The Shul - Lubavitch - An institution of The Lubavitcher , Menachem M. Schneerson (May his merit shield us) Over Thirty five Years of Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside 9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fl 33154 Tel: 305.868.1411 Fax: 305.861.2426 www.TheShul.org Email: [email protected] www.theshulpreschool.org www.cyscollege.org THE SHUL WEEKLY MAGAZINE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK


Celebrating Shabbos: 4 - 5 Schedules, classes, articles & more... Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience

Community Happenings: 6 -7 Sharing with your Shul Family

A Time to Pray: 8 Check out all the davening schedules and locations throughout the week

Daily Study: 9 A complete guide to all classes and courses CTEEN PROGRAMS BEGAN THIS WEEK! offered at The Shul

Inspiration, Insights & Ideas: 10 - 20 Bringing lessons to LIFE

Get The Picture 21 - 22 The full scoop on all the great events around town

In a Woman’s World 23 Issues of relevance to the Jewish woman

French Connection 24 Reflexions sur la Paracha

Latin Link 25 Reflexion Semanal

Numbers To Know 26 Contacts at The Shul

Get The Picture 27 - 28 The full scoop on all the great events around town THOUGHTS ON THE PARSHA FROM RABBI SHABBOS PARSHAS CHAYEI SARAH

his week’s Torah live as more people have heard or read the life- portion, Chayei enhancing lessons from these giants than even T Sara, literally in their lifetime. Their lives dedicated to spiritual meaning the “Life of matters enabled them to influence multitudes of Sarah”, actually relates disciples who eternalize their existence. her passing, her burial, period of mourning, and What is our priority in our own lives? Are we events that transpired satisfied with temporary existence or is our after her passing. desire to create permanence and, on an important Why then is the entire level, immortality? We each have the capacity portion identified as to follow Hashem’s directives and literally reach the “Life of Sarah”? immortality. The Zohar states that “the righteous after passing are more impactful Have a great Shabbos and a good week. and present than in their lifetime”. During their physical presence in this corporal world, they are by nature limited by time, space and the limits of their physical body’s borders. After their soul leaves the body, they can be anywhere, anytime. Rabbi Sholom Lipskar Since the lives of the righteous are not motivated by materialism or fleeting pleasures but on fulfilling a purpose that concentrates on the spiritual and its permeating and elevating the material, they are able to sustain as long as those spiritual energies continue to inspire, reach and impact those who have been affected by that righteous person and his/her teachings.

So too do we recognize that Sarah, after passing, continued to be an obvious positive influence. Some practical examples of her continuing influence are 1) the first actual Jewish ownership of the Holy Land was Hebron where she was buried; 2) Isaac’s marriage to Rivkah who renewed Sarah’s blessings and light that permeated and encompassed her home; and 3) Abraham remarries Hagar (Keturah) who begets the origins of multiple secular nations. Hagar was brought into Abraham’s home through Sarah.

We can see this in our time and experience as we recently lost great luminaries to our world, namely Rabbi , Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and Rabbi Dovid Feinstein. All of them continue to


Eruv Information

SHABBOS SCHEDULE We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals should call the Eruv Hotline Candle lighting 5:14 p.m. to make sure that the Eruv is operational. The number to call is 305- 866-ERUV (3788). Mincha / Kabalas Shabbos 5:15 p.m. The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to candle lighting. Surfside: The Eruv in Shacharis 1st Minyan 8:30 a.m. Surfside now includes the walking paths along the Shacharis 2nd Minyan 10:30 a.m. beach. Pushing strollers and carrying is permitted on the paths, but not beyond the path or onto the beach. Mincha 6:00 p.m. Shabbos Ends Bal Harbour: The Eruv in Bal Harbour included the inner (western) walking path only. The pier at / Ma’ariv & Havdalah 6:08 p.m. Haulover Cut is not included.

To pay your annual dues visit: www.miamibeacheruv.com


Alot Hashachar / Dawn 5:26 am Earliest Talit & Tefillin 5:57 am Netz Hachamah / Sunrise 6:41 am (Earliest Amidah) Latest Shema 9:21 am Zman Tfillah 10:16 am Chatzot / Midday 12:05 pm Earliest Mincha 12:34 pm Plag HaMincha 4:26 pm Shekiah / Sunset 5:30 pm (Preferable latest time for Mincha) Tzeit Hakochavim / Nightfall 5:55 pm To our beloved Soldiers in the Israeli Defense (Earliest preferable Ma’ariv) Forces, courageously protecting and defending Eretz Yisroel. We pray for you and all of Times taken from www.chabad.org the soldiers safety and well being daily. Please note that during the week times may Menachem Mendel ben Chaya Leah Vary by a minute or two. Menachem Mendel ben Aurit Eden Chana bat Karine Cecile 4 PARSHA IN PICTURES Test your PARSHA knowledge. Can you tell the story using the pictures below


BIRTHDAYS YAHRTZEITS 28 Cheshvan Mr. Adrian Extrakt 28 Cheshvan Rabbi Shaya Farkash 27 Cheshvan Shmaryahu ben Mordechai Dov obm 28 Cheshvan Ms. Eden Chana Glick Father of Mr. Fred Halpern 28 Cheshvan Mrs. Agi Goldenberg 28 Cheshvan Simcha bas Aron Yehudah obm 28 Cheshvan Ms. Sabrina Goldfarb Sister of Mr. Abraham Gewirtz 29 Cheshvan Ms. Olivia Fischman 28 Cheshvan Reuven ben Avraham obm 29 Cheshvan Mrs. Ruthy Ginsburg Father of Mr. Richard Planet 29 Cheshvan Mrs. Susan Rosenstein 28 Cheshvan Chana bas Shneur Zalman obm 29 Cheshvan Mr. Meyer Seewald Sister of Mrs. Aviva Greenberg 29 Cheshvan Mr. Barry Wax 28 Cheshvan Zvi ben Haim obm Mrs. Johana Abraham Father of Mr. Jaime Schapiro 1 Kislev Mrs. Miriam Basha Arber 28 Cheshvan Yechezkel obm 1 Kislev Dr. Brad Kenneth Cohen Father of Mr. Moshe Weinbach 1 Kislev Ms. Elizabeth Katz 29 Cheshvan David ben Moshe obm 1 Kislev Mr. Mario Laufer Father of Mr. Sol Zuckerman 1 Kislev Mr. Brent Levison 1 Kislev Mrs. Rivka Saidof 29 Cheshvan Liba Bluma bas Menachem Mendel obm 2 Kislev Ms. Nily Falic Mother of Rabbi Berel Zisman 2 Kislev Mr. Abraham Osman 29 Cheshvan Asher ben Yehoshua Aryeh obm 2 Kislev Mr. Ido Salama Brother of Mr. Sanford Musikar 2 Kislev Mr. Matthew Shear 29 Cheshvan Hinda bas Yisrael obm 2 Kislev Mr. Harold Tripp Mother of Mr. Samuel Ziefer 3 Kislev Ms. Tani Capland 29 Cheshvan Sane ben Aron obm 3 Kislev Mrs. Deborah Portnoy Grandfather of Mr. Claudio Stivelman 3 Kislev Mr. Sadovitch 30 Cheshvan Rosette Toledano obm 3 Kislev Mr. Isaac Sredni Mother of Mrs. Iris Egozi 4 Kislev Mrs. Tamar Attias and Mrs. Michelle Schmutter 4 Kislev Mr. Daniel Carmi 1 Kislev Shabtai ben Avraham Ber obm 4 Kislev Mrs. Chaya Elbogen 4 Kislev Mr. Marco Lustgarten Father of Mrs. Beverley Schottenstein 1 Kislev Toba Tzirel bas Yitzchok obm Sister of Mrs. Pola Lekach Aunt of Mrs. Jana Falic KID’S BIRTHDAYS 2 Kislev Chasia Riva bas Moshe obm 28 Cheshvan Elazar Barac Mother-in-law of Mrs. Bessie Bedzow 29 Cheshvan Yonatan Best 3 Kislev Yirmiyahu obm 30 Cheshvan Ari Ben-Chetrit Grandfather of Mr. Andrew Roth 30 Cheshvan Eliezer Eitan Gielchinsky 4 Kislev Avraham Meir ben Yisroel Isser obm 30 Cheshvan Anya Halberstam Father of Mr. Isaac Arber 30 Cheshvan Maya Saka 30 Cheshvan Menucha Rochel Tevardovitz 1 Kislev Jewel Septimus ANNIVERSARIES 2 Kislev Avigail Haroush Mr. & Mrs. Moshe (Motty) and Jenny Klainbaum 2 Kislev Yetta Alta Shula Schottenstein Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Liba and Ora Cohen 3 Kislev Shlomo Rubinstein Mr. & Mrs. Samuel and Rivka Ostrowiak 3 Kislev Ahva Scheiner Mr. & Mrs. Ben and Marissa Jacobson 3 Kislev Aliyah Schottenstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Renee Felice Moore 4 Kislev Talya Danzinger Mr. & Mrs. David and Deborah Portnoy 4 Kislev Eitan Eliyaho Dovid Greenwald Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey and Jodi Rae Harris Mr. & Mrs. Menachem and Rivka Krinsky


