BASKETBALL ON PAPER بسکتبال روی کاغذ گرداوری: مهران حاتمی  امار امار:سنتی پیشرفته امتیاز میزان استفاده از توپ مقایسه ای  انلیز اماردفاعی فاکتور چهارگانه میزان تالش بازیکن  ارائه روش و راه حل برای پیگیری فردی بازیکن پیشرفت

امار برترین ها امار سنتی)عرف( پیشرفت فردی و تیمی از طریق دستیابی به نقاط شوت و ضعف و قوت برد و حرکات کارایی فانتزی و....

مربی تماشاچی بازیکن مربیگری راجع انچه میدانید ویاانچه میتوانید بر روی کاغذ بنویسید نیست بلکه راجع به توانایی شما درانجام وظیفه بازیکنان در زمین است ” ون گاندی ” در تمام رشته ها امار و انالیز تبدیل به فرهنگ ان رشته ورزشی شده است ارزیابی بازیکنان خود و حریف ارزیابی تیم خود وحریف ایجاد انگیزه به تیم برای افرایش کارایی از طریق امار موثر در طراحی پالن دفاعی ارزیابی توان شوت زنی تیم خودی و حریف بوسیله دیاگرام شوت تبیین اهداف دفاعی و حمله ای با دیاگرام شوت که منتهی به اجازه دادن به نحوه پرتاب شوت توسط بازیکنان حریف و یا خود میشود ...... 

جداول اماری:)کاغذ هایی که تواما تحلیل میشوند و ما را به حقایق نزدبک میکنند( تالش HUSTLE- کاربردی USAGE- سنتی TRADITIONAL- دفاع DEFENCE - فاکتور چهارگانه FOUR FACTOR - پیشرفته ADVANCE- مقایسه ای MATCH UP - سایر فاکتورها MISCELLANUEUS - امتیاز SCORING- • TO اماراز دید اکثر مربیان: OPP TO • - فردی - تیمی ASS • - بررسی اهداف مربی OPP ASS • -بررسی استراتزی خود وحریف STL • -امار در زمین خود و یا حریف --امار بازیکن پیرامونی و یا پست OPP STL • • FT% SHAQ SYNDRUM 80% • FG% 40% OPP FG% LESS THAN 35% WIDE - OPEN SHOT • OUR POINTS • OPP POINTS LESS THAN 15 POINTS 2 PLAYERS TOGETHER 25 PTS 3 TOP PLAYERS TOGETHER 30 PLS TOTALLY 50-60 PTS • DOUBLING UP • DOUBLING DOWN • FOR POST OPP REB BLK SHO • ALL CHAMPIONS HAVE GOOD REBOUNDER SHOT BLOCKER PEOTECT THE RIM سایر مربیان:امار تنها کافی نیست تحلیل و برداشت از امار صحیح مهم است

علم در صددغلیه برشم و غریزه و تجربه برای پیش بینی و توضیح وقایع - نحوه اماده سازی وطراحی پالن واستراتزی در بسکتبال است بازیکنانی هستند که: - اماری ندارند ولی ایجاد انگیزه میکنند - هدایت میکنندد - تیم نظم برقرار میکنند - بعضی ها غیر قابل باور دفاع میکنند - سایر بازیکنان را تر و تازه و موثرنگه میدارند - این 50 درصد تالش و 50 درصد ذاتی است بعضی بازیکنان در هیچ راداری دیده نمیشوندو مربی باید انها را پیدا و خلق کند. بنابراین بعضی ها فقط در امار به ترن اور ریباند درصد شوت و درصد پرتاب ازاد بسنده میکنندو دنبال بهتر شدن خود از طریق تمرکز در موارد زیرند:

----- افرایش توانایی بدنی ------انتخاب و پیشبرد توانایی ذهنی بازیکن و اطالعات ساختاری بسکتبال ------ایجاد پختگی روانی بازیکن به منظور جلوگیری از حسادت خودخواهی و غر زدن ----- امادگی روانی ---- مهارتهای بسکتبال نحوه برخورد با امار)عرف....(  هدف گذاری  یاد اوری قبل از مسابقه  تخریب نه  سعی برای رسیدن به هدف با تحلیل امار درست و بجا


چرا درصد ریباند دفاع و حمله و نه تعداد انها از اهمیت زیادی MEHRAN 10MIN 6REB برخوردار است؟ HASSAN 11MIN 4REB سوال : چه کسی ریباندر بهتری است؟ MEHRAN 2 MORE!!!!! 6< 4 تیمها ضعیف شوت زدند و 22فرصت ریباند MEHRAN 6/22

وضعیت شوت بهتر شد و فقط 9 فرصت ریباند بود HASSAN 4/9 4/9>>>6/22 HASSAN>>>MEHRAN بنابراین درصد ریباند اهمیت بیشتری دارد تا تعداد ریباند بنابراین باید به دنبال دو مفهوم زیر باشیم: DRB% & ORB% در هر کاری با بررسی شاخص های عملکردی میتوان به موفقیت و یا عدم ان پی برد با بررسی شاخص های دفاعی میتوان به نحوه تمرینات دفاعی و ارزیابی خود رسید

1-درصد شوت حریف در مقایسه با خود 2- امتیازحریف در هر بازی PER POSSESION) GOOD DEF PPP LOW) 3-تعداد مالکیت که با فاکتورهای زیرافزایش مییابد:  درصد ریباند دفاعی  درصد ریباند حمله  ترن اور  توپ دزدی 4-امتیاز در هر مالکیت RUN AND GUN GAME (تعداد بیشتر مالکیت برای دو تیم )

مثال :تحلیل مناسب SHOOTING PPP% YOUR TEAM 33% 60 /90 TO=15 MORE توجه: ( OPPONENT 30% 70 / 105 )FT 15/20

