Welcome jumper to the world of Naruto! This is a world of , shinobi and sometimes mountain sized samurai! I’m sure you will like it, at least for 10 years you will spend here.

Please take this 1000 CP, I’m sure you will need it.

Age and Gender

You will be your original gender and you need to roll 1d10+10 or pay 50 cp to choose one or 100 cp to choose both.


You get proper identification in case of Orphan or Shinobi.

Orphan - You start as an orphan being taken care of in an orphanage. Roll 1d10+5 for age instead.

Shinobi - You are a shinobi of a hidden village or a missing nin, you get a free forehead protector.

Bijuu Variable CP - You change places with one of the canon bijuu. I hope you can deal with seals and sitting inside a prison for a long time. Bijuu cannot become jinchuuriki themselves.

400 CP One Tail - Shukaku

450 CP Two Tails - Matatabi

500 CP Three Tails - Isobu

550 CP Four Tails - Son Goku

600 CP Five Tails - Kokuo

650 CP Six Tails - Saiken

700 CP Seven Tails - Chomei

750 CP Eight Tails - Gyuki

800 CP Nine Tails - Kurama - In case of Kurama you only become either the Yin or Yang version. As Yin you are free instead of sealed inside of Minato while as Yang you are inside of Naruto. After the jump you get full power… or you can do something to combine you to get full power before the jump ends. The version you didn’t choose is Kurama.


Roll 1d6 for your starting location or pay 100 CP to choose.

1.Konohagakure - Hidden Leaf Village ruled by Hokage and home to

2.Iwagakure - Hidden Stone Village ruled by Tsuchikage

3.Kirigakure - Hidden Mist Village ruled by Mizukage

4.Kumogakure - Hidden Cloud Village ruled by Raikage

5.Sunagakure - Hidden Sand Village ruled by Kazekage

6.Free Choice - Choose among the five above..


100 CP perks when discounted are free.


200 CP+ Jinchuuriki - You become jinchuuriki of the respective bijuu, you need to work it out with them to become true partners, just like Naruto or Killer B. Choose the bijuu and pay half the cost rounded up to 50. If you do not want to replace the jinchuuriki, whether for the sake of story or other plans. You can choose to get half of the tailed beasts, similar to how Kurama is split into two. You will get a yin version of the beast who will be quite a bit more hostile than normal yang one. After the jump you get full bijuu, hopefully by this time, you have become friends. You cannot become Juubi jinchuuriki as he isn’t present.

200 CP Big Chakra Reserve - You were born lucky, you have chakra reserves equivalent to roughly four times an average jonin… as a mere genin. It can grow even more so with training. This perk can be taken several times and its effects stack, see notes for details.


100 CP Academy Training - As you came of age you attended your village academy. You have a good grasp of the basic three, can throw a kunai with some accuracy and have know-how in regards to taijutsu.

200 CP Will of the broken - Your sad past has made you more powerful, not in a physical sense but a mental one. You have already lost much, so giving it your all is a matter of course for you. No mere problem shall make you lose your will to fight for what you seek. This is a willpower boosting perk.

200 CP Believe it! - You have a way with words, perhaps it’s your peculiar act, or looks? People are more willing to accept and believe in what you say or try to do as long as you truly believe it.

300 CP It’s good to have friends - Being an orphan isn’t a life that can be called easy. You have overcome it with your personality. It is far easier for you to make friends, even to those who dislike you for some reason.

400 CP Ramen Lord - A hero shouldn’t fight with their stomach empty, now as long as you are full or your favorite eating place is in danger, you can be sure to give it even more than you ever could. Fighting a chunin as a genin? They must’ve missed breakfast. A jonin attacking you? They probably underestimate your appetite, as long as the enemy isn’t overwhelming, you can at least come out alive out of the encounter, whether it’s by enemy losing interest or becoming hungry. Keep in mind this doesn’t work if the enemy is completely bent on killing you. This is plot armor perk.


100 CP first, then undiscounted Nature Transformation - You have exceptional affinity in nature transformation of your choice. Train it and you will become really strong!

200 CP Clan Member - You belong to a canon clan and can awaken their bloodline with ease.

200 CP Missing Nin - You left your village, perhaps you are really strong? No? At least you are good at hiding and removing your tracks, it is really hard to find or capture you if you are unwilling.

300 CP Puppeteer - You are a pretty good puppeteer! Kankuro could learn from you and with some training and tinkering you could become as powerful as Sasori was.

