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Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-1-1918 Carrizozo Outlook, 11-01-1918 William Kabler

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Recommended Citation Kabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 11-01-1918." (1918).

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Let ua trlvr Our Country, no n lo leave Klrat, Lnst and no of panic re always, la aca- (tret aflrr I MM warUmirlliut ten anil out of our duty waa . Klght not-don- e. r wrawn;,

Published Weekly in the Interest of Carrizozo, and LincolnXeunty


AUSTRIA ON Mrs. Dlaney's Misfortune Miss Carrie Perea Die Glencoe Note TURK FORCES With the number who have been Miss Carrie Perea, daughter of Chas. Berrun of the U. S. HER KNEES BEGS housed in by tho recent epidemic, Mr. and Mrs. D. Perea died in Chief of Road Survey, is get- LAY DOWN Mrs. Maud L. Blanoy may be El Paso, Tex., ntO p. m Oct. ting through on tho Ruidoso, and TO STOP WAR counted. Up to timo the when 28. She was born at Lincoln, has only .good reports to make ARMS she felt she must employ herself JHEIR N. M on the- - 8th of January, on the route. He goes from here in her campaign work, she had 1802, to Albuquerque. Defeated Austrian Com- ' and is a sister of J. N. Britiah Government Receives en daily ministering at tho Perca who is now in France in Apple picking and haying is mander Pleads for an Blaney, ill- Definite bedside of Dr. whose the U. S. Army service. rapidly getting finished and the Turkish Peace Bymyuthizing community Armistice. ness a Her father, D. Perea, who apples certainly do smell fine. Offer. is well of. aware ' lives here loft for El Paso imme Hunters aro having poor luck, With her affairs properly ar diately after receiving the sad all report with horns Fifteen Austrian divisions op ranged, she went about her plans that deer Ismail Fakki, commandinR tho erating between the Brentn and news of his daughter's death. are scarce. Turkish armies in tho group for tho campaign, but fate hin- Tho Outlook joins friends in tho Pinve, on tho Italian front, her, was Fred Tully is homo fro.n tho cperatinjf in tho Tigris region in dered she stricken with extending sympathy to tho be- have had their retreat cut off influenza which State College for a week, await- Mesopotamia, has surrendered the has so far reaved father and relatives. through the capture of tho moun detained her from active work, ing transportation to Mare Island, with one entire division and tho tain pass of Vadal by Italian and and will prevent iier from so do Cal., as a member of the Marine best part of two other divisions, allied troops. ing, for the balance of tho time Good Representation Corps. Fred wearied of stay- the Evening Standard says. Official wireless dispatches from between now and tho election. The three candidates on tho Re ing at college during intermis- The Standard also says it un- Rome today say tho advantage is She issues this statement from publican ticket for commission sion owing to Influenza, and derstands the British vice ad- down being pressed to tho utmost and her sick room, so that the people ers, nre thoroughly competent to wont to El Paso and enlist miral at Saloniki concluded nn that a crisis is near. Enemy will understand her condition, attend to tho interests of Lincoln ed after standing examination nrmistieo with tho Ottoman gov losses are described as appalling. and will know tho reason for her County. E. L. Moulton, business and hopes to get into action be ernment nt noon yesterday. fore is Occupation of the valley of absence over tho county in' tho man; Wm. Sevier, farmer; H. P. the war all over. Suggestions nut forward bv Quero by tho Italian army corps, voting precincts. Sho will heart- Clarke, ranchman, the combina- J. V. Tully. British delegntes, tho Daily Ex- operating north of Val Dobbiu- - ily appreciate the support of the tion of which will bo ably repre- Attention press says in an editorial, prob- dene, threatens Feltre and ex voting public, und her friends sented on tho county board. ably will be adopted, with some The Carrizozo schools will open modifications poses the Austrians in tho Grap will bo glad to assist her in every Dont forget E. L. by the rest of the Hulbort on Monday, Nov. 4th, unless or- pa region to n flunking move, it way posiiible. when you enst allies. Iho proposals were put If elected Mrs. your voto for ders aro issued contradictory, In is said, will compel immediate Blnney will mako one of, if not county clerk. forward, it wltls, with tho defin- retirement. which case tho public will 'bo ite idea of proventing the best, county, superintendents properly Germany Tho third Italian army on the informed. from resuming hostilities, this county lias ever had. Remember that Alfredo Gon- T. W. Conway, Supt. when lower Piave is reported ndvunc zalez is confined at home on ac once an arniistico is granted, and ing steadily in the face of the Havo tho peoplo of tho United also of securing adequate guar Remember the sterling count of sickness, and cannot vis- the most desperate enemy resist worth States yet learned whnt became antees for the signing of a peace of A.J. Holland, you will not lies it his constituents, He solicts of the $05.000,000 air craft ance. itate to cast your vote for him. your Bupport. treaty, based on president Wil-pon- 's In all moro than 1000 square 14 points. rtk'ilomotors of Italian territory Turkey lifts "surrendered un- was reconquered yesterday and tlio TTnltra "WatTit ror tliTi muitc. conditionally. One Senator's Record, Ho Hciintor Fall'n amendment moana that tn. ill-v- er apparently tho whole front is be The .Morning Timen In Democratic In politics for the minen of the United Btntea can markot their di- Heuter's agency has been in- ing driven northward. reason that It U'Hovch In (ho principien ut dcmoinicy ver to iho United fitntes government for tho next four formed that Great Uritnin , or flvo yearn nt tho namo rate, nnd cntabllnhoa thn has becntiac It bUUvoa tliu greatest good coin-- lo officially tho people of tho United mitten hy tho upplleutlon mnrlirt prlco for nllver for nil mino produccra nt not received definite of Timen, howovor. Ii lean than. that amount for auch period of time, with- peace proposals! War Work Campaign then principles. Tho Mcminn treasury from Turkey, not blinded by politics uinl la not Incllni-i- l to roiusu out nny Ions whutovot to tho of the United ability Mates. It alio mennn a big hoont for nllver mining, which are regnrded as para- . lo give credit uro credit Ih duo to ml mil tho Tho Wot Work Campaign will vi now Inrgcly decuy In our regloiia, of till Iiiuti, Irrespective of IiIm Hillllcnl IcunliigH. to do fallen Into mineral mount to unconditional surrend- begin Nov. 11th and will contin and Hhnulil bo a great boon to that Industry through- herido service tor tho general welfnre. Nuturiilly, er? ue until the 18th. M. U. Finley wo nrc Ainerlotin nnd Interested n hip progress of tlio out tho atnte of Arizona, whllo In Now Mexico, Grant nre ulno n pnrt f the (Ireht Hnuili- -' nnd Socorro ciuntlcn particularly, which contnln a Turkey lias agreed to arm- linn buen United Htatm. Vn they an appointed Chairman wont, und what In dono for thin ractlun of tliu coun- grail number of nllver minea have heretofore will greatly benefited. istice it is reported and it went try I to thoso or nn who nro ondoav found unprofitable to work, be and the selection was well made mot,grulliinc nn orín to develop It mid multo of It what In possible, nil The otlior mennura enacted Into a law by into effect yesterday. M. U. is tito right proI..Kei fnui;ht man. of Un nntiirnl rernurcru considered. amendment which Benntor Fall nnd stiongly until both the nennto and hoiino of rep- So, when n public official, hy lit knowledge of for Home from Bisbcc Kincinl nnd ncctlonnl affairs, proponen lioneflelnl resentatives acceded to Ills ldenn, was to allow The argument that only demn 21 years age, iiml hy tils tact and energy punhoH such d from Is to of drafted Into tho Mrs. Ernest Colo is visiting crats are fit to be elected to the legislation through both houses of congress army of tho United fitates, to select hoinrnteadn of ICO do- the home folks; she having ar- Senate and house of Represen and ilnen not tent until It In the law of the hind, he from In 640 ocien, niiywhorn on tho public Hlinuld he iicknowledfiPi! what ho hnn ihown himself main, tho saino an persona over 21 yenrn of, ano have rived this week from Bisbeo tatives, is an insult to tho Intel to ho atutenninu. heretofore had thn right to do. lili main Idea wnn anyone who old enough tn servo Iho govern- Ariz. ligence of patriotic citizens who V have In mind tho ncnlor senator from Now that la 1!. xlco -- Albert ltacnn Kail. Henntor Full han dono ment of thn United Btntea la entitled to all the home- loyal to government privilegcH 21 en- To are their IiIh constituents during hln term of office, stead at onco that thono above nro elect a democratic Congress much for to, young boys, and to the fathers and families but we refer tn only two mattois nt thin time. Among titled und that It theno camlnz from means tho of Chump thn many moueurea with which ho lm had to do, nro our "public domain aectlonn, whero their famllien nrn who3o" sons are fighting on public, lawn ncrcnge Clnrk as Speaker, this two whk-- recently been put tipun our nntlontil largely dependent land for tho man who have nwny country's battles and to tho loy- matute hook wholly through hl InltliUlvo and lurgely sufficient for cnttlo ranches, wcro taken from asserted that a conscript was thin country when they wera no near man's enlato no al citizens who through hi ouriient uilvociiéy. Those uro matter of better have contributed great Importunen mid tliu Morning Timen, In n .spirit without their having tho right to get lands, that tlie than a convict. Is the very thoy In- their aid and assistance in float, cf falrtienn, can do no lees than commend Senator Full, lands that were familiar with and had drafted man in this class? perhaps to enter, adjacent to tliu fain-'ll- y ing the Liberty Loans, buying la will even- one who will conaldor theno two services tended other only. hinds, might bo entered by outtddera while the hoya wnr, nnd an disrupt own Some Product War stamps and supporting tho (Hie of measure wnn tin nincndmcnl pro. were off nt their nnd plana tlio settlement of boya. Red Cross. poaert by him, and ally Justified In Ills npecch beforo their families' for the Tho Outlook ncknowledgi's tho the HtutVa bonnto upon the mime, to the re- Tho right nlrendy exlttcd illuler n genernl law sol- United oven though 18 yenrn age, to tnW lands,fr pro- receipt of a nico bag of pottitoes, bill vrtivldlug tho aalo by tho United Stntcn diers, of sult for vided thoy nettled on name White Oaks Apples tn Unghind of all ut tho uncoined allver now hold nnd llvod tliu within nlx raised on the runch soil of Mr In of United Slates, nmnuntlng to months after the selection of the same: but such luna the treasury tho b hoya Jesse I)fiW8oti nt Alto, which are The apples raised by Mrs. M. SSO.000,000 ounoaa. Thla bill wuh brought In could not applied to tho hemrlt f tho under about the pronviit nltuatlon, they might not be alilo by urtinliillralhni forcaa for the pur pone uf re- bentuso exceptionally fine. F. Wells are of a superior grade. the get upon IT lieving a difficult ultuntloii which limit llrltaln found to return nnd such lauda they aelerted tho We received a cuso a short timo gov- aame before thry leave, within such period or time. existing III India, tho Wet being thnt the Imllun Mrs. IÍ. T Cribb purehuiie silver, due to the Senator Fall's amendment allows thviu to make their reluriiH ago which is worthy of mention. ernment waa unable to now, uy name having Interfered with by selections signing their aiiplloutlnna "r giving Mrs. R. T. mining of the been it power attorney to someone to Cribb and daughter. war. hill an urlalhnlly propnaed provided of jo for them do the Tho so, acknuwi-dwln- g Orpuh Una tho Democratic Party a ICnftlah signing and before ttulr superior Louise, arrived this week that iuch nllver ahould be turned xivcr In the army offlecra. monoply on patriotism? government tho rnto of one dollar pur ounce, and from their trip throutrh Are the at Until of theae nets ure timely. Undsr Hie milium tho that the United Htuton ahmild the name - millions of loyal republicans sup- wnn uineiidmenl the price of silver will not l lea, and south. Mrs. Cribb ansa tin- of allver In lieu thereof. Henutor Ifull nli'1-.ia- t nmniint lnevltslily will go connidetably Tine dnt-M- r, porting this war incompetent to n bill the treaatiry of nliove "Klu" is raging in the quick tn nee thnt under teh and under lend Inw thounilnda of sold southern would be required to purchase aileh the onr hi Sluiro In tho civil government of the United Btntea boya nnd their families will be prolcvlvd whlli- the regions, nnd when sho arrivod at nllver at the market prloe thereof, .mi thnt thin urn gone. this country? The Prosident of In aupply of the name coming troni Now Orlonii8 the streets would renult the Tliu Morning Time. In alno to Itwu wciv In now nny h'mi, wluiina to tho would Mexico, since that country alone producing u rem deserted, as a result re- United States have In- the fact thnt a inuny other nutjonul und publlo of the quantity of tho metal, Ho ut once - you think so. Tho brains and contldtmhle purtioaea havo been grcuHj- adiaiiced by the effnrta cent quarantine. un nnd pnnsed It through tho well-fitte- troduced amendment of thla peculiarly d New Mixlcaii aennto, wnn unanimously panned through the eoiitor, ability of a man like Senator Fall which nnd nlto that he stood out with singular K amena ami liotine In now n law, requiring thnt tho United are needed by our country. and Btrunglli In our Mealcaii crista, slid (ica alto been States ahould pay for auch allver nt no lean ruto than strongly behind the mea Frank Butler Dies Kiigland, in, adifllntatratlnn iirea fttr the It wnn nulling the allver on hand lo thnt proserutlnii of tlio tear tvHIr llermflny Ills nermlirhll no purchased Frank Butler, who has been in Headquarters' Sold one dollar un ounce, and that tho nllver tuner hnn won the iipiirefMiloii or nil men uf (he Ranch come minen, smelted In Amer- - ahould from American southwest, rtitnrdle.a of llieli- pnlillfs. and it la upen tho employ of Sponeo & Sons, Spcnce & Sons havo sold ican amtltcra. The amount of allver now being pro- tho talk aniiintat' laiyiy of the irjliüni-u-t New Mexico passed away last Friday fol'ow-in- g In life Btntea does not oxcaoil CO.OOO.OOO s t duced United DciiirMin-.- tlie, miflttml llms not l .Iruvvii jleadqunrtera Ranch, to Viconto or 70,000,000 ounces per annum, nnd (he 'price han Vll agnllut him lili tiin utml liMy ;iln in hln nuite In a short illness. Tho remullís Uros, of Encino, and possesion been governed by tho price for which the Mexican tile npl'fouclllliit election. nílnc have been selllnc theirs, nnd han been consid- Nvv'"r were interred in the local ceme- was given tliisveek. The ranch erably below the jirlcoKngland waa willing tb pay tery Saturday, witli Roy. Level- BÓÍÜ for 20,000j00. ling, conducting' tho services. OARRfZOJSO OUTLOOK.