کدام تیم عملکرد بهتری دارد؟تیم شما درصد شوت بهتر ولی بعلت خطا درصد و ترن اور مالکیت کمتری دارد!!! مشکل در دفاع است؟ علت تفاوت 10 امتیاز چیست مشکل حمله است نه دفاع چهار فاکتور مهم در پیروزی تیم

 شوت 40 درصد  ترن اور 25 درصد  ریباند 20 درصد  پرتاب ازاد 15 درصد

مقایسه این فاکتور با حریف

در سال NBA 2013 درصد شوت:

AVERAGE 49.5% فینالیست ها MAIMI HEAT 55.24% SAN ANTONIO 53.06%  جنگ ترن اور  نسبت همکاری به ترن اور???? = AST/TO

حدود شوت 50 درصد امار نرمال است پس اگر 10 توپ لوداده داشته باشی باید بیست همکاری داشته باشی تا در این جدال بازنده نباشی. همکاری موجب شوت خوب میشودونه پرتاب اجباری که موجب ضد حمله میشود  جنگ ریباند  پرتاب ازاد بیشتر تیمی نفوذی تر است که درصد پرتاب پنالتی بیشتری نسبت به شوت سه امتیازی دارد. همکاری در به ثمر رساندن گل بیشتری هم دارد.

ترن اور :  موجب ضدحمله با گل درصد باال  افزایش فول  افزایش پرتاب ازاد  افت روحی روانی تیم

بردن جنگ ترن اور) اهمیت مالکیت توپposs( مناطق قوی و ضعیف شوت بازیکنان خودی و حریف را نشان میدهد که در تعیین تاثیر ستهای حمله ای منجر به شوت موثر است معموال بازیکنان در دو منطقه از سه منطقه نشان داده شده بهتر شوت میزنند!!!!! قانون پیرسون وقتی عملکردی اندازه گیری میشود بهبود مییابد اما وقتی عملکرد انداره گیری میشود وگزارش گیری وثبت میشود سرعت پیشرفت شتاب مییابد تعداد و تفاضل ریباند خیلی کار گشا نیست بلکه درصد ریباند دفاعی و حمله ای مهم است امارها را باریکنان در میان گذاشته و هدف گذاری کنید)کوتاه مدت و بازی به بازی(

کدام تیم بهتر ریباند دفاعی داشته؟ YOUR TEAM 30%SHOOT 20 REB •

کدام تیم بهتر ریباند حمله ای داشته؟ OPPONENT 60% SHOOT 14REB • • DRB%=DEFREB/(DEFREB+OPPOFFREB) NBA 73% • ORB%=OFFREB/(OFFREB+OPPDEFREB) NBA 27% برای بهبودی ریباند دو فاکتور اماری دیگر نیز مهم است:





• STAR PLAYER 25% OTHERS 50% !!!!!! HELP HIM "مقایسه امار نماینده ایران و کره در جام باشگاههای اسیا "

12<<<7 !!!!!!!! امار سنتی)عرف( :Traditional box score

امارهایی که کم و بیش اکثرا با ان اشنا هستیم و انرا مالک قرار می دهیم: این امار بخشی از واقعیت هستند و اگر به پشت امار فکر نکنیم دچار تصمیم و مالکهای اشتباه میشویم

مثال:تعداد ریباند دفاع و حمله مالک صحیحی از ریباندر بودن بازیکنان نیست امار سنتی نمونه در فیبا: لیست بازیکنان

برداشت ها و دیاگرامهای بدست امده از امار سنتی که به طرز فوق العاده ای نشان داده شده اند نتیجه استفاده صحیح از برگه اماری است که من انرا تحلیل امار نامگذاری میکنم دیاگرام های مقایسه ای دو تیم که از امار سنتی بدست می اید: سایردیاگرام های مقایسه ای:

مقایسه درصد شوت –فول-بالک-ترن اور-همکاری و توپ دزدی و روندامتیاز گیری موقعیت شوت:

دیاگرام شوت های زده شده و شوت های به ثمر نشسته در هر کوارتر موقعیت شوت: موقعیت شوت:

موقعیت گل نزده تیمی موقعیت گل زده فردی موقعیت گل زده

موقعیت گل نزده گزارش گیری لحظه به لحظه بازی گزارش گیری لحظه به لحظه بازی گزارش گیری لحظه به لحظه بازی گزارش گیری لحظه به لحظه بازی گزارش گیری لحظه به لحظه بازی

فقط دو پریود اورده شده است درصد شوت تیمی امار شوت تیمی

4th 4th 5th 6th این امار نشان نمیدهد که پترو تیم قهرمان 8 نفره است!!!!!!! ریباند تیمی

ریباند بازیکن در هر 40 دقیقه

1st تعداد فول در هر بازی:14.8 پترو

74 1st گل زده و همکاری تیمی در به ثمر رساندن ان

4th 5th 2-3th 1th 1th 5th تعداد مالکیت بیشتر پترو را قهرمان اسیا کرد امار انفرادی

بازیکنان در همکاری –توپ دزدی-ریباندو دفاع کم خطا تالش زیادی کردند امار کل تورنمنت بصورت انفرادی:

تحلیل اولیه: در حمله ضعیف ولی یکنواخت و عدم وابستگی به فرد در دفاع عالی بی فول در درصد شوت 2 امتیازی چهارم در درصد شوت 3 امتیازی چهارم در درصد شوت پالتی پنجم بهترین تیم از نظر تعداد ریباند کمترین فول کننده علیرغم مدافع ترین تیم نفوذ کم امار پیشرفته Advancd box score

امتیازگیری از 100 مالکیت توپ OffRtg Measures a team's points scored per 100 possessions. On a player level this statistic is team points scored per 100 possessions while he is on court Formula 100*((Points)/(POSS) امتیازدادن از 100 مالکیت توپ حریف DEFRTG The number of points allowed per 100 possessions by a team. For a player, it is the number of points per 100 possessions that the team allows while that individual player is on the court Formula 100*((Opp Points)/(Opp POSS)) تفاوت امتیاز گرفته شده و داده شده از 100 مالکیت توپ NetRtg Net Rating Measures a team's point differential per 100 possessions. On player level this statistic is the team's point differential per 100 possessions while he is on court .Formula OFFRTG - DEFRTG درصد همکاری بازیکن به کل همکاریها AST% Percent of Team's Assists Definition The percentage of a team's assists that a player has while on the court

