Is Gluten Really the Problem? The Role of FODMAPs in Gluten-Related Disorders with Dr. Sue Shepherd, Creator of the Low-FODMAP Diet March 26, 2014 NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR CELIAC AWARENESS @CeliacAwareness ©2014 All rights reserved. 1 The Relaonship Between Food and Health: A $10,000 Challenge Grant • NFCA invites you to join us in raising dollars to iniAate an overarching plan to explore the relaonship between the food we eat and your health • Your giQ of $10 will Be matched By a secured donor, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000 • Please visit to make your giP today • Your dollars will help us to help you live life to the fullest • NFCA looks forward to sharing more informaon as 2014 progresses • Thank you in advance! NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR CELIAC AWARENESS @CeliacAwareness ©2014 All rights reserved. 2 Important Reminders! ① Will this informaon be availaBle at a later date? • Yes, always! • WeBinar recording will Be posted along with the weBinar slides within 72 hours aQer the live weBinar ends. Download recorded webinars and slides at the Archived Webinars page: ② Are conSnuing educaSon credits availaBle? • Yes! • NFCA will provide a cerAficate as proof of parAcipaon for each webinar. Aendees must complete the follow-up survey in order to access this cerSficate. Program parScipants will receive a link to complete the follow-up survey on Monday, April 7th through an email from NFCA. • To ensure that you receive this email, make sure that NFCA (
[email protected]) is on your allowed senders list.