Me ef the road. Others fell where they wero marching to be crushed soon afterward under tho horses' hoofs or the wheels of any vehicle that might pass. Tho road was strewn with equipment thrown away by the s, The Confessions of aGerman Onr detachments had long since cast asido all unnecessary Impedi- menta. In this wny we proceeded until we Wrftfen by a Prussian Officér Who Participated reached a forest which wns niled with Deserter fugitives. There never a time when the Mnny or theso hnd stretched wai In the Ravaging and Pillaging of Belgium somo sort of cloth from treo to tree end the help ot women were more ns a protection from tho rnln. There appreciated than at the prcient time. they lay, mn, women and children Women should learn and IIIWIn 111 I nnd old men, somo In unspeakable mis-cr- mining at home. There I no better This fugitives' camp was sprend VIII stood on tho streets throwing us sig- west. Tho nolso nlong tho highways way thnn to ttudy the new edition of the CHAPTER Continued. over the forests to tho edgo of the 11 nificant glnncos. became greater and n panic spread, "Common Scum Medical Adviser" road nnd ns we pnHsed wo could see Other Held were near by. Kverywhcro tho feverish movement nddlng tn tho horrors of tho night. Fu with chapter! on Flnt Aid, Bandaging, kitchens tho furrows woven Into their faces by They tinil prcpnrcd mor- - food thnn was on. Wo stopped In gitives wandered nroujid In tho dark- Anatomy, Hygiene, caro of the Sick, front of the tho hnd been their rómpanles Mnny for town hall. Here tho captain told us ness through the streaming rnln, trying terrible sufferings they Dlieasea of Women, Mother and Dab, the needed. through. They us with weary whom they hurt cooked will cnt that because of dlfllculty In the terrain to lead their wives and children to looked at Marrlago Hclalione to bo had at some nuer nnd saddened eyes. Tho children sgoln. Wo wore Invited to come nnd our troops had to vncnto their posi- snfety, only to find death under the drug (tores or tend Mo to Publisher, OH begged for wo had none Bet whntever wo wnntcd. tions and retiro to nearby heights nnd wheels of tho wagons. The wounded brend. but Washington Strcot, Dúdalo, N. Y. ror ourselves, even though wo wero Wo Imd scarcely entlng occupy now defenses. With that ho wero also mnnglcd by scores; piteous weak finished tortured by huiiRcr. enemy's If a woman sufTeri from back, when we hnd on. Presently turned arnimd and pointed to a rldgo cries for help wero heard everywhere. The to mnrch shrapnel continued to accompany us. nervouincii or dirtiness if pains afflict wo were Joined by more members of on tho horUn. Under the strain of the traille the la Scarcely had wc passed thrnuRh the her, the belt tonlo and corrective one our company. cnptnln nppenrcd. "There we shall mnko a stand nnd ronds became badly broken up nnd all with- Our forest when shrapnel burst In It. As a made up ot native licrba and made One our nfllcers to him the wnlt for tho enemy," ho said. "No along sides abandoned vehicles of of reported their a camp fugitives, now out alcohol, which makes weak women number missing. Ho stepped In front will nrrlvo today nnd every description lay. ronsequeiico of exposed to trench fire, was abandoned strong and alck women well. It la the of the company nnd until cheerfully. In a tew days wo inny send picture Wo started forward nt about three preacriptlon of Dr. Pierce, uied by hlro "Good morning, men," nlthniigh It woo postnl cords to your homes from o'clock In tho morning nnd soon wo in active practice many years and now oven o'clock In tho evening. A prowl Paris." wero with tho rear guard. Infantry sold by nlmott every druggitt In the wns the only response. We were then regiments, now merely fragments of land, in liquid or In tableta. Send Dr. ordered to go to the wagons standing CHAPTER IX. their former strength, arrived In n Pierce, Múflalo, N. V., 10o tor trial pkg. ot the north Hide of the town, where fearful condition. Tho soldiers hnd Dr. Pierce's Pleasant l'ellcta are also ench mnn wnN to supply himself with I must confess that most of us be- thrown away their knapsacks nnd ev- beat for liver and bowel trouble. cnrtrldcestnnd thrco hnnd grenndes. lieved In this nt tho time, thnt wo ery unnecessary nrtlclb which might Wo gathered nt wagons nt 0:30 would soon bo In Paris. Other bodies be nn Impediment to speed. Cnerry, Cc!o. 'Hcfore I took Dr. the Prescription MXi car- troops all sides. Wo Plerco'a Favorito I wasn't o'clock nnd ench mnn took of arrived from Ileforo long tho first enemy shrap able tn act around. I suffered a great deal, tridges, til h thrco grenades and mntches hud marched several hours when news nel hurst over our heads, which re- I had been doctoring with doctora but to light them. On the wny to the wng-on- s to us thnt Vltry hud been re- sulted In nn oven faster mnrchlng. none of them did mo any good. I heard we snw everywhere formations be- taken by tho French nnd that they hn-- i The road used during tho first march' of Dr. l'irrco's medicina and took It for mill-tnr- lis, can do my work ing hnstlly. organized stray añi- seized a tremendous amount of deep eight man' and now I from contained sh?ll holes, which were with comfort. I am n great oral stronger diera nrid we received tho Impression stores, enptured tho hospitals, to- filled with wntcr. In the heavy dark- than I was. Dr. Pierce Is tho only ono of romo Rrent nctlvlty In prepnrntlon. gether with their medical units and pa- ness men fell Into theso water holes. that was able to euro mo of my sickness. begun to tnll In tor- tients, nnd that tho sanltnry compa- Thoroughly drenched, we continued Ills medicino is good for women's ali- Tho rnln hnd menta." Misa Verna Hchrcibcr, rents. An we took our placen we snw nies also hnd been made prisoners. At our mnrch. No attention wns paid to the streets filled with troops wearing about two o'clock In the afternoon we obstacles In tho way over which we spcclnl uniforms to protect them nrrlvcd nt the heights which had been were constantly stumbling. Speed wns against tho wenther. Theso uniforms pointed out to us early tn the march tho only aim. Dend men and hprscs consisted of n milt of wenthcrprnof by our captnln. Iny In tho middle of tho road, but no clothing, n enp, such hngpnRO no must Wo now began to understand that ono took pnlns to remove them. bo tnken on n mnrch, n tent cloth, tent something had gone wrong. Streets At dawn wo nrrlved at n llttlo vil nil sticks, dlshee nnd, with tho pioneers, wero filled with troops from lage, where we hnlted. Wo took pos- ITTLE trench tools. Thus equipped, wo stood branches of service, trying to use tho session and established as strong n .IP In the rnln nnd waited, Ignornnt of road along which we wero marching. temporary defense ns possible In tho Being outnumbered, wo were crowded whnt Iny before us. time permitted. Our position wns es Kar i faWaswi Wo wero ordered to tnko tho breech hnckward, ICmpty munition columns tablished behind n cemetery wall. New V terks out of tho guns nnd put them rnecd by us In no order whatever. troops continued to nrrlvo, but nil wero in our brend hngs. The guns no They wero followed by enntcen nnd badly disorganized. Cavalry, For Constipation wagons. mounted vero no good for shooting. Wo now other supply The.grontost artillery and mnchlnc-gu- n detachments began to understand what lny before confusion rclaucd everywhere. Every followed. Theso hnd somo sort of Carter's Little os. A night nttnclc was planned with minute added to tho congestion until formation and while there wns somo bayonets nnd hnnd grenndes, nnd the finally there was a dend halt The disorder tho pnnlc, which character- Liver Pills mensures which hnd been tnken were drivers of some wagons left the road units, was missing Enemy Cnvalry Patrols. congested ized tho other here. taken so that wo would not shoot nt nnd tried to pnss around tho They also showed evidences of having sought portions by trnvcrslng tho Holds, which nnd Its numbers snfoty In the will set you right one nnnther In tho darkness. suffered losses, but nothing In com' open fields. Many to nccompnny hnd been soaked by heavy rnlns. flcv-or- tried Wo stood muí waited until eleven parlsnn to ours. us until tho order carao forbidding over night. o'clock, when tho order suddenly enmo wagons turned over nnd others beenmo Imbedded In the mud. Tho them tho road, us their advance hin- Purely Vegetable to go Into quarters. We did not know CHAPTER X. dered troop movements, Tho fugitives, horses wero Unhitched from these nnd Pill, whnt to mnko ot this nftcr all tho therefore, wero forced Into tho rain-soake- Small Small Dose, Small Price Wo tho wagons left behind. Tho wagoners preparations. could tell from the on, Tho enemy's shelling to rcduco our fields, drum fire nnd tho red glnre In the sky mounted these horses and drovo position gradually grow stronger, forgetting everything In one wild hut Townrd evening wo renched n Til that the battle had not lessened In without effect. Somo houses cnught ingo which had previously been sacked panic-stricke- n rnco for snfety. violence. Tho sky glowed. Illumined fire. Enemy cavalry patrols In strong wo An ofllc( up honded nn or- and hero found some rest. The Carter's Iron Pills by the burning villages nnd farms. r rode nnd forco appeared nnd disappeared again. mnyor vlllnge der to our cnptnln. Wo wero halted nnd two citizens of this restore to tho faces of On the wny to our qunrters we henrd Everything became quiet. Within ten by nnd Will color nt n field to road. Títere wo liad been seized the Ocrmnns who lacle In tho blood, tho officers paying nmong themselves cloro tho minutes matters ngnln becamo lively, awny those Iron guns taken under cavalry escort. Just pale-face- d that n final trlnl Imd been Intended to wero permitted to stnek our nnd ns largo hostile columns nppronched. ns moat people do. As wo lay point wo why this hail been dono wo wero un- rest. nt this We retired somo distance without fir- watched tho passing columns, Dcld able to find out. Wo did know, how- ing n shot. The artillery took a posi- ever, every town was sanltnry col- that almost W. N. U., DENVER, NO. 18. kitchens, munition trnlns, tion behind n vlllngo and began shell- umns nnd field postnl wngnns racing obliged tn give hostages. Most of tho ing tho upprouchlng enemy. A cnvalry cnttlc wero tnken nlong and largo by In ono grnnd cnrnlvnl of confusion, patrol galloped across nn open field, Distinction Not His. wagon wounded men. herds wero transported to tho rear by Kvery carried tho horses covered with fonm. Wc ' "And uru ynu the eldest of the Their faces Indlented elenrly what tor cnvalry. family" asked tho culler. henrd tho commander of tho patrol tell Wo belonged to tho renr guards, tures they wero enduring ns they wero "Nope." answered Teddy ', "my a cavalry officer that the enemy wero explained why wo wero unable bumped nlong over the unspenknhlo which grandma's a lot nlder'n I mil." npproachlng from all sides. Wo quick- to find anything to ent. There wns ab- roads upon heavy trucks. Still they ly left the vlllngo. Tho nrtlllery wero anxious to go nhend nt whatever solutely nothing tn the vlllngo where nnd the cnvalry detachments wo wnro now quartered. halt Itehlna Burning Skins. cost. They feared tho fnte which After Itchlngs, occupied n position while tho cannon d For eczemas, rashes, Irrita would befnll them should they fnll lno nn hour with our hunger still uiinp-penne- wero trained on tho enemy. Toward wc resumed our march. After tlons, pimples, dandruff, sore hands, tho hands of their merciless enemy, noon shrapnel shells egnln begun and baby humors, Cutlcurn Sonp and which would show them tho samo coa we had marched nbout three kilome- bursting over our heads, but they ex- Ointment nro supremely effective. For themselves had ters wo nrrlved at n spot tvhlch hnd slderntlon which they ploded too high In the air to do us any freo sntnplca nddress "Cutlcurn, Dept. In encounters. In formerly been n blvoune. Advancing offered previous damage. Yet this served n X, Iioston." At druggists nnd by mall. wounded ns serious nrmlcs hnd camped hero perhaps eight which they took no French reminder to us thnt tho enemy kept Soap 28, Ointment S3 nnd r0. Adv. men prisoners. dnys before, llrend, which had been right on our heels, n realization of plentiful then, Iny strewn nraund on the Kvonlng came on nnd with It tor- which our retrent become Of cnuscd to a ground, In- - splto Its wntcr-souke- d Course. rential rnln. We Iny in tho fields. of runny rout. Tho numbers who dropped ex- condition It had been gathered up nnd "There Is something about wenry and chilled through, yit no one hausted constantly Increased, It was thnt legislativo hill." ut- entcn with ravenous appetites. Noth- of our unit moved, for we wero e, Impossible to render them nny nsslst-atic- ing mnttercd how our stomnchs were "Nturnlly. It bus n Joker In It" terly overcomo by exhaustion. Artil for thero were no moro .wagons. lery now begun to arrive, tilled It only our hunger might bo ap- detachments Many soldiers used their last atom peased. "Cold In the Head" but few of them hnd their required - of strength to drug themselves to tho (TO 11 EJ CONTINUED.) Is an acuta attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per- number of six guns. Mnny had only mh, nhn firA atihlitrt tn freauant "COldB thrco, others two. and a few proceeded n the head" win nna inai.ina usa pi lAI.U'H CATAHHII HBUIUBB mi with only one fleldplecc. At one timo MUST KEEP BRAIN AT WORK track suddenly and mnko much of a I nijd tin th Hvstem, cleans the niopa a whole row of nbout fifty gun car record. Doth horses and brains thrive and render tham lesa Hablo to calda. Itepeated attack! ot Acuta Catarrh may rlages passed without any guns mount- Men Who "Do Things" Are Thoas on exercise." ed upon them whntover. Theso bat Who Constantly Maintain Activity Dick Turpln. n Internally and acts through tha Dlooa teries had managed to save their of Their Minds, on th Mucous Surfacei of tha Hystam. horses, but wero compelled to abandon Dick Turpln was n noted English Drussrlats 75o. Testimonials free, Maga- hlghwoymnn Í.tl CO for any casa of ratnrrh thai their guns to the French. Some car The editor of tho American nnd hnrso thief, whose CATArirtH MEDICINO will not riages were drawn by only two to four zine snyst "Some men stay nslcep on Imaginary rldo to York, on his horse HAWS horses Instead of the required six. their Jobs no matter whether they are "Illnck Hess" Is graphically described CUF?'J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. There now passed before us some strnp-hanger- s In Now York or store- by Alnsworth In bis "Hook wood." Thli magnificent np-- tn tiling episode probably la taken a slm-lia- r Cheeky.' Field Kitchens Were Near By. fifteen automobiles, tho keepers Manistee. Tho mnln from penrnnco of which won the admiration Is to wnko up. Thnt Is wbnt this man experience In tho life of "Swift Her Father And so you want to defeat tho French. This hnd been the of everybody. did. Ho woke up nnd shook himself Nick Nevlson," who, In 1070, Is said oinrry iny (laughter? reason behind tho preparations for tho "Ah," exclaimed many of the sol- Into n stato of rigid to hnvo robbed a sailor at Dad's Hill Young Man That's whnt I wild. night nttnek which hnd now been diers, "tho general staff Duko and overhauling. That Is good for any- at four o'clock a. in. nnd to have Her Father Hut how do you expect cnlied off. of Wurtcmbere and h!a friends." body once In a while. reached York nt 7 30 o'clock on the to support her on an Income of $1,200 iieudqunrters apparently bad de- Discontent and murmurs of rebel' "Itcyond the shadow of n doubt the evening ot the same dny, thereby es- a year? cidid otherwise. Perhaps It was known Hon went through our ranks. Every' men who do big things differ from tablishing an alibi. Turpln wns born Young Man Oh, come, now, your there that nothing could be accom- body was mad nnd the accursed tor thoso who don't chiefly In tho activity nt Hetcpstend, Englnnd, In 1705, and Income must ho ten times that amount. plished by attacking nnd tho order was rentlal rain had nu tendency to lighten of their minds. The big doers keep up hanged for murder at York oa April Boston Transcript. given to begin the retrent which was our spirits. 'They have directed the a continual mental struggle collecting 10, 1730. put Into effect tho next morning nt six slaughter of thousands nnd now they and absorbing now fncts, studying to If you hnvo passed tho winter In- o'clock. Wo did not realise then thnt motor away" said one man, while we understand them, trying to put two Artificial Indigo. telligently) your in nn Implements will Oils was to be our Inst night In Vltry. Iny hero In n morass In the rnln. "Wo and two together until out of this nc- Chemists discovered by research show It In tho spring. We wero sheltered In n shed fur the aro not considered." tlvlty they hit upon good practical years ago tho process of mnklng arti- night. As we were very tired, we soon What wo were to be assigned to do Ideas which they seo clearly. No men- ficial Indigo, but It wns only when a Were asleep. We were ykT A WaoléMBM, Cicttttaf, fast aroused at had not yet been told us. Wo were left tally lazy man over had a really good thermometer broko In tho solution that Refreíalas, four o'clock In the morning, everyone lying tn You get good Y sad callas our swamp until ten o'clock Idea. can't Ideas that they found out now to mnko tho Indigo flUI lollaa-Mu- rlne Red-I- was given a lonf for of bread and ordered thnt night-- The troops continued to way. Good Ideas are bora In brains cheap enough to bo commercially val- nees. Soreness, Granula-W- io nil his canteen with wator, after now bock la great disorganised con that keep working. You can't talca a uable, Tho mercury so Increased the tion.ItchlnsandDurnlng which tho mnrch began. Although wo tlngcnts. Machine gun cotnnanles fat horse out of a stall where It lias yield of a ccrtnlu ucld that tho process Vftft of the Eye or Eyelids; wert; Ignorant of our destination, tho passed with empty wagons, having lost been locked up n long time and expect was cheapened sufficiently to mnke ar- "Í Drops"J After tha Movie. Motortac or GoH habitants Vltry Hill win your conndtnee. Aslc Your Dnisatat of seemed to under their guns. The thundering of the It to win a race. Neither can you ex- tificial Indigo lesa expensive) than na- for Marina whn your Ur's Need Cars. iñd where we were going and they cannon gradually camo nearer from the pect n lazy brain to get out on the tural Indigo. Marts Sy Remedy Co,, CJstcsT


.1 BED OMFORTER$ Blankets and Comforters ! BUY THEM HERE and SAVE MONEY HI This is an "Extra" sent out to our customers, advising them of the Splendid Assortment this store has to offer. Blankets, in Plain Grey and Plaid, All Cotton, $3.00 to $4.75. Woolnap, Large Plaids in Pink, The Famous Round Oak Coal Kixture: Blue and Grey, at $8.75 to $9.50. Comforts, $3.25 and up. Fancy Comforts, filled with Pure White Inner Cotton, Full Size, at $5.00 to $7.00. The Covers of these Comforts are Fine. Soft Material, and come in Pretty, Light Patterns. Buy your Blankets and Comfoils now.

S is the TRADE that CeUeyglSon,0TO SERVICE made." ZIEGLER BROTHERS.


