eventually rescued by an In the night Propellers racing, No hero’s accolade or Adrenaline surging, medal bright, American ship the USS Arthur W By RM Geddes Hurry, hurry, To recognise your work Radford, which was operating as a Through the star spangled unseen, Then, 25 years ago: picket in the Gulf at the time. night. After-all, you’re just a Sleeping lightly, Get well cards during his recovery Merchant Navy sailorman, One ear listening, Crash, bang, we surge Doing your job. included one from the British Bells jangling, alongside. Expendable, Embassy’s vice consul at the time Tannoy barking, Fire monitors probing the A sacrifi ce, which read: ‘Sir, many ‘105, 105.’ tortured steel. On the high altar of profi t. congratulations on surviving the Fire hoses charged, my men Heart pounding, lunacy.’ are straining, So with wounds unseen, Boots thudding, Like greyhounds at the slip, You carry on, In later life, Capt McCaffrey came Lifejacket fumbling. Ready to go and fi ght, The worm of guilt, to live at Nautilus Mariners’ Park, Stations manned, Our well known fi ery-foe. Coiled deep within, where Mr Cliffe-Thompson has a role Glasses searching, Slithering, twisting, taunting, in helping many residents come to Eyes straining in the night. ‘All fast alongside,’ ‘How dare you be the one to terms with depression and isolation Like hurdlers we leap the rails, survive!’ Lookout calling, after swallowing the anchor. The Into the burning hell we know ‘In-coming, zero-four-fi ve!’ so well, Now, 25 years later: activities coordinator had the idea of Winking light, And inch by inch, Cold brow sweating, compiling a book commemorating Diamond bright, Compartment by Heart pounding, Capt McCaffrey’s life after he saw that Missile fl ying in the night, compartment we beat him Voice shouting, 165 kilos of violent death, the former master was becoming back, Blankets tangled. Seeking you, seeking me. depressed. Until once again, the foe is Soft voice speaking, As tensions increase again in the beat. Gentle arms reaching, Flash, crump, ‘Come back my love, Middle East in a different era, the Fireworks in the night; Fire extinguished, come back to me.’ timely reminder of Capt McCaffrey’s A ship is dying, burning bright. And wounded treated, experiences has been shared in one While fi res are raging, The un-dignifi ed dead, Until the next time… Torn, broken men are crying, of the regular newsletters to residents Bagged-up. For time has proved Burning, dying, on the estate. The tow is rigged, The ‘experts’ wrong, Lonely in the night. And the casualty under way, For it is not the healer, Heading south, Of those scars, Do you have experiences of transiting ‘Hard a starboard, Another crew, another cargo Hidden deep within. warlike zones as a merchant seafarer? Full-ahead both!’ saved. Tell your story by emailing: Engines pounding. [email protected]

September 2019 32 September 2019 33

29-33_Security middle east_SR re-checked.indd 33 15/08/2019 11:28 EDUCATION AND TRAINING

IN WITH THE NEW Technology is transforming the working lives of seafarers – but how can training keep up with the pace of change and provide maritime professionals with future skills? ANDREW LININGTON reports from an industry conference set up to tackle this thorny question

aritime trainers, Shipowners – who are deploying The conference – which was recruiters and new technologies on their vessels – V.Group cadets: chaired by HCMM professional Officers of the M seafarers gathered at a need to be involved in the future will need development consultant and revolution-minded development of new training to have a high Whitehorse Maritime director Paul level of digital education and training conference methods, Ms Neilson argued. skills Shepherd – gave general agreement in London this summer organised There’s a strong case for shipping to to suggestions that soft skills need by the Honourable Company of use simulators in the same way as to be embedded within the wider Master Mariners (HCMM). the aviation industry. ‘Whether we training programme, rather than Delegates at the day-long meeting like it or not, quality sea time being a ‘bolt-on’ for a few days – including cadets from V.Group – cannot always be guaranteed, but by during a HELM course. looked at the need for maritime developing specific simulator However, there was also a clear professionals to develop so-called training challenges throughout the consensus that soft skills – ‘soft skills’, an understanding of cadet training programme, we can particularly those covering safety culture and wellness, and guarantee a better standard of leadership/management and mental digital and technical skills; and education and experience.’ health – are not taught adequately, considered how training might The industry must also have the even though awareness of mental need to change in response. confidence to remove ‘outdated health issues is improving. In her keynote speech, UK practices’ such as celestial Steve Cameron, from CMR Merchant Navy Training Board navigation from the curriculum, Ms Consultants, warned that more director Kathryn Neilson said it was Neilson said. ‘We must weed out must be done to foster a true safety clear that radical changes are those skills that are now redundant culture – notably with measures to required. ‘If we don’t prepare for the and free up valuable time that can enhance leadership and training, to future, our seafarers will not have be put to better use. Otherwise, as provide support for whistleblowers the necessary skills to compete in technology and working practices and rewards for near-miss an ever-changing global market,’ she evolve, we will keep our cadets stuck reporting, as well as developing warned. ‘Never has there been a in the past just as we should be oint ship and office proect teams to greater urgency to modernise the pushing them to the future. They break down barriers. way we train and educate seafarers. will be looking at the stars whilst Neal Rodrigues, from the But how do we educate our seafarers their competitors are using virtual Britannia P&I Club, said companies for jobs that don’t yet exist?’ reality and artificial intelligence. could take things further by 34 September 2019 September 2019 35

34-35_hcmm GC HK_SR checked.indd 34 15/08/2019 11:29 assessing officers using the hese presentations resulted in resuscitation (CR) use of principles of behaviourbased safety the conference considering a more defibrillators bleed management and adopting a proactive approach radical and divisive proposal to care of sic crew and dealing with to safety, with ‘nearmiss’ reporting move away from an nlimited fractures. Almost twothirds of including an option to also report ticet and towards modularisation seafarers said they felt confident on good practices. Safety wors of the qualification system, so that after attending a course, although when people view it as a value, not one qualifies in the basics and then more than onequarter said they simply a requirement, he argued. does typespecific training in areas had very little time to practise their Captain ohan ahnstrm, such as shipspecific operations, sills during the training. She ased ntertano senior marine manager, equipment types, and engines and whether SC first aid and medical eplained how the taner owners’ thruster systems. care standards need to be organisation has developed a ‘soft Such a system, it was argued, overhauled, with an emphasis on sills’ training and assessment would be more ain to the aviation mental health. programme for masters and industry and could produce better ther radical changes were officers, covering competency in trained seafarers. However, Capt considered in a session looing at such areas as collaboration, loyd cautioned, it would require a new ways of training seafarers. communication, situation fundamental rethin of the way .roup cadet training manager ee awareness, results focus, decision the maritime industry approaches Clare outlined plans for a new maing, and leadership and training and could face considerable generation of officer trainee management noting how resistance on the grounds of cost Cadet who would be given the sharpening such sills can improve and timescales. Top: UK sills and competencies that are Merchant Navy safety and performance. i Baugh, from autilus strategic Training Board liely to be needed years ahead. Several speaers highlighted the yacht partner Red Square Medical, director Kathryn fficers of the future will need to gap between sills that are taught at spoe of feedbac gathered from Neilson have a high degree of digital sills, college and those required onboard. seafarers attending SC first aid Bottom: Steve Mr Clare argued, and Cadet may Cameron, he conference agreed that whilst it courses. his showed the five most from CMR well be a combination of dec, was important to maintain a essential sills to be cardiopulmonary Consultants engineer and electrotechnical grounding in basic sills, the officer. However, he stressed, they current emphasis should be will also need to have strong ‘meta switched from around sills’ with the ability to be chartwor and electronic chart adaptable, creative and selfaware. display and navigation systems to Mr Clare said virtual reality the other way around. colleges could revolutionise cadet Sinia Hartonen, senior adviser training, heightening engagement, with the innish Shipowners’ improving the learning eperience Association, spoe of the way in and raising morale and motivation. which new technology is creating a ordon Meadow, founder and demand for new sills and chief eecutive of SeaBot R, nowledge, and fuelling a shortage eplained his vision for the use of of electrotechnical officers and smartphonebased R to create new automation specialists. She argued forms of eperiential, collaborative that industry debate has been too and independent learning for concentrated upon unmanned seafarers. vessels and needs to focus instead n his closing address, Mr on the challenge of providing a Shepherd said ‘hese issues are bedroc of seamanship sills, comple and sometimes divisive, baced up with good training in but it was reassuring to see a fairly and cybersecurity, to safely monitor clear consensus develop during the the new systems of ship operations. day as to the direction we need to autilus Council member Captain tae and, with the involvement of Michael loyd and nternational athryn eilson of the MB, it’s Marine ilots’ Association secretary clear that the output of this general ic Cutmore both conference is going to directly affect described the increasingly policy moving forwards.’ specialised nature of ship types and he HCMM is aiming to put on a operations, as well as the diversity similarly thoughtprovoing of shipboard equipment. conference once a year. 34 September 2019 September 2019 35

34-35_hcmm GC HK_SR checked.indd 35 15/08/2019 11:29 HISTORY

DRESS TO IMPRESS The standard uniform for the British Merchant Navy has its origins in war, not peaceful trade. ANDREW LININGTON finds out how many familiar aspects of today’s shipboard attire came into being a century ago

ityfive years ao, a memer o the arine uite what the writer would have made o todays oiler suits nineers’ ssociation a autilus and aseall cas is a matter or seculation ut one thin is or S redecessor union wrote to the ’s sure, concerns aout the smartness o seaarers are nothin new. maaine to lament the sartorial standards o uust mars the centenary o the introduction his ellow seaarers. e ured them to wear their uniorms o the ritish ercantile arine niorm ct reulations while ashore to remind the rest o the oulation that there which souht to enorce the wearin o a standard national is still a erchant avy. uniorm or merchant seaarers, which had een develoed is colleaues, he claimed, rearded the uniorm as a towards the end o the irst orld ar. ade o servitude to e worn y ostmen, us conductors or many centuries, merchant seaarers an unoficial dress and others, who show their contemt or the ar y main code o unctional loose sere trousers and ea acets. y the it loo inconruous with coloured shirts and audy ties. th century, an increasin numer o comanies such as 36 September 2019 September 2019 37

