A buttoned-down Catholic college kid travels to Miami to visit his brother and quickly finds himself embroiled in both the drug and alcohol-fueled bar scene of the late 1980s and the drama of his own crazy Cuban family. SYNOPSIS

An hour-long drama set in Miami’s Little Havana in the late 1980s and early 1990s, THE LEPRECANO follows TONY and his slightly younger brother HENRY as they navigate two worlds: the exiled Cuban community of their father, and the Boston-Irish-American community of their mother. Tony struggles to find his place as he searches for a voice, an identity, and his father’s love.

It’s the story of two islands, two young men, two young women, two uncles, two parents, two jobs, and one grandmother in one very Cuban neighborhood. SHOW CROSS


As a chess piece, The Bishop, straight laced, moves in one direction only, proper.

Top of his class, white Irish, on his way to an internship at a bank in Boston that will pay for his MBA at Harvard. He chooses to spend his last two weeks of freedom with his brother and grandmother in Little Havana. He is the eraser-clapper, the altar boy, the brown-noser know-it-all pain in the ass type, but good at heart, and as earnest as the day is long.

A fish out of water in the Cuban sea that is Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood, and he cannot handle the change. His inability to manage and understand all of the cultural challenges he is experiencing in Miami is comical, especially since he was so capable and accepted in Boston. His jealousy and deep love of his brother is palpable in all he does. HENRY

The Knight, the gentleman, brave, wild-card, can jump any which way.

Class-clown, the cut-up, the eraser-thrower, just not cut out to respect authority or care, but not in a malicious way. While Tony is respected and tolerated, Henry is adored. He can make everybody laugh, in all generations and all cultures.

For the first time in his life, he is clearly a fish in water. He takes to the Cuban culture like a savant, picking up the language and customs and dance within weeks of being there, much to the dismay of Tony. It’s clear Henry has special bonds with all of his family, but especially with his grandmother. SARINA

The Rook, solid, stable, powerful.

Almost clairvoyant in her perceptive abilities, she can read a room or a situation and do what needs to be done even before the rest of the world knows there’s a problem. Her intelligence and abilities are clearly being wasted at Piggy’s, but there is something about Henry that makes it hard for her to leave. And besides, her skill behind the bar and ability to handle everything and everyone thrown at her are the only things keeping that place afloat. If given a chance, it’s clear she could make a killing and make a difference. Can she get out and save herself? And if she does, will she come back and save Henry, or will it be too late for him? MIMI

The Queen, the real power on the board.

The hub of the wheel of this family, holding it all together, and her center is in her kitchen. She’s beautiful, sprightly, mischievous, raunchy, bawdy, and saintly. Her love of her family is evident in myriad ways: how she keeps the house, how she irons the boys’ underwear, how she shops and cooks, how she speaks. She can make anyone laugh, too, and she laughs often, but the only one who can make her cry from laughter is Henry.

She is able to hide a possibly troubling illness from everyone, except from Tony. Can Tony convince her to seek medical help before it’s too late? TITO

The Cuban King: hugely important, not as powerful as the Queen.

Bigger than life, a cigar-smoking, Cuban ex-boxer hurricane in a Guayabera shirt, with a temper like a volcano, who can be set off by any small thing, any large thing, and any in-between thing. While he looks like he could tear the arms off a bear and acts like he is leading a counter-revolutionary charge against Fidel Castro’s soldiers every minute of the day, a lift of the eyebrow from his mother Mimi can make his lip quiver. The love of his family is the bedrock of everything he does, and he’s the man you would want in any storm.