300 CP Hand Seals Specialist - You are really good at doing hand seals. You can do it very quickly with two hands or with normal speed with one hand only! Very good if you want to use your other hand for something else.

400 CP Senjutsu User - You learned sage arts from toads who reside at Mount Myoboku and have mastered it to a degree Naruto did. This also protects you from ever absorbing too much natural energy, no worries about turning into stone!

600 CP Genjutsu ain’t got a hold on me - Seems that you don’t like them so much that genjutsu barely even affects you. Normal genjutsu ain’t got hold on you, really powerful ones like tsukuyomi find it hard and you will quickly overcome them. Infinite Tsukuyomi or Kotoamatsukami are your nemesis… at least for some time. You are guaranteed to escape the first one before you become a white zetsu and the other one within a few days at most, the latter one orders being able to be partially refused if they go against something truly precious to you like killing someone you love, long enough for them to escape. Sword of Totsuka eternal genjutsu is child play compared to the ones mentioned earlier and useless against you. The last thing it protects against is Izanami, this hateful technique can only be escaped by acknowledging one mistakes, and for some reason you inherently understand it and thus can eventually leave it, a few days later at most but more likely a few hours.

600 CP Fuinjutsu Specialist - A rare stuff right? Not many are capable of doing this, but you somehow can. Starting from storage seals, to exploding seals and ending up with sealing ten tails should you work for it.

600 CP The Eight Inner Gates - You have mastered the use of eight inner gates, none sort of a genius could do. Each gate from 1 to 8 increases your physical power to new heights. With the 7th one making you as powerful as an S ranked ninja and 8th one easily making you as powerful as the strongest of kage, if only for a moment. This technique is very dangerous and injures users. Using the 7th gate too much will leave you with broken bones if you push it too long. Activating 8th gate would leave you dead after a few seconds, but as you pay for it. You can use the 8th gate once per jump without dying.


100 CP Possession - You are really good at manipulating people, especially jinchuuriki. Striking where it hurts and taking advantage of it. Then when they are at their weakest, you strike! Possessing people is easier, making them release the seal is a bit easier.

300 CP Bijuu-dama is my thing(Bijuu only perk, pretty much all bijuu can do it with training) - Every bijuu can make a bijuu-dama, you are very good at making them really, charging them up, shooting them like a submachine gun or perhaps making a laser beam out of them? Anyone who fights you will really have a bad time if they expect you to just use a normal one.

400 CP Avatar - That’s some high level ability you got! Even as a jinchuuriki you manage to release part of your power, and should the seal be released and you choose to stay inside your jinchuuriki, you will be capable of releasing all of it(save for Kurama). Just like how Kurama can do it in the ‘Last’ movie. As a non Bijuu this allows you to use a bit of your power if you are sealed. This can allow you to put someone into genjutsu if a person is nearby, or call for help, or after a long time break the seal.

400 CP Seals? Don’t you dare! - You hate them, you detest them, and it somehow works. Nasty people will have a really hard time imprisoning you inside of a vessel, watch out for true masters of fuinjutsu though. As a non Bijuu it works too if you are sealed. Outside of jump this works on other means of imprisoning you.

600 CP Shackles broken(Bijuu only perk) - There comes a time in life when either you or someone else is so angry, they snap! Should something truly big happen in your presence, or something to your host. You can unshackle yourself and release yourself by force. Just like when Hinata was attacked by Pain and Kurama released 9 tails while Naruto was a second away from opening the cage. You won’t have a certain hokage interfering though. As long as you or your host rage is overwhelming, you will swiftly release your tails and when the last is released, you can overpower your seal and break out. Outside of jumps this works in a similar way to other prisons.

Kekkei Genkai/Kekkei Mora

Clan Members get two discounted Kekkei Genkai here or 1 dojutsu.

Unique Nature Transformation:

200 CP Boil Release - Combines and requires Fire and Water nature transformation.

200 CP Explosion Release - Combines and requires Earth and Lightning nature transformation.

200 CP Ice Release - Combines and requires Wind and Water nature transformation.

200 CP Lava Release - Combines and requires Fire and Earth nature transformation.

200 CP Magnet Release - Combines and requires Wind and Earth nature transformation.

200 CP Scorch Release - Combines and requires Fire and Wind nature transformation.

200 CP Steel Release - Combines and requires Fire and Water nature transformation.

200 CP Storm Release - Combines and requires Lightning and Water nature transformation.

200 CP Typhoon Release - Advanced form of Wind nature transformation.

200 CP Mud Release - Combines and requires Earth and Water nature transformation.

300 CP Swift Release - Combines multiple nature transformations to gain incredible speed, making users seem like a blur.

400 CP Dark Release - Combines multiple nature transformations and allows absorption, manipulation and release of chakra.

