Chemical Resistance 100% SOLIDS EPOXY SYSTEMS

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Chemical Resistance 100% SOLIDS EPOXY SYSTEMS Chemical Resistance 100% SOLIDS EPOXY SYSTEMS CHEMICAL 8300 SYSTEM 8200 SYSTEM 8000 SYSTEM OVERKOTE PLUS HD OVERKOTE HD OVERKRETE HD BASED ON ONE YEAR IMMERSION TESTING –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Acetic Acid (0-15%) G II Acetonitrile LLG L Continuous Immersion Acetone (0-20%) LLL Acetone (20-30%) Suitable for continuous immersion in that chemical (based on LLG Acetone (30-50%) L G I ONE YEAR testing) to assure unlimited service life. Acetone (50-100%) G II Acrylamide (0-50%) LLL G Short-Term Exposure Adipic Acid Solution LLL Alcohol, Isopropyl LLL Suitable for short-term exposure to that chemical such as Alcohol, Ethyl LLG secondary containment (72 hours) or splash and spill Alcohol, Methyl LLI (immediate clean-up). Allyl Chloride LLI Allylamine (0-20%) L L I Allylamine (20-30%) L G I I Not Suitable Allylamine (30-50%) GGI Not suitable for any exposure to that chemical. Aluminum Bromide LL– Aluminum Chloride L L – Aluminum Fluoride (0-25%) L L – This chart shows chemical resistance of our various Aluminum Hydroxide LLL 1 topping materials (90 mils – ⁄4"). These ratings are based on Aluminum Iodide LL– temperatures being ambient. At higher temperatures, chemical Aluminum Nitrate LL– resistance may be effected. When chemical exposure is Aluminum Sodium Chloride L L – minimal to non-existent, a 9000 System–FlorClad™ HD or Aluminum Sulfate LLL 4600 System– BriteCast™ HD may be used. Alums L L L 2-Aminoethoxyethanol Resistance data is listed with the assumption that the material GGG has properly cured for at least four days, at recommended Ammonia – Wet L L – temperatures, prior to any chemical exposure. If no rating is Ammonium Benzoate LL– shown, consult Technical Services. Chemical resistance of Ammonium Chloride LLL Ammonium Chlorostanate – 8500 System–OverKote MC, which is intended for resistance LL Ammonium Fluoride (0-25%) – to some very specific solvents, is listed on page 34. LL Ammonium Hydroxide LLL Ammonium Iodate LL– Ammonium Iodide L L – Let Rust-Oleum test specific chemicals Ammonium Nitrate LLL for your conditions and recommend Ammonium Oxalate LL– Ammonium Phosphate LL– the solution that is right for you. Ammonium Silicate LL– Ammonium Sulfate LLL Ammonium Sulfide L L – Ammonium Trichloride LL– APPEARANCE NOTE: Aniline G G G Aniline Hydrochloride L L G In some cases, exposure to harsh chemicals may Anisole L G I cause a color or gloss change in the flooring material, Arsenic Acid (0-75%) G G G Barium Bromide but will not affect the material’s ability to protect or its LLL Barium Carbonate performance characteristics. LLL Barium Chloride LLL The resistance chart on these pages rates performance Barium Citrate LL– Barium Dichromate – and protection only. If aesthetics after exposure are L L Barium Hydroxide (0-10%) LLL also important, consult Rust-Oleum Technical Barium Iodate L L – Services during the selection process. Barium Iodide L L – Barium Nitrate LLL Barium Nitrite LL– 30 CHEMICAL 8300 SYSTEM 8200 SYSTEM 8000 SYSTEM CHEMICAL 8300 SYSTEM 8200 SYSTEM 