نسبت ترن اور به همکاری AST/TO to Ratio Definition The number of assists for a player or team compared to the number of turnovers they have committed

تعداد همکاری از 100 مالکیت توپ AST Ratio Assist Ratio Definition Assist Ratio is the number of assists a player averages per 100 possessions used Formula (AST * 100) / (POSS) درصد ریباند دفاعی فردی یا تیمی %DREB Defensive Rebounding Percentage The percentage of available defensive rebounds a player or team obtains while on the floor. درصد ریباند حمله ای فردی ویا تیمی %OREB Offensive Rebounding Percentage DThe percentage of available offensive rebounds a player or team obtains while on the floor درصد ریباند فردی و یا تیمی %REB Rebounding Percentage The percentage of available rebounds a player or team grabbed while on the floor تعداد ترن اور در 100 مالکیت توپ TO Ratio Turnover Ratio The number of turnovers a player or team averages per 100 possessions used Formula (TO * 100) / (POSS) ضریب شوت سه امتیازی 1.5 برابر میشود

اگر : 2pt 4/10 EFG%=40% 3pt 4/10 EFG%=60%

سایر شاخص های مهم شوت:

 تعداد اقدام شوت  تعداد اقدام پرتاب ازاد  درصد پرتاب ازاد Player Effective % Leaders • Effective Field Goal Percentage attempts to give a better indication of a NBA players overall shooting by taking into consideration three points made into the field goal calculation instead of having field goals and three point percentages separated. • It's calculated as: (Field Goals Made + 0.5 x Three Points Made)/(Field Goal Attempts) )تعداد شوت های گل شده بعالوه تعداد سه امتیاری گل شده ضربدر نیم ( تقسیم بر تعداد شوتهای زده مثال: 2p 3/5 3p 2/3 EFG%=(5+.5*2)/8=0.75 Player True Shooting Percent Leaders • True Shooting Percentage is an advanced basketball metric that attempts to more accurately reflect a players shooting abilities than looking at field goal percentage, percentage and three point percentage in isolation. This calculation attempts to incorporate free throws into effective field goal percentage - EFG%. True Shooting Percentage or TS% is calculated as: Points/(2 x (FGA + 0.44 x FTA)).

درصد شوت واقعی: مثال: 2p 3/5 60% 3p 2/3 66% 1p 1/2 50% TS%=13/(2*(8+.44*2))=73.1% Team True Shooting Percentages

• True Shooting Percentage is an advanced basketball metric, which attempts to give a clearer picture of a teams shooting percentage than simply looking at FG%, 3PT% and FT% alone. Instead in considers all types of attempts to give an overall for a team or player. It is calculated as follows:

• TS% = Points / (2 x (Field Goal Attempts + 0.44 x Free Throw Attempts)) درصد شوت واقعی تیمی درصد تعداد اقدام های شوت ومالکیت های منجر به پرتاب ازاد وترن اور به کل مالکیت %USG Usage Percentage The percentage of team plays used by a player when he is on the floor (FGA + Possession Ending FTA + TO) / POSS

سهم اماری بازیکن به سهم اماری تیم PIE Player Impact Estimate PIE measures a player's overall statistical contribution against the total statistics in games they play in. PIE yields results which are comparable to other advanced statistics (e.g. PER) using a simple formula. (PTS + FGM + FTM - FGA - FTA + DREB + (.5 * OREB) + AST + STL + (.5 * BLK) - PF - TO) / (GmPTS + GmFGM + GmFTM - GmFGA - GmFTA + GmDREB + (.5 * GmOREB) + GmAST + GmSTL + (.5 * GmBLK) - GmPF - GmTO)

تعداد مالکیت بازیکن ویا تیم PACE The number of possessions per 48 minutes for a team or player. امار پشت امار از خود امار مهمتر است

