Fact Sheet

Basic Facts & Geography:

 It is the world's second largest country (after Russia)

 Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories.

 The capital city of Canada is . The three largest cities in Canada are , and Vancouver. Toronto, the largest city in Canada, has a population of more than 5 million people.

 Only 1/3 of Canada has been developed due to its rocky and mountainous land and the cold temperatures in the north. This makes Canada one of the least populated and most urbanized countries in the world. Over 80% of Canada takes up 2/5 of live in 33 cities. North America’s land.

 About 80% of Canada's population lives within 150 km (93 mi) of the border.

Official Languages: English and French English is the mother tongue of 59.7% of the Canadian population, while French is the mother tongue of 23.2%. More than 85% of French-speaking Canadians live in . Canada’s Flag

People & Nationalities: Canada’s : “O Canada!”

 Population growth in Canada is mostly from immigration. O Canada!

 There are 31.4 million people living in Our home and native land! Canada. True patriot love in all thy sons command.

 One million (1,000,000) Chinese live in Canada, making up about 3% of the With glowing hearts we see thee rise, population. The True North strong and free!

 A country of immigrants with so many different backgrounds makes Canada a From far and wide, country with a wide range of religious O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. beliefs. God keep our land glorious and free! Culture: Canadian culture has historically O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. been influenced by British, French, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. and aboriginal (native) cultures and traditions. There are distinctive Aboriginal cultures, languages, art, and music spread across Canada.

Article: Asians Immigrate to Canadian Pacific


 Canada was made an official country in 1867 when a law combined British areas of North America into what is now known as Canada.

 Before that, Britain and France fought for these areas and for control of the North American continent. Though this country is a member of the British Commonwealth today, it inherited both British and French languages, cultures, and religions.

Government & Politics:

 Canada has a special relationship with Great Britain even though it is an independent country.

 The head of government in Canada is called the Governor General. The Governor General makes the decisions, carries out duties, and stands as the head of the government.

 Canadian law guarantees freedom of religion, thought, belief, opinion, and expression; the right to vote and the right to live in any province. It also recognizes the rights of Canada’s aboriginal (native) people.


 There are 3 kinds of schools in Canada: public schools, separate schools, and private schools.

 Public schools are paid for by the government of the province and are free.

 Separate schools are religious schools run by the Roman Catholic Church. In some provinces, these schools are paid for by the government.

 Private schools are funded by private investors. Students are also required to pay a fee.

 Different provinces have different education policies. The length of elementary, middle, and high school education varies from 11-13 years total.

 Admission to university is based on school performance, and there is no entrance examination.


 Canada is one of the world's wealthiest nations.

 It is one of the world's largest suppliers of agricultural (farming) products.

 In the past 100 years, the growth of the manufacturing, mining, and service has transformed the nation from a largely rural economy to a more industrial and urban one.

 The Canadian government has tried to keep a close relationship with the United States due to its geographical closeness, cultural relationship, and trade importance.

Major Cities: *Toronto, Quebec, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Halifax *Toronto: Canada’s largest city in size and population, very diverse city with a high number of immigrants.

What else is this country sometimes known for? {hockey, lacrosse, maple syrup, Canadian geese, multiculturalism, free health care, beautiful sights & peaceful environment, strong economy}

Some information from: http://www.learning-english-online.net/areas/cultural-studies/english-speaking-countries/canada/