Established June 23,1862. I'ol. 8. PORTLAND, .MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, I860. Terms $8.00 per annum, in advance.

Tilt* I’ortlniK* Daily Pross ii.fi Ai. KH'liil fc. WANTED REMOVALS. MISOISLLAN COUS. MISCELLANEOUS. THE DAILY PRESS Is published every day (Sundays excepted) by DAILY PRESS. A Double House for £ale IN EW Boarders Wanted. REMOVAL Cheap! ** Portland Publishing Co., STONE (JUTTING FEW Gentlemen boarders ran be accomodated, BUSINESS ORXL AIV X>. TT'HE Portland Water Lave removed their Co. also, a lew table boarders at2tl Congress street, DIRECTORY^ -AND A 1 office to the room over the Fasten* Express the Mock of two new houses Nos 23 At 109 Exchange Street, Portland. oc29 1w* office on Plum Street near Middle Street, HEcftlrand 23 Smith Street, for sale for $1,000 less Dollars a Wn invite the both and Monday Morning, November 1869. Terms:—Eight Year in advance. seplif L. D. SULPLfaY, Sec’y. than cotT, and will guarantee the title perfect.— DESIGNING I attention of Cil.y 1, Eaih house co ntains w el ve finished rooms, arranged Teacher Wanted. tor two t mill with undersigned Laving had years* readers to the list of Port- es, gas and water up stairs amt twenty-five Hair for the school on Couutry following I.ester from she EE is wanted Tho Maim* down. Good oxoerience as a mechanic Hatters him- MALE TEACH Coming Mnn. Stall* Dross REMOYAI „ cellars to eaeli house. This property THE practical tor the win'er self that he is master ot his and «s Cutting A I.OLg Island, Portland Han.or, wdl let urn the prepar- land BUSINESS owner $050 rent p r year clear. We business, either 0* the HOUSES, which arc among of the ed to tut nisi) and execute all kinds ot work term, Ai-pllcation may be made to The epistle Coining Woman in the published will sell this tor down on each designs Js every Thursday Morning at And Ware-House to Let l property $500 house, on Island Schools, un- some weeks calls out this a it the balance to be iu in his line, and rotors to the work designed and exe- BOOMS, undersigned,‘'Committee the most reliable Advance ago, com- $2.r»() year; paid in at a paid any sutn from $100 up- T’enu to com- establishment* in the City. advance, $2.00 wards cuted bv him in this and Evergreen Cemetery, til Saiuntay. November 12th, 1809. “To the lion. Mrs. subscribers have remove their ol per year, with interest a C per thus en- city piece, Btandhlgh, year. rpHl! place cent., Westbrook. J. T. ElVll RY. mence Monday, November 22d. panion 1 business to the store formerly occupied E E. ab ing any industrious mechanic to purchase a homo M. C.” by Yard on the of Wilrnof st AT- DR. S. C. GORDON, Advertising Agency. & Son Commercial street, Lead o< Richard- ol h s own for $500, as the ren» from the tene- Dump,loot Dates of Uplian spare ial4 Portland. LEWIS B. SMITH. Honored Wife:—It is nearly 10 o’e'ock, Advertising.—One inch of space, son* Wharf, where may be found a complete assort- ments will more than meet th« annual eodly AT *£1.1. & CO.,,174 Middle Street. My of payments, Portland, October 26th, 1869. dtd the children are tucked in bed, and "Etb column, constitutes a “square.” ment of the Inst brands of Family Flour, at prices be*.de paying tbe taxes and insurance. No parties salely which cannot tail to attract will New Store. stares mo in the per square daily first week. 75 cents customers. be admitted to examine these houses without a Drag A Heeds. although the week’s mending TO the Warehouse So. 9 Agricultural Implements per week LET, and Elevator on Central written permit from ( Block. 1 a to in after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; lapp's So. 119 Kxehango St. face, snatch moment spend writing Wharf, occupied by them as a grain store. GEO. R. & Situation Wanted. SAWYER It WOODFORD, continuing every other day after first week, 50 DAVIS CO., to you. je24eodtf UPltAM & ADAMS. Real Estate cents. and Mortgage JJiokers. CflAS. B. GJtEENLEAF, Can from the October 30, 1809. illw a young man who has had some experience in you spare a few moments Half three insertions or 75 inform his friends and the that care and driver in families. Auctioneer. cares square, less, cents; public BY of horses, private and honors of a public lire to read a lew one he lias a and store, Press Office. week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. WOULD opened drug Apothecary Mr. SHERRY tas in connection with his Address A. a., No. 327 Street. lines from fond and ? fl/EOiY Til. on the opened, C. W. HOLMES, Congress your obedient husband Special Notices, one third additional. II©WDOIJY O.-t ?6d3t* I would Hair Work fc.»titbiiMhineiat, separate apart- gladly write oftener, but )ou know Under head ni “Amusements,’* $2.00 per WHOLESALE Valuable Real Estate Corner of Brackett and 8ts., Gray ments for Hair with private rooms for the for Sewing Machines. my numerous cares, and some of duties or less Cutting, Agencies my square per week; three insertions $1,50. And respectfu’ly invites attention to his fresh and W ANTED accommodation of ladies and children.—This is the seem very awkward to my unpractised hand. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine carefully selected ?tock ot medicines. Also to fancy CHAPIN .t EATON. 