October 5, 2018

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October 5, 2018

Distributed Free Each Friday Since 2009 October 5, 2018 www.pcpatriot.com

Locally Owned And Operated Supervisors act to fill funding gap on PCMS By MIKE WILLIAMS The Patriot Hurst, McCready The Pulaski County Board of Supervisors Tuesday unanimously approved an additional funding appro- say resolution priation of $911,102.18 to the Pulaski County School Board for filling the gap needed to commence and complete the construction of the new consolidated shows boards can Pulaski County Middle School. "The school board asked the supervisors to help work together them solve their problem and we said we would employ our best efforts to assist them, because we By MIKE WILLIAMS owe it to our students and parents, our teachers and The Patriot those that voted to build the new school," stated Supervisors Chairman Andy McCready following Tuesday's passage of a joint resolution between Tuesday's meeting, which was continued from last the Board of Supervisors and School Board for Monday night's regular board meeting for September. additional funding of $911,102 to erase a $2.3 mil- "The board of supervisors has been a committed lion shortfall in the new middle school project partner since day one and has demonstrated it time proves the two boards can work together. and time again by unanimously passing a resolution That was one message conveyed by the chairmen to send the referendum to the voters, by increasing of both boards following final agreement of the res- the bond amount from $45.7 million to $47 million, olution that paves the way for actual construction of by rapidly securing low-interest financing and now the new school to begin. by enthusiastically providing $911,102.18 of addi- "Sometimes it appears the two boards aren't tional funding needed to make the project a reality," working together," said School Board Chairman WEEKEND WEATHER McCready continued. Timmy Hurst, but that was not the case this time. Even after an additional $1.3 million had been bor- Supervisors Chairman Andy McCready said rep- SATURDAY SUNDAY rowed beyond the projected $45.7 million cost esti- resentatives of the two boards had been meeting and mate, the winning bid by Branch & Associates left the working diligently over the past two weeks to find a Chance of showers and thun- Partly sunny, with a high near project approximately $2.3 million short. A combi- solution to the shortfall. Those meetings, he said, derstorms after 2pm. Partly 81. Chance of precipitation is nation of value engineering and project alterations included himself, County Administrator Jonathan sunny, with a high near 78. 40%. brought the deficit down to a more manageable num- Sweet, Hurst, School Superintendent Dr. Kevin Saturday Night - A chance of Sunday Night - A chance of ber that the Board of Supervisors could then more Siers and Assistant Superintendent Chris Stafford. showers and thunderstorms. thunderstorms before 8pm. reasonably consider. He said discussions always centered around Low around 64. Chance of pre- Mostly cloudy, with a low "I commend all those involved with diligently maintaining the needs of the new school, while pro- cipitation is 30%. around 64. Chance of rain 30%. See GAP, page A3 See BOARDS, page A2 United Way SWVA’s Ignite program shows results

ABINGDON – United Way of Southwest president and CEO of Food City. Following the Virginia has been creating major community col- breakfast, attendees were taken on a tour of the laborations to address the gap between the worlds program’s Careers Expo for Youth happening a few of learning and work. miles away at the Washington County Fairgrounds. At an event on September 26 called Operation Ignite, a program developed by the United Way Tomorrow’s Workforce: The Leaders Breakfast, of Southwest Virginia, was created as part of their Travis Staton, president and CEO of United Way of “cradle-to-career” continuum to fill a community Southwest Virginia recapped successes and void in response to employer and school system announced additions to the Ignite Program. needs. The program is backed by data at the nation- The Leaders Breakfast at the Higher Education al, state, regional, and local levels and has won Center, centered on United Way’s Ignite Program, awards from the Southwest Virginia Technology featured a keynote by Megan Healy, chief work- Council and the Governor of Virginia. force advisor to the governor of Virginia, and The program focuses on developing a talent involved community leaders Tony Keck, executive pipeline that prepares the next generation for the vice president of system innovation and chief pub- jobs of tomorrow, supplying businesses with skilled lic health officer for Ballad Health; Scott workers, and building a robust, competitive econo- Robertson, managing editor of The Business Journal of Tri-Cities, TN/VA; and Steve Smith, See IGNITE, page A5 Page A2 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 ing wall in the auditorium that whether or not we could afford to Boards Siers said would have extended keep it in the plans. But with the down from the ceiling. It was county stepping in the auxiliary Huber named to Continued from page A1 replaced with four-foot wide pan- gym will be a part of it, and basi- els that can be turned and pushed cally everything else remains." tecting the financial security of the to one side. Before the county stepped in, county. Another major item cut was the however, some strict guidelines new workforce Hurst said the $2.3 million school's track for track and field. were set by the supervisors. shortfall was "a huge concern for Siers said grading for the track "The school board first had to us [school board]," and that he would be completed, but asphalt identify substantial cuts through believes McCready and the super- won't be poured. value engineering and project post for county visors saw the effort made by "The contractor is holding the alterations that did not materially From Pulaski County Pulaski County, and many if not school officials to "bring down our price for that for one year for us. alter the quality or footprint of the all of the communities in end of that shortfall as much as we Once we know more about the school," McCready said. On September 24, 2018, the Southwestern Virginia, is meet- possibly could." traffic signal and how much we'll Once accomplished, the board Pulaski County Board of ing the employment demands of "They realized our good faith have to put toward that … if asked county staff to identify Supervisors and the Pulaski our existing business and indus- effort, and we recognize the effort money is available the track will funding that could be put toward County Economic Development try and developing the capacity of the Board of Supervisors," said probably be the first thing we the remainder of the shortfall. Authority (EDA) embarked on a to serve future employers who Hurst. "Needless to say, we actual- bring back," he explained. Those funds, however, could new and strategic initiative to choose Pulaski County," stated ly can work together and do so on He and Hurst are optimistic the not cause the county additional assist local businesses and indus- Jon Wyatt, Chair of the many issues." track can be brought back in the debt or tax increase. Reserve funds tries with meeting their employ- Economic Development "We are very grateful for what end. could not be used, and the addi- ment demands through the Authority. the Board of Supervisors has "We believe we can bring it tional spending could not come appointment of Mr. Peter Huber The strategy behind the cre- done," he added. back. It's important to us and we from the county's general fund and as the county's first Community ation and appointment of a McCready agreed that the absolutely want to bring it back," could not affect current or future Workforce Innovation Adviser. Community Workforce school board had worked hard to Hurst said. operations of the county or school The EDA officially changed Innovation Adviser was to sys- close the shortfall. "We're optimistic," said Siers. system. The additional funding their name and focus on April tematically inventory and evalu- "It got to the point I was afraid "We still have the contingency could also not impact the delivery 23, 2018, and since have been ate all existing programs and we [negotiators] were going to funds and if there's no surprises, or quality of core services, could working diligently on their agencies that are part of the affect the quality of the school that contingency could possibly go not eliminate current capital proj- broadened role in supporting not workforce development land- [with further cuts]," he added. toward the asphalt for the new ects and purchases, or expose only the County's traditional scape; spend time with local Following the bid opening at the track and maybe some other things Pulaski County to undue risks. industrial development efforts, employers to better understand end of August, school officials like seating around the football Included in the joint resolution but also new non-traditional eco- their specific employment needs went to work with Branch and field. We feel really good about between the two boards are sever- nomic development initiatives, and how to fulfill them; identify Associates - low bidder on the where we are, and we appreciate al stipulations agreed to by both. projects and programming. gaps and opportunities in the project - to find ways to eliminate everyone stepping up to help." These ventures include strategic workforce development continu- a $2.3 million shortfall between Siers and Hurst noted that even Two of the major stipulations marketing, community engage- um; and ultimately develop available funding from the bond Branch helped, providing a include the supervisors agreeing ment, small business support, strategies and/or programs to fill approved by voters last November $58,000 discount to help get the not to "dictate or direct how the entrepreneurism, tourism, com- any gaps and seize upon oppor- and the bid from Branch. project under budget. additional appropriation may be mercial and retail development, tunities. The position is intended In the end, school officials cut "Everybody did their part," said used to advance the project," and residential development, eco- to help the county strengthen its about $1.4 million from the proj- Siers. the School Board agreeing it "shall nomic diversification and most workforce pipeline, as well as ect through value engineering and "We cut just about everything not in any way, ask the Board of importantly, workforce develop- help to fill it. project alterations. we could cut without affecting the Supervisors for any additional ment. "In today's highly competitive According to Siers and Hurst, footprint of that school," Hurst funding to complete the project." "The EDA takes its mission business recruitment environ- cost-saving changes made to the said. Hurst said he expects the school seriously and we feel one of the ment, a community's biggest project included items such as Earlier, however, the situation board to sign the final construction most daunting challenges facing asset is its people," stated using different types of tile in the looked bleak. agreement with Branch next week. Jonathan D. Sweet, County building, changes in lighting pack- "Things got to the point that it Administrator. "With the new ages and the use of different looked like in order to make currency of the 21st century brands of self-flushing commodes. everything work, we would have being talent, it is even more A major cost-saver was the needed a serious conversation important for the County to elimination of a mechanical divid- about the auxiliary gym, and employ creativity in cultivating a skilled workforce in both quality and quantity." In March of this year, Pulaski County reached a 135-month low (December 2006) in unem- ployment with a rate of 3.1%. For the same month, the Virginia rate stood at 3.4% and the

See HUBER, page A7 The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page A3 Gap

Continued from page A1 working to responsibly help Board's stated 2018-2019 oper- close the gap and make it possi- ational priorities. ble for the Board of Supervisors Supervisors approved an to creatively and resourcefully increase this year in the School provide the emergency funding Board's operational funding of needed to get the contracts $223,000.00 over last Fiscal signed and lock in the bid pric- Year's appropriation, for a total ing," stated Jonathan D. Sweet, of $14,827,134. They also County Administrator. approved an additional increase "Finding this amount of addi- of $195,543.00 in recovered tional monies is always a chal- costs for a portion of their lenge, finding this much in just expenses such as School a couple of weeks with all the Resource Officers and profes- fiduciary parameters the sional services, and an addi- Supervisors put in place is just tional $305,000.00 for the pur- short of miraculous." chase of three new school The Board of Supervisors buses. The total FY-19 local immediately tasked staff with funding appropriation to the strategically identifying any School Board is latent funds that could be $15,022,677.00. brought to bear. The Board The Board of Supervisors mandated that any additional also approved a total of funding shall not require the $6,089,473.00 for the School issuance of additional debt; an Board's annual debt service increase of taxes; accessing the payments, which includes the county's Reserve Fund; divert- funding necessary to accommo- ing funds from the county's date the construction of the new General Fund; affecting the consolidated middle school county or the school system's project, and another current or future operations; $352,194.00 in Carryover impacting the delivery or quali- Funds for capital outlay. ty of core services; eliminating current capital projects and pur- The total local investment in VFW Post 1184 photo chases; exposing the County to public education for the FY-19 undue risk; or requiring alterna- Budget Year was Local VFW Post Recognized tions to the project that would $21,464,344.00. The additional materially affect its purpose or appropriation of $911,102.18 Pulaski County’s VFW Post 1184 was recognized recently with a plaque for 100 percent membership for quality. needed for commencement and 2017-18. Displaying the award are (from left) Jim Ridpath, Post Commander; Joe Cruff, Post "The Board of Supervisors is completion of the new middle Quartermaster, and Rick Raskin, State Sr. Vice Commander. committed to honoring the school project brings the new wishes expressed by our citi- total local investment in educa- zens through the referendum tion for FY-19 to and we always stand behind $22,375,446.00. what we feel is best for our stu- dents, our teachers and our tax Last Fiscal Year's local payers," stated Dean Pratt, Vice investment in education totaled Chair, Pulaski County Board of $18,042,333.00. This equates Supervisors. "Providing addi- to a year-over-year local tional funding to the School increase in public education Board was not easy after having investments of $4,333,113.00. just given them one of the largest appropriations in the history of the county in the MEMBER OF THE same year we are embarking on one of the largest capital proj- ects the county has ever invest- ed in." The Board of Supervisors' additional assistance comes on the heels of funding the school system at the highest local level VIRGINIA PRESS in the County's history and ASSOCIATION accomplishing all of the School Page A4 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018