36-37_uniforms_SR checked.indd 36 15/08/2019 11:30 the East India Company, the Hudson Bay Company and the ran stries used a loene shae in lace o the s acet service had introduced uniorms or their oficers. eecutive curl ut ollowed the s use o colours etween The catalyst for a standard set of clothing and insignia was the rows of gold lace, which were introduced in 1864 to the execution in 1916 of Captain Charles Fryatt, the master indicate the ranch to which an oficer eloned. of a British merchant ship who had been captured by the ficer reresentatives ave a warm welcome to the ermans ater attemtin to ram and sin a oat. e was introduction o the standard uniorm. allot o memers sentenced to death for his so-called illegal act of aggression of the Mercantile Marine Service Association and the – in other words, because he was deemed to be acting as a Imperial Merchant Service Guild showed 2,217 in favour of irate rather than an oficial comatant in a war on the the lans and aainst. The uild commented that the basis that he was wearing a company livery and not a service design is a tasteful one, and one appropriate to the dignity uniorm when he illed erman sailors. and standin o the erchant ervice. The outrage that was sparked by Captain Fryatt’s death In 1919, merchant service uniforms were given legal resulted in representations being made by deck and rotection throuh the ritish erchant arine niorm enineer oficers’ oranisations or the institution o a ct with fines o u to or unauthorised ersons and u standard uniorm or the erchant ervice. to or rison and hard laour or those wearin it in such onusion over the status o merchant seaarers a manner or under such circumstances as to be likely to uniorms had not een confined to the ermans, however. rin contemt on the uniorm. During the war, some senior Royal Navy An exception was made to allow the oficers had comlained aout the uniorm to e worn or the uroses impersonation of RN personnel and of a Pressure for a standard uniform of a stage play or representation, or a threat to naval discipline posed by their came from merchant seafarers who music-hall or circus performance if the civilian counterarts. wanted to wear it while ashore to uniform is not worn in such a manner Pressure for a standard uniform had indicate that they were on a service or under such circumstances as to also come from merchant seafarers rin it into contemt. who wanted to wear it while ashore to of national importance The regulations also introduced indicate that they were on a service of penalties for seafarers who did not national importance … and to avoid enquiries as to why they wear their uniorm correctly either at sea or ashore fines were not in the rmy. o u to or ein dressed artly in uniorm and artly The Board of Trade appointed a special committee, with not in uniorm under such circumstances as to e liely to memers includin oficer reresentatives, shiowners rin contemt on the uniorm. similar enalty could e and the dmiralty, to consider the issues. lthouh two o imposed on those wearing a uniform higher than the rank the owners reresentatives oosed the roosals on the in which they were servin. These clauses were rouht in grounds that the need for a standard uniform had arisen despite some opposition, with Lt Cdr Joseph Kenworthy – ecause o the war and, they claimed, oficers would not then the Liberal MP for Hull – warning Parliament that it wear them ashore once the conict was over the committee could set a danerous recedent. ho is oin round to see recommended that a formal uniform should be introduced i oficers are roerly dressed, or who is oin to arrest an ut it should not e made comulsory onoard shi. oficer or tae his name and address, and run him in i he is An Order in Council was issued in September 1918, ound imroerly dressed on shore he ased. prescribing a standard merchant service uniform in an The regulations were consolidated in 1921 when a fresh attemt to revent any reeats o the ryatt incident. owever, Order in Council established new widths for the gold bands the develoment o the uniorm also reected a deeer on oficers cus and eaulettes and rescried in detail the desire to ay triute to the hue sacrifice made y merchant style and material o the clothin or masters, oficers, cadets seaarers durin the war, with more than , illed. and apprentices – right down to the circumstances in which In a House of Commons debate in 1917, MP Sir Basil Peto a great-coat, a frock-coat, an undress coast, a working undress eressed his hoes that areement would e reached uon jacket, a mess jacket, waistcoat, neckties and comforters, some uniform which will not be regarded merely as the loves, and a oul weather coat and hat could e worn. livery of the owner of the ship and worn in that capacity, The rder also laid down the secifications or the oficers but which will be regarded as a mark of distinction and as ca ade old aval rown over silver anchor without cale somethin which will show that these men have a definite the anchor on red oval cushion with gold rope rim surrounded part in the national organisation for the protection of their elow and at the side y old oaleaves and acorns. country in time o war. ll this, o course, came eore the ormal title erchant eulations had een develoed or oyal avy oficer avy was adoted or ritish commercial shiin. uniforms as far back as 1748, and the new merchant service Although the term merchant navy had been used, it was insignia drew from the standards that had been set by the more common to see the eet reerred to as the mercantile RN, with detailed measurements for the gold braid rank marine or the merchant service until King George V stries or masters, oficers and cadets, as well as the use o conerred the title erchant avy on the service in . distinctive ca ades and uttons. The merchant service ut thats another story. 36 September 2019 September 2019 37

36-37_uniforms_SR checked.indd 37 15/08/2019 11:30 COMMUNITY

fter hearing about her new maritime- in uenced album El Mar de Nubes, I A arranged to meet up with tenor saophonist ori reestone at a ondon cafe where she eplained that the sea played a big part in her childhood thans to her shipmaster father ohn. He had grown up in reenwich and been educated at the ondon autical School, inspired by his grandmother’s stories of her going to sea with her seafarer father. hen ohn became a captain, he would liewise tae young ori to sea when opportunity arose. He was woring for a Spanish company, bringing sherry and rioa bac, so was in Spain a lot, recalls ori. e always got shown the docs wherever we went it was fascinating because we’d end up in places you wouldn’t see as the usual tourist. Music was in the family too oris classically trained mother taught piano, while ohn pursued a parallel career as a fol musician, singing, playing guitar and harmonica. ori would often oin in e used to play in fol clubs. And woring men’s clubs where he had more of a roc band when was a teenager, used to do that. hat’s when ori was studying at eeds College of Music. But when was BRINE really young, we used to do fol clubs. nevitably, the repertoire would include shanties, another of which, he ress ang, featured on oris fi rst trio album, l Barranco. ori reharmonised fol legend wan MacColls version hats what did for IN THE my commission for the ondon a estival. t had to be a song about ondon, and was supporting rench bassist Henri eier at the ueen liabeth Hall. thought being net to the hames it would be BLOOD great to start with a shanty and then it develops into something else, a ig and reel which is foly again, An up-and-coming jazz musician and then it goes all mad with the timing you now has drawn on her family history of how the trio plays. And when did the album seafaring to produce an acclaimed thought ’d lie to do the version. MIKE GERBERlistens in erforming hameside will have had an additional new album. signifi cance for ori, again in relation to her father All El Mar de Nubes by the Tori Freestone Trio Tori Freestone’s enduring a˜ ection for things the lyrics. Evocative, yearning and folksy. maritime is manifest on her new release, El Most numbers on El Mar de Nubes – Spanish Mar de Nubes, the which was chosen as the for The Sea of Clouds – are Tori originals Guardian newspaper’s jazz album of the month inspired by visits to Tenerife, where her mother in June 2019. lives. While there, Tori explains, she loves Standout tracks, on this third recording with roaming the mountain paths. She was atop regular trio partners bassist Dave Manington El Teide, the highest point in Spain, above the and drummer Tim Giles, include variations on clouds which at that elevation she perceived, the lovely American sea shanty ‘Shenandoah’. billowing below her, as somewhat wave-like – On the š rst of these, what emanates from indeed, a sea of clouds. Her impressions inform Tori’s horn sounds hauntingly bagpipe-like, the title track, her saxophone undulating against the swell of the bass and drums. Giles’s drums rolling gently away behind her. For the second take on ‘Shenandoah’, the El Mar de Nubes, issued by Whirlwind Recordings, š nal track, Tori switches to violin while singing is available on CD, vinyl and to download 38 September 2019 September 2019 39

38-39_sea shanties_SR HK.indd 38 15/08/2019 11:31 Sea Cadet Matthew Ashdown (centre, with saxophone) in the group playing an original composition

Maritime music  lls the Tower moat The sounds of the sea rang out at the as he was after something a little more Tower of London on 3 August 2019, as Sea informal and thought the promotion Cadets from across the UK assembled for prospects were good. their National Band Competition. After a cadetship with P&O Nedlloyd Left: Tori Freestone Image: Rob Blackham Above: John Freestone (right) on his fi rst ship to Australia in 1959 Held every two years, the competition is containerships, Stephen worked his way a festival of music, marching and spotless up to chief engineer and is now with my family on his mum's side worked on the Thames uniforms, enthusiastically supported by the Serco Marine on the Devonport tugs. right back to the 1700s as watermen.' And John participants’ friends and families. He also volunteers as the treasurer for One proud parent in attendance at the Matthew’s Sea Cadets unit, and is looking worked on the river towards the end of his career: 'The Tower’s West Moat was Nautilus member to take his involvement with the youth pilotage job came up and he retrained. I was testing Stephen Ashdown. His 15-year-old son charity a step further. him all the time, I knew all sorts of depths of the river,' Matthew is part of the Torpoint Sea ‘You do what you can to “ t says Tori. Cadets in Cornwall and plays both the volunteering around your job,’ he piano and saxophone to a high standard. explains, ‘and there are some roles where How diffi cult is it, then, to reharmonise shanties He was chosen as one of an elite group you don’t need to be there every week for jazz? 'When I work out the folk tunes I go to the to perform an original composition at – like when I go in every now and then violin. As long as you've got a melody you can the Tower of London by another young to talk about Merchant Navy careers. member, Leading Cadet William Louch. Now that I’m not deepsea, though, I’ve harmonie anything into a atype contet it’s ust Stephen was himself in the Sea been able to commit to the treasurer role shifting round the base notes, and for me it feels Cadets youth organisation as a boy, in roughly once a fortnight – and think I can very natural. The harmonies I'm doing on these the Plymouth Drake unit. He enjoyed o– er more, so I’m training to do some shanties are contemporary harmonies, not the the maritime skills he learned there, teaching on the engineering path of the and decided to pursue a sea career. He Sea Cadets’ quali“ cations.’ functional harmonies you get in the jazz standards, initially thought of following his father so it lends itself to those tunes. [Classical composer] into the Royal Navy, but eventually For more about volunteering with the Sea Ralph Vaughan Williams's Sea Songs, again that was chose to take the Merchant Navy route, Cadets, see something I was inspired by when I was young.' Tori has worked on cruise liners as a musician – Matthew and Stephen routine work for an artist of her capabilities but Ashdown enjoyable: 'You get everything done for you and get to see these amazing places. Other musicians, yeah, it was like, "This is our lot", but I just had loads of time to practise, it was great.' Any prospect of an entire album of shanties? efi nitely something to thin about, agrees ori, at which point her dad, who has joined us at the café, suggests a version of 'the best song ever, The Hymn of Trafalgar, about Nelson being carried back. Nelson talking, and he's dead'. 'Yeah, I know it,' says Tori. She re ects here used to be lots of parties when was growing up, lots of seafarers, amazing musicians, so many talented musicians at sea, they just know those songs. That's what I love about shanties, like storytelling passed down. I always thin it’s almost on a par with a musicians going to sea, it attracts people who dont quite fi t in to society.' 38 September 2019 September 2019 39

38-39_sea shanties_SR HK.indd 39 15/08/2019 11:31 NAUTILUS ACCOUNTS Nautilus International Financial Statements Statement to members issued in connection with the union’s annual return for the period ended 31 December 2018. As required by Section 32A of Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. Nautilus International’s accounts for the year 2018 have been externally audited and approved by the Council. The accounts were submitted in accordance with the Union’s rules to the Nautilus International Council in April 2019. The accounts show that Nautilus International continues to have an underlying strong fi nancial provision, with suffi cient resources available to meet members’ requirement. The full details of the approved accounts are available in the members section of the Nautilus International website.