88 Exchange Street, (Weed.) FOR SALE. exclu- To be sure I gained some State Press” (which has a large circulation goods, patent medicines, &c. only establishment east of Boston devoted SMALL rentoi five <-r six rooms, centrally lo- Middle St H. II. Hay’s. experience during Laces, Embroideries, Hdk’fs., YV. S.DYER, 158, .over absence in the before in every part oi the State) for $1.00 per Fquare sively to Hair Work and Hair Cutting. The rooms A cated, by a family without children Good ref- jour campaign election, for first and 50 cents for LINEN AND »HE desirable on Bowdoin Mr. Grecnleaf has had ten (eight erence given. Address “W.” Press Office. ft do what I will, skimming the milk is not insertion, per square COLLARS, CUFFS, very property Street, years experience at No. 12 Market Square have been discontinued. Bakers. but each insertion. a extending ir. in tlie Western Promenade to in this city) as an apothecary. His long service with and as for working the butter with subsequent o' oct8eots anil Shoes—Gents Custom Work. turned. 1 do the best I but really Belty & they of feet front, to suit Chamber Sets MAN and WIFE can be accomodated with two can, BRENNAN HOOPER, purchasers. A nice rooms and board at 119 Cumberland sr., Street. is a little hard to suit. LEON M. Favorable term ot hr PORTLAND. ARE THE WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle BOWDOIX, puvment. Apr to cor. of Franklin st. Also, rooms for single persons. Then there is the sewing girl. What a time HENRY MERRILL, oct5it UPHOLSTERERS ItKV. DANIEI, r. A. IW., Prill. she me with her I would I i5 Middle f*t.f opposite Lead of Union. oct27d2*v* No 391 Congress st. MHITU, Booksellers anil Htationers. gives questions. her out oftbe house the dear chil- yo. 33 Free sep9Jtf Terms $400 per year. No extras. A limited num- pack only Street, BOOK AGENTS WANTED & 92Middle Street. WILL a 21-2 on ber ot scholars will he received at HOYT. FOOfl BREED, are so and I am so SaFem Lead <2*0 riOf* buy story bouse nay $60 per year, Finish! dren shabby getting v/ t Enamel company. J* V.J v./St. term at (Formerly in the How No. 368 Congre»s Street.) tfP* Lawrence street, 13 rooms, ar- or by he proportioned rates. nervous I cannot sew. ClIKKOItK AI\I» «; ft I Vi> ranged tor two families, gas, hard and soft Refcres by to the Faculty ot Bowdoin FOR THE rpiIIS Conyianv water, permission Book-Binders. the can be the matter with MAN UFA0TURER8 OF A the most beautiful marble mantle in parlor, being very convenient for College; Hon. William L. Putnam: Hon. Samuel K. By way, what business in tbe Hon. Wm. W. H. New I $25. Otl 4 T ht, Oil Yf’L'b'liWY M.V r.’O r«hlivnUA VllOnl the We a ol it PURE WHITE LEAD parties doing vicinity of tbe Grand Spring; Thomas; Philip Brown, Somethin;/ Only Autobiography ami Personal Beoollectiocs pickled cabbage? opened jar Pari.or Suits, Lounges, Spring Begs, Trunk Work Shop9. Esq; Francis K. Swan, Esq; Geo. E. B. Jackson Esq the other day, and it is not at ad nice. Betty ever offered. It is selected ami ground from the GEO. R. DAVIS & tf &c. CO., sep7 Also every thing else in the the onions it, hut I am sure, my Mattresses, best material, Warranted strictly Parr, and Ileal Estate and Brokers. By JOHN B. GOUGH. Bonnet and Hat Blonchery. says spoiled Mortgage told me to use onions to it a £ rr.Ml kinds of Repairing neatly done. Furnl- tor Brilliancy and Body it has no equal. oct27-eodlw H. E. UNDERWOOD, No. 310* Congress Street. dear, you give A history of bis life, his almost superhu. or was it horse-radish of on- ture boxed and matted. oc25 ’fl9T,T&stt The demand for it the past season proves conclu- Family School for Bovs 1 complete relish; instead man struggle with vivid pen sively that a Pure White I^ead is against intemperance, ions? 1 declare I am bewildered. The strictly appreciated. of what be saw in The whole tn- Brush Manufacturers. quite With largely increased facilities this will Europe, Company Lots. At Me. ivened with affecting incidents lull ot interest and currants, .too, are terribly strong. RUFUS SMALL <£ the increasing demand. Rnilding Gorham, FURNITURE f»icture9 D. WHITE* SON, No. 9 Market Square. spiced SON, promptly supply Tbe work wi'l be bound and Could I have made a mistake in them Lower grades of White Lead also raanutactnrod at pathos. beautifully putting etlODEVOHD HE., f I H E suliseriber oilers for sale on GEO. A. Principal. illustrated. There can be do one You the Comi auv’s Works on the line ot the Eastern favorable terms, Rev. PERKINS, opposition. Every up, and used pepper instead of spice? I valuable warns are from 20 to 60 orders a Cabinet Furniture Manufacturers. Salem. Mass. FttANuIS building loisin ihe western part of the it. Agents tak’ng that said Railroad, BROWN, The Winter Session will Dec. 1,1*69. Send And Line I received Is 22 orders in see I cannot find the cook book you sep3taw3mW&5 city, situated on Pine, Vaughan, Neal, Thomas anil begin House-Furnishing day. Tbe lowest report yet THKO. JOHNSON * CO., No. 13} Union Street. Life & Fire Insurance Treas’r, Carroll for Circulars. Apply early. oc21eod3w ihe NICHOLS was iu tuc uuusr, aim a uu*u wlvu Agt’s, Sts, belonging to th estate of the late Roo- VERY CHEAPT 3 days. Address publishers, BILL, eri Hull. & CO., Mass. sep30-tm that one was not to be some ol the oldest and safest Co’s. Springfield, change buying thought (Representing oc23-2aw4w JOHN Valuation Commissioners’ Notice. Cabinet Makers. al- Canadian T. HULL. -AT- of. Couldn’t you make the next month’9 for the old NT. E. Life Co for York Express C. II. BLAKE, of Coffins and Show- Agfnln Comp’y, Manufacturer lowance a little toes are to Act of the Legislature, approved MISCELLANEOUS. and Middle sts, larger? Maggie’s Con my Maine. ruJtWAi;u£KS House and Lot Cases. to Cross st, and cor. Temple lor Sale. February 17th, and Resolves approved Februa- EATON & out of -her gaiters, and her be9t hat is shock- PURSUANT HOOPER, CO.’S, M. N. Market Square. (Show Casks.) RUFUS Special for New Situated in Yarmouth, upper vil- ry 19th and March 12 ouuht into ihe cook-room means of Assessors, or some of