RICHARD WAYNE CLARK Pulaski, went home to Jesus, her Smith Trucking and sub-con- September 30, 2018 at his home. Gale Hospital, Pulaski. Richard Wayne Clark, age 67 Lord and Savior on October 1, tracted for Adams Construction. He was born in Pulaski, VA on Born May 17, 1930 in Big of Dublin passed away 2018 at the The University of He is survived by his Life March 22, 1945 and was the son Stone Gap, he was the son of the Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at Virginia Medical Center in Companion - Jodie Cardoza - of the late Amos Franklin Byrd late William Kent Jessee & his home. Charlottesville, Virginia, follow- Pulaski and Flora Alice Manuel Byrd. Minerva Florence Frasier Jessee. Born December 10, 1950 in ing a fall the previous week. She Daughters He was also preceded in death by His daughter, Tina Meade Jessee Virginia, he is the son of Olivia was born on Christina Cardoza - Pulaski his first wife, Sheila Byrd and by McFall also preceded him in DeSaBaugh Clark & the late May 24, Jannelle Cardoza & five brothers. He was a retired death. He was retired from Donald Eugene Clark. He was 1931 and Christopher Clark - Dublin truck drive RAAP. also preceded in death by his lived in Grandchildren for a local oil He is survived by his wife - brother, Donald "Donnie" Pulaski, Adrianna Holland and Kyle company Shirley Davidson Jessee - Eugene Clark, Jr. Virginia most Sawyers and a mem- Pulaski, daughter - Lee Jessee - He was retired from United of her life. Great Granddaughter Kendra ber of the Sterling, VA, grandson - Emmett Parcel Service with 23 years of She was a Sawyers Pulaski Jessee & wife, Jennifer - Suffolk, service and employed by Clayton nurse and Brother Richard American VA, 6 great grandchildren, sister Homes with 25 years of service. later the Cardoza - CA Legion Post - Margaret O. Marcum - Punta Frost He was a veteran of the United assistant Sisters Shirley #7. Gorda, FL, special nephew - States Army. treasurer of (Tommy) Bingle - Idaho Byrd Ronald, Michael Gallimore - He is survived by Pulaski County. She enjoyed Terri Dutton - CA known to Christiansburg. His wife water skiing, sewing, quilting, Numerous nieces and nephews most as To sign the online guestbook, Debra Moore Clark - Dublin and entertaining. She was and many friends "Ronnie", was a man of God who please visit www.bowerfuneral- Mother blessed with far too many dear Special Mother-in-law loved his family, his church, and home.com Olivia DeSaBaugh Clark - friends to name and is celebrat- June King - Pulaski especially his music. In his early Arrangements by Bower Pulaski ing with some of them today. Special Furbaby Companions days he performed in various Funeral Home, Pulaski. Sons She was also blessed with a 67 Spencer and Cookie and grand- country music shows but gave Brad Clark - Dublin year marriage and is survived by pets those up to become a minister in RICHARD WAYNE CLARK Chad Clark & wife, Stacey - her husband, Stanley Frost; Son, A Celebration of Life will be the Church of God of Prophecy Richard Wayne Clark, age 67 Alaska Alan Frost, and wife Vickie; held from 1:00-3:00 PM - and gospel singer. Ronald was of Dublin passed away Brett Clark & wife, Jessica - Granddaughters Abbey and Lily Saturday, October 6, 2018 at the blessed with the gift of writing Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at GA Frost. A number of nieces and Bower Funeral Home-Chapel, songs which he used to witness his home. David Clark & wife, Kim - SC nephews. She loved all of them Pulaski. to countless souls, leading them Born December 10, 1950 in Benjamin "B.J." Clark - TX dearly. The funeral was held on To sign the online guestbook, to Jesus. In his later days, Virginia, he is the son of Olivia Nine Grandchildren Thursday, October 4, 2018 at please visit www.bowerfuneral- Ronald enjoyed spending time DeSaBaugh Clark & the late Payson, Sierra, Logan, Gavin, Aldersgate United Methodist home.com with his wife, children, grand- Donald Eugene Clark. He was Lexi, Seth, Kailyn, Kinslee, and Church in Pulaski where she was Bower Funeral Homes, Pulaski children, and great-grandchil- also preceded in death by his Lucas a member for over 67 years. is handling the arrangements for dren, singing to them, telling brother, Donald "Donnie" Several Nieces and Nephews Reverend Becky Wheeler offici- the family. jokes and stories about his life. Eugene Clark, Jr. Father-in-law and Mother-in- ated. Interment followed at His main focus though was to He was retired from United law Oakwood Cemetery. Special ELLIS PERRY YATES win as many people to Jesus as Parcel Service with 23 years of Billy & Elizabeth Moore - thanks to the staff of the 6th floor Ellis Perry Yates, age 81 of possible. His last bit of advice on service and employed by Clayton Bedford at UVA Medical Center who Pulaski passed away Wednesday, this earth was to "make it, make Homes with 25 years of service. Funeral services will be held treated her with grace and digni- September 26, 2018 at his home. it, make it". Ronald was loved He was a veteran of the United Monday 11:00 AM, October 8, ty. Memorial contributions can Born April 4, 1937 in Detroit, by all and will be greatly missed. States Army. 2018 at the Pulaski Church of be submitted to Aldersgate Michigan he was the son of the Surviving are: He is survived by God with Pastor Donald Jones United Methodist Church and late Conley Ellis Yates & Lucille Wife - Linda Gail Lineberry His wife officiating. Interment will follow flowers are appreciated equally. Dye Yates. His wife, Lillian Byrd Debra Moore Clark - Dublin at Highland Memory Gardens, Online condolences may be sent Marie Yates, brother, Orville Children - Keven & Tina Byrd Mother Dublin. to the family by visiting Coleman and sister Dorothy Kenneth Byrd Olivia DeSaBaugh Clark - Visitation will be Sunday from www.seaglefuneralhome.com Marie Hicks also preceded him Kyle Byrd Pulaski 5:00-7:00 PM at Bower Funeral Arrangements by Seagle Funeral in death. He was a veteran of the Keith Byrd Sons Home, Pulaski. Home, Pulaski. 540-980-1700 United States Army. Kent Byrd Brad Clark - Dublin To sign the online guestbook, He is survived by his Kirk Byrd Chad Clark & wife, Stacey - visitBOB "TACO" CARDOZA Children- Step-Daughters - Dana & Alaska www.bowerfuneralhome.com Bob "Taco" Cardoza, age 66 of Crystal Cox - Pulaski Darren Huffman Brett Clark & wife, Jessica - Pulaski passed away Tuesday David Yates - Richlands Lynn Byrd GA Bower Funeral Home, Pulaski morning October 2, 2018 at the Ramona Yates - Richlands Leslie & Paul Bowers David Clark & wife, Kim - SC is handling the arrangements for New River Carolyn Vance - Abingdon Brothers - Garnett Byrd Benjamin "B.J." Clark - TX the family. V alley Grandchildren LeRoy Byrd Nine Grandchildren Medical Nikki Lovern, Dystine Cox & Arnold Byrd Payson, Sierra, Logan, Gavin, JAMES "JIM" FLOYD Center. Born Tabatha Cox, Emily Yates, Bobby Byrd Lexi, Seth, Kailyn, Kinslee, and LANG, JR. December Stefanie Yates, Aaron Wayne Twin Brother - Donald Byrd Lucas James "Jim" Floyd Lang, Jr., 27, 1951 in Yates, Eric Brady Yates, Robert Sister - Marie Byrd Several Nieces and Nephews 73, of Parrott, passed away Santa Cruz, Vance, Cassandra Vance, 17 Grandchildren Father-in-law and Mother-in- Monday, October 1, 2018. California he Shannon Ratliff & Lantonya 21 Great-Grandchildren law The Lang family is in the care was the son Ratcliff. Funeral services were held Billy & Elizabeth Moore - of Mullins Funeral Home & Cardoza of the late Great Grandchildren Wednesday, October 3, 2018, Bedford Crematory in Radford, Virginia. Manuel Mason Lang & Cameron from the Stevens Funeral Home Funeral services will be held www.mullinsfuneralhome.com Perry Cardoza & Amanda Craft Hancock Chapel with Pastors Titus Monday 11:00 AM, October 8, Cardoza Rogers and father-in- Funeral services were held Anderson and Garnett Byrd offi- 2018 at the Pulaski Church of IRENE S. FROST law, Clifford W. King. Wednesday, October 3, 2018. at ciating. Burial followed in the God with Pastor Donald Jones Irene S. Frost, age 87 of He drove and retired from LB the Bower Funeral Home- Oakwood Cemetery, Pulaski officiating. Interment will follow Chapel, Pulaski with Rev. Carson with Pulaski VFW Post #1184 at Highland Memory Gardens, Linkous officiating. Interment conducting the military graveside Dublin. followed at the Southwest rites. Visitation will be Sunday from Virginia Veteran's Cemetery, Arrangements by Stevens 5:00-7:00 PM at Bower Funeral Dublin. Funeral Home, Pulaski, VA. Home, Pulaski. In lieu of flowers, please send To sign the online guestbook, donations in care of his daughter, CARL WILLIAM JESSEE visit Crystal Yates, 1055 Lucas Place, www.bowerfuneralhome.com Pulaski, VA. 24301 Carl William Jessee, age 88 of Bower Funeral Home, Pulaski To sign the online guestbook, Pulaski passed away Friday, is handling the arrangements for please visit www.bowerfuneral- September 28, 2018 at the Lewis- the family. home.com Bower Funeral Homes, Pulaski is handling the arrangements for the family.

RONALD WADE BYRD Ronald Wade Byrd, 73 of Galax, VA died Sunday, The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page A5 Ignite

Continued from page 1 my. Staton recapped the success of the program and its partner- ships during its first year: career planning and exploration soft- ware for 29,790 sixth through twelfth grade students, local employer worksite tours to 64 middle school teachers across the region, reality store financial simulations to 3,054 eighth grade students, and the hands-on Careers Expo for Youth for 4,317 seventh grade students. Staton announced that the next phase of the Ignite Program will include: a credential study to help inform coursework and training leading to the alignment with local employer demand; a Speakers Bureau to present in classrooms across the region; and internships that build on existing models across the region. Ballad Health's Tony Keck, said, “Ignite is helping to level the playing field for all of our youth in Southwest Virginia. As I reflect on my own early work experiences and think of those Seventh grade students from the region interact with employers who I have worked with from all over Southwest Virginia, including Volvo, Food City, throughout the years, those first Appalachian Power and others during last week’s United Way of lessons you learn in the work- Southwest Virginia Careers Expo for Youth, hosted in Abingdon place are among the most with 4,600 students from 53 schools in attendance. Pulaski and important, and ones that we all Dublin middle schools sent 300 students to the event, which fea- carry without us throughout our tured 115 activities / booths for students to experience. careers.” Photos by Briana Fillers, SW VA United Way

