
Dancer to Be Tested Inviting her to come to New York, Sherwood Gives the Lunts at its expense, for the purpose of Toni Noviska, famous Polish bal- making screen tests. lerina now a refugee from her native Prize Drama country, will be tested for the stellar Another role of the young refugee girl in the Autobiography David Loew-Albert Lewin picturi- The story of the famous Barry- And Return the zation of Erich Marla Remarque's mores—Lionel, Ethel and John—is They Compliment new novel, "Flotsam.” Miss Noviska going to be told by one of them. In ‘There Shall Be No was in Warsaw at the time of the Lionel, only one now in films, has Night,* German invasion and remained just received word from Brother Now there throughout the Nazi attack on John that the youngest Barrymore’s INSTALLED Playing at National the city. She escaped Just before autobiography will oe off the presses IMMEDIATELY .XAY CARMODY. the actual surrender of W’arsaw, next fall. » By With fled through what subsequently be- NO DOWN and as allies, Robert Sherwood came Russian Poland, end finally _AMUSEMENTS^ PAYMENT has declared war on war in “There Shall Be No Night,” which opened landed in Italy. In Milan she re- last night at the National Theater before one of the season’s most dis- ceived a trans-Atlantic telephone call tinguished audiences. His well-earned reward for that and con. gallant the Loew-Lewin spicuously successful gesture will be the from organization likely prize for the year’s best ■ play. As in the case of “Idiot’s Delight,” his award winner of three seasons ago, Sherwood demon-*-— AMUSEMENTS. strates that war is his meat as it was. In that dramatist; that he can handle the formerly change of attitude theme with the intelligence, coher- the great scientist, in a tremendously dramatic scene in CZJ'KEITH'SS ence and force which elude so many the third act, to hear the playwrights. He and the Lunts may professes tat ROBERT E. SHERWOOD'S death rattle of WEEK! well have earned exclusive rights to the beast In man. 2nd Those his last before he DEANNA the subject with their latest proj- words, goes out to make a MttWllKHOifiH! ect in spite of the circumstance that final stand against the soften the of DURBIN its timeliness is a considerable asset Russians, tragedy ■ the final scene in which Wnk B*f. Next Men. to tl)e play in some of its wordier the wife areas. and aged uncle sit armed in their —Prior to Nou> York— once peaceful home the “There Shall Be No Night," pre- awaiting wa'Date sented the enemy and their doom. by Playwrights’ Com- «■»KAY FRANCIS • WALTER P1DGE0N pany and the Theater In addition to the superlative per- M. Cohan Guild, gives • George formance of the the the Lunts less chance than any principals, play- BUY NOW play .. WALT DISNEY'S in “THE RETURN in recent to ing of Richard Whorf as the Journal- OF AND SAVE years indulge their "The RIVETER "with DONALD DUCK lustrous who could ist, Sidney Greenstreet as the CUARANTEED comedy. They THE VAGABOND” make elderly musical uncle, Montgomery Chekhov’s .... SYEARS “Seagull’’ a vagrant- the latest edition of HI* SECOND VISIT TO THE TAVEKN Clift as the spirited soldier son, ly laughing matter, from coast to Th* MARCH *f TIME Directien Elizabeth Fraser as by Sen Ferrest coast, are concerned with a far more the fiancee of Etm. 11.10, *1.05. *2 *0, somber theme the latter and Charles Ansley as an *2.75, **.*<>. Visit in Sherwood's an- ... GINGER ROGERS Mot.. *5e, *1.10, *1.55, *2.20 (To* Sherwood's Showrooms: idealistic American airman in the InelJ alysis of man's latest and greatest JOEL McCREA in The PRIMROSE PATH 1723 Connecticut Ave., N. W. Finnish left SEAT SALE THURSDAY lunacy. Within the darker frame, service, nothing to be or Phone Decatur 4181 desired. however, the acting still is that of Whorf is to (Open Evenings Until Nine) the Lunts, incomparably fine, and be credited, and for the beyond criticism in its awareness handsomely, too, three sets of "There Shall Be No VAUDEVILLE, TOO, HAS SOME STARS—Marjorie the that these are grave days. Night.” Weaver, popular young film player is one Lunt’s direction of of the members Ed Sullivan’s * * * * the play is as of Hollywood entourage due at Loew’s Capitol Friday Gus Van LOANS praiseworthy as his (right) will be the interlocutor the ” It is idle and ungrateful to specu- interpretation for second edition of Harry Anger's “Gentlemen Be Seated 74 years of and of the role of Dr. Valkonen. on the buying, selling late what “There Shall Be No Night” Earle’s stage starting Friday. lending on diamonds, jewelry, etc. might be like without the Lunts. Liberal Loans at Lowest Possible Rates. Its theme is man at war, which in- Jack Pennick, CASH FOR OLD GOLD spires verbosity, its mood is neces- Sign British Star Harry Tenbrook and and its Edison J. M. Kerrigan. There are about (Government License) sarily grim, thinking deeper Film’s Wilfrid Lawson, known to Ameri- than Reception seven more minor roles to cast and