them, ot eacU City, Town and this --AND $ by pumps. WHITNEY & MEANS. Pearl the Park. out. I anil dust every week ol my vilte and Port Within throe miuutes walk oi the on the are to appear personal- Day st, opposite sweep If Ottawa, Opened If Depot Plantation, lnreby required Hope Peterborough insist the children COUNSELLOR AT LAW Railroads, connecting at Dbtroit, Grand Trunk R R., and cne half mi'e from Y«r- ly with, or transmit to them, on said day, their sev- SEWING MAOHINE COMBINED. life, and upon keeping mouth on lists of taxable AT under the table Room 49, Old Nfate lloune, Michigan, with the Junction the Portland and Kennebec R. eral tax and valuation lists, and polls Corn, Flour and Groceries. playthings and out-door traps R. a good place tor a Homoeopathic or of their several Cities, Towns aird Plantations, tor see—and so much Physician, 50 Portland cor. Green. —out of the way there, you SeptAWdlyr BOSTON, MASS. any gentleman who would like to a horse and the eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, eighteen FEEEMAN * RICKER, St, American keep years than if out of Ore little Express Company, carriage. hundred and sixty-eight, and eighteen hundred and 153 middle handier hung up For fui ther particulars inquire of which lists shall ba made out and certi- St., ones’ reach. C. J. SCHUWACHKB, To all sixty nine, and Goods. poiuts G. P THOMPSON, M. D., on the premises. fied'under oath, reference being bad to said Act and Clothing Furnishing Your faithful husband, One more case of those celebrated oo27eod&wlui Resolve?. SETH SCAMMAN, double-warp FRESCO PAINTER. O. HAWKES * CO., 292 Cong, st A Boy's nothing.) Moses St an onion. R. S. PRESCOTT, when he West and South-W est. J. P. HUBBARD, LEWIS * LEWIS, No. 179 Fore Street. P. S.—What shall I give the baby Oflice at tlie Drug Store ol Messrs. A. G. SchloUer- A House on Cumberland Street ! Streets. 1 him ABEL PRESCOTT, Westminster Alpaccas A. M. SMITH, Cor. Middle and Temple has the cholic? The other night gave beck & This is the and route to N. Co., shortest, quickest cheapest for $5500 ! 1 SMART, with of and you can hardly imagine how the west. ALVAN Together a largo assortment of other makes pain-killer, .‘105 Congress St., Portland, Me., EW two and a half house No. til Cum- CURRIER, and Tailor. he screamed. I think it must have been tem- The Canadian Express Co. having recently reduc- story PARI MAN HOUGHTON. Clothier jan 12-dtt One door above berland ten hard I Brown, ed ihe rates ot Freight troru Portlard to all ot AN Street, containing rooms, gas, JOSEPH No. 101 FeJcral Street. he so reu in the face.. Betty sars parts and soil water. House heated a new furnace LEVY. per, got the West, are prepared to receive and forward by The Assessors ot the several Cities and Towns and BLACK to hut then 1 am firm. heavy which cost $150,00. Good cellar, brick cistern 35 j ALPACCAS, ought give syrups; cnas. o. freight in large quantities, with the greatest possi- Plantations will see the importance ot I’ll davis, hogsheads Lot contains about 4000 complying Cement Drain Pipe, Ac. is with butter cases; hut ble dispatch, by capacity. square with the Act and Resolves above referred at an From 93c fo 91*50 per yard. Syrup good feet, a fine chance tor a small garden. Gas tixtuies, to? never believe it will cure colic without your early day, to lacilitaie the work ot the Commission- •J. W. * 28 * 103 Danlorth st. ExprfM Trains furnace &c.. go with this property—This properly STOCKWELL CO., Civil and Passenger Throughout. ers. ocU8d2w Also a gieat vaiiety of ordeis. Baby lias one tooth! Topographical Engineer. cost over $6000—Terms of payment easy—apply to M. S. Special contracts will bo made with parties desir- GEu. K. DAVIS & CO., Surveys, and estimates of the cost ol railroads ing to ship large quantities ot Freight at very low Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. Ttna season Confectionery. P. S. again—What shall I do? Betty just m ide. and their comJiuciion super'intended. rates. L. No. 132 Exchange St reel. that or27-2w or toOREN HOOPER, 130 Exchange St. DRESS GOODS BRADFORD, came to the nursery to give warning she Plans and specifications ol Bridges made lor Rail- European Express dispatched every Saturday FOR Our combination machine works Button-Holes, will leave to-morrow. I was to learn rua Is. Counties or Towns, by the AND going Q I does makes the “Over- Dye House. h inns and. city lots surveyed. SALE for investment. A large 2 1-2 story Eyelet Boles, Embroider?, how’ to make bread next week. I cannot Dmble on Brackett 22 and-over'* ttitch lor sheets, &c, and doe9 Hemming, one in Portland.) Drawings loaded all kinds ot machinery. Moi/tre&l Ocean Steamship Company, FOR House street. rooms, F. SYMONDS, India St.,(the only leave the children to find another girl, and arranged for five families. will net 25 per ! Felling, Cording, Ta king, Braiding, Binding,Gath- Kcferenrc* by Pcruti»»iou. Property SHAWLS she won’t be ordered round a Fiom Quebec during the Summer months,and Port cent, on amount invested. Property cost in 1806, OVERCOATS S ering, and sewing en, A c. Betty says by Over 200 in use in Hon. Jacob McLellan, Hon. J. H. Drummond, land curing the Winter. $3,100, and lias teen put in thorough repair at an Every Machine warranted. Dentists. great staring man. But I ought not to an- ** For further in ormation to tl;e Portland and vlc Woodbury Davis, Lewis Pierce, Esq. apply Company’s expense of $700 additional. Owner wishes to make We have a full line of nity. DUS. EVANS & 8 Clapp Block, Con. St. with these trifles. office, HAS ARRIVED. onr New Machine as combination— STROUT, noy you OlUce !»1 Slidillc a change