تعیین بهترین ریباندر دفاعی و تعداد توپ های حمله ای توان حمله و دفاع دریافتی و میزان شوت تخمین سهم میزان همکاری تیمی تاثیر زنی مفاهیم مرتبط با امار امتیاز اوری بازیکن در هر مسابقه  Player Per Game Scoring Statistics Related Terms Defensive Rebound Percentage • درصد ریباند در دفاع Defensive Rebound • ریباند در دفاع • سهم برد بعلت دفاع Defensive Win Shares - DWS • دبل Double Dribble • دبل دبل Double-Double • درصد شوت موثر %Effective Field Goal Percentage - eFG • تعداد شوت Field Goal • درصد شوت Field Goal Percentage • تعداد پرتاب ازاد Free Throw • اقدام به پرتاب Free Throw Attempts • دقیقه هر بازی Minutes per Game • تعداد فول حمله Offensive • تعداد حریمه ها Penalty • میزان اجزای امار دریک دقیقه Per- Statistics • میزان تاثیر بازیکن - PER • امتیاز بدست امده از اقدام شوتPoints per Field Goal Attempt • امتیاز در هر بازی • ریباند در هر بازی Rebounds per Game • در صد توپ دزدی در هر بازی Steal Percentage • تعداد سه امتیازی Three Point Field Goal • درصد سه امتیازی Three Point Field Goal Percentage • درصد لودادن توپ Turnover Percentage • تعداد ترن اور Turnovers per Game • درصد واقعی شوت %True Shooting Percentage - TS  تعداد اقدام پرتاب ازاد در 36 دقیقه(پیشنهاد 30 دقیقه برای فیبا(  Player per Game Scoring Statistics Related Stats  درصد شوت موثر Player Free Throw Attempts Per 36 Min Leaders  درصد شوت واقعی Player Effective Field Goal % Leaders  تریپل دبل Player True Shooting Percent Leaders اجزای اماری مرتبط با امتیاز Player Triple Doubles  دبل دبل در فصل اوری بازیکن Player Double-doubles By Season  امتیاز های تولیدی بازیکن Player Points Produced Leaders  امار پالس ماینس بازیکن Individual Player Plus Minus Statistics  امتیازی که سبب اخراج بازیکن حریف میشود Player Ejections  ارزش تقریبی بازیکن Player Approximate Value Leaders  گل های زده در 36 دقیقه(پیشنهاد 30 دقیقه برای فیبا( Player Field Goals Per 36 Min Leaders Player Points Per 36 Min Leaders  تعداد ریباند در 36 دقیقه(پیشنهاد 30 دقیقه برای فیبا( Player Rebounds Per 36 Min Leaders  تعداد ترن اور در 36 دقیقه(پیشنهاد 30 دقیقه برای فیبا( Player Turnovers Per 36 Min Leaders  تعداد پاس منجر به گل در36 دقیقه(پیشنهاد 30 دقیقه برای فیبا( Player Assists Per 36 Min Leaders  تعداد بالک در 36 دقیقه(پیشنهاد 30 دقیقه برای فیبا( Player Steals Per 36 Min Leaders  تعداد فول در36 دقیقه(پیشنهاد 30 دقیقه برای فیبا( Player Blocks Per 36 Min Leaders Player Personal Fouls Per 36 Min Leaders  تعداد 3 امتیازی در 36 دقیقه(پیشنهاد 30 دقیقه برای فیبا( Player Three Points Per 36 Min Leaders  تهداد پرناب ازاد در36 دقیقه(پیشنهاد 30 دقیقه برای فیبا( Player Assists To Turnover Ratio  نسبت پاس منجر به گل به ترن اور Player Win Scores  تعداد باری که امتیاز بازیکن موجب برد میشود Player Adjusted Win Score  امار ریباند NBA Player Rebound Statistics  امتیاز بازیکن Player Points Per Game Scoring Leaders Player Assists Per Game Leaders  تعداد پاس منجر به گل Player Rebounds Per Game Leaders  درصد شوت Player Field Goal Percentage Leaders  زمان بازی در هر مسابقه Player Minutes Per Game Leaders Player Free Throw Attempts per 36 Min Leaders تعداد پرتاب در 36 دقیقه: ارزیابی: • سه گام رو است و بازی با کنتاکت و به سمت سبد دارد • پنالتی نزن)سندرم شکیل( حریف سعی به خطا کردن بر روی او در زمان بحران دارد

• Free throw attempts per 36 minutes measures the number of times a player gets to the free throw line every 36 minutes of play. Incorporating minutes played into this statistic allows for a level playing field for comparing all players. • Aggressive players are usually the ones who show up on top of this list. The best way to get fouled is to drive to the basket and draw contact from the defender. Players who shoot free throws well are more likely to be aggressive. Others shoot a large number of free throws because it is a weakness in their game. Three examples of players with high free throw attempts, but low percentages are Wilt Chamberlain, Shaquille O'Neal and Dwight Howard Player Triple Doubles • Triple-doubles are single game performances in which a player hits double digits in at least three of the following five statistical categories - points, rebounds, assists, steals and/or blocked shots. This exceptional feat occurs roughly 35 times a season or 1 in every 36 games.

Player Double-doubles By Season

• Double-doubles are single game performances in which a player hits double digits in at least two of the following five statistical categories - points, rebounds, assists, steals and/or blocked shots.Double-doubles are fairly common in the NBA with the leader in this statistical category usually being over 50 in a season. The most common double-double combination is points and rebounds. Player Points Produced Leaders • Points Produced was pioneered by Dean Oliver that attempts to measure the overall number of points attributable to a player through both their individual points scored and additional offensive contributions that lead to points for teammates.Points Produced is calculated as: • ((1.45 x FGM) + (2.2 x 3PTM) + FTM + (0.6 * Off. Reb.) + (0.6 * Ast))

مثال: ½ 1p 2p 3/5 3p 2/3 OR 2 AS 3 Point=13 Point produced=1.45*5+2.2*3+1+5.6*2+.6*3 Player Point Perduced=17.8

مشابه در ایکس باکس PRF) point responsible for) Individual Player Plus Minus Statistics • Plus-minus measures the point differential for the team when the player is on the court, which is the difference in the points scored for and the points scored against. This is largely a team statistic, but when looked at individually can show how the team performs when a particular player is on the court. • The one drawback of plus/minus statistics is that it's influenced by the other players on the court as well. A mid-tier player who is typically on the court with a superstar will see an inflated plus/minus ratio. On the other hand, on a multiple game-by-game basis this statistic can be useful in determining whether or not certain players have success when they are on the court together. Player Ejections • Player ejections occur when players commit certain offenses, which include the accumulation of two technical fouls, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, and violent fouls. Players are required to immediately leave the court and can't return to the game. حمله ای که موجب دو تکنیکال فول یا دعوا یا خطای غیر ورزشی بشود و بازیکن اخراج گردد Player Approximate Value Leaders • Approximate Value (AV) is an advanced developed by Dean Oliver that is an attempt to put a single number on the seasonal value of a player. • It is calculated as: Credits = (PTS + REB + AST + STL + BLK - FG missed - FT missed - TO) AV = (Credits ^ 3/4)/21 The higher the number the better but can be compared to the following list to determine the type of season the player had: 20+: an exceptional MVP season. 10: an average regular or a very good sixth 17-19: a strong MVP candidate or an ordinary man. MVP season. 9: an average regular or a good sixth man. 16:an MVP candidate. 8: a fair regular or an average sixth man. 15: a definite All-Star who is a marginal MVP 6-7: an average bench player or a good player candidate. playing under 1500 minutes. 14: a probable All-Star. 4-5: a player who plays about 1000 minutes 13: a marginal All-Star. and who doesn't deserve many more. 12: a very fine season; an All-Star candidate. 3 or less: usually indicate players who are 11: an above average regular; an excellent unimpressive in limited playing time. player playing about 1800 minutes. Note: This statistic is generally only used to review a season after completion as AV will be low during the season. ارزش بازیکن=امتیاز+ریباند+پاس گل+توپ دزدی+بالک- شوت از دست رفته- پرتاب ازاد از دست رفته-تر اور مثال:20 امتیاز 3 ریباند 2 پاس گل0 بالک1 توپ دزدی 4 شوت نزده 2 ترن اور PAV=20+3+2+0-4-2=19 points=20 Player Field Goals Per 36 Min Leaders • Field Goals Per 36 Min statistics measure the number of field goals made and attempted for every 36 min the player has been on the court. The average starter in the NBA plays around 36 min, which is the basis for tying the stat to a per 36 min to give an indication of the typical performance on a typical game.

