Customs & Excise Meds List

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Customs & Excise Meds List Appendices HOMEOPATHIC PREPARATIONS Substance or Plant Part Used Category Abelmoschus Tr Dried seeds A Abies canadensis Tr Fresh bark and buds A Abies nigra Tr Resin A Abrotanum also Artemisia Abrotanum A Absinthe also Artemisia absinthium E Absinthium also Artemisia absinthium E Acacia catechu also Kutch or Black catechu E Acacia Gum also Gum Arabic E Acalypha indica Tr Fresh plant A Acanthopanax gracistylis also Eleutherococcus senticocus F Acerola F Acetomorphine preparations see Diamorphine A Acetum aromatica F Acetum cantharidis F Acetum cevadillae see Sabadilla A Acetum Ipecacuanha see Ipecacuanha Vinegar A Achillea millefolium Tr Yarrow, fresh aerial parts A Achyranthes aspera Root A Achyranthes bidenta Root A Achyranthes calea Tr Whole fresh plant A Acidum Aceticum Acetic acid E Acidum Arsenicosum (see Arsenicum Album) E Acidum Benzoicum Benzoic acid A Acidum Boracicum Boric acid E Acidum Butyricum Butyric acid E Acidum Carbolicum Phenol A Acidum Chromicum Chromic acid A Acidum Citricum Citric acid E Acidum Formicium Formic acid A Acidum Gallicum Trihydroxybenzoic acid E Acidum Hydrochloricum Hydrochloric acid F Acidum Hydrocyanicum Hydrocyanic acid F Acidum Hydrofluoricum Hydrofluoric acid F Acidum Lacticum Lactic acid E Acidum Muriaticum (see Acidum Hydrochloricum) F Acidum Nitricum Nitric acid A Acidum Nitro-muriaticum Aqua regia F Acidum Oxalicum Oxalic acid A Acidum Phosphoricum Phosphoric acid A Acidum Picricum Picric acid A Acidum Salicylicum Salicylic acid A Acidum Silicicum Hydrated Silica F Acidum Sulphuricum Sulphuric acid A Acidum Tannicum Tannic acid A Acidum Tartaricum Tartaric acid E Aconite A Aconite aqueous A Aconite chloroform A Aconite juice A Aconite liniment A Aconite liquid extract A Aconite Belladonna and chloroform liniment A Aconitum carmichaeli E Aconitum napellus Tr (Wolfsbane) Fresh aerial parts and tubers A X-3 48 HOMEOPATHIC PREPARATIONS Substance or Plant Part Used Category Acorus calamus Tr Peeled rhizome A Acorus gramineus E Actaea racemosa also Cimicifuga racemosa A Actaea spicata Tr Fresh root A Adenophora tetraphylla E Adhatoda Liquid extract A Adhatoda vasica Leaves A Adiantum (Maidenhair) also Adiantum capillus-veneris A Adiantum capillus-veneris Fern A Adlumia fungosa Tr Fresh aerial parts A Adonis vernalis Tr Fresh plant A Adrenaline aromatic solution also adrenaline spray aromatic A Adrenaline and ephedrine spray A Adrenaline spray aromatic A Adrenocorticotrophin ACTH F Aegle marmelos also Bael A Aegopodium podagaria (Goutwort) Herb A Aesculinium Aesculin A Aesculus carnea E Aesculus glabra Tr Fresh ripe nut A Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse chestnut) Fresh peeled seeds A Aethusa cynapium Tr Whole fresh plant A Agar-Agar also Gelidium amansii F Agaricus albus also Polyporus officinalis A Agaricus muscarius Tr Whole fungus except outer skin A Agaricus phalloides Tr Fresh fungus A Agastache rugosa Leaves E Agathosma betulina also Buchu E Agave americana Tr Fresh leaves A Agave tequilana Tr Head and fresh leaves A Agnus castus (Chaste tree) also Vitex agnus-castus A Agraphis nutans A Agrimonia eupatoria Herb E Agrimonia pilosa also Agrimonia