Swole for the Summer

By: Firingwall

Sunday, June 9, 2019 Let’s Get It Started~

Hey ‘all, Rachel here!

You know what time of year it is? It’s swim suit season! Only the best time around since it combines warm weather, fun in the sun & water, beach trips, and getting to were stuff that gets to show you in your best! Well… it is for me at least :P

Yours truly will be getting preped as well! After all, a girl like me simply can’t miss out! So, I’m gonna get ready. I’m gonna get my body into the perfect, swimsuit-shape the only way I know how! After all, my lovely, big, beefy JD got into shape already and it be silly if I don’t too!

Ohhhhhhh, what a stallion he is now!!~ It makes me so jealous! o////o

But serious, I’ll be sure to let you know how I’m doing very soon! Stay tuned to my blog posts, okie-dokie? Send me tons of <3 and support!

Monday, June 10, 2019 Day 1

Good evening everybody, Rachel here! :D

Just finished my first day of shaping up! I’m getting ready for when I hit that beach! JD is busy figuring stuff out so we can spend tons of time out there! It’s a bit crazy to find a place to crash, but apparently some friends his from the farm may have some tempting options :3

First day of getting cut, decided to keep things simple: weight lifting. Nothing crazy or weird here. Don’t want to burn out after all. I’m just a delicate little flower right now~ ;)

Basically, just lifting weights. Take a break to stretch the legs with a walk on the treadmill and back to the weights. Not much, perfect warm up for the future. I’ll burn off all that fat in no time. Hopefully get rid of sum of that extra “weight” in some areas as well~

Also, stupid me. Almost forgot the most important thing right away! If I’m going to have my perfect swimsuit body, I can’t forget my nose ring. It feels like forever since I wore it! Probably the last time was during that big harvest at the farm. I think this should still shape me up good. I hate to be a scrawny beanpole when I’m chillin’~

That all for now! I’ll check in tomorrow. Love ya’ll~ <3 <3

Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Day 2

Ya gurl, Rachel here, with da scoop on what I’ves been up to since last time~

Okay, I promise I won’t do it again! ;)

Anywho, good news! I’m already feeling the burn! My legs and arms are feeling pretty jacked and pumped!

Well, not like incredibly pumped, but you know, pumped! While I’m certainly no slouch with keeping in shape, I gotta say my limbs are looking more toned now. No fat or bones here!

However, I’m also a bit of a bad girl. I broke out the protein shakes to help give me a lil teensy- weensy boost. :P Can’t completely rely on just working out and my special accessory to shape me THAT fast after all! Haven’t drank them in a while, but JD was chugging them when he was getting into shape, so I’m sure they’ll really help me out!

Not much else to say. Just been sticking to the usual lifts and treadmill walks all day. Feeling like I can handle a bit more today though. Maybe I’ll try something new tomorrow if I’m still feeling it, ya know?

Ta-ta for now! Fit and tight Rachel bowing out for now~


Keep showering me with that love and support in the comments!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Day 3

Rach is here~ First things first, thank you all for those nice comments! I’ve been really good and fine! Sorry that I don’t have any pictures to share. Just use your imagination to imagine how hawt I look, okay? ;)

Let’s talk status update! I gotta admit, the weights I was using were getting to be a real drag, ya know? I could barely feel them in my hands this morning! It was time to upgrade a bit, moving onto fifteen pounders! Definitely feeling that now!

Also tossed in some sit ups and push ups as well to work dem back and arm muscles. Thanks to buffboy79 for the suggestion and tips! I think my daily routine is gonna be a lot better now!

I mean, not to toot my own horn or nothing, but ya gurl is really feeling it now! I feel so strong and when I touch my muscles, they’re so tough! I’m turning into quite the powerpuff, hehe~

Though, gotta admit, the situation is getting annoying! If you followed me on Twitter or Instagram, you know I love my long blue locks. I put so much effort into them, but they’re much too now with all my workin out! Getting in my face, my mouth, making me all sweaty and stuff! So ANNOYING! >:(

OH! Speaking of hair, I’m getting kind of hairy. ^^; I’ve been so focus on my workout and getting into shape, I’ve been forgetting things like makeup, dressing my best, and all that jazz. Lots of lil brown all over my legs and arms, even on my back I think.

Oh well, not really an issue or anything. Thought I mention it. Don’t worry! :) I’m still the cutie you all love and follow~ Just a bit bigger and tougher.

Thursday, June 13, 2019 Day 4

Rach coming at ya!

I’ll get this out of the way. Some of you are being rude. Just cause I’m getting hairy and thicc doesn’t mean I’m suddenly hideous. Ugh, if you’re gonna be like that, you can just stop following me. I’ll just stick with REAL support from the nicer people here, thank you very much!