8000 SYSTEM OVERKOTE PLUS HD OVERKOTE HD OVERKRETE HD OVERKOTE PLUS HD OVERKOTE HD OVERKRETE HD –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Barium Oxalate LL– Citric Acid LLL Barium Sulfate LLL Copper Chloride LLL Barium Sulfide LL– Copper Fluoride L L – Barium Sulfite LL– Copper Nitrate LLL Beer LLL Copper Sulfate LLL Benzene L G I 3-Cresol L G I Benzene Sulfonic Acid LL– Creosote LLL Benzoic Acid LLL Crude Oil – Sour LLL Benzyl Alcohol L GG Crude Oil – Sweet L LL Beverages – Carbonated LLL Cupric Bromate LL– Bizmuth Oxychloride L L G Cupric Bromide LL– Black Liquor L L – Cupric Sulfate L LL Bleach (0-6%) LLL Cuprous Sulfite LL– Bleach Liquor LL– Cuprous Thiocyanate LL– Blood LLL Cyclohexane LLL Borax LLL Cyclohexylamine GGI Boric Acid LLL Cyclopentane LLL Bromic Acid LL– Detergents – All LLL Bromine Water LL– Diacetone Alcohol LL– Butadiene LL– Diallylamine GGI Butanol LLL Dichlorobenzene,Ortho LLG Butyl Acetate L L I 1, 4-Dichloro-2-butene L G I Butyl Benzoate LLG 3, 4-Dichloro-1-butene L I G Butyl Cellosolve LLG Dicyclopentadiene LLG Butyl Mercaptan GG– 1, 4-Dioxane GGI Cadmium Bromate L L – Diesel Fuel L L L Cadmium Bromide L L – Diethylene Glycol L L – Calcium Bisulfite LLL N, N-Dimethylaniline LLI Calcium Bromate L L – N, N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine L L G Calcium Bromide LL– Dimethyl Phthalate LLL Calcium Carbonate L L L Dimethyl Sulfate L L L Calcium Chlorate LL– Dioctyl Phthalate LLL Calcium Chloride LLL Di-tert-Butyl Peroxide LLL Calcium Citrate L L – Dursban L LL Calcium Hydroxide (0-50%) L L L Ethanolamine G G G Calcium Hypochlorite (0-20%) L L G Ether L LL Calcium Iodide LL– Ethyl Acetate LLI Calcium Nitrate LLL Ethyl Acrylate LLG Calcium Nitrite LL– Ethyl Cellosolve LLI Calcium Oxychloride LLG Ethylene Glycol LLL Calcium Phosphate L L – Ethyl Hexanoate L L L Calcium Sulfate L L L Ethyl Hexanol L L I Calcium Thiosulfate LL– Ethyl Lactate LLG Caprolactam GGI Ethylmorpholine LL– Carbon Disulfide L G I Fat LLL Carbon Tetrachloride LLG Fatty Acids LLL Carbonic Acid LLL Ferric Bromide LL– Castor Oil LLL Ferric Chloride LLL Chlorine – Dry Gas L L – Ferric Formate L L – Chlorine Water – All LL– Ferric Nitrate LL– Chlorine – Wet Gas L L – Ferric Oxalate L L – Chlorobenzene L G I Ferric Sulfate L L L Chlorostannic Acid L L – Ferric Sulfide L L – Chromated Copper Arsenate (0-50%) LLG Ferric Thiocyanate LL– Chrome Plating – Hard LL– Ferrous Chloride LLL Chromic Acid (0-10%) LLL Ferrous Chloroplatinate LL– Chromic Acid (10-66%) G II Ferrous Ferricyanide LL– Chromic Sulfate L L – Ferrous Fluoride L L – Chromous Chloride L L – Ferrous Formate L L – Chromous Iodide LL– Ferrous Iodide LL– 31 CHEMICAL 8300 SYSTEM 8200 SYSTEM 8000 SYSTEM 100% SOLIDS EPOXY SYSTEMS OVERKOTE PLUS HD OVERKOTE HD OVERKRETE HD –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (Continued) Magnesium Sulfate LL– Magnesium Thiosulfate LLL Maleic Acid (100%) L L – CHEMICAL 8300 SYSTEM 8200 SYSTEM 8000 SYSTEM Mercurous Nitrate – OVERKOTE PLUS HD OVERKOTE HD OVERKRETE HD LL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Mercury LL– Ferrous Perchlorate LL– Methacrylic Acid GGI Ferrous Potassium Oxalate LL– Methyl Acetate L G I