and will sell for $3,000 on easy terms. Also, (same Your Moses. Street, No. 90 Exchange Ml., Portland. GEO. R. DAVIS & CO., without huttou-ho’e) which does every thing any JOSIAII IIEALD. No. 105 Middle Street. feb22tf Flannels, machine •■an do. with cover, $t!0. — (f.as'o Hank Building.) GILMAN CHENEY, Superintendent, Montreal. oc27eodlw Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. other Price, PIERCE & FERNALD. No. 173 Middle Street. Machines sold on nayments. Call and see JAMES E. Woolens, pirtial Freo Street. Thrilling Railroad Adroalare tmt rw /it te sep1Gis.l3m PR1NDLE, Agent. them. Sold at 135 1-3 Middle *t., up »tair«, DR. tV. K. JOHNSON, No, 13*, wr • MM m \_s lij MJ mj A A CONVENIENT up s»airs rent on the <3* Blankets, Portland, Me. S. It. MaKSTON, Gen. Agent. S. A. Cor. Congress an 1 Exchange Sts. [Pram Indianapolis Miner.] JLO Preble with water in the PACKARD, tJP street, kitchen, Wanted in town. at 283 on IIHE INSURANCE w ill be let to a small for per Agents every Apply The ol fast time the prin- family $165 year. and Domestics, Boston Mass. ccl4d&w2m inauguration Counsellor at GEO It. W.C. Washington st, lines ol railroad the coun- Law, BY DAVIS, Co., BECKETT, Druggists and Apothecaries. cipal throughout cc27eodlw Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. Which we can Sell / has an unusual degree ot cau AND SOLICITOR OP PATENTS, Cheap Sts. try developed Homo Insurance Company, H. E. HILL, corner Cumberland and Myrtle tion in running trains, hence the followin g i AAA WE can find investment Merchant All are invited at corner ot North St. Offioe Conner Brwn and <3* \ Trilor, to call THE LARGE CHAS. H. M ARK, Congress, A train on a certain road Cbngiegs Streets, NEW HAVEN. A. V/ V-J\JvJloT tbissum on firsi mort- story: lightning tJP JOHN A. 143 Congress Street. BROWN’S NEW BLOCK. au24 first-cia*8 In the oi MONTGOMERY, east from this citv, left last night just gage, property city Portland. 137 MIDDLE STREET, C. A. leading Property guaranteed to be double in value oi th* VICKERY’S, as the serene ami all that sort of a thing amount and title made Flour Dealers—Wholesale. Dr. W. Jl. Johnson, and loaned, perfect Parties moon was rising in the east. The engineer Capital Surplus, $1622,474,39. des roust f making investments are to Has fully supplied himself with the materials tor requested 153 Middle Street. LATHAM, BCTLER & CO., No, 78 Commercial St alert and and as his hands in m or letter to our address. Keter- the Also lor was watchful, apply pers by necessary appendage. goods Ort in Stcok ed Perpetual Policies Issued. euees exchanged. Bankrupt grasped the lever and bis ea.le eye seam GEORGE R. DAVIS & Co Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. the track, he was thinking ot Jim Fisk aid DENTIST, Owners of first class Houses, Stores, will find oc27eod2w Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. "Dress, Business, with an oc- &c„ — the 24-hours run to New York, Odtce N«. l!l Free Street, tor interest to insure in this Fresh JM eat at all Times —; ok THOMAS P. BEALS, No. 67 Federal Street. vbeir Company. Cost casional remembrance of his wife and little about Owe Half the utual price. And nil kind* of Haiti suitable for Gen- WALTER COREY & Arcade No. 18 Free St. Socond House trom H. H. Hay’s Store. CO., but an Apothecary tlemen’s Wear* At In ihe and on luc March. ones at home who would have nothing Wm. S. Goodell, Secretary. Hotel for Sale, Men, I'nmp, PUllRINGTON & CO., No. 138 Fore st. (upstairs.) PORTLAND, MAINE. Property insurance to console them if be weDt D. li. Satterlee, President. St. policy He has also a tine assortment of MITCHELL, 152 * 154, Exchange 11 nertonned pertaining toDen- into the dilch and slajed there. In the midst QP"A Operations For Sale the Chandler STABLER’S tal Surgery. Etheradministered if desired. au6eodti John W. OTunger & Son, Agents, House, DRY GOODS! of these reflections, a tear dimmed his eye lor Fnmitnre anin \J FAiA/A WILL buy a 2 1-2 story Examination will -’onvince that B. C. No. Congress Stieet. (21* House, every good, equit- ly satisfactory report was made to the Secretary ot FULLER, 3C8J of discord bas been in our and if 12 rooms, newly and flung midst, papered able and libeial ieatu re ot the best Lite Companies the Navy, pronouncing it to cooked tanned painted, tor two water np st:urs superior Sale to commence Work. it be not in the it will burst into TOEIIVTIST^, arranged families; lias been adopted by the Great Western. meat and much reccommend its use Ladies' and Gents' nair nipped bud, and down. Good stable. Lot 40x74. Situated in cheaper—and Active Agents wanted throughout New England. in the a conflagration which will deluge the whole laiTagansclt tl e Western of the Navy. JOHN P. No. 100, Street. Are inserting lor partial sets, btauti- pait city App ytoW. P. GANNETT. Gen. Agt. ior New- We invite all SMITH, Exchange GEO. R. DAVIS & cordially persons—particularly ship- world!” (mHHk iul < arvpil teeth which are superior in CO., Engiand. Office. 