For those of you non judgemental, quite a few things to share. Added a bit more to my routine, like jump rope and running. Gotta keep up with that cardio and work that heart muscle a bit! In fact, once I finish my post, it’s jogging time with JD around the neighborhood again! :)

As for my hair, I had enough. After only two hours of my usual weight lifting and treadmill action, I had to fix it. Went straight to the and had them chop most of it off. Much shorter, like a little lower than my ears. A lot better looking to be honest~

Though when I was there, the barber mentioned some things that I didn’t really notice until now. There’s these bumps on my head. Nothing huge, just two round bumps. I didn’t hit my head or anything, so don’t ya worry a thing! It’s fine. He also said my ears were weirdly hairy and pointed, but eh, what does he know?

Soon as I got home, got straight back to work with those weights and sit-ups. But sad news alert: almost as soon as I started working out, my poor shorts and t-shirt ripped a little! Heh, guess I’ve been working a little too much. But, these guns and abs I’m packing, I’d say the results were worth a little tear and wear. Just need to get around to do some shopping. I’m pretty sure I’m up a size all over~

But enough talk, gotta get back to it! Love you all (or at least the nice ones ;P )

Friday, June 14, 2019 Day 5

Rach here, with the daily update!

Looks like most of the haters and jerks left after the last post, so that’s good to hear! Now it’s just the people who care… or don’t care either way. I’m fine with both. :P

Took it up another notch today. JD setup the bench press equipment we have downstairs, so I got to pressing! Haven't used this bad boy since last year, but I got back into the groove easily. I was pressing up and down all morning! Best of all, my breasts have really shrunk, so I can really bring that bar down! All of this working out as really paid off!

Definitely left more of an impact on me than I expected this quickly. I feel taller and my body has a layer of hair to it. It’s so thick in places that I can’t even see my skin anymore! Definitely feels odder around my chin. I think I also need to shower a bit more. I’m smelling totally musky, just like my handsome stallion after all of his sweaty workouts and “fun”~

Oh yeah, my shirts and shorts! Those are kinda a lost cause. Nothing really fits anymore. I’m way too stocky to squeeze my cute tops and stuff on. Even my panties are bad, way too tight on the crotch! Need a bunch more room down there now. Wish I knew where all my old farm clothes went. Gotta make due with JD’s stuff for now, even if it’s still too big for me.

So, clothing shopping tomorrow! Can’t wait to get some new duds. My body feels so restrained in these tiny clothes. I’m gonna feel like a whole new person. Well, more than I am~

(Gotta get some new underwear as well. Lacing is just not my style anymore and I need a bit more crotch room. Keep that to yourself, okay? Hehe~)

This is Rach, signing out for the last time~

Saturday, June 15, 2019 Day 6

Aww, did I scare you? Don’t worry! I’m still here! I still got plenty of work to do on me that I wanna share with you. It’s more like me closing the door on the old me and opening up a new one to the new me if that makes sense!

Man, swimsuit season really can be life-changing!

But onto the good stuff. No real changes to the workout today. Kept with the bench-pressing and the usual. Gotta say, love how far I’ve come! Love the new height, the new bulk, and this old feeling I’m getting. Oh man, how I missed feeling this damn good and strong!

I mean, just today, I was looking at my arms and how big they were. Then I flexed them and it felt so incredible! I was getting chills seeing those massive muscles bulge, I swear! Lit a fire down below too with how much my shorts tented!

(Oops, too much information?)

But oh yeah! Got my new clothes today! Made sure to get shirts with a lot of neck room. Already was a pain to get them over those small horns and it won’t get any easier when they get longer. Also, a lot of sleeveless shirts too. Can’t hide these biceps after all!

Shorts and boxers were trickier. Plenty of them in my new size of course, but the crotch thing brought on new issues. Need a lot more room up front! The big bull running the place was very understanding and helpful with finding some fitting clothing. Though, I think I might be seeing him again sooner than later.

The fur is something else! Can’t see a trace of skin anywhere now; just fine, brown fuzz everywhere. Well, except the nose (got bigger as well! That nose ring finally fits right). Also, lot of dark brown hair on my face as well. Definitely growing in a here, but I dunno… never was a fan of full personally.

Not much else to say. Thanks for the comments again! I have been doing well and JD has been so loving like always. The roommate is a bit annoyed though. Says I need to shower more or wear better body spray. Fair enough, though I really can’t help it with my natural body musk now.

And with that, Ralph is signing out for today~

Sunday, June 16, 2019 Day 7

This is Raphael! How are you all doing today?

Some people were confused about the name change. Probably should have explained that. Honestly, I really don’t think Rachel fits me. I feel more like a Raphael, you know? It just better suits me now. Feel free to call me Ralph for short though~

My workout routine is the same as always, though I think I should add one more thing to it. JD is already searching downstairs for what I need. We got too much crap in the basement that we really need to sort through, so that may take some time.

Oh, some have been asking about JD. He’s doing fine. Like I said, he just loves the new me a LOT. Definitely getting more personal and cozy as well, working out with me. Even has been helping me with some of my newer needs. Phew, forgot how much steam I need to work off when I get like this!