In flashback, 10-year old Tony and his brothers must fend Tony and Henry trick Nina into learning English cuss words, for themselves in Boston, shoplifting for food while their but she suspects them and calls their Uncle Tito, who sweeps mother is nowhere to be found. 9-year old Henry gets kicked in to castigate the brothers. out of school, and after a failed attempt at living with his The next night, Tony hangs out at Piggy’s before going to see uncles, heads to Miami to live with his father. Denise again. After closing up at the bar, Henry joins a Now 10 years later, Tony arrives at Piggy’s Bar in Miami. dominoes game at Franco’s apartment. Henry and Sarina sling drinks for the frenzied crowd while When Tony gets home he notices Mimi is in pain and asks if Tony struggles to get his bearings. When a fight breaks out, she’s seen a doctor. She brushes him off. Mimi sends the the three take cover in the walk-in fridge until the police brothers to Uncle Tito’s factory with food. Tito tells the boys arrive to break it up. that they’ll work at his factory on their days off. After closing up the bar, Tony, Henry, and Sarina meet On his last day in Miami, Tony hangs out at Piggy’s. Despite Denise at Denny’s for 5am pancakes. Then Henry drives having complained through his entire visit, he’ll miss these Tony home to Little Havana, nearly totalling the car along the people. At the airport, Tony buys himself a Cuban Guayabera way. shirt and decides to stay in Miami. Tony and Henry stop at a coffee house, then head to Mimi’s, where she serves them an enormous breakfast. Tony is greeted by his great-aunt Nina, who also lives with Mimi. EPISODE CONCEPTS

EPISODE 1: “BLACK OR WHITE?” EPISODE 5: “CASTLE” Tony arrives in Miami for a 2-week stay with Henry and Mimi. Tito and Tony figure out a way to make the factory even more Things get off to a rough start and Tony has to decide if he will profitable. Robbie comes down from Boston with news of their mom. stick it out or flee back to the relative safety of Boston. Henry makes more money as a bookie and quits the bar.

EPISODE 2: “CATALAN OPENING” EPISODE 6: “KNIGHT BLOCKADE” Tony stays in Miami and immediately regrets it. The FBI shows Sarina tells Tony that Henry is in over his head with the gambling. interest in Franco and wonders who Henry is. Tito asks for Tony’s Franco gives Henry more responsibility. Mimi’s health takes a turn for help running the business at the factory. the worse.

EPISODE 3: “QUEEN’S GAMBIT” EPISODE 7: “ENDGAME” Franco introduces Henry to his bookie. Sarina tells Tony to break it Tony loses his internship and possibly his spot at MBA school. His off with Denise before he gets killed. Mimi helps Tony learn how to father and Tito confront an old family wound. Nina dies and the be a Cuban man. family rallies around Mimi.

EPISODE 4: “PAWN SACRIFICE” EPISODE 8: “CHECKMATE” Henry humiliates one of Franco’s drug dealers at the bar. The FBI Sarina breaks up with Henry. The FBI launches a pre-dawn raid and shows greater interest in Henry. Sarina and Henry get serious. arrests everyone in the Franco organization, including Henry. Tony gets Henry a lawyer and then returns to Boston, washing his hands of it all. FUTURE SEASONS

SEASON 1 Henry falls in with the Franco drug cartel and Tony tries to win the love and respect of his Cuban father and family.

SEASON 2 Tony discovers that MBA school is not for him and drops out to pursue a new dream. Henry decides between loyalty and family or possible incarceration. Sarina opens her own bar.

SEASON 3 Tony builds a new life in Miami and discovers a talent he never knew he had. Mimi’s death rips the family apart. Sarina’s passions inspire Henry to a different path.

SEASON 4 The noose tightens around the Franco organization as member after member turns against each other. Tito tries to pull the family back together. Sarina becomes a powerful ally to Tony. Henry must decide between past loyalties and his own future. TONE

The series is a drama set in a gritty and colorful world, full of the smell of fried plantains and roasted pork. It’s equal parts sexy and exhilarating and warm and comforting.

Later seasons follow characters to Chicago and then Hawaii. While each location will have its own flavor, they should all feel a little rough around the edges. This world is furnished by Craigslist and estate sales, not Crate & Barrel. THE WORLD 1970s Boston THE WORLD 1980s Miami THE WORLD THE WORLD THE WORLD WRITTEN BY



Antonio Sacre tells stories.

His tales of growing up bilingually in a Cuban and Irish-American household have inspired children worldwide to gather their own family stories and become storytellers themselves. Antonio is an acclaimed playwright and author. His stories have been published in award-winning books and audio recordings and are now being developed for film and television.

He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, two children, and two cats. Yes, he’s a cat guy. THE LEPRECANO

Contact: David Saunders at APA

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P: (310) 888-4269