Income and Expenditure Legal Defence Fund The total income of the Union for the period was £5,856,893. Total incoming resources £459,915 This amount included payment of £3,622,461 in respect of membership Total expenditure £497,134 subscription income. The Union’s total expenditure was £7,028,959. Total (deˆ cit)/surplus (£37,219) The Union does not maintain a political fund. Statement of Financial Position 2018 2017 Salary paid to and other bene ts provided Net Assets £16,728,929 £17,900,995 to the General Secretary The General Secretary of the Union was paid £94,877 gross salary; Reserves employers’ National Insurance contributions £12,105; General Fund £11,844,514 £12,957,140 employers’ Pension contribution £19,146; Legal Defence Fund £2,500,000 £2,559,440 telephone broadband rental £300 and use of vehicle £3,350. Revaluation Reserves – Land & Building £257,386 £257,386 Revaluation Reserves – Listed Investment £2,127,029 £2,127,029 Irregularity statement A member who is concerned that some irregularity may be occurring, or Statement of the Council and General Secretary’s Responsibilities have occurred, in the conduct of the ˆ nancial a‰ airs of the Union may take Rule 10 of the Nautilus International Rules provides that the Council is steps with a view to investigating further, obtaining clariˆ cation and, if responsible for the absolute control and administration of the a‰ airs necessary, securing regularisation of that conduct. and property of the Union and thus for safeguarding the assets of the The member may raise any such concern with such one or more of the Union. Rule 22.2 provides that the General Secretary shall provide the following as it seems appropriate to raise it with: the OŽ cials of the Union Council with such ˆ nancial statements as it may require. via Olu Tunde, Assistant General Secretary, the Trustees of the property of The General Secretary is responsible for keeping proper accounting the Union, the auditors of the Union, the Certiˆ cation OŽ cer (who is an records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the independent oŽ cer appointed by the Secretary of State) and the police. ˆ nancial position of the Union and for ensuring that the ˆ nancial Where a member believes that the ˆ nancial a‰ airs of the Union have statements comply with the Trade Union and Labour Relations been or are being conducted in breach of the law or in breach of the Rules (Consolidation) Act 1992 as amended and hence for taking reasonable of the Union and contemplates bringing civil proceedings against the steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. Union or responsible OŽ cials or Trustees, s/he should consider obtaining Law applicable to Trade Unions requires the preparation of ˆ nancial independent legal advice, statements for each ˆ nancial year which give a true and fair view of the Union’s activities during the year and of its ˆ nancial position at the Income and Expenditure summary end of the year. In preparing those ˆ nancial statements, the General Secretary is required to; General Fund • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; Total incoming resources – Excluding Legal Defence Fund £6,378,575 • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; Total Expenditure – Excluding Legal Defence Fund £7,256,493 Gain on investment activities £65,370 • state whether applicable accounting standards and statements of Investment Revaluation (£1,046,967) recommended practice have been followed, subject to any material Taxation £107,350 departures disclosed and explained in the ˆ nancial statements; SPF Actuarial gains £466,000 • prepare the ˆ nancial statements on the going concern basis unless Foreign Exchange gains £151,317 it is inappropriate to presume that the Union will continue Total (deˆ cit)/surplus (£1,172,067) in operation. 40 September 2019 September 2019 41

40-41_accounts HK.indd 40 15/08/2019 11:31 NAUTILUS ACCOUNTS


Opinion A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the We have audited the  nancial statements of Nautilus International  nancial statements is located on the Financial Reporting Council’s for the year ended 31 December 2018 set out on pages 1 to 13 of website at: the annual report and accounts 2018. These  nancial statements This description forms part of our auditor’s report. have been prepared under the accounting policies set out on pages 5 to 7. Conclusions relating to going concern We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters in In our opinion, the  nancial statements: relation to which the ISAs (UK) require us to report to you where: • give a true and fair view of the state of the Union’s aƒ airs as at • the council members’ use of the going concern basis of 31 December 2018 and of the Union’s net movement in funds, accounting in the preparation of the  nancial statements including the income and expenditure, for the year then ended; is not appropriate; or and • the council members have not disclosed in the  nancial • have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom statements any identi ed material uncertainties that may cast Generally Accepted Accounting Practice signi cant doubt about the Union’s ability to continue to adopt Basis for opinion the going concern basis of accounting for a period of at least We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards twelve months from the date when the  nancial statements on Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)) and applicable law. Our responsibilities are authorised for issue. under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Matters on which we are required to report by exception responsibilities for the audit of the  nancial statements section of We have nothing to rep ort in respect of the following matters our report. We are independent of the Union in accordance with the in relation to which the regulations require us to report to you if, ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the  nancial in our opinion: statements in the UK, including the FRC’s Ethical Standard, and we have ful lled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with • adequate accounting records have not been kept by the Union; these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have or obtained is su– cient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. • su– cient accounting records have not been kept; or

Respective responsibilities of the Union’s Council and auditors • the Union’s  nancial statements are not in agreement with the As described on page 14 of the annual report and accounts 2018 the accounting records and returns; or Council are responsible for the preparation of  nancial statements • we have not received all the information and explanations in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting we require for our audit. Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) and for being satis ed that they give a true and fair view. Use of audit report Our responsibility is to audit the  nancial statements in accordance This report is made solely to the members of the Union, as a with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International body, in accordance with the Trade Union and Labour Relations Standards on Auditing (UK & Ireland). Those standards require us (Consolidation) Act 1992 (amended). Our audit work has been to comply with the Financial Reporting Council’s Ethical Standard undertaken so that we might state to the members of the Union for Auditors. those matters we are required to state to them in an independent auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the nancial statements permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether anyone other than the Union and the members of the Union as a the  nancial statements as a whole are free from material body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinion we misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an have formed. auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a Haysmacintyre LLP material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise Chartered Accountants from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in Registered Auditors the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to in› uence the 10 Queen Street Place economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these  nancial London EC4R 1AG statements. 40 September 2019 September 2019 41

40-41_accounts HK.indd 41 15/08/2019 11:32 MARITIME BOOKS Witty poetry engages us in sea history

Britannia’s Glory – A Maritime Story By Maggie Ballinger Unicorn Publishing, £25.00 ISBN: 978 19126 90169

t was entering a source material, with several limerick in a 2012 paragraphs of ‘straight’ I Shipwrecked history appearing alongside Mariners’ Society each section of verse. competition that gave Maggie Ballinger worked on this Ballinger the idea of writing largely with Professor Chris Once the backstaff was title we’re reviewing this a maritime history of Britain Bellamy of the Greenwich invented, month: in verse. Seven years later, the Maritime Institute, and she Though it didn’t work result is Britannia’s Glory, a also thanks a range of other especially well at night. Arctic Exploration tour de force of lively, witty maritime historians and The Arctic proved a draw, writing underpinned by technical experts for their As this poem goes on to For those wishing to explore. conscientious research. contributions. describe how the John Franklin went in 1845. Presented appealingly The book is sextant came to be Two years elapsed. No word on high-quality paper with divided quite Book of developed, there From the party had been illustrations throughout, the conventionally the month is accompanying heard. book starts with Britain’s pre- into chapters and This title is available information Though his wife had hopes at a special discount history, covering the ancient sub-sections – in the Nautilus about how of finding him alive. boats whose 3,000-year old with a proper index Bookshop the backstaff remains have been found so it’s easy to fi nd worked – including ‘We must search for him,’ she in preservative lake mud. little gems like this one: illustrations – and how pleaded, Then it’s onward through to later devices improved And this didn’t go unheeded. the Middle Ages and 1066, Determining Latitude on this. You don’t have The quest became a very big followed by the Tudors and We’ve already had a look to read these small-print crusade. all the subsequent centuries At the juggling it took, elucidations, but you may All had perished – that until the present day. To calculate a ship’s north/ well fi nd that you want to, was plain – In this icy cold Verses about maritime south position. as the verses spark your terrain. technology and culture It needed lots of skill interest in fi ndin out more. Unrewarded were the efforts sit comfortably alongside As a deck does not stay still: Polar exploration is an that were made. accounts of important naval Improvements had been important part of maritime battles and the expansion several people’s mission. history, and Britannia’s The North Pole still eluded. of the British Empire, all The things that had been tried, Glory includes the exploits No boot print there united by a wry tone of voice Left their users quite boss- o fi ures such as rnest intruded – The claims of two reminiscent of the Horrible eyed, Shackleton and James Clark Americans disputed. Histories books and TV shows. In their efforts to assess a Ross. And there are even To that view, we must incline And while the poetry makes bright sun’s height. a few lines on a maritime For in 1969, the facts easily digestible, Those at sea were more explorer – John Franklin – ‘Wally’ Herbert reached it. care is taken to show the contented, whose story inspired another That can’t be refuted!. 42 September 2019 September 2019 43

42-43_books_SR HK.indd 42 15/08/2019 11:39 A disputed legacy Traditional skills

The fate of Sir John Franklin’s 1848 Lady Jane’s determination to ­ nd her that could end up expedition to chart the Northwest Passage husband and seal his reputation as a was one of the most enduring maritime hero of polar exploration borders on the saving the day mysteries of the 19th century. None of obsessive. Her singular attention to the the 129 souls onboard the expedition’s cause knows no bounds, and she ploughs In the age of GPS, GLONASS and Galileo, and two ships returned a signi­ cant amount of money when satellite navigation is just a click away on from the Arctic, and most of her adult life your mobile phone, it’s hardly a surprise that and despite many into it. there have been calls to drop celestial navigation attempts to ­ nd John Rae becomes a victim from the seafarer training syllabus. them, they held their of that obsession when he As Tom Cunliš e notes in the introduction to deathly secrets for uncovers an uncomfortable this new edition of his training title, ‘celestial close to 150 years. truth about the navigation is deposed from A breakthrough Franklin expedition, so its hitherto unassailable was made in abhorrent to Victorian situation at the summit of September 2014, society that Lady Jane the navigator’s achievement’. when an expedition must squash all talk of it But system failures, GPS led by government- and discredit Rae. hacking and spoofing, run Parks Lady Jane apparently and signal outages serve discovered the wreck left nearly 200 journals frequent reminders about of HMS Erebus in the and over 2,000 letters satnav vulnerabilities. And, south of King William Island in Nunavut. when she died in 1875, and no doubt Cunliffe adds, celestial And in September 2016, HMS Terror was Baxter has used these to inform his navigation not only gives found in Terror Bay, further north. narrative. But long after his death, the seafarer ‘back-up against Since these discoveries, there has been John Rae has had the last word, as forensic the ultimate catastrophe’ but also a more renewed interest in the original expedition. examination of the 21st-century discoveries metaphysical appreciation of the principles of The latest of several recent books on the have corroborated his grisly version of seamanship. subject sees author Peter Baxter imagining events. His 65-page guide gives concise and well- the loss of the vessels from the perspectives written groundings in the theory and practice of of Franklin’s tenacious widow Lady Jane After the Lost Franklin Expedition astro-navigation. With the aid of some excellent Franklin and Arctic explorer John Rae – the By Peter Baxter diagrams and photographs, he explains how two of whom had a public dispute over the Pen and Sword, £25.00 to use – and care for – a sextant, take sights, fate of the crew. ISBN: 978 15267 27374 calculate latitude and plot position. He throws in some good worked examples to help, and the book is reinforced with online video Buy the books reviewed on these pages in the Nautilus tutorials and downloadable blank calculation NAUTILUS Bookshop at sheets. Other chapters cover such things as sun bookshop and support a great maritime charity. sights, the moon, the stars and the planets, BOOKSHOP Hosted by the online Marine Society Shop, the Nautilus compass checking on the ocean, and working the Bookshop stocks books reviewed in the Telegraph Great Circle. each month, and any pro ts from sales go towards the Although the book is clearly aimed particularly Marine Society’s educational work for seafarers. at those aiming for their Ocean Yachtmaster quali­ cations, its admirable simplicity and brevity • Go to make it a valuable aid for anyone studying the bookshop to purchase reviewed titles online and subject or even seeking to refresh their skills as a browse a selection of recent releases. One of our ‘just in case’ precaution. reviewed titles is designated ‘book of the month’, and will be available at a special discount. Celestial Navigation • You can also call the Marine Society Shop team on By Tom CunliŽ e +44 (0)20 7654 7012 to order titles over the phone Fernhurst, £11.99 with a debit or credit card. ISBN: 978 04706 66333 42 September 2019 September 2019 43