500 CP Dust Release - Combines Earth, Wind and Fire nature transformation to atomize enemies and objects.

600 CP Wood Release - Combines and requires Earth and Water nature transformation.


300 CP Byakugan - Degraded dojutsu of the Otsutsuki Clan, it allows the user to see in 360º field of vision with a small blindspot at the back of the neck. Its vision allows it to penetrate objects. It allows it to see at great ranges, varying from 50 to 800 meters and more with training. Chakra can be seen with greater degree than sharingan can in addition to chakra pathways and 361 tenketsu.

500 CP Undiscounted Tenseigan - This dojutsu appears when an Otsutsuki is implanted with Hyuga Byakugan, and thus requires you to buy Byakugan first. Since you pay CP I will wave the requirement of being an Otsutsuki and you won’t have your Tenseigan disappearing if you are defeated just like Toneri.

This dojutsu has several useful powers, first one is the ability to manipulate gravity, which allows one to fly, do attacks similar to Rinnegan Deva Path or animate a big golem.

Next one is creating an amazingly long and powerful chakra sword beam that is capable of cutting a hollow moon in half by infusing a truth seeking ball with an amazing amount of chakra..

Third one is creating a green orb that absorbs enemy chakra then creating a big explosion.

Fourth one is Chakra Mode which cloaks user in cyan colored chakra cloak increasing their power greatly, it grants user 10 truth seeking balls that are regenerated in a day if destroyed, that can also be covered in chakra to empower them even more so, it also allows one to use the balls to use green orbs and typhoon attack through them.

Last is creating a typhoon by grabbing a chakra cloaked truth seeking ball and releasing it with great force.

300 CP Sharingan - Red eye of the Uchiha clan. It has two broad abilities and three tomoes signifying level of evolution.

First ability is Eye of Insight which allows one to see chakra, read lip movement, copying techniques and amazing perception and eyesight.

Second ability is Eye of Hypnotism which allows users to put other people under genjutsu by merely having them look into your eyes. The user can also sort of predict movement and intents of the enemy, thus being capable of defending before the enemy even completed their attack.

300 CP Undiscounted Mangekyou Sharingan - This one is an eternal one since you pay CP. A mangekyou sharingan is an evolved version of normal sharingan that happens after a user experiences great pain, such as seeing their family member die right in front of them. It has several powers. You can choose one belonging to other sharingan users aside from free Susanoo and Izanagi/Izanami.

First that is available to all users is Susanoo, a chakra construct that protects the user and can fight in their stead if needed. Starts small as mere bones protecting the user, to a skeleton above them ultimately ending as a mountain sized complete form, armored like a samurai. You can choose what kind of weapon it possesses, examples include sword and shield, two swords, a bow.

Izanami allows one to place someone under a looping genjutsu that either happens until they die or acknowledge their wrong doings. This technique sacrifices the eye which casts the genjutsu until the end of the jump. After the jump it can be used once per jump without losing eyesight.

Izanagi allows one to make an illusion into reality and thus make it so injuries, death and inconvenient effects. It will sacrifice one eye for 10 seconds of Izanagi. The time limit is due to Uchiha only having half of Sage of Six Paths chakra, if by chance the user acquired Wood Release which is the same here as being of senju bloodline, this will allow to increase the duration to 1 minute. The power can also be set so it activates on its own when some event happens, like death. After jump it is a 1 up that can save you once every 10 years without eyesight loss.

Amaterasu belongs to Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha which is a flame that burns 7 days and nights and cannot be extinguished by anything but another amatarasu user.

Kamui which belongs to Kakashi and , a space time power that allows users to teleport, become intangible and travel to other dimensions, one which comes as a free package, it is full of cubes you can stand on and has air to breathe..

Kotoamatsukami - The ultimate single target genjutsu, allows to perfectly and effortlessly manipulate almost anyone without their knowledge of it happening. It can only be used once every ten years per eye but almost none can break or resist it. Wood Release and thus power of Senju allows one to decrease the amount of time it needs to cool down between each use.

Tsukuyomi - One of most powerful genjutsu, allows the user to trap the victim in a world where time flows as the user wishes, days worth of time within seconds in reality at its full potential. It can be resisted by other users of mangekyo sharingan or very skilled users of normal sharingan.

