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[)!''ntered the POSI Office of New .. Matter. Copyrlgbt,l8(J7, Co.] _. '--' .. ' ----------------------,,1 York.--- N Y as ----------------econd CI,,",! by MUDD .t ---------- A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF l)RACTICAL I NFORMATION, AltT, SCIEN£E, MECHANICS, CHEMISTHY. ANn MANUFACTURES. Vol. LXXVII.-No. 12'J 18, 1897. fS3.00• A YEAR. EST ABLl�HED lR40. NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER WEEKLY. ==============��======�======� S WA SOUTH ON 'tREIIONT STREET, SHOWING CROSSING OF TRACKS INTERIOR OF THE PARK STREET STATION LOOKIliG NORT !HE l1lI Y H, SHOWING AT DIFFERENT GRADES. LOOP. BOYLSTON STREET STATION, LOOKING DOWW TREIIONT STREET, THE SUBWAY BEING UNDER THE IIALL AND COIIIION. THE TRE NEW BOSTON SUBWAY FOR TROLLEY CARS.-[See page 184.] © 1897 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. J ,itutifi, �tutri'JI. OUR BIG WAR SmPS IN FLEET PRACTICE. school of fire extinguishment in the world. At Parilil During three days of last week Assistant Secretary and Berlin the firE-men are given lectures illustrated by 'ritlltifi, �mttiran. dissect.ed model houses, and while this is a step in the � of the .Navy Roosevelt inspected, participated in, and, no doubt, infused with some of his own energy and right direction. it does not go far enough. The neares, ESTABLISHED 1845 decision the operations of the North Atlantic squadron approach to a school of fire extinguishment is the fire MUNN & CO., EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS._ in some of the most satisfactory fleetpractice that has dl'iIl with lec111res which is given at the Cambridge PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT yet been achieved by our new armorclad vessllls. There Manual Training School for Boys, but this is only a 361 BR.OADW Y, YORK. were seven vessels in the fleet, including the splendid minor part of the school work. In many large cities No. A NEW armored cruisers New York and Brooklyn and the firemen are instructed in the use of the special appara TERMS FOR THE battleships Indiana and Iowa, and it had been ar tus used in that city. No attempt is made to take up the (EstablisSCIENTIFIC .. ed AilIERICAN. ranged that Mr. Roosevelt, on the dispatch boat Dol subject of controlling and extinguishing fire as a sci lS-I!i.) phin, should meet the squadron, anchOl'ed to await ence. In most cities the rules and regulations must be One COPY. one year. for the U. S .• Canada or Mexico................. One copy, six months, for the S .• Canada.or Mexico . ....... ... .$3.110 him, about thirty miles east of the Virginia Capes, thoroughly studied by firemen before promotion, and One �.opy.one year.to any foreignU. country. postage prepaid.. 5d. 1 ...10 when the squadron maneuvers were to be carried on this promotion is only given after examinations at Remit by postal or express money order, or by bank draft£0 or168. check. -1.00 MUNN .. Broadway. comer �'ranklm Street. New York. for two 01' three days out of sight of land. It was at which various questions relating to the saving of life T"e& CO !'I('lentiHc 361 Amel'ic .. n Mr. Roosevelt's own suggestion, it is said, that this and the control of fire are asked. This now obtains in (Establi ....ed !'illpplement fleet practice was arranged for and carried out, and its nearly all cities, but there is no uniform standard. s n r f IS,.6) \".�� :� ;���f: Ii:�':;'r�h��;,bF;,���'i,\���I���?,ta�o�i;:.�Y�:;,�:�E.�z� results cannot fail to be highly satisfactory to all One city may have one set of rules and a city a hun I: r n t}}:l1t����an;t�e:I�� �e����� �� a f��a��J/1·r���l: who understand how highly imporl ant perfect fleet dred miles away may have another. The great fire de tot{� foreign�c;�';.����c countries belonging to the Postal Ullion. Single copies cents. Sold by all newsdealers throughout the country. See prospectus,last page. organization is in modern naval warfare. partments of our large cities have a world-wide reputa Combined Ilates.-The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN and SlTPPLE.\fENT10 will be sent for one year, to one adslress in U. S., Canada or Mexico. on Immediately upon Mr. Roosevelt's arrival, Admiral tion, and justly so, but even their efficiency, which is receipt of ,ev foreijln countries. flftlJ cents eight Sical'd, from the New York, which was the flagship, conceded, would be increased by the presence of a con uear. or 148.... douars. lId., postage '1'0 prepaid. dollar, and. a £1Building Edition of Scientific Amel'ican. signaled t.he battleship New York to receive the As siderable number of the rank and file who were versed (E.t ....lislled sistant Secretary, and also to "clear for action." so that in the theoretical as well as the practical side of fire THE BUn,DING EnITIO';" THE SCIENTIFICl�S:i.) AMERICAN Is a larjleand n t n in o when he came aboard everything was ready for target extinguishment. The general is always a better soldier :�� ���e�U�: ��:�� OF �:d�� !