CHESHVAN LIGHT & POWER THANKS TO OUR DONORS Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah We sincerely thank the following members and supporters of The Shul for the month of Cheshvan is Kindly Sponsored for donations received between 11/03/20 and 11/09/20 in honor of We apologize for any errors or omissions that we may have made. The birthday of My Aishes Chayil Mr. Gabriel Ammar Lipskar Mr. & Mrs. Menahem Banon Mr. & Mrs. Lazer Milstein Eda Schottenstein. Mr. & Mrs. William Barney Mr. & Mrs. Monroe Milstein Mr. Moshe Bazon Dr. & Dr. Raul Mitrani Mr. Chaim Berkowitz Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. With love, David B Schottenstein Dr. & Mrs. Michael Bogachek Mondshine Mr. & Mrs. Isaie Bouhadana Dr. & Mrs. Zev Neuwirth Dr. Brad Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Isser New “Those who establish for prayer and those who come there to pray, Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Liba Cohen Mrs. & Mrs. Jack Osman those who provide lights for illumination, wine and grape juice for kiddush Mr. & Mrs. Zev Drizin Mr. & Mrs. Shabtai Plutno and havdalah, food for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those Mrs. Nancy Dubrofsky Mr. & Mrs. Edward who occupy themselves faithfully with communal affairs - may The Holy One, Rabbi & Mrs. Henry Eichler Rosengarten blessed be He, give them their reward, remove them from all sicknesses, heal Mr. & Mrs. Michael Elchadif Mr. Andrew Roth their entire body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all Mr. & Mrs. Leon Franco Mr. & Mrs. David Meir Sasson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frankel Mr. & Mrs. David their endeavors, together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.” Mr. Arturo Garcia Schottenstein Mrs. Perla Gilinski Mr. & Ms. Ytamar Segall REFUAH SHLEIMAH Mr. & Mrs. Berel Golomb Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sragowicz If you have a health update on anyone listed please contact The Shul. We would like to keep the listing current and remove names of people who have recovered. Dr. & Mrs. Horacio Groisman Mr. & Mrs. Eric Stein Mr. & Mrs. Mendy Halberstam Mr. Yonatan Sultan MEN WOMEN Mr. Robert Izsak Torah Treasures Miami, Inc. Yehonatan HaLevi ben Malka Esther Yocheved bas Raizel Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Jaimovich Ms. Esther Vlosky Eliezer ben Sarah Bracha Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jaimovich Mr. & Mrs. Paul Weintraub Aharon ben Beylah Shima Leah bas Gittel Mr. Naftali Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wolf Meyer Eliezer ben Sarah Sarah Libke bas Baile Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Katz Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Yosef Menachem Mendel ben Sara Chana Bayla bas Masha Mr. & Mrs. David Klar Mr. & Mrs. Adam Ziefer Yehoshua ben Tamara Rina Chaya Miriam bas Leah Ms. Jackeline Kupferschmiedt Isaac Gilbert ben Nelly Esther Bracha Bentzion ben Nomi Rachel Genya Bailah bat Giete Sura Mr. & Mrs. Andres Leimdorfer Margalite Sonia Simcha bat Sultana Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Levine Shlomo Yaakov ben Chaya Tzipora Pnina bas Slava Rabbi & Sholom D. Sarah Rochel Feige bas Krandel Chaim Zelig Ben Eidel Chaya Miriam Yehudit bat Ari ben Na’ama Chava Tzvi Yitzchak ben Chaya Clara bat Corina Chaim Tzvi Hirsch ben Guttel Rivka bat Shoshana MAZAL TOV Miriam bat Risha Raizel Mazal Tov to Mrs. Marilyn Golomb on the recent marriage of her son Berel to Jennie. May they build an everlasting home in Israel and enjoy much happiness in their future together. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Mr. & Mrs. Daniel and Natalie Gohari




hey blessed Rivkah and said to her, “Our sister, may you davar hu ne’eneh techillah — Anyone who asks for mercy on come to be thousands of myriads, and may your offspring behalf of his friend, and he is in need of the same thing, will be Tinherit the gate of its foes” (Genesis 24:60) answered first.” A seeming example of this would be: If I need a shidduch, and you do, too, and I put aside my needs to focus With these words, we bless our daughters before they walk on yours, Hashem will answer my tefillot first: I will be blessed down to the chuppah. Of all the magnificent quotations in the with a shidduch even before you, the one I was davening for. Torah, why do we quote the rasha Lavan at this auspicious This has led people to make an agreement with one another: time? “You daven for me, and I’ll daven for you.” Yet it seems as if the In truth, when saying, “May your offspring inherit the gate of tefillot on behalf of the other in this case are not 100% selfless. its foes,” Lavan was giving a heartfelt and selfless berachah, as In Yalkut Yehudah, Rav Yehudah Leib Ginzburg suggests that he was blessing his sister that her offspring should overcome these pesukim remind us not to focus only on ourselves even their enemies, namely his own descendants. Though the while concerned about our own judgment. Self-absorption, success of Rivkah and her children signified Lavan’s failure, he even in the pursuit of a legitimate need, can lessen the efficacy still gave the blessing. of our tefillos. On the other hand, when we truly look out for This was an example of a blessing that is completely for the one another, and even daven for them, Hashem will look out good of the recipient. Not only did he receive nothing in return, for us. This is especially true to remember in regard to others the berachah was actually to his and his children’s detriment. who have wronged us. Rav Ginzburg then cites the Tanchuma Yashan, where it says that when we have mercy on others and Such a blessing is the ultimate berachah. Such altruism and forgive their indiscretions, Hashem will have mercy on us. selflessness become the perfect message for a young couple with which to begin their marriage, to live a life where one is May we all be zoche to bless others and be blessed by Hashem! there for the other one, no matter what. The greatness of this type of berachah can be seen from a Shabbat Shalom Umevorach!!! novel understanding of the words of Chazal (Bava Kama 92a): “Kol hamevakeish rachamim al chaveiro ve’hu tzarich le’oto 8 DAILY STUDY A COMPLETE GUIDE TO ALL CLASSES AND COURSES OFFERED AT THE SHUL HTTPS://ZOOM.US/ 6457054016 PASSWORD: 699576 ALL OUR CLASSES ARE HAPPENING "VIRTUALLY" PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE ZOOM APP FROM APPLE STORE OR ANDRIOD AND JOIN OUR CLASSES. UPDATED CLASS SCHEDULES ARE EMAILED OUT DAILY

MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 7:20 - 7:59 am 7:20 - 7:59 am 7:20 - 7:59 am 7:20 - 7:59 am 7:20 - 7:59 am CHASSIDUS CHASSIDUS CHASSIDUS CHASSIDUS CHASSIDUS Heichaltzu Heichaltzu Heichaltzu Heichaltzu Heichaltzu Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar 8:00 - 8:15 am 8:00 - 8:15 am 8:00 - 8:15 am 8:00 - 8:15 am 8:00 - 8:15 am SYNOPSIS CHITAS SYNOPSIS CHITAS SYNOPSIS CHITAS SYNOPSIS CHITAS SYNOPSIS Chumash, , Chumash, Tanya, Chumash, Tanya, Chumash, Tanya, Chumash, Tanya, Rambam’s book Rambam’s book Rambam’s book Rambam’s book Rambam’s book of Mitzvos of Mitzvos of Mitzvos of Mitzvos of Mitzvos Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar 8:30 - 9:30 am 8:30 - 9:30 am 8:30 - 9:30 am 8:30 - 9:30 am 8:30 - 9:30 am DAF YOMI DAF YOMI DAF YOMI DAF YOMI DAF YOMI Tractate Shabbos Tractate Shabbos Tractate Shabbos Tractate Shabbos Tractate Shabbos Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Dov Schochet (Men) (Men) (Men) (Men) (Men) 9:30 - 10:00 am 9:30 - 10:00 am 9:35 - 10:00 am 9:30 - 10:00 am 9:30 - 10:00 am RAMBAM RAMBAM MEGILLOT RAMBAM RAMBAM One chapter a day One chapter a day Mishlei - Book of Proverbs One chapter a day One chapter a day Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein (Men & Women) 1:30 - 2:30 pm 10:05 - 10:30 am 10:00 - 11:00 am 11:15 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 - 11:00 am THE BOOK OF DANIEL PARSHA OF THE WEEK PARSHA OF THE WEEK PARSHA OF THE WEEK FOOD FOR THOUGHT Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Aryeh Schottenstein Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Rabbi Shea Rubinstien Dobie Rubinstien (Men & Women) (Men & Women) (Women Only) (Men & Women) (Women Only)

8:00 - 8:45 pm 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 11:15 - 12:15 pm 12:00 - 1:00 pm 4:15 - 4:30 pm SICHA SHABBOS TANYA SENIOR TORAH ACADEMY SHABBOS INSPIRATION Text based Rebbe Sicha Exploring customs w/ Rabbi Sholom Lipskar Rabbi Dov Schochet Rabbi Sholom Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar chassidus and Kabbalah (Men & Women) Book of Judges (Men & Women) (Men & Women) Rabbi Shea Rubinstien (Men & Women) 8:45 - 9:45 pm 12:00 - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm PARSHA IN SPANISH PIRKEI AVOT TANYA IN ENGLISH PARSHA IN SPANISH Rabbi Shea Rubinstein Rabbi Dov Schochet Mrs. Vivian Perez Mrs. Vivian Perez (Men & Women) (Men & Women) (Women Only) (Women Only) https://zoom.us/j/758161843 https://zoom.us/j/758161843 password 5899 8:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm PARSHA OF THE WEEK OF INDAI Women’s RCS Course Rabbi Sholom Lipskar Dr. Nathan Katz Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar (Men & Women) Zoom: 87968544830 Finding happiness password 171692 in life’s gifts