About United Way of Southwest Virginia

United Way of Southwest Virginia fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in Southwest Virginia because they are the building blocks for a good quality of life. Through an ini- tiative-based cradle-to-career approach, United Way of Southwest Virginia is creating sustainable solutions to address the challenges facing tomorrow’s workforce. United Way convenes cross-sector partners to make an impact on the most complex problems in our region. Through collaboration with government, business, nonprofit and individuals, United Way innovates for positive, lasting social change. With a footprint that covers nearly 17% of the state of Virginia, United Way of Southwest Virginia programs and initiatives serve the counties of Bland, Buchanan, Carroll, Dickenson, Giles, Grayson, Lee, Pulaski, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise, and Wythe, and the cities of Bristol, Galax, and Norton. For more information about United Way of Southwest Virginia, visit www.UnitedWaySWVA.org. Flaccavento to hold town hall meeting Sunday at Randolph Park Congressional candidate Anthony Flaccavento will be holding a town hall this Sunday, Oct. 7 from 1 to 3 pm at Randolph Park. The event will take place under the large pavilion in the park, near the playground. Refreshments will be served. This event will also include music from local progressive bluegrass band Johnny Cake & the Lunch Truck. Page A6 • The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 www.pcpatriot.com Appalachia: Why Wait? A couple things I have heard and truly valued her and appreciated her Cradle of seen in the last month has brought me Patriot’s service? My fear is she didn't. to this concept, and I cannot wait to Like most folks, we rarely honor share. Post them until they have passed. Why is I recently and intently listened to a this? Why do we not take the time Music sermon about giving honor to people and energy to, regularly and genuine- Jonathan Sweet and it spoke to me. ly, honor those who serve? Such as Pulaski County A recent award ceremony including a Southwest Almost every book of the Bible our elected officials, our veterans, our Administrator Virginian at the Library of Congress reminded me of references 'honoring'…Honor God, pastors, our public servants, our par- our region's rich musical heritage. The course of honor leaders, elders, parents, clergy, ents, our volunteers and our teachers. American music was shaped by traditions, people, and the persecuted, the laborers and the Revenue. The bestowments included When we give folks the respect and places found within the borders of Virginia's Ninth list goes on-and-on. This is without a two copies of a well written resolu- honor that is due, we unleash some- District. doubt an important biblical concept. tion to be hung in the courthouse and thing very powerful and effectual in The Southwest Virginian honored in Washington is However, it is not, nor is it ever my given to her daughter, a shadow- their lives. We ultimately empower Eddie Bond of Fries, among the foremost practitioners intent to use this blog to be preachy. boxed county flag for her family that and encourage them in their works, of old-time fiddling. In June of this year, the National Therefore, I will take this concept to flew above the courthouse the morn- and quicken them in their appoint- Endowment of the Arts (NEA) announced that he won a more practical and relevant state. ing she passed, and several memori- ments. a National Heritage Fellowship. The NEA bestows this I was privileged to take part in als to be placed in various communi- I want to use my final sentence to award for great artists engaged in our country's tradi- honoring a colleague and fellow pub- ty parks and gardens to always give honor to all those who serve this tional and folk arts, and they recognized this year's lic servant recently at the September remember her and her contributions community with purpose and sincere- recipients at a September 26 ceremony at which I was Board of Supervisors' meeting. Each as a Constitutional Officer. ly thank you for all your sacrifices honored to give brief remarks. member of the Board and myself In the midst of all of this, some- and the contributions you make - I no Eddie comes from a musical family, and he has bestowed tokens of appreciation, thing hit me as I listened to the kind longer choose to wait. truly devoted his life to the art of old-time fiddling. remembrance and honor on behalf of words and appreciation shared. Did Pulaski County is…Sincerely The National Heritage Fellowship is only the latest Trina Rupe, our late Commissioner of Trina ever know just how much we Honoring. recognition of his talent and hard work. I encourage you to check out the NEA's website, which features more on his background as well as some of his record- ings. Morgan In 1984, another Southwest Virginia Griffith native earned the National Heritage Fellowship. The legendary Ralph 9th District Stanley was notable Representativ for his unique voice, banjo play- ing, and prodigious output (1,300 recorded songs). He was born in Dickenson County, an origin reflected in the name of the group he performed in alongside his brother Carter, the Clinch Mountain Boys. Ralph and Carter helped pioneer the genre of blue- grass music. After Carter died at the age of 41 in 1966, Ralph continued his musical career while introducing more old-time elements into his work. After receiving an honorary degree from Lincoln Memorial University in Tennessee, he was often called "Dr. Ralph Stanley." Dr. Ralph's place in the musical pantheon was secure when he died in 2016 at the age of 89. Bluegrass owes much to the Stanley Brothers of Dickenson County. If you leave Dickenson and head to State Street in Bristol, you'll find where another genre of music can claim deep roots. The 1927 "Bristol ses- sions" are now remembered as the formative event of country music. During the summer of that year, record producer Ralph Peer stepped off a train on the Virginia side of the street and set up recording equipment in the Taylor-Christian Hat and Glove Company on the Tennessee side. From July 25 to August 5, local artists came to record. The first was Ernest Stoneman, a native of Monarat in Carroll County. Stoneman had already made successful recordings, in some cases joined by his wife Hattie and her siblings as well as others. They came to Bristol to record more. Stoneman's financial success made the local papers, acting as a lure for other artists. Kavanaugh Assault Among them was a family from Maces Spring in Scott County. They were A.P. Carter, his wife Sara, and Sara's sister Maybelle Addington. The Carter fami- ly's recordings from the Bristol sessions made them Validates Trump stars and launched a musical dynasty (A.P. and Sara's The attempted political assassina- Christine Blasey Ford long enough daughter Janette won a National Heritage Fellowship tion of Brett Kavanaugh is bad for to allow time for the second accuser in 2005). the country, but good for a to be persuaded to come forward. In all, nineteen acts recorded 76 songs. In the words Trumpian attitude toward American All of this plays into Trump's sup- of Johnny Cash, who as we all remember married into politics. port. Surely, a reason that the presi- a later generation of the Carter family, the Bristol The last-minute ambush validates dent appealed to many Republicans Sessions were "the most important event in the history key assumptions of Donald Trump's in the first place, despite his extrav- of country music." supporters that fueled his rise and agant personal failings, was that You can still hear the legacy of these musical tradi- buttress him in office, no matter they had decided that virtuous men tions echoing in our hills. Drive "The Crooked Road," how rocky the ride has been or will would get smeared and chewed up a trail connecting venues throughout Southwest become. At least three premises by the opposition's meat grinder, so Virginia where traditional music is played. Hear the have been underlined by tawdry adversary. In the Kavanaugh contro- why be a stickler for standards? performers competing for cash prizes at the annual Old events of the past weeks. versy, the press has been wholly on Fiddlers' Convention in Galax around the second First, that good character is no the other side, presuming his guilt If Trump's attacks against the weekend of each August. Visit the Birthplace of defense. If you are John McCain, and valorizing his accusers and their media are over-the-top and some- Country Music Museum at 520 Birthplace of Country who genuinely tried to do the right supporters, including Hawaii Sen. times disgraceful, at least he under- Music Way in Bristol, just a stone's throw from where thing and carefully cultivated a rela- Mazie Hirono, whose most famous stands the score. it all began. tionship with the media over contribution to the debate was He may not be a constitutionalist, I was glad to see these legacies honored in decades, they will still call you a telling men to "shut up." but he will be faithful to his own Washington by the National Endowment of the Arts racist when you run against Barack side, and fiercely battle it out with this year. Eddie Bond is only the most recent Ninth Obama. Third, that politics isn't just his political opponents. District native to earn a National Heritage Fellowship; If you are Mitt Romney, an excep- rough-and-tumble; it's red in tooth in addition to him, Ralph Stanley, and Janette Carter, tionally earnest and decent man, and claw. Process and norms are The logic of this dynamic is risky. Wayne Henderson of Mouth of Wilson won in 1995 they will make you into a heartless nice, but they go out the window as It can be self-defeating, and lead and Frank Newsome of Haysi won in 2011. and despicable vulture capitalist, soon as something important is at down the road of supporting, say, a Through the years, the music of Appalachia has also for the offense of campaigning stake, like a potential fifth vote on Roy Moore, a kooky candidate entertained, worshipped, mourned, and fulfilled innu- against Obama. the Supreme Court to overturn Roe doomed even in red Alabama. It can merable other meanings. It has brought together com- If you are Brett Kavanaugh, a v. Wade. be corrupting, if character and stan- munities and even families, as seen in the stories of the respected member of the legal Senate Democrats may delicately dards are no longer considered artists written of here. Our music, the music of establishment who doesn't have a talk about the importance of norms important. But the dark view of our Appalachia, is as much a part of America as the moun- flyspeck on his record across and civility on Sunday shows, but politics that has driven the Trump tains themselves. decades of public service in watch how they act. They sat on an phenomenon for three years now is Washington, they will come up with accusation throughout an extensive impossible to gainsay. Who can If you have questions, concerns, or comments, feel dubious accusations of wrongdoing process of vetting and questioning a watch the frenzied assault on Brett free to contact my office. You can call my from decades ago when you were a nominee, then declared it dispositive Kavanaugh and say that it's wrong? Christiansburg office at 540-381-5671. To reach my teenager. evidence against his confirmation office via email, please visit my website at www.mor- Second, that the media is an when it leaked at the 11th hour. Rich Lowry is editor of the gangriffith.house.gov. unremitting political and cultural They delayed a hearing with National Review. The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page A7 OPEN FORUM Manufacturing Day Enough is Too Much! Four years ago, Pulaski valuable than any check these County Economic Developer, Down To industries could ever write. My Mom was a lovely, classy woman. She was kind, articulate, Michael Solomon, approached They are giving our future lead- intelligent and talented. But when my siblings and I argued and the Chamber about initiating a Business ers hands-on life experiences fussed at each other too much, we would hear her very last warning: Manufacturing Day program in and sharing with them wisdom. "Enough is too much!" We knew we would have to back off imme- Peggy White Pulaski County. Thanks to Pulaski County A donation couldn't begin to diately and tone down the rhetoric. Often, we would scatter to dif- Michael, this week we will cel- provide this valuable resource. ferent parts of the house to avoid the lecture about treating each other Chamber of ebrate our 4th National Commerce We are fortunate to have this with dignity and respect. Manufacturing Day. This is a caliber of industry leaders in During the past two weeks, I've heard myself uttering my Mom's day that introduces students to our community. When you look words. I thought the demeaning questions blasted toward Supreme the world of advanced manu- and support, Manufacturing around, where else do you see Court Justice nominee, Brett Kavanaugh had reached a crescendo. facturing and the jobs and Day would not be possible. plant managers and CEO's But to my disbelief, this disgusting rant continues; and now it is opportunities that await them. We are fortunate that these devoting time to helping pre- directed toward his sweet daughter depicted in a "cartoon" kneeling Along with other viable companies value our youth pare students? That's a job that at her bedside and asking God to forgive her Father for vile, unsub- industries, we have seven inter- enough to give of their individ- could easily be passed off, but stantiated accusations. ENOUGH IS TOO MUCH! national manufacturing compa- ual time and resources to pro- instead they choose to engage. Sexual assault happens, and it is a despicable crime. I know two nies in our Pulaski County vide programs and tours to women who were assulted: one at the point of a gun and one by a man community. These industries these students on So, as we look toward our brandishing a knife "the size of Crocadile Dundee's." They both are vital in our community, and Manufacturing Day. It takes future, let's remember to thank remember details about the attack. One decided to get an abortion they hire employees of varied time, commitment, and a desire our industries for their service and the other raised the child as a single mother. I love them both as skills and education levels. We to work with students to make to Pulaski County and their friends. are fortunate to have leadership this a meaningful day. As with active engagement in our thriv- But look…this Kavanaugh thing is not about believing a woman from these facilities that believe all businesses, their time is ing community. who says she was sexually assaulted. Don't be deceived. This is a in investing our future work- money, and it is easy to over- Work hard, be productive, last-ditch effort by liberals to prevent a conservative man, appointed force; without their engagement look that their time is more and above all else stay positive. by President Trump, to take his place as the next Supreme Court Justice. For months the liberals have tried to stop or delay Kavanaugh's appointment; but finding nothing substantial, they are now using the politics of personal destruction to destroy his reputa- Huber tion, his life and that of his family. Continued from page A2 They claim he is guilty of a crime he vehemently denies he com- mitted - and then they demand that he prove his innocence without national rate was 4.1%. This is organizations who serve a role in giving specific details of the alleged crime. This is not the way our the second lowest monthly workforce development. legal system works. An individual is considered innocent until he is unemployment rate the county proven guilty; and the burden of proof is on the accuser. has experienced since October "The appointment of Peter This destructive behavior should not be acceptable in America. We 2000 when the rate reached a Huber to this advisory function are better than this and I pray that freedom-loving citizens will show low of 2.6%, nearly 18 years was considered to be a logical their disdain for this type of political coersion by voting on ago. one, due to his experience in this November 6th. "The general mission of the arena, his tremendous familiarity New River/Mount Rogers with the county and our many Sharane Reid Workforce Development Board employers, and the fact he shares Pulaski County is to ensure our businesses have our passion to help solve the the workers they need in order to workforce challenge," stated be competitive in their market- Andy McCready, Chair of the place and to ensure our citizens Board of Supervisors. "One of Sensationalizing the most exciting things that can earn a family sustaining could result from this assign- The Hurricane named Florence wage. We cannot accomplish this alone," stated Marty ment is the development of new is moving away now and as far Happenings and creative approaches to meet- as Fairlawn is concerned, we Holliday, Executive Director, NR/MR Workforce ing our business community's made it through in fairly good in Fairlawn employment needs." order. Development Board. "We are Am I alone in the feeling that thrilled with Pulaski County's Peter Huber retired from partnership in our mission and Pulaski County in January of when the storms come the media Danny W. applauded them for their original Peter Huber 2017, after more than 30 years of tends to sensationalize to the Collins extreme? approach and investment in cre- service, seventeen of them in the With the news of an approach- ating a Community Workforce capacity as County for thousands of years. Workforce Innovation Adviser ing storm or Hurricane the media and Innovation Advisor position Administrator. Mr. Huber has Another ignorant thing I heard will commence on October 1, leaves the impression that we do to serve their constituents. We previously worked as a Town was this; a reporter was inter- 2018. The appointment is for a not have enough sense to prepare look forward to seeing where Manager of Saltville, VA and as viewing an official with the term of one (1) year and shall and protect. The sensationalizing this new opportunity will take a Planning Director for the City Wilmington City Government answer directly to the Board of becomes almost boring and us." of Parkersburg, WV after leav- and asks, "Do these people have Supervisors and the Economic humorous at the same time. Who Peter Huber was officially ing the Mount Rogers Planning insurance to cover this?" The Development Authority. He will can help but laugh at the broad- appointed to the position by the District Commission in 1982. reply was as follows: "Well this be working closely with the cast reporter holding on to a pole Board of Supervisors at their He has a B.A. from Emory and kind of insurance is very expen- county's administration and the as if he is ready to be blown regularly scheduled meeting and Henry College in Land Use sive and most policies don't cover economic development depart- away, and in the background two by the Economic Development Analysis and Planning and a "acts of God." So this hurricane ment, as well as the many feder- passer-byes are peacefully walk- Authority at their meeting on M.A.T. from Appalachian State named "Florence" was an act of al, state, regional and local ing calmly for their daily walk? September 24, 2018. His service University in Geography with an God? as the county's first Community departments, agencies and emphasis in regional planning. Don't get me wrong, storms of How absolutely ridiculous! a hurricane nature can be deadly That is not the God in Jesus and cause great damage and I am Christ I serve. The acts of God very sympathetic to that. I are those individuals out there believe that more coverage with boats, and saws and ham- should be made to the thousands mers and those taking food and and many Christian organizations water to those who suffer. God that are there doing the work of does not cause nor does He stop rescue, re-building, feeding, pro- every disaster. If He did that- viding shelter and demonstrating which ones would He allow and what the real effects of a storm which ones would He stop? Dear are when people help rather that friends, let's pay more attention via for the most impressive TV to the good that is being done by coverage to win some reward and and for others in times of crisis. bonus. The news media is in the busi- This should be the real story! ness to report sensationalism and One of the first responses on the negativity and fake news. We are storm was that it was an environ- above that because we are, by our mental issue caused by so called Christian character, set up to "do global warming. This, in my unto others and we would have opinion, was no global warming them do unto us." issue but simply an act of nature I appreciate your response. that has occurred and reoccurred Page A8 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 Pulaski County governmental meetings for Oct. • Monday, October 8, 2018, Bird, Clerk to the Board, 143 Pulaski County Offices will be Third Street N.W., Suite 1, closed in observance of Pulaski, VA, 24301, 540-980- Columbus Day. The Pulaski 7705, County Public Service Authority [email protected]). billing office will be closed The Economic Development along with the three convenience Authority serves as the econom- centers (Dora Highway, Pulaski; ic development arm of the Bagging Plant Road and Mason County working with local Street, Fairlawn). Garbage will industries and providing build- be collected on the regular ing spaces to local employers. schedule. • Tuesday, October 16, 2018, • Tuesday, October 9, 2018, Pulaski County Board of Zoning Pulaski County Administration Appeals, Pulaski County Building, Board Room, 143 Administration Building, Board Third Street N.W., in the Town Room, 143 Third Street N.W., in of Pulaski, Virginia, 9:00 a.m. the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, (Contact: Natasha Grubb, Clerk 7:00 p.m. (Contact: Kimberley to the Board, 143 Third Street, Wright, Clerk to the Board, 143 N.W., Suite 1, Pulaski, VA, Third Street N.W., Suite 1, 24301, 540-980-7705, Pulaski, VA, 24301, 540-980- [email protected]) This 7710, Board is responsible for the [email protected]). operation of water, sewer, The Board of Zoning Appeals Airport Fire garbage and streetlight service in considers appeals of the Zoning the County of Pulaski. Administrator's decisions and • Tuesday, October 9, 2018, the interpretation of the County's Under Pulaski County Planning Zoning Ordinances. Commission, Pulaski County Investigation Administration Building, Board • Monday, October 22, 2018, Room, 143 Third Street N.W., in Pulaski County Board of the Town of Pulaski, 7:00 p.m. Supervisors Regular Meeting, A fire Monday afternoon in a (Contact: Kimberley Wright, Pulaski County Administration hangar at the New River Valley Clerk, 143 Third Street N.W., Building, Board Room, 143 Airport north of Dublin on Suite 1, Pulaski, VA , 24301, Third Street N.W., in the Town Route 100 destroyed two planes 540-980-7710, kwright@pulask- of Pulaski, Virginia; Executive and damaged five more. icounty.org). This Commission Session, 5:30 p.m., Open Reportedly a total of $1 million oversees land - use, zoning and Meeting, 7 p.m. (Contact: in damages resulted from the subdivision issues related to Ashley Edmonds, Executive blaze. Fire fighters from Pulaski County properties. Secretary and Clerk to the Board around the area responded to • Tuesday, October 16, 2018, of Supervisors, 143 Third Street the blaze. Operations at the Economic Development N.W., Suite 1, Pulaski, VA, airport were never affected by Authority, Pulaski County 24301, 540-980-7705, aed- the blaze, officials said. Administration Building, [email protected]). The Basement Central Conference Board of Supervisors is the gov- H.M. Kidd photos Room, 143 Third Street N.W., in erning body for Pulaski County the Town of Pulaski, Virginia, and is responsible for the budget 10:00 a.m. (Contact: Megan and concerns of its citizens. Fairlawn traffic stop nets two arrests From Pulaski County with the Claytor Lake Drug Task Sheriff’s Office Force executed the search war- rant on the residence and seized On September 25, 2018 at methamphetamine manufactur- approximately 6:30 am, ing evidence along with several Corporal Stone of the Pulaski firearms. Additional warrants County Sheriff's Office conduct- were obtained and later served ed a traffic stop on a vehicle for after completion of the search speeding in the Fairlawn Section warrant. All arrested individuals of Pulaski County. are being held on a secure bond The driver of the vehicle, at New River Valley Regional Emmett Webb of Fairlawn VA, Jail. was arrested on an active warrant from Radford City Police Health screenings Department. After further investigation, a available in search was conducted on the vehicle and narcotics were dis- Dublin Oct. 10 covered along with evidence of Residents living in and around methamphetamine manufactur- the Dublin, Virginia can learn ing. about their risk for cardiovascu- The vehicle's passenger, lar disease, osteoporosis, dia- Sandra Bowman, also of betes, and other chronic, serious Fairlawn VA, was subsequently conditions with affordable arrested. screenings by Life Line A search warrant was subse- Screening. Dublin United quently obtained for the resi- Methodist Church will host this dence of both Webb and community event on Oct. 10. Bowman. Corporal Stone along The site is located at 424 E. Main St in Dublin.