10 State street, Boston. owners and masters- to call end examine the arti- Fire and Murine Ins. ^*A-J T Real Estate and Broket?. This Oct. 28th. At all times the richness of Irish phraseolo- Co., l_ J vmany respects to tbo^e usually insert- Mortgage orT.O. WINSLOW, State Agent, Portland, Me. cle, amt apply test think and ULE. There is also connected with the farm, a well tlU^UUU 50,000 papers Black and then, remember this: it would have Also Policies Lumber, to be furnished during the fall and win- V'OUhas appointed Col. Belknap as Secretary ot K. E. COOPER d: CO., No. 109 Federal Street. “Well, Perpetual Office No 7 st. oc12dtf finished cottage to accomodate a farmer having a a miracle if had not.” Exchange in a and delivejed on board the War. Do not alarmed for fear will lose been you family, all the buildings are web supplied with ter, greeu state, get you Doeskins JAMES MILLER, 91 Federal Street. class Brick cars or a vessel. For to or address Steam Refined tor it is not C. W. Fancy Issued on first ami Framed Dwelling good water by equaduct and wells, the farm is particulars apply your Tripe, C. PEARCE & 41 Union St. (Water that is not ho will still CO., fittings. Houses and Stores, SAFETY and ECONOMY l within two miles ot the at on the Belknap appointed, much; -AND- Gossi)) and Glctminjcs. Depot Pownal, EDMUND HERSEY, with thd article as usual. Cr it MiTnir'E.'n m. si amt tjn. persons having demands -AMD out cut filty acres; 35 tons of bay upon the estate of said are to Ileal Estate mers all comhine to “raise” it. pb_a'last. deceased, required For Men’s and Agents. together AGEN I S. ST year. Good chance for soa exhibit the same; and all persons indebted to said Junc2PeodGm as the river is GEO. R. dc CO., No. 1 Morton Biotic. SAVE YOUK LIFE! uressing navigable to the tartu. Build- estate are called upon to make payment to FAKCTCiOODS DAVIS, —Why is a salad a devotional dish? Be- ings first rat*. Iwostoiy Store, nearly new, good EDWARD Adm’r JOHN C. PROCTOR, No., 9.J Exchange Street. JAMES, of Fieeport. Wear ! cause commence it saying, Yonr property, and yonr expenses. It cat be at- local ion for trade. Large two siory house, suitable 41-3t take pleasuie in announcing to the trade Boy’s you making by to in one and ex- tor wo families; nice stable and other we a P. tached any amp minute, renders buildiugs. WEgenerally that have recently imported Smith and Gold and Silver “Lettuce, pray.” TIIOS. BKALS, plosions impossible, obviates oveiflnw and 11 dis- 'I his place is oniv3-4ths ol a mile irom Keuucbee very flue stock ot Silver JSilkw. —How can a man a time iu tbe oduces a and Depot. A good bargain can lie hail. Dissolution have quiet in agreeable odors, pi much better light, of Copartnership Manufjclurer ami dealer saves 25 ot DAN lEu on I Plater. of, per cent, ct oil and chimneys. Agents Enquire cURIJS, the premises German Fancy Goods mountains, when he goes over the hills and wante-i in e\ery city and town in the or ot W.H.JEKK1S, heal Estate under firm ol RAMSAY & WHEELER Is this No. 22 near utate. Agent, day Consisting of Vases, Work Boxes, Necklaces, Fig- M. PEARSON, Temple St., Congress. 83P"*Tlie trade ai Lancaster HaH. je7-TT&!s& W2t ilaiuLi THEdissolved mutual consent. hollows? supplied leasonaiib* rates. by ures, Brushes. Ciochct Hooks, Harps, Violin and Samoie? sunt on of The Hotel known as tlie ‘‘Falmouth Shawls, oi leceipt 25 cts. For fouither Business, G*lt and Horn Kings,Tea Sets, Mugs, ol gate Hyde Sets 2 address Hotel” will be concluded P. E. Wheeler. Strings,Whips, Schools. —Degrees comparison,—The CiasaiaaB>eia paniculars Guardian’s Sale. by Dolls and Do'l-Hea China ba- statue of Cu 1869. Combs, Pencils, is, Park is the Marble Arch, but a Aug 30, au3ltf a ENGLISH and FRENCH 130 DANIEL to a license from the Judge of Pro- bies, aud it beiug full assortment ol holiday goods, SCHOOL, Congress st. V;00D, in No. «t> Federal street. PURSUANTbale tor Cumberland County, 1 shall sellar pub- all forty cases, which we are prepared to sell at Dross Goods laid is a marble archer. the lowest N. Y. best ou Sole Agent lor 89 lic auction (unless previously dlsptoed cm at private prices. -It is said that tbe paid people made lo look as Maine, Is.$ Lisbon st, Lewiston,AJe. Stair Builder. E*r- Also, Old Scls lo-paintcdaml sept 20-eohom sale), on the premises, on Saturday. Nor. 20, 1809, at I9UEPHUUD & COMPANY, In endles3 variety. and as nviw. oc12<12w earth are donnas, English bishops pood no noi R tuc iiiiiucsirau laiiu ui juucucat. B. K. 17J Union stairs. prima m., No. 55 JTliddlc cor. Church aud Middle. LIBBY, Street, up Hutchinson,late ot • deceased Said at, sellers. Cape liz&beth, FAMILY USE. reliable Oct patent medicine farm is situated in said Elizabeth, about 2 1*2 Simple, cheap, 20 d4w west end Not to be Out-Done 1 Cape FORKnits everything. Agents wanted. Circular —A lady at the positively refuses, CARD. miles irom on ihe direct road to Stoves, Furnaces dc Kitchen Goods. Portland, leading ! and samp'e stocking free. Address Binkley Knit- lest it should stiff- the Allan ic Home, and c insists ot thirty acres of MISS IN ALSO, to eat corn starch, impart 1 have this day sold to Mr. G. Block I ting Machine Co., Batli, Me. oc29-dly To ES, J. C. LEIGHTON, 87 Federal Street. B. Libby, my land, about one-halt under good cultivation, and her manners. of and ness to Dry Fancy Grods in s'ore No. 315 the other half ng their botes. tor & HOW, No. 14S, Exchange Coarse, they with all. M. G. for SARGENT PALMEli, Salt Sale Kingsley, m tbe Methodist Epis- And offers rliem at Bottom Prices. tho 25th on or Hress —Bishop G. B. 11BUT. inst, Spruce St., on Brackett ocMcod2w 139 middle Hired. Trimmings, near a Church, expects to ordain nine native OC28-1W ONSr, spruce St, Portmonnaie containing an Jiy the Cargo, IVatcliM, Jewelry, Ae. copal amount ot money. Any person nnd'ng the same Chinese ministers on his China. He rewarded (£* c* reaching elegant dress goods, will be suitably by leaving it at No 26 stCuracoaorinNew in c., MERRILL, No. 133, Ml Idle street. st. York, J AMBROSE will ho at Lucknow, India, until December Spruce DELIVERABLElots to suit H. H. MCDUFFEE, cor Middles Unionsts. and stock ot PAISLEY Oct 27-d3l* purchasers. HP*Thesc goods are all in good order, and will \ c J W,, has a good orchard, which produced the B.ble and