Carrizozo Outlook, 01-25-1918 William Kabler
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-25-1918 Carrizozo Outlook, 01-25-1918 William Kabler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 01-25-1918." (1918). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CARRIZOZO OUTLOOK Published Weekly in the Interest of Carrizozo, and Lincoln County 25, 1918 PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR VOL. XI-- NO. 51 CARRIZOZO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JANUARY Food is Wasted DEATH RODE ON THE WING OF THE Japan Must Get By Sending It WIND FOR AGED MR. SWÉARINGEN Wool From ln El Paio During tke Recent? America To Soldiers Blizzard, Mr. John E. The embargo on the exporta '5fFf The New Mexico Council of Corona News Itentg SwearingMi, Father of A. I Methodist Church i tion of wool from Australia has -r Defense haa sent the following V. Sweariagen of Carriso- - resolution as puwed by the Na- caused Japan to look more than While tional Council ef Defense with a Avery welcome snow fell in n, Met Hit Death R. It. LEWKLLING, (PASTOR) ever to the United States for its to Isstt a, request that the same be publish- Corona Saturday night and Sun- On Hit Way To Work. Four' services each Sunday, supply, according Dr. M 6-- commissioner of livestock ed. day. The average depth is little 6 A. M., 11 A, 45 and RMOLUTION Swearin-ge- at Tokio, to the National Wool more than Ave inches, but it is It is not known how n ? P. M. Tani-mur- "The Council of National De- sufficient to help out the water failed to notice the apyreaeh-in- g An enjoyable and helpful ser- Growers' association. Dr. a fense desires to inform the people supply considerably. engine, but it is thought that vice each hour, regardless of said it was true that "feod at will win the war," but more true of the country that abundant food he was fighting against th'trehg weather. that "sheep will save the ia supplied to the soldiers and Mr. and Mrs. Caddenhead of wind which was driving'' rfnow in world." ailors in the camps and canton- Abilene, Texas, who have been his face when he was run down. Like The Dew Of Mernmg "Ens: and has 260.000 soldiers ments, and that the sending of visiting their daughter. Mrs. Bis body was renWeci to the The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. with 81,000,000 head of sheep; Frenen, with I7.uw.rju. food to these men by their friend's Corona, morgue. Roa-wel- l, eiu.wo Brown of the viefnity of Peak Mason Yorke who reside in Japan 225,000 with only 2700. and families is not any respect years and in went to Alattefordo Saturday. Mr. SweariUfim was 78 died at the home of Mr. For the year lviv. Japan will need necessary; that the aggregate After a few days stay with a son old and hast' been a resident of P. Johnson of this city. Mrs. 50,000,000 pounds of wool or at quantity of food thus privately living there, the will go to Cali- El Paso íétf the past 16 years. He Yorke is the daughter of Mr. east 10.OOU.UOU head oí sheen to sent is enormous, and that much fornia to visit another son in tho had bee in the employ of the and Mrs. Johnson and was vis- furnish the cloth for that nation. Thus Japan must have sheep. '' of it liaving been conveyed long training camp there. El Fae Soutwcstern railroad iting her parents when the baby distances in Dr. Tanimura said he under heated express or . 4 as a watchman for a month. He died. stood that the German soldiers mail cars is more or less spoiled, Mrs. E. T. Brown, a teacher in is survived by hits wife, who re- Tho little flower faded in the were now wearing clothes con-r- a and consequently injurious to the the Corona school, left Friday for sides at 3104 Bliss street; three early morning of life as he was ninir only 20 per sent cotton men. Manhattan, Kansas, near Camp daughters, Mrs. U. H. Roberson but twelve days old at the and 60 per cent paper, also that Therefore in the interests Vwlck Germany was badly in need or of Funston. Having heard that her of Los Angeles, Mrs. E. F. time of his death. Mr, and Mrs. mutton as well as tallow, both of tho conservation of food and also husband may be sent to Franco and Mrs. J. A. Cruse of El Paso; Yorke have the sympathy of which were necessary