DOHDQDCHDaDCMDOE Oiii'inMiii!aHiiunnMciiii:iiiniiO!r!iiiiuiittiiitiiii!iiiC3nirniiiiiC)iii:Muiiiaitiiitiiiíiiiiiii!ii):iic3ii :)titOOinijniiniia:t!!iiiinni3niiuiiiinnitiiiiii!iigt juiiiiiuii:niiiir::Hitiiiinntiuiaitiiii::itiriiiiiti(tiigto J. H. Wagner O. A. Larrazolo II. J. (lAKKAltt) K. S. COHN Republican candidato for Supt. Republican Candidate for Gov of Public Instruction, and for ernor. Resident of San Miguel GARRARD & CORN five years was superintendent of County. the schools of Las Cruces, three Tho only criticism which hns years superintendent of schools over been seriously advanced at Santa Fe, and is now com- against Hon. A. Larrazolo, the pleting a term of two years as KüDub icon nominee for trovorn State Superintendent. In the or In this state, is that he is the FEDERAL and GOODRICH TIRES and TUBES administration of his work in biggest man of his racial descent Now Mexico has Rone on the in the entire southwest and that theory that education is the chief he has been loyally proud of his TROUBLE RELIEVING CAR business of the state and that Spanish ancestry. In a public this education should be general lifo in the state which extends lv distributed. During the past over more thanjAvo decades, tho COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP year and a half has assisted in only democratic objection to him the organization of System of is that ten years ago ho quit vocational education in New them for reasons which make BATTERY OVERHAULING A SPECIALTY Mexico under federal aid as pro-vide- d them still wince and became by tho Smith-Hugh- es bill republican. They were glad and has established a number of enough to have him as their can vocational schools in tho agricul- didnto for congress three times tural sections and in the mining during the territorial days. of New Mexico. COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES Benjamin F. Mr. Wagner's administration Pankey of the State School system been Republican Candidate for satisfactory, and this being the Lieutenant Governor, residont Self Vulcanizing Patch case, why change? of Santa Fo County. Owner of large laud and cattle interests hiniiuuiutiimimiuiniiiumimtiimituiiuDiimm Edward Sargent and a big tax-paye- r. Has been a State Senator. Republican Candidato for State B. C. Hernandez Herbert F. Raynolds J. M. Luna Auditor. He is a one hundred per cent Republican Candidate for Re- Republican Candidate for Republican Candidato ilo was born in Janesvillo, American. Ho has mad o his for way presentative in Congress. Justice of tho Supreme Court, Corporation Commissioner. Wis,, on April 1, 1817, but moved own from poverty to success, Ho was born in Taos county, Has achieved distinction as a Ho was born in Uosquo, N. M.. with his parents to Tierra from obscurity to fame. Ho lias won fifty-si- x years ago. His early ed- judge of tho-2n- Judical District on tho ICth day of Murch, 1874. Amarilla, N. M in August, 1878, tho universal respect of his ucation was completed in the Court at Albuquerque, where Ho wns educated in tho public u littlo ovor one year old. fellow citizons, while tonauiously self-resne- public and private schools of this he has occupied the bench for schools of this state and finished iiJver since then ho lias lived in prcsurvimr his own leaving school lifo ho past years. He was a his schooling in Col-le- go Niw Mexico. This is not an easy thing to do. state. On tho seven the Jesuit tho mercantile and stock member of the Constitutional con- at Lns Vegas. Having largo sheep interests ontcred vention. o in Rio Arriba, San O. O. Askren business. Twenty-tw- years ago ho went Juan.Sandoval Ho was county clerk in Hio Ar- Ho came to Now Mexico in and Valencia counties, Mr. Sarg- Republican Candidato for At- into tho sheep business and luis riba county from 1901 to 11)05 1877. he Ros-wel- Twenty years later in ent is ono of tho Inrgest individual torney General, residont of l. continued that business over and tho three following years sheep owners in Now Mexico. Ho has boon n resident of wns graduated from Hnrvurd since. Every served as sheriff of tho county. 1901 year he ships 15,008 to 20, Now Mexico for eleven years. College, and in received n In 1900 Mr. Luna was elected 000 Iambs from 1908 to 1911 he treas- Chama alone, do-gr- From was degree from tho Columbia School Ho was graduated with e county clerk of Valencia county where ono of his stores is lo- tho urer and collector. of Law of Now York and thon lias held - cated. of Bachelor of Laws in 189S. Ho was representative in Con- and that olllce contiu- tul mi to Ho has been interested in pol- Two years later ho was graduated gress from Now Mexico in tho was ted the bar in that Uously since that time. itics a number of years but has from the Missouri University, Sixty-fourt- h Congress, Berving state. . never before been a candidate Law Department. Ho has from March 4th, 1916, to March pork Puro milk and cream is tho nor held any public oillco. Since 3rd, 1917, during which time he Choice beef, and mutton; first of household necessities. casting his first vote, ho has been practiced law continuously since achieved a record to which he the best the market affords; at Order from the , a. strong Republican. that time. can point with pride. Vatty--& Hobbs' Glover Leaf Dairv THE CAKRIZOZO OUTLOOK THE OUTLOOK Alfredo Gonzales III FOR SALE-T- ho Sandova Alfredo Gonzalez the Ropubli residenco on Ancho nvcnuo on I!. B. JONES,. 1'reildMit IAUL MAYER, tnrma in nnif- mirlinant A enn candidate for assessor Is at r..WWiJ Wnklr In tUt UUrMl ol Carillo bargain for anyono looking for BANK YOUR MONEY WITH US and UdooIo Counts, Hi Jl present afflicted with tho influ !, a mco nomc. inquire at uutlooK t enza, and wishes to announce office . L. and Publisher A. UURKK. Editor that this mlsfortuncywill provent Pay Your Road Tax Tho youngest him from making an activo bank in Lincoln County, Mrattr l Aatrlcu fftu AiikIiIím I have been appointed by campaign. This Is extremely tho a strong bank with tho equipment and Board of, County URGEST CIRCULATION IN THE C8UNTV Mr. Comm'&bloncrs sad and unfortunate for to collect the road tax in this cxperienco and money to givo the best Gonzalez, and ho takes this Entered m secoruJ-e- l msttrr January precinct The tax is S3.00 as '; able-bodie- service, solicits your banking business I lliopodi nincon.nrnioQ,new means of informing tho people sessed against every d Hnxico, lindar tlm Act ol Muren 3. 1B7W that he solicits their support, and man betweon .tho ages of 21 and GO years WtdoiKUr ni noon if elected, to give tho county tho old. This tax is now ntt fllilnf lofnn tlnit due, prompt payment 'wi rolnunt loMTburtdy Mitt, 9 If you same good service in tho future, and of tho n nal r'v ur pPr rtsulirir, piMH nolif jr samo Is requested. The First National Bank At I'ublliher AilvtllInrtion uppllMtloi as in the past. Mr. Gonzalez has G. T. McQUILLEN. the sympathy of many friends 96tf. Collector Precinct 14. Carrizozo N. M. SUBSCRIPTION RATES who will see that his interests NE YEAH, in AJi 1200 in tho campaign receive proper MX MONTHS In AJ $1.00 attention. OFFICE PHONE NUMflKH 24 FRIDAY, NOVISMHER 1, 1018. 1918 WONDER 1918 Our Baking Will Free You THE from a lot of unnecessary work Woolco Vulcanizer and worry. Order ono of our for delicious enkeg or pic's for uo ' on tho Fourth. You'll find INNER TUBES either far better ihan you could Blow outs vulcanized in fivo produco in your own homo. You'll fir J our too, below Money is money prl:o, far minutes. saved what you could bako a cako or mnde. Why throw nway good plo for, and It wouldn't bo nearly tubes with holes and splits in so good. , them when you can make them good at very small cost, in a few minutes. Any place, any time, with the wonderful "WOOLCO 'YOUR FLAG AND MY FLAG heat vulcanizing. PURE FOOD BAKERY SYSTEM" of Docring Bldfr. E. IIANNON, Prop. Carrizozo, N. M. For salo by N. I). Taylor & Sons. Carrizozo, N. M. 10 11 3t 1MIHIU lit III 1 upvr A Angel of Evil Passes Pledged to tlio Undying The abating in Carri- - Support of It Country's "Flu's ! zozd; most of the cases reported Cause. at this timo aro very light, and BarnettjgED Store tho symptoms are of an old fashioned cold. Considering the The expereinco of other places, Carri- Í Wholesale and Retail I POLITIC ,L ANNOUNCEME zozo has had a light visitation. ii ii Q Born Guaranty Judgeship METHODIST CHURCH (Rev. Lewolllng, I'm Hay, Grain and Feed Edwin Mcchom, Republican nom- tor.) inee fur District Judgo for tho Third Your complete sat- Tf T nnn Vinln vnn pnmmnnrl mf Judicial District solicits your support, It will lio a source of nlensure isfaction is a con- Stock Salt, Oil Cake for mo to help you in any way re- dition of tho sale, County gardless of your church niiilia-tlon- s you buy Born or politics or in fact any. when Wood and Coal motto is Service. Tailoring. Mm. Maud L. Illanoy, Republican thing else. Our nominee for County Superintendent of any garment wo multa Reboots solicits your support Money in Your Pocket If Prices Lowest and Service Best for you Joca not lcoso If you neglect reading the you in every detail of tita I.orlndn li. Spollman, Dnmocrntlc many good things our energetic Carrizozo New Mexico fit, materials and work- ñjjmlnoe for County Superintendent or businessmen nro setting bofoie manship docs Sltjiools. Eclcctton Tuesday, Nnvom-iij- f your- if it not ... you in their ads, you will do fttl. Your support solicited. self an injury. Head the ads represent excellent valua and be benefitted. jn your estimation- - (CI. muí.. i3i.ii. ii ..(,. I .n.,..,,....,ii lllll . UIHIl .J HIIIIVI l.f H Then wo say return ' : tin for Ciuitity Assessor. Elec- - Home of "Clipper Oak." it REMEMBER TilMilny, Dtli. to us: and vu will rcjilncoit Tho WKSTKKN OA A O IS wh.m your Ford Cur tieidn Wo November Your cold you will foul It attention. As it grows KOHD mid Koltl) PARTS, our ort wllolted. good Tho with neatisfactorygarmcntt oirer you GKNUINK SKHVICR and tirites tho need of a heater. standard, the Kuril Motor Co., assuring everyone of a will fill want. or return your money. are uutliarlzcil by Clipper Oak tho uniform prlcu. OUH MECHANICS ARE BXPKUTS on Kord work, See tho full lino at N. 11. Taylor! 2000 Tcacheit Could any guaranty Ixj which jilean Hint your repair wrrk done right, find we nlto Rimr-imt- & Sons. iill work llrlnj; unyour Foul nml wo will nvvyiu ilme and moiuiy. Álbliqueríjuo is pruiiating for moro just and liberal? Our AccoHiiory Department the moBt In tho country. Stop 'Qm largest teachers convention ATTENTION In and be convinced. Fabric and Cord Tires -- Republic. Goodyear, Good- rich, Firestone, Federal. United States In sizes for all earn. history of Now Muxlco, Oil Stoves. Kitchen Cnblnots m llio Iftiitdtnt Bom Otatit) Carrlzozo-Roawe- ll White tío. at lowest pricoB Headquarters for Line StoRO WÍlii n tinualliln liilnl nl tniifltinpo Dining TablcH. MOTTO Prompt and Klllclcnt N.U. Taylor & Son Garrizozo Cleaning OUR Service. favor 2,000 teachers from over Works , according to a state-iija- nt Hurry Hack issued by the Albtuiucriiuo Como at once, bring your jug Western Garage (I jSlltiinbor of Conimerco, which got 3100 Reward, SlOfl or vassal, of any kind and Th rtsrtir "t this wi.r will l iiuj eluirge of the amuiuemoiiU lilaitui) In II. nl Ilium la ut U'liHl on - the finest sweet elilur you over 1rnk-- J illicaii' Uiut at'ltni'e lina tiwin OUR TEBMS- - CASH. tho city guesU. Mili- I" t'tiK In "M II lucen, nut Hint la totitoi'tainlng tinted for 00c per gallon while It t.Mtnrrli. Unir I'mmrli Cure Ii llic only takes place dur-Jf- h POSlllvo uiir now linuwn lo too innllrnl liula, at IlllUliilly. Culurrli IwIiir n cnnstlluiloiml 'í'lmnksglviiig wook. 10'11-t- f Harnett's food Storo. ilUtnsn, irMiiliiin a ronsllliilloiml Ircul nmnl. Hull's Cutuirli Hiiro Is Inkcn In 25-2- 0 inclusive. '.rnally. u. Une tllrcclly iiimi tlm hlood Crtbbnge ml niiicHiun amdiipii nl Di t'ltrm, thi'io buncos, receptionn. uuto ridos, !iy ilMtroyliur Dm fntinitnllnu of th ill- - 11 tho boat music obtainable in For eating and kraut making: Kultilliiir up Huí oonnllliitluii ami nmlillni;. Rolland's Drug Store in iitiiiiH na iviir 1 mi iriiin;iiirii p oUtliweet have liwn arrang-Jo- t see the fino White Mountain cab- - imiiiiu o iniicti fnltli In Ha cuiatlva pmv in Hint they n(Tir Oun tlunilrcil Dollnr by uommittuua of cíIíruiisi bago. Write mu.L.W, .Carleton, nny cao Mint It. ralla to rur. Hnd f fortr Hat of iMtlmnmuW. 'llttn Iniliiintlnlifl urn nnvv Hint Alto, N. M. Adilrrul K J. I'llllNnV A CO., Tolfdo, O. Ilolij by nil llruciilil. Slnjbt Federation of Women's --. fiur Vmll I'llli for eonillrtlloo Full Line vi Nyal's Remedies Homestead Flour $0.00, Shorts (mil Hoys aiid Girls till $2.15, Uran $2.0.r, Corn Until Clubs will also hold Constantly on Hand Oats$!UG. Cotton Seed Meal 3DMW ittons In Albuqucrquo at W. W. Stadtman and Cako $'1.00 per cwt. Terms ami lilt of til teachers' moot- - NOTARY PUBLIC cash. Humphrey Uros. Agent for Royal Typewriter FIRE INSURANCE ROLLAND BROTHERS1! fete IroUflf goods are the inu-- o DI2ALEUS IN mm. YOU invent a little FUI Loolc 1 Look 1 Look ! Look! Fnrpa vrun wa hsreMtUñftl our ihlp l you buy UhuiuI ttrt. I'vnonal irnbllna and itatlnir mhmt Wm a QVttadMII WMVf you on auppllH. Bedsteads, Mattrusscs, nliiaaaafiLj Drugs, Toilet' Articles, Etc. tmm, tmi you got it all Mrllllull. initiuiuun runtrin vu Combination Chair and 10 M Brtwn Bulldinf, lanui tltr, Ufa. Carts, Stop Ladders, Furniture N.D. Carrizozo, Now Mexico Ph!PtoBrowti Taylor & Sobs. MÉ Á'í ...... tULÍr.

tr The Deadly Parallel! y .1 the Unlucky 13 for William B. Walton Being a Comparison of the Records in Congress of ALBERT B. FALL AND WM. B. WALTON In the United States Senate In .the House of Congress As given by The Congressional Recorder the Thirteen months from April 1, 1917 to May 1918 Senator Fall Spoke on the Floor of the Senate 'Congressman William B. Walton Spoke in the On the Following Measures: Hose of Congress on the Following Subjects

1917 1917 . 0 1 April 9, Army appropriation bill, New Mexican national 1 April 5, A few remarks on1 "War with Germany." guards. 2 Aug. 3, Whiln the Conservation Food and Fuel bill was 2 April 10, Army appropriation bill under consideration, Walton made a few remarks explain- 3 April 11, Army appropriation bill ing his position on the Fnll amendment, passed throtfgh 4 April 11, Salt river irrigation project the senate by Senator Fall, regarding classification of land 5 April 19, Espionage, press censorship subject to entry under the 040 acre Homestead Dill O April 20, Espionage, press censorship 7 April 24, Army Selective draft 1918 8 April 25, Army -- Selective draft 3 Jan. 7, Speech in reference to location of an army camp 9 April 20, Unanimous consent agreement in matter of in- at Doming crease of military establishment 4 Jan. 22, Remarks by Mr. Waton with reference to retain- 10 April 27, Army Selective draft ing in the Indian appropriation bill amendments secured 11 April 28, Army -- Selective draft by Senator Fall in the Senate when the bill was before the 12 April HO, Speech on increase of millitary establishment senate committee. (This shows practically the only effort 13 May 17. Army selective draft made by Mr. Walton, so far as the congressional record 14 May 18, Speech of Albert 13. Fall on the increase of mili- discloses, in fighting for the interest of the state when tary establishment appropriation bills were under consideration) 15 May 19, Emergency expense, railroads 1G May 19, Interned Chinese TOTAL 4 17 May 19, Work of congress 18 May 21, Food control 19 May 28, Cattle ticks 20 May 28, Seeds, aid to farmer 21 May 29, Aids to farmers 22 May 29, Food control 23 May 31, Seeds 24 May 31, Fcod control 25 June 1, Food control 20 June 1, G 10 acre bill 27 June 2, 0J0 ncro 'bill 28 Sept. 11, War revenue tax on cólico 29 Sept. 11, Explosives 30 Sept. 12, Drafting of aliens 3L Sept. 25. Army deficiency bill training unmpB 32 Oct. 1, (510 acre homestead bill. 33 Oct. 0, Comment on Lu Follullu's situoilt 1918 31 March 20, Price of whwrtnKrlcultura upilroprlatltin 35 March 28, Indian appropriation bill, Tularosti r();tl 30 March 86. Output of ulrpmiiofl 37 March 27, Indian appropriation bill, jmrUKUUihlp 38 March 25, Indian appropriation bill, rhl landfl 3D March 29, Ketristratiou for military ssrviuu 40, April I, Kiitieation of adult Iliteratos 11 April 3, Education of adult illiterates 42 April 4, Puniahmuut of seditious aoU and ultimtigOB 48 April 5, Punishment of tiudltious acts and utterances 44 April 8, Espionage, seditious acts and utterances 46 April 9, Espionage, seditious acts and utterances 49 April 10, Espionage, seditious acta and utterances 47 April 12, Comment on statement of Samuel Gompcrs 48 April 10, Naturalization of uiiens in the foreign service 49 April 17, Housing for war needs 50 April 23, War against Turkey 51 April 24, Espionage, seditious acts and utterances 52 April 21, Housing for war needs .511 April 25, of executive bureaus and agencies 54 April 20, of executive buroaus and aguames 85 April 30. Housing for war needs TOTAL 55 1 11. CARItlZOZO OUTLOOK.

