Census Atlas, Part-XI, Series-20, Punjab
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CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES _: 20 PUNJAB PART-XI CENSUS ATLAS Directorate of Census Operations, Punjab Registrar General of India (In charge of the census of India and vital statistic,s) Office Address: 2A Mansingh Road • Kitab Mahal New Delhi 110011, India State Emporia Complex, Unit No.21 Saba Kharak Singh Marg Telephone: (91-11)3363761 New Delhi 110 001 Fax: (91-11 )3383145 Sales outlets of the Controller of Publication E-mail: [email protected] • all over India Internet: http://www.censusindia.net Census data available on floppy disks can be purchased from the following: Registrar General of India's publications • Office of the Registrar General, India can be. purchased from the following: Data Processing Division • The Sales Depot (Phone:338 6583) 2nd Floor, 'E' Wing Office of the Registrar General of India Pushpa Shawan 2-A M~msingh Road Madangir Road New Delhi 110 011, India New Delhi 110 062, India • Directorates of Census Operations Telephone: (91-11 )698 1558 in the capitals of all states and Fax: (91-11)69~ 0299 . union territories in India Email: [email protected] • The Controller of Publication ©_ Registrar General of India Old Secretariat Civil Lines The contents of this publication may Delhi 110 054 be quoted citing the source clearly • Maps in this Atlas are based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Sur\"eyor General of India. • The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to 3- distance of twelve nautical miles measured Ifrom the appropriate base line. • The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this is as interpreted, from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but has yet to be verified. • o Government of India Copyright, 1999 (ii) FOREWORD It has been said that apart from the Survey of India and the Geological Survey of India, the Census of India has been perhaps the largest single producer of maps of the Indian sUb-continent. The Census Organization has published Census Atlas volumes during 1961, 1971 and 1981. The Census Centenary Atlas was published during 1973 as a special project. Besides the Atlases, maps of districts, tahsils, community development blocks and other administrative units showing basic amenities, population and infrastructure are being published regularly in each Census. The idea of the Atlas was· conceived for the first time at the 1961 Cel')sus and a special programme of the Census Atlas mapping was organized. In this pr.:ogramme, Census Atlases of States and Union Territories were brought out. This publication programme has been much appreciated by data users and academicians alike. The present volume is part of the Census Atlas series of states and union territories. The list of titles of the maps has been generated on the basis of the tabulation plan for the 1991 Census. One hundred and twenty five themes were identified. The number of maps included in the Atlas Volumes varies from state to state to some extent depending upon the availability of data. The maps in the Atlas volumes portray different themes. There are maps of administrative and physical aspects reflecting the general characteristics 'of the State followed by maps on demographic, economic and socio-cultural aspects consisting of distribution,. density and growth of population, age and sex, urban trends, industrial categories, migration, literacy, religion, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, education and housing. The choroplE!'ttl technique has been ·adopted for the presentation of data in the maps. However, multi-cartographic techniques have also been used frequently' depending upon the suitability and requirement of tDe maps as well as data. The work on the Atlas programme was undertaken by the officers and staff of the Map Division in the Registrar General's office and• the Map Units of the Directorates of Census Operations. A list 9f those who have contributed to the completion of the work is given separately and all of them deserve appreciation. I hop~ the Census At~s volumes will be found useful by scholars, planners, administrators and other data users. \ New Delhi Dr. M. Vijayanunni April 1999 Registrar General and Census COfTlmissioner of India (iii) PREFACE The publication of Census Atlases for India and its constituent States/Union Terdtories made its beginning in 1961. Keeping in view their wide recognition and usefulness, the same pattern has been followed in the successive Censuses of 1971, 1981 and 1991. The present volume is fourth in this regular series. It contains 112 maps supplemented with short explanatory notes, to provide an understanding of the emerging trends. The volume has four main sections. The first section "General Maps" includes eight maps detailing on locational, administrative and physical