The Winter Season December 1, 1982-February 28, 1983
CONTINENTAL SURVEY The Winter Season December 1, 1982--February 28, 1983 Abbreviations frequently used in Regional Reports ad.: adult, Am.: American, c.: central, C: Celsius, CBC: Reservoir, not Reservation,R.: River, S.P.: State Park, sp.: Christmas Bird Count, Cr.: Creek, Com.: Common, Co.: species,spp.: speciesplural, ssp.: subspecies,Twp.: Town- County, Cos.: Counties,et al.: and others,E.: Eastern(bird ship, W.: Western(bird name), W.M.A.: Wildlife Manage- name),Eur.: European,Eurasian, F: Fahrenheit,fide:reported ment Area, v.o.: various observers, N,S,W,E,: direction of by, F.&W.S.: Fish& Wildlife Service,Ft.: Fort, imm.: imma- motion, n., s., w., e.,: direction of location, >: more than, <: ture, 1.: lsland,Is.: Islands,Isles, Jct.: Junction,juv.: juvenile, fewerthan, +: approximately,or estimatednumber, c•: male, L.: Lake, m.ob.: manyobservers, Mt.: Mountain, Mts.: Moun- q?:female, 0: imm.or female,*: specimen,ph.: photographed, tains, N.F.: National Forest, N.M.: National Monument, ?: documented,ft: feet, mi: miles, m: meters,kin: kilometers, N.P.: National Park, N.W.R.: Nat'l Wildlife Refuge, N.: date with a + (e.g., Mar. 4+): recordedbeyond that date. Northern(bird name), Par.: Parish,Pen.: Peninsula,P.P.: Pro- Editorsmay also abbreviateoften-cited locations or organiza- vincial Park, Pt.: Point, not Port, Ref.: Refuge, Res.: tions. NORTHEASTERN MARITIME REGION /Richard S. Heil This wasthe year that winter largely passed us by in the Northeast. Decemberand early Januaryaveraged exceptionally mild and bare groundand open water were the rolerather than the exceptions.As a result,waterfowl and gullslingered in the northand inlandin good numbers,while passerinesapparently remained widely dispersed throughoutthe Region, rotbet than concentrating at feeders or in shel- teredthickets.
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