Our Ref. EC/SP Your Ref. Contact Euan Couperwhite Email [email protected] Direct Dial 01224 522073 Direct Fax 01224 522022

24 October 2016

Chairperson of Parent Councils: Education and Children’s Academy ASG Services Academy ASG Business Hub 13 Second Floor North Marischal College Broad Street AB10 1AB

Tel 03000 200 292 Minicom 01224 522381 DX 529451, Aberdeen 9 www.aberdeencity.gov.uk Dear Chairperson


As you may be aware we had asked the schools in the Kincorth Academy and Torry Academy Associated School Groups to provide a list of possible names for the new Academy. The five most popular names received from the schools were:

Academy  Calder Academy  Lochside Academy  Redmoss Academy  Wellington Academy

I would be very grateful if you would consider these choices and provide me with details of your preference. The school will be named after the most popular choice.

I would also be grateful if you could assist in the promotion of this poll amongst the parent forum of your school community. We will be advertising in the local press with a view to gather votes from the four local communities. Parents can submit their choice for the new Academy name via the Council website at: http://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/NewAcademyName/

Or by post to: New School Name Education and Children’s Services Aberdeen City Council Business Hub 13 Second Floor North Marischal College Broad Street ABERDEEN AB10 1AB


The voting period will end at 5pm on Friday 4 November and once the schools have submitted their results and the data from the on-line poll and written responses has been gathered we will aggregate the totals for each choice and inform you of the chosen name for the new Academy.

If I can provide any further information on this matter please let me know and many thanks for your support on this exciting aspect of the new Academy’s creation!

With regards

Euan Couperwhite Head of Policy, Performance and Resources