Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 1

EuRegMe 2017 Invitation Package

Discover the colors of Turkey!

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 2

Table of Contents

Message from Euroteam

Message from the OC

Meet the OC

Meet TurkMSIC

About Turkey

About Antalya

Practical Informations

Registration Process


Do you need visa?

Venue - Accomodation

Social Program

Pre-EuRegMe How to speak Turkish

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 3

Dear friends,

It is both my pleasure and my privilege to invite you to the 14th European Regional Meeting of the International Federation of Medical Students. As you read these lines, our colleagues in Turkey are working ceaselessly to provide us all with an unforgettable experience in April. As Regional Director I express my gratitude to them and wish them all manner of success in their preparations.

The Regional Meeting has a special place in IFMSA. Indeed, as an organization dedicated to positive impact on a community level, we would be lost without it. As the halfway point between the national and the international, our Regional Meeting serves as the perfect bridge between global thinking and local action. Whereas the General Assembly – the head of our federation – sets our direction, it is at the regional level that our ship sails toward a healthier and more sustainable future.

In a mere 4 months, medical students from 47 member organizations will gather in Antalya to learn, share experiences and engage in passionate debate. Together we shall explore the vital issues of Europe and better define our role as change agents within it. We will look outward to the world at large, and return home with new perspectives and ideas for implementation. We will honour the students among us who have truly excelled, and learn from the wisdom of others who work daily to make the world around us just a little bit better.

I’m happy to say that this regional meeting is taking place in Turkey. As one of the first members of the Council of Europe, Turkey serves as a fine reminder that one can be European whilst still retaining a strong individual identity. I argue that the same is true of every European state: despite the imaginary lines that get drawn and redrawn between us with every turning of the political cycle, the fact is that none of us are the same. We all come from wildly different backgrounds and respect different traditions – arguably the cornerstone of any good National Food and Drinks Party – yet at the same time we are alike. What unites us here in Europe also ties us together as future doctors anywhere in the world: the service of humanity. This service hinges on the understanding that we are all humans first before we become holders of passports and political convictions. I invite you all to explore this understanding within you, and I see no better way of doing that than by joining us in Antalya, Turkey on the 18th of April.

With warm regards on behalf of the Euroteam

Priit Tohver Regional Director for Europe

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 4

Dear IFMSA family, Merhaba,

As TurkMSIC, we are content to be elected as the host of the 14th European Regional Meeting. While our organizing committee are continuing to work vigorously to host the future healthcare leaders in our country, I feel very excited to be writing these lines.

The 14th EuRegMe is going to take place between 21-24 April 2017 in the city of Antalya and all IFMSA volunteers are welcome to attend this lovely event. We are confident that EuRegMe will be an unforgettable experience combined with Turkish culture and hospitality.

At this point, I would like to thank Priit, Regional Coordinator of Europe, for his fast and effective communication. I would also like to thank our NMO, all members of the TurkMSIC and every member of our executive board for their encouragement and full support. Last but not least, I wish to thank each and every member of the organizing committee for their team spirit, commitment and particularly for their friendship.

We are looking forward to have you as our guest. We welcome you to Turkey, where nature and history meet.

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Edanur Köse

Chairperson - The Organizing Committee

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 5

Bahadır MEET THE OC Azizagaoglu Accomodation Coordinator

Edanur Köse President

Izel Ayartepe EuroTeam Contact Person Ipek Ege Gürel Registration Coordinator

Batuhan Kisi Treasurer

Samet Ercan Transportation Coordinator

Emre Yanar Fundraising Coordinator

Nejat Kaan Ögretir Social Program Coordinator

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 6


Turkish Medical Students Association (TurkMSIC) is an independent, non governmental, non profit organization founded and run by medical students in Turkey. Since its foundation in 1952, it has been a member of International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA). As of today, TurkMSIC has 76 local committees and over 30,000 members.