Screenings can check for: • The level of plaque buildup in your arteries, related to risk for heart disease, stroke and overall vascular health. • HDL and LDL Cholesterol levels • Diabetes risk • Bone density as a risk for possible osteoporosis • Kidney and thyroid function, and more

Screenings are affordable, convenient and accessible for wheelchairs and those with trou- ble walking. Free parking is also available.

Packages start at $149, but consultants will work with you to create a package that is right for you based on your age and risk factors. Also ask about our Wellness Gold Membership Program with allows customers to get all the screenings they need now, but pay $19.95 a month. Call 1-877-237-1287 or visit our website at www.lifeli- nescreening.com. Pre-registra- tion is required. The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page A9

Abundant Life Ministries 3050 Lee Highway Wednesday Evenings Pulaski, VA 24301 (Family Night) 7 p.m. (540) 980-5506 Adult Bible Study (Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) U-Turn Youth Service Pastor Randall K. Lawrence Sr. Children's Ministries Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Sunday Evenings 6 p.m.

From the writings of Esau and Jacob Rev. Billy Graham The bible is the most interest- their father into believing that ing book that has ever been writ- Teach Me Joseph had been killed and eaten ten. It contains many lessons that by a predator, and Jacob almost Reject Hate and if and when we apply them to our Your Word grieved himself to death over it. lives, can and will make our lives Someone said, the cardinal rule and our relationship with God O Lord of parenting is that all children Welcome Christ much better. Terry are to be loved equally. But Esau and Jacob were a set of McCraw although parents swear to love Q: I have no particular reli- twins born to Isaac and Rebecca. each of their children equally, gion but I see injustice that My Esau was born first by just a few they often show their love in very seems to permeate society moments and by being born first, one child over another child in different ways - which can lead to more than any time in my life. Answer he was entitled to the birthright. the family, it causes problems. a lifetime of resentment from a Could this be true? -- U.S. However Esau sold his birthright Serious problems in many cases. lesser-favored sibling. A: Hate knows no bounds. It to Jacob for a bowl of lentil soup. Parents need to be very careful I read where favoritism within is in motion at every level. His appetite caused him to fool- not to show favoritism between a family can manifest itself in dif- Billy Graham "Look Out for Number One," ishly trade away his birthright. their children. Some children may ferent ways: more time spent with has become the motto of scores The birthright has to do with both be more lovable than others; one child, more affection given, of people. To make good they inheritance of goods and position. some may be more attractive than more privileges, less discipline, or kick anyone who threatens their preach the love of the Lord As Christians we must learn to others; some may be more intelli- less abuse. In mixed families, par- way of life no matter how dark. Jesus Christ and demonstrate control our appetites. Be it an gent than others; some may be ents often favor their biological One of the reasons hatred compassion for those who suf- appetite for food, sexual pleas- more obedient to their parents children over their step-children abounds all over the world fer. ures, or personal gain. We must than others; and some may have a or foster-children. stems from jealousy. Satan's Hatred is a social cancer control our appetites to keep from better disposition than others. But Judith Kleinfeld, a well-known hatred of God was due to jeal- which gnaws at the vitals of our sinning against God and not since all of our children are our Phycologist, says that the best ousy. At no time in history was people. It threatens the freedom allow our appetites to control us. children, and we are parents of all way to prevent favoritism, is to hatred on display more than of worshiping Jesus Christ as Esau and Jacob were rivals of our children, we really do need communicate clearly that you are during the time of Jesus on witnessed in every continent. from birth. When they were born, to treat them equally. It has been treating your children equally earth. Herod hated Him because Hatred is rampant -- a sign of Esau came first and Jacob next, proven by studies that parental with regard to presents, privileges of fear that the Baby Jesus the depravity of the human race. and Jacob was holding on to the favoritism between children in a and expensive outlays like paying would someday become King. The Bible teaches hatred is sin. heel of Esau. family can have long lasting, neg- for college. Let them all know Herod caused the slaughter of The Bible also teaches that Their parents foolishly showed ative effects. that they are loved equally not infant children in and around God is a God of love (1 John favoritism between the two. Isaac Remember what a problem it only by our words but also by our the village of Bethlehem so that 4:8). Love is a basic part of loved Esau more because Esau caused in Joseph's family? Jacob actions since actions speak louder the prophecy would not come to God's nature. Whoever you are, was an outdoorsman and would loved Joseph more than his broth- than words. pass. whatever your circumstances -- hunt deer and bring his dad his ers and the bible tells us that it Also I might add that in a will We are living in a world that God loves you and He is wait- favorite meat which was venison. caused Joseph's brothers to hate to leave one child more than hates. We have even seen vio- ing for you to come to Him in Rebecca loved Jacob more him and finally to sell him into another will create resentment lence prompted by hatred with- repentance of sin. Rejection of because he was a homebody and slavery to get rid of him. By put- between the children and will in church buildings. Hatred is Christ is hatred of Him. Say an enjoyed intellectual pursuits. ting Goat's blood all over Joseph's negatively affect how they carried out against those who eternal "Yes" to Christ and Herein lies a tremendously big coat of many colors and showing desire more than anything to make Him the Lord of your life. problem. When a parent favors it to their father, they deceived See MCCRAW, page A10 Page A10 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018

Cruise-In, singing on tap in Barren Springs Draper, Va. - Riverview Church of God is set to and baked goods will be available for purchase. host another classic car cruise-in on October 13th at 3 About Riverview Church of God p.m., with a gospel singing to start at 6 p.m. featuring Riverview Church of God was established in 1972 Deep Water a.k.a. Juanita n 'em. This will be a free when the Barren Spring Church of God and Sylvatus event for car lovers to show off their unique, custom, Church of God merged. In 1985 the church was relo- or restored ride. Everyone is welcome to come to cated to their current location at 2703 Wysor Hwy, check out these great cars and trucks and enjoy gospel Draper, VA. The current pastor Eddie Dalton and his music at Riverview Church of God on Route 100 in family have led the church for the past 9 years. The Barren Springs. church's mission is to worship, witness and work Concessions will be sold to help support the together to serve God, to reach the lost and to labor Riverview Church of God building fund. Great food together in kingdom work. McCraw

Continued from page A9 remember their parent. So the les- hurt feelings and resentment. blessing by pretending to be son for us as parents to learn from To avoid the creation of jeal- Esau. Afterwards Esau was going this story in the bible is the black ousy, hatred and strife within a to kill Jacob but Jacob fled and sheep and the golden child are to family, all the children of the the family was divided for the be treated equally. family should be treated equally. next 20 years. Much too long for We have to admit that some And all of the children should be family troubles to remain volatile. children are more lovable than shown the same love and consid- others, but regardless, parents eration. This is wise parenting. should treat all of their children Jacob duped Esau out of his the same. If they don't, it causes birthright and stole his father's The Patriot - www.pcpatriot.com LIFESTYLES www.pcpatriot.com The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page A11 Festival Gress time in to perform at NRCC Radford Oct. 13 22nd Annual Eric Gress, country singer and songwriter, will perform for Highlanders New River Community Festival College's Fiddle, Banjo and Dance Club Jamboree on celebrates Saturday, October 13. Music will begin at 6 p.m. in 117 region’s Scots- Edwards Hall at Irish heritage NRCC in Dublin. Virginia's Blue Ridge moun- Gress is a tains are the perfect setting for solo coun- the 22nd annual Highlanders try artist Festival in Radford, VA on from Saturday, October 6th. Visitors Pulaski. He will be delighted with a full Gress began his menu of music, athletic games, music sheepherding and more than 50 career in 2016 and released his craft and food vendors. EP in January 2017. He has per- Set in Bisset Park along a formed as a supporting act to beautiful stretch of the New artists such as Luke Combs, River, the festival has become a Tyler Farr, Travis Tritt, Jason major draw in the fall season for Michael Carroll, Sammy the City of Radford and Radford Kershaw and Josh Thompson. University, who partner to put Noble, Corporate sponsors of the on the special event that com- jamborees include Anderson memorates the Scottish and Irish Audiology, Dublin; August influence on the early settlement Callahan Jewelers & Boutique, Inc.; of southwest Virginia. Duncan Ford - Lincoln - Mazda, This year that influence will Crowned Blacksburg; Estes Auto & Truck be apparent with Tuatha Dea, a Parts Inc., Pilot; First Celtic rock band with an PCHS Community Bank, Pulaski; Appalachian twist from Gregory Seeding and Gatlinburg, TN, who will per- Homecoming Landscaping Company, Pulaski; form on the Gazebo Main Stage King's Tire Service, Pulaski; at 11AM, 1PM & 3PM. Tuatha Queen, King Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., Dea is featured on The New Dublin; Pulaski Patriot, Pulaski; Bristol Sessions, a project cele- Shoney's Restaurant, Dublin; brating the 90th anniversary of Southern Furniture Warehouse, the 1927 Bristol Session that Radford; and Sunshine Tours, includes Dolly Parton, Virginia, Alisha Noble and Jaxson Dublin. 49 Winchester and more. Burt Callahan (above) were named The doors open at 5 p.m. for Mitchell, Virginia Highlands Queen and King of Pulaski the show. There is no charge for Pipes & Drums, Appalachian County High School’s admission; however, donations Highlanders Pipes & Drums and Homecoming during halftime will be accepted to help pay the Radford Highlanders Pipes ceremonies last Friday night. expenses for the musicians. The & Drumswill also be featured on At left, Sophia Byrd and jamborees are held the second the Main Stage. Carter Peterson deliver the Saturday of each month, Another major component of King’s crown and the Queen’s October through April at the festival each year is the ath- bouquet to the winning couple. NRCC, a Crooked Road affiliat- letic competition that some his- ed venue. torians believe can be traced More information about the back to the 11th century in NRCC Fiddle, Banjo and Dance Scotland. Male and female com- Antonio Nottingham photos / Club is available from Tim petitors, dressed in kilts, will Courtesy of PC Touchdown Club Jones at 540-674-3625, and show their skills in such popular online at www.nr.edu/fiddle. events as the caber and sheaf tosses; the stone put, similar to the shot put, and the Scottish hammer throw. Chad Clark, a veteran competitor in strongman and powerlifting competitions, is directing the festival's Tom Raisbeck Memorial games with Call Us At a variety of athlete divisions. The competition gets underway 808-3949 at 9AM. Rounding out the day-long schedule will be a diversity of [email protected] performances and activities: [email protected] • The Virginia Highlands Pipes & Drums band kicks off www.pcpatriot.com the event at 9AM with a massed band performance, which includes the march of the Scottish Clans and athletes at 10AM • The Community Stage enter- tainment lineup begins at 11AM with popular local band American Roots. The Porterfield Ensemble will perform their adaptation of "Walk to Freedom: The Mary Draper Ingles Story" at Noon, and West End, an See FESTIVAL, page A12 Page A12 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 Festival Fall color