Object Manipulation - A power of Shin Uchiha that allows one to manipulate objects telekinetically after placing a mark on them, at first only able to manipulate small items, later on body sized objects, in time it could in theory manipulate objects nearly the size of boulders that used against Naruto.

200 CP Undiscounted Rinnegan - It's a combination of Mangekyou Sharingan and Senju bloodline, thus you need the first and also Wood Release to awaken it. CP is the cost of immediately awakening it instead of waiting all your life like Madara did.

These fabled eyes increase user chakra by a tremendous amount. Equivalent to five bought Big Chakra Reserve Perk, which would be 64x of average jonin chakra… enough to destroy a major village with an almighty push and some fighting if you wanted.

These eyes have variety of powers described below:

Six Paths Technique

Deva Path - Ability to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces.

Asura Path - Ability to augment one body and create mechanical limbs, weapons and armor like missiles or chainsaws.

Animal Path - Ability to summon various animals like Giant Rhino, Giant Multi Headed Dog and more.

Human Path - Ability to read a person's mind while removing their soul.

Naraka Path - Ability to Summon the King of Hell who can pull the target soul as a kind of tongue and rip it off killing the target should they answer your question dishonestly. It can also repair Six Paths of Pain.

Outer Path - Ability to control life and death, revive dead, manifest chakra chains and transmitting chakra to black receiver rods. Reviving dead won’t kill you but this is on the other hand extremely exhausting should you do it on a wider scale like Nagato did.

Preta Path - Ability to absorb chakra and most ninjutsu, care should be taken when absorbing senjutsu chakra which could turn you to stone.

Six Paths of Pain - Ability to use six bodies as puppets using black receiver rods transmitting chakra, each body can use a single path to a lesser degree than you.

Last but not least is Rinnegan giving you very fine control over your chakra and ability to use all nature transformations equivalent to buying perk for all of them.

Other Bloodlines/Hidden Jutsu

200 CP Shikotsumyaku - Allows users to manipulate their own bones and grow new ones.

300 CP Shadow Imitation Technique - Allows users to manipulate their own shadow in various ways. Nara Clan

300 CP Calorie Control - Allows one to convert stored body calories into chakra. Akimichi Clan

300 CP Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique - Thousands of Insect make your body a host and feed off your chakra while you can manipulate them for attack, defense or recon. Aburame Clan

300 CP Hydrification Technique - Allows users to hydrify their own body. Hozuki Clan

300 CP Mind Body Switch Technique - Allows users to transform their consciousness into spiritual form and take control of their target body. Yamanaka Clan


Items here are copies of the ones present in the setting. Each origin can only discount two items, beside 100 CP ones. You also get a stipend of 400 CP to spend here.

Sage of Six Paths artifacts are discounted if you have Rinnegan.

300 CP Bashosen - Large fan that can release all five nature transformation attacks.

300 CP Benihisago - Gourd that can take a person's word soul upon command ‘record’.

300 CP Kohaku no Johei - Pot that can seal people within, more powerful than Benihisago.

300 CP Kokinjo - Thick rope that can draw out the word soul the rope touches.

300 CP Shichiseiken - Flat light blue sword that can sever word souls.


100 CP Kunai - Small dagger that can also be thrown.

100 CP Five Shurikens - Sharp metal stars used for throwing, great for practice too!

200 CP Ramen Bowl - Miraculous artifact that fills the bowl with ramen of choice that is always delicious and filling. Comes with chopsticks or a spoon that appears when needed.

200 CP 5 Smoke Bombs - Smoke bombs great for getting away from enemies, or adults chasing you after a prank.

200 CP Icha Icha - Interesting romance book written by Legendary Toad Sage, updates with setting flavored stories as you jump, always having something original.


100 CP Forehead Protector - Protects forehead.

100 CP 5 Explosive Tags - Tag that explodes, can injure someone, or even kill in close proximity. Can also be tagged to a kunai and thrown, or set to detonate after some time or disturbance by tagging it to a string.

200 CP Military Rations Pill - Powerful drug that allows the taker to fight for three days and nights without rest after which the user is knocked out by exhaustion.

200 CP Shadow Clone Jutsu Forbidden Scroll - A very valuable scroll that can teach even fools how to make a shadow clone. It uses a good amount of chakra.

200 CP Chakra Weapon - Weapon designed to easily accept and hold user chakra for increased attack power and various advantages depending on nature transformation used. A weapon can be imported here.