Based on IFMSA’s structure, TurkMSIC has six standing committees: SCOME, SCORE, SCOPE, SCOPH, SCORP and SCORA. These committees organize activities and implement projects to realize a common goal:giving our members the opportunity to be more than a medical student who only attends classes and spend time in library/hospital. To do this,numerous activities and projects are carried out by local committees from all over the country every year.

TurkMSIC has established partnerships with a range of institutions from the Turkish Ministry of Health, the Turkish Red Crescent, to Turkish Medical Association and a number of other governmental and non- governmental organizations.Through these partnerships, TurkMSIC enables medical students to better express their ideas.

We, as TurkMSIC, are honored to have the privilege to serve our members and make their medical journey more engaging and meaningful with our activities organized throughout the year in collaboration with our partners.

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 7


Turkish Cuisine is generally heritage of which can be described as a fusion of Central Asian, Caucasian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Balkan cuisines. It varies across the country. The cooking of , Bursa, Izmir and rest of the Aegean region, where trees grow abundantly, and oil is the major type of oil used in cooking. The cuisines of Aegean, Marmara and Mediterranean regions are rich in , herbs and fish. Black Sea Regions people uses extensively fish, especially anchovy. Southeast part; Urfa, Gaziantep and Adana is famous for its , and dough-based desserts such as , kadayıf and künefe. Central has many specialties such as keşkek(kashkak), mantı, gözleme and su böreği. is an important element in Turkish cuisine; it can accompany almost all meat dishes, mezes and mantı. A turkish meal usually starts with a thin soup (çorba). Börek is the general name for salty pastries made with yufka(a thicker version of phyllo dough). is a thin flatbread covered with a layer of spiced minced meat, , pepper, or . Pide, is one of the most common traditional Stone-baked Turkish specialties. Lahmacun is a selection of food served as appetizer.

Dolma has a special place in Turkish cuisine. It can be eaten either as meze or main dish. İçli Köfte made up by meat surround with . Mantı is a specific food for Anatolia (Kayseri) and is meat covered by leaven. Turkish Kebabs are very delicious grilled meat and they have many different types in our country. Such as Adana Kebabs, Urfa Kebabs, Tokat Kebabs etc. Haricot (Kuru Fasülye) is boiled bean and mixed by roasted meat.

Mantı Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 8

Bagel () is special food for in Turkey. Açma is a soft bread found in most parts of Turkey. It is similar to simit in shape, is covered in a glaze, and is usually eaten as a part of breakfast or as a snack. Erişte homemade pasta is called erişte in Turkey. It can be combined with vegetables but it can also be used in soups and . Simit Keşkek is a meat and (or barley)

Kuskus is the Turkish version of , which can be served with any meat dish or stew Pilav is plain rice is often the primary side dish to any meal. It is made by sauteing rice with butter until lightly toasted and simmering with water or stock.

Pastırma is another famous beef delicacy. Both pastırma and sucuk can be put in (dry ) to enrich the aroma. Both can be served as a meze as well. Sucuk or pastırma with scrambled eggs, served in a small pan called sahan, is eaten at breakfast in Turkey.

Sucuk is a form of raw sausage (made with beef meat and a range of spices, and garlic) commonly eaten with breakfast. Instead of classical sausages (sosis), sucuk is the most used ingredient for snacks and fast-food style toasts and sandwiches in Turkey. Pastırma

Aşure can be described as a sweet soup containing boiled beans, wheat and dried fruits. Sometimes and rose water is added when being served. According to legend, it was first cooked on Noah's Ark and contained seven different ingredients in one dish. All the Anatolian peoples have cooked and are still cooking aşure especially during the month of Muharrem

Güllaç is a dessert typically served at Turşu Ramadan, which consists of very thin, large

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 9

dough layers put in milk and rose water, served with seeds and . A story is told that in the kitchens of the Palace, those extra thin dough layers were prepared with "prayers", as it was believed that if one did not pray while opening phyllo dough, it would never be possible to obtain such thin layers

Turşu is pickle made with brine, usually with the addition of garlic. It is often enjoyed as an appetizer. It is made with a large variety of vegetables, from to courgette. In the towns on the Aegean coast, the water of turşu is consumed as a drink. It comes from the Persian "", which refers to pickled "Torsh" (sour) vegetables.

