The Jersey Broadcaster NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW JERSEY ANTIQUE RADIO CLUB June 2020 Volume 26 Issue 06 MEETING/ MEETING NOTICE ACTIVITY NOTES The next NJARC meeting will take place on Friday, June 12th, at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be conducted "on-line" via the video conferencing app Zoom. Information may be found at the club's website ( with a link being provided by the NJARC Communicator prior to the meeting. This Reported by month, Prof. Joseph Jesson will present a topic titled "RCA AR-88 - RCA's Marv Beeferman Greatest Communications Receiver." In addition, the possibility exists for a Zoom radio auction. Place close attention to the NJARC Communicator and club website for further updates prior to the meeting. The ON-LINE Broadcaster The Jersey Broadcaster is now on-line. Over 190 of your fellow NJARC mem- full membership meetings!) Al has post- king himself discovered…With kingly bers have already subscribed, saving ed the required credentials on the Com- discretion, he wrote to his ambassador [in the club a significant amount of money municator a number of times and hope- the British embassy]. " 'We are getting and your editor extra work. Interest- fully you have printed them out. They short of a certain type of paper which is ed? Send your e-mail address to will remain constant for all meetings. made in America and is unprocurable
[email protected]. Be sure to However, Al can't guarantee he will send here. A packet or two of 500 sheets at include your full name.