A line, rope or wire used to guide divers in an underwater search.

Omitted The time omitted from decompression from the appropriate CAF Diving Table.

Redundant System A breathing system that functions independently from the primary system and may be used by in emergency when the primary system has failed. Its use requires positive actions such as opening valves or switching mouthpieces or masks

ADMO Advanced Diving Medical Officer AGE Arterial Gas Embolism

ata Atmosphere Absolute AUMB Aerospace and Underwater Medical Board BA Breathing apparatus bar SI unit of (= 105 Pa, or 14.5 psi) BC Compensator BT Bottom Time CABA Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus CAFDITS Canadian Armed Diving Information Tracking System CBTO Combat Diving Officer CBTS Combat CCDA Canadian Clearance Diving Apparatus CDHM Consultant Diving and CDM Consultant in CDO Clearance Diving Officer CUMA Canadian Underwater Mine Countermeasures Apparatus D DIVE S Director DCS I Type I DCS II Decompression Sickness Type II DMO Diving Medical Officer EBT Effective Bottom Time ED Effective depth EDUG Experimental Diving and Undersea Group EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal EOR Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance FDU Fleet Diving Unit FFM Full Facemask HW SUIT Hot Water Suit LWSSDE Light- Surface-supplied MCM Mine Countermeasures msw Metres of Seawater No-D No Decompression Omitted-D Omitted Decompression PA Physician’s Assistant Cylinder PDR Post-Deployment Report PID Port Inspection Diver POS Pulmonary Over Inflation Syndrome ppN2 of Nitrogen ppO2 Partial Pressure of RCC Recompression Chamber RF Repetitive Factor RG Repetitive Group SAR Search and Rescue SI Surface Interval SPG Submersible Pressure Gauge SSBA Surface-supplied Breathing Apparatu STD Ship’s Team Diver STDO Ship’s Team Diving Officer STDS Ship’s Team Diving Supervisor Sur D Surface Decompression Sur DO2 Surface Decompression With Oxygen TBT Total Bottom Time TDT Total Dive Time TT5 Oxygen Treatment Table 5 TT6 Oxygen Treatment Table 6 TUP Transfer Under Pressure