bolds Cleansed and Repaired ConiPany. up to and including families, where he reads “ »»» Corner North ami Sts. Nnv 1st over one hundred bushels oi apples last year. T< e established are free, and only seventy-five THIS FALMOUTH Congress & A. P. DARLINGS, consist of Tbe schools at 1 Federal, The Director, reserve M. buildings, mg dwelling bam and prayer-meetiugs. CENTS A YEAR iu Clubs lur that III WILLIAM BROWN. loimerly the r'ght to bids Irom house, in the the Samples splendid We afrolinve some very eholce ORA MAM FLOUR No 64 Fed- ot reject ouf-buildmgs, are commodious a marked lealure improvement, street, is now located at bis new store WAIJF., PAINTS. DUT OOODS, AND parties whose they are not 165 Middle St. tor the Weekly paper, the GAZETTE, Hallowed, Maine. made al II.e celebrated “Roeer Williams” mills id responsibility assured, 2Vo. is a is directed evangeli- eral a lew doors Lime will attend GROCERIES and sold on rommfoMfHu. and all. which in There good cellar under the barn, and communal school Send lor it. octlt-3ww White st, below street, HAHT) received tlieir jungment may not accord plentv their in Providence, iroin Pr'BK Wheat, in turrets to uis Liberal with in all new ot muck, with good iftcilltles for manure on the send children, usual business ol Cleansing and Kepairiu advances made on cousigniueuts. ibe ti.sr- ren* ot the Company. Ru* Satins dnd Fringes colors, styles making cal, and parents and half barrels. oi an and Cords anti the premises; lcn.es tule of the priests, show- ol all kin.lB iloue with dls' L.loOiii»g kinds with bis usual promptness. By order of tie Directors. ot Ornaments Buttons, Tassels, good, perfect. spite of tbe deuunriatious PRINTING, O K ft IO N PIERCE Sc CO. UJE A It N Sc CO. Hoods in For further on the and at he Clothing for sale at (air prices. nint JOHN F. ANDERSON, Trimmings. Also F*ncy every variety. particulars inquire premises. thus their conBdeuee respect. POSTERpatch Frets Office. 1C, 1809. dtt Oct 21-UJw w*w42* Joseph b. Brown. ing Portland, Aug. ^^Second-hand octl2 td Engineer P. & O. K. R. sep30-edlw*eod2wia I ■ ■ j *m jaw1 ■ ja i'll1 w j. iuj11 I.cl ter Iron Wu> hfttgtott. Another and the fourth attempt bag hern ttinlfeitet than to THE D. Oct made to rob the 'Windham fohnerty eng4e6 in agrifctti* SPECIAL NOTICES. special mvnces. PRESS. WASHINGTON, c., County Bant at '■ ■■ j 28,1809. ~r- t S+, ... -- ______tural In to the if*" There is an in this Brooklyn, Conn. The vault is of pursuits. regard Indian t*eacc pm a for T>bw» organization city called heavy granite 26lb, H II and the first dbor is Commission, but three out of the ten members Ar brig McGllvery, Stubbs, Boston tor the Philosophical Lyceum which has held its recessed in some six inches. Boarders Wanted! 3ati (la Monday Morning, Foyember 1, 1869. have made any visit to in the Into this place the robbers placed appointed the Indian Ar 29tb. brig Lizzie Wyman, Gatuage, fui George- meetings Common Council Chamber, three lar-e At the KILBORN HOUSE, No. 1G Free and country, and the bureau has felt the Street, town, DO. jack-screws, succeeded in seriously can £ John lieretolore. This is ot free* the M> » Butterfield accommodate a few more CHARLESTON—Ar ’lb, sch A Griffin, Fos- O 'LD closed at society composed moving want of more information in New York Saturday granite for six feet on regarding the Iu- infldels and and of late either side, sufficient to boarders. She has some fine suites of rooms lor ter Philadelphia. 129 7-8. thinkers, atheists, which the Commission were UAI.TIMO»« PHILADELPHIA—A r 27th, Pirigo, Stow. telegraph and morals, Common Council gress to pay the expenses of the tive to alt, and to those whose “time is reIry^caflJ,‘ j good riven in commission especially ami Arthur Burton, Mier about halt an inch, but resisted fur- Boston; Howard, Griffin, ber ain ha? appointed lion. Lot M. Morrill to the further use of their have been aud there still money. novt-3t man. denied them room, ther efforts. Then used, remains on Eight per Cent. Bangor. they began stripping the Ar 28th. sob* Sami Casine-. Robinson, and II E fill llie unexpired term in the Lh S. Senate,as and have refuge in another band a considerable portion oi the two In the purcli&ser. they sought place. door, and succeeded iu off the million Portland * R, It. Sampson, Biaw*>, Gardiner; Ida May, D* da no, Nevv successor of Hon. getting heavy dollars Ogdt'nsbniB York the William Tilt Fessen- At their last meeting one of their leaders, Dr. appropriated to feed those Indians Nie Bonds are ot the denomination of $1000 and bars, twisting the iron asunder.— In accordance willi a vo*e ol tho Directors ot tho ’* 14 Po«*to». deceased. Mr. Morrill serv- completely with whom no treaties were Im'io?1!1 Brown, Bain, den, has already used in made. The M hs tor Boyd very blasphemous language ref- They found this to he too much for report Portland & Ogdensburg R. p. at a Hun I, a, M, 4 ami 5 years. °' e 11 Bird, Kelley, Portland; evidently is not finished Company, ed two terms iu the Senate. vote of the yet, but promises to he an erence to the Common Council for and next succeeded in a rivet ex- meeting held on the 19th Inst, I the I nterest Seven cent, In New ’1* them, getting hereby notify i*er payable York, mak- -Slh. sebs Globe, Eaton. Port ceedingly interesting document. to the the sat’1st and rnh.Vb'. u~Ar refusing to allow the the use hole in the corner of the door. Into this sal» ribers Stock ol said Railroad, that an ing Union. Wallace. Mill bridge; society of their upper A i. 