Continued from page A11 outlook looks Indie/folk/alternative band will be provided. The 'making and promising perform at 2:30PM. Both groups creating' begins at 9AM and ends are from Radford. PanJammers, at 4PM when a people's choice All signs are pointing to a an award-winning steel drum winner will be announced. vibrant season of autumn color orchestra based in Blacksburg, Headline band, Tuatha Dea this year, thanks to plenty of will entertain festival-goers at will perform a set on Friday summer and early fall rain, 1PM. evening, October 5th from 6:30- according to Virginia Tech tree Well, Fall is now with us, we • The Braveheart 5K Run/Walk 8PM at BT's. They also will physiology expert John Seiler. haven't had that first frost yet! gets underway at 10AM along offer a scotch tasting event host- "I don't see any reason to not There is still time to make fall the riverfront in Bisset Park fol- ed by Scotch master, Hal Clary. be optimistic," said Seiler. "It food items, apples are around so lowed by a free run for children. BT's is located at 218 Tyler looks like a really good fall, as here is a recipe from Mary Cox Registration fee for the run is Avenue. all the soils have been of Newbern for her Applesauce $25, and runners can register Several local restaurants are recharged with good rainfall. Cake. between 9 and 9:45AM or on Everything is well saturated, Applesauce Cake ItsYourRace.com. Run About also celebrating the weekend with everything from traditional and even if we didn't get anoth- 2 ½ cups flour Sports and Carilion Clinic are co- er drop of rain during October, 1 ½ cups applesauce sponsoring the event, which ben- Octoberfest fare at BT's to a Tap Takeover with Highland Brewing the trees are in a really healthy 2 cups white sugar efits the American Heart position." 1 ½ tsp. baking soda Association. at Macado's. 1 tsp. table salt • A special children's area will For a complete list of accom- "If it stays wet and gloomy, 1 tsp. cinnamon feature traditional activities as modations and restaurants, see that could potentially dampen ½ tsp. nutmeg well as large inflatable bouncers, VisitRadford.com or for informa- the red coloration because the ¼ tsp. All spice including a castle. tion about the festival call (540) reds need some nice clear days ½ butter • An Art Extravaganza will be 831- 6255 or visit of sunshine to develop. But I 2 eggs open to all ages and supplies will Radford.edu/festival. think it's going to be good. 1 cup raisins ( soak in water People should be looking at for 5 mins. before use) their calendars and pick a good 1 cup black or regular walnuts Saturday or Sunday, either the Mix all dry ingredients togeth- The Patriot - 808-3949 third or fourth week in er, add wets, applesauce and [email protected] October, and plan your trip eggs. Melt butter and mix well, accordingly." place mixture in buttered and lightly floured tube pan. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees put the pan in oven for 50-60 mins. Turn tube pan several stores now have in stock. times during baking, test cake Our last item this week is sim- with straw or wooden pick. Add ple, because the local stores have icing of you like. many products all year, one of Now how about a Sour Cream those being shrimp (fresh, Apple Pie, use sweet apples, peel cooked, shelled, etc.) You need a and slice and core them, slice large frying pan, and a large pot them 3/16 to ¼ in. thick, you will to cook spaghetti noodles. Set to need six cups. If apples are hard, boil the noodle pot with water put them in a pot with 1 in. of and a touch of olive oil and salt. water and heat until soften. You Bring to a rolling boil then add will need one cup a ½ white spaghetti noodles. Half of the sugar, and ¼ cup brown sugar ( if spaghetti noodles will feed 4 you don't have brown sugar on people and the whole box 8. hand use more white sugar). Cook until done and let sit. In When apples start to soften the large frying pan clean fresh remove from heat (may take 10 shrimp by removing the outside mins), remove from heat and let shell and tail, wash in fresh stand. You need 8 oz. sour water. Melt I stick of butter in cream, 2 tbsp. flour, ¾ tsp. cin- the frying pan add 1 level tea- namon, ½ tsp. All Spice, 2 Tbsp. spoon of garlic powder, 1 table- lemon juice (if you don't have spoon of parsley, 2 tablespoons lemon juice use 1 Tbsp. apple of lemon juice, ¼ teaspoon each cider vinegar), 2 - 9 in. pie crusts of Kosher Salt and black pepper. for top and bottom. As the butter melts add Mix all dry ingredients togeth- shrimp first and then everything er, when mixed, spoon in sour else. Cook on down side of cream and add lemon juice, mix shrimp for three minutes and together, add apple slices slowly turn for three more minutes. so they are covered. If too dry Cover shrimp with grated add water from cooked apples, a parmesan cheese to taste. little at a time. Remove the spaghetti noodles, Pre-heat your oven to 425 drain and plate. Cover noodles degrees, fill 9" pie shell with with everything in frying pan. apple mixture, put of top crust, This recipe is easy and can feed crimp the edge of the crust, use a a lot of people. If you use cooked fork to vent the top of the pie. If shrimp, defrost, remove shell, you like coat the top of the pie clean, cook 1 to 1 ½ mins. on with milk using a pastry brush or each side. Serve as above. whatever you have on hand, this Good eats! helps the pie brown nicel. Dave Bake 40 -50 mins. turning once while baking. Remove and let cool! During the pass three or four month, I have stopped by check- ing on the upgrades of the mar- kets in the Patriot's circulation area. There are many new prod- 808-3949 ucts on the shelves in the mar- kets. You need to take a tour of [email protected] what both the large and the small www.pcpatriot.com SPORTS The Patriot • Friday, October 5, 2018 • Page B1 Locker Cougars go for 6th straight W Room BY DAN CALLAHAN The Patriot Dan Pulaski County's football team Callahan will try to win its sixth consecutive game Friday night on the road at Christiansburg. The Cougars are 5-1 on the season, the Blue Every Demons 1-5, and PCHS leads the series between the two programs, 12-7. Pulaski County has not been game is a tested since a one-point season opening defeat at Northside, but head coach Stephen James says it's big game also very important that the team has improved each week. Pulaski County plays at "We do believe we have gotten Christiansburg this Friday. The better. The remainder of the season Cougars are a heavy favorite. will tell us how good that is, but I Reminder. This is not college do believe we have the type team football, but the situation is the that can continue to improve and same. Virginia Tech was a it's very important that we do. We heavy favorite over ODU. are still very young in areas. We Think about what happened. are also depth shy in areas, how- There are conference title ever, we have improved out depth games in college, however, the a little bit in places, and our young scenario is basically the same as people are becoming more experi- high school. Lose a game at the enced with each passing week. wrong time, and you're done. The goal is always to improve, in When the VHSL changed the this season, or any other, but each way it structured districts in week we're seeing different play- public schools in this state and ers do things better, make plays, starting allowing three different and when you have players step up levels of classifications of and play big, become a bigger part schools in the same district, basically scheduling agreements of the process, that's when you get Rena Wilson photo / Courtesy of PC Touchdown Club better. We've got players making to politically satisfy some Pulaski County tailback Gage Mannon (6) is breaking loose against Hidden Valley, and is on his way school districts, it eliminated contributions on both offense and to a 67-yard gallop, the longest run of the season for the Cougars. defense. Our defense scored twice district titles, even all-district last week. I like where we're at as teams. We have the ability to make been really good. We're quick, and do you keep focus? "You do that teams. a team,'' said James. a play at any moment. Our offen- run to the football really well, our by continuing to do the same So what is left? A region title The Cougars are scoring more sive line is young, but it's been kids are aggressive. Our offense things in practice all week. and a state championship. How points, and allowing fewer than improving and we hope gets even has scored, our defense has scored, Hopefully the players understand is that determined? By how you last season. The team appears to be better. We are able to run the ball our kicking game has scored. that the game has to be played, and perform all season, just like col- more confident. What area has the better, and we have a more bal- There is some improvement in all until you take it on the field and lege. Had Pulaski County held improvement been the most anced attack. Teams do not know those areas,'' added James. get the job done, you haven't won on at Northside to open the sea- important? "It's all important,'' said for certain what we might do in a But there are always concerns, anything. It's just been a few days son the Cougars would be the James. "Offense, defense, special given situation. Our defense has even though Friday night for one since Virginia Tech lost to Old top ranked Class 4 school in of the few times in recent seasons, Dominion. You have to be pre- Region D. They still have a Pulaski County will be a heavy handsome rating, but the point favorite over Christiansburg. How See COUGARS, page B2 is, first game, sixth game, last game, they are all important. It certainly would be a sur- prise if Pulaski County was not a playoff team in 2018. But how do you enter those playoffs? Are you one of the top seeds, or the 7th or 8th seed. The higher your seed the better your opportunity, and maybe get home field advantage. That's why Christiansburg is a big game. Every game is a big game. In Class 4, Region D, Blacksburg is the top rated team, Jefferson-Forest 2, E.C. Glass 3, Pulaski County 4, GW- Danville 5, William Byrd 6, Salem 7, and Liberty Christian 8. Much will be determined over the next five weeks. But one thing is for sure, the ratings you just read will not be the same when all the math is done. Where will Pulaski County be? It should be repeated, every game is a big game. Often conversations are about where this Cougar football team is most improved. I think it's better everywhere. On defense, the front, linebackers, and sec- ondary. It's all better. Offensively, the line, the run- ning backs, receivers, and quar- terback. It's all better. The rest of the season will determine how much better, but the opin- ion here is that I like this team, and it is without a doubt going to be a deserving playoff team. This is a young team and it just might keep getting better. Here are a few highlights. Tailback Jakari Finley is averag- ing 100 yards rushing a game. The other tailback Gage Mannon has crossed the goal line nine times. The receiving crops continues to expand. E.J. Horton has 25 catches for 461 yards, but Noah O'Dell caught five last week, Logan Burchett now has 10 catches on the sea- son, and Cody Gibbs had two pass receptions last week, one for a touchdown, his second of the season. Kade Akers has completed 49 of 80 passes for 751 yards and seven touch- downs. Mannon and Akers both have nine TDs for 54 points, Horton has scored eight times for 48, and Ryan Castle has 51 kicking points. The Cougars have weapons. The defense is quick and aggressive. It makes plays. It scored twice last Friday on a fumble return of a backward See CALLAHAN, page B2 Page B2 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 Cougars Callahan

Continued from page B1 Continued from page 1B pared to play, physically and men- pass by Mannon and a 44-yard tally for every game. I don't care pick and run by Akers. There who's favored. You must get it have been five interceptions on done first, and every game is very the season, and four fumble important. We need to be ready to recoveries. Akers, Jason Deu, go.'' Chris Shay, and Austin Leading the way for Gallimore have picks. Mannon, Christiansburg will be a two-quar- O'Dell, and Christian Finn have terback tandem of M.L. Hunter jumped on loose pigskins for the and 6-5, 215 Jake Clemens. The Cougars. The Cougar front Blue Demons top linemen are 6-2, seven of Ben Arnett, Camden 245 Xavier Wright, and 5-11, 230 Mariottii, Zeke Surber, O'Dell, Nate Meredith. The top running Finley, Gallimore, and Luke back is 5-10, 205 Liam O'Reilly. Russel; have recorded 22 quar- Pulaski County will lineup on terback sacks in six games. offense with 6-1, 265 senior center The offense has rushed for Jaxson Callahan, the guards are 6- over 1,400 yards, and passed for 1, 290 junior Logan Fox, and 5-10, over 800 yards because even 270 sr. Carter Murray, the tackles though everything is better, it all are 6-3, 260 sophomore Cooper begins with what's up front, and Dunnigan, and 6-3, 272 soph. that's two sophomore tackles in Clayton Phillips. The tight end is 6-3, 260 Cooper Dunnigan and 6-5, 225 jr. Dillon Porter. The 6-3, 272 soph. Clayton Phillips, quarterback is 6-2, 200 sr. Kade guards Carter Murray, 5-10, 270 Akers, the tailback 5-9, 185 soph. senior, and 6-1, 290 jr. Logan Jakari Finley, the H-Back 5-9, 195 Fox, and the leader of the offen- jr. Austin Gallimore, the slot 5-11, sive line, senior captain Jaxson 150 jr. Logan Burchett, the wide- Callahan, 6-1, 265. Schemes out 6-2, 170 sr. E.J. Horton, and Rena Wilson photo / Courtesy of PC Touchdown Club change in football, it's cyclical. the kicker Ryan Castle. Gang tackling, a strength of the Cougar defense shows up again as Chris Shay, and Luke Russell But two things never change. To Defensively, the Cougars will wrap up this Titan runner, with Ben Arnett (52) available if necessary. win you must be good up front have 5-11, 195 sr. Ben Arnett, 5- 6-0, 190 jr. Gage Mannon, 5-11, wide receiver, and 5-10, 225 jr. 6:15 with the Insurance Center of on both offense and defense. 11, 200 sr. Camden Mariotti, and 175 jr. Chris Shay, and Burchett. Tyler Brookman in both lines, and Dublin Pregame Show. …In other The Cougars are considerably 5-10, 270 soph. Zeke Surber at the Broc Simpson is the punter. 5-10, 185 soph. Ethan Gallimore games of interest to Pulaski better in both areas. tackles, 6-3, 210 sr. Noah O'Dell Other Cougars expected to see at linebacker. County this Friday, Blacksburg and Finley will play the edges, action will be 6-0, 250 sr. lineman Cougar Paws: Gates will open will play at Cave Spring, and Hokies Get a Bit of Help: Gallimore and 5-10, 180 jr. Luke Cody Talbert, 6-1, 168 soph d- at Christiansburg's field at 5:30. … Salem will host Patrick Henry. The most experienced offen- Russell will be the inside lineback- back A.J. McCloud, O'Dell on The game will be broadcast live The Cougars will return home sive lineman for Notre Dame, ers, the secondary will have Akers, offense at receiver, Cody Gibbs at over 107 WPSK. Airtime will be next Friday to play Blacksburg. Alex Bars, was injured against Stanford and is out for the sea- son for Notre Dame. Also the leader in the secondary, True Tranquill, suffered a broken hand in the same game, and his status is very uncertain. Bars and Tranquill are two of the Irish captains. Both are seniors. Who is, Who Ain't?: The list of who is, is not long. We're talking about the final four college football playoff, and I know much is left of the season, and I would like nothing more than to be proven wrong. I am bored with the same old thing. It's not good for the sport. However, unless there is "Russian Collusion'' of some sort, it's Alabama, Ohio State, Clemson, and Oklahoma in this opinion. There are matchups to come down the road. Bama and Georgia will eventually have to play and both are not playing overly difficult schedules. It seems inevitable. Unless West Virginia can shock Oklahoma, the Sooners are there. I would love to see WVU get it done, but that's a big reach. Penn State is now a reach. LSU is having a banner season in the SEC, but there are too many hurdles to clear as their schedule is very difficult. Maybe Wisconsin is still alive. But outside of the top four, you have Georgia and Notre Dame. The Irish do not play a conference title game so the best they can do is 12-0. Bulletin. If Notre Dame goes 12-0, they will be in the Final Four and should be. At this point, you have six teams fighting for four spots. It could change, but I doubt it. However, a Virginia Tech upset over the Irish would certainly change things Saturday. We'll see. Nothing will go as smooth as it seems, but that doesn't mean much will change either. Hoop Scandal: I've written the words "hoop scandal'' a lot over the past year. The federal trial into college basketball corruption began this week. Four teams appear to be in the eye of storm; Kansas, Louisville, Miami, NC-State. Three of those are ACC schools. Not good for the conference, but do not be surprised if the scan- dal does not become more wide- spread. A look to the west is probably not a bad idea. The corruption trial, and this is just the first one, there will be more to come, involves the ille- gal recruiting of players, payola, illegal shoe company involve- ment and more money, and coaches. There is definitely a foul order to college basketball these days. The FBI has told the NCAA to stand down, in other words, get out of the way. It's time somebody at least tried to clean up college sports, particu- larly basketball. The term "stu- dent-athlete'' has almost become a joke. Fix it. Tear it down if necessary. The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page B3 Cougars hammer Hidden Valley, 49-21 By DAN CALLAHAN need to get back to work on another big defensive play. Titan and on the the next play for for quarterback sacks. The Cougars The Patriot Monday. Continue to work hard. quarterback Grayson Carroll was 13 more to the end zone. passed for 143 yards, connecting Continue to get better. We still under pressure and he tried to Following the next Titan posses- on 12 of 21 aerials with one Pulaski County celebrated need to be more consistent. The throw a deep out pass, but Akers sion they tried a fake punt. It did- interception. Akers was 11 of 17 Homecoming with a big, 49-21 kids are working hard. We're stepped in front, made the inter- n't work. On the next play for 113. O'Dell had five catches win over Hidden Valley in going to stay after it, and see ception and zipped 44 yards to Mannon zoomed 20 yards up the for 49 yards, Porter one for 16, Dobson Stadium Friday evening. what we can get done,'' said paydirt. It was 21-0 Cougars. gut to paydirt, and the Cougars E.J. Horton two for 15, Gibbs It was the fifth consecutive victo- James. The Cougars drove again, but were up, 42-7. The final score two for 28, Burchett one for 11, ry for the Cougars who are now Defense made the biggest scor- Ryan Castle had a field goal came in the fourth quarter when and Cobbs one for 30. Pulaski 5-1 on the season. Hidden Valley ing plays in the first half for the attempt of 41 yards blocked, his A.J. McCloud hit Xavier Cobbs County finished with 370 total falls to 1-5. It was also the fourth Cougars. The Titans tried a swing only miss of the season, but on a quick slant and he sped the yards. straight win for the Cougars over pass that was not handled, but the Pulaski County got the ball back last 25 yards on a 30-yard score the Titans. pass was a backward lateral, it late, and moved 60 yards in a for the final, 49-14. Castle was Carroll was 16 of 31 passing All the rain during the week did not go forward. Gage hurry. Akers passed to Logan seven for seven on extra point for Hidden Valley for 245 yards. created a slow track, and footing Mannon was alert for Pulaski Burchett for 12 yards, then to kicks. The Titans could only run the was a problem at times for the County and scooped the football Gibbs for 12 more, then hit Noah Pulaski County rushed for 227 ball for 44 yards on 24 carries. players. But still the teams put up up on the run. He was just six O'Dell on a crossing pattern and yards on 31 carries. Mannon led Tight end Kelly Mitchell was far the points. However, all of yards from the end zone, and the it was 13 yards to the Titan 34. the way with 101 yards on seven and away the chief offensive Hidden Valley's came in the sec- Cougars had the first score of the On the next play Akers dropped attempts. Finley finished with 97 threat for the Titans. He caught ond half. During the first two game. back to pass, but the field opened yards on 14 carries, and Akers four passes for 139 yards, and a quarters, the Titans managed just The second score came on a up in front of him and he took was eight for 28 after subtracting touchdown. 82 total yards against the Cougar big offensive surge as the offen- off. He made a move to get by a defense. A continuous clock was sive front took control for the defender at the five, and he took used much of the second half, Cougars. Kade Akers hit tight it home with just :29 on the clock and many Cougars got on the end Dillon Porter down the mid- for a 28-0 Cougar lead at the half. field. Alisha Noble and Jaxson dle for 16 yards. Two plays later Midway in the third quarter the Callahan were named Queen and tailback Jakari Finley ran 25 Cougars moved 72 yards to King of Homecoming during yards, and three plays later Akers score. Big plays came when halftime ceremonies. Callahan is hit Cody Gibbs underneath the Akers passed to O'Dell for 12 a senior starting center for the Titan defense and just across the and seven yards on seam routes. Cougars, and one of the team's goal line for six. Then he ran for eight, and then captains. The third touchdown came on Finley ran for 13 to the HV 13 "The field was tough to play on,'' said PCHS head coach Stephen James. "It was soggy during pregame warmups and we knew it would be a slow track, but the footing was worse than we thought it might be. It was just hard for the players to make cuts, and at times it made us not as quick. I thought we played well considering the elements. We made some big plays, and didn't make a few, but it was a good win for us.'' James still feels his team needs to work on execution and contin- ue to try and get sharper. "We Elks’ Hoop Shoot Contest seeks entrants The whistle has been blown to start the Elks 2018-19 Hoop Shoot! Hoop Shoot contests are an Elks National Foundation Competition (ENF) program that allows young athletes to excel in an athletic basketball goal contest. Over 3,000,000 students par- ticipated 2017 contest . School Champions chosen by PE and Athletics Directors of local, middle and elementary schools will be invited to the Pulaski Elks Lodge to a shoot off in early January. Gender and age groups will compete for ranking to represent The BPOE #1067 Pulaski Lodge in a district Hoop shoot compris- ing of 8 Lodges. From there its on to state and regional shoot off. With a final national compe- tition. The Pulaski Lodge has had some great shooters over the past decade. Five School champs have ventured to the regional competition with one moving all the way to Chicago in 2017. Leslie Turpin Pulaski Lodge Hoop Shoot champion stated "Our Schools produce some really driven and accurate shooters" If you are a student ages 8 to 13 ask your PE or AD how you can sign up to participate in this very exciting and rewarding contest. Parents and guardians if you have questions about this competition please directed them to [email protected]. Or go to Elks.org on the Web and click on ENF Hoop Shoot for a video on the program. https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=vRf8b6KhL58

