By' F,Rank A' 'Meckel
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Volume 59 man who. hard .during day just·o.utside o.f the yard ds very gOO!i,. �h� • an� �iving wo.�ks F,rank A' 'Meckel- is the man who. IS entitled to. a; romfo.rt- By' service. ·It'receives only waste w..ter from ,the- able home to. which he may go when the ' , bathroom and "the tollets ; toe drain from -the I T�Eday is over." This is'the lo.gic c;>f WilUam_.Engler, a Shawnee 'baseme�t and sinks is run past the'septic'tank_and empties,bito'an ' r CQunty farmer., Abo.ut a yesr"ago, wo.J:king on this theory, Mr. Engl�r open draw In tM ho.g lot, ,This was done so. ,that the septic actton iB' built-a new house on his WO-acre farm, and equipped. it, with every the tank wo.uld not-be hindered by large quanUfies o.f water ente$S-.',,1 modern convenience. was overlooked, has such the .tank on wash or 'when the basement was ·f1ushed Out fGr' There nothing He, day' ' . equipment as a furnace, farm electric plant, power washer, vacuum cleaning. _ There is a Mrs. Is- over new home. cleaner, electric Iron, 'J\Dd -a system or running water. Engler verY'�nthuslastic her , She. says tbatj. bathroom' with modern samtlU'Y equipment and a sePtic tank into. farm women are entitled to. better homes inasmuch as they perfGrm,: ' ' ' . the I which the sewer runs.• 'i so. many neCessary duties Qn .the fltrm: .She believes -that place The Engler family designed the house and built it according to. the to. enjQY -conventencea is on this earth IUld not in the· come, and;,' . plans as they had wo.rked them out. , They can take all credit fQr the she ta'kea a Ce�t�in amount Qf jtIstifiable.'�ride in this ' o.f which: conveniences which are embodied in tht! new home, and much credit she dreamed fGr� years and which she .finally saw gro.w out .of the . is due them, fDr this Is an id�al farm .lI_Quse from a standpoint of, plans she' had lielped fDrmUlate. convenience. Makes Simple and Easy There arafbree entrances, one frDm the rront, another from the Eleetricity Washing method was side and a third frDm the rear: .Just' within the side entrance which Her wasbtngwas always a bugbear the modem finished but' is at the ground level there is a small Iavatory with a toilet. It is' installed. It used to. take her all.-day to. get the washing the washer and throws in the readily accessible from the kitchen and saves many a tramp up the now she puts the, clothes into power for balf an honr.. At the end':' stairs during the day. -It is also. convenient to the basement, being. clutch and then she-takes things easy it of that 'time the clothes are washed as clean as she- ever could' wash just half way between the basement and first floor, arid is handy she means. Th:e ironing, from outside, being on the -grDund level and just' inside o.f the door. them by hand, and l$n"t fagged put by any which used to. be another- tiresome chore 'when she had to 8tand� over A Speeial Lavatory 'is Provided fDr Men a hot stove all Iday and move the irons around find walk back and .>' ' the backache taken out Qf 'it.. The back door opens into. a store room with a concrete floor. This forth It' hundred times also has had' all into the wall to make an electric connec room !is with a large sink and running water. Here the men, She s�mply pushes the plUg equipped kitchen remains cool the a and the - ·hGuse' do ·SQ. and iron is hot: . may wash up before meals without tracking thru the to tlon then in jiffy, The muddy boots and shoes may be 'removed in this entry way and instead Df being heatllll up like an oven, women the house. It .is The men call> come from the field in the and go. to the thus save many a floor scrubbing for the Gf now evening bath at a cost of about balf -a another idea which was developed in the minds of the Englers when bathroom' and take a nice refreshing . re better off for it. There is not a thing they. planned their home, cent or less, and they a all do not in their farm home The interior is finished in hard wood, with all made of oak. enjQyed in the city. which the Englers enjo.y room add a street the door, and that will There are a number of built-in features in -the dining which unless it may be paved running by , comfort and convenience. A desk which folds up into. the wall is on come some day. " one of in Kansas enjoying such . book case found' on The .Is , one of the room, while a built-in is Engler family only dozens" side dining The no costs than endured the discomforts. the other side. There is a large fireplace at the north end of this comforts at greater they be one of for farmers closets 011 either side the mantle, day will come when they will Qnly thousands, room with built-In china qf The and there now are use as rapidly as possible, room is well equipped with electric light outlets, modernialng everything they Every other famUies that accessories as the electric vacuum difference between this family and so many �s are. floor plugs provided for ,..