Beverages Turkish people drink black tea during the day, a lot. Tea is made with 2 teapots in Turkey. Strong bitter tea made in the upper pot is diluted by adding boiling water from the lower.

Ayran(salty yogurt drink) is the most common cold beverage. and are the most traditional winter drinks. Rakı is the most popular in Turkey. It is an unsweetened, flavored alcoholic drink, often served with seafood or meze. It is produced by distillation of grapes pomace obtained during fermentation. There are various local produced by Turkish brands. The size and geographic of Turkey accounts for the wide climatic Rakı variation of Turkey’s wine regions. Turkish is an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Turks confirmed by UNESCO and it is a method of preparing. Roasted then finely ground coffee beans are boiled in a pot (), usually with sugar and served in a small special cup. Sherbet (Turkish şerbet, pronounced [ʃeɾˈbet]) is a syrup which can be made from any of a wide variety of ingredients, especially fruits, flowers, or herbs. Türk Kahvesi Examples include pears, quinces, strawberries, , cornelian cherry, , oranges, rose petals, rose hips, or licorice and spices. Sherbet is drunk diluted with cold water.

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 10

Turkish Bath (Hammam) For centuries Turkish hammam continues to exist as one of the major components of the Ottoman and Turkish hammam culture with its peştemal, rubber, large and bright dome and unique architectural beauty. Hammam that was built with the purpose of the water use for health is not only a cleaning place for Turks. Turkish hammam is also health and entertainment center where people having social activities.

The Turkish bath starts with relaxation in a room (known as the warm room) that is heated by a continuous flow of hot, dry air, allowing the bather to perspire freely. Bathers may then move to an even hotter room (known as the hot room) before they wash in cold water. After performing a full body wash and receiving a massage, bathers finally retire to the cooling-room for a period of relaxation. There are number of accessories that specific to the Istanbul Turkish bath and are still used in. The bath gloves that made of palm root and the Turkish work of peştemals are the most indispensables of them. Also the pumice stone which, used to rub the feet is always available in the hammam package. Inlaid copper, silver or brass bath bowl is one of the most beautiful examples of handwork.

Entertainment and Nightlife Turkey is a Mediterranean country with a lively culture of eating, drinking, and entertainment, with nightlife and eating-out possibilities to suit every preference. During the summer months, alfresco dining is the norm, particularly along the coastal areas and along the Bosphorus in Istanbul. Turkish nightlife has traditionally centered on meyhanes, similar to taverns, where an assortment of mezes (small plates or appetizers), often followed by a meal of fish, is consumed with rounds of Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 11

raki (Turkish national drink), the aniseed-flavoured national spirit. Still extremely popular with all ages, the meyhane is a social affair, where dining and drinking is often accompanied by live music played on traditional instruments. Traditional Music and Drinking A great way to explore Turkey's culture is through its music. The big cities attract both wellknown and up-and-coming musicians, DJs and performers from around the world and music festivals are now a popular feature of the summer months, ranging from hard rock and classical to electronic and jazz. Traditional music is also still very popular in Turkey, ranging from Anatolian folk music to Turkish style classical music to lively, Balkan-influenced fasil music, and experiencing it live is the most enjoyable way to hear it. Nightclubs, Restaurants, and Bars There are lots of bars, cafes, restaurants and nightclubs all over Turkey. Big cities and tourist resorts in Turkey have some of the most popular clubs in the country. Whatever type of or club you are looking for, you will absolutely find it in Turkey. Istanbul is one of the world's hottest city-break destinations, in part due to its nightlife. Many of the hip new hangouts, chic restaurants and rooftop bars are all a stones-throw from the energetic Istiklal Street in Taksim and nearby Tunel, as well as many dotted along the Bosphorus; enjoy sophisticated -sipping in trendy bars to clubbing all night to global beats. In the summer, Istanbul also revels in water-side fun, with plenty of open-air entertainment against the stunning backdrop of the Istanbul skyline.