that of the average play. But can film audiences for his role of these will let it be mere- be announced shortly. wordy, for where the the father in "Pygmalion,” has been E. HEIDEN HEIMER "The Long Voyage Home” is from ly wordy dramatist simply knocks added to the cast of John Ford’s Established 1868 ears the screen play by Nichols the off the audience, Mr. Sher- Disappoints Mickey Argosy production, "The Dudley LOAN OFFICE 1216 H St N.W. Long Voy- and is based the ftOft Kinr St. wood touches the heart. The Lunts upon play by _ age Home.” Lawson is expected to Alexandria, va. Washington. are valuable Eugene O’Neill. It is being vastly in seeing that Wonders It arrive from England shortly to pro- the touch is Why Does Not Do So Well duced at the Walter Wanger Studios. precisely right, and so assume the role of the captain in the are the several members of the act- As Less Serious film. ing which have built Andy Hardy AMUSEMENTS. company they The cast of "The Long Voyage so the carefully through years. Pictures at Box Office Home” is now virtually complete 5-COURSE Utilizing his of free right speech, with John Wayne, Thomas Mitchell, Sherwood has in his spoken freely By SHEILAH GRAHAM. Ian Hunter, Barry Fitzgerald. Arthur latest play to the effect that war is DINNER HOLLYWOOD. Shields, , Joe Sawyer, man's major imbecility, although a Mickey Rooney speaking: “It disappoints me seriously when a good not necessarily incurable one. Sub- like Delicious and Tender picture ‘Young Tom Edison’ does not do as well at the box office as ordinately, but with he an equal fervor, ‘Andy Hardy’ picture.” Mickey is currently writing what he describes _AMUSEMENTS. 'nEIDT brings into play a of as group sturdy, “a modern screen play.” in which he will star for Metro. Discussing r ROAST PRIME unminced words to make his point his future in How POT-OOOLD Start pictures Mickey continues, “I think I‘ve got a few more Celebrating SPRING HIT PARADE You mar win that whatever justice and justifica- years of actual work. l ItAA in cash if But when my time comes to quit, I'll have you’re in the ROUND of BEEF tion is to be found in the my audience and present dough—unless the whole country ■>--- your number is called ! conflict in Europe is on the side of goes bust.” Most of the Rooney! the democracies. The effect of his salary goes Into annuities and trust | Buxom Film Scraan... mhhc and rttmanct | eloquence at last night’s perform- funds. Beauty Mtrlt OBERON LANA TURNER JOAN BLQNDELL ance was GeorgeBRENT to create applause at mo- John »n Garfield’s Deserts Career % Wt'4«T flr >» 6E0RBE MURPNY ments when the play did not need play, 50' “Heavenly "Two Girls on it so much as the ‘TIL WE MEET AMIN' Broadway" J nearly applauders Express,” has For Wedlock TUESDAY needed it to relieve their emotions. been subject to —^ Tk * * * By the Associated Press. an unfair /VOWN'M^Fimuo i The of Finland HOLLYWOOD. rjj Homemade Soup or Cocktail ravaging provides “knocking" cam-' SPRINGTIME Another EXCITING event! ol the of Sherwood’s in- FROLIC ACADEMY _TheateraHavlni Matinees._ background paign in Holly- Bertha Priestley, whose buxom 'S—'snttti draau wHh Crisp Salads FRED SANBORN JUNE FORREST-TO TO Jafflag E. Lawrence Theater dictment of the totalitarian states wood. Even Phillips Beautiful be- beauty has kept her working TYRONE DOROTHY Continuous From 5 P.M. AMBASSADOR Fresh Garden on the of steadily TOXTETTES t OTHERS ff- S Vegetables charge degeneracy in its fore it opened in ANNA NEAGLE as Mat, I P.M. in movie character for two MERLE Hot Homemade Rolls most acute form. New the parts POWER-LAMOUR “NURSE EDITH OBERON. GEORGE BRENT York, CAVELL,” hi TIL WE MEET AGAIN." At is to With EDNA MAY The action of the drama revolves local papers here years, going relinquish her \ feth~Spring Parade HI OLIVER GEORGE 1. 3. o:15. 7:20, 0:30. News. Beverage Coma^t~FnJay/ SANDERS. MAY RCBSON. ZAZD PITTS. about the tragic fate of the family were title of I5tta * t si. Delicious Desserts saying that (self-styled) prettiest fat Also DC.VE.ltLIREVFRI Y of Dr. Kaarlo Valkonen, an humble, it had LI. 3;t0o Mlt , PM flopped girl in pictures for a housewife's “MISSING EVIDENCE,” H”lct Ave.lablr to Patrons. devout and whose CU£.?V5JT? great neurologist on Broadway. With PRESTON FOSTER. IRENE HERVEY. VIA DE HAVILLAND. DAVID apron. 1 NIVEN in "RAFFLES." At scientific work has earned him the Methinks I 1331 H St- N E Atl. 8300 1. 2:45, I see 1 YOUNG ATI AQ 4: !0. 0:15. 8. !t:45. Also I n 1 LrtJ She’s GENTLEMEN Matinee 1 P.M. Short._ Nobel Prize. War is inconceivable,, me fine hand of giving up her career, but PRESS tnow On Staie—"BELL'S HAWAIIAN FOLLIES VVis *«. n w. in this house of and faith in t/oiLfu/codSN,PERSON CALVFRT1 peace, the Warner SheiUh Graham. none of her 297 pounds, she tells HI—Native Versatile Entertainers—In. wo Mat. I P.M. On pf1y '* « and man. Screen—Double Feature ALICE PAYE. Space Available fo Patrons. CAFETERIA God Dr. Valkonen