aspects of the state. The second section "Demographic Structure and Trends" has 45 maps focussing on distribution, density, growth, sex and age composition of population, levels of urbanisation and migrational patterns. Third section which' deals on "Economic Aspects" includes 21 maps and the last section which has 38 maps focuses on Social and Cultural aspects of population in the state. The preparation of this Atlas involved a high degree of technical skill and planning. Sh. D.S. Jaspal, lAS, Director of Census Operations, Punjab under whose guidance the 1991 Census was carried out deserves all credit. We are greatly indebted to him fonhe guidance and encouragement provided in the accomplishment of various projects. We are grateful to Sh. A.R. Nanda, Ex-Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India for the guidance provid~d at the initial stages. It Is, however, Dr. M. Vijayanunni, lAS, Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India who has all along rendered useful guidance and encouragement in the accomplishnient of this project most expeditiously for which we express our deep gratitude. In the Map Division of the office of Registrar General, India, our thanks are due to Mrs. Minati Ghosh, Deputy Registrar General (Map), Dr. R.P. Singh, Assistant Registrar General (Map) and their team for providing us all assistance and direction in seeing this project through .in the quickest possible time. The maps and the text included in this publication have been prepared in the Map Section by the team comprising of S.lSh. Surinderjit Singh, Sr. Geographer, Tej Pal Singh, Cartographer, Ms. Rupsa Banerjee, Geographer, Jiwan Singh, Sr. Artist, Smt. Usha Kalra and Kulbir Singh, Artist and Jagjit Singh and Smt. Sangeeta Rahi, Draftsman under the overall control of the undersigned. Mrs. Hardeep Kaur, Computer rendered assistance to the Map Section in the compilation work. The typing of the manuscript has been done by Sh. Pawan Bajaj, Stenographer, Sh. Ajit Singh, Jr. Gestetnor Operator assisted in photostating work. It is my pleasaI1t duty to acknowledge the creative cooperation and dedication of all these persons. (MADHA V SHY AM) Basant Panchami Deputy Director January 22, 1999 Census Operatiofls, Punjab thandigarh CENSUS ATLAS PROJECT STAFF ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT At RGI H~adquarters Planning & direction Dr. R.P. Singh, Asset. Registrar General (Map) Progress & supervision Shri K.S. Thakur, Research Officer (Map) Till 21-7-98 Shri P.S. Chhikara, Map Analyst Cartographic supervision Dr. R.K. Sharma, and scrutiny Sr. Geographer Evaluation for printing Shri Anwar Hussain, Sr. Drawing Assistant At DCO, Punjab Progress & monitoring Shri Madhav Shyam, Deputy Director Initial drafting and supervision Shri Surinderjit Singh, Sr. Geographer Initial analysis of maps and Shri Tej Pal Singh, Cartographic work Cartographer Ms. Rupsa Banerjee, Geographer Art work Shri Jiwan Singh, Sr. Artist Smt. Usha Kalra, Artist Sh. Kulbir Singh, Artist Sh. Jagjit Singh, D/Man Smt. Sangeeta Rahi, D/Man Data' Compilator Mrs. Hardeep Kaur, Computer Typing & Reprogr~phic work Shri Pawan Bajaj, Stenographer Shri Aiit Singh, Gestetnor Operator (vii) CONTENTS Page No. FOREWORD iii PREFACE v CENSUS ATLAS PROJECT vii I- GENERAL Map No. Title of the Map 1. Position of Punjab in India, 1991 2-3 2. Administrative Divisions, 1991 4-5 3. Changes in Administrative Boundaries, t 981·91 6-7 4. Relief and Drainage 8-9 5. Relative Relief 10-11 6. Normal Monthly and t-nnual Rainfall 12-13 7. Normal Monthly and Annual Temperature 14-15 8. Soils 16-17 II- DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND TRENDS 9. Distribution of Population, 1991 20-21 10. Density of Population, 1991 22-23 11. Inter·censal change In Population, 1981 -91 24-25 12. Growth of Population 1901-91 26-27 1 3. Child-Woman Ratio, 1991 28-29 \ 4. Ever married Women and Total Children Born to them, 1991 30-31 J5. Sex Ratio, 1991 32-33 '16,. Change in Sex Ratio, t 981·91 34-35 171' Rural Se~ Ratio, 1991 36-37 18. Change in Rural Sex Ratio, 1981·91 38-39 19. Urban Sex Ratio, 1991 40-41 20. Change In Urban Sex Ratio; 1981·91 42-43 21,. Sex and Age Structure, 1991 44-45 22. Change in Sex and Age Structure, 1981·91 46-47 2~. Marital Status, 1991 48-49 24. Youthfulness ,of, Population, 1991 SO-51 25. Change in Youthfulness of Population, 1981-91 52-53 (ix) Page No. 26. Dependency Ratio, 1991 54-55 27. Change. in Dependency Ratio, 1981-91 56-57 28. Males in· Working Age-Group IS-59, 1991 58-59 29. Change in Males in Working Age-Group 15-59, 1981-91 60-61 30. Females in Working Age-G roup 1 5-5 9, 1991 62-63 3t. Change in Females in Working Age-Group IS-59, 1981-91 64-65 32. Urban Males in Working Age-Group 15·59, 1991 66-67 33. Change in Urban Males in Working Age-Group IS-59, 1981-91 68-69 34. Rural Males in Working Age-Group IS-59, 1991 70-71 35.