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FRONT PAGE Looking for an old Dark Voice? Check the Archives! Submit to the Dark Voice! Staff/Credits Dark Voice Website #darkvoice on IRC DV Forum Issue 1, Volume V :: August 25th, 2007 :: 27 ABY Front Page Brotherhood News Galactic News Clan News Editorials Belles-letters Off-Beat Brotherhood Happenings Dark Voice Correspondent Anonymous After a controversial trial, new evidence was uncovered in the case of The Dark Brotherhood -vs- Co- Defendants Cannabisia and Khobai the forced the Justicar to immediately rule in thier favor, delivering a non-guilty plea. The trial sparked many discussions as to the status of the Chamber of Justice. Meanwhile, the Headmaster showed his usual dedication to the Brotherhood this past week. During the evacuation of the Shadow Academy, Anshar personally taught the Starfighter Studies Course to members of the evacuation team, despite the vessel being fired upon by Vong Invaders. Rumors are running amock that Dark Voice Tribune Derev Niroth was seen on a gambling yacht during the Vong Invasion. When questioned, the Battlemastered simply commented "What Happens on the yacht, stays on the yacht" Timeros, Consul of Arcona, was recently acused of selling clan secrets of all six clans of the Brotherhood to the highest bidder. KE Timeros has denied these accusations. Ricco Vao, the former Fiction Tribune was found guilty of using illegal scientific methods to produce clones of his person, which he then used to gain personal honor in the GJW. Address from the Iron Throne Grand Master Sarin Sith Star Destroyer Nightfall Flagship of the Grand Master Star System M2X3502, Wild Space Fleet Wide Transmission The first battle in our war with the Yuuzhan Vong has ended.
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