ABS.1.7S.37? i » THE VINTNER, AND SPIRIT DEALER’S CONTAINING A GREAT VARIETY OF THE MOST APPROVED RECIPES, FOR THE MAKING, MIXING, MANAGING, FLAVOURING, COLOURING, AND BOTTLING, FOREIGN AND BRITISH SPIRITS, PORTER, AND ALES. ADAPTED TO EVERY BRANCH OF THE WINE, PORTER, ALE, AND SPIRIT TRADE. BY ALEXANDER PEDDIE, Author of the Cottonand Linen Weaver’s Assistant, Practical Measurer,’ ©la^gnln, PUBLISHED BY KHULL, BLACKIE, & CO. AND ARCHIBALD FULLARTON & CO. EDINBURGH. 1835. ENTERED IN STATIONERS HALL. O' B THE FOLLOWING RECIPES, NOTES, AND INSTRUCTIONS, Upon the MAKING, MIXING, AND PROPER MANAGEMENT OF WINES, PORTER, ALES, AND SPIRITS, ARE RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, TO THE WINE MERCHANTS, SPIRIT DEALERS, AND BREWERS OF ^cotlantr, (ffiiiglanlf, anU Srclanir, BY ALEX. PEDDIE. ■ > PREFACE. T o say much upon the usefulness and importance of a work of this kind, would be superfluous, vain and idle; the worth of it will be fully appreciated by those for whom it is particularly intended. All that seems necessary is, to give a short outline of the plan of the work, and point out where a little deviation (from the nature of the substances em- ployed), at particular times may be absolutely ne- cessary. It is now a number of years since I formed a de- sign of compiling a work of this kind, for the use of those engaged in the wine and spirit trade; and I would not at this time, in all likelihood, have brought it into the notice of the public, had it not been for the repeated solicitations of many respecta- ble wine merchants and spirit dealers in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Greenock, and other places, to whom I shewed the manuscript copy, that I might receive their opinion upon its merits.
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