ITU A|Z • Vol 15 No 3 • November 2018 • 29-39 Piranesi’s arguments in the Carceri Fatma İpek EK
[email protected] • Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Yaşar University, İzmir, Turkey Received: November 2017• Final Acceptance: September 2018 Abstract Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) is an important Italian architect with his seminal theses in the debates on the ‘origins of architecture’ and ‘aesthetics’. He is numbered foremost among the founders of modern archaeology. But Piranesi was misinterpreted both in his day and posthumously. One of the most important vectors of approach yielding misinterpretation of Piranesi derived from the phe- nomenon comprising the early nineteenth-century Romanticist reception of Pi- ranesi’s character and work. Therefore, the present study firstly demonstrates that such observations derive not from an investigation of the work itself, nor from an appraisal of the historical context, but owe to the long-standing view in western culture that identifies the creator’s ethos with the work and interprets the work so as to cohere with that pre-constructed ethos. Thus the paper aims at offering a new perspective to be adopted while examining Piranesi’s works. This perspective lies within the very scope of understanding the reasons of the misinterpretations, the post-Romanticist perception of the ‘artist’, and Piranesi’s main arguments on the aesthetics, origins of architecture, and law. Keywords Carceri series, Eighteenth century discussions, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Post- doi: 10.5505/itujfa.2018.21347 doi: romanticist interpretation, Romanticist perception. 30 1. Introduction ethos. In fact, the pervasive descrip- In the architectural, historical, and tion of Piranesi’s work as cited above archaeological context of the eighteenth goes hand in hand with the descrip- century, Italian architect Giovanni Bat- tion of the biographical character as tista Piranesi (1720-1778) played an im- ‘obscure’ and ‘perverse’.3 For Piranesi’s portant role.