for tho the health of the men, the Council within n few weeks, Mrs. Brown four sons, Ansel of Carrizozo, N. their many friends. army's welfare." of Notional Defence requests the went to Manhattan to remain un- M H. C, at Bowie, T. G., now Many a roso is born to bloom public to discontinuo the sending til he ia sent. Mrs. E. N. Crosset in Now Mexico, and W. E. unseen, and wasto its fragrance EUROPE NEEDS FOOD of foodstuffs to the camps." has been employed to take Mrs. of El Paso; one brother, J, C. on tho desert air. Brown's place in tho school. Swearingenof Elberton, Ga., and BAPTIST CHURCH one sister, Mrs. E. C Nixon of In The Interest Of Trade Food Administration Beolares It Is an Absolute 8ln to Waste Food Food camo to! Galveston. Rev. E. D. Le Breton Mr. Albert Ziegler leaves this Has Become Saored. (Itcv.J. M. Gardner Fautor.) preach in Corona Sunday but the The funeral was held on Wed week for Now York nnd many Tho paator will preach Sunday day was too stormy either for nesday, and Mrs. Swcarlngcn, other principal parts of tho cast Europe Is still sending an Insistent'' Jan 27 th at 11 A.M. "Lower Sundny School or Bcrvices. attended. lo purchase new stock for tho call (or more (ood. We must send 'It If the war Is to .go on efltclontlV. It Lights." This sermon, Bpring and summer trade. was to National Forest we eut It all we cannot ship It, and hnvo been preached last Sunday, Mr. H. B. Jones of Tucumcari, Mr. Zicgler makes regular east. the (ood administration has already but tho storm made it impos- president of the Stockmen's State cm trips yearly, in order to in- tried to picture how much that wheat Privileges Must by starve If sible for anyone to attend. Bank at Corona was here first of spect the goods before buying bo la needed people who will looking they do not get It, the (ood administra- 7.30 P.ÍI. Who is God.? tho week ufter business that ho may have the best on tion states. to Not Be Sold Junior Ü.Y.P.U and Sunbeam interests. Ho went from here tho market. 'For the least bit ot hendlessnoss Cnrrizozo. Mr. Jones is also pres- on your part In (ood conservation some Hand, nt 3 P.M. Senior B.Y.P.U Washlngton.Jnn. 24 1918 Carrizozo has several merchants tho National Bank one somewhere In the world must suf at 7.30 P.M. Sunday School at ident of First The Secretary of Agriculture who make these business trips fer privation," on official statement Carrizozo. administration 10 A. M. at nil of per- advantage of tho declares. "The food is notifying holders and thus tako has mastered the problem of Ameri- Tho cottage prayer meetings mits for grazing livestock on tho eastern markets before tho Block ca's (ood In such a way that every E. H. Boswell of tho M. C. have been held this week, with National Forests that tho pay has been cut to pelees by filling ounce of food consorved and kopt In Porter Mercantile Co. has return- the currents of trade goes to an empty Mrs. Allen, C.T. Jones. Frank ment of any bonus or allowances western orders. Mr. Zicgler will ed to Corona after a few days stomach In Europe. Richard, Fetter, Benson, and for waiver of tho grazing priv- in all probability, visit Seattle "It Is an absolute sin to waste rood. stay in El Paso. Long. Tho revival services, arc ileges in connection with sales before his return, for ho has a rood has beenmo sacred. "Food means life! It means some to start on Feb 4 th. Have you of livestock or ranch properties desiro to form the acquaintance Tho picture Bhow at tho town body's life, and you cannot escape re been doing your bit towards will be tho cause for revocation of his now giand-daught- in sponsibility. hall Saturday was well attended, among making them a source of salva- of tho permit. that city. "There Is no waste of (ood oven if thcro was a snow storm. the allied nations." tion for the unsaved Carri- This is in nccordanco with of Substantial improvements nro zozo? Hnvo you been ono of the retaliations governing praying being planned for tho comfort of WAR BREAD COSTLY TO that a revival may place Tho Red Cros9 ladies at Corona the uso of National Forests for take those who worship at tho Meth nmong God's people? nro still working enthusiastical grazing privileges, which pro- Have you odist church.