What to Bring? Umbrella - Upon arrival and disembarking from the plane, you'll immediately notice the sudden rush of warm, wet air. Turkey is a warm place. It has spring, summer, fall, and winter. While there is significant regional variation, in most of the country (including Istanbul and Antalya) the spring season is March to June.

How to Dress in Turkey? You are free to wear anything you like. Bring your regular clothes; you don’t need anything special, except for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. Don’t forget to bring your formal clothes for these events!

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 12


Antalya’s signature cuisine includes:

Piyaz (made with , garlic, walnuts, and boiled beans), Şiş köfte (spicy meatball which is cooked around a stick) spicy hibeş with mixed and tahini, tandır kebap, domates civesi, şakşuka, and various cold Mediterranean dishes with . One local speciality is tirmis, boiled seeds of the lupin, eaten as a snack. "Grida" (also known as Lagos or Mediterranean white grouper) is a fish common in local dishes.

Festivals and events

Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival: national film festival usually held in September / October.

International Eurasia Film Festival: (2005–2008) annual international film festival, now part of the Golden Orange festival.

Antalya Television Awards: awarded annually since 2009

Antalya Festival: September

Mediterranean International Music Festival: October, 6 days

Antalya International Folk Music and Dance Festival Competition: Last week of August

Aspendos International Opera and Ballet Festival: June and July

Flower festival: May


Kaleiçi Museum: Opened in 2007 by the Mediterranean Civilizations Research Center (Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma Merkezi)

Atatürk's House Museum

Antalya Toy Museum: The Antalya Metropolitan Municipality opened the exhibition facility in 2011.

Suna & İnan Kıraç Kaleiçi Museum: An ethnographic museum run by the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation.

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 13


ALCOHOL Drinking alcohol is not prohibited in Turkey. You can buy alcohol from supermarkets between 06:00-22:00. Also there are many bars, pubs, and restaurants that you can drink. We encourage each NMO limits its alcohol amount to maximum of 1,5 liters in total. We realize that alcohol is a big issue during the National Food and Drinking party. We will try to reduce the amount of alcohol during EuRegMe and replace it with other interesting events.

If you throw up in public places or damage the hotel property, you may be charged.

Electric Plug 220V/50 Hz (Schuko Euro Plug)

CURRENCY: Turkish Lira

1 Euro(€) = 3.72 Turkish Lira ( )

1 Dollar ($) = 3.58 Turkish Lira ( )

1 Pound (£) = 4.47 Turkish Lira ( )

1 bottle of water = 1.00 Turkish Lira ( )




Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 14


Medical Emergency (Ambulance) 112

Police 155

Fire 110

Poisoning Control Center 114


Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 15


Disposable Antalya Card

• As of 2016, once boarding is 2.10 Turkish Lira.

• Disposable Antalya Card can be charged up to 5 times in total. (After purchasing, you will be entitled to 4 more after first filling)

• Disposable Antalya Card can be loaded up to 10 balance at a time.

• Disposable Antalya Card can be filled to completion. (Up to a full board amount)

• Fillers can only be made from Card Dealers and Sales Points and Dealers.

How to fill my Disposable Antalya Card? From Antalya Card centers, at Antalya tram stops, from Antalya Card filling points, from Antalya Card filling machines, you can provide your balance loading operations.

TAXI PAYMENTS Taxis have an electronic taximeter. As of 2016, the current taxi opening fee is 3 TRY and the recipe per kilometer is 2.6 TRY. Taxi fares apply to all Antalya. You can use app that are in AppStore and Google Play Store, to calculate before you take a taxi.

