University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-1-1918 Carrizozo Outlook, 11-01-1918 William Kabler Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news Recommended Citation Kabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 11-01-1918." (1918). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news/165 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V jl Let ua trlvr Our Country, no n lo leave Klrat, Lnst and no of panic re always, la aca- (tret aflrr I MM warUmirlliut ten anil out of our duty waa . Klght not-don- e. r wrawn;, Published Weekly in the Interest of Carrizozo, and LincolnXeunty VOL. XIII-N- O. 38 CARRI.OZO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, NOV.r 1, 1018 PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR AUSTRIA ON Mrs. Dlaney's Misfortune Miss Carrie Perea Die Glencoe Note TURK FORCES With the number who have been Miss Carrie Perea, daughter of Chas. Berrun of the U. S. HER KNEES BEGS housed in by tho recent epidemic, Mr. and Mrs. D. Perea died in Chief of Road Survey, is get- LAY DOWN Mrs. Maud L. Blanoy may be El Paso, Tex., ntO p. m Oct. ting through on tho Ruidoso, and TO STOP WAR counted. Up to timo the when 28. She was born at Lincoln, has only .good reports to make ARMS she felt she must employ herself JHEIR N. M on the- - 8th of January, on the route. He goes from here in her campaign work, she had 1802, to Albuquerque. Defeated Austrian Com- ' and is a sister of J. N. Britiah Government Receives en daily ministering at tho Perca who is now in France in Apple picking and haying is mander Pleads for an Blaney, ill- Definite bedside of Dr. whose the U. S. Army service. rapidly getting finished and the Turkish Peace Bymyuthizing community Armistice. ness a Her father, D. Perea, who apples certainly do smell fine. Offer. is well of. aware ' lives here loft for El Paso imme Hunters aro having poor luck, With her affairs properly ar diately after receiving the sad all report with horns Fifteen Austrian divisions op ranged, she went about her plans that deer Ismail Fakki, commandinR tho erating between the Brentn and news of his daughter's death. are scarce. Turkish armies in tho group for tho campaign, but fate hin- Tho Outlook joins friends in tho Pinve, on tho Italian front, her, was Fred Tully is homo fro.n tho cperatinjf in tho Tigris region in dered she stricken with extending sympathy to tho be- have had their retreat cut off influenza which State College for a week, await- Mesopotamia, has surrendered the has so far reaved father and relatives. through the capture of tho moun detained her from active work, ing transportation to Mare Island, with one entire division and tho tain pass of Vadal by Italian and and will prevent iier from so do Cal., as a member of the Marine best part of two other divisions, allied troops. ing, for the balance of tho time Good Representation Corps. Fred wearied of stay- the Evening Standard says. Official wireless dispatches from between now and tho election. The three candidates on tho Re ing at college during intermis- The Standard also says it un- Rome today say tho advantage is She issues this statement from publican ticket for commission sion owing to Influenza, and derstands the British vice ad- down being pressed to tho utmost and her sick room, so that the people ers, nre thoroughly competent to wont to El Paso and enlist miral at Saloniki concluded nn that a crisis is near. Enemy will understand her condition, attend to tho interests of Lincoln ed after standing examination nrmistieo with tho Ottoman gov losses are described as appalling. and will know tho reason for her County. E. L. Moulton, business and hopes to get into action be ernment nt noon yesterday. fore is Occupation of the valley of absence over tho county in' tho man; Wm. Sevier, farmer; H. P. the war all over. Suggestions nut forward bv Quero by tho Italian army corps, voting precincts. Sho will heart- Clarke, ranchman, the combina- J. V. Tully. British delegntes, tho Daily Ex- operating north of Val Dobbiu- - ily appreciate the support of the tion of which will bo ably repre- Attention press says in an editorial, prob- dene, threatens Feltre and ex voting public, und her friends sented on tho county board. ably will be adopted, with some The Carrizozo schools will open modifications poses the Austrians in tho Grap will bo glad to assist her in every Dont forget E. L. by the rest of the Hulbort on