'l oiin The IVfoile of of Fife Choo--inn the l*rc«ideui- ball. An affidavit has to assessment Dollars per Share has been laid •OM,.lin- lor Philadelphia. been sworn to, char" they poured powder and tried ignite it willi Perwnal, Cheapest Invest input ^ on said Stock, due on the ot has more our statesmen a fuse a was found in %pd payable eighth day Nothin? puzzled iug Boyd with made use of piece of which the roruis. Col. John C. lor now 9M»eyfUjwel*{fcwl|mryp2r|l5u,|!tr' having blasphe- Moore, forty-one years a at the oileiing in this market. discover November iust, Tieasuters office, corner o1 8-» : and political philosophers than to mous language and a The chest had been so tampered with by the newspaper man, and for the last ten warrant was issued lor years Middle and Plum streets. 99 EXCHANGE The Cily Debt is about 91/450.000 the best a correct ex- his rascals that it could not he opened, and the editor of STREET.- contrivance for getting apprehension,unde the old law of night the Boston Journal, has retired AUii. E. STEVENS, AgttiuBl which Ihey hare a Sarah B Hale,w*'"nPmtla8'd" I"1’? Maryland builder was sent bna??''Pi?’"orll,;,;!*' will in the choice ol for. On his arrival the chest from the over Fuliord, l.lsbon: Elizabeth, pression of the popular which is still in force in this district. The profession. Nov. 1st, ISG9. Treasurer P. & O. R. R. Co. sinking Fund of 9033.000 Airies n' was cut and found all ",h; - a chief Every method yet adopt- open everything right.The Mrs. Charles novltdsn W2Sk-d. ^r. first offence is A. the contralto __ Magistrate. punishable hank is in an isolated Barry, singer, of eleclors as in- by boring through position, and the rogues We Have on Hand ed lias involved the choice the has an to The HENRY P. » longue, and a fine of twenty ster- had every chance to make all the noi»e accepted engagement sing in one of Great Vitalizcr. WOOD, Cro.icy, to pouuds; they cSTKtKi4 in giving expression the liked. A trunk the This title ba to a sch u»i termediate agents for the the letter “B” containing $10,000, behind the largest Episcopal churches in New York ma; fairly given rcstorat ve Nubias at 25 cts. 50 cts. 65 cts, 75 cts. and 95 cts. PROVIDENCE—Ar Z9ih, Coney. ling; second, burning books on the of the Eraktnc, choice. According to the constitu- lop chest was undisturbed. city. She will coniine to reside in which has taken precedenco of all oilier tonic and Breakfast 85 cts. and Stock, Bond and Note Broker, popular on the and for the The tools Boston, go- Shawls, $1,00 aid aelis Sabino, forehead; third, death left behind consisted of three lor 2dl>, Currier, Jacksonville- Marv each elector was to jack- to New York and alterative preparations a period o« nearly Breakfast Jackets, Hand Knit. Pilikbaui. New York. tion as originally adopted screws, from two inches to ing Saturdays Zephyr Worsted, 175 Fore and 1 Sis. Langdon without benefit of the It will be seen wedges up a foot in returning that Exchange ach one clergy. twenty years. Daring long interval IlOS- $3,00 and $3,50. Ar at East Greenwich 22!b, Elizabeth, Murcb. vote lor two persons, of whom at least length, joiuted bars with claws and cutters, Mondays. Oct 29-,nil2w by tins that tbe laws were severe upon the TETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS may Ellsworth. not be an inhabitant of punches, miters shaped like a is with her usual by truly Zephyr Shawls, $3,30. BRISTOL—Ar >ch Almira should the same State sardine-opener, Parepa-Bosa meeting suc- to have 26lh, Rogers, Erkins, aud many said enjoyed unrivalled popularity. Many Bay State 55 cis. 60 cts. and 75 ct^. blasphemous. curiously shaped instruments, drills cess in Scarfs, Elizabetbport. as himself. There were twice and chisels. Chicago, where she has appeared in have been consequently WOMEN I1EF USED preparations got up to compete with Opera Flannel, 55 cts. 60 cts. and 75 cts. PICJTUEES VERY CHEAP. PAWTUCKET—Ar 28th, sch Savov, Corson. Irom ADMISSION TO COLUMBIA “Maritana.” The as many votes as electors. The who The recent riot a; Chicago papers give full it, but they have all fallen into its wake or sunk Twi’led 35 cts. and 60 cts. Calais. person LAW COLLEGE. Goldsboro, N. C., grew out Flannel, arts Annie column accounts of the features Pictures NEWPORT—Ar 29tb, Gilllse, Mitchell, had the ot insults ot her per- into oblivion for lack of patronage. From the Plain 30 cts. Large in Frames greatest number of votes, if such One of the women of this frequent to colored females by sol- Flannel, Windsor, NS, tor Baltimore ; Caspian, Larrabee, strong-minded tkis now diers of formance. first, world-renowned Vegetable Tonic Linen 80 cts. and a do* 75 cents. Eliz ibetbport for Salem. number were a of the whole num- district recently applied for admission to the the garrison. A negro was Doyles, $1,00 $1,50 Only majority shockingly been both In Z8tb, brig Allston. Sawrer, Bangor lor Ron- Columbia Father Hyacinthe closely his room at has medicinally and financially suc- Linen Napkins, and $2.00 One Dozen on Card* Only 75 cents. port ber of was to be Law College but the Dr. beaten by soldiers while he was keeps $1,75 Geo E Vfnalhaveu lor New electors, President, and the President, returning from ccsstul. has Call dout; Pipscolt. Mills, the Fifth Avenue and receives Every year added to tho number of Loom Dyce, 50 cts. and 75 cts. a and examine Specimens. tor do Sampson, after consulting with the Faculty, church in with his Hotel, but few yard. York: sebs Izetta. Smith. Bangor ; Billow, person the next number company wite. Upon this its the demand for tor having highest relused the lady admission the visitors. His time is friends,and it, based solely up- Linen Bleached Damask, 75 cts. a yard. Hi Market Square, A. II. Wass,Rockland lor do: SusanCenter.Dow.do on; upon ground fact known