Wahlenbergia 1 Distribution
Wahlenbergia 1 Distribution: University of Umeå, Department of Ecological Botany, S-901 87 UMEÂ, SWEDEN Åke Strid Wood-inhabiting Fungi of Alder Forests in North-Central Scandinavia. I. Aphyllophorales (Basidiomycetes). Taxonomy, Ecology and Distri bution. Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av rektorsämbetet vid Umeå universitet för avläggande av filosofie doktorsexamen framlägges till offentlig granskning vid Avdelningen för ekologisk botanik, Botanik, Fysiologi, Hufo, sem.-rum B, tisdagen den 27 maj 1975, kl. 10. Abstract Wood-inhabiting fungi were collected on different trees in 99 loca-' lities of alder woods, dominated by Alnus incana or occasionally A. glutinosa, in N-C Sweden and C Norway. Most of the localities are situated near the east coast of Sweden where the prevailing land elevation creates conditions suitable for colonization by alder. The remaining localities are mainly found in the inland parts of Sweden and Norway, along streams, in ravines etc. The investigated localities are briefly described as to their general vegetation, and a regional survey of the alder forests is given. The number of collections of Aphyllophorales amounts to approxi mately 5,000, comprising 286 species. The following new combinations are proposed: Hypoohnicium polonense (Bres.) Strid, H. pruinosum (Bres.) Strid, Phlebia lindtneri (Pil.) Parm. and Sistotrema hete- roncmum (John Erikss.) Strid. Seven species are collected as new to Scandinavia, viz., Botryobasidium aure urn3 Ceratobasidium stridiit Hyphoderma orphanellum, Hyphodontiella multiseptata, Hypoohnicium pruinosum> Phlebia lindtneri and Tubuliorinis effugiens, and approxi mately 85 additional species are reported for the first time from the investigation area. Six specimens of Cortioiaoeae have remained undetermined but are included in the species list.
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