9 DAILY WISDOM Inspiring insights on the Torah

Shabbos, 27 Cheshvan Sunday, 28 Cheshvan

Double Identity True Love G‑d told her, “Two nations are in your womb; two powers [Ishmael] dwelled throughout the area [settled by] will diverge from within you. The upper hand will pass all his descendants. Genesis 25:18 from one power to the other.” Genesis 25:23 [Ishmael] dwelled throughout the area [settled by] Metaphorically, Jacob and Esau represent the two souls all his descendants. Genesis 25:18 (and their opposing drives) that exist within each of us. We Literally, the Hebrew original reads: “He fell each possess an inner Jacob – i.e., our Divine soul with its throughout the area. . . . ” Ishmael was the “fallen” G‑dly drives, and also an inner Esau – i.e., our animating soul version of Abraham. Abraham personified holy with its selfish drives. When our Divine soul asserts itself, it love – love for G‑d and kindness to others. Ishmael weakens the materialistic tendencies of the animating soul. personified love in its “fallen” version, an obsessive desire for physicality and sensuality. The Divine soul overcomes the animating soul in the same way that light overcomes darkness. Light does not have to In our own lives, it is our task to transform our love actively exert itself to dispel darkness – darkness simply and passion for material things – the fallen love of ceases to exist in the presence of light. Similarly, as soon as Ishmael – into a holy love for G‑d. we let the holiness and goodness of our Divine souls shine by studying the Torah and observing the commandments, the selfishness of the animating soul disappears.

Tuesday, 1 Kislev Monday, 29 Cheshvan Uncovering Hidden Potentials Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and found a well of fresh The Purpose of Wealth Isaac sowed grain in that region that year. He spring water there. Genesis 26:19 reaped a hundredfold, for G‑d had blessed him. Genesis 26:12 Although digging wells certainly served to further the advance of civilization wherever they were dug, they more importantly It is clear from a close reading of the Torah’s narrative exemplified Isaac’s message to the world. As opposed to that the patriarchs were astute businessmen. filling a pit with water brought from elsewhere, digging a Nonetheless, it is also clear that they engaged in well reveals an already-existing source of water concealed material pursuits solely with the objective of fulfilling beneath layers of earth. Thus, whereas Abraham’s message G‑d’s will. In this case, Isaac’s true goal in sowing to the world was: “Let me revive you with the refreshing grain was to be able to give charity to the poor, water of Divine consciousness,” Isaac’s message was: “Now which the Torah stipulates can only be performed that you have been revived, look for your inner source of with one’s own produce. Like our patriarchs, when water. Dig away all the dirt encumbering your life, and you our involvement in the pursuit of a livelihood and will reveal within yourself a wellspring of Divine awareness. wealth is similarly motivated, we are blessed with overwhelming success. This awareness will quench your spiritual thirst throughout your whole life.”

Isaac’s well-digging teaches us that our flashes of insight or inspiration must be followed up with self-improvement and self-refinement in order for them to make lasting changes.

10 Wednesday, 2 Kislev Thursday, 3 Kislev

The Reward of Perseverance Qualifications for Leadership [The king of Philistia and his entourage] [Isaac said to Esau,] “Prepare . . . so that I may grant you said [to Isaac], “We have seen that G‑d has my soul’s blessing before I die.” Genesis 27:4 been with you, so we said: Let there now be a solemn oath between us, and let us make a covenant with you.” Genesis 26:28 Isaac wanted to name Esau his successor because he recognized Esau’s potential to become a fearless, G‑dly warrior, dedicated At first, the Philistines seized the wells that to combating evil. Although Isaac had seen Esau give in to the Isaac dug, but in the end they actively sought very temptations he should have battled, Isaac felt that if he him out to make peace with him. Similarly, would bless Esau, Esau would take up the cause of goodness and even our most well-intentioned efforts or righteousness. With his superior power, sophistication, and skill, spiritual labors can sometimes boomerang, Esau would then be able to accomplish G‑d’s purposes on earth far actually strengthening the forces that oppose better than Jacob could. holiness. However, we learn from Isaac to not be discouraged in the face of such unexpected Rebecca realized Isaac’s error. It was true that Jacob was not the setbacks. Rather, we should continue our cunning, wild warrior that Esau was. But the keen perception that endeavors, which are certain to eventually Jacob had developed by devoting himself to the study of the Torah succeed. could well provide him with the cunning necessary to overcome evil when confronted with it. Moreover, Jacob’s devotion to the Torah gave him a much stronger drive to make the world into G‑d’s home than Esau could ever have.

From Rebecca’s wisdom, we learn that possessing skill and power cannot on its own make us reliable leaders. We can best develop Friday, 4 Kislev our own leadership qualities by studying the Torah devotedly, and we should consider scholars of the Torah the ones whom we look The Use of Trickery to for leadership. [Isaac told Esau,] “Your brother came with guile and took your blessing.” Genesis 27:35

The blessings Isaac bestowed upon Jacob were for material prosperity. The fact that Jacob obtained these blessings through cleverness teaches us how we should engage in our own material pursuits. When eating or conducting business, for example, we can appear to be merely tending to our physical needs, similar to the materialistic Esau. But behind this façade, we should really be thinking like Jacob: our true purposes should be spiritual: We should eat in order to have the strength to do good deeds, study the Torah, and observe G‑d’s commandments. We should earn our livelihood in order to have the financial means with which to do all these things, and so on. This is the sort of “duplicity” that we are meant to employ in our interactions with the material world.


he language of the Torah is, in Erich Auerbach’s famous phrase, “fraught Twith background.” Behind the events that are openly told are shadowy stories left for us to decipher. Hidden beneath the surface of Parshat Chayei Sarah, for example, is another story, alluded to only in a series of hints. There are three clues in the text.