200 CP Kubikiribocho - Sharp sword that can repair itself from iron in enemies' blood. It’s very fast at doing it.

200 CP Kabutowari - Axe and Hammer combined by rope, it can break defense by first striking with an axe and then the axe with a hammer to widen the resulting gap.

200 CP Shibuki - A big and wide sword that is covered in explosive tags that explode on enemies with each strike and reload automatically after each one.

200 CP Nuibari - Very thin sword with a string that can pierce nearly anything and then stitch it together if multiple enemies are pierced.

200 CP Hiramekarei - Wide and flat sword that can store chakra and can grow to be very big if it’s released, it can also shapeshift.

200 CP Kiba - Thin twin swords that can release lightning and are ridiculously sharp, less than the Sword of Kusanagi however.

300 CP Sword of Kusanagi - A legendary blade that can cut through almost anything but stops at the level of defense that a four tailed beast has.

300 CP 3 Puppets - Humanoid, animal or strange looking puppets that can be used for defense and offense, controlled by chakra threads. Made of Wood.

300 CP First Hokage’s Necklace - A sealing necklace that empowers jinchuuriki seals and tries to reseal the bijuu in case they start being released. It can also be used to easier control and seal a bijuu if you know how.

400 CP Samehada - Shark like sentient sword, it eats chakra, from the owner for sustenance and from enemies as attacks. It can absorb six tails worth of chakra at once, but should it try to absorb roughly with, it will become drunk in power and pass out.

400 CP Sword of Totsuka - Ethereal sword that seals anything it pierces inside of an eternal genjutsu, it’s also very durable. It is in liquid state inside a small gourd you can carry or have it summoned and used by a susanoo.

400 CP Yata Mirror - Ethereal Shield infused with nature transformations, capable of negating both spiritual and physical attacks. It works by changing its nature to counteract the nature of the attack, and combining them all for the strongest ones. Can also be used in Susanoo form instead of as a normal shield.

400 CP Summoning Scroll - You have a summoning scroll and a contract to one of beasts walking this world. Either Snakes or Toads or perhaps some other? Toads can teach you senjutsu while Snakes can make your body more snake-like, similar to after you gain their trust.


Import - You can pay 50 CP per companion to import them into this world into a shinobi origin or an orphan origin depending on what origin you start. Companions can’t be imported as bijuu. The imported companion has discounts for their origin and 600 CP to spend.

Tailed Beast Companion - Should you be a jinchuuriki, your tailed beast will follow you as a companion, please make sure they are friendly at the end of the jump as an unfriendly companion is a headache incoming.


Clan of Jumpers(Need Clan Member perk)

A whole clan for yourself jumper! During your 10 years here you need to start a clan or make a new clan worthy of your title. After 10 years is up, your clan should be said to be indisputably as the strongest in elemental nations. As a reward you can bring your clan as followers into future jumps along with a manor or other piece of land your clan lives in.


A lofty goal indeed! During your stay here, you either need to become a kage of a village or start your own village and become a Jumperkage! After 10 years is over, your hidden village needs to be viewed across the elemental nations as the strongest village. As a reward you can bring the whole hidden village of yours as followers!

A god am I(Need Rinnegan Kekkei Genkai)

Now this is something rare around here. Kaguya Otsutsuki is said to be a god, so is your goal here. In your 10 years here, you need to become jinchuuriki of ten tails without allowing revival of Kaguya, or should she do it, then killing her and taking power of ten tails who is a sentient chakra fruit into yourself. After 10 years passed and you are still its jinchuuriki, then I have a reward for you!

For this amazing achievement you will gain Rinne Sharingan capable of casting infinite Tsukuyomi should you lack it yet. Becoming 10 tail jinchuuriki has awakened six paths senjutsu chakra within you just like Hogoromo has one. You gain 10 Truth Seeking Balls that reform after a day should they be somehow destroyed. Should you wish it, you will completely absorb ten tails into yourself and no longer be a jinchuuriki. After this, if you wish, you can restore the bijuu to life by giving them a piece of your power, this won’t decrease your own chakra fruit power in any way, just a nice parting gift and a way to keep Naruto and others alive and well if you took the bijuu from them earlier.

Threat from beyond the stars(Need Byakugan Kekkei Genkai)

The Otsutsuki clan is coming, and they won’t be holding back like earlier. Toneri isn’t holding back one bit. Should he be really almost stopped from just dropping meteors on Earth, then he WILL pull down the moon on it. Should you still be alive, you need to prepare for the eventual arrival of Kinshiki, Momoshiki and other aliens. They don’t stroll and jab. They hit hard and seek to kill you all. A reward for this will be a fully awakened Tenseigan with 10 Truth Seeking Balls that regenerate in a day if destroyed. This one won’t disappear like with Toneri so don’t worry!