TEXT OF GERMAN have no moans of oomnandlaf the ac- U.S.RFPLY TO GERMANY quiescence of the military authorities THIS WOMAN of tho cmplrej In tho popular will; Uat Pithy News Items NOTE TO WILSON th powor of tbe king of Prussia to PRESIDENTS NOTE VIRTUAL BK centrol tho policy of tho empire Is , that tho determining Initia- SAVED FROM Gathered From All Over MANI) FOR. SURRENDER. tive still remains with those who have REPLY PARTI. AGREES TO U. . hitherto been the masters ot Germany, TERMS FOR ARMI3TICE. Fooling that tho wholo poaco of tho New Mexico Huns Must Place Armies at Mercy ef world deponds now on plain speaking AN OPERATION Allies tu Obtain Armistice, Wll-tc- i and straightforward action, the Ptost-don- t deems It his duty to say, without Bsrlln Denies Devastation nnd An Tells Berlin. Watrn Union Nwt tivrvlc. any attempt to soften what may scam Dy Nwpiir nounces Complete Change In Gov- harsh Uklnr LydiaE.Pinkham'i Now Mexico produced 071,000 bush-- words, that thn nations or tho ernment, diving People Ballot, world do not nnd cannot trust tho Vegetable Compound, One of apples, of which 371,000 boxes U'aalrrn i!wipptr Union Nowa Service ot word ihoso who havo hitherto boen e--f Thousands of Such Catete woro commercial npiilcs. From the secretary of state to the tho masters ot aorman policy, nnd to Jod llovoy, Bnntn I'd, and Charles Wailern Nwpuir Union Nawi charge d'affaires n. I. In chargo ot Gor- point out onco mora that in concluding man interests In tho Unllod States: Fnlli, -"- W. Ilnsklns, havo bcon London. Tho (lerman reply to peace nnd attempting to undo tho In- Black River Wis. As Lydla Department 1918. Injuries or B. FJokbom's Vcgetablo Compound Aotimled severely In action, President Wilson's noto, tho text ot of Stoto, Oct. 23, finito nnd Injustices this Sir 1 havo the honor to ncknowlcdso war tho government of tho Unltod saved me irom an Iimll Wohlgemuth, TularoBa, la which was received horo Monday, Oct, tho receipt of your note of the 22(1, Btatcs cannot deal with nny but ver operation, I cannot missing I action nnd Harry a. Mc 21, saya Oonnnny hopes tho United transmitting n communication undor ltablo representatives ot tho Gorman say enough In pralsa Career, Mills, Is wounded soveroly. Btatcs will approvo of no demand data of thu üOlh from tho Uorman gov- pcoplo who have boon assured ot a of It I suffered from organic troubles and Tlio production of beans for l'JU which would bo Irreconcilable with ernment, nnd to advlso you that the genuino constitutional standing as tho of my aide hurt me so In Now Moxlco Ih GC7.000 bushels, or tho honor ot tho Gorman people and President has Instructed mo to reply real rulers .Germany. thereto ns It It must military I could hardly be up produc-lion- . with tho opening ot tho way to peace follows; deal with tho ttiout the same ns lust year's mastors from my bed, and I with Justice. Hnvlng received tho solemn and ex- nnd tho monorchia! ntitocrnts wnsunsblo todomy plicit assuranco of tho Oerman govern- ot Germany now, or It It Is llkoly to Nlnnty-olgh- acnuany protests against ref- v housework. I ball t ensos of BpanUli In the ment that It unreservedly accepts tho havo to deal with thorn Inter In regard HSSaSBS ot President Wilson to illegal to obligations tho best doctors In fluonxa wcrn reported In Albuqucrquo erenced tonus of peace laid down In his thn Intornntlonn! ot tho Eau Claire nnd they Oct. 17, bringing the total to approxi- and Inhumano acts. to tho Congress of tho Unltod aorman empire, It must demand, not poaco negotiations, wanted mo to have mately i no. Full Text of Solfa Note. Statog on tho 8th ot January, 1918, and but surrender. nn operation, but tho principios enunci- Nothing can bo pained by leaving this Plnkhom's) Mayor C. V. Montgomery died of The text of Is as ot settlement Lvdla E. the German note ated In his subsequent par- essential thing unsaid. Influenza nt Itoswell. woro two follows: nddrcBscs, Vegetable Compound cured me el did Tlicro "In accepting the proposal for an ticularly tho address ot tho 27th of Accopt, sir, the renewed assurances not need tho operation, nnd I mm teWlng occ-ipl- my high other deaths, Tlicro aro about 350 evacuation of territories, the September, nnd that It desires to dis- of consideration. all my friends about it." Mrs. A. W. oases in tliu city. (lurinun icovcriiiiruiit bus started from (Slgnod) 110UEIIT LANDING. the uaauniptlon thut the pruceduro of cuss thn details of tholr application, BInzer, Black River Falls, Wis. Com-pon- Mr, Chargo Bocorro Mining ami Milling y this evucuutlon nnd of the condltlona nnd that this wish nnd purposo ornan-nto- Frcdorlck Oodcrlln, It Is juit such experience u that of of an o Switzerland, In- nt MokoIIoii produced 25,000 armistice should be left lo the not from thoso who have hltlior-t- d'Atfalres of ad Mrs. Binzer that has made this famous Judgment ot the military advisers and terim In Charge ot Gorman ounces of gold and silver bullion that the actual standard of power on dlctnted German policy nnd con- Interests root and horb remedy a hou ichoid word for ducted. the prcsont wnr In the United States. .Hopteintior. Tlio mill Is treating about both sidos In the field has to form the on Germany's from ocean to ocean. Any women who basis for arrangements safeguarding behalf,' but from ministers who speak sulTert from InflommaUon, ulceration, 200 tons por day. and guaranteeing this standard. for tho majority of tho relchstag and ARGUMENTS IN DICKENS CA8E. displacements, backntho, nervouine. New Mexico bUBh-al- s "The Herman government suggests for produced l,80G,0p0 to tho President that an opportunity an overwhelming majority of tho Irregularities or "tho bluea" should of spring wheat, making a total should be given for fixing the details. Oerman peoplo; nnd having recolvod Will Be Made In the 8upreme Court not rest unUl she has given It a, trial, production ot all wlioat of 3,050,000 It trusts that the President of the also tho explicit promlsa of the pres- on November 11. and for special advlco write Lydla E. United Htatns will appruva of no il f- ent aorman government hu- Medicino Co., Lynn, Mass. bushels for the state, or an Incronse of iní ml which would be that the Denvor. Aftor a numbor of post- Irreconcilable mano rules ot civilized warfare will about ono-thlr- over year's pro- with the honor of tho Herman people, ponements, duo to last and wth opening a way to a peace of bo obsorved both on land nnd sea by chlofly tho absence While the Boss Is Away. duction. Juetlce. thn of tho attorneys tor tho dótense, tho government Oermnn armed torcos, tho Presi- Tho following notlco scrawled on Hert Hlnson, who was In Co- "The Herman protests dent ot tho enso of Illcnzl Dickens, sentenced to Jail at against the reproach of Illegal and In- United Btntos fools that tho wnll of his hut by n Unnanaland lumbus awnltlng trial on chavgos of humane actions mailo against the Ger- ho cannot declino to tako up with tho from eighteen to twenty-seve- years (Australia) timber cutter: burglary petit man land and sea forcee, and thereby governments with which tho govern- In tho penitentiary for tbo murdor ot and larceny escaped against lh (lerman poople, Kor In "You nil tako this notice. I have the ment of tho Unltod nssocl-nte- d when ho sawed through two bars on covering nt a retreat destructions will States Is his fathor, William H. Dlckond, gono to light tho QcrinniiR, nnd I don't always be car- tho question of on armistice. his cell window. Ho was sorvlng a necesaary( and they are wealthy Longmont banker, has been know coming Imckj some- ried out In so far ne Is permitted br Ho doeniB It his duty to say when I'm sentence of ninety days on tlio lar- International law The Gorman troops ngaln, set for argument Nor, 11 by tho Su- body chip round my humpy ngnlnst are moat howovor, that tho only nrmlstlco he premo ceny charge. under striot Instructions to would Court. grass fire. All my bullocks Is sold ox spare private property a tul to exercise feel Justified In submitting for Young Dickens was sentenced Jan. That members of tho Women's care for the population to the beat of consideration would bo ono which ccpt Snmbo, him with tho cockhorn. Lnnd Army aro rondorlng their ability, where tranagreBaloui oo should Icavo 9, 1917. Virtually two yoars will havo Anyouo finding him enn him to Invnluablo cur In aplte of these Instructions the tho United States and sell aid In tlio harvesting ot tho apple crop guilty are being punished. the powers nssoclntod with her In a elapsed boforo tho Supremo Court de- tho butcher nnd mind tho monoy In Otero county Is attested by tho fact "The aerman government further de position to onforco any arrangements cides his enso nnd moro than three till I come back." that theso patriotic women workers nlea that the German navy In sinking that may bo entered Into and to mako years slnco ho Is said to havo fired Snmbo has been collected nnd his ships has ever purpoaely destroyed a ronownt of hostllltloa on the part ot tlio shot which killed his father. He aro reported to bo picking nnd grad- lifeboats with their passengers, The Germany Impossible price ($50) banked ngnlnst tho boss' ing over 1,000 boxes ot apples a tiny, Oerman government propone with ro Is out on ball, tho Supremo Court hav- return. Tho humpy (shuck) Is regu- sard to all those charges that the facta The Presldont lias, therefore, trnnn-mltto- d ing granted him ball on bis applica- NowMexIcocasunltleslncludo Fruncís be cleared .up by neutral commlaslons. his corrcspondenco with tho larly chipped round, nnil unyono who 'In order to avoid anything that proscnt tion for a suporscdoas. Interfered with tho old wagon rust- M. Oregg, llucluiniin, killed In action; might hamper the work of pence the Oorman authorities to tho gov- Kdwiird O. Fisher, Plain, died from German government has caused orders ernments with which tho government ing outside, or the gear piled ngnlnst be wounds, nnd K, Mawk, to dispatched to all com. of tho United Btatcs Is associated as Allies 8et Terms for Armistice. tho wnll, would have to tight tho wholo James Anlmns, mandara precluding the torpedoing of a severely In action, paaaengrr ships, without, belligerent, with tho suggestion 'that, London, Oct, 24. Router's, Limited, district. wounded Frank J. however, for If those governments aro disposed to Morrison, Alhuquerquo, Is ampin; tho techntcnl reasons, being able to guar, learns that tho allied governments, as antee that these orders will reaoh effoct pence upon tho terms and prin- Exposed. uilsrlng In notion, very single submarine at aea before ciples Indlcntod, n result of continual communications, Pose Its return. their military advis- Yank Writing homo7 Owing to tho presento of ers and tho mllltnry advisors of tho aro perfectly acquainted with and First 1,000 "As a fundamental condition for Tho New Tnnk VchI I'm telling coses ot Spanish Influenza peace the President prescribes the do United States bo asked o transmit to agreed upon tho torms under which at Clovls, nego- tho folks I havo nt discovered why tho city authorities hnvo'ordcred structlon of every arbitrary power that tho governments associated against It will bo possible to enter Into last all can separately, secretly and of Its own Qormany nocossary of Napoleon Is always represented with business houses single choice disturb peace of the tho torms such tiations for an armlstlco. It should be closed until further the an nrmlstlco as will fully protoct tho his hand plunged Inside, hlx coat. tiotlco, oxcept driijj stores, grocory world. obsorved that naval questions have "To this the Oerman government re Interests of tho peoples Involved, and In any negotia- First Yank Well, what's tho rea- stores, dry goods stores, gnrages, res- ptlea! never boen dealt with ensure to tho associated governments United and son? taurants, ment markets and hardwaro "Hitherto the representation of the tho unrestricted power to safexuard tions between the States Erople In the Oerman empire has not Germany, and they aro ot Im- Tho New Ynnk You'll know, all store, which will bo allowed to ro endowed with an Influence on and enforco tho details of tho poaco first portance from the allies' viewpoint. right, when you've, slept on straw In main open for two hours each fore- the formation of the government. to which thn German government has "The constitution did not provide for agreed, provided thoy deem such an French atablo nnd heard tho cooties noon. a concurrence of representation ot the sing. people In decisions of peace and war. armlstlco possible from tho military Texas Court Kills Prohibition Law. A. 1), Smith, alias Dashley, sen- rheae now conditions have Just under point ot view. state-wid-e tenced to hang for killing Sheriff gone a fundamental chnnge. A new terms ot armlstlco bo Austin, Tnx. Tho Texas A Question, government com- Should such Stephens has been formed In Oor-man- y prohibition law was doclared uncon- of Luna county, and plete accordsnce with the wishes (prin- suggested their accoptanco by "A man becomes what he cntB," by tho governor to allow doc- ciple?) nf the representation of the will afford tho boat concreto evi- stitutional In a majority opinion by "Does hr feel sheepish nfter cnttng tors to examino him as to his sanity, people, based on equal, universal, se- dence of her unequlvocnl acceptance the Court ot Criminal Appeals. One spring Iambi" cret, direct franchise. principles ot poaco must dlo Friday, Octobor 25, (lover-no-r "The leaders ot the great parties of of tho terms and Judgo dissented, Tho nttornoy general Mndsey announcing the rtelchatag are members of this gov- from which tho wholo action proceeds, stated that a motion tor rchoarlng that bo Is ernment. In the future no government Little On. convinced Hint Is Tho President would deom himself would bo filed. Smith not only sano can take or continue in offloe without lacking In cttndor did ho not point out Wide "Mrs. Hlllfo snys she cores but linn more than possessing the confidence ot a majority very ordinary Intelli- of the Itelchatatr. In tho frnnkest posslblo torms the rea- llttlo for dress." Hubble "Yes, gence. U, Down 261 Planes, Chne-llor- r, lUaponnlbllltr, son why oxtrnordlnnry safeguards S. Airmen Hun almost nothing, one might say." Governor Lludsoy sent letters to "The responsibility of the chaneetlor must bo demanded. Significant nnd With tho Amorlcan Army. Detwoon Judge fleorgo It. Craig, chnlrman of ot the empire to the reprraentatlon of Important as tho constitutional Sept. 12, when tho St. Mllilel drlvo be- Expediency Is nn understudy of the people la being legally developed changos seem to bo which aro spoken the Republican stnto central commit- I rat gan, and Oct, 19, United States fliers renson and often bndly trained. and safeguarded. The f act ot the by foreign secretary In tee, nnd to Arthur Sollgman, chair- new government has been to lay before ot tho German brought down 201 Oerman planes the rtelclmtntf a bill to altvr the con lila noto of thn 20th of Octobor, It man of tho Democratic state centrnl atlttitlon of the empire so that the con- does not appear that the principio ot which represented ot tho committee, rnlllng attention to a sec- sent of the people Is required for de total flying strength ot tho enemy elslons on war and peace. a government respnnslhlo to tho dor- tion In tho constitution which has a "The permananoe of the new system mán people lias yet boen fully wnrkod from tho Swiss border to the sea. boarlug on the selection of a succes- Is, however, guaranteed not only by nut, or that nny guarantees either ex constitutional snfeguarda, but also by sor to It. I. Krvlon, Into land commis- the del 1st or nro In contemplation that tho Many New Influenza Cases at Pueblo, unahakenble of the alterations ot principle nnd ot prac- sioner of New Moxlco. Oermnii peuplo wr- se vast majority Puoblo, Colo., Oct, 21. Blxty one atands behind then, reforms nnd de- tico now parttelly agreed upon will bo c" r. H Mrs. T. J. I'oyton of Albuquerque, mand their energetic continuance, permanent. now cases of Spanish Influenza devel- u P1"1C"1 and William U. Dent ot Albuquerque "The question of the Prealdent with oped In this city on Tuesday, making A ü whom he and the governments aseo Morenvor, It docs not tippenr that If I ' FOOD nra Joint winners of the first prlzo In elated Hcaliiet Clennntiy are dealing-- Is tho heart of the present difficulty has n total ot 391 cases In all. tho pinto bean trndomark contest con- therefore answered In a clear, un- been tnny bo equivocal by ronchod. It that future manner the statement that con-tro- ducted by tho Alhuquerquo Chambor the offer of pence and an armistice wnrs have boen brought under tho l 1919 8tsmp Issue bauble 1918. come has of tho German people, of Commerce Mrs. l'ey ton's design from a government which Is tree hut the 1919 ot from any arbitrary and Irresponsible present wnr has not bcon; Is Tho Issuo War Savings Is the word "Liberty," und Llborty Influence, and It and la supported by the an- - with tho present wnr that wo aro deal- Stamps by tho government will bo benns will hereafter bu the namo of rroval of an ovet whelming majority of ing. or twlco ns much as tho product out ot people tho turned tho Neu (Rlgnedl "HOLI"' It Is evident that tho Gorman people Ihbud of 1918. SavmgSugar Mexico Ilenn Growers' Association. (lovernor l.ludsey Issued a procla- FOOD PRICE8 JNCREA8E. Dlshop Olmitead Is Dead, Epidemic on the Wane. mation announcing Hint MoKlnlu), and Wheat Denver Tho death of tho lit. Hov. Donvor, Oct. 24. Hoports recolved county voters on Nov 5 will voto for Commodities Show 72 Per Cent (Islas Flvo-Yea- Charles Hantord Olmstead, bishop ot by tho State Hoard ot Health from all ri stnto lo micceed John In r Period. is comfortably senator tho lCplscopal diocuso of Colorado, sections of tho stato Weduosdny Indí- who Washington, -- "when Gordon, died recently. ltetnll stores ot food, which occurred Oct. 22 In Snybrook, calo Hint tho Bpunlah "flu" epidemic done one Insuruuei- paid by as reported by rotnll dealers to Tho first life the the Conn., has lieon announced In n tele- Is on tho wnue. Altogether 437 new uses United or sta- tednrnl government on account ot tin Slates Ilureau Labor gram rocelved by Coadjutor Ulaliop cobos ot Influenza w'uru reported to tistics for Sept. 16, 1918, death of it New Mexican In France show, for Irving P. Johnson. Dlshop Johnson the board from points outside ot Den- tho tor was rocelved by tho parents of Frnu United States, all articles ot hns been directing tho affnlrs of the ver, as against 540 during tho pre- of food combined ah Increase of 4 por cisco Mares Cabezón. Sandoval dlocoso slnco .Inn. 1, 1917, and upon vious twenty-fou- r hours. While tho cont compared Aug. county They are to get $58.60 month as with 15, 1918. tho denth ot niuhop Olmstead tho situation still Is very serious, tho mem- ly for twenty years. Young Mares mot Ot the twenty-eigh- t nrtlclos tor which bishopric automatically falls on thn bers ot the board now bellovo prices declined that the death In nctlon little moru Hinn a aro tocurcd, only two Itt. Ilev, Mr. Johnson, lllshop Olm- worst Is over. In Denver 18 In deaths month ago. lio held a $10,000 policy. price during tho month. Onions 9 sted was consocrntod In In 143 now tails Denver and cases were reported on This food per aent nnd beans 1 per cent, nut- cereal which ho took out shortly after ho on 1902. Oct. 23. is composed part- tcrc.d the army. His father Is Jose ter, eggs, pork chops and ham show í 1 fire the greatest Increases. ly of borlcv and 2,008,931 Americans Now Overseas. Don't Run Us, We'll Qo, Say Huns. DiSDotitlnuance ot Comparing September, 1918, with all court sessions Washington. contains its own In the state, adjournment ot public September, 1917, tho Increase ot all Embnrkatlon of 2,008, Purls. Germany's high command Is 14 931 tu ovacuate sugar made from sftfcool, Isolation or quarantine of all articles was per cent. American soldiers participate ready to tho Invaded terri- tlvo-yoa- r In war by cflHtgtMe, penal and charitable Insti- Tho period, September, tho overseas was disclosed tories of France nnd Helgluin on tbo its own grains. corrcspondenco tutions, discontinuance ot all church 1912, to September, 1918, shows tor between Secretary express condition that the allied linker Prosldeut Wilson, given troops not follow add other public assemblies, avoid-a- tho United States an Increase of 72 and out wilt thorn In retroat, 23. A re of unnecessary burial attendance per cunt for ull fond combined. Bvery nt tho White House Oct. "I am but will remain whoro thoy now are truly wonder- will and service, and prevention of group article for which prices have boen se- sure that this be a matter ot deep located, according to Information from gratification assemblage of children In homos, In cured for this period shows an In- and assurance to the Ilorlln, says tho Zurich correspondent ful Food, ready country," - public rooms or In the open aro crease of 50 per cent and over. Six said the President, replying of the Journal. This grotesque pro- "urgently requested" In a proclama- articles show Increases ot 100 par to a letter from Secrotary Dakor re- posal Is the outcome ot the con' to eat. porting tion ty (lovernor Llndsry, In an effort cent and over. Uacon Increased 100 on tho number of men who enees at llerlln between the members - per oent, pork chops 103 per cent, po- have salted from American ports to of the general the war , to check iho spread ot Spanish In flu- stoit nnd tatoes 105 per cent, flour 106 per cent. Oet. 21.