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 16


Registration forms will become available on the 9th of January via the website ‘euregme2017.turkmsic.net’ and must be filled by all participants who wish to attend EuRegMe 2017. For details about the registration dates, fees and the cancellation policy, please check the tables below:

Registration Dates Early Registration 09.01.2017 - 22.01.2017 Payments Until: 31.01.2017 Late Registration 01.02.2017 - 12.02.2017 Payments Until: 19.02.2017 Leftovers 20.02.2017 - 25.02.2017 Payments Until: 3.03.2017 Pre-Euregme 22.01.2017 – 19.02.2017 Payments Until: 31.02.2017

Fees Early Registration 140 € Late Registration 200 € Leftovers 200 € Pre-EuRegMe 170 € Observers 300€

Cancellation Policy Until 10.03.2017 50% Refund Until 24.03.2017 25% Refund After 24.03.2017 No Refund

*All dates are shown as DD.MM.YYYY.

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 17


Antalya has one airport. Your OC will cover your transportation from the airport to the venue and also from the hotel to the airport.

Transportation time and date will be determined by majority of arrivals. If you are arriving other than the times indicated, we would do our best to help you with the transportation from the airport to venue.

Note: Here is some informations of Antalya airport for participants who are planning to arrive by indirect flights.

Airlines and destinations

Airline Destinations s

Aeroflot Moscow–Sheremetyevo

AtlasGlob Erbil, Ercan, Istanbul–Atatürk, Trabzon al

Austrian Seasonal: Graz, Innsbruck, Vienna


Azerbaija Baku

n Airlines Seasonal: Ganja

Brussels Seasonal: Brussels


Berlin–Schönefeld, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hanover, Munich, Stuttgart

Condor Seasonal: Cologne/Bonn, Hamburg, Leipzig/Halle

Amsterdam, Berlin– Tegel, Dortmund, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Eindhoven, Erfurt/Weimar, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Leipzi Corendon g/Halle, Manchester, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart

Airlines Seasonal: Bratislava, Bremen, Brussels, Casablanca, Groningen, Karachi, Maastricht/Aachen (begins 20 April 2017), Münster/Osnabrück, Tabriz, Tehran–Imam Khomeini, Tirana, Vienna, Zürich

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 18

easyJet Seasonal: London–Gatwick, London–Luton, Manchester

easyJet Switzerlan Seasonal: Basel/Mulhouse





Enter Air Katowice, Kraków, Poznań, Warsaw

Finnair Seasonal: Helsinki

Freebird Seasonal: Birmingham, Trondheim


Germania[ Berlin–Schönefeld, Bremen, Erfurt/Weimar, Münster/Osnabrück, Nuremberg, Rostock 8] Seasonal: Friedrichshafen

Germanw Seasonal: Berlin–Tegel, Cologne/Bonn, Hamburg, Hanover, Stuttgart ings

Seasonal: East Midlands, Glasgow, Leeds/Bradford, London-Stansted (begins 4 July

Jet2.com 2017), Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne

Lufthansa Seasonal: Frankfurt, Munich

Luxair Luxembourg

Norwegia Bergen, Oslo n Air Seasonal: , Sandefjord, Trondheim


Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Ercan, Geneva Pegasus Seasonal: Billund, Düsseldorf, Glasgow, Krasnodar, London–

Airlines Gatwick, Manchester, Norwich, Novosibirsk, Saarbrücken, Stuttgart, Tirana, Vienna

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 19

Pegasus Adana, Elazığ, Hatay, Istanbul–Sabiha Gökçen, Izmir, Kayseri, Trabzon

Airlines Seasonal: Diyarbakır

Primera Seasonal: Aalborg, Billund, Copenhagen, Gothenburg–Landvetter, Helsinki, Malmö, Oslo, Stockholm–

Air Arlanda

Seasonal: Amsterdam, Dortmund, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Erfurt/Weimar, Frankfurt, Friedrichshafen, Graz SunExpres , Hamburg, Hanover, Karlsruhe/Baden-

s Baden, Leipzig/Halle, Luxembourg, Oulu, Paderborn/Lippstadt, Saarbrücken, Salzburg, , Strasbou rg, Stuttgart, Tirana, Vaasa, Vienna, Zürich

SunExpres s Cologne/Bonn, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart Deutschla Seasonal: Leipzig/Halle