42-43_books_SR HK.indd 43 15/08/2019 11:40 HISTORY

SHIPS OF THE PAST By Andrew Linington

esigned and built for the service between Norwegian cargoship Trym and rescuing its 19 crew in Newcastle and Bergen, the Norwegian ferry hurricane-force winds while en route to Newcastle. D Venus was the fastest motorship in the world Laid-up at the outbreak of the Second World War due to high when delivered in 1931. With a service speed insurance costs, Venus was seized by the Nazis and used as a of 19.5 knots, the 5,406grt vessel was commissioned by the submarine mother ship in the Baltic after was invaded Bergen Steamship Company to compete with a new service in April 1940. The ship sank in shallow waters after being hit by between Tilbury and Gothenburg which had been launched Allied bombers in Hamburg in March 1945, but was raised and by Swedish Lloyd in 1929. rebuilt in Denmark at the end of the war. Built in Denmark, Venus was more than twice the size Equipped with a new bow, funnels, an extra deck, garage of the ships that had previously space for up to 30 cars, and operated on the route and, with Venus was involved in a highly- accommodation, the ship’s gross accommodation for 263 passengers, tonnage was increased to 6,269 also became the largest ship in praised rescue operation, responding tons and the passenger capacity regular passenger service between to an SOS call from the Norwegian raised to 425. Venus resumed the the UK and continental Europe. cargoship Trym and rescuing its Newcastle service in May 1948 Propulsion was by two four- and was also deployed on winter stroke cycle trunk piston diesel 19 crew in hurricane-force winds cruises from Plymouth to Madeira engines, each with 10 cylinders, while en route to Newcastle and Tenerife. which developed 5,000bhp at The shi was fi tted with 160rpm. The engines had the Burmeister & Wain airless stabilisers in 1953 and was driven ashore at Plymouth during injection system, each cylinder having a separate fuel pump a ale in arch , ut was re oated three days later. adjacent to the cylinder head. Switched to a twice-weekly service between Newcastle and s well as carryin u to fi rst class asseners and a Stavanger in 1965, Venus was transferred to a weekly run further 78 second class, Venus had three cargo holds, two between Bergen and Rotterdam in the summer of 1966, as of which were insulated. Passage time between Newcastle well as operating a winter weekend shopping service and Bergen was around 21 hours, and the ship operated two to Newcastle. return voyages each week. The ship’s last role was running a cruise from In January 1937, Venus was involved in a highly-praised Southampton, before being withdrawn from service in rescue operation, responding to an SOS call from the October 1968 and sent for scrapping in Faslane. 44 September 2019

44_sotp HK_SR checked.indd 44 15/08/2019 11:42

TAKE 5 Telegraph prize crossword By Mordo QUICK CLUES 11 Intimidated and worried by headline Across news in 3D (10) Enter our monthly cryptic crossword competition and you could win one 8 Destruction (8) 12, 16 Nocturnal bear disturbed by of the latest releases in maritime publishing. This month, the prize is a 9 Joint called hock in a horse (5) completely ošsetting emissions (6, 7) 10 Ring of light (4) 14 Big glacier mint occasionally served copy of the book Britannia’s Glory by Maggie Ballinger (reviewed on the 11 Style of vocal music (10) over fried cheese (3, 5) books pages). 12 Boat’s steering device (6) 16 See 12 14 Deathless (8) 18, 23 Potential source of energy formed To enter, simply send us the completed crossword, along with your 16 German mathematician and from careful unions (7, 6) name and address, to: Nautilus International, Telegraph Crossword inventor of modern calculus 21 Street I rent out to some heels (8) notation (7) 23 See 18 Competition, 1&2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, 18 Navigational aid (7) 24 Commander of Royal Navy gets posh London E18 1BD, or fax +44 (0)20 8530 1015. 21 Hand-held ­rework (8) company to ­rst place a lot (10) 23 Eden, for instance (6) 26 Member of 8 and Navy? (4) You can also enter by email, by sending your list of answers and your 24 Occurred (10) 27 Contrived a pose for fabulous writer (5) contact details to: [email protected]. 26 Large commercial fair (4) 28 Child being naughty is permitted, as 27 Yellow-brown pigment (5) an unspoken rule (8) The closing date this month is Friday 13 September 2019 28 Slow creature (8) Down Down 1 Move old woman east to ancient 1 Coarse (8) capital (8) 2 Public pool (4) 2 Captain of the Nautilus sent back 3 Supple (6) warning (4) 4 Mobile operating system (7) 3 An abundance of energy and heart 5 Walk through water (4) provided by wheat protein (6) 6 Tall building (10) 4 Tight bend requires grip (7) 7 Fish formerly believed to 5 Land on Mars? Rival in every anchor ships (6) other place (4) 13 Complex networks of pathways (10) 6 Sad cries heard from member of 8 (4, 6) 15 Sound of cattle (3) 7 Block draught (6) 17 Poorly (3) 13, 20 Feeling inspired, have courage to 19 Feeling embarrassed (8) perform on record, greeting new 20 In proportion (3, 4) member of 8 (10, 7) 22 Pirate’s pet (6) 15 You and I going up to big bird (3) 23 French New Wave ­lm director (6) 17 Suitable to be held by Captain (3) 25 Jetty (4) 19 An idealist lacks nimble head, but 26 Independent boarding school (4) smells nice (8) 20 See 13 CRYPTIC CLUES 22 Norse god with weapon chest (6) Across 23 Fellow has informal chat with Prince 8 Class of animals returning at 1:50 Edward over cold drink (6) in the morning to be protected 25 Caught member of 8 on headland (4) by mother (8) 26 Around hospital, take small drink from 9 Primarily source of light and regular vessel (4) power (5) Crossword answers and 10 Flipping crazy shock (4) winners’ names are on page 58 Back in time 50 years ago 25 years ago 10 years ago Merchant Navy Training Board approval NUMAST is amassing detailed evidence Nautilus International is warning members has been given to a report recommending that officers are being refused jobs on the of a crackdown on the contents of seafarers’ a complete reorganisation of deck officer grounds of age – with some in their 30s personal computers by authorities in the UK training, covering the whole range from being deemed to be ‘too old’. Among the and other countries. The Union is concerned pre-sea training to the master’s certificate cases, most of which involve UK companies, that police, immigration and customs officials courses. In future there will be compulsory are an experienced chief engineer refused a are mounting a concerted campaign to ‘trawl’ academic standards laid down which will job because he was over 45, a 39-year-old through seafarers’ PCs in search of potentially have to be reached for all candidates for member turned down by the pilot service incriminating material. It has asked home deck officer cadetships and acceptance because he was over 35, and a company secretary Alan Johnson what powers the of the report will mean the raising of the telling an officer it did not want anyone over police are using to conduct searches onboard standard of certificates of competency. 30. NUMAST has taken the issue up with visiting vessels, and whether certain crew The MNAOA took an active part in the the TUC and has also been in contact with nationalities and certain flags are being production of the report and supports the the Campaign Against Age Discrimination targeted. There have been reports of recommendations, providing that satisfactory in Employment, which aims to make such seafarers being taken to court after offending financial arrangements are made for students discrimination illegal — material was found during recent similar attending compulsory courses — The Telegraph, September 1994 checks in Canada and New Zealand — MN Journal, September 1969 The Telegraph, September 2009 September 2019 45

45_quiz_sept 19_SR HK.indd 45 15/08/2019 11:42 NL NEWS telegraph


Het gaat nog altijd niet goed met Helaas is die situatie niet verbeterd de brug- en sluisbediening in de maar eerder verslechterd: langere provincie Noord-Holland. Brug- en wachttijden voor bruggen en sluizen sluiswachters die soms zoek zijn. en soms zelfs tijdelijke sluiting… Een tekort aan ervaren nautisch Wachttijden die voor de beroepsvaart personeel. En de pleziervaart en en natuurlijk ook voor de andere bovenal de beroepsvaart ondervindt gebruikers van de vaarwegen in steeds meer de negatieve gevolgen Noord-Holland onacceptabel zijn! van de ondermaatse bezetting van Bovendien blijkt nu dat vanwege bruggen en sluizen. Daarom heeft personeelstekorten bij Trigion de Nautilus het Provinciebestuur van Provincie nu zelf ook al personeel aan Noord-Holland in een Open het werven en zelfs weer in dienst aan brief opgeroepen ‘tot inkeer Jos Hilberding het nemen is..!’ te komen’. En terug te keren (links): ‘Hoog tijd naar de situatie van 2016 dat de Provincie Nautilus in RTL Nieuws en eerder. Toen werd dit het over een andere Ook RTL Nieuws wijdde op 7 augustus werk op bevredigende wijze boeg gaat gooien’. jongstleden een reportage aan dit uitgevoerd door ODV Maritiem. aanbesteding ook voor veel ervaren nautische onderwerp. Naast Jos Hilberding En werkten onze leden en andere ‘ervaring hebben werknemers om de overstap naar werd onder meer ook ons Nautilus werknemers onder goede loon- en met nautische werkzaamheden’ Trigion niet te maken. Vanaf de kaderlid, brug- en sluiswachter arbeidsvoorwaarden. de mededinging te sterk beperken overgang naar Trigion tot aan heden Jolanda Wiersma uitgebreid (Vonnis in kort geding van 18 oktober hebben wij moeten constateren dat geïnterviewd. Over een andere boeg 2016). En zou handhaving van die Trigion niet in staat is de bruggen ‘Voor mij is dit totaal geen Nautilus bestuurder Jos Hilberding: vereiste de aanbesteding opnieuw en sluizen optimaal te bemannen. verrassing’, zegt Jolanda Wiersma. ‘Vanaf 2016 hebben wij als Nautilus doen toewijzen aan ODV Maritiem. Daarom roepen wij nu de Provincie ‘Dit hadden we twee jaar geleden al het Provinciebestuur gewezen Iets wat de provincie kennelijk op ‘tot inkeer te komen’ en het over voorspeld’. Jolanda’s werkgever werd op de mogelijke gevolgen welke niet wilde. In enkele maanden een andere en betere boeg te gaan ingeruild voor Trigion, dat de bruggen ontstonden bij het afscheid nemen moest Trigion derhalve voldoen gooien.’ veel goedkoper beloofde te bedienen. van de toenmalige bedienaren van aan de voorwaarde ‘gekwaliceerd Jolanda mócht mee, maar haar het bedrijf ODV Maritiem. Men personeel in dienst te hebben’ om Veiligheid in gevaar loon zou dan met 25 procent dalen. besloot de aanbesteding vervolgens in april 2017 de bruggen en sluizen Jos Hilberding: ‘Ons onderzoek in Ook de voorwaarden waren véél te gunnen aan Trigion, een bedrijf daadwerkelijk te gaan bedienen. 2018 toonde reeds aan dat meerdere slechter. ‘Middeleeuws’, noemde gespecialiseerd in onder meer Eerder berichtten wij de provincie objecten door onderbezetting Nautilus arbeidsjurist Mieke den verkeersregeling, tunnelbewaking ook al over de opleidingen aan de door slechts één persoon bediend Hollander het contract destijds. en beveiliging. Het professioneel nieuwe bedienaren en de extreem werden en dat inhuur op incidentele RTL vroeg Trigion om een reactie, bedienen van bruggen en sluizen korte inwerkperiode van 3 dagen basis plaatsvond. Hiermee kwam maar die verwijst door naar de was op dat moment volstrekt in het voorjaar van 2017. Ook de en komt de veiligheid, vooral van provincie. De provincie laat weten onbekend bij dit bedrijf! Volgens loon-en arbeidsvoorwaarden waren het scheepvaartverkeer en de ‘alle juridische mogelijkheden te het Provinciebestuur zou de eis bij van een bedenkelijk niveau, reden weggebruikers, ernstig in gevaar! bestuderen’. (bron: RTL Nieuws) 46 September 2019 September 2019 47

46-53_dutch_sept19.indd 46 15/08/2019 11:43 LEDEN EN HUN WERK Aandacht voor ‘zwaar werk’ in vervolgtraject Pensioenakkoord