+100 CP Obsession - You have an obsession on a particular kind of food, whether ramen or some other. You need to eat if every day or else you will whine and have an urge to eat it.

+200 CP Stalker - Seems like Orochimaru thought you would be a perfect test subject, now this Kage level shinobi will pursue you. What horrible fate awaits you jumper?

+200 CP Hated - You are hated by your village, maybe due to being a jinchuuriki or by being an asshole? People will start witch hunts against you, expect beatings and lynchings under sight of the law should you be defenseless. This can only be counteracted if you become the hero of your people, a hard feat indeed.

+200 per village Hunted - Hated wasn’t enough? You are hunted by a village of choice. They will try their best to capture you for their nasty purposes, if you resist too much, expect kill groups to arrive instead of capture groups. Even if you agree to come to them, expect horrible treatment. You need to either destroy them, or make them completely helpless to make them stop. I doubt they would attack a god after seeing their power. Cannot be taken with your starting village.

+200 CP War is coming - You are a trouble magnet, a war is coming later down the story and you will be in the middle of it… and a neutral party. Expect no help and forces of evil to attack you, people like will not hold back like they did.

+400 CP All is lost - Madra won and became ten tails jinchuuriki, you start seconds after Black Zetsu failed to backstab him and after Naruto and Sasuke lost the fight and entered Infinite Tsukuyomi. I hope you can do something. All the people are still alive in the white cocons.

+600 CP Descent of the god(can’t be taken with ‘All is lost’) - If you thought Madara was scary then I have bad news, he was backstabbed, but it didn’t end here, Naruto and Sasuke also lost and were subsequently killed, all people already became white zetsus and Kaguya reigns supreme over the planet, merely expecting hostile members of her family, can you surprise her?


Tenseigan big golem seems logical to move by manipulating gravity, but fanwank it if you think otherwise.

Benihisago, Kohaku no Johei, Kokinjo and Shichiseiken ability is kind of weird, it seals soul/word soul, for a better explanation you should read the wiki: https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Shichiseiken https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/K%C5%8Dkinj%C5%8D https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Kohaku_no_J%C5%8Dhei https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Benihisago

Big Chakra Reserve, Rinnegan and Bijuu chakra reserve.

Big Chakra Reserve is stacking multiplicative in this way:

1 BCR = 4x jonin chakra/Naruto normal reserve lowered by seal 2 BCR = 8x jonin chakra/normal Naruto reserve and one that Konohamaru has. 3 BCR = 16x jonin chakra

Rinnegan is 64x which is linearly added to whatever other chakra reserve you have, so is bijuu reserve.

One tail is 32x jonin chakra Two is 64 Three is 128 Four is 256 Five is 512 Six is 1024 Seven is 2048 Eight is 4096 Nine is 8172

Juubi is more than 16000x

A chunin is like 0.5x while a genin is like 0.25x, not much really.

Naruto as Uzumaki would have roughly equal to 2 BCR, but he has equal to 1 BCR as the rest is used to maintain Kurama seal. Later on he is able to use more of his chakra, like in summoning Gamabunta, or hundreds of clones. This bumps him to around one/two tails worth of reserve.

Hashirama has roughly about as much chakra as 8/ yang 9 tails, due to how he mentions Naruto a bit spent having a bit less than him.

Madara also has a lot but less. Kisame has roughly as much as 1 tail.

Now Naruto with half of Kurama sharing his chakra across the shinobi alliance present for the encounter was pretty big. Naruto had a bit more than 4096x chakra of a jonin. The battle was on many fronts so not all 80k shinobi were there but they got a chakra cloak. I think bijuu even without just all that chakra have special defensive ability and he shared it. Imo across hundreds of people at the very least. Which would go for making everyone have about 4x jonin chakra, but really, that’s more speculation than fact on my side.

Yang Kurama seems to have a bit more chakra than Gyuki has even with just half his power. Fanwank when in doubt.

You also cannot start as a Juubi or be a jinchuuriki of one from CP if that wasn’t clear.

Bijuu don’t really have any items to be bought so I won’t try to come up with something new here.

Kotoamatsukami cooldown with wood release should be fanwanked, Danzo says he can’t use it many times per day, but that is perhaps cunning deception. Perhaps it is days or months, perhaps it is hours. Decide.

By Sordahon