Transavia Seasonal: Eindhoven, Groningen, Rotterdam/The Hague

TUIfly Brussels

[10] Belgium Seasonal: Liège, Ostend/Bruges

TUI Airlines Amsterdam Netherlan Seasonal: Eindhoven, Groningen


Turkish Moscow–Vnukovo, St Petersburg

Airlines Seasonal: Baghdad, Boston, Chișinău, Erbil, Hamburg, Kuwait, Stuttgart, Vienna

Turkish Istanbul–Atatürk, Istanbul–Sabiha Gökçen


Turkish Airlines operated Ankara, Bodrum, Bursa, Erzurum, Nevşehir, Ordu-Giresun by Anadol uJet

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 20

VISA Visa is necessary for: Armenia Austria Belgium Ireland Netherlands Spain United Kingdom

Also the followings need to have visa:

• Ordinary passport holders from Croatia, Norway, Portugal • Service passport holders from Russia • Both official and ordinary passport holders from Poland

The rest of the countries do not require a visa to Turkey.

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 21


Meeting and accommodation facilities that meet our demands and serve our needs are two essential elements for a successful meeting. The Grand Haber Hotel is located in Kemer- Antalya by the sea. The hotel has a capacity of 325 rooms. Each room is enhanced by amenities such as WiFi, minibar, 24 hours room service etc. We will be hosted in a variety of double or triple rooms. The hotel is also carefully designed to enable access and transportation of individuals with special needs.

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 22

The hotel has its own AquaPark, a bar, disco and a beach which you can spend your free time. If you are interested in, you can also do water sports on site and the hotel has a Turkish bath, a sauna and courts for sportive activities for its guests. You can also hire a bicycle and take a small tour around!

Event will mainly take place in the biggest conference room with capacity of over 350 people, while several smaller will be at our disposal for the other kinds of sessions. All of them are fully supplied with upgraded technological equipment.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner, all based on Turkish products, will be served in a pleasant restaurant. A variety of meals is available and satisfies all special tastes and needs, such as vegan and vegetarian diets. Moreover, delicious and rich coffee-breaks will be provided between the sessions. For further information about the hotel and its services, please visit the official website of The Grand Haber Hotel, Antalya! http://www.grandhaber.com/en_US/

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 23


PROGRAM Do you feel exhausted after a long day with sessions, trainings and discussions? Just make your way to your room and be prepared for the rest of the day. Because there will be various social activities during this EuRegMe to keep you refreshed and motivated!

Take your place in the opening ceremony hall as soon as you get ready to meet us and enjoy our show to start the fire of EuRegMe 2017 in Antalya. Speakers will be there to welcome and inspire us with their speeches about medical profession and organization of the event. After all these, there will be a party to socialize and make you feel warm as you are at home, on our first night here together.

We need you to bring your good mood to make your nights in Turkey memorable, if you already accepted just come and join us with different themed parties every night. Get ready to shine like a neon star or party like a Turkish on the dance track. Then prepare yourself for the time you have been waiting because the stage is now yours with National Food and Drinks Party to show your traditional delicacies, drinks and cultures, also you will have the opportunity to taste others from all around Europe.

It will be hard to come an end for us too but you can't think that we will send you back without a closing ceremony of course. Over three hundred delegates from all around Europe, all in different colors, having different backgrounds are going to meet to live the same excitement and enthusiasm in the same place for 4 days. This is going to be a great honor for us to host one of the most important and the most amazing event of the IFMSA family in our lovely country.

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 24

Pre – EuRegMe

Save the date: 18th April- 21st April

As the Organization Committee we are very excited to see all of you in Antalya, located in the southern part and is also the tourism capital of Turkey. While you are attending the self-developmental activities in pre-EuRegMe you can also see the popular seaside of the city which is bathed in sunshine in 300 days of year or enjoy the glorious view of Taurus Mountains on the other side of the city.

