The Winter Season December 1, 1982-February 28, 1983

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The Winter Season December 1, 1982-February 28, 1983 CONTINENTAL SURVEY The Winter Season December 1, 1982--February 28, 1983 Abbreviations frequently used in Regional Reports ad.: adult, Am.: American, c.: central, C: Celsius, CBC: Reservoir, not Reservation,R.: River, S.P.: State Park, sp.: Christmas Bird Count, Cr.: Creek, Com.: Common, Co.: species,spp.: speciesplural, ssp.: subspecies,Twp.: Town- County, Cos.: Counties,et al.: and others,E.: Eastern(bird ship, W.: Western(bird name), W.M.A.: Wildlife Manage- name),Eur.: European,Eurasian, F: Fahrenheit,fide:reported ment Area, v.o.: various observers, N,S,W,E,: direction of by, F.&W.S.: Fish& Wildlife Service,Ft.: Fort, imm.: imma- motion, n., s., w., e.,: direction of location, >: more than, <: ture, 1.: lsland,Is.: Islands,Isles, Jct.: Junction,juv.: juvenile, fewerthan, +: approximately,or estimatednumber, c•: male, L.: Lake, m.ob.: manyobservers, Mt.: Mountain, Mts.: Moun- q?:female, 0: imm.or female,*: specimen,ph.: photographed, tains, N.F.: National Forest, N.M.: National Monument, ?: documented,ft: feet, mi: miles, m: meters,kin: kilometers, N.P.: National Park, N.W.R.: Nat'l Wildlife Refuge, N.: date with a + (e.g., Mar. 4+): recordedbeyond that date. Northern(bird name), Par.: Parish,Pen.: Peninsula,P.P.: Pro- Editorsmay also abbreviateoften-cited locations or organiza- vincial Park, Pt.: Point, not Port, Ref.: Refuge, Res.: tions. NORTHEASTERN MARITIME REGION /Richard S. Heil This wasthe year that winter largely passed us by in the Northeast. Decemberand early Januaryaveraged exceptionally mild and bare groundand open water were the rolerather than the exceptions.As a result,waterfowl and gullslingered in the northand inlandin good numbers,while passerinesapparently remained widely dispersed throughoutthe Region, rotbet than concentrating at feeders or in shel- teredthickets. It would be an understatementto say that mostboreal irruptiveswere scarce--many were virtually nonexistent. Threemajor storms did passthrough. The firsttwo, on January15- 16, andFebruary 6-7, resultedin snowin the northand interior, but precipitatedmostly as rain on the southeastern coastal plain. The big- geststorm of thewinter was a Nor'easter,accompanied by galeforce winds,February 11-12, that trekked up the coastdumping up to two feet of snowin somecoastal areas of southernNew England,and a foot of snow in Nova Scotia. Twoperiods of strongS-SW airflow in advanceof approachingcold fronts December 1-7, and December 24-25 resulted in a number of reversemigrants being discovered during or immediatelyfollowing theseweather patterns: The first brought Newfoundland its first provin- cialrecord for HouseWren, a Blue-grayGnatcatcher, and a Black-and- white Warbler;a TennesseeWarbler in Nova Scotia;a Black-throated for the innerBay of Fundy. At Plum I., Mass., calm seasallowed for Blue Warbler and an American Redstart in Massachusetts;and a Nash- the carefulobservation of an Eared Grebe Jan.28 (RSH, JS). While a ville Warbler in Connecticut. The second incursion of mild air was Pied-billedGrebe on the St. Johns,Nfld. CBC, Dec. 26 wassurprising, followedclosely by observationsof Ash-throatedFlycatcher, Say's one (same?)there Feb. 10 was totallyunexpected and at leasta month Phoebe,and WesternTanager in Massachusetts. beyondany other provincialrecord (PL, BM). The universalcomplaint heard throughout most of theRegion, how- ever,was of thelack of interestingrarities this winter. Further attesting GANNET, CORMORANTS -- Unusual numbersof Gannetswere to a generallylow speciesdiversity was a New EnglandCBC totalof apparentalong the Maine coastthrough December, and 15 on 5 New only 195 species,the poorestsince 1976-77. BrunswickCBCs was unprecedented, there being only oneprior CBC occurrence there. The increase of Double-crested Cormorant as a LOONS, GREBES-- Two W. Grebes,both first reported during the breederin the Region, in conjunctionwith the mild winter, no doubt fall, wintered,including the now annualindividual at Indian Pt., contributedto the remarkableNew EnglandCBC total of 114, with a Georgetown,Me., andanother at Duxbury,Mass. A Corn.Loon and high of 58 at the traditionalThames R. siteon the New London,Conn. four Red-neckedGrebes lingering at QuabbinRes., as late asJan. 22 CBC. Two were at Brier I., as late asJan. 15 (SIT), for one of few Nova (SS) wereindicative of the availabilityof openwater this winter. A Scotia mid-winter records, and at least three survived the entire winter HornedGrebe off Pt. Wolfe, FundyN.P., N.B., wastermed unusual at Newburyport. Vol. 37, Number3 279 HERONS-- Not surprisingly,more Great Blue Herons were found was recordedon the L'Anse-aux-Meadowsand St AnthonyCBCs, inland than usual while the best coastal count this w•nter was of 50 at while Gyrsfarther s. •ncludedthree •n New Brunswick,three •n Ver- NantucketI., Jan. 1. Lingeringherons well beyondnormal departure mont,and a light-phasebird at Milford Pt., Conn.,Feb. 23-Mar. 2 (fide datesincluded a GreenHeron on the S. Kingston,R.I. CBC, Dec. 26; a HFC). In Massachusetts,a Peregrine Falcon at SouthwickJan. 