Monday, Nov. 4th, unless or- pa region to n flunking move, it way posiiible. when you enst allies. Iho proposals were put If elected Mrs. your voto for ders aro issued contradictory, In is said, will compel immediate Blnney will mako one of, if not county clerk. forward, it wltls, with tho defin- retirement. which case tho public will 'bo ite idea of proventing the best, county, superintendents properly Germany Tho third Italian army on the informed. from resuming hostilities, this county lias ever had. Remember that Alfredo Gon- T. W. Conway, Supt. when lower Piave is reported ndvunc zalez is confined at home on ac once an arniistico is granted, and ing steadily in the face of the Havo tho peoplo of tho United also of securing adequate guar Remember the sterling count of sickness, and cannot vis- the most desperate enemy resist worth States yet learned whnt became antees for the signing of a peace of A.J. Holland, you will not lies it his constituents, He solicts of the $05.000,000 air craft ance. itate to cast your vote for him. your Bupport. treaty, based on president Wil-pon- 's In all moro than 1000 square 14 points. rtk'ilomotors of Italian territory Turkey lifts "surrendered un- was reconquered yesterday and tlio TTnltra "WatTit ror tliTi muitc. conditionally. One Senator's Record, Ho Hciintor Fall'n amendment moana that tn. ill-v- er apparently tho whole front is be The .Morning Timen In Democratic In politics for the minen of the United Btntea can markot their di- Heuter's agency has been in- ing driven northward. reason that It U'Hovch In (ho principien ut dcmoinicy ver to iho United fitntes government for tho next four formed that Great Uritnin , or flvo yearn nt tho namo rate, nnd cntabllnhoa thn has becntiac It bUUvoa tliu greatest good coin-- lo officially tho people of tho United mitten hy tho upplleutlon mnrlirt prlco for nllver for nil mino produccra nt not received definite of Timen, howovor. Ii lean than. that amount for auch period of time, with- peace proposals! War Work Campaign then principles. Tho Mcminn treasury from Turkey, not blinded by politics uinl la not Incllni-i- l to roiusu out nny Ions whutovot to tho of the United ability Mates. It alio mennn a big hoont for nllver mining, which are regnrded as para- . lo give credit uro credit Ih duo to ml mil tho Tho Wot Work Campaign will vi now Inrgcly decuy In our regloiia, of till Iiiuti, Irrespective of IiIm Hillllcnl IcunliigH. to do fallen Into mineral mount to unconditional surrend- begin Nov. 11th and will contin and Hhnulil bo a great boon to that Industry through- herido service tor tho general welfnre. Nuturiilly, er? ue until the 18th. M. U. Finley wo nrc Ainerlotin nnd Interested n hip progress of tlio out tho atnte of Arizona, whllo In Now Mexico, Grant nre ulno n pnrt f the (Ireht Hnuili- -' nnd Socorro ciuntlcn particularly, which contnln a Turkey lias agreed to arm- linn buen United Htatm. Vn they an appointed Chairman wont, und what In dono for thin ractlun of tliu coun- grail number of nllver minea have heretofore will greatly benefited. istice it is reported and it went try I to thoso or nn who nro ondoav found unprofitable to work, be and the selection was well made mot,grulliinc nn orín to develop It mid multo of It what In possible, nil The otlior mennura enacted Into a law by into effect yesterday. M. U. is tito right proI..Kei fnui;ht man. of Un nntiirnl rernurcru considered. amendment which Benntor Fall nnd stiongly until both the nennto and hoiino of rep- So, when n public official, hy lit knowledge of for Home from Bisbcc Kincinl nnd ncctlonnl affairs, proponen lioneflelnl resentatives acceded to Ills ldenn, was to allow The argument that only demn 21 years age, iiml hy tils tact and energy punhoH such d from Is to of drafted Into tho Mrs. Ernest Colo is visiting crats are fit to be elected to the legislation through both houses of congress army of tho United fitates, to select hoinrnteadn of ICO do- the home folks; she having ar- Senate and house of Represen and ilnen not tent until It In the law of the hind, he from In 640 ocien, niiywhorn on tho public Hlinuld he iicknowledfiPi! what ho hnn ihown himself main, tho saino an persona over 21 yenrn of, ano have rived this week from Bisbeo tatives, is an insult to tho Intel to ho atutenninu. heretofore had thn right to do. lili main Idea wnn anyone who old enough tn servo Iho govern- Ariz.
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