The first occurs when Abraham’s servant is returning with the woman who is to become Isaac’s wife. As Rebecca sees Isaac in the distance, we are told that he is “coming from the way of Be’er-laĥai-ro’i” to meditate in the field. The placement is surprising. Thus far we have situated the patriarchal family at Be’ersheva, to which Abraham returns after the binding of Eliezer, but the Torah itself does Isaac, and Hebron, where Sarah dies and not. What then is the significance First, they point out that Be’er-laĥai- is buried. What is this third location, Be’er- of Abraham’s second marriage and ro’i, the place from which Isaac was laĥai-ro’i, and what is its significance? how is it related to the rest of the coming when Rebecca saw him, is narrative? mentioned once before: It is the spot The second is the extraordinary final stage where Hagar, pregnant and fleeing BE of Abraham’s life. In chapter after chapter The third clue to the hidden story is from Sarah, encountered an angel LIKE we read of the love and faithfulness revealed in the Torah’s description who told her to return. It is indeed she Abraham and Sarah had for one another. of Abraham’s death: who gives the place its name, meaning Together they embarked on a long journey “the well of the Living One who sees to an unknown destination. Together, And Abraham expired, and died in me.”The thus says that Isaac they stood against the idolatry of their a good old age, an old man, and went to Be’er-laĥai-ro’i in search of time. Twice, Sarah saved Abraham’s life full of years, and was gathered Hagar. When Isaac heard that his by pretending to be his sister. They hoped to his people. Isaac and Ishmael, father was seeking a wife for him, and prayed for a child and endured the his sons, buried him in the Cave of he said, “Shall I be married while my long years of childlessness until Isaac was Machpelah, in the field of Ephron father lives alone? I will go and return born. Then Sarah’s life draws to a close. the son of Zohar the Hittite, which Hagar to him.” She dies. Abraham mourns and weeps for is before Mamre, the field which her and buys a cave in which she is buried, Abraham purchased of the children Hence the sages’ answer to the and he is to be buried beside her. We then of Het. There was Abraham buried, second question: who was Keturah? expect to read that Abraham lived out the and Sarah his wife. She was, they said, none other than rest of his years alone before being placed Hagar herself. It is not unusual for beside “Sarah his wife” in the “Cave of Ishmael’s presence at the funeral people in the Torah to have more than Machhpelah.” is surprising. After all, he had been one name: Jethro, Moses’s father- sent away into the desert years in-law, had seven. Hagar was called Unexpectedly, however, once Isaac is before, when Isaac was young. Keturah because “her acts gave forth married, Abraham marries a woman Until now, we have assumed that fragrance like incense (ketoret).” This named Keturah and has six children the two half-brothers have lived in indeed integrates Abraham’s second by her. We are told nothing else about total isolation from one another. marriage as an essential component this woman, and the significance of the Yet the Torah places them together of the narrative. episode is unclear. The Torah does not at the funeral without a word of include mere incidental details. We have explanation. Hagar did not end her days as an no idea, for example, what Abraham outcast. She returned, at Isaac’s looked like. We do not even know the The sages piece together these prompting and with Abraham’s name of the servant he sent to find a wife three puzzling details to form an consent, to become the wife of her for Isaac. Tradition tells us that it was enthralling story. former master. This also changes 12 the painful story of the banishment of Ishmael. BE LIKE ELIEZER, THE ULTIMATE EMISSARY By Menachem Feldman We know that Abraham did not want to n all of Genesis, who is the that he find a wife for Isaac from among send him away – Sarah’s demand was character that we can most Abraham’s family, but on the other hand, “very grievous in Abraham’s sight on identify with? he had a psychological resistance to the account of his son.” Nonetheless, G‑d I success of the mission. According to told Abraham to listen to his wife. There It is not one of our three Patriarchs the Midrash, Eliezer hoped that his own is, however, an extraordinary midrash, or four Matriarchs, nor one of their daughter would be the one to marry Isaac; in Pirkei deRabbi Eliezer, which tells of children or relatives. thus, the success of his mission would how Abraham twice visited his son. On spell the end of his personal aspiration. the first occasion, Ishmael was not at That character, in whom we see our home. His wife, not knowing Abraham’s own story, is none other than the Before Eliezer embarked on his mission, identity, refused the stranger bread and hero of this week’s Torah portion: he said to Abraham: “Perhaps the woman water. Ishmael, continues the Midrash, Eliezer, the servant of Abraham. will not follow me?” Rashi points out that there was a deeper meaning to this divorced her and married a woman named The Patriarchs and Matriarchs innocent-sounding question: Fatimah. This time, when Abraham are more than just the founding visited, again not disclosing his identity, fathers and mothers of our people. the woman gave him food and drink. The Perhaps the woman will not follow me: It perhaps)] is written [without) אֻלַי According to Kabbalistic teachings, [the word Midrash then says “Abraham stood and the soul of each and every Jew to me). Eliezer) אֵלַי [prayed before the Holy One, blessed be a vav and may be read comprises the qualities and had a daughter, and he was looking for a He, and Ishmael’s house became filled attributes embodied by them. with all good things. When Ishmael pretext so that Abraham would tell him, to turn to him, to marry off his daughter to returned, his wife told him about it, and And yet, often, it can be hard for him (Isaac). Ishmael knew that his father still loved us to identify with our Patriarchs, him.” Father and son were reconciled. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Eliezer was not a son who was capable Midrash teaches us that “the of completely surrendering himself to The name of Ishmael’s second wife, Patriarchs are truly the [divine] his parents. Eliezer was an independent Fatimah, is highly significant. In the Koran, chariot”—just as a chariot has no person. An emissary. An individual with Fatimah is the daughter of Mohammad. will of its own, and is but a vehicle his own personality, perspective and BE Pirkei deRabbi Eliezer is an eighth- for the rider, so too the Patriarchs agenda. And yet, it was specifically LIKE century work, and it is here making an served as a vehicle for nothing but Eliezer, despite his misgivings about the explicit, and positive, reference to Islam. the divine will. mission, who succeeded in arranging the marriage. He was the one who, relying on So while our soul possesses The hidden story of Chayei Sarah has his own initiative, using his own creativity, love, the attribute of Abraham, immense consequence for our time. employing his own judgment, was discipline, the attribute of Isaac, Jews and Muslims both trace their instrumental in the marriage that would and compassion, the attribute of descent from Abraham – Jews through perpetuate Abraham’s legacy for all future Jacob, we also cling to our own Isaac, Muslims through Ishmael. The generations. fact that both sons stood together at aspirations. We navigate through their father’s funeral tells us that they life, and we want to know “what’s in If the purpose of creation is to bring too were reunited. it for me.” We don’t always identify together spirit and matter, then that with the “chariot” of our history, purpose must be carried out by people Beneath the surface of the narrative in with those men and women who like you and me, who, like Eliezer, possess Chayei Sarah, the sages read the clues saw themselves exclusively as both polar opposites within themselves. and pieced together a moving story vehicles of the Divine will. By combining our own identity and perspective with the will of the Divine, we of reconciliation between Abraham Enter Eliezer. and Hagar on the one hand, Isaac and are able to use our personal gifts, talents Ishmael on the other. Yes, there was Eliezer was the servant of Abraham, and unique touch to carry out the vision of conflict and separation; but that was the dispatched to a distant land to the Creator. Only when the two diametrical beginning, not the end. Between Judaism find a bride for Isaac. Eliezer was parts of ourselves, the voice of Abraham and Islam there can be friendship and entrusted with facilitating the and the voice of our own individuality, mutual respect. Abraham loved both his marriage that would produce the collaborate to achieve one goal are we able sons, and was laid to rest by both. There Jewish people. It was his job to to unite our internal “heaven” and “earth,” is hope for the future in this story of the bring about the union of heaven and thus fulfilling the purpose of creation. past. earth. Eliezer himself had mixed feelings about his mission. On the one hand, he understood the importance of fulfilling Abraham’s request 13 4 POWERFUL INSIGHTS FROM THE REBBE ON PARSHAS CHAYEI SARAH

Eternal Life The name of this week’s Torah reading is Chayei Sarah, “the life of Sarah.” This raises an obvious question. The Torah reading talks of Sarah’s death and her burial, why should its name be associated with “her life”?

With this name, the Torah is teaching us that every person can gain an aspect of immortality. We are not speaking of the afterlife in the spiritual realms where every soul is granted an eternal existence, but rather a continuous posterity in this material world.

The Half-Shekel of Marriage The Torah reading focuses on three events: Abraham’s purchase of a burial place for Sarah in Hebron, his first A half-shekel—to allude to the shekalim contributed by the acquisition of a portion of the Land of Israel, the mission people of Israel, a half-shekel per head (Rashi ad loc). to find a wife for Isaac, and Abraham’s granting Isaac his inheritance. The week’s Parshah relates the marriage arrangement and eventual marriage of Isaac and Rebecca. One of the details which the Torah includes is the fact that a ring, a half-shekel All of these events reflect Sarah’s lifework. Firstly, as in weight, was one of the gifts that Eliezer presented to a woman she endeavored that the pledge G‑d gave to Rebecca at their meeting at the well. Our sages explain Abraham, that the land of Israel become the heritage of that this was an allusion to, and the forerunner of, the half- the Jewish people, not remain merely an abstract promise, shekel contributed by each Jew towards the building of the but be translated into actual fact. This transpired with the Sanctuary. purchase of the Cave of Machpelah. From that point on, the Why half a shekel? Maimonides writes that as a rule, Jews owned a portion of the Holy Land, and that ownership “everything that is for the sake of G‑d should be of the was recognized by all the nations of the world. best and most beautiful.” Indeed, in many cases Torah law mandates that the object of a mitzvah be whole. Why, then, She desired that her son marry and perpetuate her family. does the Torah instruct that each Jew contribute half a This is reflected in the choice of Rebecca as a wife for Isaac. shekel towards the building of a dwelling for G‑d? Indeed, our Sages explain that it was when Isaac saw that The answer is that such is the essence of marriage. If each Rebecca possessed the spiritual virtues of his mother that partner approaches the marriage with a sense of his or her he loved her. self as a complete entity, they will at best achieve only a “relationship” between two distinct, self-contained lives. But marriage is much more than that. The Kabbalists explain that husband and wife are the male and female aspects of a single soul, born into two different bodies; for many years they live separate lives, often at a great distance from each other and wholly unaware of the other’s existence. But divine providence contrives to bring them together again under the wedding canopy and accord them the opportunity to become one again: not only one in essence, but also one on all levels—in their conscious thoughts and feelings and in their physical lives.

Marriage is thus more than the union of two individuals. It is the reunion of a halved soul, the fusion of two lives originally and intrinsically one.


Prayer and Work On the verse: “And Isaac went out to commune in the field towards evening,” our Sages comment that, at this time, he ordained the Afternoon Service. The Afternoon Service is a unique prayer. The Morning Service almost comes easily: After arising in the morning and having been granted the gift of life anew, it’s natural to want to say thank you to G‑d. Moreover, the person’s day has not yet started and one has the time to collect his thoughts, direct them to Him, and thus gain perspective. The Evening Service is also not that great of a challenge. The day is over. A person often feels the need to review his day and appreciate the spiritual lessons it should have taught him. But the Afternoon Service is different. Every occupation has its hectic times, when people are under pressure. Often, it is precisely in the midst of such pressuring times that one is The Importance of Consistency obligated to pray the Afternoon Service, one has to stop, step back, and pray. This week’s Torah reading describes Abraham as being To explain: The essence of the soul — like the essence of G‑d “old, advanced in years.” The Midrash notes the seeming — cannot be described as holy. For holy is a limitation and repetition and explains that there are some men who are an exclusion — there are certain things and activities that old, but do not appear advanced in years, and others who cannot be considered holy. Indeed, the association of G‑d appear advanced in years, but are not old. Abraham’s with holiness has led to the dichotomy that plagues Western advancement in years paralleled his age. spirituality — the spiritual is separated from the physical. G‑d is put into a box of prayer and study and one’s physical On a simple level, the Midrash is speaking about physical activities are considered as separate from Him. appearance. There is however a deeper meaning to the teaching of the Midrash: often people function on a level From the perspective of G‑d’s essence — and the essence of of maturity far below their chronological age. Abraham, the soul — nothing is further from the truth. G‑d is neither the Midrash teaches, grew as he aged. His personal spiritual nor material — and equally permeates both the and spiritual development went hand in hand with the spiritual and the material. He cannot be grasped by the passage of time. most elevated abstract raptures, nor can the most depraved activities cut one off from Him. Chassidus develops this concept further. Abraham “advanced” into “his years.” He put himself into the days When does a person reflect this essential aspect of G‑dliness? that he lived; each of his days was filled with a deepening When he fuses the material and the spiritual in his life, when in of his connection to G‑d. the midst of productive material activity, he stops and prays, devoting himself to the spiritual. Such an activity enables the Any one of us who has to take tests knows what it is to core of his soul — his true G‑dly potential — to shine forth. cram. You try to cover an entire course in two weeks.

There is something unnatural in such an approach. What was remembered for the test is forgotten two weeks later.