Player Points Per 36 Min Leaders • Points Per 36 Min statistic measures the number of points a player scores for every 36 min on the court. 36 minutes is used as this is the typical amount of time that a starter plays on a per game basis. • *a minimum 20 minute per game average is required to qualify for the list Player Rebounds Per 36 Min Leaders • Rebounds Per 36 Min statistics measure the number of offensive, defensive and total rebounds a player generates for every 36 min of play on the court. Per 36 min is used as this is the typical amount of time a starter plays in a game, which gives an indication as to what each player is likely to produce on a per game basis whether they are a starter or not.

Player Turnovers Per 36 Min Leaders • Turnovers Per 36 Min statistic measures the number of turnovers a player commits for every 36 min on the court. The typical starter plays 36 min per game so by adjusting turnovers to a per 36 min rate we get an equalized rate among all players. • Generally, the higher this number the worse it is for the player. Player Assists Per 36 Min Leaders

• Assists Per 36 min measures the number of assists a player contributes for every 36 min of play on the court.

Player steals Per 36 Min Leaders • Steals Per 36 min measures the number of steals a player contributes for every 36 min of play on the court. Player Blocks Per 36 Min Leaders

• Blocks Per 36 min measures the number of blocks a player contributes for every 36 min of play on the court. Player Personal Fouls Per 36 Min Leaders

• Personal Fouls Per 36 Min is a statistical measure of the number of personal foul a player commits for every 36 min of play on the court. Player Three Points Per 36 Min Leaders • Three Points Per 36 Min statistics measure the number of three points made and attempted for every 36 min played on the court.

Team Winning Percentage Leaders درصد برد به کل تعداد بازیها برای تیم ویا بازیکن Team Points Per Game Statistics • Playing good defense is important in basketball, but is also a high scoring point. The rate at which you can score points on a game-by-game basis is an indication of a team's offensive capability. • The highest points per game average for an entire season was the Denver Nuggets with 126.5 in the 1981-82 season. The lowest points per game average for an entire season was the Chicago Bulls with 81.9 in the 1998-99 season. Player Assists To Turnover Ratio • Assists to Turnover Ratio measures a players total assists to their total turnovers to give an indication to how well they control and move the ball on the court. This measurement is especially effective at measuring ball control, because a player who distributes the ball and gains assists without turning the ball over will have a high ratio. • For the Assists to Turnover Ratio, the higher the better. Team Points Per Minute Statistics

کل امتیاز تقسیم بر 48 دقیقه: 126.5/48 = 2.63 Denver 81.6/48=1.7 chicago Team Field Goal Percentage • Team Field Goal Percentage measures the rate at which a team makes their shot attempts from the field. Team Three Point Field Goal Percentage • Team Three Point Field Goal Percentage measures the overall rate of three pointers made for every three point attempt Team Free Throw Percentage

• Team Free Throw Percentage measures the overall rate at which a team makes free throws for each free throw attempted.

Team Points Off Turnovers

• Points off turnovers are the points a team scores after forcing a turnover and regaining the ball.

امتیازی که پس ازترن اور حریف بدست می اید Player Win Scores

• Win Score is a statistic that attempts to measure a players performance captured in a single number. It's calculated as: • Win Score = (Points)+(Rebounds)+(Steals)+(0.5 x Assists)+(0.5 x Blocked Shots)-(Field Goal Attempts)-(Turnovers)-(0.5 x Free Throw Attempts)- (0.5 x Personal Fouls) • It's useful as a quick snapshot of the players performance but is also good when used to compare the player to their past performance.

شاخص عملکرد بازیکن و ابزار مقایسه با خودش نسبت به بازیهای قبل Player Field Goal Attempts Per Game • Field Goal Attempts Per Game measures the average number of field goals an NBA player attempts on a per game basis, which is measured by taking the total number of field goal attempts and dividing by the total number of games played.

تعداد توپ اقدام به شوت Player Field Goals Made Per Game • Field Goals Made Per Game measures the average number of field goals a player makes on a per game basis, which is calculated by taking a players total field goals made a dividing by their total number of games

نسبت شوتهای زده موفق Player Free Throw Attempts Per Game

• Free Throw Attempts Per Game measures the average number of free throws a player attempts on a per game basis which is calculated by taking the total number of free throws a player has during the season and dividing by the total number of games.

