~ 18!)8. in F/EMORY of
==--=--=====----= ==- =-==-=--=- ~_--==-c== VOL. I. NO. 16.] VALPARAISO, IND., AUGUST 6, 1898. Single Copy, 15c ---~,____ __a DEDICATED TO THE N !.N 6. u B ~ 18!)8. IN f/EMORY OF - . 6/LVER ANNIVERSARY. COLLEGE AUDITORIUM, 1892. The College Current. G. W. DOTY, Editor.] VALPARAISO, IND., AUGUST 6, 1898. [Single Copy, 15c THE OR.IGIN OF THE N. I. N. S. FACULTY OF THE N. I. N. S. IN 1873. It was in the early summer of 1873, that the writer first heard of the Northern Indiana Normal School. He was walking with Prof. H. B. Brown, then at the head of the Scientific Department of the North Western Normal School, of Ohio. We had walked up and down the streets through the rain for an hour, discussing the probable future of the school in which Mr. Brown was then engaged as teacher, when suddenly he said, as though he thought of it then for the first time, "l shall have a school of my own." He then went on outlining what he thought would be a successful insti tution, and wound up by saying that he hoped, if he could find a suitable place, and would work very devotedly indeed, he might possibly build up and sustain a school of 300 students, though that was setting the mark very high. It was soon after this that he heard of the closing of a col lege in Valparaiso, Ind., and a consequently empty building. He made H.B. BROWN. B . F. PERRINE. a journey to Valparaiso, secured a lease of the building from the none M.
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