We will have 5 workshops which you will meet a lot of amazing people and have fun together while learning new skills and knowledge to use for an entire lifetime. Since we are all trying to be more than just a medical student, we ensure that you will find the workshops very fascinating. Below is the list of the workshops that you can attend:

• Taking a Stand: the Policy Masterclass • Human Rights for Medical Practitioners • Public Health Leadership Training on Mental Health • Essential Leadership Skills • The B.E.A.S.T: BASIC ENGAGEMENT in ADVOCACY for SOGI Training

You can choose the workshop you think you need and let it widen your vision on the topic. These workshops will help you get better in the most-needed areas as you are walking in the long path of medical education. You will get the chance to take a step forward and use your brand-new skills on the field which will make you understand that you are exactly ‘inside’ the activities.

The venue for pre-EuRegMe with its amazing workshops is Grand Haber Hotel which is located in one of the most attractive districts of Antalya, Kemer. Our gorgeous hotel provides you a pool-sight that you can enjoy watching during the sessions. Also you will see the hotel has a huge beach with soft sand. The participants are going to stay in the hotel. For more information about the hotel please visit http://www.grandhaber.com/en_US/

You need to fill the form which will be provided in the website “euregme2017.turkmsic.net” to attend Pre- Euregme, please check the dates below for registration.

Please note that anyone can attend Pre-Euregme regardless of being a part of the delegation of their NMO. However, the attendees will be selected amongst the applications.

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 25

Registration process is as shown:

Registration Dates Registration 22 January 2017 - 19 February 2017 Payments Until: 31 February 2017 Fee Pre-EuRegMe Fee 170 € Cancellation Policy Until 27 March 2017 50%Refund Until 3 April 2017 25% Refund After 3 April 2017 No Refund

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 26

HOW TO SPEAK TURKISH İngilizce ( English) Türkçe (Turkish) Hello! or Hi! Merhaba! I love you Seni seviyorum. What is your name? İsim nedir? Can you help me? Yardımcı olabilir misiniz? Thank you. Teşekkür ederim. You are welcome. Rica ederim. Good Morning Günaydın Good Evening İyi Akşamlar Good Night İyi Geceler How are you? Nasılsın? Are you OK? İyi misin? Thanks, I am fine Teşekkürler, İyiyim Fine İyiyim So,so Eh, şöyle böyle See you Görüşürüz Take care! Kendine iyi bak! Nice to meet you Tanıştığıma memnun oldum Is it on sale? Bu indirimde mi? It’s a little bit expensive Bu biraz pahalı. How much is it? Kaç lira Can you speak English? İngilizce konuşabiliyor musun? I don’t know to speak Turkish Türkçe bilmiyorum. Name İsim Age Yaş Right Sağ Left Sol 1 Bir 2 İki 3 Üç 4 Dört 5 Beş 6 Altı 7 Yedi 8 Sekiz 9 Dokuz 10 On 20 Yirmi 30 Otuz 40 Kırk 50 Elli 60 Altmış 70 Yetmiş 80 Seksen 90 Doksan 100 Yüz 1000 Bin

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 27


İngilizce ( English) Türkçe (Turkish) What is the fare? Ücret ne kadar? How far does this bus go Nereye kadar gidiyor? Could you let me know when we get to….? ….. geldiğimizde haber verir misiniz? Keep the change Üstü kalsın. I want a receipt Fiş istiyorum. To the airport and please be quick! Havaalanına gidelim, lütfen çok acele edin.


İngilizce ( English) Türkçe (Turkish) What would you suggest to eat? Ne yememizi önerirsiniz? We are ready to order Sipariş verebiliriz. Check please Hesap lütfen. When do we eat? Ne zaman yiyoruz? What’s for supper? Yemekte neler var? What are we having? Ne yiyoruz? Salty Tuzlu Water Su Tea Çay Coffee Kahve Juice Meyve suyu Coke/Cola Cola Bira Wine Şarap

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 28

SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us on social media for the announcements! Facebook: facebook.com/euregme2017 Twitter: euregme17 Instagram: euregme17

Turkish Medical Students’ Association (TurkMSIC) 29

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