Trufans on the Loose! 1 In This Issue ... Katzenjammer ::: The Ideal Convention ::: Arnie ::: 3 Fan Noir ::: The Ages of Fandom ::: Taral Wayne ::: 6 Fannish Links ::: 7 High Risk ::: Much Ado about Being & Nothingness ::: 8 The Daze ::: Office Decor ::: Richard Lupoff ::: 10 Now & Again ::: Whar? Politics? ::: Shelby Vick ::: 13 Percolations ::: Fanzine Reviews ::: John Purcell ::: 15 ChatBack ::: The VFW letter column ::: You ::: 18 Vegas Fandom Contact Information ::: 24 Last Hurrah ::: Arnie ::: 26 VFW #112, Volume 4 Number 10, December 3, 2008, is written and produced by Arnie Katz (909 Eugene Cernan St., Las Vegas, NV 89145; Email:
[email protected]; phone: 702-648-5677). Special Thanks to Bill Burns (Posting), David Gordon (Mountaineering Consultant), Alan White (Designated Arty Fella), Bill Mills (Technical Advisor) and Joyce Katz (proofreading and So Much More). Art/Photo Credits: Brad Foster (cover), Ray Nelson (3), Taral Wayne (6), Ross Chamberlain (15), all else by Bill Rotsler or cribbed from the Internet. Columnists This Issue: John DeChancie, Shelby Vick, Richard Lupoff, John Purcell, Taral Wayne VFW is free by request — and you may get it anyway. It can be downloaded at and No live-action roleplayers were harmed during the production of this fanzine.. Member: fwa Supporter: AFAL Corflu Zed in 2009! 2 In Fandom, as in all other quadrants of life, we humans strive for perfection. It’s part of our essential make- up to aspire to improve things to the Ultimate Degree of Fineness. We try to improve everything until there is nothing left to improve. And since humans are inherently imperfect, there is always something left to improve.