تعداد اقدام پرتاب ازاد در یک بازی Team Offensive Efficiency Rating • Team Offensive Efficiency Rating for each NBA team details the average number of points a team scores per 100 possessions, which was originally formulated by John Hollinger. Offensive Efficiency Rating, as the name suggests, gives an indication to how efficient a team is at producing points when they have the ball. • Offensive Efficiency Rating = Points x (100/(Field Goals Attempted - Off Rebounds + Turnovers + (Free Throws Attempted * 0.44)))) میزان بازدهی تیمی در حمله Team Percentage of 3 Pt Attempts vs 2pt Attempts

• Since the 1990s the number of 3-point attempts per game has been steadily on the rise...more recently averaging around 20 attempts per game. Contrast that to the 1986-87 season, which was the first in NBA history where teams averaged more than 1.0 three pointers درصد شوت 3 امتیازی به دو امتیازی made per game

Team Points Per Game Differential

• Points Per Game Differential is a basketball statistic that measures the difference between the average number of points a team scores and the average number of points a team gives up اختالف امتیازمیانگین تیم خودی وتیم حریف .each game Team True Shooting Percentage Differential • Opponent True Shooting Percentage is an advanced basketball statistic that attempts to give an overall impression of the quality of shooting of teams opponents and the teams ability to limit shooting efficiency. • Opponent TS% = (Opponent Points x 100)/ (2 * (FG Attempts Against + درصد شوت واقعی حریف ((FT Attempts Against * 0.44

شاخص شوت زنی حریف و ارائه طریق برای محود کردن انها Team Turnovers Per Game

• Turnovers Per Game details the average number turnovers a team has during a game.

شاخص کنترل توپ Team Assists Per Game • Team Assists Per Game measures the average number of assists a team generates on a per game basis. An assist in the NBA is somewhat of a judgement call but roughly an assist is recorded when a player makes a pass to a player who is able to score a basket due to the pass. NBA FanDuel Point Leaders • NBA FanDuel Point Leaders details the total combined points a player has generated using the FanDuel point structure as well as the average per game points they have put up over the season. • The point structure is as follows: • Point = 1pt • Rebound = 1.2pts • Assist = 1.5pts • = 2pts • Steal = 2pts • Turnover = -1pt • FanDuel is a daily fantasy site that allows you to pick your perfect team and compete against others to see how good you are at picking the perfect team. Team Blocked Shots Statistics

• Team Blocked Shots and Blocked Shots Per Game details the total number of opponent shots that were blocked by a team to prevent a potential field goal.

Team Player and Coach Ejections

• Team Player and Coach Ejections details the total number of ejections each team has had over the season broken down by player ejections and coach ejections. Team Flagrant Fouls

• Team Flagrant Fouls details the total number of flagrant fouls a team has incurred over the seasons, which are those fouls considered to be serious enough to injure or potentially injure the fouled player.

فول توام با مصدومیت Team Technical Fouls

• Team Technical Fouls details the number of technical fouls incurred by total and type for each NBA team over the course the season, which is a type of infraction that is non-physical and includes unsportsmanlike conduct, goaltending, taunting, flopping, etc

Team Personal Fouls Per Game

• Team Personal Fouls Per Game details the average number of personal fouls the players on a team incur on a per gme basis.

Team Steals Per Game

• Team Steals Per Game is a statistic in the NBA that measures the average number of steals a team generates on a per game basis, which is an event where a team generates a turnover by taking the ball away from a player on the other team. Team Opponent Steals Per Game • Team Opponent Steals Per Game is a statistic in the NBA that measures the average number of steals a team gives up (steals by the opposing team) on per game basis, which is an event where an opposing team generates a turnover by taking the ball away from a player on the team. NBA FanDuel Points Per Minute Leaders • NBA Fan Duel Point Leaders details the average points per minute a player has generated using the Fan Duel point structure. • The point structure is as follows: • Point = 1pt • Rebound = 1.2pts • Assist = 1.5pts • Block = 2pts • Steal = 2pts • Turnover = -1pt Fan Duel is a daily fantasy site that allows you to pick your perfect team and compete against others to see how good you are at picking the perfect team. Team Steal Differential Per Game • Team Steals Differential Per Game is a statistic in the NBA that measures the differential in the average number of steals a team generates and the average number of steals they allow opponents on a per game basis.

Three Point Field Goal Percentage Differential • Three Point Field Goal Percentage Differential details the difference between each teams three point field goal percentage and the three point percentage allowed by their opponents. Team Defensive Efficiency Rating • Team Defensive Efficiency Rating for each NBA team details the average number of points a teams opponent scores per 100 possessions, which was originally formulated by John Hollinger. Defensive Efficiency Rating, as the name suggests, gives an indication to how efficient a team is at limiting their opponents points when they have the ball. • Defensvie Efficiency Rating = Opponent Points x (100/(Opponent Field Goals Attempted - Opponent Off Rebounds + Opponent Turnovers + (Opponent Free Throws Attempted * 0.44)))) Team Offensive Four Factors

• Team Offensive Four Factors which details four offensive factors that help teams win games including shooting efficiency, turnover efficiency, rebounding efficiency, and free throw efficiency. Team Efficiency Rating Differential

• Team Efficiency Rating Differential for each NBA team details the difference between a teams offensive efficiency rating, which is a measure of the average number of points a team scores per 100 possessions, and their defensive efficiency rating, which is a measure of the average number of points a teams opponent scores per 100 possessions. Efficiency ratings were originally formulated by John Hollinger. • Team Efficiency Rating = Offensive Efficiency Rating - Defensive Efficiency Rating Team Effective Field Goal Percentage - eFG • Team Effective Field Goal Percentage - eFG% is an advanced measure of shooting efficiency which expands on field goal percentage by including the impact of three point field goals. • eFG% = (FGM + (0.5 x 3PTM)) / FGA

Team Possessions per Game • Possessions per game, otherwise known as Pace Factor, is important when calculating many other advanced statistics because many other advanced statistics are based on the number of possessions a team has. Possession based statistical analysis has become the standard in today's game because of the different styles of play across the league. • A team with lots of possessions will have more chances to score, but also gives their opponent more chances. Player Game Start Percentage

• Player Game Start Percentage details the percentage of games played in which the player was a starter for the game. Player Game Start Percentage Related Terms • Sixth Man بازیکن تعویضی که وظیفه خاصی دارد Role Player •