Many thanks as always for the shower of support and love. Again, I wish I could share pictures, but I think it’s more fun this way.

Also, thanks to handsomewolfjoe0778 for the personal advice on . I never really thought about it much in the past, but yeah, styling it isn't a bad idea at all! I do like the look of chinstrap beards on some of those burly animals at the farm. I think I could pull it off.

So, that got me thinking: if you have some good advice or thoughts for a big guy, let me know! I do enjoy your comments.

See ya tomorrow for more news from this ever-growing gal!

Monday, June 17, 2019 Day 8

This is Raphael, saying hello this fine, warm day!

My big horse man finally got the barbell and mats set up downstairs. Finally can try out powerlifting! Lot more difficult and tough on the body with all that squatting and deadlifting involved. Gives me a real rush!

Though, I think I am already knocking it out of the park so to speak. I finally called it quits today just an hour ago and by the end of it, I was lifting that bar like was nobody’s deal. I think I should quit it with the protein shakes and maybe slow down a bit with the exercising. I don’t think I need anymore muscle boosting after this!

Being serious, my clothing feels a bit tight on me again. Sure, JD really loves seeing me in tight clothes, and I do love teasing and posing a bit, but it is kind of an issue. I especially need some new shorts and boxers. My junk is getting bigger every day.

JD doesn’t mind of course and even my little roommate seems to be into it. She’s checking me out a lot. Not sure if its my sparkling personality, impressive abs and pecs, or just what I am packing, but yeah. Maybe I should invite her to train with me? What are your thoughts, if you do not mind sharing?

Well, that is it for now. Sorry, but I am pretty beat and I need to go cool off with my stud. You will hear more from this big, buff man tomorrow, I promise!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Day 9

Raphael here, your favorite bull with the update of the day.

For the first time in a while, I decided to take it easy. I just stuck to normal jogging and some short rounds of lifting. I think my body needs a break to cool off and relax. I don’t want to stress this manly bod out now that I got it after all.

It is kind of funny. I have been down this road before, but it still never fails to impress or stun me. I look into the mirror this morning and I do not even see a trace of the old me. The cutesy, pretty girl next door with her blue locks and killer body? Just not there. All I see looking back is a tall, buff bull with a fine brown pelt, messy brown hair, big horns, big equipment downstairs, and a cute tail. Guess one thing had to stay cute, right?

But honestly, none of this is bad. This is all fine. I like what I see looking back. It feels good to be like this and be this bull. It’s silly, but it’s right.

Also, I am going to knock everyone dead on the beach with this godly form! Can’t forget that part of the change. I cannot wait to shop tomorrow and get something nice to wear.

After all this time, I would like to thank you for your advice. I did trim up the facial hair and yeah, chinstrap beard is very much me. The body spray and clothing lines to look out for were also a good tip. I never really shopped much like this in the past, so I never knew what was good for a bovine.

Last thing to note, some were asking and yes: I did ask Melissa if she would like to workout with me and JD. She seemed incredulous to the idea, but I did suggest trying some of my protein drinks at least to help her out. She has taken to them nicely.

That is all for now. Your bull is heading out~

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 Day 10

Hello everybody. I have good news and bad news.

Bad news first; this will be my final post for a while. I am bringing the fun we had to a close.

Good news, everything else. The reason for me wrapping up for now is that JD and me are heading for the beach tomorrow! One of his horse friends and their girlfriend have a place near the water where we can stay for a while. I’m sorry, but I am gonna be busy having fun under the sun. Thank god I can pack fast.

Before that, JD and I did some more shopping. In particular, we got ourselves some swimsuits! After all that training, it finally came down to this moment. I believe I got a few nice duds to wear, some that my stallion really liked given the trunks he broke when I modeled for him. I cannot really tease him too hard though. I did the same when he showed off a tight swimsuit.

It was a bit of money wasted, but hey, I know a good tailor next door that can fix everything.

So yeah, this is it for me. I finally got my perfect summer body and honestly, I feel wonderful. This entire body, the face looking back at me… can anything really be better than this? Sure, I suppose I had the perfect body for the beach already with my feminine curves, but the old me just does not compare.

This workout was perfect, and I am glad it turned out wonderfully. A lot of you have been asking how I achieved these results so quickly, but that is a trade secret. I can only really share it with those close to me.

Speaking of which, my roommate has started trying out my routine. She will not be able to make it to the beach with us, but she is fine with that. She will hold down the fort and keep in shape. So far, the results are looking great; bigger biceps with a touch of grey fuzz on the arms and legs. I hate to miss out on her journey, but what can you do? At least, we will have something to look forward to when we get back.

And that is it. Thank you to all my wonderful friends in the comment section who left me tons of great support and praise, like Masao, TheFurrestofFurs, Wyraachur, pieman117, and MartmeisterPaladin. Your words mean a lot. I hope you can continue to cheer me on no matter where I go or what I do next with myself.

This Raphael, the strongest, buffest bull you know, and I wish you all a great summer!