The Patriot 808-3949 www.pcpatriot.com Page B4 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018

This Week Upcoming ACC Football Schedule

Friday, Oct. 5, Time, TV, Sirius, XM, Internet Georgia Tech at Louisville, 7 p.m., ESPN, 84, 84, 84 Series: First Meeting

Saturday, Oct. 6, Time, TV, Sirius, XM, Internet Syracuse at Pitt, 12:20 p.m., Raycom, 98, 194, 956 Series: Pitt leads series, 38-32-3; Last meeting: Syracuse, 27-24 (2017) Photos courtesy of Larry Thomas Pulaski County's Barry Buckner (far right) waits his turn during regional play Monday in Amherst. Boston College at NC State, 12:30 p.m., RSN, 113, 193, 955 Series: Boston College leads series, 9-6; Last meeting: NC State, 17-14 (2017)

Pulaski County High’s Buckner Clemson at Wake Forest, 3:30 p.m., ESPN, 98, 194, 956 Series: Clemson leads series, 65-17-1, Last meeting: Clemson, qualifies for spot in state finals 28-14 (2017) Pulaski County High School coach Larry Thomas. Florida State at Miami, 3:30 p.m., ABC, 113, 193, 955 golfer Barry Buckner will repre- The finish was good enough to Series: Miami leads series, 32-30; Last meeting: Miami, 24-20 sent the Cougars in the state finals send Buckner to the state finals (2017) on Tuesday in Williamsburg after next week. shooting a round of 77 at "Barry is the first PCHS player Notre Dame at Virginia Tech, 8 p.m., ABC, 113, 193, 955 Monday's regional tournament in in a number of years to qualify for Series: Virginia Tech leads series, 1-0; Last meeting: Virginia Amherst. the state finals," Thomas said. Tech, 34-31 (2016) While Pulaski County High During the sub regionals played School's golf team fell in sub at Hanging Rock Golf Course in regionals Sept. 20 to Salem by 11 Salem, Buckner led the way for strokes and finished fourth, all was the Cougars with an 86, followed not lost for the Cougars, as by Mitchell's 88, Jason Hall, 89 Buckner and Jake Mitchell both and Riley Moore at 91. qualified for regional play. "Although it was disappointing to lose to Salem for a Regional Monday at Winton Country berth, being relevant to the out- Club in Amherst, Buckner scored come it was a positive step for our a 77 and Mitchell an 82 on the par team," added Thomas. 71 course. "Coach Barry (Buckner) and I "Barry and Jake both had one of are pleased with Jake and Barry their better rounds for the year at for qualifying for Region play in regionals," stated PCHS golf their senior year."

Jake Mitchell watches his last shot during regional play in Amherst. Moles Bags 9-Pointer Ben Moles, 13 of Dublin bagged this 9-pointer last Saturday on Youth Day. He used a .243 rifle to harvest the deer on private land in Pulaski County. He is the son of Brady and Becky Moles.

The Patriot 808-3949 www.pcpatriot.com

Kiser’s First Kill James Kiser, 9 harvested his first buck last Saturday on Youth Day. He bagged the buck in the Newbern area using a .243 rifle. The son of Robbie and Laura Kiser of Pulaski, James wants to thank his friend Wyatt Tolbert for helping him out with his first kill. The Patriot • Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page B5 Titans of the Cage #25 set for PCHS Live MMA action returns to Jitsu skills inside the cage. Grace Pulaski County H.S. in Dublin on Crowder (12) vs. Emily Foore Saturday, October 13th. Doors (12), Emily Porter (5) vs. Riley will open at 5:00 P.M. and the Grubb (5), Sierra Llewellyn (9) fight card begins promptly at vs. Hunter Pennington (9) and Eli 6:00 P.M. The fights are being Holston (5) vs. Joey Larkin (5). sanctioned by the state of VA and The event is sponsored by and overseen by the United Combat will benefit the Pulaski County Arts sanctioning body and DPOR Special Olympics. Ring girl for of Richmond, VA. the event will be Tiffany Barr of Wytheville fighter "Razor" Abingdon. Advanced tickets are Robbie Ring makes his long available online at www.titan- awaited official MMA debut softhecage.com. Tickets can also when he faces veteran fighter be purchased from select fighters Josh Cook from Halifax fight or at the early weigh-ins event team. Robbie has been involved which will be held on Friday, in martial arts training since he October 12th at Italian Garden was 3 years old and has compiled Restaurant in Wytheville from a record of 7-0 in MMA expo 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. Tickets will bouts over the past 3 years. also be available at the door of Training out of Ring-Combat the event beginning at 5:00 P.M. Sports in Wytheville, Ring jug- on Saturday, October 13th. gles going to college at WCC, Titans of the Cage promotions, is along with a part time job and a family friendly event and we still trains six days per week in encourage the public to come out pursuit of his goal of fighting C.J. Burleson (left) will defend his cruiserweight title where he attended high school at Pulaski Co. and bring the entire family for a professionally. High School. great evening of entertainment. One of the headliners for the Don't miss any of the action and event will be C.J. Burleson of Stafford of Big Stone Gap and showdown. expo bouts will also be featured be sure to search for us on face- Pulaski who will face Chris Stevana Shouvley of Roanoke Still others line this explosive when local martial arts students book at Titans of the Cage to Hamlett of Blacksburg for the square off inside the cage. This fight card as Ron Vance of from Ring-Combat sports in keep up with all the MMA action, TOC cruiserweight champi- card is loaded with great bouts Absolute Jiu-Jitsu in Bristol, TN Wytheville showcase their Jiu- past, present and future. onship belt. Burleson trains out from top to bottom. Local fight- faces Will Holtzclaw out of the of Ring-Combat Sports in er, Danny Edwards tries to UFC gym in Norfolk, VA, Wytheville and was a standout remain undefeated as he takes on Jeremiah Wills (Greensboro, football player for the Pulaski Will Wilson of Roanoke, Dylan NC) faces Danny Stubbs Co. Cougars and will fight in the Smith of Lebanon faces Sean (Beckley, WV), Tango Rogers Co-Main event of the evening. Mitchell of South Hill in a light- (Princeton, WV) battles Josh The Main Event of the evening weight top contender bout, Tyler Cloud (Hillsville), Matthew will be Zion Tomlinson of Gilger of Beckley, WV faces Hairston (Greensboro) faces Roanoke facing current middle Jacob Coller of Greensboro, NC, Derick Wisser (Hamburg, PA) weight champ, Christian while Michael Warner of and Tanner Perry (Bristol, TN) Bradberry of Knoxville, TN (for- Princeton, WV and Antwon takes on William Hale merly of Wytheville) for the TOC Curtis of Roanoke slug it out in a (Roanoke). middleweight title. The popular youth grappling In other title bouts, the current TOC bantamweight champ, A.J. Sanchez out of Chicago, IL puts the belt on the line against veter- an fighter Ray Ray Holston of Ring-Combat sports in Wytheville. The vacant feather- weight belt will be on the line when Mike Sant, of Absolute Jiu- Jitsu in Bristol, TN does battle with Adam Zolot of Team Phoenix out of Greensboro, NC. In yet another title bout, it will be popular local fighter and veteran of nearly 20 fights inside the cage, Micah Sheffey facing Austin Cox of Elite Grappling in Lebanon for the vacant welter- weight title. Sheffey who trains out of Ring-Combat Sports in Wytheville is the former TOC lightweight champ and Caged Kombat Champion, but moves up a weight class for this oppor- tunity. Finally, Billy Byrd of Coeburn will challenge current flyweight champ, Logan Hurley of Ring-Combat Sports for the belt. The ladies will take front and center in this one, with Kristy Hughett captures another first Brayden Hughett, 10 and a 5th Grader at Critzer Elementary, competed last weekend in Mocksville, N.C. at the Davie County War Eagle Invitational Martial Arts Tournament. Brayden again brought home the gold with a first place in Sparring, a second place in Traditional Form and a third in Weapon Form. Brayden trains at Pyles Combat in Pulaski. PCHS Sports, Activities Schedule Monday 10/08/18 Middle School Football: Pulaski Co. @ Blacksburg 5:30 pm

Tuesday 10/09/18 Volleyball: Pulaski Co. @ Hidden Valley JV @ 5:30, Varsity to Follow Golf: Class 4 State Championship @ Williamsburg National Golf Club

Thursday 10/11/18 JV Football: Pulaski Co. @ Blacksburg 6 pm Middle School Football: Pulaski Co. @ Radford 5:30 pm Volleyball: Blacksburg @ Pulaski Co. JV @ 5:30, Varsity to Follow

Friday 10/12/18 Varsity Football: Blacksburg @ Pulaski Co. 7 pm **Rec. Night** Page B6 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018