The same is true spiritually. Too often, we cram. On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, suddenly we get very involved. We like to focus on peak experiences. What Abraham teaches us is to take each day one day at a time, and to live it to the ultimate. Not to have occasional spiritual heights, but to relate to G‑d earnestly each day, to take that day seriously and use it in the fullest and most complete way possible.


By Yaakov Ort and Menachem Posner

abbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and Rnoted Jewish philosopher, orator, author and leader whose extensive works of Torah scholarship and moral philosophy inspired and influenced individuals and communities around the world, passed away on Nov. 7. He was 72 years old.

Born in Lambeth, London, in 1948, the eldest of four brothers, Jonathan Henry (Yaakov Zvi) Sacks grew up in a traditional Jewish home. For the rest of his life, he would cite the example of his father—a textile merchant whose piety and faith compensated for his lack of formal —as a guiding inspiration for his inspiring career.

Sacks was educated at leading private schools in Great Britain before enrolling at Cambridge University, where he became York in order to meet the Rebbe— Cambridge, Sacks again met with leader of the Jewish students’ group during Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the Rebbe and asked in a written the terrifying run-up to the Six Day War. of righteous memory—to discuss note whether he should become an Amid the euphoria that followed Israel’s a wide variety of issues related to economist, a lawyer or an academic stunning victory, he found himself and his religion, faith and philosophy. Near philosopher. The Rebbe crossed out all fellow Jewish students with an awakened the end of their discussion, the three alternatives and advised Sacks sense of Jewish identity and pride and a Rebbe challenged Sacks to take to become a congregational rabbi and sense of purpose and mission. an even more proactive leadership to eventually train other rabbis as well. role in spreading Jewish awareness More than any other mentor, Sacks In his capacity as a student leader the and observance among his fellow later wrote, “the Rebbe challenged me young scholar first met Chabad Rabbis students. to lead,” and referred to the Rebbe as Shmuel Lew and Feivish Vogel, who would one of the greatest Jewish leaders, “not frequently visit the university, teaching, The meeting had a profound influence just of our time, but of all time.” inspiring and uplifting the Jewish students. on the young man’s life, and Sacks Together with the rabbis, Sacks helped became increasingly committed While continuing to work towards a organize Chabad’s first Shabbaton on to Jewish study, observance and Ph.D. in philosophy at Oxford and Kings campus in Cambridge in the winter of outreach after returning to university. College, Sacks studied and received 1968, the start of what became a lifelong During his time in Cambridge, he ordination at London’s Jews’ College partnership with Chabad-Lubavitch all hosted a biweekly Torah class in his under Rabbi Nahum Rabinovitch, and over the world. room, led by Lew. Before the class at the Eitz Chaim yeshivah, before began, the two of them studied a embarking on a career in the rabbinate. The Chassidic activists opened up a new Chassidic teaching privately, while world to the budding philosopher, who Sacks earned a first-class honors In response to the Rebbe’s 1971 call to was intrigued by traditional Chassidic degree in philosophy. The following increase Torah study, he began writing contemplative prayer and how a person year, he flew to Israel to study in Kfar a weekly rendering of the Rebbe’s most praying emerged from the experience a Chabad, his first immersive yeshivah intricate teachings on the writings of visibly changed individual. experience. Rashi, rendered into ludic and relatable English. This became the basis of his While an undergraduate, Sacks traveled ‘The Rebbe Challenged Me to first book: Torah Studies. He went on to America. Towards the end of his trip, Lead’ to author more than 30 books and he took a three-day bus ride to New Following graduation from thousands of articles, and published 16 lectures on Torah subjects, contemporary Judaism and general issues of morality and ethics, many of which can be studied on Chabad.org.

On a personal level, he had a deep affinity for language, art and music. He once related that he had asked the Rebbe if his growing love for Chabad Chassidism would preclude him from pursuing those passions. The Rebbe responded that, on the contrary, it would only deepen his appreciation to the extent that it would more than compensate for anything he would avoid out of deference to halachah.

In 1978, following the Rebbe’s suggestion that he hold a community pulpit, he was appointed rabbi of the Golders Green in London. Since he was still teaching at the time, the United being rabbi-led to being led by by careful study and contemplation, he Synagogues needed to amend their a “rabbinical couple,” who each became a reassuring and galvanizing bylaws to allow Sacks to fulfil the Rebbe’s brought their strengths and abilities voice of positivity and hope in a wish that he concurrently teach rabbinical to the congregation. world that experienced the rise of students and lead a congregation. Islamic radicalism, the fracture of the A Universal Voice of Morality traditional family unit and continued In 1983, he became rabbi of the Western Following his service as chief rabbi, decay of traditional institutions. Marble Arch Synagogue in Central London, Sacks ratcheted up his activity, both a position he held until 1990. Between within the Anglo-Jewish community His passing was thus mourned by 1984 and 1990, Sacks also served as and beyond, comparing himself to a Britain’s Prince Charles as the loss of Principal of Jews’ College. vehicle that had left the city and was “a leader whose wisdom, scholarship now on the highway, unfettered by were without equal … [whose] Again, following the Rebbe’s counsel, he traffic signals or traffic snarls. prophetic voice spoke to our greatest served as chief rabbi of the United Hebrew challenges with unfailing insight and Congregations of the Commonwealth from Ever the academic, he was named boundless compassion.” 1991 to 2013 and took his seat in the the Ingeborg and Ira Rennert Global House of Lords in October 2009. Distinguished Professor of Judaic In a similar vein, former British Prime Thought at New York University, and Minister Tony Blair paid tribute to Sacks, At his 1991 induction ceremony, he said as the Kressel and Ephrat Family saying that “Jonathan was a wonderful that he hoped to lead to a revitalization of University Professor of Jewish friend, a beloved mentor, a philosopher British Jewry, catalyzed by a “love of every Thought at University. He of extraordinary insight, and of course, Jew, love of learning [Torah], love of G‑d, was also appointed as Professor a religious leader respected well beyond a profound contribution to British society of Law, Ethics and the Bible at the Jewish community and well beyond and an unequivocal attachment to Israel.” King’s College London. He won the the shores of Britain. His influence was Templeton Prize—awarded for work vast and his reach immense.” A careful student of history would note affirming life’s spiritual dimension— that he echoed nearly verbatim the words in 2016 and was a senior fellow at Blair was joined in words of condolence said by his mentor, the Rebbe, 40 years the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for from religious and political leaders earlier when he accepted the mantle of Human Rights. from around the world, as well as the leadership, stating that his leadership growing number of students from all would be based on the same three “loves.” Heeding the Rebbe’s call to spread walks of life worldwide who he has Indeed, under his tenure, Jewish education awareness of the Seven Noahide reached online. in the shot up, with day- Laws and the Torah’s lessons that school enrollment booming and new apply to all people, he took to the The rabbi is survived by his wife, Elaine schools opening. BBC, where he was a familiar and Taylor Sacks, and their children, Joshua, beloved voice of morality and reason Dina and Gila, as well as 9 grandchildren. Adapting the Rebbe’s model of Chabad- in an ever-evolving world. He is also survived by siblings, Brian Lubavitch centers being almost invariably Sacks, Alan Sacks and Eliot Sacks. led by a husband-and-wife team, An eloquent and commanding he converted the leadership of each speaker who could address nearly congregation under his stewardship for any subject with authority earned 17 MY ENCOUNTER WITH THE REBBE THE PRINCIPAL WHO DIDN’T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL

y parents – Rabbi Meir and Sima Itkin – were part of a Mgroup of Lubavitch chasidim who escaped the Soviet Union after World War Two and came to the United States at the direction of the Previous Rebbe. As our family awaited permission to immigrate, we stayed in . I was a baby at the time, but I remember the story being told of the visit by the Previous Rebbe’s son-in-law – Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the future Rebbe – who came to escort his mother to America. You can imagine the excitement of the refugees at his arrival, with everyone rushing to meet him. knew how many people would drop by be unique. And he did it so simply. He on a given Shabbat following prayers crossed out “guinea pig” and he wrote My father told me later that Rabbi while they awaited the start of the “pioneer.” Schneerson realized the need of the Rebbe’s . In a sense, our chasidim to connect with the Rebbe home became an extension of 770, Of course, I wanted to be a pioneer. I’d through him, and so he took the most and I grew up around many legendary climb a mountain, I’d ford a river, I’d do personal thing that each person owns chasidim, listening to the stories that anything! He appealed to my sense of – his name – and spoke about it. To my they had to tell. independence and pride. And of course, father he said, “Your name, Meir, comes I went to . from ohr meaning light. You will light An incident that made a lasting impression upon me occurred when After I graduated, I wanted to do up the world.” This short conversation something very special. I wanted to be set the stage for my father’s lifelong I was thirteen. I was about to enter high school and I wanted to go to Beis a journalist because I loved to write. attachment and devotion to the future With my parents’ approval, I applied Rebbe. Yaakov where my older sister had gone. But as luck would have it, Chabad had to Columbia University, was accepted, To both my father and my mother, the recently opened a new high school for and even won a Regents’ Scholarship. Rebbe was everything. He epitomized girls, Beth Rivkah, and my father said And I was very excited to go. the philosophy they believed in, the that I had to go there. Then the phone rang. It was Rabbi values they held dear, and most Mordechai Hodakov, the Rebbe’s importantly, the love that united all I objected. I said I didn’t want to go to a school that was just beginning secretary, asking my father to come Jews. And whatever he said – or even meet with him. My father went and hinted at – was of utmost importance to establish itself; I didn’t want to be experimented on. So my father said – was told, “We hear that your daughter to them; they followed his directives to wants to go to university. We don’t the letter. as I could have predicted – “Write to the Rebbe. Whatever he says you will think it is the right thing for her to do So it was no accident that they bought do.” right now.” My father’s immediate the house at 760 Eastern Parkway, response was: “No problem.” Of course, as close as one could possibly get to I wrote a letter to the Rebbe and to him it was no problem; to me it was the Rebbe’s headquarters at 770. My delivered it without first showing it to a big problem. my parents. I explained to him why I father had considered another property When my father came home and said, at first, not on the main street but a didn’t want to go to Beth Rivkah, and I used the expression, “I don’t want to “You’re not going to university,” I was few blocks away where other religious devastated. This was my dream. I was families lived, but the Rebbe asked him, be a guinea pig.” Definitely not the right choice of words. going to become a famous journalist “Don’t you like me as your neighbor?” who made a major difference in the So that was that. But the Rebbe knew just how to world. Now I had no hope; I had no Because of our location, we had a answer me – a teenager who wanted future. to conquer the world, to be special, to steady stream of visitors. We never However, I did as I was told and enrolled 18 in the Beth Rivkah Teachers’ Seminary, eventually becoming principal of the cultural divide between us was too feeling that all my hopes and dreams school. great. I quoted Robert Frost and he and aspirations were going down the quoted Yehuda Halevi. I grew up in drain. I was busy saving up money and looking America and he in Israel. forward to my trip, when a new wrench But, again, the Rebbe knew what was was thrown into my plan. My father Naturally, I wrote about it to Rebbe. best for me, which is not to say that would not agree to it. “An eighteen- And the Rebbe – as busy as he was the Rebbe ignored my teenage angst year-old girl traveling through Europe with his countless responsibilities at the time. by herself? That’s unheard of. You must – understood me once more. He have misunderstood the Rebbe.” answered my concerns about marrying That he understood my need to expand an Israeli with a rhetorical question, my horizons was demonstrated a short The stand-off was resolved some “But weren’t you in Israel already?” while later, when I proposed taking months later when my father had a trip to Israel with stops in Europe an audience with the Rebbe on the I do believe that when the Rebbe to visit some of the famous cultural occasion of his birthday. “My daughter approved my trip back then – when it centers there. I had a private audience thinks that the Rebbe gave her wasn’t normal for an eighteen-year- with the Rebbe around Purim, prior to permission to go to Israel with stops in old girl to go traveling the world alone which I submitted a long letter pouring Europe,” my father began. – he foresaw that it would be a pivotal out my frustrations and unhappiness. factor in my life. And, indeed, it was. My “If I can’t go to university and become “She didn’t go yet?” was the Rebbe’s visit to Israel made all the difference. a famous journalist,” I wrote, “then response. Looking back, I am amazed at the at least I want to travel and see the That ended all objections. I was allowed world.” Rebbe’s sensitivity, his caring, his love, to go, and I went, spending quite a bit and I am so grateful that he guided my The Rebbe actually approved of my of time in Israel. I badly needed to make life. travel plan, which was delayed until this trip, as the Rebbe understood so the following summer because I had well. For more than thirty years, Mrs. Shana Tiechtel has served as principal of the to earn the money to pay for it. This Upon return, I continued to teach at I did by teaching in the Beth Rivkah Beth Rivkah High School. She was Beth Rivkah and then I met my future interviewed in April of 2015. elementary school, an experience I husband. Although I felt that we were enjoyed. At the time, I did not foresee very compatible, one concern caused that I would end up happily spending me to hesitate before committing to the rest of my life at Beth Rivkah and a future together. I feared that the

Before you were formed in the womb, your days were numbered and set in place. They are the chapters of the lessons you came here to learn, the faces of the wisdom this world has to teach you, the gateways to the treasures this lifetime alone can bestow.

A day enters, opens its doors, tells its story, and then returns above, never to visit again. Never—for no two days of your life will share the same wisdom.

Hayom Yom, 17 Cheshvan; Naso 5737:6.


he deep bond between the Rebbe Rebbe’s side, and immediately boarded and all his chassidim was most a plane to New York. “On a scale of Tobvious during the festive month ten,” Weiss later said, the Rebbe “had of Tishrei. From the Holy Land, Europe the full ‘ten’ heart attack… it involved and Australia, chassidim traveled en such extensive damage that in anyone’s masse to experience the climactic days normal medical experience one would of awe and joy in the Rebbe’s presence. worry about the possibility of survival.” On the two days of Shemini Atzeres and Simchat Torah, when the Rebbe danced Not once did the Rebbe complain about in the synagogue with the Torah scrolls, the physical pain he was suffering, the joy rose to its ultimate crescendo. but from the very outset he expressed anguish at the enforced separation On the day before Shemini Atzeres the from his chassidim. Every Simchat Torah Rebbe customarily distributed honey the Rebbe would hold a Farbrengen, cake to thousands of men, women sharing Torah wisdom and inspiration, and children who came to receive his and rejoicing with his chassidim, and he blessing for a sweet new year. 1977 didn’t want this year to be any different. seemed no different. But the Rebbe’s But Weiss would not hear of it. “It’s clear wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, sensed as a bell,” he said, “that you can’t go out in that all was not well. She shared her this heart attack state to go out to have ingathering of the exiles “with kindness concern with his secretariat, asking a farbrengen.” Instead he let the Rebbe and mercy, apparent and revealed good, them to lighten his burden and not broadcast a twenty minute farbrengen very speedly.” prolong the dancing that evening. from his office in 770, following the festival’s conclusion. This response to adversity was In the middle of the dancing the Rebbe’s characteristic. The Rebbe’s optimism did face turned suddenly pale and his Strikingly, the Rebbe used this not leave room for complacency. Nor did gestures lost their vigor. He sat down, opportunity to frame the situation in it obscure the realities of the situation. He leaned back heavily in his chair and a positive light. “For a certain reason,” firmly believed that G‑d does everything closed his eyes. Something was clearly the Rebbe began, “we speak after the for the best. But until the messianic wrong, and the chassidim quickly festival’s conclusion, which allows us era that good will too often be hidden, cleared the synagogue. His pulse was to use media to communicate what we and humanity is tasked to discover it. taken and he was offered a glass of say even in far away places - physically In aspects of human experience where water. But the Rebbe stoically indicated far, but obviously spiritually close, which others found only despair, the Rebbe that the dancing should continue. It was is the main thing among Jews, being sought out the positive dimension, and later determined that he had suffered a that their soul is primary and their body used positive language to emphasize it. major heart attack, but it did not prevent secondary… Thereby is formed a tie, a him from completing the last dance with bond, a unity, among all those who hear On the first day of the month of Kislev his brother-in-law, Rabbi Shmaryahu this speech…” Though it seemed that (“Rosh Chodesh”), after just thirty eight Gurary, while holding a Torah scroll. circumstance had forced the Rebbe and days of convalescence, the Rebbe the chassidim apart, in truth, he asserted, returned to public life. “In the subsequent In the face of the Rebbe’s fortitude and they were now even more closely bound fifteen years,” Weiss testified, “the Rebbe steadfast refusal to go to the hospital, together. was in his full strength.” Until today, the doctors attending him were chassidim celebrate Rosh Chodesh unsure what to do. At about 5am they Although with the conclusion of the Kislev as the day when they were united considered sedating and hospitalizing festival period the chassidim would each with their Rebbe “with kindness and him against his will. But the Rebbetzin be returning to their own communities, mercy, apparent and revealed good.” refused to allow it. In all the years she and to their personal vocations, the had known him, she said, “there was Rebbe emphasized that they would “The path of chassidism… is the great never an instant that he was not in total remain spiritually united through their G‑dly achievement that the rebbe is not control of himself.” Then she turned to joint commitment to the daily portions alone and the chassidim are not alone.” the Rebbe’s secretary, Rabbi Yehuda of Torah study he encouraged, and to Krinsky, “You know so many people. Can the mitzvah campaigns that he had you not find a doctor for my husband?” pioneered. As the allotted twenty minutes came to a close, the emotion Krinsky called Dr. Ira Weiss, a chicago- in the Rebbe’s voice intensified, and he based cardiologist. Weiss called Dr. prayed that their actions would bring Louis Teichholz, asked him to rush to the about the ultimate redemption and the 20 STORIES WITH SOUL