درصدی از بازیها که بازیکن در 5 نفر اول است امار متفرقه Miscellaneous box score

امتیاز بدست امده از ترن اور Points off turnover امتیاز شانس مجدد 2nd pts امتیاز بدست امده از ضدحمله Fbpt امتیاز بدست امده در محوطه مستطیل رنگی Pitp تعداد بالک انمام گرفته Blk تعداد بالک انجام گرفته توسط تیم حریف Blka تعداد فول شخصی انجام شده Pf تعداد فول گرفته شده Pfd

برای تیم خودی و حریف ////فردی و یا گروهی امار متفرقه Miscellaneous box score

فول انجام امتیاز امتیاز امتیاز امتیاز امتیاز امتیاز شانس شانس شده و داخل ناشی از ناشی ار داخل ناشی از ناشی ار مجدد مجدد گرفته شده مستطیل ضدحمله ترن اور مستطیل ضدحمله ترن اور امار نحوه امتیاز گیری Scoring box score

درصداقدام شوت دو امتیازی نسبت به کل افدام های انجام شده FGA 2PT% Percent of Field Goals Attempted (2 Pointers) The percentage of field goals attempted by a player or team that are 2 pointers درصداقدام شوت سه امتیازی نسبت به کل افدام های انجام شده FGA 3PT% Percent of Field Goals Attempted (3 Pointers) The percentage of field goals attempted by a player or team that are 3 pointers درصد امتیاز ناشی از شوت دو امتیازی به کل امتیاز PTS 2PT% Percent of Points (2-Point Field Goals) The percentage of points scored by a player or team that are from 2 point field goals درصد امتیاز ناشی از شوت دو امتیازی به کل امتیاز)خارج از مسطتیل( PTS 2PT MR 2PT% Percent of Points (2-Point Field Goals: Mid Range) The percentage of points scored by a player or team that are that are from mid-range field goals (2 point field goals from outside the paint) درصد امتیاز ناشی از شوت سه امتیازی به کل امتیاز PTS 3PT% Percent of Points (3-Point Field Goals) The percentage of points scored by a player or team that are from 3 point field goals امار نحوه امتیاز گیری Scoring box score درصد امتیاز بدست امده از ضد حمله PTS FBPS% Percent of Points (Fast Break Points) The percentage of points scored by a player or team that are from fast break opportunities درصد امتیاز بدست امده از پرتاب ازاد PTS FT% Percent of Points (Free Throws) The percentage of points scored by a player or team that are from free throws درصد امتیاز بدست امده از ترن اور PTS OFF TO% Percent of Points (Off Turnovers) The percentage of points scored by a player or team that are scored on the possession after forcing an opponent turnover درصد امتیاز بدست امده از زیر حلقه PTS PITP% Percent of Points (Points in the Paint) The percentage of points scored by a player or team that are scored in the paint team's made free throws that a player has made while on the court درصد امتیاز بدست امده از دو امتیازی که توسط همکاری بدست امده است 2FGM %AST Percent of 2 Point Field Goals Made Assisted The percentage of 2 point field goals made by a player or team that are assisted by a teammate امار نحوه امتیاز گیری Scoring box score

درصد امتیاز بدست امده از دو امتیازی که خود بازیکن بدون همکاری بدست اورده است 2FGM %UAST Percent of 2 Point Field Goals Made Unassisted The percentage of 2 point field goals made by a player or team that are not assisted by a teammate درصد امتیاز بدست امده از سه امتیازی که توسط همکاری بدست امده است 3FGM %AST 3 Pointers Made (Percent Assisted) The percentage of 3 point field goals made that are assisted by a teammate درصد امتیاز بدست امده از سه امتیازی که خود بازیکن بدون همکاری بدست اورده است 3FGM %UAST 3 Pointers Made (Percent Unassisted) The percentage of 3 point field goals made that are not assisted by a teammate درصد اقدام های شوت مثمر ثمری که با همکاری انحام شده است FGM %AST Percent of Field Goals Made Assisted The percentage of total field goals made by a player or team that are assisted by a teammate درصد اقدام های شوت مثمر ثمری که با همکاری انحام نشده است FGM %UAST Field Goals Made (Unassisted) The percentage of field goals made that are not assisted by a teammat امار نحوه امتیاز گیری Scoring box score امار کاربردی :USAGE BOX SCORE

درصد مصرف کنندگی به کل مالکیت %USG Usage Percentage The percentage of team plays used by a player when he is on the floor (FGA + Possession Ending FTA + TO) / POSS درصد شوت گل شده FGM% Percent of Team's Field Goals Made The percentage of a team's made field goals that a player has made while on the court درصد اقدام بازیکن به کل اقدام تیم FGA% Percent of Team's Field Goals Attempted The percentage of a team's field goals attempted that a player has attempted while on the court درصد شوت سه امتیازی %3PM Percent of Team's 3 Point Field Goals Made The percentage of a team's 3 point field goals that a player has made while on the court درصد شوت سه امتیازی به کل شوت سه امتیازی تیم %3PA Percent of Team's 3 Point Field Goals Attempted The percentage of a team's 3 point field goals attempted that a player has while on the court درصد پرتاب ازاد بکل پرتاب ازاد های تیم FTA% Percent of Team's Free Throws Attempted The percentage of a team's free throws attempted that a player has attempted while on the court امار کاربردی :USAGE BOX SCORE

درصد پرتاب پنالتی FTM% Percent of Team's Free Throws Made درصد ریباند حمله بازیکن به کل ریباند تیمی OREB% The percentage of a team's offensive rebounds that a player has while on the court درصد ریباند دفاع بازیکن به کل ریباند تیمی DREB% The percentage of a team's defensive rebounds that a player has while on the court مجموع درصد ریباند دفاع و حمله بازیکن به کل ریباند دفاع و حمله REB% درصد همکاری بازیکن به کا همکاری تیم AST% Percent of Team's Assists The percentage of a team's assists that a player has درصد فو لهای گرفته شده توسط بازیکن به کل فولهای گرفته شده توسط تیم PFD% Percent of Team's Personal Fouls Drawn The percentage of a team's personal fouls drawn that a player has while on the court درصد فو لهای انجام شده توسط بازیکن به کل فولهای انجام شده توسط تیم PF% Percent of Team's Personal Fouls The percentage of a team's personal fouls that a player has while on the court درصد امتیاز بازیکن نسبت به کل امتیاز بدست امده PTS% Percent of Team's Points The percentage of a team's points that a player has while on the court امار کاربردی :USAGE BOX SCORE