Ferrous Sulfate LLL Methyl Cellosolve L II Ferrous Thiocyanate LL– Methyl Ethyl Ketone G II Ferrous Thiosulfate LL– Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (38%) L G I Fluoboric Acid (0-50%) LLL Methyl Formate L II Fluosilicic Acid (0-32%) LL– Methyl Isobutyl Carbitol L L – Foam Chemical – AFFF LLL Methyl Isobutyl Ketone LLL Formaldehyde (0-40%) LLG Methyl Lactate LLG Formic Acid (0-10%) G II Methyl Methacrylate LL– Freon LL– Mineral Oils LLL Fumaric Acid (0-5.5%) LLI Mineral Spirits LLL Funginex LLL Molasses LLL Gasoline, Refined – All LLL Molybdenum Oxybromide LL– Glucose LLL Molybdenum Tetrabromide LL– Glycerine LLL Molybdenum Oxychloride LL– Glycol Ether PM L L G Morpholine (0-50%) L L G Glycol Ether PM Acetate L L L Morpholine (50-100%) G II Gyloxal LLG Naphthalene LL– Heptane LLL Naphthas LL– Hydrazine (35% Catalyzed) LL– Nickel Bromide L L – Hydraulic Fluid L LL Nickel Chloride L L – Hydrobromic Acid (0-50%) LLG Nickel Formate LL– Hydrochloric Acid (0-37%) L L L Nickel Nitrate L L L Hydrofluoric Acid (0-20%) GGG Nickel Potassium Cyanide LL– Hydrogen Peroxide (0-10%) G G G Nitric Acid (0-15%) L L L Hydrogen Peroxide (10-35%) GGI Nitric Acid (15-30%) GGG Hydrogen Sulfide – Aqueous LL– Nitric Acid (30-45%) G II Hydroquinone (0-7%) L LL 2-Nitroanisole L LL Hypochlorous Acid (0-10%) LL– Nitrobenzene L G I Isophorone LL– Oakite Cleaning Solutions L LL Isopropyl Biphenyl L LL Octyl Aldehyde LLI Jet Fuel L L L Oleic Acid LL– Kerosene LLL Oleyl Alcohol LLL Lactic Acid (0-10%) LLL Oxalic Acid (0-12.5%) GGG Lactic Acid (10-20%) LLG Palladium Chloride L L – Lactic Acid (20-40%) GGI Pentachlorophenol L L L Lactic Acid (40-88%) G II 2, 4-Pentanedione L GG Lard L L L Perchlorethylene LLG Lauric Acid LL– Phenol Sulfonic Acid LLL Lead Acetate L L – Phosphoric Acid (0-40%) LLG Lead Fluoborate (0-48%) L L – Phosphoric Acid (40-80%) GGG Lead Persulfate LL– Phthalic Acid (0-19%) G II Levulinic Acid (0-25%) L L – Picking Acids – Sulfuric & HCl L L L d-Limonene LLL 4-Picoline (0-50%) G II Lithium Acetate LL– Picric Acid L L – Lithium Nitrate LL– Plating Solutions – All L L – Lithium Sulfide LL– Platinic Acid L L – Magnesium Acetate L L – Platinum Chloride LL– Magnesium Bromide LL– Platinum Sulfate LL– Magnesium Carbonate L L – Potassium Aluminum Silicate LLL Magnesium Chloride L L – Potassium Arsenate LL– Magnesium Hydroxide LL– Potassium Arsenite Acid L L – Magnesium Nitrate LL– Potassium Bicarbonate L LL Magnesium Perchlorate LL– Potassium Borate LL– 32 CHEMICAL 8300 SYSTEM 8200 SYSTEM 8000 SYSTEM CHEMICAL 8300 SYSTEM 8200 SYSTEM 8000 SYSTEM OVERKOTE PLUS HD OVERKOTE HD OVERKRETE HD OVERKOTE PLUS HD OVERKOTE HD OVERKRETE HD –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Potassium Bromide LL– Sodium Sulfate LL– Potassium Carbonate LLL Sodium Sulfite (0-30%) LLL Potassium Chloride L L – Sodium Tetraborate L L – Potassium Cyanate LL– Sodium Thiocyanate (0-16%) LLL Potassium Cyanide LL– Sodium Thiosulfate LL– Potassium Dichromate LL– Stannic Chloride LL– Potassium Fluoride LL– Stearic Acid (0-10%) LLI Potassium Hydrosulfide LL– Styrene LLI Potassium Hydroxide L L – Sugars L LL Potassium
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