jBpflContfnH lbTluid Drachm FOR ARMISTICE PERUNAW CASTORIA THE BEST MEDICINE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS HjEjgjjjHjfl and Children. Forlnanta LEADER8 WILL DECIDE FORT. Mothers Know That RE88ES TO DE OCCUPIED AND Miss Ivy Gray, Falrvlew, J EiVGX pKSSríl 8UB.BA8E8 SEIZED. , Kentucky, writes: ml"nrrl "I. have taken reruns, and aJCW would say that It Is the best Genuine Castoiia medicine for coughs and colds t WAR COUNCIL TO ACT :wid,.S"i.WAVfe"i! sno sirenethsns and builds up nope to the ailing. It Is an ie mm AVcCclnWcftcpOTlioftfcrAS'j Always system." splratlon to the sick and Infirm. Bold nverrnhere Liquid or Tablet I'orra Bears the MILITARY MEN PROBABLY WILL DRAFT FULL PROGRAM TO Paper Thread. A Question. TIcrct.ylVomoÜníDIM Signature GUARD ENEMY. Paper thread Is attracting consider- - "Yes, my husband Is a bncehalt aiccrfuIncssnndRcst&nütó ft able intention In the Scandinavian crnnk," fllF Is now n ... n- -i fnrnfllnftnu. countries. It n Invention. "And does he confino his crankiness Narapap.r Union Nawa Mlncrnl.isrTNAHoT,ci of Waatrrn Harvrar result of tho war. Pcoplo'a Home to that subject'" Louisville Courier Mir Washington. Discussion centered Journal. Journal. Thursday on tho probable terms ot Kn'"1 ,0 "V" n'"1 l,,"r"--Do- nrmlstlco which may bo formultitod by Ten smiles for a nickel. Always buy Tterl Croas Hag llluc; have beautiful, cica. Quixote, tho tillted and American military ad white clotbes. Adv. visers after tho (tilled governments 1 In n mnko u W I Wl YS WM e hírs' havo considered tho Oermau proposals When girl stop trying to HQ I young mnn Jealous ho may ns well pull 1 W I W transmitted by President Wilson. n J B m fm ArA mi mili- out of tho game. GUARANTEED ; - will ot AilC niuinvii"-"- i It bo tho mission tho Use tary advisers to trnnsliito general prin- TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE Many n man followti tho rnccs bo- - jW cipios Into concroto terms of fortress- 'HT UTlWárT causo ho Is unablo to got ahead of jL es to bo occupied, submarino bases to tilPfiii Ttt JkjL JLJLssV them. OR MONtr RCrUNDtO ANY bo placed undor guard, munitions ASK DRU00I&T For Over plants to bo dismantled and strategic Simile Sijwtoreci ill frr rait lines to bo Bocurcd against Oer-ma- n use. Slnco an nrmlstlco on alltad HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES terms means nn of war, at- JUiCWTAVnCOMPMOl Thirty Years end tho tention also must ho given to domob-Uliatlo- n 11 '"-'"- NEW Vs of tho German army, In itsolt IF YOUR BACK ACHES a long process. Do you feel tired and "worn-out!- " Don't Ignoro tho "little pains and Marshal I'och, ns supremo command- Aro you nervous and irritable? Don't iiclics," especially backaches. Thoy CASTORIA er, nnd ncnernls Potaln, Ilalg, PorBh-Ing- , Bleep well at night? lluvo n "drugged may bo llttlo now but tliero Is no tell- Diaz and aittlnn, the Dolglnn chief out," unrcstcd feeling when you get ing how soon a dangerous or fatal dis- ot up in tho morning? Dizzy spells? llll-lou- enso of which they uro tho forerun- Exact Copy of Wrapper. of staff, aro members the army board, as tho admirals command- Had tasto ln tho mouth, back- ners may show itself. Go after tho ing tho four great navies, British, ache, pain or soreness In the loins, causo of that hackacho at once, or you French, American and Italian, are and abdomen? Severo distress when may find yourself In tho grip of an in- urinating, bloody, cloudy rud- members ot tho naval board, urlno or cumbió disease. One Dose of the Guaranteed Blackleg Vaccine iment? All theso indlcnto gravel or Do not delay n minute. Go to your Mid.brDr. O. M.Frinkllithorltlnt(r, li GUARANI EED TO PROTECT A CALF FOR LIFE Tho Presldont proposes that the etono in tho bladder, or that tho poi- druggist and insist on his supplying AOAINST BLACKLEG. It hai (toad the tit for erer four year, on oyer million uItoi and our UMri terms to be drawn up by theso mili- byeeMryeonHdencelnll. fJACIC IÍ you sonous microbes, which aro nlwaya In you with n box of GOLD MHDAL WE THAT CONFIDENCE with WRITTEN GUARANTEE tary agencies to sub- lah. and elm,, you fllty cent, par dole. Or III nd you the SAME VACCINE lor and naval are bo your system, iiavo attacked your kid- Haarlem Oil Capsules, In 21 hours j forty nli par don Ithout the Guarantee. Wo make ONE QUALITY OF VACCINE mitted to the respectivo allied govern- neys. you will feci renewed health nnd vigor. Syrlntelorlnjectlnt, ua about it. ONLY 32.80. write ments tor ratification. Tho supreme You should uso GOLD MEDAL After you lu.vo cured yourself, con- THE KANSAS DLACKLEG SERUM CO. war council, composed ot the premiers Tlaarlem Oil Capsulca Immediately, to one or Capsules 600 Lira Stock Bid,. DENVER, COLO, tinuo tako two Mr rim gently Into day In first-clas- s of tho allies and of President Wilson, oil soaks tho walls each so ns to keep Cheap (7) Fare.) The Art of Kindness. probably would pass upon the pro- ind lining of tho kidneys, and tho lit-J- o condition, nnd ward off tho danger of poisonous germs, nro Though ho Is privileged to grouse As nil elderly married coiiplo were gram. animal which futuro attneks. Money refunded If cnuelng tho Inflammation, nro imme- they do not help you. !o content, Is no passing up u street, n lady on thu Ask for tho his heart's there To mako cortaln that tho diately nttacked and chnscd out of original Imported GOLD MEDAL Jnor philosopher thnn tho ottllcr. Ho sido Bttthhed her tou nnd fell fleets aro put out of action by any your system without lnconvonteaco or brand, nnd thus bo suro of getting the llwnys fliulH tho silver lining of tho tlown. terms excopt tho surrender ot tho sub- pain. genuine. Adr. ' clout). "Olntl I Joined up?" unid n Tho old Kcntleinnn rushed ucrnss marines themselves appears difficult. maimed Tommy lint lately discharged tho street, raised his hut, anil offered Ashoro It Is regardod ns obvious from tho Gloucester. "I should say to assist tier In any posslhlo wuy. that occupation of tho so. Seo how I'vu trnvelcd Egypt, Tho wife followed him across at a fortress, probably by American troops, Gnlllpoll, Ilnly ii ml France. I could slow pace, and, witnessing his devo- would tin essential. not dono In 'civvy' Ufo. And to stranger, got Acid-Stoma- ch havo that tion ll.i sho mad, ntid Holding the gate- How the foro cno Icjr 1" shook her fist nt htm, way, supplemented possibly by occu- nil right It's all right 1" ho "It's pation of ot A mnn rarely realizes tho vnpldlty whispered. the fortress Strassburx, would enable to dom- 9f his howls till lie hears tho echo. "Yes, I know It Is," she hotly ex tho allied forces inate tho German on this front claimed. "Hero an unknown woman forces Health Ger- Wrecks stubs her toe, nnd you plow across nnd would glvo nn open road Into many hostili- Nervous and All Unstrung? tho street to cat her up with klndnesi. should n resumption of ties bo threatened. Pejl nervous and Irrltnblo all the Tho other day, when I fell downstairs, timet Continually worry It Is bellovod tho allied chiefs will over .trines? you stood at the hottnr nnd laughed wrong-- roar-war- of Then there's something; Hack your proposo a doflnlto plan for the d Millions of It all may be weak kidneys. Juit nnd chuckled nnd tickled rllis, as nerve wear Is a cause of kidney nnd wanted tn know If I was Imitating movement of tho German forces, Mnr ptopl nakt tbt latitat., tit yon moat get rid of tbat txceaa acid. weakness, so Is kidney trouble a Chnrllo Chaplin." Adelaide (Austra- which would próvido for nxposure ot hlnhlof tbat uptractd Nothing la gained by taking tnedtcloet cause of nervousness. If you have itj at tht doctora call It mtrtly uitnna which inertly atlmnlata and gift one a backache, "blues," nervous lia) Chronicle. the Gorman forces to flanking opera- an occaaloDit Mack of InriliMtlon faU aenst of atrfnetb and tbat letvt spells, bloat, heartburn, bMcbloff. tour, gat tbt txceaa acid atlll in tbt atonjach, You headaches, dlsiy spells, kidney Ir- tions that would cut them to pieces li- regularities atotuach. or acra otbr aucb minor inuat depend upon your food for your nnd a tired, worn feel. Our plmplro, btadache, bad brrath by taklm should any treachery bo revealed. meat qulcklj rtmttllrd-H- r will cur It atrengtb - and unlna you keen your Inc. try Uoan's Kidney rills. They May Applo, Alo, Jalap rolled Into a tiny usar 1C and le ft no rrtitu arttr tiTrcta. tomacb free from rscra nclif, pure, are recommended by thousands.' pill callad Doctor IMcrce'a I'lraaant relíela. AdT, Other obvious requirements would Aa a roattrr of fact ameracldltf la r twrct and it t rung, it cannot nmperly iponatblff fur Jong train of anfout All tflgcat food i your wbol body auiTera. A Colorado Cue bo, It Is thought, surrender by Aus- pit tit a tbat caua awful autTrrlng nod Whit you want la relief yet and Airs. loan w. White Man Stops to Est. tria to tho Italians of fortresses In tho aomttlmra bafdt tht brat ra tilica l all II I. bert la the way ataoluttly guaranleed Miller, lio W. "Brrrr A In It la a will citabtlahtd fact that tunny you take no chance, H'a bren tened Abriendo St., I'uob. tclurt teacher an Indian agricultural Alps that guard tho Austrian border catea of cbronlo aloraacb trmibt, an- tena of tuouiands of timet with unlvcraal In ,,r school In South us emia, atotnatltli, gavtrltli, rhriirnatUm, ucetM. Uo to your druggtit and get rnl Dakota writes that and tho road to Vienna; probabto gout, lumbago, ttrrbotla of tbt Itrrr, Juat ont pa kagt of EATO MO, a won suffered terribly tho loyalty of the Sioux In that region evacuation o't tho wholo cast coast of autolntoilcatlon, drpcpU, catarrh of derfal preparation that will literally Willi UUCKUCIIU, 1)0- - lb atmntch. lotrctfoal utcfr. cancer of wlpt tbt tícete acidity out of your Ine on my feet Is astonishing. Many hnvo tuilelly en- the Adriatic and the occupation ot ttoniach, frequently atom are many tht and falfular nch. Tbt retulta obtained hours during listed without fuss or hurrah, hut as would up Aus- heart trouble and heart failure, can b notblog abort of Atmoat In the day made mo such bases bottle traced illiectljr to an acldatomarb, atantly It relleree tbat painful, puffed wof'JA. 1 emitiln't with grcut determination. Sho adds: power completely. Tbla la at all purprlMut; when ymi up feeling eating, belcblnit, heart- UUTA LUC. I (TvSiWfli trian naval nit after ralna my arm to "My neighbor, l'rlsklng Klk. who lout consider that cren the acid formed la tb burn, aour atomach, etc. Makea tbt - s To safeguard Hussla nnd enforce raoutb from fermentation of bita of food tomacb feel cool and comfortable. corr.u mynair. I 'mrr r a w n leg was In bed for two. WssMTvVWB befriending the whiles In Ihn penco conditions In nussla, It was ludied in tht tcttu an acid that ti ac If you need tbla help lt'a your own ana was old tmlly tállele la yet powerful tuougu fault If you auffer another day, wcoko atw hostllo days, expressed the wish to eat through bard of BATON 10 la absolutely guaranteed, ao I If 1 hndiM. said, the road to thu Hlnck sea must tht rnaratl tut lifMti that ho had tho missing limb that ho tetth and dfcay them, la It any wontler, a big We box from your drugilit. If nnrnlv.hl MyNN be clearod, which would require sur- t fitdoe a go then, hit an exceaa amount of acid la not help you your money will bt niuiiuys ctcd tooSw ma might now nnd light; but he adds; by tbt tomicb cautea to mncb mliery, refunded, If your druggtt dnea not kerp often ana my feet and ankles wero render the Turks of tho fortresses tindermtnea atrengtb and wreck KATtlMO. your namo to va A 1 n . T I . I . . i . 'I do not think mtieli of the way the tbt tbt aend and addreaa l.n IIn. i.bln. ' of the Dardanelles. Surrender also ot health and happlneaa of an many people? tht Ka tonic Itenedy Company, 101S S, rills, I was able to get up nnd as I white man lights now. tie sleeps, then la It not a fact, within Ibt range of your TVabaib Ai., Chlcagn III., and they will continued their I grew stronger. 1 nusslau battleships and dostroyers In own obaerrathn, that rilot people out of at one you a GOc box and you can ue - ho eats, u while, hit mlt credit Doan's with saving- my life." then ho rests then tho Hlnck son, soUod by tho Oonnans, ten art victima of acid atomacht aend them tbt money for It afler you tights, then he eats. No, Is not If you rer hopt to be well aud atrong U. Cot Doia't st Any Slere, 60c a Bos that would be demanded, nnd possibly tho the way. 1 I When used to light uod surrender ot Turkish wer craft as DOAN'S to go three, four nnd llvo days with- well, FOSTER-M1L8UR- CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. out ontliig.'" Outlook.

Be hippy. Use Tied Croti Dig Hlue BRITI8H CAPTURE 6,000 HUN8. much better thnn liquid blue. Utllgbti Guticura Soap the laundress, All grocers. Adr. Halg Hammering Way Toward Mau-beug- e is and Moni. Japan Importing Typewriters. Easy Shaving for 25. Tho Imports of typewriters and London, Oct. Field Marshal rt' rjh- - vi trr :s Sensitive Skins pnrtR Into Japan have Increased from Halg's Third and Fourth armies, bar- Tho Now Up.lo.d.l. fullcuro M.thod it value of $23,1)27 for 1010 to $120,71)0 ing smashed through tho outor de- Im- fenses ot tho strategically Important for 1017, and practically nil wero -- that's what thousands of farmers ported from tho UiiHed States. Con- German lino south of Valonclennes, Bar. Who hive crone from the U. S. to H. Unlfttmn, successfully to ITalBlssBaxyM' TrUT U.tlonuniwyer,wuMn(U,a, sul Hubert Krnxcr of Kobe reports that continue hammer their Settle on homesteads or htiv land In Wsfrn I HI Ln J Japan Is enjoying expan- way toward Maubcugo and Mons, Caaala. Canada's invitation to every industrious to In BstM reasonable. Ultbeat oroneoo. Uwii.nlcM. nn enormous worker settle rf sion of foreign trade, and the neces- Thursday's attack started from the inaaiieea, asaicRwaa er Alberta is especially attractive. She wants , NEW TlWkS. LESS sity of using typewriters In their for' new front gained Wednesday which reí farmers to make money and happy, prosperous homes (or themselves A dotq ta telnet40from In ot by helping her raise Immense wheat crops to feed the world. tlOOfinidii bil4 tnen I elgn correspondence has hecoiuo suited an advanc between three HI i Vlatn to most of tho Japanese trad- and four miles on a front ot flftoon U soi i iio.n 13 13 ing Anns. miles, In which moro than 0,000 pris- You Can Get a Homestead of 160 Acres Free nnd many guns are reported to IIS oners or other lands at very low prices. Where you ajees! enomy is cm bay tana !i3 i An Absent Item. havo boon taken. Tho resist- lane? at $15 to $39 per sere that will raise 29 to 48 btMhelt of $2 Moa "History repeats Itself." ing stubbornly, but tho Hritlsh aro wheat to the ere It's easy to become prosperous. Canadian farmers All Hum MhletMvl n. ll TV "Maybe. Hut tho next chapter Is forging ahead, capturing villages and alio grow wonderful crops of Oafs, Briey Flax. Mixed Farm- - s uou,,,c isd going to lenvu Hill Ilnhenzollcrn out." other Important points. lag Is fully as profitable an Industry as grain raisins. Tho excellent .it """Kok, West of Maubeuge tho Hritlsh have Brasses, full of nutrition, are the only food required either Scare and flare, taken tho village ot noaudlgnles one for beet or dairy purposes. Good schools and churches; steak Isn't half I" markets convenient; climate excellent. Write for Children's Coughs 'This cooked and one-hal- t miles southwest of Lo literature my be and condltloni clftluil mote etrlout "That's nothing new. Well dono Quoanoy, Important and particulars as to reduced railway rates to SupL of Im- of tae tbto.t ul bo olttn srolded by tho most strong' migration, Ottawa, Canada, or to promptly illnr tho child a dots ot safe meat Is rare here." Cornell WIdcw, hold defending Maubeuge on the west In the same region they have crossed W. V. BENNETT Tou aro commanding on) life and the natural barrier ot tile Kcalllon Room 4, Bee Bids., Omaha, Neb. It la nbout thu hlggoat .coutruct over river, and rapidly are placing Valen- Canadian Government Agent PISO'S a man undertook. ciennes tn a pocket "i


