Name Xuejun

Office 1240, Qiyun Building, Lanzhou University

E-mail [email protected]

Teaching: Government Performance Management,Public Management,Public Government Governance Research,Professional English,Government Performance Management Theory Specialties Research: Government Performance Evaluation& Management,Public Value Management,Public Governance& Leadership Social Service: Member of American Society for Public Administration Education Portland State University Joint Trained PhD 2010/9–2012/7 Training Lanzhou University PhD in Management 2007/9–2014/6 Visiting Lanzhou University BA in Management 2003/9–2007/6 School of Management, Associate Professor 2014/6-present Lanzhou University Employment School of Management, Associate Dean 2016/12-present Lanzhou University The Measurement of 2017-2019 Government Performance Loss Natural Science and its Governance based on Foundation of China Value Chain: A Research on Public Project The Measurement of government performance Loss Ministry of Education and its influencing factors from 2017-2019 the perspective of public value: A Study on public projects Projects Research on performance Natural Science management in the context of 2015-2019 Foundation of China government function transformation Fundamental Research Theoretical research and Funds for the Central empirical path of public value 2017-2018 Universities measurement Fundamental Research Research on Organizational Funds for the Central Optimization of government 2015-2016 Universities performance management from

1 the perspective of performance loss Research on performance improvement of Chinese local government based on public Ministry of Education 2012-2013 value -- from the perspective of government performance value chain Year Awards & Honors The second prize for excellence in scientific research (HUMANITIES 2015 AND SOCIAL SCIENCES) in higher education institutions The first prize of outstanding achievements in philosophy and Social 2015 Sciences in Province, thirteenth Awards & The second prize of outstanding achievements in philosophy and Social Honors 2013 Sciences in Gansu Province, forteenth 2011 Baosteel excellent student award Academic award for outstanding doctoral candidates of Ministry of 2011 Education 2010 National scholarship for doctoral students Memberships in Professional Associations Organization Position Period American Society for Public Member 2013-present Administration Publications Articles Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang, Gary Larsen, Douglas Morgan. Beyond New Public Governance: A Value-Based Global Framework for Performance Management, Governance and Leadership [J].Administration & Society, 2013, 45(4):443-467. (SSCI, 2013IF=1.263) Xuejun Wang, Ziqi Wang. Government-Civilian Interaction, Public Values and Government Performance Improvement——An Empirical Study of Government Micro Blogs of , and [J]. Journal of Public Management,2017,(3):31-43. Xuejun Wang. Government performance loss and its measurement: a theoretical framework under the paradigm of public value management [J]. Administrative Tribune,2017,(4):88-93. Xuejun Wang. Research on construction and management of government performance value chain based on PV-GPG theory [J]. Journal of Public Administration,2017,(2):189-191. Xuejun Wang, Fengze Cai, Zhiqing Han. The strategy and path of government performance management [J]. Chinese Public Administration,2017,(2):157-159. Xuejun Wang, Zhiqing Han, Fengze Cai .The legitimacy of government performance and the creation of public value [J]. Chinese Public Administration,2016,(4):157-159. Xuejun Wang, Xiang Ma. Generating Approaches of Government Performance:Theory and Its Interpretation under New Paradigm [J]. The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute,2015,(4):24-32.

2 Xuejun Wang, Guoxian Bao. Challenges and Measures Faced and Taken by the Local Governments in the Creation of Public Values: A Study Based on the Interview with the Local Government Officials of G Province [J]. Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences) ,2014,(3):57-64. Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang. Construction and Countermeasures of government performance management system in China [J]. Administrative Tribune,2013,(6):1-7. Xuejun Wang, Hong Zhang. Government performance management research: paradigm reconstruction, theoretical thinking and practical response [J]. Chinese Public Administration,2013,(3):125-128. Xuejun Wang, Hong Zhang. Research Approaches and Cutting-edge Question of Public Value(s) [J]. Journal of Public Management,2013,(2):126-136. Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang. Public Value-Based Government Performance Governance: Origin, Structure and Research Questions [J]. Journal of Public Management,2012,(2):89-97. Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang, Guorong Chai. Research on income distribution and coordination of Virtual Enterprise[J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2012,(24):123-126. Guoxian Bao, Hong Wen, Xuejun Wang. The Construction of Government Performance Management Discipline System Based on Public Value [J]. Chinese Public Administration,2012,(5):98-104. Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang. Interpreting the Public Service Supply from the Service Science Perspective [J]. Journal of Northwest University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) ,2011,(3):59-63. Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang, Hui Ke. Service science conceptual frame, research paradigm and future topics [J]. Studies in Science of Science,2011,(1):18-23. Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang, Xudong Jia. Recent Development of Indigenous Research toward Geocentric Integration [J]. China Industrial Economics,2010,(7):152-157. Books and Chapters None Conference Presentations Xuejun Wang.The Image of Public Values:A Study in China. Paper Presented at the2017 American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Atlanta, USA, 2017. Xuejun Wang.Measuring Performance through Value Chain: Unlocking the “Black Box” to Create Public Value. Paper Presented at the2016 American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Seattle, USA, 2016. Xuejun Wang. What Should Government Performance Evaluation Pay Attentionto? —Theoretical Explanation from the Generating Approaches of GovernmentPerformance. Paper Presented at the 2015 Lien Conference on Good Governance. Singapore, 2015. Xuejun Wang,Guoxian Bao. The Construction of Government Performance Value Chain and Its Application in Performance Management. Paper Presented at the 2015 American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Chicago, USA, 2015. Xuejun Wang,Guoxian Bao. Putting Public Value as the Center of Public Administration: Public Value-based Government Performance Governance and Its Managerial Implications. Paper Presented at the 2014 American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Washington D. C., 2014. Xuejun Wang, Guoxian Bao. Inquiry to Public Values of Local Governments in West China: An individual Level Research. Paper Presented at the 2014 American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Washington D. C., 2014. Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang. Public Value-based Government Performance Governance. Paper Presented at the 2013 Lien Conference on Public Administration. Singapore, 2013.

3 Xuejun Wang, Guoxian Bao. Creating Public Value: Concepts, Challenges and Modes—Evidence from Interview with Local Government Officials in West China. Paper Presented at The Third International Conference on Government Performance Management and Leadership. Tokyo, Japan, 2013. Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang. Public Value-based Government Performance Governance. Paper presented at the International Forum on Public Performance Governance, Lanzhou, China.2012. Douglas Morgan, Guoxian Bao, Gary Larsen, Xuejun Wang. A Proposed Value-based Governance and Leadership Research Agenda. Paper Presented at The Second International Conference on Government Performance Management and Leadership. Portland, USA, 2011. Guoxian Bao, Xuejun Wang, Gary Larsen. Value-Based Government Performance Management: Background, Concepts, and a Call to Action. Paper Presented at The Second International Conference on Government Performance Management and Leadership, Portland, USA, 2011. Gary Larsen, Xuejun Wang. East Meets West: Synthesis of a New Public Governance and Leadership for the 21st Century. Paper Presented at The Second International Conference on Government Performance Management and Leadership. Portland, USA, 2011.