درصد بالک انجام شده توسط بازیکن به کل بالک تیم BLK% Percent of Team's Blocks The percentage of a team's blocks that a player has while on the court درصد بالک شدن بازیکن به کل بالک شدن تیم BLKA% Percent of Team's Blocked Field Goal Attempts The percentage of a team's own blocked field goal attempts that a player has while on the court درصد توپ دزدی بازیکن به کل توپ دزدی تیم STL% Percent of Team's Steals The percentage of a team's steals that a player has while on the court درصد لو دادن توپ توسط بازیکن به کل لو دادن تیم TOV% Percent of Team's Turnovers The percentage of a team's turnovers that a player has while on the court امار کاربردی Usage box score فاکتور های چهارگانه :FOUR FACTORS درصد شوت موثر %eFG Effective Field Goal Percentage Measures field goal percentage adjusting for made 3-point field goals being 1.5 times more valuable than made 2-point field goals. Formula ((FGM + (0.5 * 3PM)) / FGA نسبت تعداد اقدام پرتاب ازاد به تعداد اقدام شوت FTA RATE Free Throw Attempt Rate The number of free throw attempts a team shoots in comparison to the number of field goal attempts that team shoots Formula (FTA)/(FGA) درصد ریباند حمله ای بازیکن %OREB Offensive Rebounding Percentage The percentage of available offensive rebounds a player or team obtains while on the floor نسبت لودادن توپ در 100 مالکیت TO Ratio Turnover Ratio The number of turnovers a player or team averages per 100 possessions used Formula (TO * 100) / (POSS) فاکتور های چهارگانه :FOUR FACTORS پیگیری وضعیت بازیکن PLAYER TRACKING

مسافت دویدن و سرعت Dist. Miles Distance Miles Definition Distance run by a player or team measured in miles Formula (Dist. Feet)/5280 تعداد لمس توپ Touches Touches The number of times a player or team touches and posseses the ball during the game تعداد پاس PASS Passes The number of passes made to or received from the given player or team تعداد اسکرین هایی که منجر به امتیاز میشود SAST Screen Assists The number of times an offensive player or team sets a screen for a teammate that directly leads to a made field goal by that teammate پیگیری وضعیت بازیکن PLAYER TRACKING

تعداد مواقعی که بازیکن شوت حریف را دفاع میکند DFGA Defended Field Goals Attempted Def The number of opponents shots attempted when a player or team is defending the shot تعداد مواقعی که بازیکن شوت حریف علیرغم دفاع به ثمر میرسد DFGM Field Goals Defended at Rim Made Field goals made by the opponent while the player or team was defending the rim درصد شوت مثمرثمر بازیکن حریف به کل شوت های زده شده طی دفاع بازیکن %DFG Defended Field Goal Percentage The opponents field goal percentage on shots when the player is defending the shot Formula (DFGM)/(DFGA) تعداد شانس ریباند OREB Chances Offensive Rebound Chances When on offense, a player has a offensive rebound chance if they are the closest player to the ball at any point in time between when the ball has crossed below the rim to when it is fully rebounded پیگیری وضعیت بازیکن PLAYER TRACKING

DREB Chance% Defensive Rebounds Chance Percentage The percentage of defensive rebounds a player recovers compared to the number of defensive rebounding chances Formula (DREB)/(DREB Chances) DREB Chances Defensive Rebound Chances When on defense, a player has a defensive rebound chance if they are the closest player to the ball at any point in time between when the ball has crossed below the rim to when it is fully rebounded REB Chance% Rebound Chance Percentage Definition The percentage of rebounds a player or team recovers compared to the number of rebounding chances Formula (REB)/(REB Chances) FG% Field Goal Percentage The percentage of field goal attempts that a player makes (FGM)/(FGA) پیگیری وضعیت بازیکن PLAYER TRACKING

CFGM Contested Field Goals Made The number of field goals the opposing players made while a defensive player was contesting Defensive Box Score CFG% Contested Field Goals Percentage The percentage of field goals the opposing players made while a defensive player was contesting DREB% Defensive Rebounding Percentage The percentage of available defensive rebounds a player or team obtains while on the floor. Contested Shots The number of times a defensive player or team closes out and raises a hand to contest a shot prior to its release CFGA Contested Field Goals Attempted The number of field goals the opposing players attempted while a defensive player was contesting پیگیری وضعیت بازیکن PLAYER TRACKING امار تالش بازیکن :HUSTLE BOX SCORE امار ایتمهای دفاعی بازیکن DEFENCE BOX SCORE امار مقایسه ای بازیکن : MATCH UPS نتیجه گیری:

-توجه به قانون پیرسون را فراموش نکنیم.

-امار گول زننده است خصوصا سنتی ان .پس به تحلیل ان بسیار اهمیت بدهیم.

-همزمان با ارائه امار سنتی و تحلیل انها باید به امار پیشرفته –امار نحوه امتیازگیری- امار ایتم های متفرقه–امار فاکتورهای چهارگانه –امار تالش- امار پیگیری روند حرکتی بازیکن -امار دفاعی و امار مقایسه ای رجوع کرده تا تصویر صحیحی از روند بازی تیم خود و حریف و بازیکنان داشته باشیم. - به حرف" ون گاندی" فکر کنیم )بسکتبال روی کاغذ و پالن باید عملیاتی شود(

با ارزوی موفقیت و سالکتی برای تک تک شما بزرگواران که وقت خود را به من اختصاص دادید ارادتمند: مهران حاتمی