HON O ISSUE, which Democratic Candidnto ELECTION ADDITION Wayjio Van Schoyk, Whito Oaks, Precinct No. 0. Encinoso is to bo voted on under and in Frank Snntana, Picacho, N. M, Judges , VIctorio Mnrtinez, PROCLAMATION 103, of nccordanco with Chapter i'or Stato Representativo For Superintendent of School? John Hodo, Charles Thompson; In accordance with the stntuto tho Third State Legislature Ses- aotli District Republican polling place, school house. , 11 such caso mndo provided, sion Mexico, 1017, Candidato and Lawn of Now Republican Mrs. wi, tho undersigned County The Officers to bo voted for, Candidate Maudo L. ÜInnoy, Oscuro, Precinct No. 7, Oliver M. N. M. Jlcarilla. ommissionors, various can Lee, Alamogordo.N.M. Judges-- A. within and for the names of tho Democratic II. Norton, Ed. R tho County of Lincoln. Statu of didates for each oiliccs, as ijcmocrntlc Candidate Candidato Hnskins, Tomns Macs; polling of the Miss 13. New Moxico. horohy PROCLAIM tho name in ollko W. U. Bunton, Socorro, N. M L. Spoliman, Carrizozo, plncc, school are on file tho N. M. house. AND GIVE lÜHLIc NOTICE of of thu County Clerk in this For District Judgo of tho 3rd an election to ho hold county post ofllco For County Surveyor Precinct No. 8, Whito OAks in several and the address Judicial District Judges Ralph pioelncts of tho Maid county, on of each said candidates where Republican Republican Candidato Trent. John Candidnto Townsend, Atwood Litlpin poll. jiiOHilaj, thofith day of Novum known are as follows; Ldwin Mechom, Alnmogordo, A. II. Harvoy, Carrizozo, N, M. her. A. I) 11)18, the object nnd Democratic Candidate Ing plnee, Mayer's Livery Stable For United Htntes Senatoi IN, M. jiurpofti of which is to elect por Democralic' Candidato B. R. Robinson, Pnrsons, N. M. Precinct No. 0. Tnpltan h Republican Candidate -- rino to the various odíeos here R. L. Young, Las Cruces, N. M. CfPITAL ADDITION Judges Neil H. Bicrtrcr. W. niHftcr nnmud, and to vote upon Albert Ilacon Fall, Three Rivera, S. Normnn, Melcor Chavez; poll, Hip N. M. For County Commissioner BOND ISSUE question of a Two Hundred lsl ing place, saloon building, IlmuMind Dollar ($200,000) Bond Democratic Candidnto District Synopsis of Chapter 103,Lawsof , W. IS. Walton, City, Republican 1017. No. 10, I "ñu-- Known n the CAPII AI Silver N.J1. Candidate Precinct Ruidoso Socialist Candidate William II. Sevier. Lincoln, N. M. An Act Authorizlnu tho con. Judges- - George W. L'oe, J. II. W. P.Metcali.Albuquorquo.N.M. Democratic Candidnto struction of a Two Story Addit Jackson. R A. Millor: nollinir Cat) For Representativo in Congress John L. Bryan, Jr.,Lincoln,N.M. ion to tllO to Bllildinir nr place, Sanchez school house. PROFESSIONS Santa Fe, New Mexico, Creating Republican I'or County Commissioner 11, Nogal Candidato n commission to Precinct No. le.. Spenro W C. Merchant Benigno C. Hernandez, Canjiion, 2nd District Authorized Judges J. C. Bender, Ed. O, GEORGE Sl'ENCE Republican Candidate construct tho Same, Appropriat- N. ftl. ing $200,000 therofor, Pilngston, Lute Skinner; jrojling attorney-a- Democratic Earl L. Moulton, Corona, N. M. providing placo, Nogal t law Candidnto for tho Issuanco of Bonds,200 in hall. til llnnk lliilldlni; I'linnt Nu. 48 G. A. Richardson, Ros well. N.M, Democratic Candidato number, at S1000 each, for Pav- - 12, Curilznto, Now Moxico Socialist Candidate A. S. McCamant, Corona, N. M. Product No. Bonito ment of said Sum, Bonds Bear- Judges- - W. R. Waller li. Dillon. Albunueruuc. For County Commissioner Whito, Bruco ing interest ut 4.5 porcontum per Rolnn Box; polling place, iN. 3rd Stunrt II. H. HAMILTON ill. District annum, Principal payable within Angus school house, Altorney.ut-I.n- For Governor Republican Candidato thirty years alter issuanco of UlKtliit Atturiigy Tlilnl Jn.llchl DWtriol Republican Candidato Harold P. Clarke, Glencoc, N.M. bonds. Precinct No. 13, Corona Civil 1'ractlcii I nil UoiitU Octaviano Larrazola, Las Vegas, Democratic (Candidate Tho following Judges of. elec- Judges- - A. J. Atkinson, Jnmca t'lionu fit Court llniio N. JW. Robert H. Taylor.Carrizozo.N.M. tion for tho several precincts nnd T. Davidson, Pablo Chavez; poll-in- g i i.rrlz'.io Now Moxlcc Democratic Candidate For Probate Judgo tho polling iilaces therein, were place, Htepp'b building, ... Felix Garcin. Lumborton. N. M. selected by tho Uoard. Republican Candidato The first Precinct No. 14, Carrizozo bocinhst Candidate named Judgo in each precinct to S13TH P. CREWS Doroteo Lucero, Arabella, N. M. Judges- - -- F. J. Sagcr, Manuel Allan II. Moulton, Mogollón, N.M. Democratic rcceivo tho ballot box, poll books v Candidato Gonzales, J. B. French; polling Attiiriieynt-I.iu- George and ballots for that Precinct. In For Lieutenant Governor Kimbrell, Picacho, N. M. plnce,a court house. l'niutlce nil the Court No. 1, Republican Candidate County Precinct Lincoln '.)ciiro , Now Mcxir.c For Clerk Judges J. M. Penfield, Slpio Precinct No. 15, Oscuro Honjamin F. Pankoy. Santa Fe. Republican Cnndidato Judges Guido Rnnnigar.Chas, N. M. Snlazar, Francisco Gomez; polling E. W, Hulbnrt, Carrizozo, N. M. plnce.Old Court house. F. Gray, Soth F. Crews; polling EDWIN MEG HEM Democratic Candidato Democratic place, school house. Candidato Precinct No. 2, San Patricio Attorney-iit-Lu- Elmer E. Veedor. Las Vetras. George C.Clements, Corona, N.M. Judges U. West, Precinct No. 16, Ancho General l'mctlcn N. M. John Geo. For Sheriff F. Strong, Frank poll- Judges Sabino Gonzales, Sam Offieo Over Holland's Urui; Ploro Socialist Candidate Randolf, Augustin Lucero, Nolan, N, M. Republican Candidnto ing place, Hondo school house. Woods. Juan Beltran; polling Aliunu;iiriiilu Nuw Moxloo Selretary R. A. Duran. Enuinosn. N. M. Precinct No. 3, Arabela place, school houso. For of Stato Democratic Candidate Republican Candidato Judges Leopoldo Pacheco, Precinct No. 17. Pino Lodgo WILLIAM IIKADV John Carrizozo. N. M. George - 8. Manuel Martinez, Logan, N. M. Hamilton, Nick Brill, Judges H. F. Dockroy, J. P. Nuliiry I'jIiIic, Interpreter nnd Attornov Democratic Candidato For Assessor polling place, Garcia'a saloon Pondergrnss, James A. Laifcrty; ltcforo JiKllcn and I'roliato Court Juan J. Duran, Clayton, N. M. Republican Cnndidato building. polling place, Spindlo store. Arrizólo ' Now Moxloo Socialist Candidate Alfredo Gonzales, San Pntricio, Precinct No. 4, Picacho Done nt Carrizozo, New Mox- S. Parks, Las Cruces, N. M. N. M. Judges R. C. Sowdcr, Joo ico, this 23rd day of October,1018. Democratic Candidato Talley, Perfecto Sandovul; poll- For Stato Auditor Signed, J. L. Bryan, FRANK J. SAOER Frank; R. Miller, Carrizozo, N.M. ing place, Bchool house. Acting Chairman of tho liimiranco, Notary Public lopublicnn Candidnto County G.Sargent.Chama.N.M. For Treasurer Precinct No. 5, Rabenton Bonrd of County Com- Aiicncy frtahlltlied 1802 Edward Republican Candidnto Judges-- C. E. Scítt, E. C. missioners, In Democratic Candidnto Ofllca ExclmnRo Dunk A. J. Rolland. Carrizozo, N. M. Starkoy, Agustin Chavez; polling Attest, O T. Nye, rilíoio Now Moxico Marcos C. do Baca, Bernalillo, N. placo, school house. M. Democratic Candidate County Clerk. Socialist Candidato lH. II. 15. HLANEY, DENTIST lajkin L. Daniels, Guy, N. M. ,'KxcliitiiK0 llnnk HulliIitiK For Stato Treasurer Carrizozo Now Moxico Republican Candidato Charles U. Strong, Morn, N. M. Democratic Candidato T. E. KELLEY T. W. Medley, Magdalena. N M. Funeral Ulroctor mill License Kmbutmer Socialist Candidnto riioua 1)0 Walter Cook, Magdalena, N. M. Crrlzozo Now Moxico For Attorney General Republican Gandidnto 1. SI. RAKER U. Askren, Roswell. N M. n i i I'yfllciiin mill Surifuon Democratic Gandidnto Marby, Kansas oerum At Tho Lucas HuhiIUiI Thnmns J. Albuquerque, DiacKieg M. Olíleo nnd Kuaijoncu No, 73 l'liono Socialist Candidate i R. Frost, Kenna, N. M. For Superintendent of Blackleaf LODGES Public Instruction "40" Ml Republican COMET Candidate CHAPTER NO. 29 lonathan H. Wairner. Sania Fe. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR N. M. Carrizozo, New Moxico. Democratic Candidate Studebaker Wagons J. S. Iiong, Portales. N. M. Recular Meeting Socialist Candidate First Wednesday of Mrs. L. M. D. O'Noil. Coronn.N. Each Month. M. All Visiting Stars Cordially In For Commissioner of Hog Fence vited. Public Lands Mrs. R. R. Sale, Worthy Matron Republican Cantlidate S. R Miller, Secretary. Nols Field, Socorro. N. M. Democratic Candidate Steel Roofing Geo. A. Davisioti. Roswell, N. M, -- Carrizozo Lodge No. Socialist Candidate New Moxico. Tomns A. Medina, Hurley. N. M. A. R & A. M. For Justice of tho Stato Supremo Court Dynamite, Etc. Regular communi- cations for 11)18. Republican Candidnto . A Man 26 Feb 23 Mar. Herbert F. Raynolds, Albuquer- 23. Apr.20, May 25 que, N. M. Juno 22. July 20 Democmtic Candidato Richard H.IInnnn.Santn Fe.N.M. Auk. it. Sep. 14. Oct. 10, Nov Socialist Candidato HV. and Dec. 14 and 27. A. Jas. Mcdonald, Clayton, N. M, R. G. Blanoy, W. M. For Member State Corporation S. R Miliar. Secretary. Commiflion Republican Candidato JefltiH M. Luna, Lo Lunas, N.M. flftiuttzozo Lodge No.30 The Titsworth Company, 1.O.O.F Democmtic Candidnto fJnrriHwo, Now Mexico. I). J. Finegan, Tucumcarf, N.M. R.T.Cribb.N G For Stato Representativo Capitán, New Mexico (ZJtLC M. II. Mont, ICth District 'Komery Scc'y Republican Candidato itflplttr meetings 1918-- - First Wiiliam B. Diatichard, Spindle, SQU third Friday each month. N. M. ' '

' ''''' '

' ' '' ' ' , the oa -

i(MBgDainnDaBCDaM)a9 .Curry, brothers of Mr. Richard. , I - I 1 Finir No. 29 at thu home of Mrs. CRYSTAL THEATRE ' M II. Colo boars two in Classified Ads Service Flag Ja stars honor of "The Howe hf Good Pictures" hor two sons, Jack und'WIII Colo. II Galley Flair No. 30 nt tho homo of Trinidad Gallegos nnd Mnrla II Gnllogos boars 50DC Your nocd dlctnto that NOW ote two stars in honor or ineir two ' soils, Complete Change of Prográm rnblo nnd redro. íh tlio time to buy a Hound Onk Flair No. 31 bearing the sinclo star Night JIcator.-AtKcl- ley &Son. at tlio llrazcl homo, in honor of Chas. Each A snow, liy his wire, lrs. Llura A full lino of fruits and veg-otnblü- fl Ili nrel rinow. conutatitly hand. on Flair N'o. 32 boars it slnirlo star in Putty & Holibs. honor of Hryan Hlghtowor nt tho ranch homo or .Mrs. Jim Coopor, nr. Show Starts Promptly at 8:30 O'clock FOR SALE Hnrtz mountain Finir No, 33. llonrintr tho simrlo star canaries; guaranteed Bingcrs, in honor of Itoy Halrd at Holland Uros. Drug store. EXCHANGE BANK BUILDING $(5.00 and $7.00 n pair. Jim Flair No. 31 boarlnir tho slnirlo star Anderson, Ft. Stanton, N. Mex. nt thu homo of Andres Lucras in honor Flag No, I. Hearing tlireo f his son Lupo G. Lueras. FOR SALE-O- no five room Htnr. itooarmuuiMUKumiuiMummuguujjiiia In honor of Kb, Ralph nnd I.owls Flair No. ir boarlnir 2 stars at tho house. Good cistern, well, coal Jones, at thu mudenco of It. It. Hale rnnch homo of Mr. nnd Airs. Hnrrv and chicken houses; two acres brothers of Mrs, It. It. Sale ami Mis Gallacher in honor of thuir brothers of ground goes with the Iioubc. Griteo Joños. Wm. W. Gullaehor nnd Joo 1!. Collier. Plntr Mil Mfl linnrltirr n nttwrl.. (,. In Flag No. 2. (louring ttvo Will sell at a bargain if taken at atnr. in honor of 1st Lieut. Phil S. O'Connul nt once. Live Stock Com. Co. honor (if Ralph It. nnd Geo. II. Harbor tho Outlook olllce. you deferred J;'., nt thu Harbor residence. HAVE Plntr NI,i ft Lnttrlntr lurn alnfa nt You must eat; consequently Flag No, 3. -- safe deposit box Hearing tho slnglustar,' thu rnnch homo of Mrs. Thlrzu E. Hux-to- you must buy groceries. Wo itt tho homu of Air. nnd Mrs. Henry In honor of Stephen K. (Srelson believing it an expense you provide. Patty ,& Hobbs. Lute, In honor of tholr aun, Lieut. nnd Kdwurd It. Wilkinson, both Cling. II. Lutz. curtail? The CarrizozoLivo Stock Com. Fllllf Mtl. nR. nf tlin llnmn nt Mr, could Flag No. I. Hearing the singlo tnr, Klin iloll'innn. benrs 3 stnrs In honor Present day conditions have made Co. has some good ranches for In honor of Morgan Roily, at thu res- - f hnr Iwn amia .Innli It utitl Jnmna I of deposit box most ?nle, with or without stock. Idcnco of Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Itelly. I. Itnffmnn tin, .liua Klinltrm 1u. the posession a safe nepnuw, necessary, nnd the low rental we charge extravagance ring No. (. Hear nir two Btnrs. In There can bo no honor of Thos. F. Wright nnd Kavld for ours makes them an essential within in paying onoughHo gut the best. T. Hauls, displayed ut tho First Nntlonnl llatik. Extremely Unfortunate the reach of all. There is recklessness in paying Flag No. 0. Hearing singlo Tlio niiRfortuno of iJr.Slinvor We will gladly explain the ndvan too little. The Round Onk heat- tho star. In honor of Hov 11. Grumble. nnd iiis ontiro family who were tages offered by a private safe within our See them Kellcy on of Mm, M. II, Grumbles, nt her ers are best. at Influenza, & Son. noma. attacked with has vaults. Flag No. 7. ltonrlnir one star, in become jrenerally known, but For Salo: Yearling and two honor of ilomnldo Gnrcla, nt the homo another and more unfortunate Exchango Bank of Carrizozo rather, June llnrclu. Cairtxoto, Nu) Mexico year-ol- d Hereford Hulls. The orina one 1ms befell tho family. Flag No. 8, At the homo of Mrs The Titsworth Company. Capitán. Chas, A. Stevens, hearing tho singlo Dr. contracted the diucaso in la Htnr in honor of her son, Allison borinp; for dny Stevoiu. an entire with the Flng No. U. Hears two stiirs, son of Senator Fall and in n few at tho homu of Mrs. Alice dnys tho entire family had be Ily haiutlnr up this SEHVICB Itoliiirti, In Intuir of her two nons, PANKI.1 a hamhomo tnotnl will come stricken with tho plague. decoration In honor of father, Hert Honoris nnd rink I'urXur Kou brother, sweetheart, or friend In orts. UeinK in HtranRC our country'! rvlci. ' Buwoundinirs ThUI'anelmcaeure4Kx7lncb Flng No. 111. Hoars tho single star, bo to speak, the Dr. phoned his I 11111 M and It not moulded, but ensrav displayed at tho homo of Mrs. Geo. on Blwautlf ul metal with ffEBOft od illrerr I II, Miss In brother, Joo A. Shaver at East I dcilgn In rich broma enamel, and Harbor, by Anna Klrby, lacqutrea. a permanent uaaKaoi honor or nor brother, uuy Kiruy. Vauirhn, who with his wife came honor to which your children's iuoveu to i i raso. children will Mint with orldo and at once to Carrizozo to nuvso the reverence. Flnlihed with tllk cord hanser. No, It. Hoars tho singlo star, We engrave any one or two names In the space Flan Buffering relatives. They had War Buy without extra ihanre. Each plate Jlsnlaycd at tho ranch homu of Mrs. Írovlded, In a box and tent pottpald for 1100. J. It. Clcghorn, In honor of hor brother, not bLen but i'.bout one week, Snvlnat Slumpt Thm Oftn Order or Mk for Illustrated folder. jno II. uolller. AHT METAL SPECIALTY COMPANY when Mr, Shaver took to his bed 1414 UWRtNCt ST., MHVH. COU. Plan No. 11!. Hears the sinulo star. In honor of Llovd Hulbert. nt tho and with all the medical attcn homo of his father, F. S. Hulbert, at tion that could be had ho rrnd Lincoln, ually grow worso until last Sun Flag No. 1:1. Hearing tho singlo day he passed away. star, in honor Ivun I. French, at tlio Tho reason jaaaaaefe liomo or his mother, Airs, liniimi A. The unfortunate featuro of this Flowers. Bad affair, ia the link of misfor Building Material Flag No. M. Henring two stars tune added to tho Doctor's chain disulaved ut tho homo of J. E. Farlev of unhappincss which cnuseclhim Would advise our friends thnt no permit from any Gov-emine- nt by his daughter. Mrs. I. 1). linker, In honor of her husband, I. D. linker to lose his brother, who had Ofiicial is necessary to make farm improvements and her brother, Albert F. Farley. so kindly cumo to his assistance not to exceed $1,000.00, a3 decided by The War Industrial Flag No, IG, Flying nt tho home of and just at tho time when nscov Hoard on Sept. 20th, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J, Htrnloy, bearing ery for tho family ovi Therefore, Farmers and Rnnchmen can make such im- eeBl7eBBv7fVir?BiHeBaH two stars, in honor or their two sons, seemed Thos. anü Ulias. Hpurgeon, at Ancho, dent, he was taken away himself. provements as are essential, unhampered. Flair No. 10. At thu homo of Mrs Dr. Shaver is not 'he only phy With a Large Stock of Iiuilding Material, we can givo At Holland Uros., Druggists II. T. Lucas, bearing the singlo star sician who ha suffered from tho you good service. In honor of hor husband, Capt. U, T, Lucas. disease; from ovory town in tho land como reports of pliysicians worth-Galbrait- Flair No. 17. At tho homo of Wm, Fox h Lumber Co. Harnett, in honor of Sam nnd Mike being overcomo, nnd fallen vie brothers of Wm. Harnett, nnd Itoy tims of tho "Flu" nftor laboring CARRIZOZO, N. M. u or Hamilton, lirotlier Airs. liityietl with those nfilictcd and quite a Flat; No, 18. Hears two stnrs, dls number lost lives. We playea at tho homo of Airs, Kulth It have their Smith. In honor of her two wons aro glad at this writing to bo Orville Vermin, In the army, and uble to say that tho Dr. and his THE FOUNDATION uccll naminoml, in tlm nnvy. family ure out of danger OF A FORTUNE Flsc No. 11). At tho residence of and Mrs. V. C Merchant. In honor of ho that he will soon be able to re has generally hoen tho acquir- two sons. Iicrnard It. and Ilnlnh W sumo his practice. ing of the savings bank habit. ana nusunnn w. u. morcnaia It is a habit that begets pru- Your Strength Flue No. 20. At the homo of Mrs. A Bargain dence and frugality, traits which Will 8. O'Connell, bears the slnelestnr good always tend for success. you By Conserving Your In honor of hor brother James Carpen Ford car, as as now; has If ter. -- Moved to El I'aso. neon run uut uuu miles, wii have not acquired tho saving Bell nt a banmin if taken ntonce habit, do so at once. Opon an Nervous Energy Flag B.W, No. 21. At tho home of account hero and acqulro tho Harris, In honor of his IrH City Garage, habit which you'll luter acknwl-edg- o Nervousness Johnson, and hears tho single star. Stockholders' Meeting For or Flag No. 22. At thu ranch homo of as one of the best things Sleeplessness, Try 1. M. Johniuii. bearimr two stars In The first nicotina of the stock you have ever done. honor or sons, reter ana Ira Johnson. holders of tho Now Mexico Iron Flag No. 23. At thu homo of Mr. and & Steel Corporation will bo held Mrs, nenjamin biimiuei hearing tnroi at tho (Jomnanv's o lice nt Car THE LINCOLN STATE BANK stars In honor of his thrco sons, Hon rizozo, N. M., beginning 2 p. M. urn! E, at HANK WITH US GROW WITH US Jamin IV, Churlos Goorgo m .ill Critllwlni, T,i, O IfllQ auinmoi, III. vill kjtktui liujr, 11UV, X4TA(J. The purposes of this meeting Flag No. tine of Mrs will be to M, F. singlo elect directors for the WtlU star In onsuing year, be honor or h' son I Wells, It will our NT). pleasure to have all stockholders Flag 25. At thu homo of Mrs - Best Accommodations For All Tho People L. II. Crawford, bearing two stars In present at this meetinir. A Nerve Sedative contain honor of her husband, L. H.Crawford Now Mexico Iron & Steel Cor ing Ingredients recognized and brother, M. G, Lcinet. poration. Alt Tho Timo by Specialists having Flag No. 20. In honor of Francis By C. A. Roborson, Pros as reliman, at inn nomo oí ins sister, great value in the Treat- Mrs. J. H. Garven. If a thing is worth having, its worth having now. Tho pros CAftRIZOZO EATING HOUSE ment of Nervous Flag No. 27. In honor of Lt. Harry Diseases. Dixon, at the homo of his wife. Mrs. ent year is worth more to us than AT ALL DRUGGISTS Violeta Olxon. nil tho future. Don't pass up Flag No. 28 bearing two stars at thu Round Oak Kelley Table Supplied With Best The Market Affords MILES MEDICAL CO,, tikhart, Ind. the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Illch heater at nrd In honor of Hay L. and Harry L. & Son. HA