�JKit�r!��� ia:g �u���� is nfustrated with beautifulg:����?g� plates ��s, showin¥' desirable dwellings, public practice under such conditions as would obt.ain in an for passing through West Point than the soldier who buildings and architectural work in great variety. To architects, builders, rises from the ranks. and all wao contemplate building this work is invaluable. action with an enemy. When Mr. Roosevelt went on S 25 a i t e a Fire fighting is based very largely upon experience, or ��gg.P��� aC;'!,�':. "}��;'�n ��J.�A�!�'ix>U:: ���� �; �q�:.': A� the bridge of the Iowa. with the captain of the latter, Combined rate for BUILDI';"G�r., EDITION with SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. to and the alarm gongs were rung, officers and men were and the experience of one man who has grown gray in one address. ","00 a year. To foreign countries. a year. or fighting the demon of fireis lost if he dies or is forced Combined rate for BUIL])ING EDITION, SCIENTIFIC16.50 AMERICAN,£1 68.9<1. and insta!ltly at their several stations, ready for work, the SUPPI.E>IE';"T.$9.W year. 'ro foreign countries, $11.00 a year. or 58. 2d .• from his position, and it would be difficult for him to postage prepaid. l\ £"� boats in places where they would least feel the con Edition of the Scientific Amel'icon cussion of the heavy guns, and everything in order as impart this information to others. It will be seen, from Expo,·t (Establls ..ed it would be in actual war. A target had been placed what has already been said, that there is room for a with whic is incorporated" AMERICAlS'JS) CIENTIFICA E INDUSTRIAL," or Spanishh edition of the SCIE';"TIFIC AMERICAN, published monthly. 2,500 yard;! away, and firing at it was at once com school of fire extinguishment, either as State or a na uniform In size and typographyLA with the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Every a number contains about 100 pages, profusely illustrated. It is the finest menced with an 8 inch gun, to be followed with pro tional institution. A course of six months, with a scientiHc industrial export paper published. It clrcnlates throughout Cuba. the West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America. Spain and jectiles from the 12 inch guns and the actual service practical daily drill, would insure the competency of S'panish possessions-wherever the Spanish languBJile 1s spoken. 'l'HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN EXPORT EDITION has a large guaranteed circula of the entire battery of the vessel. The battleship and the fireman and fit him to take charge of a fire house, tion in all commercial places thronghout the world. a year, or her crew are said to have passed splendidly through while a post-graduate course might be given which 4d .• postpaid to any po.rtof the world. Single copies.�OO cents. £0 1211. MUNN CO., Publishers. Broadway.2D New York. this first trial at actual cannonading practice ; a whale would fit the fireman as a battalion chief or fire h e t & o 361 e y d!5;�r t�� ��:c't!. �.!':::':�n�e':!lft�:�s ��;�br:�� �r���� boat was put out of service an d some skylights broken, chief. CO. M'li'i:f4 but nothing more serious, w:lile the accuracy of the Such a school should be established in a great city & Readers are specially requested to notify the publishers In case of anyPI'"" failure, delay, or irregularity In receipt of papers. .. firingis said to have shown high skill in the gunners. like New York. Here the student of fire extinguish The Brooklyn, the New York and the Indiana sub ment would find a paid fire department, maintained at sequently had similar practice, s.earchlights being used an expense of upward of $2,000,000 per annum, equip NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1897. in the evening to pick up supposed hostile torpedo ped with the latest forms of apparatus. New York Content ... boats, and there was also a searchlight drill by all the would give abundant material for study. It has streets vessels of the squadron. A novelty of the occasion was in which the traffic is very congested; it possesses high (Illustrated articles are marked with an asterisk.) the release of carrier pigeons from tQe New York, the buildings, which have added a new problem to the Alaskanpasses.................... fighting of fire;it also has an extended river front, 180 :�';,�SBY�����.f;"r':,"cJ�ere(i" pigeons carrying dispatches from the squadron to Nor !���:'n�'j,�\'!\!l:fc�:!��irar:::::: Natural history notes. .. .. .. oii:. .. lft186 folk, whence they were telegraphed to Washington. giving the embryo fireman a chance for studying fires Balloon expedition.