In juni 2019 kwam na bijna tien jaar zijn. Ook als mensen aan boord moeten zijn. Dit onderhandelen een nieuw nationaal speelt in andere sectoren natuurlijk niet, maar bij pensioenakkoord tot stand tussen de overheid en ons des te meer. De pensioenwerkgroep ‘zwaar de centrale sociale partners, waaronder de FNV, werk’ buigt zich onder meer over wat we in cao’s waar Nautilus in Nederland deel van is. De FNV voor afspraken zouden moeten maken voor het leden, onder wie de leden van Nautilus, hebben eerder stoppen van medewerkers met ‘zwaar hier in grote meerderheid voor gestemd. Hoe nu werk’. Hoe de”nieer je dat en wat regel je? Ook verder? Het pensioenakkoord kent nog veel nader zijn er de komende jaren verschillende potjes uit te werken punten. Onder meer het onderwerp met geld beschikbaar om dit te faciliteren. Hoe ‘zwaar werk’, dat ook voor onze maritieme geven we natuurlijk graag gehoor. Zeevarenden, besteed je deze zo zinvol mogelijk?’ beroepen erg belangrijk is. Ook onderwerpen binnenvaartmensen en waterbouwers als de pensioenregeling, de zogenaamde ‘witte beschouwen hun werk immers als zwaar. En tijdig Nieuwsuur vlekken’ en de voorzieningen voor ZZP’ers zijn stoppen met werken, dan wel aŽouwen van De pensioenwerkgroepen komen de komende eveneens van groot belang en behoeven nadere werk, zien zij als wenselijk dan wel noodzakelijk. maanden iedere zes weken bijeen om de uitwerking. Onlangs hebben een Nautilus bestuurder en een bovenliggende overleggen tussen vakcentrales, betrokken actief (kader) lid samen deelgenomen overheid en werkgevers te ‘voeden’. Doel is Nautilus in pensioenwerkgroep ‘zwaar werk’ aan een aftrapbijeenkomst met andere FNV dat er in januari 2020 plannen liggen voor Vanuit de overheid en de centrale vakbonden bestuurders en kaderleden uit sectoren met de uitwerking van het pensioenakkoord. Ook (FNV, CNV en VCP) en hun evenknieën aan ‘zwaar werk’. Met hierin onder meer ook in de media vraagt Nautilus aandacht voor werkgeverskant zijn werkgroepen geformeerd vertegenwoordigers uit de bouw, de zorg en van het zware werk van varende werkenden. Ook om alle losse eindjes in te vullen. Hierin zitten de politie.’ ter voeding van de ‘zwaar werk’ discussie in ook de FNV pensioen onderhandelaars. De FNV relatie tot de pensioenleeftijd. Medio augustus heeft een traject in gang gezet om te zorgen Klankbordgroep maritieme kaderleden werd door het tv programma Nieuwsuur een dat kaderleden en bestuurders uit de betrokken ‘Als Nautilus hebben we inmiddels een short sea kapitein, lid van Nautilus, aan boord sectoren input geven en worden geraadpleegd klankbordgroep over ‘zwaar werk’ georganiseerd. geïnterviewd over zijn ‘zware beroep’. Ook op de over de vervolgstappen. Met daarin maar liefst vijf maritieme kaderleden, Nautilus Kaderledendag op 31 oktober a.s. zal het Nautilus vicevoorzitter Sascha Meijer: ‘Als zodat er input komt vanuit zowel de Koopvaardij onderwerp ‘zwaar werk’ veel aandacht krijgen. Nautilus zijn we gevraagd om deel te nemen aan als de Waterbouw en de Binnenvaart. En ook om In volgende nummers van de Telegraph meer de pensioenwerkgroep ‘zwaar werk’. Hieraan er voor te zorgen dat we altijd vertegenwoordigd hierover. 46 September 2019 September 2019 47

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NL NEWS Tijd voor goede arbeidsvoor- waarden in Wind Oshore

Eind juni 2019 is in de SER en overheid of er voldoende (Sociaal Economische Raad) vaklieden te vinden zijn om de een Klimaatakkoord tot stand energie doelstelling in 2030 te gekomen. kunnen halen. Sinds het begin van vorig jaar hebben meer dan 100 Nu ook goede partijen, waaronder de FNV, arbeidsvoorwaarden afspreken KOM OOK NAAR waar Nautilus/FNV Waterbouw Tegelijkertijd stelt Nautilus ook bij is aangesloten, gewerkt vast dat met name de grote DE NAUTILUS aan een samenhangend pakket rederijen die betrokken aan voorstellen waarmee zijn bij de aanleg van KADERLEDENDAG OP de CO2 uitstoot in 2030 windmolenparken op zee, gehalveerd kan worden. zich niet coöperatief opstellen 31 OKTOBER A.S. jegens de vakbonden. Wind op zee De FNV heeft Nautilus in het Bent u ook een actief (kader) lid of wilt en op loopafstand van het centraal Een belangrijke maatregel SER traject nauw betrokken bij u zelf als Nautilus/FNV Waterbouw lid station. Assendorperstraat 29, 8012 is het opwekken van de besprekingen omtrent wind eens kijken wat dat inhoudt? DE ZWOLLE; elektriciteit door windmolens op zee. Nautilus en FNV hebben Op donderdag 31 oktober organiseert op zee. De overgang naar er steeds op aangedrongen dat Nautilus zijn tweede kaderledendag, na Geef u snel op bij duurzame energie zal veel er goede arbeidsvoorwaarden een succesvolle en boeiende première [email protected] veranderingen met zich en -omstandigheden moeten op 5 oktober vorig jaar. meebrengen met betrekking komen voor het werk in de Programma: tot de werkgelegenheid. Wind O‡shore. Dominicanenklooster Zwolle 09.30 – 10.00 uur: Inloop In sommige sectoren zal Die gezamenlijke inzet Opkomen voor je eigen en elkaars 10.00 – 12.30 uur: er werk verdwijnen. Denk en insteek hebben ertoe belangen. Samen uitbouwen waar de Welkom en ‘Waar gaan we hierbij aan de kolencentrales. geleid dat werkgevers bond voor gaat en staat. Hoe krijgen voor vandaag?’ In nieuwe sectoren als de vertegenwoordigers in de SER we (nog) meer leden en vooral ook ‘Waarom ik graag actief ben voor Wind O‡shore ontstaan zich bereid hebben verklaard jongere leden? Wat betekent de onlangs de vakbond’….een Nautilus nieuwe perspectieven op om de gesprekken hieromtrent afgesloten nieuwe pensioendeal voor kaderlid aan het woord. arbeidsplaatsen. Nautilus stelt met ons op te willen starten. onze leden? Hoe vullen we met name ‘Hoe meer leden we werven, vast dat er weliswaar banen in Dat is op zich een goede zaken als ‘zwaar werk en mogelijk hoe sterker we staan’ het maritieme deel bijkomen, zaak, maar de praktijk moet eerder stoppen met werk’ en Workshops per sector: maar dat er geen of nauwelijks uitwijzen of zij daadwerkelijk ‘Duurzame Inzetbaarheid‘ verder in? ‘Zwaar werk en mogelijk eerder collectieve regelingen voor de over zullen gaan tot het maken Hoe gaan we het Nautilus strategisch stoppen met werk’ medewerkers zijn. Er is geen van concrete afspraken over plan, vast te stellen tijdens de Nautilus 12.30 – 13.30 uur: Lunch cao, geen pensioenregeling, loon- en arbeidsvoorwaarden. International Algemene Vergadering 13.30 – 16.15 uur: geen scholing en geen Nautilus gaat in de (GM 2019), verder invullen voor onze ‘Van strategie naar actie’ opleidingsvoorziening. komende tijd vooral ook belangrijkste Nederlandse sectoren: Kortom er is geen sociale met de medewerkers in de zeevaart, o‡shore, binnenvaart en Workshops per sector: infrastructuur. Belangrijke sector in gesprek om vast waterbouw? Dat zijn de belangrijkste ‘Wat betekent dit alles voor zaken die ervoor moeten te stellen welke zaken voor onderwerpen van deze dag. onze sector’ zorgen dat het aantrekkelijk hen van belang zijn. Zaken Dit keer tre‡en we elkaar op een Centrale discussie naar is en blijft om in de Wind die meegenomen moeten bijzondere en sfeervolle locatie: het aanleiding van uitkomsten O‡shore te werken. Er zijn worden in het overleg met de Dominicanenklooster in het centrum workshops en hoe verder…? tevens zorgen bij werkgevers werkgevers. van Zwolle. Goed bereikbaar per auto 16.15 uur: Drankje en hapje 48 September 2019 September 2019 49

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EBU, ETF en IG Rivercruise tekenen overeenkomst riviercruise activiteiten

Op 25 juli jongstleden ondertekenden de European Barge Union (EBU), de European Transport Workers ‘Federation (ETF), waarbij Nautilus ook is aangesloten, en IG Rivercruise een overeenkomst waarin zij zich ertoe verbinden samen te werken aan maatregelen die eerlijke werkgelegenheid in de Europese riviercruise sector ondersteunen. De afgelopen jaren is de riviercruise sector in Europa snel gegroeid. Dit succesverhaal heeft meerdere, gecompliceerde bedrijfsmodellen opgeleverd, wat vaak betekent dat verschillende partijen samenwerken om één cruise te leveren: scheepseigenaren, exploitanten, cateringbedrijven, enz.

Wie is voor wat verantwoordelijk? Helaas komen er overtredingen voor van de wetten van verschillende EU-lidstaten met betrekking tot de tewerkstelling van werknemers in riviercruise activiteiten. Dit heeft met name betrekking op het personeel Vertegenwoordigers van de ETF (links) en van de Europese Riviercruise werkgevers tekenen de overeenkomst aan boord dat werkt in niet-nautische functies, zoals horeca en catering. Tegelijkertijd waarborgen, zijn EBU, ETF en IG Rivercruise moeten worden geïmplementeerd. Dit wordt de industrie geconfronteerd met nu overeengekomen om samen te werken. biedt voordelen voor zowel werkgevers als onduidelijke of tegenstrijdige Europese en De eerste stap is het begrijpen van de werknemers in de riviercruise sector, te weten internationale regels, die van toepassing zijn complexe realiteit van riviercruise activiteiten het uitzetten van een duidelijke route naar op werknemers bij riviercruise activiteiten. En in Europa. De huidige bedrijfsmodellen en een sociaal duurzame riviercruise industrie, is er verwarring over de manier waarop deze procedures voor riviercruise activiteiten met een gelijk speelveld voor exploitanten. regels worden gehandhaafd in EU-lidstaten en zullen worden geïnventariseerd. En er zal een in Zwitserland. Hierdoor is niet altijd duidelijk overzicht worden gemaakt van de Europese Naar een nationale sector cao welke partij verantwoordelijk is voor welke en internationale regels, die op de sector van Nautilus Binnenvaart bestuurder Bert Klein: activiteiten en voor het personeel dat deze toepassing zijn. Tevens zal de handhaving van ‘Na onze rondetafelconferentie in september activiteiten uitvoert. deze regels in EU-lidstaten en in Zwitserland in 2018 is men in de riviercruisevaart er zich door kaart worden gebracht. Met speciale aandacht acties van de internationale vakbonden en Gelijk speelveld waarborgen voor situaties die sociale dumping of slechte de daarmee gepaard gaande media aandacht Het is de gedeelde overtuiging van EBU, arbeidsomstandigheden in de hand kunnen bewust van geworden dat er iets gedaan ETF en IG Rivercruise dat de exploitant werken. moest worden aan de huidige situatie. Met van het schip verantwoordelijk moet het tekenen van de intentie verklaring is nu worden gehouden voor alle activiteiten. Bindende maatregelen in najaar 2020 een eerste kleine stap gezet. De overeenkomst Inclusief voor alle uitgevoerde diensten Zodra er een duidelijk beeld van deze context die eind 2020 klaar moet zijn, is een tweede, aan boord van een riviercruise schip. Om is vastgesteld, zullen EBU, ETF en IG Rivercruise grotere stap. De derde en nale stap is er pas de arbeidsomstandigheden op riviercruise gezamenlijke conclusies trekken en passende, als de werkgevers met de betrokken nationale schepen te verbeteren en tegelijkertijd bindende maatregelen of overeenkomsten vakbonden tot een (nationale) sector cao een gelijk speelveld voor de sector te voorstellen, die tegen het najaar van 2020 komen’. 48 September 2019 September 2019 49