1Ü' liMnmrn p TMK OAMLIXOZO OUTLOOK BswBBBh ...... SPECIAL SALES! ALL OVER OUR STORE FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS We will make this Store a Busy Place for the next two months WITH SPECIAL PRICES. The Largest Stock of Christmas Merchandise Shown in This County at the Lowest Prices CHRISTMAS GOODS ON SALE NOW

Our Government Wishes You to Do Christmas Buying Early This Year, Think Twice Before You Part With Your Money. Investigate, Compare, Remember that During this Special Ghristmas Sale We Can SAVE YOU A LOT OF MONEY.

Our Boys Who Aro GIFTS --FOR WOMEN: Silk GIFTS FOR MEN: Neckwear. Silk Sweaters Your Savings Will need Sugar Silk Undergarments, Gloves, Silk Waists, Oversells Shirts, Gloves, Silk Hose, Military Brushes Turn the Scales, so Suvo at Homo Silk Kimonas, Silk Hosiery, Manicure Buy W. S. S. Today Pipes, Bath Hobes, and Ilnndkerchiefs. Sets, Books and Pictures. Sale of Men's Special Sale of SHOES LADIES' SHOES 00 Hress at a Great Saving Shoe fiO Pair Lnco and Button and Laco Button, in Gun Metal, Our Special Price Patent Leather and $4.95 Cloth Top SHOES Big Values in $5.50 Sizo 2 to GJ Mens Work Shoes $3.95 to $6.00 $4.4" Others at $6.00 Special Sale of to $12.50 Hoys' & Youths' SHOES Bargains in Suit Just the thing Cases for School Wear $2.50 Values Go- .20 Pair Gun Mctnl ing at $1.98 Button, sizo 9,to Vh $2.fi9 100 Pnir BOYS' PANTS 10 Pair Gun Metal at a Reduced Button, size 1 to 2 $2.95 Price 40 Pair Gun Metal Men'e Corduroy Lncu, size 8 to 18J PANTS $2.18 $4.00 Value, Hig Lot sizo to :é now $:U5 $3.45

Pay Cash and Save Money. Special Prices on Groceries for Cash. Ask Us

Special Sale on Boys' and Youths' What Do You Know About the Special Value in BLANKETS & QUILTS CLOTHING. PONG HOY SUITS Trading Co.? 2,000 YDS. BEST Cotton Blankets, 51x74, $3.150. Wool-Finis- h The Greatest Hoy Suit Value OUTING FLANNEL, Net 22 Blanket, 04x70, $5.00. Wool-Na- p Inches Wide Blanket, 72x8 1, $9.00, Special Lot of Known. Sizes 4 to 18 QUILTS at Prices $2.50 to $14 29c. Per Yard $589 tQ $689

CARRIZOZO; Don't Delay CARRIZOZO TRADING CO. N. M Christmas Shopping

m i '

OARMZOZO OUTLÓbk. tion nf at IniRf V l,oooorfl. UNNECESSARY CALLS FOREIGN CHAPTERS TOLD OF It will thin been seen thnt during TO DATE liaron Hurlen, tho Austrian premier, tlio eighteen months which have MADE ON PHYSICIANS NEWS has resigned, according to Vlonna RED GROSS WORK elapsed since the United Stoles rtl newspapers. tered the wnr, thu American people Sir Edward Fry, lord will lmvo paid In or pledged to IN PARAGRAPHS former Justice either Proper Treatment of Mild Cases of appeal, died nt Falland House, near Annual Meetings Listen to Re the Ainerlcnii lted Cross for Its work Ilrlstol, tinglnud, of relief throughout thn world, In of Spanish Influenza. Greek troops complotcd tho reoccu- - port Made by Organiza- money or In material values, a net CAUQHT FROM THE NETWORK Of patloa of tho regions of Urcek Mace- Council. total of nt lenst $.120.000,000. by tion's War America's Heart. Use of Qauze Masks Is Recommended WIRES ROUND ABOUT donia which have boon hold the Revealed Ilulgnrlnns and Turks, It hns been because of this spirit for Those Nursing Sick Hand- WORLD. THE lmvo boon earthquakes which tins pervaded nil American Itcd kerchiefs Ara Out of Place-R-est Thorn sovero OF COUNTRY'O In Guatemala and 1C0 persons am Cross effort In this wnr tlint tlio aged la Important. dead, according to rnports, Much POPULATION 18 ENROLLED, governor of one of thu stricken nnd property damage also has bean caused. Imtterei) provinces of Franco itutr-- Washington. In nn effort to reduce DURING THE PAST WEEK hi-- i Del- - not long since Hint, though Frunce unnecessary cnlls on tho over-worke-d llrltlsh officers returning from Approximately Eight glum say whllo has not Estimated That long known of America's greatness, physicians throughout tho country be- that Ostein! Women Aré Engaged In Can- badly damaged, coast Million strength and enterprise, It retiMlned cause of tho present epidemic of In- - been other teen Work and the Production of RECORD OF IMPORTANT EVENTS towns lmvo been co.uplotoly wrecked, for the American Itcd Cross In il ls wnr lluenzn, Surgeon General llluo of Relief 8upplles Vast Sums Ex CONDEN8CD FOR BUSY Mlddelkcrko is likened to l'onipcil. to reveal America's heart. Slates public health service pended. In country, nt this momwit, the Tho Austru-Hungarla- government this calls upon tho people of Jho country to PEOP 2. through soon will reply to 1'iosldent Wllsnn',1 workers of the lted Cross, Its lean) something about tho home cure lied Cross chapters throughout the nVe helping mid note, Inasmuch as ho not chapters, to to the of patients III with Influenza, Phy- has country held their nnuiliil meetingH of Wmu rn Nvwipipftr Unln New Strvlet, tho quostlon concerning possi comfort nnd health of tho millions sicians evcrywiero lmvo complained October 2:i, ut which the following 1W camps áüuuT TUB WAK ble conditions for penco negotiations. our soldiers In nnd canton about the Inrgo number of unnecessary mi'HHiigo from thu Wnr Council wuh ments, ns well as of those triiv.llng on llrltlsh casualties reported for tho declared a l dispatch Horn calls they lmvo had to malm because rend : on week ended Oct. 22 numbered ITJ.IGO, Vienna, railroad trains or embarking ships of tho Inability of tunny people to dis- To the Chapters of the American Hod duly overseas; coinimrod with 35,710 for the previous Mndcmolselln do Valletto, bend of for tinguish between the cuses requiring Cross: The homo scrvleo of Urn lted Cross, wcok. tho American section of tlio press do- expert medical caro nnd those whlca The Wnr Council sends greetings lo wllh Us now more than 10.000 workers, I'lirlng tito Inst f If toon days of their rmí tinunt tho foreign otflco, was could readily bo cared for without a of tho chapters of tho American Itcd Is extending Its ministrations of sym- occupation of Llllo thn Germans took killed instantly In when a hand physician. With Influenza continuing l'nrls Cross on tho occasion of their iinuuul pathy counsel each monlli to up- - lulo .captivity 10,000 of tlio In grcimdo which sha picked up In and to spread In mnny parts of the coun- meetings for 11)18, 100.000 behind habitants of thn city nenr the front ex iinls of tandiles left try, and with nn ncnto shortage of doc- territory With theso greetings go congratula by soldiers nt the front n number Tlio American troops have occupied ploded. tors nnd nurses everywhere, every tions on t liu great work of the chapters ever growing with thu Increaso of our on physicians or the town of (Jrand l'ro on the north Tho council nf tho Czechoslovaks call either , during thu past year nnd, above ull men under arms. nurses makes It so much harder to bank of tho Aire rlvar, north of thn and Jugo Sluvs at Santiago, Clillo, sent - things, on the wonderful spirit of sac- Hut, of course, tlio heart of the lted m et thu urgent needs the patients Argotiuo forest. it telegram to l'reslduut Wilson thank' of lllco and patriotism which bus per Cross and Its money nnd attention til- who nro serlousty III, Iloliuln mid Ilruycllcs on tho Scheldt Ing him for his efforts tu secure thn vaded that work. ways move toward nnd focus them 8polled. Boutli of mil now in tho hands Independence of tho two races, "which Present Generation Tom uro Thu strength of the Hcd Cross rests selves In Kurope where the American present generation," of tliu llrltlsh, utu! of Tournnl lmvo borne for many years tlio doml "Tho said the north upon Its chapters, They nro Its hi no lied Cross, as truly "the grentest moth surgeon general, spoiled by tho village Froyenno has been nation of tho aulocratlc Austrian cm "hns been of nnd sinew. They supply Its funds. r In tlio world," Is seeking lo draw "a having expert nursing cleared of the cnomy. piro," m had medical nnd i hey supply Its men uud women, they nst net of mercy through an ocean of euro rendlly available. It was not so It that tho Hundlng linn Iiuh Spooking In tho llotisn of Commons us, serins supply IIh enthusiasm. Let then, unspeakable pain." 111 tho days of our grandmothers, when In , been outllnnUeil In llclglum, whero tho London, James Thomas review together the lted Cross story Red Cross Worth Recognized. every good housewife whs expected to Hclicldt hits and secretory of ad rlvor been rrossod financial tho of the past year. Nothing Is withheld (hut can bo know n gdod deal about the euro of tho oast of miralty, good Lo Caloau, tho llrltlsh and said there was reat.ou Some Idea of the slzo to which your given over there to supplement the sick. fought way to ull destroyers Amorlcans have their bctlevo that dormán lied Cross family has grown tuny ho Tforts of our army and navy In caring "Kvery person who feels sick and through nil torpedo ImatH their obstructions. and which had guthored from thu following facts: for our own hoys. Thu lted Cross does appears to he developing an attack nt mid Zonbruggo lmvo - Tho llrltlsh forces fighting north of bases Ostond On Muy 1, 11117, Juvt before the up- not pretend to do tho work of the Influenza should nt ouco bo put to escaped to ports, of IO Catcuu lmvo captured Auiervul, nc- German polnlment of thu Wnr Council, thu medical corps of the nrmy or the nnvy; bed In n room. If his wording to tho official report from An unusually Into winter In north American lied Cross had W" 1114 mem- Its purpose Is to help uud to supple- bowels lmvo moved regularly, It Is not Klold Marshal Hnlg's hondqunrtcrs In ern llussln was iishorod in by a heavy bers working through 002 chapters. ment. necessnry to glvo n physic; whero n Franco. Tho llrltlsh nro now two tall of snow. Tho Dvlnn and Vaga On July ill, 1018, tho organization Nor does tho lted Cross seek to pliyalc Is needed, n doso of castor oil nillos from Viilpiiclcnncs. rivers, which usually nro, closed nt this numbered 20,MH,10:i annual members, glorify what It does or thoso who do or Hochellu salts should be given. Ilolshovlk troops advancing toward dato, aro still Ice-fre- Tho American besides 8,000,000 members of the It; our satisfaction Is In tho result, "Tho room should bo clenred of all nro being equipped n Ekaterinburg lmvo been snvoroly do and other soldiers Junior lted Cross total enrollment which, wo lire assured by Secretary unnecessary furniture, brlc-u-brn- nnd snml-nrctl- uniforms, Including h of Ire-Inn- d tested by Czecho-Slovn- and Siberian with of over tho population linker, General l'ershlng, flcnernl rugs. A wash bnslp, pitcher, nnd slop forces. Tho Holshovlkl lost 1,000 men sheepskin great coats nnd Arctlo felt the United .States. nnd nil our leaders, Is of Ines- bowl, soap mid towel should bo nt killed, as well us throo nrmorad trains, tints, Since thu beginning of the wnr you timable vnluu nnd of Indlspunsablo Im bund, preferably In tho room or Just clcvon locomotives and sixty machino In n literal transport of Joy tho (5,000 if the chapters lmvo with portance. outsldo tho door, guns. Inhabitants remaining In Laon rushed tho Wnr Council In conducting two war Hy the first of Jnnunry your ilea "If tho patient Is feverish n doctor to gates to greet Gen olio membership drive, lmvo working In French troops lmvo captured Cha1 tho of the city fund drives nnd Cross will France should be culled, nnd this should be Mnngln, who entry tho in to thu campaign on behalf n vivid landr) and Urandlup, north of Laoc, tundo his Into addition of 5.000 Amcrlcnns duiiu In any cuse If the patient appears Men, woman lted group eighteen according to thu l'nrls war offlro nn city. nnd children, with of thu Junior Cross. contrast to tho little of very sick, or coughs up pinkish (blood- running Tho total actual collections to dato men women which, ns first lied nouncemcnt Tlio Czecho Slovak tho tenrs down their cheeks nnd the stained) sputum, or breathes ruptdly "Long tho have amounted to snlled troops fighting with tho French ro and waving tho Tricolor, cried! from first wtir fund Cross commission Frunce, mid painfully. to 110,000,000. sub 1, our captured which llvo Güii. Mniiglnl Long llvo tho army! more than The about June 1017, to Inltlnte ef "Most of the patients cough up con- tho villano of Terrón, scrlptions to the second war fund had temporarily faltón Into tho hands Long live our llborntorsl" forts In tiuropc. siderable mucus; In some, there Is amounted to upwards of $170,000,000, now litis active, op-- of tho enemy. A Swiss banker Is authority for tho Your lted Cross much mucus discharged from tho'nosn stntoment aro From membership dues thu col lec erntllig commissions In Frunce, In Eng Oormany has lost tho wholo of tho that Swiss banks nnd throat. This material should uot flooded securities, and tions have amounted to approximately land, In Italy, In Hclglum, In Switzer- bu In handkerchiefs, HclRlnn coast, which for four years with titles collected but script money Germany nnd Alls $24,f, 10,000. land, In I'nlestltm nnd In Greece. You In old rugs, or pa- has been tho b.'uo of submarino and from rather bits of toilet In splto of heavy ox Splendid Work Done by Women have sent n shipload of relief supplies per, on paper As soon aerial against F.nglnnd and tria tho loss by or napkins. us attacks chnngn. Vienna losing r8 per cent To thu foreglng must ho lidded that nnd a group of devoted workers to used, theso rags or papers should ho ICngllsh shipping. Ostcnd 1 .is been and llorlln 47 per cent. A lnige pro' very large contribution of materials northern llussln; you lmvo dispatched placed In a paper bag kept beside tho lakon. Lilla lias boen occupied and portion tho depositors and sellers and time given by thu millions of wom a commission to work behind our anu- bed. Pocket handkerchiefs uro out of l)aun and Zocbruggo lmvo fallón ta of bolong to tho princely families .posing en throughout the country In surgical les In eastern Slherln; you have scut place In tho sick room and should uot thn nllles, - under assumed names. dressings, In knitted- urtlcles, In bos. special representatives to Denmark, to bu used by patients. Thu rugs or pa Thren Gormnn airplanes wore pltal uud refugee garments, In canteen Serbia and to the Island of Madeira. pers In the paper bug should be burned. brought down Oct. 18 by Limit. Clove work, uud thu other activities the chap Carries. Menago of Hope. Tho patients will not bu hungry, Tlio American league wns 18 years land McDormott of Syracuse, N. Y. ters have been called upon to perform. Your lted Cross Is thus extending re mid the diet should therefore be light. I IncrciiHOR old on Oct. .lin t osenpod tho his In olRhtcon the number It Is estimated that approximately lief lo the nruiles nnd navies of our Milk, u soft-boile- egg, some toast or by n liltto over n month. of dormán machines destroyed on Frl draft 8,000,000 women urn engaged In can allies; and you tiro carrying u practical crackers, u bit of Jelly or Jain, stewed Sergt. Tommy Hums, world's day by I. lent. McDermott and oilier former teen work nnd the production of relief message of hope nnd relief to tlio fruit, soiiiu cooked cereal llko outmeul, American aviators. After brlnRltiK heavyweight champion, now nthlntlo supplies through the chapters. friendly peoples of mulcted Kuropcnnd hominy or rice these will suttlce In down his first oppnuont tho lieuten instructor with Canadian forces at For the period up lo July 1, 1018, Asia. most cases. II. suffering In- ant waR attacked by flvo Fohkors, Vimcourvor, C, is front American lied Cross chapters, through Indeed, wo nru told by thoso best Comfort of Patient. llrltlsh troops lmvo entered tho Spanish Inftuenzn. their workrooms, bad produced: formed In thu countries of our nllles "The comfort of tho patient depends western suburbs of Valenciennes, Damn Humor has It tho fllrnts will 100,1-- 0 refugee garments. that thu efforts of your lted Cross to on u number of little things, mid theso Held Moflía! Hnlg ropnrls from head bo Bold at tho December baseball 7.12:1.021 hospital supplies. aid the soldiers and to sustain tho should uot bu overlooked. Among In New Spiking tho 10.7Sil.IS0 hospital garments. populations left wetl-vunt- quarters. Valenciennes hud been In meeting York. inórale of the civilian thusu mny bo mentioned a l- tinlntorrnpted French possession from roport that tho goad old dama linn lO.l.'ll.r.Ol knitted articles. nt home, especially In Franco nnd tilled room; n thoroughly clean bed of 102,718,107 surgical dressings. u very fac- 1C77 until thn onrush of tho Germans boon Intcrnod for thu period the Italy, have constituted real wllh, fresh, smooth sheets nnd pillow-cuse- s; wnr, A 221,282,8:18 nn III , early In thn present wnr lod tlinm totul of nrlleles of tor winning the war. quiet, so that refreshing steep many miles into Franco, it Is now I'al Moore, Memphis bantamweight estimated xggrcgatu value of nt least The veil bus already begun to lift. tuny bu had; cool drinking wnter con nlioiit to bo added to tho rapidly grow nnd Itllcliln Mitchell, Milwaukee light $4 1.000,000. What tlio lied CroRH may bo called veniently placed; u cool compress to Ing list of towns, tho redemption of weight, will make tho trip to London Theso articles wero largely the upon ' ) tin In thu further course of tho the forehead If tberu Is hendadlo; which tins brought rojolcing to tho nn tho Great lakn naval training sta product of women's hands, and, by the war, or with the coming of vlctury, keeping thu patient's hands and fuco Fiench people. tion representatives at tho boxing same token, Infinitely more precious pence nnd reconstruction, It would be thu forehead If there Is heiunclio; bouts for tho king's trophy, it was nn than could have been the output of Idle t nttempt to prophesy. clean, and thu hair combed; keeping very nauncod In Chicago. factories or machines. These article Hut your greut orgnnlzntlon, In his mouth clean, preferably with sume Following tho deaths from Spanish - going to the operating room of the bos. tru'1- "thu mobilized heart nnd spirit pleasant mouth letting the pa- Influenza of two man In thu students UfcWfcKAL wash; pltnls, to homeless or needy refugees. of the wholo American people," hns know someone Is within call, auxiliary training corps, classes nt thn MnJ, Guns. Hunter Liggett and Hob to tient that nnd carrying comfort to our own boys shown lt.'lf equal tu nny cull, ready not annoying him with too much Statu University at Tucson, Ariz., ert L. Dullard were nominated by l'rns but In tho lleld, convey u message of lovo respond to tiny emergency. giving patient plenty of lmvo been suspended and rigid quar- Iclent Wilson to bo lieutenant gener fussing; thu a from tho women of this country entire- Spirit of All Beit and Highest opportunity to rest and sleep. antino established. áis. great money ly distinct from the vulue TIih American lted Cross has become "It Is advisable to glvo thu sick room attaching to us u great Spread of Spanish Influenza In Ne- Trinco Umberto, rount of Batumi, their handiwork. nut so much nn organization u good Hiring sovunl times a day. Money Work, In organ- braska continued Tuesday, according counln of King Viator Kmmnnuol, Is 8pent In movement, seeking tu embody "So much for tho patient. It Is lo tho Stuto Hoard of Health. Approx dead ut Crospiinn, near Monto Grappa, Hy thu terms under which tho first ized form Hie spirit "f service, the equally Important to consider tho per- raised, In ull Hint Is imately fi.000 new cnies wero reported. whore ho commanded a battery In the lted Cross wnr fund was the spirit of sncrlllce short, son who Is caring for him. It Is Im- chapters were to 23 per The machine gun officers' Italian army He was 29 years old. entitled retain best nnd highest In tho Kleins aim portant to remember that the disease trnluliiR In country. cent of thu amount collected, order of our genn-lnde- mat- school nt Camp Hancock, (la., hns Thirty-fou- r Is spread by breathing prominent theatrical ilcfnty local expenses, to carry on thel wo but believe that awarded second lieutenancies to 832 Indeed cunnot ter xpruyed lulu tho nlr by the patient liuinagers nnd actors in Now York homo somen work, to purchase ma wonderful rplMt which service In turn, among whom nro sovurnl Denver this In coughing or even In ordinary breath- pledged their profession to rabio $2, lerlals to he utilized In chapter produc- mid for thu lted Cross tins evoked In and Colorado boys. 135,000,- ing, The uttendnnt should therefore 000,000 townrds New York's tinnier-liti- tu become In our tion and otherwise to meet thu this wnr, Is destined wear a musk over her mouth Kvery person In tlio United States 000 quola in the United Wnr Work upon permanent laur.o calls mudo them. The chap national Ufo un clement of nnd nose while she Is In the sick room. will have to save nt least 3f0 pounds campaign for $170.000,000. tcis wero thus entitled to retain nearly value. of food for coming year. Such a uinsk Is easily mudo by folding the This Tho abdication of Kmperor Wllllnm $2I.000,000. As u mutter of fuel, thel At Christmas time wo shnll ask the moans each person must n piece of gauze four fold, sewing a that do with nnd tho crown prluco Is the only actual retentions amounted tu only whole American people to answer the out 150 pounds of food tliU year, In piece of tnpu nt the four comers. moans of solving thu "torrlblo crisis," about $22,000.000. Cross Christmas roll cull. It will addition to last year's curtailment. Ild Observe Cleanliness, nccordlng lo opinions expressed by tho Out of collections from annual mem constitute n unique appeal to every should, possible, grcn "Thu attendant it WASHINGTON Munich Host, tho Swaoblscho Tag bershlps. Die chapters have retained limn, woman and child In this wenr a washable gown or an apron Tho prevailing bollof In Washington wacht and Franklscho Morgenpost. about $11.000.000. laud of ours to become enrolled In our which covers tho dress. This will make FVom sum, $33, mercy. Tuesday night was that any action this total therefore, of nrmy of It much simpler tu avoid Infection. Judge Wllllnm Morrow of San Fran' by Council President Wilson mny take as a re 000,000 retained the chapters, they It Is the hope nt tho Wnr Is deslrcble thut all cisco, presiding In tho United States roll "It attendants sult of tho new Gorman noto will hove met nil tho oftentimes very henvy that this Christmas membership lenrn how to uso n fever thermometer. District Court nt Tucson, Ariz., took upon await and largely bo eulded bv n de local demands them, nnd In nihil cull shnll constitute n recousecrntlon This Is not nt ull n dllllcu.t matter, nnd of by people, an In cision of tho Supremo War Council In under advisement the demurrers Hon lnivn provided for use national of the whole American thn usu of such u thermometer is a twenty-fou- r to mankind In Franco. Harry C. Whoeler nnd headquarters products valued, spiring rcuasertlnn that great help In curing for tho patients. upwards $41,000, con Cablegrams received by Horbert other Ulsbco uud Douglas mon charged stnted above, at of this hour of world tragedy, not to The druggist who sells these thermom- (MX). quer to serve Is supreme Hoover, chairman of the Ilelglan re In federal Indictments with conspir but America's eters will bo to show how they In returned lief commission, Indicate that tho pop acy to deprive citizens of rights guar The chapters have effect mm. uro used. to the War Council, not mono thu $:ci THIS WAlt COUNCIL OF TUB AMUU- - ulation of reoccupled 'errltory In anteed them by tho constitution In tho "In doting, and lest I be mlsunder-ítoo- d, 000,000 retained out of the wnr fund 1CAN KKÜ CHOSS. northern Frnnco Is inoro than 1,600,- - deportation of 1,180 copper mino I wish to leave ono word of Membership dues but, In value Henry P. Duvlsnn, 000, a ad that of reoccupled Helglan and nllegod sympathizers Chairman. caution; If In doubt, call the doctor.',' strikers ctusl product, nn additional contribu Oct. 10, 1018. about 800,000. from Illsboo In July, 1917. Wnshlufton, O. 0., L,THE LqAfRRÍZÓZÓ..OU jLOOK..