FOR SALE: Miscellaneous Family. Mostly Level. McCraw Real Estate. Agent owned. Call Cemetery Plot in the Garden of 320-5141. STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS the Good Shepherd at Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin. YARD SALES: MISCELLANEOUS Asking $650. Call 320-9214 and if no answer leave a message. Yard Sale SAWMILLS from only Fri. Oct. 5, follow the signs $4397.00? MAKE & SAVE 3 piece luggage set, call 540- Jill St., Pulaski MONEY with your own band- 980-1788. mill? Cut lumber any dimension. Yard Sale In stock ready to ship! FREE Black Walnut kernels, $25 for 4 Fri. & Sat., Oct. 5-6. 8 a.m. - ? Info/DVD: lbs.; $10 for 1 ½ lbs., call 639- Pulaski Village, Memorial Dr., www.NorwoodSawmills.com 4160 please leave message. Pulaski 800 567-0404 Ext.300N Attorney (Facebook) 757-490- for R12 cylinders or cases of Table Model Radio with RCA Fall Yard/ Bake Sale - Trinity SERVICES 0126. Se Habla Español. BBB cans. (312) 291-9169; tubes, 70+ years old, call 980- United Methodist Church Member. www.refrigerantfinders.com 1788. Fri. & Sat., Oct. 5 -6, 9 a.m.- 5 DIVORCE-Uncontested, p.m. $395+$86 court cost. No court WANTED TO BUY OR The Patriot Seasoned wood, $72, Hay 4x4 528 5th St. S.E., Pulaski appearance. Estimated comple- TRADE round bales of hay, $20-$30, call Call 320-9072 or 320-3822 for tion time twenty-one days. 808-3949 639-0924. more information. Telephone inquiries welcome-no FREON R12 WANTED: CER- www.pcpatriot.com obligation. Hilton Oliver, TIFED BUYER will PAY CA$H SITUATION WANTED: FAIR HOUSING NOTICE: We are pledged to the letter and Estimate wanted from carpenter spirit of Virginia's policy for to replace porch on back of achieving equal housing oppor- Team Penske moving on house, call 540-980-5449. tunity throughout the Commonwealth. From NASCAR Will sit or live in with the elderly We encourage and support adver- Monday- Friday. Have years of tising and marketing programs in Brad Keselowski (Las Vegas), experience and referrals. Will which there are no barriers to Kyle Busch (Richmond) and travel to any location and will obtaining housing because of Ryan Blaney (Charlotte Road also work weekends, call 276- race, color, religion, national ori- Course) earned first round victo- 920-4177. gin, sex, elderliness, familial sta- ries and automatic bids to the 10518 tus or handicap. Round of 12 of the Monster For more information or to file a Energy NASCAR Cup Series FOR SALE: Real Estate housing complaint, call the Playoffs which begins Sunday in Virginia Housing Office at (804) the Gander Outdoors 400 at Five Lots for Sale, City of 367-8530; toll-free call (888) Dover International Raceway (2 Radford. You can build 2 551-3247. p.m. ET, NBCSN, MRN, Duplexes or 3 SF homes here. For hearing-impaired, call (804) SiriusXM NASCAR Radio). Town Water and Sewer 367-9753. E-mail fairhous- It was a huge statement for Next Race: Gander Outdoors 400 Available. Zoned R-4 Multi [email protected]. Team Penske, which boasts two The Place: Dover International Speedway first round winners in The Date: Sunday, October 7 Keselowski and Blaney and has The Time: 2 p.m. ET all three of its drivers - also TV: NBCSN, 1 p.m. ET including Joey Logano -advanc- Radio: MRN, SiriusXM NASCAR Radio ing to this next round of the Distance: 400 miles (400 Laps); Stage 1 (Ends on Lap Playoffs. 120), Of the three Penske drivers, Stage 2 (Ends on Lap 240), Final Stage (Ends on Lap 400) Keselowski is the only one with a victory (2012) at the one-mile Dover track and he still holds the this season, but finished sixth. to be especially challenging. track qualifying record with a lap The fourth race of the 10- The driver of the No. 22 Team of 164.444 mph set back in May, week Playoff has been especially Penske Ford has 10 top-10 fin- 2014. Keselowski, who enters successful for Logano, who has ishes in 19 starts at the "Monster this race ranked fourth as the won the fourth race twice - at Mile," but only three top-five standings re-set, has four top-10s Kansas in 2014 and at Charlotte showings. He was 13th in the in the last five Dover races and in 2015. But the switch in venue series' first stop here of 2018. His led 108 laps in the spring race to Dover this season may prove best showing at the track is third place (in 2010 and 2013) and he's only led four laps at the track in his career. Last week's winner Blaney has a record at Dover that is a bit up and down. He's still looking for his first top-five there but has two top-10s in five starts with an average finish of 21.8. He was eighth in the spring, tying his career best mark set in his first start there in 2016.

Leader At The Track It was a rough day for the championship leader Kyle Busch at Charlotte's Road Course on Sunday, crashing out with only six laps remaining and ending up with a 32nd-place finish. So, he's hoping to get back to that title mojo that has placed him firmly atop the points standings heading

See NASCAR, page B7



ALSO LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AT PULASKI COUNTY-PATRIOT The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page B7 Speedway, which is the third and buy into "driver rating," largely NASCAR final race in the Round of 12. because it doesn't take into Had plenty of success there too. account experience. But the 22- Continued from page B6 Talladega (next race after Dover) year-old Hendrick Motorsports is a wild card and we haven't had driver can take solace in a statis- to Dover. much luck there, so we need to tical analysis that shows he is one Busch is the defending Playoff make sure we shine at Dover and of the best at Dover. race winner at the Monster Mile Kansas to make the next round Elliott has four top-five finish- and his closest championship on our own and not worry about es in five races and averages a challenger, Kevin Harvick, won what other drivers are doing." fifth-place finish at the mile-long at the track in earlier this season. track in Delaware. He was third- In recent seasons, however, Larson Looking To Reset third-fifth and runner-up in his Busch has proven himself espe- After impressively driving his first four starts at the track and cially adept in the fall race here, hobbled No. 42 Chip Ganassi then finished 12th this spring. He scoring runner-up finishes in Racing Chevrolet to a 25th-place led three times for 138 laps and 2015 and 2016 before his win finish that earned him a berth in was passed by Kyle Busch for last October. Ten of his 16 top- the next round of the Playoffs in the win with two laps remaining 10s at the track have come in the Sunday's road course race at in this race last year. Playoffs. He's led 1,188 laps in Charlotte Motor Speedway, Kyle The driver of the No. 9 his career at the track - second Larson is ready to reset at one of Hendrick Motorsports Chevrolet only to 11-time winner Johnson's his best tracks, Dover. will start the second round of the record 3,105 laps out front. Five He won the pole position there Playoffs ranked ninth. He fin- times he's led at least 100 laps. in May and finished 10th. He ished sixth at the Charlotte Road Perhaps more amazingly, he led was runner-up in both the 2016 Course last weekend and has top- 302 of the 400 laps in the 2012 and 2017 spring races at the 10s in eight of the last 10 races, fall race here and finished sev- "Monster Mile" - leading a race including his first career Monster enth. best 241 laps in 2017 but finish- Energy Series victory at Watkins ing second to Kyle Busch. He's Glen in August. Harvick's Not Afraid Of Chris Graythen/Getty Images led 463 laps in the last five Dover Miles The Monster Ryan Blaney, driver of the #12 Menards/Pennzoil Ford, celebrates races. With seven victories this sea- in victory lane by placing the Winner's sticker on his car after A win can't come soon enough son and two wins overall at winning the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Bank of for Larson, who has a Monster Dover - including earlier this America Roval 400 at Charlotte Motor Speedway on September Energy Series-best six runner-up year - Kevin Harvick no doubt 30, 2018 in Charlotte, North Carolina. finishes in 2018 but is still look- arrives at the challenging one- ing for Victory Lane. miler feeling optimistic. He has career-high 28 top 10s set in his Truex Jr. has long considered 808-3949 16 top 10s in 35 starts at the track 2015 championship runner-up Dover International Raceway a The Chase Is On and has earned his victories in season. home track and certainly his per- Chase Elliott is never one to [email protected] the last six races. He led 355 of "I think as you look at Dover, formances there indicate a good 400 laps in winning this race in if you look at our history, when I relationship. 2015 - the most dominant show- was at RCR (Richard Childress The reigning Cup champion ing at Dover in more than a Racing), it was probably one of was fourth in the June race and decade. our worst racetracks,'' Harvick fourth there in this race last year Three times the driver of the said. "It's been one of our best after winning the Busch Pole No. 4 Stewart-Haas Racing Ford since I came to SHR in 2014. For position. He has eight top-10 fin- has led at least 200 laps, includ- me, the thing I love about Dover ishes in his last nine starts (with ing this spring when he led 201 is just the fact it's hammer down the outlier being an 11th-place laps en route to what was his and you're up on top of the wheel finish), including top-five finish- fourth win of the year at that for 400 laps there. … It's fast. es in his last four races here - point. "You can just be aggressive highlighted by a win in the 2016 Harvick starts the second with the car and you have to get Playoff race. He's led 518 laps in round of the Playoffs trailing in there and wrestle that thing all the last seven Dover races. Kyle Busch by five points and day because it's bumpy, slings "No question Dover has been leading third-place Martin Truex you up out of the corners, dumps a good track for us," said Truex, Jr. by 12-points. His ninth-place you down in the corners, and who drives the No. 78 Furniture finish at Charlotte last weekend there's just a lot going on. The car Row Racing Toyota. "I really feel earned him a series-best 24th is bouncing around a lot and, comfortable driving there. It's top-10 finish on the year - and with as rough as the cars have been one of my favorite tracks." with seven races remaining puts been just as the ride goes, we are "Though we enter Dover with him well within reach of his in for a rough ride when we get a modest cushion of Playoff to Dover this weekend. It's one of bonus points, we are very well Fireball Charity my favorite racetracks to go and aware that those points can evap- race on." orate in a hurry. We need to Golf Challenge remain consistent with solid fin- Home Sweet Home For ishes and try to get as many stage on tap Sunday Martin Truex Jr. points as possible. New Jersey native Martin "We also like Kansas The 1st Annual Fireball Charity Golf Challenge, origi- nally scheduled for September 29, 2018, has been rescheduled for Sunday, October 7, 2018, due to flooding. The Captains Choice tournament will begin with lunch at noon and a shot- gun start at 1 p.m. Cost is $70 per player for a four-player team and includes lunch, greens fees, and golf cart. Prizes will be $500 for the first place team, $280 for second place, and $200 for third place. Mulligans and red tees will be available. Door prizes will be awarded and a hole-in-one prize of $5000 is available. All proceeds will benefit the volunteer Fire Departments of Pulaski County. For more information or to register a team, contact Thorn Spring Golf Club at 540.980.5851, or Diane Lawson at 540.750.5656.



ALSO LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AT PULASKI COUNTY-PATRIOT Page B8 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 Mortgage disability insurance? Dear Dave, If someone is following your plan, is it a good idea to get mortgage disability insurance during Baby Step 2? Craig Dear Craig, No, it is not. Mortgage disabil- ity insurance is a gimmick, and I would never recommend it to anyone. I think I know where you're the $15,000 price range? going with this. During Baby Brett Step 1, I encourage people to Dear Brett, save up and set aside a beginner Let's see, if you wrote a emergency fund of $1,000. Baby $15,000 check for a newer car Step 2 is where you start paying and wrote a $15,000 check for off all your debts, except for the student loans, it would leave your home, using the debt snow- you with $10,000. I wouldn't buy ball system. A thousand dollars a $15,000 car in your situation. may not seem like a lot in sav- I'd buy a $10,000 car. You could ings during that time, but in the probably sell the old one for beginning it's an attainable around $3,000 if it needs repairs, amount to save. Plus, it's more combine that with your money Photo courtesy of PCHS than a lot of people have when and get a $13,000 car. Then, you they make the decision to get out could write a check and pay off Most Valuable Cougar Nominees Named of debt and gain control of their the student loan debt. finances. Then, after finishing With no car payment, no stu- This year’s Most Valuable Cougar nominees were named during Thursday’s Investments in Learning Baby Step 2 you move directly dent loan payment, and a good assembly at Pulaski County High School. The nominees are: Breanna Lytton, Riley Jarrells, Noah O'Dell, in Baby Step 3 - fully-funding car, you can really lean into your Grace Boone and Hayden Alls. The students are pictured here with Principal Mike Grim. your emergency fund with three budget and saving money. You'd to six months of expenses. have no debt except your home, What I would recommend is and you could rebuild your sav- Library Friends to host having long-term disability ings in a hurry. You'd be in really insurance in place. It's fairly good financial shape in about six inexpensive, especially if you months. Plus, you'd have $15,000 get it through your employer. in the bank in the meantime! annual membership dinner -Dave -Dave Dear Dave, * Dave Ramsey is CEO of The Friends of the Pulaski teachers at RU. She began her sions will be presented for I'm driving a 12-year-old car Ramsey Solutions. He has County Library Board of teaching career in Pulaski approval. with 210,000 miles on it. The car authored seven best-selling Directors will host their annual County Public Schools, teaching Reservations for attendance at needs close to $2,000 in repairs, books, including The Total membership dinner meeting on 8th grade Language Arts at the Annual Membership Dinner and it's worth $5,000. I have Money Makeover. The Dave Tuesday, October 16th starting at Dublin Middle School for 14 can be made by either calling $40,000 in cash saved, $40,000 Ramsey Show is heard by more 6 p.m. years. Vice President Buddy Johnston in investments, and I make than 14 million listeners each The dinner will be held in the A lover of history, she has at 540-320-1128 or by emailing $80,000 a year. I also have week on 600 radio stations and Historic Pulaski Train Station worked with the Wilderness at [email protected]. $15,000 in student loan debt, but multiple digital platforms. and will feature a meal catered by Road Regional Museum for the Reservations are required by the only other thing I owe on is Follow Dave on the web at dav- Lindy Mann (Lindy's Good past 8 years. She serves on the Friday, October 12th. my house. Should I pay to repair eramsey.com and on Twitter at Foods). Board and works with volun- Interested area residents are the car, or buy something else in @DaveRamsey. The program for this important teers, who keep the door open. encouraged to join the Friends meeting of the Friends will be She serves on the Pulaski and share in their many activities, presented by Dr. Carolyn L. County's American Evolution including their monthly books Matthews, Professor of English Steering Committee and attended sales in downtown Pulaski. Radford’s Glencoe at Radford University. Her pro- the American Evolution Summit Membership applications are gram is entitled "Pulaski County this spring in Richmond. available in either of the two pub- Celebrates American Evolution In addition, during the annual lic county libraries. Residents Museum to 2019." meeting the 2019 proposed budg- may bring their applications and Dr. Matthews is a Pulaski et will be presented for approval membership dues to the annual County native and currently by FOL Treasurer Elinor Farmer. meeting. Folks joining the teaches classes for pre-service One or more FOL By-law revi- Friends in October will have celebrate 20 years their dues paid for the 2019 year. Please plan to join the Board of Glencoe Mansion, Museum casing their goods and services. Directors in this important and and Gallery in Radford will be Activities will take place on informative annual dinner meet- marking its 20th Anniversary on the grounds of the Glencoe ing of the members. A special October 13, 2018. The milestone Mansion at 600 Unruh Dr. in thanks to all those area residents will be celebrated with a day of Radford, and presentations will who contributed to our very suc- activities, food, the debut of the be at the Radford Public Safety cessful August book drive. "1890s Dinner Party" history Building, 10 Robertson St., adja- exhibit and a new art gallery cent to the Glencoe grounds. show. Highlighting the event will Museum Director Scott be three presentations that help Gardner explained that the muse- place the history of the Glencoe um came into existence because Mansion and of the Radford area of the donation of the historic into the sweeping story of the Wharton home (known as Civil War and the post-war peri- Glencoe) to the City of Radford od. by Kollmorgen Corporation. 808-3949 In addition, crafters and arti- Since the building was restored sans will be demonstrating, and in 1998, the museum has grown [email protected] local businesses will be show- to include displays of area his- toric and cultural importance. "This 20th Anniversary Celebration is intended to re- connect the community with the museum, and to put our local his- tory into a broader context," Gardner said. Part of this broader context has been provided by a remarkable collection of Wharton family documents, saved for posterity by Frits and Sally Wharton van Solkema. Their daughter Sue Bell has brought these docu- ments to light, uncovering new details about the history of the mansion, the Radford area and the Civil War. As part of the day's activities, historian William C. Davis will highlight information from this collection, telling the story of the Civil War courtship of Gen. Gabriel C. Wharton and his wife Nannie. For a schedule of events, or more information about the Wharton Papers, please contact Scott Gardner: [email protected] or 540-731-5031.