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In deze rubriek worden steeds vakbondszaken van de KNVTS. De redactie van het blad bestaat abonnees ontvangen ook nog 2 x per maand de belicht waarin Nautilus en FNV Waterbouw een uit een aantal hoogwaardige vakmensen uit het SWZ Nieuwsbrief. actieve rol spelen ten behoeve van de leden. veld. Een ( bezoldigd) hoofdredacteur, aangesteld De doelgroepvan SWZ Maritime bestaat uit: door het SWZ bestuur, voert samen met de leidinggevenden, constructeurs, zeevarenden, Dit keer betreft het: Stichting Schip en Werf de eindredacteur dit enthousiaste en deskundige studenten maritieme techniek en deskundigen Zee (SWZ) en SWZ Maritime team aan. Het verschijnt 11x per jaar. op het gebied van de maritieme-, nautische- en SWZ is de eigenaar en de uitgever van de oœshore techniek. titels Schip & Werf de Zee en SWZ Maritime. Vakblad voor technische professionals De uitgeefpartner is ProMedia MBM. Het bestuur van SWZ wordt gevormd door SWZ Maritime is inmiddels al meer dan 130 jaar de participanten in SWZ, die elk een aantal een vakblad voor technische professionals in de Nautilus (aspirant) leden bestuursleden benoemen, waaronder ook een scheepvaart. Het vakblad biedt maandelijks de Ruim 1.000 Nautilus leden, die hiervoor per Nautilus bestuurslid. nieuwste ontwikkelingen en actualiteiten op maand 3,05 euro extra betalen, zijn geabonneerd SWZ Maritime wordt uitgegeven door de het gebied van scheepvaart, waarvan meerdere op het blad. Stichting SWZ, waarin participeren: de Koninklijke malen per jaar een uitgebreide special. Studenten/stagiairs leden van Nautilus Nederlandse Vereniging van Technici op Ook kan er gekeken, gelezen (online SWZ (Aspiranten contributietarief= 3,70 euro per Scheepvaartgebied (KNVTS) en de Stichting de Magazine) en gesurfd worden op de SWZ maand) krijgen dit blad, met de Telegraph, gratis Zee. SWZ Maritime is tevens het verenigingsblad Maritiem website: Leden en toegestuurd.

LEDEN EN HUN WERK Nautilus staat voor u klaar

Nevenarbeid toegestaan? In de arbeidsovereenkomst van Anne zich als een goed werkgever en een goed Ons lid Anne Visser* belde ons onlangs met de was geen bepaling opgenomen over werknemer te gedragen. De werknemer is vraag of hij, in afwachting van de aankomst nevenwerkzaamheden. Echter in de van daarom niet volledig vrij in het verrichten van zijn (nieuwbouw) schip, bij zijn broer in toepassing zijnde cao stond: ‘Het is de van nevenarbeid. Hij dient daarvan de bakkerij mocht meehelpen. Hij was al vier werknemer niet toegestaan in zijn vrije tijd bijvoorbeeld af te zien als hij zijn gezondheid weken thuis en had ondertussen op Netix al betaalde werkzaamheden voor derden te schaadt door banen te combineren, de heel wat kijk-marathons afgerond. De planner verrichten, anders dan met vooraf gekregen reputatie van zijn werkgever aantast of van zijn werk had hem verteld dat het nog wel toestemming van uw werkgever’. Nautilus die rechtstreeks beconcurreert. Op zijn vijf weken kon duren voordat hij aan boord kon adviseerde Anne daarom schriftelijk beurt dient de werkgever zijn belang af te gaan. Anne wilde weer graag iets nuttigs doen. toestemming te vragen. Zo gezegd, zo gedaan. wegen met dat van zijn werknemer. Door Maar ondanks een vriendelijke herinnering van nevenarbeid te verbieden, ontzegt die zijn Vrije arbeidskeuze zijn kant, had Anne na een week nog steeds medewerker bijvoorbeeld de mogelijkheid Nautilus wilde eerst de arbeidsovereenkomst geen reactie ontvangen. Wat nu? van extra inkomsten of van bevredigend van Anne zien. Immers daarin zou vrijwilligerswerk. iets kunnen zijn afgesproken over het Burgerlijk Wetboek Mede omdat de wet- en regelgeving niet in verrichten van nevenwerkzaamheden. Het begrip nevenarbeid laat zich moeilijk alle gevallen kan voorzien, leidt nevenarbeid Er is sprake van nevenwerkzaamheden vangen in wet- en regelgeving. Er zijn immers soms tot conicten tussen werkgever en als je naast je baan andere – betaalde of heel veel verschillende combinaties mogelijk werknemer. Gelukkig kreeg Anne – na onbetaalde – werkzaamheden verricht. In tussen een vaste baan en een bijbaan, een telefoontje van Nautilus – alsnog snel principe is dat toegestaan. Het recht op waarbij de feiten en omstandigheden steeds toestemming van zijn werkgever. Bakkerij vrijheid van arbeidskeuze is zelfs in onze verschillend zijn. Er moet daarom steeds Visser kreeg een goede tijdelijke hulp erbij. Grondwet vastgelegd. Het hebben van een goed worden gekeken naar wat er zich in het Raadpleeg in dit soort gevallen daarom altijd arbeidsovereenkomst met een werkgever concrete geval afspeelt. uw vakbond: [email protected] betekent niet per de„nitie het einde van die Ons Burgerlijk Wetboek zegt dat de vrije arbeidskeuze. werkgever en de werknemer verplicht zijn *Ge„ngeerde naam 50 September 2019 September 2019 51

46-53_dutch_sept19.indd 50 15/08/2019 11:44 ROOS MIJNLIEFF WINT

NAUTILUS PRIJS MEEST ‘Mijn toekomst ligt SOCIALE STUDENT in de machine- kamer.’ ‘Ik had het helemaal niet verwacht dat ik deze prijs zou winnen. Maar ik vind het wel heel leuk. Ik vind sociaal bezig zijn heel belangrijk. Zowel hier op school als aan boord. Bovendien: waar je werkt, woon je ook in ons vak. Dan moet je wel sociaal bezig zijn met elkaar, anders werkt het niet. Vooral als je met meerdere culturen aan boord zit’, aldus een blij verraste Roos Mijnlieff. Op 12 juli jongstleden ontving zij uit handen van Nautilus communicatieadviseur Hans Walthie, tijdens de HBO Marof diploma uitreiking in het volgepakte Atrium van de HZ University of Applied Sciences in Vlissingen, de Nautilus prijs ‘Meest Sociale Student’. Ook vele tientallen studenten van de andere HZ studierichtingen ontvingen deze middag hun diploma. In het door de leraren van de zeevaart opleiding samengestelde jury rapport staat onder meer te lezen:

Roos is op heel veel vlakken sociaal: • Ze is sociaal in de omgang met docenten en is altijd bereid om te helpen bij voorlichtingen op open dagen en blad wordt ieder jaar speciaal gemaakt Management’ systeem om alarmmoeheid meeloopdagen. voor meisjes in het voortgezet onderwijs te voorkomen tijdens brugwachten. • Ze is sociaal in de omgang met om een opleiding in de technische richting studenten, in de studentenvereniging, ze te stimuleren. Oliën en vetten helpt studenten uit het studentenhuis met In haar dankwoord loofde Roos ook alle het maken van opdrachten voor school. ‘Bridge Alert Management’ systeem leraren voor hun stimulerende lessen en • Roos doet veel aan promotie van de Roos wist al heel jong dat ze graag een ondersteuning.’ Zonder hun kennis en opleiding; ze schrijft blogs over haar stage carrière in de zeevaart wilde; het zit in haar kunde en hun inzet hadden wij vandaag die in het blad ‘Poseidon’ (Vereniging Oud DNA. Veel familieleden hebben ook voor een niet ons diploma ontvangen.’ Haar tweede Leerlingen) worden gepubliceerd. carrière in de maritieme sector gekozen. Op stage liep Roos bij RollDock. ‘Het bezig zijn • Er is een stukje over haar verschenen jonge leeftijd heeft ze leren zeilen en veel tijd met zware lading vind ik bijzonder boeiend. in de lokale krant ‘PZC’, met als titel op het water doorgebracht. Waar mijn toekomst ligt? Nou, ik denk in ‘Een vrouw achter het roer of in de Na de HAVO en het VWO heeft de machinekamer. Hoewel ik eerst altijd machinekamer, waarom niet?’ Roos voor de opleiding Maritiem stuurman wilde worden, vind ik het nu • Actief meegedacht over de voorlichting Officier in Vlissingen gekozen. En nu 4 heerlijk om in de machinekamer met mijn van vrouwelijke studenten die voor het jaar later is zij met mooie resultaten handen in de oliën en vetten te zitten…’ eerst op stage gaan. afgestudeerd. Als afstudeeronderzoek In totaal ontvingen 15 studenten het HBO • Er is een stripverhaal van Roos heeft ze in samenwerking met Rederij Marof diploma. In september volgt er nog uitgebracht in het blad ‘Girls Future’. Dit RollDock gekeken naar een ‘Bridge Alert een tweede batch uitreikingen. 50 September 2019 September 2019 51

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NL NEWS BPF Koopvaardij Op dit moment is er een vacature voor een Advies en Oordeel jaar uit. Geïnteresseerden vertegenwoordiger vanuit Nautilus International in Voorbeelden hiervan zijn: het beloningsbeleid, kunnen zich voor 30 september a.s. via de pensioenraad voor de groep actieven (huidige benoeming van de leden van de raad van toezicht [email protected] aanmelden. zeevarenden die deelnemer zijn in het fonds). Iets en het communicatiebeleid. Het bestuur is verplicht Na uw aanmelding volgt meer informatie, voor u? om de pensioenraad over deze (en nog veel meer waaronder een functieproel. In de pensioenraad van het zaken) advies te vragen. De pensioenraad geeft Bedrijfspensioenfonds Koopvaardij (BPFK) tevens een oordeel over het gevoerde beleid en zijn zowel werknemers, ex-werknemers, over de beleidskeuzes voor de toekomst. gepensioneerden en werkgevers vertegenwoordigd. De pensioenraad geeft advies Vrouwen en jongeren aan het bestuur van het fonds over uiteenlopende De pensioenraad streeft naar diversiteit en nodigt onderwerpen. nadrukkelijk vrouwen en kandidaten onder de 40 Enquête over nieuwsvoorziening aan boord

Onlangs is er door Nautilus een enquête uitgestuurd naar actieve leden in de Zeevaart inzake de door het O&O fonds Zeescheepvaart geboden nieuwsvoorziening (NRC De Week en Schuttevaer). Enkele vragen uit deze enquête zijn: Hoe belangrijk is het voor u dat u aan boord van nieuws wordt voorzien? Ontvangt u wel of geen gedrukte media/kranten/magazines aan boord? Ontvangt u digitale nieuwsmedia aan boord? Wilt u in de nabije toekomst meer media in digitale vorm of meer in gedrukte vorm ontvangen?