(luch flat Iron. have acted in' time. They are keeping the children interest� cleaner and a wall plug for the electric they 192(1 and the in their farm home and when they do. that they keep the young folks Construction on- the house began early- In Englers us that 100 built on the site or the on the farm. The United States Census figures show moved into. the new home in August: It was American on the fl\rm while usable stick of Iumber from the old was years ago 95 per cent of the people l\-.I!fid old home and every h�use left will not all been seasoned under a about cent live there andfnose who have utilized in tbe new one. The jotsts have today � per a burden on the indi- is well air cured. The come back. This is more and more of roof for 'a years, and the siding throwing good many vidual farmer for he must weatherboarding was pur- produce more than ever, and the interior . 'chased new and that short handed. If he 'ex- new. finish is all practically to.. do it right along he material pects Prices of building must provide himself with were much early in 1920 higher CQmfGl'ts and conveniences than are at the they present wbich he never bas enjoyed. utilization time, but with .the before. He must equip his of so much of the lumber from home, that' all important jtem the old house, 'the cost was on 'farm, to tthe slime work every kept reasonably low. Th.e �in���� ��'���� farm to meet the sltuatton. Topeka. done on the The farm electric plant is What has been well be in the basement of the house Engler farm can dup- and supplies all the light and licated on any .. Ka,nsas farm. makes a power necessary. It is a unit 'ttie man who suc- plant which runs ·the genera- cess of farming' today cannot tor direc�, but it is belted to. be content to. bump, along with a line shaft suspended from tbe 95 per cent who just get the ceiling Qf the basement, by: He must get into the and this shaft is used to drive smaller, class that places its the water pump and the power farms Qn a business basis and washer. The water is pumped equips them in a systematic from a large cistern in'to a· way for business purposes. pressure tank which 'stands -iiY- WillIam Engler is j.URt a few one corner of the basement. years in advance -Of his neigb- Good pressurl!' is available on bors, and he has set It good the second that floor at all times. The lUodern Couat17 Home of Mr. and Mrs. 'VUUam RDcler of Sloawnee example every progres- The sive should now follDW. septic tank is nQW located County I It WUIt BoUt AccordiDR; to Plans Dev�lope4 bl' the F.IDiI".. farmer ..."..,. " ... / " 2 -:-·KANSAS. FARM:ER AND MAn.. AND· BlmEZE August 20, 1921. \ T4e Farmers' Open Forum WORTHINGTON -: State �ar.ui Bureau Items Glealted Everywhere ,.y IR,UIL,n.. 'l(JOJJ'IW!I.v�ING �I'IIORS £NGI.NES ,ch1l,utaU'lUA a nd Oc.�r 1, .in eonneciWn with the held August '2 to AUgllSt '7 Overbrook faiT,. and a 'Ve-y attractive hud several speakers on its 'Premium list. will 'be offered to the 1 MARYSVJLL'E'S members of .club 'Mr. STATIONARY program representing the t�e exclusively, HAND AND Kansas State Farm Bureau, according Rochford says. Full particulars about , to John .J. Mars·llaU .(lOUDly the fall .show will be sent to every club · IrlSkeep, TEAM .roKTABl£ agent. A,moBg these, Mr.' Illi3ii:eep <8aYS, �Jldjer late.. says .lfr. Rochford. were ICIJa,r.W 'R. Weeks, 1i*'.C!l·etacy of - Kansas .Sta'l:-e Farm. Bureau ; iE. L.. Ead,- � is Urged Rhoades, -aad i"1'esideBi W,". Jardine ..A. series -Df iiemonstrations on the of the Ka'l'l�s IState �l'ilmltura'l -col- eontrnl of Hessian fly .and stiuklng · lege and :A'I1(!rew Shearer �'f 'Fren'k- .'iimut on wheat, were held August' 9 to 1� to;25 H.