12 (PT) L•ttle Blue at Marshfield throughDecember; a Cattle Egret observed wasa goodfind inlandat thatseason, as was a Merlin at HatfieldFeb feedingon worms at Nashawena I., Mass.,Dec. 31 (fideJ. Hatch)and 26 (DS). a Great Egret at Pawtucket,R.I., Dec. 30-Jan. 8 (fide DLE). Six SHOREBIRDS-- A very late SemipalmatedPlover at Marble- SnowyEgrets were presentin Connecticutand RhodeIsland during head,Mass., Jam t 6-18 (JS,RSH) wascritically separated from possi- December,with a singlebird holdingon at Galileeto Jan. t (RAC). ble C. hiaticulaby toe-webbingand voice. Three Com. Snipe still Not all herons faired well this winter, however; in New Brunswick a presentat St. Johns, Nfld., Feb. 19 were expectedto survive the weakenedAm. Bitternpicked up at SackvilleJan. 20, expiredshortly remainderof the winter(BM). Of evengreater fortitude was a Spotted thereafter.If the numberof Black-crownedNight Heronsattempting to Sandpiperobserved at Congamond,Mass., Dec. 29 (SK), providinga w•nterin New Englandjs at all relativeto thebreeding population, then first-winterrecord for w. Massachusetts.Twenty-three Greater Yel- the speciesis clearlyhaving difficulties. only 16 individualswere lowlegswere recorded on 6 s. NewEngland CBCs, but only tWO b•rds foundon the New EnglandCBCs this year, and the recordsshow an lingeredinto February, at Orleans,Mass. (BN). A LesserYellowlegs almoststeady decline over at leastthe last 8 years(from 188in 1974- wasidentified in directcomparison with severalGreaters on theWest- 75). port,Conn. CBC, Dec. t 9 (FM). A RedKnot at Cape Tormenfine Dec 24 wasbelieved to havefurnished the latest record for New Brunswick, WATERFOWL-- Whistling Swans this winter included three at while a flock of 76 still at Marshfield,Mass., Dec. 26 wasmore than P•ttsfield,Mass., Nov. i4-Dec. 2 (fideSK); a flockof sixat Martha's usual.A verytardy Least Sandpiper identified by voiceat w. Harw•ch VineyardJan. t; two at Nantucketthroughout January; and singles at Dec. 4 (BN) providedonly the secondDecember record for Massachu- New HavenDec. 18, andIpswich, Mass., Dec. 30-Jan.5, whenfound setts. Single, calling Long-billed Dowitchers,not quite,the w•nter dead(fide JS). With muchfresh-water open during the greater portion rarityit oncewas, weredescribed on theMid CapeCod CBC, Dec 26 of thewinter, many species of waterfowlfelt no particularinducement (BN) and on the Stratford-MilfordCBC, Jan. 1. to migrateS, anda numberof extralimitalwinter records occurred. In w Massachusetts,ten Gadwallin Decemberand January •vas consid- GULLS,TERNS -- Twogulls suspected ofbeing Glaucous x Her- eredhighly unusual (fide SK). SeventeenBlue-winged Teal on 7 re- ring hybridswere a first-winterbird at Gloucester,Mass., Dec 1 gmnalCBCs, with two birdsas far n. as GlaceBay, N.S., Dec. 29 (RSH),and a second-winterbird at St. Johns,Nfld., Feb.15 (PL, BM) (CBC),was perhaps a record high. Six Eur. Wigeon at asmany sepa- Daily estimatesof the numberof IcelandGulls in St. JohnsHarbour rate localities from Nova Scotia to Connecticut was more than usual. rangedfrom 500-2200, adults outnumbering immatures, two or threeto Scarcevagrants to Newfoundland,single Am. Wigeonwere present at one and includingno definiteglaucoides individuals (PL, BM) St JohnsNov. 30-Dec. 7, and on the CapeRace CBC, Dec. 22 (fide S.A. BM). A Canvasbackw!ntering at Auburn,Me., untilat leastDec. 30 Muchconfusion still existsconcerning the distributionand wasnoteworthy (fide WCT). In RhodeIsland, 19 HarlequinDucks at identificationof the IcelandGull subspeciesin theRegion; L. g SachuestPt., Dec. 10 (fideDLE) wasone more than last year, while at glaucoidesof Greenlandand L. g. kumlieni of Baffin I., and least20 werepresent along the Massachusetts coast in Decembe[.The adjacentareas. We here in the Northeastsee ad. IcelandGulls traditionalwintering locality at then. endof Isleau Haut, Me., hosteda with primaries varying from seeminglywhite, through all remarkable150 + Mar. 6 (PDV). Raremigrants in theinterior of New shadesof gray (vastmajority) to black or nearly so. Becauseof England,a few lingeringOldsquaws and Red-breastedMergansers frequentimpressions by many observersthat kumlieni is the werefound inland in December.Coastally, the concentration atOld- rarerof the 2 forms, it mustbe re-emphasizedthat this is defi- squawsat Nantucketwas estimatedat 81,525 on the CBC, Jan. t nitelynot thecase; L. g. kumlieniis thepredominant form in the (easilya NorthAmerican CBC high);the 33,315 Com. Eider in those Northeast.If the nominateform occursat
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