NEPAL ECONOMIC FORUM NEPAL ECONOMIC FORUM ISSUE 32 | MARCH 2018 P.O.Box 7025, Krishna Galli, Lalitpur - 3, Nepal Phone: +977 1 5548400
[email protected] DOING BUSINESS IN FEDERATED NEPAL DOCKING NEPAL’S ECONOMIC ANALYSIS DOCKING NEPAL’S ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ISSUE 32 | MARCH 2018 NEF PROFILENEF PROFILE Nepal Economic Forum (NEF) is a premier private-sector led economic policy and research organisation that seeks to re- define the economic development discourse in Nepal. Established in 2009 as a not-for-profit organisation under the beed ( umbrella, NEF is a thought center that is working to create positive transformations in policy reforms. One of the big updates for NEF this year was its feature in the list of Top Think Tanks in Southeast Asia and the Pacific in the 2017 Global Go To Think Tank Index. The report was released by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program under University of Pennsylvania. NEF stands out in being able to make significant strides to bring the private sector perspective and engage with both the public and private sectors in the development discourse. NEF is currently a recipient of the Open Society Foundations’ Think Tank Fund. NEF works in partnership with many Nepali and international institutions in its quest to mainstream the discourse on the Nepali economy, which has NEPAL not been given the necessary space it deserves. ECONOMIC NEF has partnered with the Himalayan Consensus Institute (HCI) to FORUM facilitate the development of alternative development paradigms and successfully held the second Himalayan Consensus Summit 2017 in March 2 01 7.