Acronyms, Abbreviations and Definitions

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Acronyms, Abbreviations and Definitions XII. Acronyms, Abbreviations and Definitions °C Degrees Celsius µA/cm2 Micro ampere(s) per square centimeter °F Degrees Fahrenheit µg Microgram(s) D Change, delta µm Micrometer(s); micron(s) ~ Approximately µM Micromolar ≈ Equals approximately µmol Micromole(s) > Greater than µΩ-cm2 Micro-ohm(s) - square centimeter ≥ Greater than or equal to µV Micro volt(s) ” Inch(s) Ω Ohm(s) ≤ Less than or equal to Ω-cm2 Ohm-square centimeter < Less than A Ampere, amps # Number Å Angstrom 2 ½ % Percent Ao Arrhenius constant, ml/(cm -min-atm ) ® Registered trademark AAO Anodic aluminum oxide $ U.S. Dollars AB Ammonia borane, NH3BH3 1-D, 1D One-dimensional ABH2 Ammonium borohydride, NH4BH4 2-D, 2D Two-dimensional ABI Automated ball indentation; agent-based 2-FPTf 2, fluoropyridinium triflate investment 3-D, 3D Three-dimensional ABM Agent-based modeling 1Q First quarter of the fiscal year ABMS Agent-based modeling and simulation 2Q Second quarter of the fiscal year ABPBI Poly(2,5-benzimidazole) 3Q Third quarter of the fiscal year AC Activated carbon; air-cooled; alternating current 4Q Fourth quarter of the fiscal year A/C Anode/cathode 6F Hexafluorinated (biphenol A) sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) ACF Activated carbon fibers 2 6FCN-x HexaFluoro bisphenol A based A/cm Amps per square centimeter disulfonated polybenzonitirle (H+ form) ACN Acetonitrile (x denotes degree of sulfonation) ACR Autothermal cyclic reforming 6FK Partially fluorinated poly(arylene ether ACS American Chemical Society ketone) AC Transit Alameda-Contra Costa Transit 6F-x HexaFluoro bisphenol A based AE Alkaline earth disulfonated polySulfone (H+ form) (x denotes degree of sulfonation) AECL Atomic Energy Canada, Limited 8YSZ 8 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia AEO Annual Energy Outlook 11B-NMR Boron 11 nuclear magnetic resonance AER Absorption-enhanced reforming; all- electric range 19FNMR 19Fluorine nuclear magnetic resonance AES Auger electron spectroscopy α-AlH3 Alpha polymorph of aluminum hydride AFB Airfoil bearing DBa The difference in magnetic induction at high and low applied magnetic fields AFM Atomic force microscopy; anti- ferromagnetic DG Gibbs free energy of reaction AFP Automated fiber placement DH Enthalpy of reaction, Enthalpy of hydrogenation AFV Alternative fuel vehicle Ag Silver DH°f Standard heat of formation DP Pressure drop, pressure change AgCl Silver chloride λ Lambda, hydration number A-h Amp-hour µA Micro ampere(s) AIBN Azobisisobutyl nitrile FY 2009 Annual Progress Report 1523 DOE Hydrogen Program XII. Acronyms, Abbreviations and Definitions AIChE American Institute of Chemical ATP Adenosine triphosphate Engineers ATPase Adenosine triphosphatase AISI American Iron & Steel Institute ATR Autothermal reformer; autothermal AK Alkali reforming; attenuated total reflection Al Aluminum ATR-FTIR Attenuated total reflectance Fourier Al* Aluminum particles catalyzed with transform infrared titanium Au Gold Al2O3 Aluminum oxide a.u. Arbitrary units Al-AB Aluminum ammonia-borane AuS Gold sulfide AlCl3 Aluminum chloride AuSnOx Gold supported on hydrous tin oxide ALD Atomic layer deposition AuTiOx Gold supported on titanium oxide AlH3 Aluminum hydride; alane Avg Average ALS Advanced Light Source at Lawrence DBa The difference in magnetic induction at Berkeley National Laboratory high and low applied magnetic fields AM 1.5 Air Mass 1.5 solar illumination B Boron AMBH Ammine metal borohydride B2O3 Boron oxide; diboron trioxide AMR Annual merit review; active magnetic Ba Barium regenerator BAC Bond additivity correction AMRL Active magnetic regenerative liquefier barg Bar gauge ANL Argonne National Laboratory bcc Body-centered cubic ANS American Nuclear Society BCN Boron carbon nitride ANSI American National Standards Institute BCP Block copolymers 2 ½ Ao Arrhenius constant, ml/(cm -min-atm ) BDC Benzenedicarboxylate AP Advanced prototype BDS Broadband dielectric spectroscopy AP Anode polarization Be Beryllium APC Adaptive process control BeD-XRD Beryllium dome X-ray diffraction APCI, APCi Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. BES Basic Energy Sciences office within the APR Aqueous-phase reforming DOE Office of Science APRxn Aqueous phase reaction BET Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area APU Auxiliary power unit analysis method Ar Argon B-G Boron-doped graphitic material Arb, arb. Arbitrary B-H Borohydride; boron/hydrogen bond ARET Alternative and renewable energy BH4 Borohydride technologies Bi Bismuth As Arsenic BILI Bio-derived liquid fuels a-Si Amorphous silicon BisSF Bisphenol-Sulfone a-SiC Amorphous silicon carbide BM Ball-milled; ball mill a-SiGe Amorphous silicon germanium BMG Bulk metallic glasses ASM American Society of Metals bmimBF4 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium ASME American Society of Mechanical tetrafluoroborate Engineers bmimCl 