CD aoe )QDC ao QD0 JODC Albert B. Fnll For District Judge Have Returned Home aoD IUpuuliuuti flftndidnto Tor Unl EDWIN M EC HEM Having received fiutisjijetory II. II. Jone, Pres. II. It. ltouernan, Vlre-I'r- 1). II. Henry, Caihfcr news of the improved condllitlon tod Status Senator. (Las Crucns Citizen) Camp Mr Too well known by tho citizens of Lester, nt Pike. Edwin Mechom was. born in Mrs, U. departed of Now Mexico to need furthor and G. Greor Stockmen's State Bank Ottawa, Katiwns, in 1878, and re- íor homo Monday evening feeling comment. Ilia declaration fol- ceived his education in tho public greatly relieved. They wish tc The resources of the bank, the method of manage- lowing, is sufflclont to n)pcal to schools of KnnRas and the Uni Us. thank nil who ho kindly agisted ment, tho appreciation and support of its customers, have tho thinking voters in our Cou- versity of Michigan. Hocnmo to ntry's present war. in obtaining the much desired given a widening usefulness to its banking functions. Now Mexico In 1910, making information. "If you mo to the his homo in Aiamogordo, where This bank will bo plensee to discuss with your require- United States senate I will Rive ho has been engaged In the prac FOR SALE - Eleven saddle ments, looking forward to the establishment of permanent to my state and my country tho tice of law since his nrrivnl. horftes; one electric Bowmg ma- relations with you. best that is in me. If you want Prior to this ho practised law In chino motor; one Dodgo car. a nibber-Btam- p mnu you will not tho state and federal courts of Phono 22, F i, ll-l-2- t. STOCKMEN'S STATE BANK Votó you in for me. If beliovo Arkansas for eight years, He is On the Hrow of Carrizo our Constitution and in its fund married and has three boys. .Mr. Bourne Zumwnlt and Floy amental principle that ours is a CORONA NEW MEXICO Mechcm at tho outbreak of the Skinner of Nognl killed a fine government of laws and not of Spanish-America- n a war enlisted old Saturday OD at) aoc 300 oo QBDG 509 ao men, then our beliefs aro in deer on Carrizo last too ao in the First Arkansas, and served snow. hurmony and I earnestly ask for morning just after tho n that regiment during tho pe ao 00 ao ao CDC JOO aoe JOBO your support: riod of the war. At tho outbreak FOR RENT-Thr- ec room house; "If you send mo back to tho of tho wur with Germany ho vol- furnished. Mrs. Edith Smith, VOTE FOR uphold Senate I will continue to unteered and wat pent to a '.rain- O. Uox 01. Cnrrizozo, N. M, the hands of our commander-in-chie- f ing camp ut Leon Springs and on Cooper 1, Hranuni 0. of tho Armies of the nccount of an injured l"r was in Last Sunday afternoon Lin M. United States this war. lint, discharged. Ho is wnll known OLIVER LEE Brnnum ami Jim Cooper motored ho help mo God, ns your reprc throughout tho State as a lawyer; out to the Grumbles much and scntativc, I will voice what I be handled largo and has a varied camo homo with a fino five point FOR Hove to bo the sentiments of my practico during his ih residence buck. Mr. Cooper brought him constituents. I will not be de Now Mexico; is wall ncqunintcd down, but Mr. Branum was with terred from denouncing that with tho details of irrigation which I consider to bo wrong, lim. REPRESENTATIVE nnd land law so to in I will not bo coerced or dictated vital tho to in my vote which I cast in per terest of our people. Hois an ex arrived; Heiuzo sweet, Just . formance of my constltutiona cellent lawyer, and is energetic, sweet mixed and sour pickles in from the 30th District duty, to legislato uccording tc decisive, capable and a patriotic bulk. Groom's, phones tho best dictates of my con citizen. Ho has done everything Represent science, you my ' Doroteo Lucero for probate I He Will Ably Your Interests it ueiiovo 'in possible for tho benefit of his stands in support of our Consti- iudge is capable, qualified, and DCBODaCOaHnCD(MWOD(anQDaMnGOCHHDnDaBnOD(lWOD(fl(a a country during tho present crisis. tution and n government of laws deserving of your vote. Ho wil and not of men, then vote for me in full confidence that I will FOR SALE-S- ix room house appreciate your support do whnt I believe to bo your wish, with all modern improvements, RENT Nicely fumislied closo in; school. A real E.OR and will strivo nt ull times to be near Inquire nt Outlook in tho truest, fullest sense, your bargain. Live Stock Com. Co. front room. representative." office. A. II. Harvey for surveyor is Chas. U. Strong Four 10c Cnkofl the right man always. Republican Candidate of for State Cream Olivo Violet Sonp 2íe am: Troasurer. Choice Beef, 1'ork, Veal Currlzozo Trading Co, Mutton, at Groom's Phono 4G-G- First entered public life when Cnrrlzuzo, N. M. ho served as County Clerk of Mo- Vote for Rumaldo Duran, for sheriff und you will make no ra county, 1801-- 2. Ho has served A Card to Voters as County Commissioner by ap- mistake. pointment Ho has conducted Mr. Frank (Shorty) Miller Try some nice shoulder steak tho County Treasurer's oillcc issues this statement to tho voters at 27c a pound, it is good meat Make your meals compMo 'th CERVA MMIjilSKK from 1001 to dnte, most of the of Lincoln County, that if elect- and eight cents a pound cheaper tho j-j- time Deputy ed he will devote his time than round steak. Groom Have it at lunch and nt dinner in j n3 County Treasur- homo. Call for it nt hotels, cafes and fT"' cV er. Ho was elected to County to tho work, and keep an eye phones 40-0-

190(5 single to tho tax paying g. Treasurer's oillcc in nnd interests A. J. Holland, present County Pure. Nutritious. jyWW jjjyjCrJ served in 1907 and 1908. During of tho people. Trensurer, successful business 1 . "Bear" In Mind all this time his services have Mr. Miller is an old railroad man, successful olficinl; the very been nbnvo petty politics man, having sustained the loss man to keep where ho has ron ffi2 nnd his competancy and honesty of both legs in that service. He dored such valuable scrvico. among arc above question. Strong is is well known raihoai Our fresh almonds, pecans am men, his say, his chairman of the Council of De- and friends filberts are now in. Groom' fense qualifications nre such ns to of Mora county and one of i. phones soft drink with tho delicious Four-minut- o thoroughly him to Tho .MLiWftlB'.f tho men. Ho makes entitle any 11 ' Wednesday tnstc of hups. At croco', ut jfWt : j his home in Mora county. office of this kind. Mr. Miller Senator Fall here druKKists', In fuctiit nil places W WmllllllMmJ says, elected he will be Senator A. B. Fall came whuru good drinks aro suld. M tUK that if FnrtvIIn rd Manuel Martinez no respector persons, wil Wednesday and passed on to I'rollt Hhnrlntf of but nmmnni 12 rnil Republican Candidate for Sec- give everybody square deeal. Alamo, accompanied by our W non ench ilrnonv a LUMP Manufacturers ST. LOUIS (nation 20) tracked retary of State. He issues this statement in solici II. Osborn. in every cne. ExclianiwnVIo 'or Ho has been in tho stock rais-- tation of public support. vmuauio ' Got your cundied pineapple, tiro nlumi. ing business since Ho was 21 citron, lemon orango peel etc. ut yours of age. In 1899 Mr. Mar- Groom's, phones 40-0- For Sale Parko Davis Com Three of a kind Tom Duller is Ross tinez entered public lifo as de- pany's Blacklegoids. Tbo Tita. Eugene Dawson and cousin puty treasurer and collector of worth Co. Noul Popkius were in from Alto, Moulton, Sevier and Clarke, Tom Butler bos bought the bar- Union county, with ofllces nt Clay- Wednesday. for county commissioners aro the ber shop formerly owned by .1. O. Wyckofl' nnd his f ton. Ho was U. S. commission- .Special Snlo of ColTeo 2.1c lb. Plain and fnncy sowing, phone, men to vote for. You will find invites many er from 1900 to 1Ü09. and rccoiv Currlzozo Trailing Co. 101. their names on tho Republican friends to call and seo him. Mr. or of the Ulnyton land ollleo from Cnrrlsozo N. M. Voto for Alfredo Gonzalez for ticket and bo sure to put a cross Wyekoir will depart for Arizona, January, 1910 to October, li)13. assessor. in tho square opposite their ns soon as he can arrnngo his Oliver M. Lee business We at the completion of which turm Bring your Fords to us wo nnmes, which will certify that matters. regret tho he returned to his ranch, and it Republican Candidato for Re will repair them right nnd nt you've mado your voto count for departure of tho Wyckuirs, and was only nt ho earnest insist-nnc- o preventative from the íHIth Dis Ford prices. Try us Western the right men. our best wishes go with them. of his friouds that he was trict. Garage. p. induuetl to make tho run for sec-rotar- y Mr. Lee has resided in New Mrs. Muuu Li. Ulaney will np Wu nru innklnK Special I'rlcss Vote for Wm. Savior for com- you of stuto. Mexico for many years. Coming precinto your support for county on Groceries for Cash missioner, and will make no mistake. here a young man, he has made school superintendent. Ask us about It. Nelson A. Field an enviable record for himself in Best equipped Ford shop In Currlzozo Trading Co, tho state. Western Gnrago Currlzozo, N. M. RopuBlican Candidate for Land the cattle Industry. Spucliil Salo of Suit Cnnes Truillng Co. Commissioner. He is well acquainted with Headnuarters for "Eats" Cnrrlzuzo Putty & Hobbs Currlzozo, N. M. At tho present timo Mr. Fiold New Mexico und her pooplo and Our nntivo beof can't be boat! is Treasurer and Colloctor of So- ns representativo will be alivo to E. W. Hulbert for county Clor order a nice tender, juicy stenk solicits your support, is very 4 l'oint Near Corona corro county. Is a stockman, ow- their best interests. and or roast for dinner, and you will worthy oí it. ning large cattle interests. Is Mr. Lee is a man of broad vis be pleased. Grooms, phones 40 & Last Sunday afternoon Adolph Republican point-buc- thoroughly acquainted with tho ion, capable, honest and fair and Tho county ticket 05. Sultemclr killed n 4 his election will insure to our Is worthy of your sunport; voto it deer about threo miles from Cor- various questions Interesting cat- If you want n businessman to people a faithful and honest rep ona. tle and sheepmen in connection Bolts! Bolts! Bolts! stand guard over your money with tho administration of our resentatlve. M. and interests, voto for E. L. Hero's Your Chance public lands; H&'has boon a fc All sizes of A. L. A. and of Socorro cóü niy since Cora washed at Western U. S. stundard bolts at Moulton. He is a business man Wo have some good liogs for & 1B80.! , Gara ire. Western Garage of recognized ability. sale. Stltiimel Riel'.