Beste vorm van nieuwsvoorziening Mede aan de hand van de In het voorjaar van 2018 werd boord te ontvangen. Ruim 35% nieuwsvoorziening op dezelfde uitkomsten van dit onderzoek wil er ook een dergelijke enquête gaf daarnaast aan geen digitale wijze te continueren. Wel werd het bestuur van het O&O fonds, gehouden. Toen was ruim 95% nieuwsmedia aan boord te toen afgesproken om hierover waarin ook Nautilus zitting heeft, van de geënquêteerden van kunnen ontvangen. En ruim 55% een jaar later opnieuw een analyseren wat de beste vorm mening dat het belangrijk, tot was toen van mening over ‘geen enquête uit te sturen en te van nieuwsvoorziening in de heel belangrijk is, dat men aan goede internetverbinding aan toetsen of de nieuwsvoorziening nabije toekomst is. En of er zaken boord van nieuws wordt voorzien. boord’ te kunnen beschikken. eventueel aangepast zou moeten dienen te worden aangepast en/ Overigens gaf toen ruim 23% Mede aan de hand van deze worden. We houden u op de of veranderd. aan geen gedrukte media aan uitslagen werd besloten de hoogte. 52 September 2019 September 2019 53

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LEDEN EN HUN WERK Klimaatverandering en de rol van de vakbonden Ons klimaat is wereldwijd aan het klimaatverandering nog decennialang de ontwikkeling van de groene economie (bv. airconditioning) en het opleiden van veranderen. Daar is iedereen het wel zal aanhouden vanwege het is vakbondsactie dan ook noodzakelijk de werknemers in verband met de risico’s over eens. Waardoor en in welke mate..? vertraagde e‡ect van de uitstoot in om ervoor te zorgen dat werknemers waarmee ze worden geconfronteerd.’ Daar verschillen de meningen over. En het verleden. Zelfs als er vandaag geen adequaat worden beschermd en dat er daar wordt veel en soms heftig over broeikasgassen meer zouden worden een coherent aanpassingsbeleid wordt Wat betekent dit voor vakbonden? gediscussieerd en gedebatteerd. Waar uitgestoten, zouden we nog steeds grote uitgestippeld dat rekening houdt met Vakbondsactie is nodig om ervoor te nog weinig over wordt gediscussieerd is veranderingen in het klimaat zien. Door de gevolgen van de klimaatverandering zorgen dat de negatieve e‡ecten worden wat de klimaatveranderingen betekenen de doelstelling van de Overeenkomst voor de arbeidswereld. beperkt en de positieve e‡ecten worden voor werknemers, die er mee te maken van Parijs van 2015 te bereiken en de In april 2013 heeft de Europese benut. Een paar voorbeelden: krijgen. Wat dit betekent voor de stijging van de gemiddelde temperatuur Commissie de aanpassingsstrategie van Vakbonden op alle niveaus (Europees, werkgelegenheid, ook in de zee- en op aarde te beperken tot minder dan de EU goedgekeurd, die is gebaseerd nationaal, sectoraal, regionaal) binnenvaart en de waterbouw? En welke 1,5 °C boven het pre-industriële niveau, op drie belangrijke doelstellingen: informeren over (zoals in dit artikel) rol zouden de vakbonden hierin moeten zouden de grootste risico’s van de bevordering van maatregelen door en bewustmaken van de mogelijke spelen. Hierover werd begin juli in de klimaatverandering kunnen worden de lidstaten, beter onderbouwde gevolgen van de klimaatverandering Burcht in Amsterdam een conferentie verminderd. Hoewel internationale besluitvorming en bevordering van voor de werkgelegenheid, de georganiseerd door de Europese beloften helpen om de uitstoot aanpassing in belangrijke kwetsbare arbeidsomstandigheden en de vakfederatie ETUC in samenwerking te verminderen, zijn ze voorlopig sectoren. Sindsdien houdt de Commissie gezondheid en de veiligheid op het werk. met de FNV, waar ook Nautilus/FNV onvoldoende om een ‘reële’ kans te toezicht op de ontwikkeling van Deze gevolgen zijn niet altijd bekend Waterbouw bij is aangesloten. Nautilus bieden om de opwarming van de aarde in nationale aanpassingsstrategieën en worden niet altijd begrepen. Op dit communicatieadviseur Hans Walthie deze mate te beperken. door de EU-lidstaten: 25 van de moment is er slechts een zeer beperkt was, voor een deel, ook van de partij. Een 28 lidstaten hadden tegen aantal studies of onderzoeken over deze verslag: Positieve en negatieve ‘Welke rol zal begin 2018 nationale gevolgen uitgevoerd. eŽecten op economie en dit gaan spelen in aanpassingsstrategieën De toewijzing van Europese Bedreiging voor stabiliteit samenleving werkgelegenheid toekomstige cao ontwikkeld9. Aanpassing en nationale fondsen voor ‘Er is een groeiend besef dat de Vanuit economisch onderhande- heeft positieve e‡ecten klimaataanpassingsmaatregelen klimaatverandering een grote bedreiging oogpunt wordt er verwacht lingen?’ op de economie en de bevorderen. voor de stabiliteit en de welvaart van dat de klimaatverandering werkgelegenheid. Uiteraard heeft dit ook zijn weerslag in de samenleving is. Welke inspanningen ernstige gevolgen zal het werken in de belangrijkste sectoren er ook worden geleverd om de hebben voor de Europese economie, met Gezondheid en veiligheid waar Nautilus/FNV Waterbouw en klimaatverandering te beperken, ze zal negatieve maar ook positieve e‡ecten Er wordt verwacht dat de haar leden te vinden zijn: zeevaart, onvermijdelijke klimaate‡ecten hebben op nationale en regionale economieën. klimaatverandering grote gevolgen zal o‡shore, waterbouw en binnenvaart. (overstromingen, droogtes, hittegolven, Aan de andere kant kunnen grote hebben voor de menselijke gezondheid Welke rol gaat dit bijvoorbeeld schommelingen in de neerslagniveaus, investeringen in aanpassingsmaatregelen en dus ook voor de gezondheid en de spelen in ‘zwaar werk-discussies’ en schaarste aan natuurlijke hulpbronnen, werkgelegenheid en inkomstenkansen veiligheid op het werk. in arbeidsvoorwaardenpakketten achteruitgang van de biodiversiteit creëren bij activiteiten zoals Alle soorten natuurfenomenen bij af te sluiten nieuwe collectieve enz.) en economische, sociale en waterbeheer. Er wordt verwacht (hitte- of koudegolven, grotere regenval, arbeidsovereenkomsten in deze sectoren? ecologische kosten meebrengen. De dat de klimaatverandering en stormen enz.) kunnen een invloed merkbare veranderingen in het klimaat de aanpassingsmaatregelen hebben op de werknemers en dit op veel Nautilus/FNV OŽshore Wind hebben al verstrekkende gevolgen voor uiteenlopende e‡ecten zullen verschillende manieren (bv. extreme FNV vicevoorzitter Kitty Jong gaf ecosystemen, economische sectoren, de hebben op de werkgelegenheid en de temperaturen of intense natuurlijke bovendien aan dat de FNV dit onderwerp menselijke gezondheid en het welzijn in arbeidsomstandigheden. gevaren die voorkomen dat mensen al hoog op de agenda heeft, maar dit Europa. In de afgelopen tien jaar (2002- Deze e‡ecten zijn onder meer het hun werk uitvoeren of hun werkplek binnenkort ‘nog hoger op de agenda gaat 2011) lag de gemiddelde temperatuur van vernietigen van banen, het creëren van bereiken). Deze situatie leidt tot de zetten’. Zo verwees ze onder meer ook het Europese grondgebied 1,3 °C boven banen, gevolgen voor de behoeften verplichting om maatregelen te nemen naar het O‡shore Wind project waarin het pre-industriële gemiddelde, wat inzake competenties en vaardigheden, die gericht zijn op het veiligstellen van Nautilus en de FNV nadrukkelijker de betekent dat Europa sneller opwarmt dan en bezorgdheid over de gezondheid en de werkplek, zoals het aanpassen van de krachten aan het bundelen zijn om hier het wereldwijde gemiddelde. de veiligheid op het werk. Zoals bij de arbeidsomstandigheden, het investeren ook een gezonde sector met een goede Er wordt verwacht dat de beperking van de klimaatverandering en in aangepaste middelen en apparatuur cao van te maken. 52 September 2019 September 2019 53

46-53_dutch_sept19.indd 53 15/08/2019 11:45 54_slater fund.ind.indd 54 15/08/2019 11:46 RECRUITMENT

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SK Tax Service Ltd OUT NOW We are a team of friendly and approachable tax advisers with many years experience in Marine Taxation matters. THE In a seafaring world amidst rumours and speculation, why try and work out the complications of the 100% claim yourself? Let us, the experts, take the worry from your shoulders. Your leave ICE NAVIGATION is important to you and your family, don’t waste it trying to sort out your tax affairs. AND Receive personal attention and advice on: 100% claims and constant advice on achieving this SEAMANSHIP All aspects of your self assessment tax return National Insurance contributions HANDBOOK Non residency claims We now submit tax returns electronically, speeding up the refund process by an amazing rate. Initial Fee £220 — Re-Enrolment Fee £210 This publication will allow Contact us or visit our website for enrolment forms or advice seafarers to acquire the necessary knowledge Kingsway House, Idle Bank, Westwoodside, Doncaster, DN9 2EN and understanding of this Tel 01427 753400 [email protected] challenging environment which, when combined with practical experience, will enable safe navigation J&N STACEY in ice. Ex Tax Inspector at Cardiff Marine - 30 years experience with seafarers’ tax £225 z Personal attention z Electronic fi ling z £195.00 Claims to SED & NR FLAT FEE PER TAX RETURN z Planning Service [email protected] Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, 01271 813 612 or 07946 489 893 +44 (0)1506 463 227 Contact us Almondvale Way, 41 East Street, Braunton, EX33 2EA Livingston EH54 6GA, now for a [email protected] Scotland, UK chat! 56 September 2019 PEOPLE THE FACE OF NAUTILUS Sam Belfitt, Council member and chair of the Young Maritime Professionals Forum

am Belfitt has a degree in Sam started attending Union meetings – aviation, and there aren’t many including the Young Maritime Professionals S seafarers who can say that. Forum – as a way of networking, because There are plenty who can say her cadetship company didn’t hire British they have a job, though, and that’s why officers. ‘But once I got to know people Sam made the switch from air to sea. through Nautilus, I became passionate ‘I graduated during the economic about making things better for us in this crash and found it difficult to even get industry. I really hate the expression “but a shelf-stacking job, let alone a job in the this is how we’ve always done it”, because if aviation industry,’ she explains. ‘My dad was we followed that, we’d still be sailing wooden in the Royal Navy, and he was the one who ships with sails.’ SAM BELFITT encouraged me to go for a Merchant Navy After a while, Sam was encouraged to take IS GLAD TO FINALLY cadetship at that point – he even filled the on the chairmanship of the YMP Forum, BE ON A PERMANENT form in for me. I was all like, “sure, whatever CONTRACT AS A THIRD which she ‘thoroughly enjoys’. And having Dad” at the time, but I really enjoyed the OFFICER WITH DFDS been in that role for some time now, ‘it was cadetship and have now been a qualified deck just the next natural step to go for a seat on officer for four years.’ the Council where I could do There’s also another seafaring more for the Union and the connection in the family. ‘My members’. grandad was an engineer in It has been rewarding, the Merchant Navy and sailed ‘I have a whole bunch of ideas she continues, to represent on the Queen Elizabeth. Sadly, stewing about what I would Nautilus at events organised he passed away when I was a by union federations such child, but I would have loved to like to bring to the table as as the GFTU and TUC. ‘It’s have shared stories with him a new Council member’ amazing how many issues and found out more about his we have that are mirrored in experiences.’ other unions. We also have Sam’s own experiences at sea have included boutique some industry-specific issues, and I enjoy making these cruising, high speed craft, ro-ro ferries, dredging, general public and trying to get people behind our campaigns.’ cargo and hovercraft. Her biggest career highlight to date? What’s the best part about becoming more closely ‘It has to be that first watch you take unsupervised. I will involved with the Union? ‘It has to be the socials! Joking never forget that feeling after the second mate leaves the aside, a lot of the talk on important issues happens outside bridge and you tell yourself “please don’t crash”.’ of the meeting rooms, and this is then fed back in during The main challenge she has faced in her career has the meetings.’ been finding stable work. ‘It’s trying to find not only that Looking to the future, Sam says: ‘I have a whole bunch of first job, but one that takes you on permanently or for an ideas stewing about what I would like to bring to the table extended period of time. I have been plagued by fixed- in my new role as Council member, but you will have to term contracts and only being paid whilst at sea. This watch this space and wait and see. I also hope to be a link suits some people, and some of my agency work has been between the YMP Forum and the Council to help give more through choice, but it does get tiring.’ of a voice to young members.’


