DECEMBER 2000 VOLUME 42 NUMBER 12 STSTORMORM DDAATTAA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA WITH LATE REPORTS AND CORRECTIONS NATIONAL OCEANIC AND NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE, NATIONAL CLIMATIC DATA CENTER noaa ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICE ASHEVILLE, NC Cover:. The photograph shows ice covering sidewalks and railings from the winter storms on December 12-13, 2000 and December 25-27, 2000. The ice storms made walking hazardous, and limited movement of pedestrians and motorists. (Photograph courtesy of John Robinson, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, WFO Little Rock, AR) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Outstanding Storm of the Month ................................................................................................................... 4 Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena .............................................................................................. 6 Additions/Corrections ...................................................................................................................................... 165 Reference Notes ............................................................................................................................................... 172 STORM DATA (ISSN 0039-1972) National Climatic Data Center Editor: Stephen Del Greco Assistant Editors: Stuart Hinson and Rhonda Mooring STORM DATA is prepared, and distributed by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena narratives and Hurricane/Tropical Storm summaries are prepared by the National Weather Service. Monthly and annual statistics and summaries of tornado and lightning events resulting in deaths, injuries, and damage are compiled by the National Climatic Data Center and the National Weather Service's (NWS) Storm Prediction Center. STORM DATA contains all confirmed information on storms available to our staff at the time of publication. Late reports and corrections will be printed in each edition. Except for limited editing to correct grammatical errors, the data in Storm Data are published as received. Note: "None Reported" means that no severe weather occurred and "Not Received" means that no reports were received for this region at the time of printing. Subscription, pricing, and ordering information is available from: NCDC Subscription Services 310 State Route 956 Building 300 Rocket Center, WV 26726 (866) 742-3322 Toll Free The editors of STORM DATA solicit your help in acquiring photographs (prints or slides; black and white, or color), maps, clippings, etc. of significant or severe weather events (past or present) for use in the "Outstanding Storms of the Month'' section of STORM DATA. We request our subscribers or other interested persons to mail such items to: Storm Data National Climatic Data Center 151 Patton Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 Any such items received by the editor will be for use in STORM DATA only. Any other use will be with the permission of the owner of said items. Materials will be returned if requested. This is an official publication of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and is compiled from information received at the National Climatic Data Center Asheville, North Carolina 28801-2733. Thomas R. Karl Director, National Climatic Data Center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torm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena Time Path Path Number of Estimated December 2000 Local/ Length Width Persons Damage Location Date Standard (Miles) (Yards) Killed Injured Property Crops Character of Storm ALABAMA, North Central ALZ006 Madison 01 0000CST 0 0 0 0 Extreme Cold 31 2359CST The average monthly temperature measured at the Huntsville International Airport was 34.8 degrees. This reading made December 2000 the third coldest December on record. The records began in 1958. ALZ024 Jefferson 01 0000CST 0 0 0 0 Extreme Cold 31 2359CST The average monthly temperature observed at the Birmingham International Airport was 38.1 degrees. This temperature made December 2000 the third coldest December since records began in 1900. ALZ044 Montgomery 01 0000CST 0 0 0 0 Extreme Cold 31 2359CST The average monthly temperature recorded at Dannelly Field was 40.8 degrees. This was the coldest December since records began in 1910. Perry County Uniontown 16 0135CST 0 0 4K 0 Hail (1.75) Golf ball size was reported by the Uniontown Police Department. Perry County Marion 16 0150CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was observed in the city of Marion. Bibb County West Blocton 16 0223CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.88) Nickel size hail was reported near West Blocton. Jefferson County Forest Dale 16 0250CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail fell in Forestdale. Jefferson County Birmingham 16 0255CST 0 0 5K 0 Hail (1.75) Golf ball size hail was reported in downtown Birmingham. Jefferson County Tarrant 16 0300CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail or larger was observed in Tarrant and Fultondale. Lauderdale County Countywide 16 1110CST 0 0 2K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) 1120CST A few trees were blown down across the western part of Lauderdale County near the Tennessee River. Marion County Countywide 16 1130CST 0 0 0 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) Several trees were knocked down across the western part of Marion County. Marion County 8 W Hamilton 16 1130CST 0 0 2K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) Several trees and power lines were blown down across western parts of Marion County. Franklin County Countywide 16 1140CST 0 0 8K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) 1230CST Numerous trees were blown down throughout the county. Marion County Hamilton 16 1205CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Penny size hail was reported near Hamilton on SR 187. Sumter County Gainesville 16 1220CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was reported at the Gainesville Lock and Dam on the Tombigbee River. The hail lasted around 5 minutes and then crossed the river. Greene County 4 SW Mt Hebron 16 1225CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was observed at the Gainesville Lock and Dam that moved into western Greene County south of SR 39. Lawrence County 5.2 NE Courtland to 16 1225CST 3.7 30 0 0 0 0 Tornado (F0) 8.9 NE Courtland 1230CST 1 6 Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena Time Path Path Number of Estimated December 2000 Local/ Length Width Persons Damage Location Date Standard (Miles) (Yards) Killed Injured Property Crops Character of Storm ALABAMA, North Central Limestone County 3.9 WSW Ripley to 16 1230CST 1.4 40 0 0 95K 0 Tornado (F1) 2.8 W Ripley 1231CST The tornado first touched down in Lawrence County northeast of Courtland in open farm land. It traveled northeast into Limestone County crossing the Tennessee river and causing damage about 2.9 miles south of Coxey in southwest Limestone County. The tornado travelled approximately a half mile on land in Limestone County before dissipating rapidly. One house lost a portion of a roof, two other homes sustained damage from falling trees, several boat houses and out-buildings were destroyed, and numerous large trees were downed. The survey team could find no damage in Lawrence County, however, two people photographed the tornado, one on the east side of Courtland looking northeast and one at Poplar Point in Limestone County looking northwest as it came ashore on the Limestone County side of the river. Beginning: 34 42.569/87 13.850 Ending: 34 45.874/87 10.228 Limestone County 5.1 NW Athens to 16 1238CST 4.8 60 0 0 150K 0 Tornado
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