eupatoria E Agrimony (Cocklebur) also Agrimonia eupatoria E Agropyri also Couch grass A Agropyron repens also Couch grass A Agrostemma githago Tr Ripe dried seeds A Ailanthus glandulosa Tr Bark of young shootsand flowers A Ajowan oil A Ajuga chamaepitys Leaves A Akebia trifoliata Herb E Albizzia julibrissin E Alchemilla arvensis also Aphanes arvensis A Alchemilla vulgaris Tr Dried aerial parts A Alcohol Chloroform and ether A Alcohol in ampoules F Alcool Vulneraire F Alcool d’Aconite A Alcool de Garus F Alcool de Melisse F Alcool de Terebinthine also Alcool de Fioravanti A Alcool de Fioravanti A Alder also Alnus glutinosa A Aletris elixir A X-3 49 Appendices HOMEOPATHIC PREPARATIONS Substance or Plant Part Used Category Aletris farinosa Tr Fresh root A Alfalfa also Medicago sativa E Alisma plantago Root E Alkanet F Allii succus (Garlic) A Allium (Garlic) Liquid Extract A Allium cepa Tr Fresh mature bulbs E Allium sativum Tr Fresh mature bulb E Allium schoenoprasum also Chives F Allium ursinum Tr Whole flowering plant E Allium vertim also Star anise E Allspice also Pimenta dioica E Almonds Compound essence F Almonds Spirit Bitter F Alnus glutinosa (English Alder) Bark A Alnus serrulata Tr Fresh bark E Aloe capensis E Aloe ferox Tr Dried leaf juice A Aloe socotrina Tr Inspissated leaf juice A Aloe vera Resin E Aloes E Aloes and myrrh E Aloes and nux vomica pills A Aloysia triphylla also Lemon Verbena F Alpinia katsumadae E Alpina officinarum also Galangal E Alstonia A Alstonia scholaris Tr Dried bark A Althaea also Marshmallow E Althaea officinalis Tr Dried root E Alumen Alum F Alumina Aluminium hydroxide F Aluminium Metallicum Metal F Amara A Amaranthus Liquid extract A Amber A Ambergris F Ambra Grisea Ambergris A Ambrosia artemisifolia Tr Whole fresh plant A Aminocrine cream A Ammi visnaga Tr Dried ripe fruits A Ammonia aromatic spirit A Ammonia liniment A Ammoniacum also Dorema ammoniacum A Ammoniacum Gummi Gum ammoniac F Ammoniated alcohol also Ammonia spirit A Ammonium Aceticum Ammonium acetate F Ammonium Benzoicum Ammonium benzoate F Ammonium Bromatum Ammonium bromide A Ammonium Carbonicum Ammmonium carbonate A Ammonium Causticum Ammonium hydroxide A Ammonium Chloratum (see Ammonium Muriate) A Ammonium Iodatum Ammonium iodide A Ammonium Muriate Ammonium chloride A 50 HOMEOPATHIC PREPARATIONS Substance or Plant Part Used Category Ammonium Nitricum Ammonium nitrate A Ammonium Phosphoricum Ammonium phosphate F Ammonium Picricum Ammonium picrate F Ammonium Valerianicum Ammonium valerianate F Amni Liquor Amniotic fluid F Amomum cardamom A Ampelopsis quinquefolia Tr Fresh bark and twigs A Amygdalae also Almonds F Amygdala amara Tr Dried ripe seed-kernels A Amygdalus Persica Tr A Amyl Nitrite Tr Amyl nitrate A Anacardium A Anacardium orientale Tr Seed's resinous juice E Anacyclus pyrethrum Root; also Pyrethum A Anagallis arvensis Tr Whole plant A Anamirta cocculus Tr Ripe dried fruits A Ananassa F Anatherum muricatum Tr Dried root E Anethum graveolens E Anchusa F Andrographis A Andrographis paniculata Root A Anemarrhena asphodeloides A Anemone pulsatilla Herb; also Pulsatilla A Anemopaegma glaucum also Catuaba F Anethi aqua concentrate F Anethi essence F Anethum graveolans (Dill) Fruit tincture F Angelica archangelica