It Once Happened teaching of the Sages. with those less fortunate and they were always sure that the stranger nce, when Reb Elimelech of His words were received in the who had blessed them was none Lyzhansk was on his way manner intended, as “words from other than Elijah the Prophet. Oto immerse in the mikva he the heart enter the heart,” and the heard a heavenly voice announce people were moved to repentence. Years later Reb Elimelech and his that the Rav of Nikolsburg, Reb When they realized that the words brother Reb Zusha were travelling Shmelke was having terrible of their own rabbi had been echoed to collect money for the mitzva problems with those who were by this guest preacher, they went of redeeming captives. They bitterly opposed to his spiritual as a group to beg Reb Shmelke’s heard that in a certain city there path. The heavenly voice promised forgiveness. was a very generous merchant great rewards in the Next World who dispensed a great deal of for the one who would extricate Reb Elimelech left Nikolsburg charity. When they arrived at his Reb Shmelke. and continued on his way. Soon residence, they were ushered into after he left the town, he again his parlor where he was sitting Reb Elimelech turned to his heard a heavenly voice, this time with his wife. No sooner had they companion and asked, “Did you proclaiming: “Reb Elimelech, seated themselves, than the wife hear anything?” But his companion because you helped Reb Shmelke, swooned to the floor. When she replied that he had heard nothing whomever you bless within the regained consciousness, she said at all. From that, Reb Elimelech next twenty-four hours will have to her husband, “That is Elijah the deduced that it was up to him to the blessing realized.” Prophet who blessed us, and I’m travel to Nikolsburg and offer his sure that he has come to remove help. As soon as he arrived he Reb Elimelech’s initial happiness the blessing.” asked Reb Shmelke’s permission over this marvelous gift gave way to address his congregation with to bitter disappointment, when Reb Elimelech had heard her a hearty sermon that would bring after many hours of walking he comment, and he replied, “I am them to repentence. “My friend, I met not one person he could bless. not Elijah, but just a simple Jew, certainly have no objection. But, He cried out his complaint to G-d: and I am not here to take any any criticism will fall on deaf ears.” “Why did you give me this gift, blessings from you. Through G-d’s when you haven’t sent me anyone will my blessings were brought to When it was announced that a that I can bless?” fruition.” visiting preacher would address the congregation, the synagogue Just as he finished his plaint he saw The merchant turned to Reb filled to capacity. Reb Elimelech a lone woman walking toward him. Elimelech and asked him how used his brilliant scholarship to He ran up to her and began to heap much money he needed to redeem deliver a speech using the most blessing on the startled woman. the imprisoned Jews. Hearing the involved and seemingly erudite Seeing her fright, he reassured huge sum of five hundred gold arguments to prove that many of her that he meant no harm. He rubles, he went to his room and the prohibitions mentioned in the questioned her gently, and she brought out the entire sum and Torah were actually permissible. told him about her life situation handed it to the Reb Elimelech. and the difficulties she and her But Reb Elimelech was not willing The congregants were very husband were having with their to accept it; he preferred to give impressed with his great learning livelihood. He finished blessing other Jews the opportunity of and skillful arguments. So, when her, and they parted ways, each joining in that great mitzva. He they heard that he would speak the continuing on his own journey. accepted a large sum of money, following day, they flocked to hear bid a warm farewell to the couple, him. But this time he proved to From that day on the woman and and continued on his travels. them, now with genuine evidence, her husband experienced no more that all the precepts which he had hardships and prospered in their so skillfully disproved the previous endeavors. Their business grew day were actually true. In fact, he more and more successful, until stressed that any deviation from they had a comfortable life. They them went completely against the generously shared their blessings


WEEKLY CLASSES Women’s Mikvah: Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an appointment: 305-866 1492 or 305-323-2410 PLEASE CHECK Please Note: Shabbos & Yom Tov visits must be Prepaid OUR VIRTUAL CLASS SCHEDULE FOR ALL THE SHUL CLASSES THAT ARE The Shul Sisterhood

HAPPENING Who we are... The Shul Sisterhood organizes all of The Shul’s programming USING THE ZOOM APP / ONLINE and classes geared toward women in the community. Our objective is to bring women of all ages and backgrounds DURING THIS TIME. together to learn, laugh, experience, and rejuvenate their mind, body and soul. Meet new friends, relax and get inspired! HTTPS://ZOOM. US/J/6457054016 If you would like to be a part of The Shul Sisterhood, please call 305. 868.1411

SPICED BROWN RICE WITH PEAS PREPARATION by Tiktok Test Kitchen Place flour, sugar, baking powder, honey, and salt in a large Heat

INGREDIENTS oil in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add peas and

4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil cook for 2 to 4 minutes or until warm.

2 cups frozen peas, defrosted Add rice, salt, coriander, paprika, lemon juice, and garlic powder

4 cups cooked brown rice and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until heated all the way through,

1 teaspoon kosher salt stirring frequently.

½ teaspoon ground coriander Garnish with chives.

½ teaspoon paprika

Juice of 1 lemon

Pinch garlic powder

2 tablespoons chopped chives (optional)

27 FRENCH CONNECTION REFLEXIONS SUR LA PARACHA Vivre avec la paracha Un mariage arrangé? jusqu’à ce que l’un d’entre eux prenne son courage découvert une base sur laquelle leur foyer pourra La magie du chidoukh à deux mains et pose finalement la question. se construire. S’ils sont incompatibles ou s’ils par Lazer Gurkow n’ont pas un minimum d’affinité, ils suspendent Un chidoukh tout simplement leur relation et poursuivent La demande en mariage” par Hendel Heureusement pour eux, il n’en fut pas ainsi pour chacun leur vie avec dignité et respect. Lieberman Isaac et Rébecca. Cette agonie leur fut épargnée Et Isaac... prit Rébecca, et elle devint sa femme, lorsque leurs parents leur firent entreprendre un Je sais ce que vous pensez. « M. le rabbin, cela “ sonne trop carré et méthodique. Où est le et il l’aima. (Genèse 24, 67) chidoukh. C’est bien cela : un mariage arrangé. Éliézer, le serviteur d’Abraham, se révéla un romantisme ? Comment peut-on proposer le Une cour moderne excellent marieur. Dépêché par Abraham pour mariage à quelqu’un que l’on ne connaît que Si Isaac et Rébecca s’étaient rencontrés à l’époque trouver la parfaite fiancée, il revint avec Rébecca depuis une semaine ? Ils en connaissent tellement moderne, leur rencontre aurait pu ressembler à dans ses bagages. Ils n’hésitèrent pas une demi- peu l’un sur l’autre qu’ils ne peuvent pas être ceci : Isaac remarquerait Rébecca au puits et seconde et se marièrent le lendemain même. amoureux ! » serait impressionné par sa beauté. Du coin de l’œil, il lui lancerait des regards furtifs, auxquels S’aimaient-ils le jour de leur mariage ? Ils se Une porte d’entrée elle répondrait, avant de timidement se retourner. connaissaient à peine. Considérons de nouveau le Dans l’approche du chidoukh, le mariage est verset biblique cité au début de cet essai : « Et considéré comme une porte d’entrée. Une porte À ce point, je suppose qu’Isaac se serait Isaac... prit Rébecca, et elle devint sa femme, et il d’entrée à travers laquelle on pénètre dans le tranquillement approché de Rébecca pour l’aima. » D’abord elle devint sa femme, et ensuite ravissement, le romantisme et l’amour. L’amour l’inviter à boire un café. Après avoir initialement il l’aima. Ce n’est qu’après leur mariage qu’ils véritable ne se crée pas en un jour. Il met des rougi, elle l’aurait éconduit d’un haussement découvrirent leur admiration l’un pour l’autre et, décennies à se développer. Dans notre monde de d’épaules. Personne n’aime paraître trop intéressé finalement, leur amour. gratification instantanée, c’est difficile à apprécier, de nos jours, de peur que les sentiments ne soient mais ça n’en demeure pas moins vrai. L’admiration pas réciproques. Il insisterait et elle, secrètement Cela paraît terne ? Absolument pas romantique ? et le béguin peuvent survenir en un jour. L’amour ravie, aura l’air de se laisser convaincre à Peut-être, mais intéressons-nous de plus près à prend du temps. contrecœur. l’approche du chidoukh pour trouver son parti. L’amour véritable apparaît à travers de longues Ils passeraient leur première rencontre à faire Le marieur ou chadkhan (ou la marieuse/ années de vie commune. L’amour véritable se crée impression. Isaac se montrerait galant et chadkhanit) commence par s’enquérir de toutes lorsque vous partagez tellement de choses que espèrerait la faire rire tandis que Rébecca les informations possibles au sujet des hommes vous n’imaginez plus la vie l’un sans l’autre. prendrait une pose intéressée, mais évasive. et des femmes qu’il doit assortir : leurs intérêts, Chacun se demanderait ce que l’autre pense, mais leurs caractères, leurs personnalités et leurs Dans l’approche du chidoukh, les époux potentiels aucun n’oserait s’en enquérir. besoins. Avec beaucoup de précautions, le marieur ne sont pas focalisés sur le jour de leur mariage, s’assure qu’un jeune homme ou une jeune femme mais sur les décennies à venir. Ils comprennent La réponse viendrait quelques jours plus tard ne rencontre jamais quelqu’un avec qui il ou elle que le vrai amour met des années à se développer. sous la forme d’une seconde invitation. À nouveau, ne partage pas grand-chose. Le jour de leur mariage, ils sont heureux de cette invitation paraitrait informelle, mais serait partager une base d’admiration mutuelle, en réalité le fruit d’une intense planification et Lorsqu’ils sortent pour leur première rencontre, le d’engagement et de respect. Une base sur laquelle d’une impatiente agonie. Une rencontre en garçon et la fille considèrent l’événement avec ils édifieront leur couple et développeront leur amènerait une autre. Ils tourneraient en rond, se sensibilité et pragmatisme. Ils ne tournent pas amour. demandant chacun ce que l’autre a en tête, mais autour du pot. Ils se lancent dans une franche trop terrifié pour le demander. Chacun se discussion. Ils sont là pour examiner ce qu’ils ont Si les bases sont saines et qu’il existe un concentrant sur les sentiments de l’autre, mais en commun, voir s’il se fait une alchimie entre engagement pour le long terme, alors les points trop hésitant pour révéler les siens. eux et s’ils se trouvent mutuellement agréables. de détails peuvent être résolus, et les obstacles surmontés. L’amour véritable sera libre de Les gens demanderaient à Rébecca si elle a un Ils sont immédiatement à l’aise avec des sujets s’épanouir. petit ami, et elle sourirait timidement et que d’autres n’osent souvent pas aborder pendant répondrait « Oui. » « Vas-tu l’épouser ? » « Je ne des mois. Des questions telles que « Qu’est-ce que Prenant ses racines dans le respect et l’admiration, sais pas. » « Le veux-tu ? » « Mais bien sûr ! » « tu attends de la vie ? », et « Quel genre de famille nourri par le dévouement et l’engagement et paré Alors pourquoi ne le fais-tu pas ? » « Eh bien, nous t’imagines-tu avoir ? » sont confortablement de bonheur et d’amour, un tel mariage est un ne parlons pas de ces choses-là ! » abordées. Les familles, les personnalités, les hommage à D.ieu. Tel était le mariage du espoirs et les aspirations sont autant de sujets à Patriarche Isaac et de la Matriarche Rébecca. Les gens demanderaient à Isaac s’il allait proposer débattre. Chacun s’efforce de dessiner la vie qu’il le mariage, et il répondrait « Je ne suis pas sûr que ou elle espère mener. Rébecca y soit prête. » « Le lui as-tu demandé ? » « Quoi, vous attendez que moi je le lui demande ? Si leurs desseins sont compatibles, et s’ils se » Et ainsi en ira-t-il pendant des mois et des mois, trouvent des atomes crochus, ils ont alors 28 LATIN LINK REFLEXION SEMANAL Parasha de la Semana Amor a Segunda Vista ese amor todavía no ha pasado por pruebas, Por Yossy Goldman recién está al principio.