SeptemberMarch 2018 2019 57 57

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College enquiries in relation to trainee oœcers Member meetings and regularly visits each main nautical contacts college. and seminars Cadet members are encouraged, if they Induction visits have a need for any workplace support, Nautilus International organises regular meetings, forums and See to contact Martyn on +44 (0)151 639 seminars for members to discuss technical matters, maritime policies event section for dates of 8454 or email [email protected] and legal issues. Coming up in the next few months are: upcoming college visits by the Nautilus recruitment team. Young Maritime Professionals Forum For further information, email The Union also facilitates a Young Professional & Technical Forum industry and encourages female [email protected] Maritime Professionals Forum to provide 17 September, Hull participation in Union activity. or call Martyn Gray on an opportunity for young members to 17 December, Edinburgh All female members welcome. +44 (0)151 639 8454. engage in discussions on the speciŸc The forum deals with a range To attend or register your interest, challenges facing young workers in of technical, safety, and welfare topics. call or email Lisa Carr: Industrial support for cadets the maritime profession. All full members are welcome. +44 (0)20 8989 6677 The dedicated strategic organiser To register your interest and receive [email protected] for all UK and Irish trainee oœcers For further information, members details of the venue, contact Sue Willis: is Martyn Gray. Martyn deals with all should contact Danny McGowan at +44 (0)20 8530 1671 Young Maritime cadet, college and company [email protected]. [email protected] Professionals Forum At the 2019 General Meeting Women’s Forum in Rotterdam, 8-10 October 2019 At the 2019 General Meeting For members under 35. Applying for a job? in Rotterdam, 8-10 October 2019 To attend or register your interest, Webinars Improve your chances with a Nautilus webinar! This forum provides guidance call or email Danny McGowan: Monday 4 November 2019 CV webinar to Nautilus Council on the +44 (0)20 8989 6677 To register for our FREE Nautilus Plus online webinar sessions, keep an eye on the challenges facing women in the [email protected] Nautilus Events pages at: Contact Nautilus International Pensions Nautilus International welcomes contact from members at MNOPF member forums provide a focal point for members to discuss any time. Please send a message to one of our oœces around and ask questions about the cross-industry maritime pension schemes. the world (details below) or use the Nautilus 24/7 service in an emergency. Next MNOPF member forum in 2019: in the vicinity of the venue, and sign-up For other urgent matters, we can also arrange to visit your Tuesday 19 November in Southampton. details will be available through the ship in a UK port. Please give us your vessel’s ETA and as much MNOPF website. information as possible about the issue that needs addressing. At most forum meetings, tea and coƒee is served from 11am, with the main Please register in advance Head o’ce France yacht sector o’ce presentation starting at 11.30. online via Nautilus International In partnership with D&B Services under ‘myMNOPFpension/ 1&2 The Shrubberies, George Lane 3 Bd. d’Aguillon, 06600 Antibes, France Following this, a light buƒet lunch is served, member forums’ or from South Woodford, London E18 1BD Tel: +33 (0)962 616 140 where attendees have the opportunity to the home page under ‘Events’. Tel: +44 (0)20 8989 6677 [email protected] meet and ask questions of the MNOPF vice- Fax: +44 (0)20 8530 1015 chair and members of the executive team. Alternatively, call [email protected] Invitations will be sent to members +44 (0)20 3150 0850. Spain yacht sector o’ce UK northern o’ce In partnership with Sovren Crew Nautilus International (formerly Dovaston Crew) Nautilus House, Mariners’ Park Carrer de Versalles 9A, 07015, Wallasey CH45 7PH Palma de Mallorca, Spain Crossword answers Tel: +44 (0)151 639 8454 Tel: +34 971 677 375 Fax: +44 (0)151 346 8801 [email protected] – from our brain teasers on page 45 [email protected] QUICK CROSSWORD Netherlands o’ce Nautilus 24/7 Across: 8. Oblivion; 9. Ankle; Down: 1. Abrasive; 2. Lido; 3. Limber; • Postal address Out of European oœce hours, members 10. Halo; 11. Barbershop; 12. Tiller; 4. Android; 5. Wade; 6. Skyscraper; Nautilus International of Nautilus International and the 14. Immortal; 16. Leibniz; 7. Remora; 13. Labyrinths; 15. Moo; Postbus 8575, 3009 AN Rotterdam Nautilus Federation unions can contact 18. Compass; 21. Sparkler; 17. Ill; 19. Sheepish; 20. Pro Rata; 23. Garden; 24. Transpired; 22. Parrot; 23. Godard; 25. Pier; • Physical address our round-the-clock assistance service 26. Expo; 27. Ochre; 28. Tortoise 26. Eton Nautilus International, by phone, text or online: Schorpioenstraat 266, 3067 KW • Go to and click CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Rotterdam on the Nautilus 24/7 link to access our Tel: +31 (0)10 477 1188 Live chat instant messaging service. To celebrate the arrival of our new crossword-setter Mordo, we have three winners for last month’s crossword competition. Congratulations to the three Nautilus Fax: +31 (0)10 477 3846 You’ll also Ÿnd a list of freephone members who were first out of the hat: Sean Budge, Norman Macdonald, and Ralph [email protected] numbers from 45 countries that you McKenna. Here are the answers to the August 2019 cryptic crossword: can use to call us free of charge. Switzerland o’ce • Send an SMS text message to Across: 1. Liquorice; 6. Silk; Down: 1. Latin; 2. Quechua; Gewerkschaftshaus, Rebgasse 1 +44 (0)7860 017 119 and we’ll reply. 8. Ethernet; 9. Realms; 10. Anchor; 3. Owner; 4. Isthmus; 5. Egregious; 4005 Basel, Switzerland • Email us at 11. Magazine; 12. Hijack; 15. Scorsese; 6. Stanzas; 7. Luminesce; Tel: +41 (0)61 262 24 24 [email protected]. 16. Car Parks; 19. Subbed; 21. Fructose; 13. In Arrears; 14. Karyotype; 22. Police; 24. Galaxy; 25. Positive; 17. Pickaxe; 18. Sherpas; 20. Belated; Fax: +41 (0)61 262 24 25 • Reach us via Skype 26. Isle; 27. Easy Rider 22. Poser; 23. Cover [email protected] (username nautilus-247). 58 September 2019

58_at the back_SR checked.indd 58 15/08/2019 11:47 Super summer deals Nautilus Plus gives you access to a range of benefi ts and discounts designed to support members both personally and professionally. This month’s highlights include: • Three Months Supply of Soft Disposable Contact Lenses when you join the contact lens direct debit scheme* • 10% o† non-prescription sunglasses T.M. Lewin – Corporate Discount • Additional vouchers for friends and family* Taking care of business *Terms and conditions apply since 1898... Discounted CV Writing / T.M.Lewin has been Personal Branding Services at the forefront of for Nautilus Members menswear since 1898. Based on Jermyn Street, at the heart of We live in an age of self- London’s shirt-making hub, they’re dedicated to bringing the best promotion and Personal of British style to the modern wardrobe. Branding forms the bedrock of With a long history in perfecting men’s shirts there is also now a how you present yourself through your CV, LinkedIn pro le, cover range of women’s tailoring, shirts and knitwear available online. letter and other channels. With 92% of shortlisting decisions based Their famous ranges include options in the nest two-fold cotton upon the contents of CVs and 85% of shortlisted candidates checked for smart days at the o­ ce to innovative stretch materials for trendy out on LinkedIn, having a well written CV and LinkedIn pro le is events. Complete your workwear essentials with a selection of critical. With this in mind, Nautilus Plus have negotiated discounts quality tailoring, such as ground-breaking In nity suits with rip-stop of between 15 - 20% from one of the UK’s leading Personal technology and crease-resistance, to luxurious Italian suits crafted Branding, CV writing and LinkedIn service providers. from premium materials. With a range of stretch chinos, casual shirts and stylishly MyCashbackCards – Retail contemporary casual jackets, you can nd exactly what you need for Cashback e† ortless style whatever the occasion. MyCashbackCards helps you As a Nautilus member, you are invited to take advantage of to get discounts and cashback, special discounts through Nautilus Plus*. saving money with a variety of retailers. It’s easy to start using MyCashbackCards. Order and load reloadable cards for your favourite retailers on the site, activate them when they arrive and go shopping. Every time you load a card you will earn instant cashback between 3% and 8%. Based on an average family’s spend on everyday items, this can mean savings of over £600 every year**. You can even access their Shop Online o† ers and receive cashback from over 2,000 retailers from the comfort of your home. Do what you already do but do it for less*. Vision Express – Discounted Eye Care Vision Express is built on a passion for the optical profession **Data from the O ce of National Statistics and a drive for unparalleled customer service. Your eyes To take advantage of these and other fantastic are precious, so your Eye Health is their rst priority. Let Vision Express take care of your eyes with an exclusive deals log on to Nautilus Plus via range of bene ts: • Free eye test, including digital retinal photography, upon *Terms and conditions apply to all bene“ ts. See website for details. O– ers subject to purchase of eyewear over £50* change without notice. O– ers correct at time of print.T.M. Lewin –Cannot be redeemed against previous purchases or used in conjunction with any other o– er, voucher, discount • Current national o† er (e.g. 2 for 1 designer glasses) code or gift card purchases. Nautilus Plus is managed and run on behalf of Nautilus or save £30 on complete prescription glasses by Parliament Hill Ltd.

Nautilus Plus is managed and run on behalf of Nautilus International by Parliament Hill Ltd.

59_plus ads.indd 59 15/08/2019 11:47 SHORE BASED TECHNICAL/ CRUISE SHOREBASED MARINE ROLES Fleet Nurse - Cruise - UK - £40k Marine Superintendent - LPG Glasgow - £65K Public Health Manager - Cruise - USA - $90k Technical Superintendent Corporate Captain - River Cruise - EU - €66k Tanker-Glasgow - £65K Electrical Supervisor - Cruise - UK - £65k Marine Superintendent - LNG Operations Manager - Superyacht - €80k Newcastle - £65K Technical Manager - Superyacht - €85k Marine Superintendent Hull - £55K Technical Superintendent - LNG YACHT Cyprus - €100K Deckhand - 85m+ motor yacht Vessel Manager - Tankers €3k/mth Norway - Salary DOE Chief Stewardess - 50m+ motor yacht Vessel Manager - DSV €5k/mth Aberdeen - £70K Stewardess/Physiotherapist - 70m+ motor yacht Marine Manager - Vetting €4k/mth Glasgow - £55K Deck/Security Officer - 100m+ motor yacht Technical Superintendent - Container $3.5k/mth Rotterdam - €80K Service Stewardess - 50m+ sailing yacht QHSE Officer - Tankers €3.5k/mth London - £50K Chief Officer - 50m+ motor yacht €7k/mth CRUISE SEAGOING Bosun - 90m+ motor yacht Hotel Manager - Ocean Cruise - $112K €5k/mth Cruise Director - Ocean Cruise - $37K Bar Manager - Ocean Cruise - $65K + TANKER SEAGOING Administration Purser - Ocean Cruise - $27K Maser - LNG Carrier - $130-$140K Package Executive Chef - Ocean Cruise - $80K ETO - LNG Carrier - €60K-€67K Chef de Cuisine - Ocean Cruise - $45K 3rd Engineer - LNG Carrier - $52K - $56K Sous Chef - Ocean Cruise - $28K 4th Engineer - LNG Carrier - $42K - $47K Chef de Cuisine - Ocean Cruise - $80K 2nd ETO - Ocean Cruise - €60K OFFSHORE SEAGOING 3rd Officer - Ocean Cruise - €40K 2/O DPO - PSV - £30.5K-£32K 2nd Engineer - Ocean Cruise - €50K Master - PSV - £68K-£70K ETO - Ferry - £47K Chief Engineer - Ferry - £59K ETO - London - £42K + benefits 2nd Engineer - Ferry - £50K MCRO - UK North Sea - £68.5K-£72K + benefits

Shorebased: +44 (0)23 8020 8840 More jobs available online at: Seagoing: +44 (0)23 8020 8820 40 September 2019