Tr Fresh roots E Angelica dahurica Root E Angelica pubescens Root E Angelica sinensis E Angostura Dried bark; also Cusparia E Anilinum Aniline A Anilinum sulphuricum Aniline sulphate F Anise Ammoniacal Spirit A Anise Concentrated Water F Anise elixir F Anise water F Aniseed Cordial also Anise elixir F Aniseed Essence F Aniseed Spirit F Anisum stellatum Tr also Illicium anisatum F Antennaria dioica Herb A Anthemidis also Chamomile E Anthemis nobilis Tr Whole fresh plant also Chamomile E Anthoxanthum odoratum Tr Whole fresh plant A Anthriscus cerefolium also Chervil F Antimonite Natural mineral F Antimonium Arsenicicum Antimony arsenate F Antimonium Crudem Antimony sulphide F Antimonium Oxidatum Antimony oxide F Antimonium Sulphuratum Aureum Antimonium sulphide F Antimony Trichloride Collodion A Antiperiodic A X-3 51 Appendices HOMEOPATHIC PREPARATIONS Substance or Plant Part Used Category Antiseptic A Apatite Natural mineral F Aphanes arvensis (Parsley piert) Aerial parts A Apii Celery seeds A Apium graveolens Tr Celery seeds A Apis Mellifica Tr Live bees A Apis Virus Honey bee poison F Apocynum A Apocynum androsaemifolium Tr Fresh root A Apocynum cannabinum Tr Fresh root A Apomorhine Hydrochloride solution A Apomorphine syrup A Apomorphinum muriaticum F Apple also Malus spp. E Aqua coloniensis also Cologne F Aquilaria agallocha Wood E Aquilegia vulgaris Tr A Aralia racemosa Tr Fresh root A Aranea diadema Tr Whole spider A Arbutus also Epigaea repens A Arctium Lappa Tr Burdock root, seed E Arctostaphylos uva-ursi also Bearberry A Areca A Areca catechu (Betel nut) Ripe seed A Arecolin A Argemone mexicana Tr Fresh plant A Argenti Nitra Spiritus also Silver nitrate spirit A Argentite Natural mineral F Argentum Cyanatum Silver cyanide F Argentum Iodatum Silver iodide F Argentum Metallicum Silver metal F Argentum Muriaticum Silver chloride F Argentum Nitricum Silver nitrate F Argentum Oxydatum Silver oxide F Argentum Phosphoricum Silver phosphate F Arisaema consanguineum Tuber E Arisaema triphyllum Tr Fresh rhizome A Aristolochia A Aristolochia clematis Tr Fresh plant A Aristolochia indica Root A Aristolochia milhomens Tr Fresh flowers or root A Aristolochia reticulata also Aristolochia serpentaria A Aristolochia serpentaria Tr Root A Armoracia Compound spirit E Armoracia rusticana also Horseradish E Arnica A Arnica liniment A Arnica montana Tr Whole plant E Aromatic A Aromatic elixir F Aromatic Liquid extract A Aromatic syrup F Arquebuscade Water F Arrach also Chenopodium olidum A Arrowroot also Maranta arundinacea F 52 HOMEOPATHIC PREPARATIONS Substance or Plant Part Used Category Arsenicum Album Tr Arsenious oxide A Arsenicum Iodatum Arsenic triodide A Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum Arsenious sulphide F Arsenicum Sulphuratum Rubrum Arsenic disulphide F Artemisia abrotanum Tr Young shoots and leaves E Artemisia absinthium Tr Shoots,leaves and flowers E Artemisia argyi Herb tincture E Artemisia capillaris Herb tincture E Artemisia cina also Wormseed E Artemisia dranunculus also Tarragon E Artemisia vulgaris Tr Root A Arum draconium Tr Root A Arum maculatum Tr Fresh roots A Asafoetida Tr Gum resin E Asarum canadense Tr Fresh root A Asarum
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