808-3949 www.pcpatriot.com The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page B9

FYI Church would like to invite the Dublin. community to our Fall Craft's Dublin Town offices to be Fair on Friday and Saturday, Narcotics Anonymous closed Monday - Garbage col- October 19 - 20. We will have The NA group HOW meets each lection day schedule pumpkin painting, wood craft- Sunday 6 p.m. at the Christ Dublin Town Offices will be ing, bow making, crocheting and Episcopal Church located at 144 closed Monday, October 8, 2018 other crafts. Vendors are wel- Washington Ave., in Pulaski. in observance of Columbus Day. come and may contact us at The meeting is open to every- Garbage scheduled for Monday, 540-505-4079- leave your name one. October 8 will be picked up on and phone number. The cost of Tuesday, October 9 along with table or space rental is $35 for The county-wide service day, "Go Pulaski County," N.A. Principles before Tuesday's regular pick-up. both days, and for only one day Personalities is $25.00. Lunch plates will be that was scheduled for Saturday, September 15 has N.A. Principles before Large Item Drop Site and available and also hot dogs and been postponed. The new date is Saturday, October Personalities meets Thursday at Recycling Centers new operat- drinks. There will also be a bake 20. 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday at 6 ing hours sale including freshly made fried p.m. at the First Presbyterian apple pies. Come join the fun on Church Annex located at 4th and Effective November 5, the Large located at 7318 Mann Drive, Funeral Home. Everyone wel- Item Drop Site and Recycling Friday, October 19, from 10 am Jefferson St., Pulaski, Va. For to 2 pm, and on Saturday, Fairlawn, Va. Rev. Richard A. come! more information, go to Centers will be operating on Goodman, Sr. is pastor of First Standard Saving Time Hours. October 20 from 9 a.m. to 2 www.newrivervalleyna.org p.m. We are located at 409 Missionary Baptist. Pulaski Old Time Jamboree Pulaski - Dora Highway: A Bluegrass Jam session for Monday-Friday 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Church Street in Dublin. AA: On-going community players of all ages is held every Alcoholics Anonymous meet Dublin - Bagging Plant Rd: Thursday evening 6 p.m. - 8 Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. October 20 based activities and Monday at 8 p.m. (closed meet- p.m. at the Pulaski Senior ing); Wednesday (noon); and Fairlawn - Mason Street: needs: Center. Join the jam by playing Monday-Friday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Newbern Community Thursday at 8 p.m. (open meet- Christian Church to present an instrument or singing or just ings) at Pulaski Presbyterian All three locations are open Ratcliffe Transportation come by and enjoy the music. Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fall Vendor Fair Museum is in need of volun- Church of America across from Calling all vendors, Newbern Call Dee Dean at 540-392-3555 Magic Mart. For more informa- teers for more information. The center Pulaski WOTM to host Community Christian Church Please call Ernie or Ron at 540- tion call 980-5233. presents Fall Vendor Fair, is located across the street from monthly BINGO 980-2307 for more information, the post office. Pulaski Women of the Moose Saturday, Oct. 20, 9 a.m. - 3 please leave a message if no one Al-Anon - Pulaski: p.m. come be a part of a Pulaski Al-Anon Family Group will host quarter BINGO every answers. Cowboy Church new ministry 2nd Saturday of the month from fundraiser event for the AICM (a support group for friends and 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come out and mission team. Set up time is Pulaski Flea Market opens families of alcoholics) meet 8:15 a.m., doors open at 9 a.m. On the third and fourth week of every Monday night at 8 p.m. at play some quarter BINGO with Pulaski Flea Market is now each month Cowboy Church your Women fo the Moose. $10 Cost is $10 for 1/2 table and $20 open. The market is held every the Pulaski Presbyterian Church for a full. Please contact Sheila offers food bags to the elderly of America across from Magic Buy In: You play unlimited Saturday (8 a.m. - 2 p.m.) and shut -ins. On these weeks, amount of cards. Faith, Hope, Van Dyk 540-320-0902. Lunch through October, 2018 . The Mart. Contact number: 540-980- for donation will be offered. All interested participants may come 5233. Charity is what we stand for. Flea Market is held on by the church at 12 noon for Awesome door prizes, FREE for AICM mission team. Commerce St., across from the pick up if able. Delivery is If you would like to publicize coffee, WOTM donation Train Station in Pulaski. available if necessary. Call Mike updates, pull tabs, raffles & Moosette Fall Festival - community activities (FREE of Pulaski Women of the Moose and Pat Thompson at 540-577- charge) please contact us by much more. Next event Oct. 13. Group sets aside day each 4923. Cowboy Church is locat- Crafts Galore! Still thinking month to pray for County email: [email protected] or about the piece of art/gift you ed at 520 E. Main St., Pulaski drop by The Patriot newspa- October 4 A group of citizens of Pulaski (across from Downtown Exxon). wished you'd bought at the last County has set aside the 15th of per office at 138 N. Jefferson American Legion, HHC Post craft/vendor fair. There's still each month to fast and pray for Ave., Pulaski or call 540-808- hope! Join the Women of the Pulaski Daily Bread in need of to meet the county. The group asks that volunteers The American Legion, Harvey- Moose celebrating and support- citizens who are of a like mind Howe-Carper Post 30 will meet ing local vendors at this premier please join them in their effort. The Patriot event. Shop one of a kind, finely Daily Bread is in need of servers on Thursday, October 4, 7 p.m. on several different days, so if 808-3949 at the Post Home on 27 West crafted artwork, various shop- Feeding America ping vendors, hands on activities you can spare a few hours a www.pcpatriot.com Main St. in Radford. All veter- week you may contact Debbi ans, men and women, are invit- in the Kid's Tent, yummy food, Distribution of fresh produce and some exciting raffles. On Harrell (Director) at 980-2131 3949. ed to attend. For further infor- and baked goods at New Life between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - mation, please call 250-2283 or Saturday, Oct. 20, 8:30 a.m. - Church of the Nazarene each 4:30 p.m. Women of the Moose 12:30 p.m. Monday through 239-9864. Saturday from 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 Friday. will be hosting this fun and p.m. (no charge) on a first- October 6 informative event. Vendor come-first-served basis. The spaces are available. There will Celebrate Recovery Support church is located 45 S. Jefferson group at VHM VFW Auxiliary to host be FREE Safe Surfin Child Ave., Pulaski. Identification, FREE Fabulous BINGO Valley Harvest Ministries in VFW Auxiliary 1184 will host Door Prizes. For inquiries con- Adult Day Care and Fall tact Gwenn Akers 540-577-0035 Dublin is now sponsoring a sup- 25 cent BINGO Saturday, Oct. Prevention Center hosts port group for people who are 6, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Refreshments or Sally Dennis 540-449-8682. monthly BINGO The lodge is located at 4500 working through hurts, habits will be served. Everyone is and hang- ups. The group meets invited to play The Post Home is McAdam Crossing, Pulaski, Adult Day Service and Fall 540-980-2991 each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. located on the corner of Dora Prevention Center hosts BINGO Food will be served at 6:30 p.m. Highway and Washington Ave., October 27 on the 4th Saturday of each followed at 7 p.m. with a large Pulaski. month from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at group meeting and then every- the Ruritan building on 4th and one will divide into smaller October 9 Draper Valley Pentecostal Jefferson St in Pulaski. The Holiness Church to have Fall groups at 8 p.m. The church is building is located near Seagles located at 1 Harvest Place in Sons of Confederate Vets, Festival Stuart Horse Artillery Camp Draper Valley PHC will have a to meet Fall Festival! Saturday, October The Sons of Confederate 27, 2018 Veterans, Stuart Horse Artillery 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Currently look- Camp 1784 will meet on ing for vendors (crafts, jewelry, Tuesday, October 9, 7 p.m. at cosmetics, etc) Ray's Restaurant on Rt. 221, Tables are $10. To reserve a north of Floyd. Members of the table call: 540-994-5942.Take UDC (United Daughters of the Exit 86 off Interstate 81 South to Confederacy) are also invited to church. attend. For further information, Please Call 1-216-8401 or 239- October 28 9864. First Missionary Baptist October 15 Church to celebrate anniver- sary and homecoming Robinson Tract Community First Missionary Baptist Church Club to meet of New River will celebrate The Robinson Tract Community their 146th Church Anniversary Club will meet Oct. 15, 7 p.m. and Homecoming on Sunday, at the Community Center. October 28, 3 p.m. Guest minis- ter for this special celebration October 19 will be Rev. Clay Dawson, Pastor of Macedonia Baptist First Dublin Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, Va. The Church to host Fall Craft's Macedonia Choir and congrega- Fair tion will provide special music First Dublin Presbyterian for the celebration The church is Page B10 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 - Page B11

Like Us At Pulaski County-Patriot Page B12 - The Patriot - Friday, October 5, 2018 Fire Prevention Week highlighted by annual parade As Fire Prevention Week people are at greatest risk to fire. approaches, the Pulaski Fire Working in the fire service for Department encourages resi- many years, we know that peo- dents to "Look. Listen. Learn." ple often make choices in fire sit- Today's home fires burn faster uations that jeopardize their safe- than ever. In a typical home fire, ty or even cost them their lives. you may have as little as one to We are dedicated to teaching two minutes to escape safely people about the potentially life- from the time the smoke alarm saving difference that escape sounds. Knowing how to use that planning and practice can make." time wisely takes planning and Listen. Learn. This campaign practice. highlights three steps people can This year the theme is; "Look. take to help quickly and safely Listen. Learn. Be aware. Fire can escape a fire: happen anywhere™," which • Look for places fire could works to educate the public start. Fire Prevention Celebration At about basic but essential ways to • Listen for the sound of the quickly and safely escape a smoke alarm. home fire. • Learn 2 ways out of every The Ratcliffe Thursday Oct.11 NFPA (National Fire room. Help the Ratcliffe Memorial Transportation Museum celebrate fire Prevention Week Thursday Oct. 11 Protection Association) statistics "Situational awareness is a from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Main Gallery of the museum. The 1917 LaFrance fire truck will be prominently show that the number of U.S. skill people need to use wherev- displayed and available for picture opportunities and up close inspection. It is celebrating its centennial in home fires has been steadily er they go," said Garwood. "No Pulaski after arriving in September of 1918. Also on display are artifacts from the local fire departments declining over the past few matter where you are, look for and the early 1900's fire truck restored by the Hudson family. Friends of the Ratcliffe will be serving decades. However, the death rate available exits. If the alarm sys- desserts prepared by Lindy's Good Foods during this time. Enjoy bluegrass music provided by musicians per 1000 home fires that are tem sounds, take it seriously and from the Thursday night Pulaski Bluegrass Jam. The "Ratcliffe' can be contacted at 540-980-2307 for reported to fire departments was exit the building immediately." more information. 10 percent higher in 2016 than in The Pulaski Fire Department 1980. is hosting a series of events in According to Fire Marshal support of this year's Fire Todd Garwood; "These numbers Prevention Week campaign, The Patriot - 808-3949 show that while we've made sig- "Look. Listen. Learn." including nificant progress in teaching the annual Pulaski Fire [email protected] people how to prevent fires from Prevention Parade. The parade is happening, there's still much October 11th and starts at 7:00 more work to do in terms of edu- pm and runs the same way as last cating the public about how to year. For more information protect themselves in the event regarding the parade, call Chief of one. Did you know that four Kiser at (540) 994-8662 out of five U.S. fire deaths occur For more information about at home?" Fire Prevention and home escape Fire Chief Robbie Kiser adds; planning, call the Pulaski Fire "that people feel safest in their Marshal Garwood at (540) 994- home, but it is also the place 8664.


The date is set for Friends of Peak Creek Fall Clean-up event! Friends of Peak Creek Fall Clean-up will take place Saturday October 20th 10:00 A.M - 1:00 P.M. Volunteers are asked to meet at the Town Parking lot, 31 First Street NE behind the Dalton Building, at 10:00 A.M. for a short safety briefing and team assignments. Trash bags, gloves, vests and any necessary tools and drinking water will be pro- vided. FOPC asks that volunteers wear long pants, long sleeved shirts and closed toed shoes. Volunteers will not be getting into the creek. A light lunch will be provided following the cleanup. See you there! NRV video a big hit Onward New River Valley miss it every day!!" released a video to aid in the cul- • "Ok so looks like I'm moving tivation of the regional brand at there" the organization's annual dinner Thursday, Sept. 20. The video • "Makes me feel homesick. organically hit 1,000 shares and Excellent representation in the over 56,000 views in about one video. Job well done" week on Facebook alone. It also The video, which was made reached over 128,000 people. with Nightfire Productions, is The social response to the resonating with people who love video is overwhelmingly posi- the New River Valley and reach- tive. Some of the comments on ing those who may be hearing the Virginia's New River Valley about it for the first time.Footage Facebook post include: in the video includes businesses, • "Don't come here to change towns, scenic hot spots, and local this place… come here to let this favorites around the region. The place change you!!" full list of locations is posted on • "Best place I ever lived! I the video webpage.

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