Por qué hay tantos fracasos De modo que la primera regla es la matrimoniales? Y ¿por qué muchos paciencia. El amor lleva tiempo. Necesita ser ¿matrimonios se separan poco después alimentado. Lamentablemente, hay muchos de haberse casado? que abandonan demasiado pronto.

En la Torá leemos sobre el primer shíduj de En segundo lugar, el efecto Hollywood nos la historia. Abraham envía a su fiel servidor deja tan ingenuamente impresionables que Eliezer a encontrar una esposa para su hijo al principio nos convencemos a nosotros Isaac. Éste vuelve con Rebeca y después mismos que nuestra pareja debe ser el viven felices por siempre. El verso nos dice: proverbial Príncipe Azul o la Princesa “E Isaac tomó a Rebeca, ella se convirtió Grace. Pero entonces, al primer signo de en su esposa y él la amó” (Génesis; 26:67). imperfección pensamos: “¡Es un clavo! ¡Y ya Daría la impresión que en el escenario mismo me voy!” Recuerda, nadie es perfecto. bíblico el amor verdadero aparece después Ni siquiera tú... Sí, con el paso del tiempo del matrimonio, y no antes. Ahora bien, antes por supuesto descubrimos las pequeñas que se pueda celebrar un matrimonio las dos imperfecciones de nuestra pareja. Algunas personas involucradas tienen que tener algo cosas pueden volverse a aprender, pero en común, valores compartidos, aspiraciones siempre con paciencia. Hay otras con las mutuas y sí, debe de haber un cierto grado que simplemente tendremos que aprender de química entre ellos. Pero el verdadero a vivir. La aceptación es un arte. Sopesa amor tiene que ser alentado con el paso del mentalmente la importancia de las fallas tiempo. menores frente al bien mayor en el magnífico esquema de las cosas. Podrás llegar a darte No cabe duda que la causa principal de cuenta que, en realidad, puedes vivir con muchos fracasos matrimoniales de la todas esas pequeñas e insignificantes actualidad radica en las expectativas fallas. Pero, habrá que admitir que si es algo irreales de las parejas que se casan. Nuestra a la menor desilusión, en seguida dejamos realmente grave, entonces podrías necesitar generación ha estado bajo la permanente de estar enamorados. Lo que únicamente ayuda psicológica. influencia de las novelas románticas, las prueba que no era un amor verdadero. El canciones de amor de las listas de éxitos, los verdadero amor lleva años, el verdadero Y, al hacer estas reflexiones, considera lo consejos que aparecen en coloridas revistas amor es la convicción madura que nuestras siguiente: ¿Dejo de quererme a mí mismo por y el mundo de fantasía de Hollywood, todos vidas están entrelazadas y son inseparables. ser imperfecto? ¿Dejo de querer a mis hijos elementos que tienen poca similitud con Y no importa si el cabello de mi pareja se va porque la maestra me dice que se portaron el mundo real. (Me atrevería a sugerir que poniendo gris, o que ya no tenga la figura de muy mal en el colegio? No, por supuesto que Shrek es la primera historia de amor realista antes, o que haya perdido su dinero. Ese tipo no. ¿Entonces, por qué una imperfección de de la industria del cine). de amor no se mide en romanticismo, sino mi pareja hace que me cueste quererla? en el compromiso a largo plazo. “¡Nos enamoramos!” “Fue amor a primera El matrimonio es un comienzo, no un fin. Si vista”. Confieso que yo también soy un Cuando oficio en un casamiento no sólo podemos ser realistas con respecto a nuestra poco romántico, pero seguramente hay una observo a los novios, sino también a sus relación encontraremos al verdadero amor. contradicción en los términos de la expresión padres. La fugaz mirada que intercambian el Pero lleva tiempo, paciencia, y encontrar la “amor a primera vista”. Por definición el ‘amor’ padre y la madre bajo esa jupá -irradiando sabiduría de pasar por alto las pequeñas tarda años en desarrollarse. Si eres honesto najes y sentimientos de satisfacción cosas que nos pueden molestar. Entonces, con contigo mismo, el único sentimiento que compartida- me dice que tienen un buen favor de D-os, con el verdadero compromiso puede surgir a primera vista es el del deseo. matrimonio. Para mí eso es más revelador vendrá el verdadero amor, la comprensión, El “amor a primera vista” es una gigantesca que los almibarados gestos de los recién una vida disfrutada en común, ternura y la bobe maise. casados. mayor, más duradera satisfacción en nuestra vida personal. De modo que nos “enamoramos” pensando A pesar de lo emocionante de este momento, que es el amor auténtico, con la esperanza puede ser que el amor que sienten todavía que será verdadero y que perdurará. Pero esté en la etapa de pasión ciega. Aún así, 29 NUMBERS TO KNOW

CONTACTS AT THE SHUL 305.868.1411 Rabbi Rabbi Sholom Lipskar [email protected] Ext 311 Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar [email protected] 305.992.8363 Associate Rabbi Rabbi Zalman Lipskar [email protected] Ext 345 Rabbi’s Executive Assistant / CYS Ms. Lydia Hasson [email protected] Ext 311 JLAC / Adult Ed/ Singles Rabbi Shea Rubinstein [email protected] Ext 342 CYS College / Kolel Rabbi Dov Schochet [email protected] 305.790.8294 Youth Director / Hebrew School Rabbi Shaykee Farkash [email protected] Ext 329 Pre-School Director Mrs. Chana Lipskar [email protected] Ext 325 Accounting Mrs. Geri Kelly [email protected] Ext 341 Controller Mrs. Janice Barney [email protected] Ext 318 Events / Office Manager Ms. Milena Liascovitz [email protected] Ext 328 Director of Events and Marketing Mrs. Devorah Leah Andrusier [email protected] Ext 313 Operations / Maintenance Rabbi Shlomi Katan [email protected] Ext 319 Reception Mrs. Mindy Natoli [email protected] Ext 0 Mikvah Mrs. Devorah Failer 305.323.2410 Sephardic Minyan Rabbi Yair Massri [email protected] 917.982.6165 Hashkama Minyan Mr. Lazer Milstein 305.349.3040 Editor Mrs. Aurit Katan [email protected] 786.382.9006 Mashgiach Mr. Mordechai Olesky 786.262.9115 Mikvah Mrs. Devorah Failer 305.323.2410

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sidney Feltenstein - Chairman Alberto Kamhazi Simon Falic Shmuel Katz M.D. FOUNDATION TRUSTEES Matias Garfunkel Leo Kryss Albert Pollans - President Ambassador Isaac Gilinski Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Jaime Gilinski Jaime Gilinski Lazer Milstein David Lichter Max Gilinski Michael Perez Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Saul Gilinski Ryan Shapiro Monroe Milstein - Treasurer Sam Greenberg Claudio Stivelman Abel Holtz Morris Tabacinic BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Izak Jacob Givner - President Anita Givner Steven M. Dunn - Vice President Sam Greenwald EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE David Wolf - Vice President Sharon Hakmon Joey Givner - Chair Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Mitchell Feldman - VP Oversight Ben Jacobson Devorah Leah Andrusier Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Rabbi Zalman Lipskar - VP Development Albert Lichy Janice Barney Lazer Milstein Eric P. Stein - Treasurer Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Joel Baum Orit Osman Joel Baum - Financial Treasurer Alexander Matz Steven Dunn Brian Roller Dovid Duchman - Secretary Ezzy Rappaport Velvel Freedman - Associate Secretary Elliott Rimon Maurice Egozi Ryan Shapiro Carolyn Baumel Yaacov Saidof Henry Eichler Marc Sheridan Max Benoliel Seth Salver Mitchell Feldman Daniel Sragowicz Betzalel Camissar Alex Tauber Daniel Gielchinsky Cynthia Stein Barry Cohen Jordan Wachtel Evelyn Katz Eric P. Stein Boruch Duchman Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Michael Tabacinic Henry Eichler 30 OUR FIRST WEEK OF FATHER AND SON LEARNING WAS A GREAT SUCCESS WITH ALMOST 60 PEOPLE COMING OUT TO LEARN TOGETHER AFTER SHABBOS