Copyrighted Material
Index alt property, 62 • Symbols and AngularJS (Google library) Numerics • Google CDN, accessing with, 177 jQuery, combining with, 179 , (commas), separating tags with, 24 online resources, 178–179 { } (curly braces) overview, 178–179 $ (dollar signs), 118 animate( ) method > (greater-than signs), separating overview, 145 tagswith, 24 properties supported, 146 # (hashtags) transformations, using with, 152 color attribute, using with, 15, 57 Animate.css library, 313–315 hexadecimal color values, using with, 253 animated class, 314 jQuery, using with, 277 Animated Gif tool styles, using with, 15 images, creating, 244 - (hyphens), using with attribute online resources, 243 selectors, 32 test page, creating, 245 + (plus signs), separating tags with, 24 animations “ (quotes), using with spaces, 16 adding with animate( ) method, ~ (tildes), separating tags with, 24 145–146 “30 CSS Best Practices for Beginners” advantages of, 243 (Stansberry), 344 browser support, 11–13 960 Grid System website, 339 colors, 145–146 creating with Animated Gif, 243–245 • A • images, creating, 244 lists, 330–331 Accordion widget, 126–127 online resources, 107, 243, 317–320 :active state selector, 38 overview, 244 AddClass( ) method, 147–148 Stylie generator, 323–325 addClass( ) method, 139 test page, creating, 245 add-ons, 190 transitions, 243–245 Adobe Flash. See Flash API (Application Programming Interface). :after pattern selector,COPYRIGHTED 34 See MATERIAL also Google API AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) browsers targeted, 176 Dojo support, 179 CDN, solving
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