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride ASPEN Modeling software, computer code for BmimOTf 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium triflate process analysis bmimPF6 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium ASR Area-specific resistance hexafluorophosphate ASTM ASTM International BMPFFP 1-butyl-1-methyl-pyrrolidinium AT Ammonia triborane tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate at% Atomic percent BN Boron-nitrogen atm Atmosphere BNHx Dehydrogenated ammonia-borane DOE Hydrogen Program 1524 FY 2009 Annual Progress Report XII. Acronyms, Abbreviations and Definitions BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory C3H8 Propane BNNT Boron nitride nanotubes C&S Codes and Standards B-O Any oxidized boron species, borate Ca Calcium Boc Tert-butoxycarbonyl CA Carbon aerogel B(OH)3 Boric acid CaBr2 Calcium bromide BOL Beginning of life CaCO3 Calcium carbonate BOMD Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics CAD Computer-aided design BOP, BoP Balance of plant CAE Computer-assisted engineering 11B-NMR Boron 11 nuclear magnetic resonance CaFCP California Fuel Cell Partnership BP Formerly British Petroleum, British CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy Petroleum America Production Company CaI Clostridium acetobutylicum hydrogenase BPDC Biphenyldicarboxylate CALPHAD Calculation of phase diagrams bpe Bis(4-pyridyl)ethane Caltech California Institue of Technology BPEE 1,2-bipyridylethene CaO Calcium oxide BPP Bipolar plate CARB California Air Resources Board BPPPO Biphenol-based phenyl phosphine oxide CaS Calcium sulfide BPPPO-35 Biphenol-based phenyl phosphine CBM Conduction band minimum oxide copolymer, 35% molar fraction CBN Carbon-boron-nitrogen of disulfonic acid unit (35% level of sulfonation) CBS Casa Bonita strain; complete basis set BPS Ballard Power Systems; bi phenyl sulfone cc Cubic centimeter(s) BPS100 Fully disulfonated poly(arylene ether CCA Charge control agent sulfone) CCAT Connecticut Center for Advanced BPSH Block polysulfone ether polymers; bi Technology, Inc. phenyl sulfone: H form CCD Charge-coupled device BPSH-x BiPhenyl based disulfonated polySulfone cCH2 Cryo-compressed hydrogen (H+ form) (x denotes degree of CCM Catalyst-coated membrane; coordinate sulfonation) measuring machine BPSH-30 Biphenyl sulfone H form, 30% molar cc/min Cubic centimeters per minute fraction of disulfonic acid unit (30% level ccp Cubic close-packing of sulfonation) CCSD(T) Coupled cluster theory with single and BPVE Perfluorocyclobutane-biphenyl vinyl double excitations plus a perturbative ether correction for triple excitations BPVE-6F Perfluorocyclobutane-biphenyl vinyl Cd Cadmium ether hexafluoroisopropylidene CD Compact disk; charge depleting; cathode BPy 2,2’-bipyridine dewpoint BPY 4,4’-bypyridine CDC Carbide-derived carbon Br Bromine cDNA Complementary DNA Br Diatomic bromine 2 CDO Code development organization BSC Bi-electrode supported cell CDP Composite data product BTB 1,3,5-benzenetribenzoate CdS Cadmium sulfide BTU, Btu British thermal unit(s) Ce Cerium Bu SnCl Tributyltin chloride 3 CEA Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique Bu SnSnBu Hexabutyldistannane 3 3 CEMM Compressor-expander motor module BV Benzyl viologen CeO2 Ceric oxide BxHy Polyhedral boranes CEQA California Environmental Quality Act C Carbon; Couloumb; coulomb CF Carbon fiber; carbon foam C H Ethylene 2 4 CFC Chlorofluorocarbon C2H6 Ethane FY 2009 Annual Progress Report 1525 DOE Hydrogen Program XII. Acronyms, Abbreviations and Definitions CFCC Colorado Fuel Cell Center COS Carbon oxysulfide; carbonyl sulfide CFD Computational fluid dynamics COSMO/RS COnductor like Screening MOdel CFM, cfm Cubic feet per minute for Realistic Solvents (computational method) CGM Charge-generating material CoT City of Taylor CGO Cerium gadolinium oxide, CoTMPP Cobalt tetramethoxyphenyl porphyrin Gd-doped CeO2 CGS Copper gallium diselenide CoTPP Cobalt tetraphenyl porphyrin COx Oxides of carbon CGSe2 Copper gallium diselenide CH Hydrogenated graphene cp Specific heat CPO Coordination polymer Oslo CH2 Compressed hydrogen gas CPO, CPOX Catalytic partial oxidation CH4 Methane CHHP Combined heat, hydrogen, and power CP-Ti Commercially pure titanium Chl Chlorophyll CPU Computer processing unit CHP Combined heat and power Cr Chromium CHSCoE Chemical Hydrogen Storage Center of CRBJT Combined reverse-Brayton Joule- Excellence Thompson CI Compression ignition CRW Clipped random wave CIGS Copper indium gallium diselenide Cs Cesium CS Charge sustaining CIGSe2 Copper indium gallium diselenide CIRRUS Cell Ice Regulation & Removal Upon CSA Canadian Standards Association; cell Start-up stack assembly CIS CuInSe (alloy of copper, indium, and CSD Compression-storage-delivery selenium) CSM Colorado School of Mines; combined Cl Chlorine structure & material cm Centimeter CSR Catalytic steam reforming; compressive stress relaxation cm2 Square centimeter
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