to the chiefly employed in DODGE, lor Palos. was to he President. becoming colored communi- on the proofs of its excellence as a Linen Sandolphin, Little. Pembroke do; Helaty, Vice No elector that it was contrary to their and that the experimental Towels, 12 cts. 13 cts. 25 cts, 40 cts, 45 cts. oc29snlw* Formerly, Burnham’s. Fall River lor rules, on studying English langage, which he is rap- Sullivan tor do; C W Dexter, Nason, the ty, Friday night, they gathered in and seems to have no 50 cts. GO cts. and desi mated which of the two attendance of ladies upon the lectures large preventive curative, assign- $1,00. do or Gardiner. persons crowds idly acquiring, and in attending to his corres- would be detrimental to its interests. to retaliate.' Some half dozen sol- able limit. The medical profession sanction and Linen Diaper, 25 cts a yd. NEW BEDFORD—Sid 29th, sch Alice G Grace named in his vole was meant for Piesi His future movements are diers pondence. yet un- its and it is now 8 Fall and Winter 1 Gilchrist, Philadelphia. X JL1S9. returning to camp were met a approve use, at the head of the Crash, cts. and 12J cts. a yd. Opening dent or for by HOLMES’HOLE—Ar 21Mb. sebs Yankee Blade, which Vice President. It was crowd of decided upon. class ol medicines to which It Linen 6 blacks, treble their number, and an belongs, the admit- Handkerehiets, cts. 7 cts. 12 cts. 10 ct». 20 Coombs, Barr.'or tor Rondout; S II Wrodbury,Wood- possible that either the A man in Bock county, he ted, undisputed SOVERIOJT Tosio OF THE cts. 33 cts. and 50 cts. each. MRS. CUSHMAN, do ior Essex; Pike, Lubec l«»r NYork; person might get office, The New*. assault was at once made upon them, Wisconsin, says AGE. bury, Pmta, resulting Ladies' Merino and Thom a* H Rpvmmir. Bnr^oss. Portland lor do ; M and no worked seven at The statistics of the United fleecy lined Hose, 20 cts. 25 cts. hence person considered oi in the defeat and rout of the years 8100 per vear. and at States Revenue de- Xo. 2 unworthy Ali the of soldiers, after a 35 cts. 40 cts. 45 cts. Deerine Block, Sewall. Frisbie, Bangor lor do. appointments Thanksgiving Day the end of his time had saved partment will the statement that it stands and 50 cts. Mar- President was voted at a his entire verify Shi, schs Judge Low, C Matthews. bemg for, all. It is severe handling, one of them wages, will open a and Fashionable assortment ot Agnes, yet. made are for the 18th of November. barely escaping aims and nnarmroached in I bo m.-nir,..]. ... Gent’s Wool Hose, 25 cts. 30 cts. and 40 cts. a Largo Ellian $700, and now owns a larm of 150 pair. garet, Warrenton. Medford, L D Went worth, remarkable and lact that so with his life. did acres, clear, Porto and significant long This, however, not end the sales as with taose Corsets, 50 cts. 75 cts. and $1,00 Allen. Rico, Ottoman. The chances of the Duke of for wilh stock compared of any other pro- for as this no man of Interior Moutpeusier hostilities. All the complete—twenty-five head of Gent’s Under Shirts Ar PM 2*>th, brig Caiawbi, Havener, Salem system prevai.ed day Saturday negroes con- prietory remedy advertised on thia side of the At- and Drawers, 50 cts. 75 cts. BONNETS, tor the Spanish throne are said to be increasing. cattle and three horses. Philadelphia; schs Wir Slater, Watts. Boston merit was ice a-resiiient. eucu meu as tinued to give vent to feelings of in lantic. $1,00 and $1,75. Philadelphia; Carrie Melvin, Watts, do tor Wilming- The animosity Hats and Goods ! Adams and Emperor of Russia will visit France and Last week $3038 worth of the of Kid Gloves, 95 cis. Millinery ton, Del; Dresden. Smith, Sbulee. NS. lor Middle- Jefferson obtained (lie Vice-Pres- angrily uttered threats and muttered curses, property Ja- The Explanation ot this lact may be com- Warranted, this town. Ct; Kendrick FLb, Webber. Bangor tor do; England winter. cob was received in in a Ladies’Undervests, very fine, at $1,00 each. idency in that day. and by night the streets were filled by an Af- Thompson Michigan from prised few words. HOSTETTER’3 STOMACH On Nov. liarlie & Willie, Thomas, trom Elizabethport lor More mineral Hoop 25 cts. 50 cts. 75 cts. and Thursday, 4th, discoveries are reported at rican armed with Canada to go to Mississippi. the BITTERS is at once the purest, the safest and the Skirts, $1,00 $1,25. Boston, Time however disclosed a serious defect in mob, revolvers, bludgeons Among" Ar trom lor Reese To which the Ladies are invited. 2ath, brig Crocus, Smith, Philadelphia river, Nevada. and clubs. The goods were some rebel a his- most potent of all vegetable tonics, and tbe best this method. As each elector east two votes scenes in the streets resembled flags, manuscript Portsmouth; schs Bowdoin. Randall, Portland tor The extensive oil ware ot antidote to every variety of malarious diseases. October 28, 1869. dttSN house of A. B. a miniature About 9 o’clock tory the attempts to burn New York in FANCY JE WE Y Baltimore; WmOlnsh, Rathburn, doiorNY rk; two Hing-, pandemomium. Hence it is especially adapted to the season Lit ! persons might have the votes of a majori- at was present S C Loud, Hall, and E Arculanus. Gregory, Rock- ham, Detroit, totally fire the citizens were 1804, and other articles of like character. of dews and destroyed by startled by reports of pistols chilling unwholesome vapors. land lor Sami Fish. Teel. Thomaston t«»r James ol the The largest assortment ever offered in do; ty whole number of electors appointed, Friday night. No l-eod&wlwsn Alfred and guus in one portion ol the town, towards Bishop Green is lying ill at the residence of kook wanted River; Keen, Snow, Kock!a*d tor do ; Addie and have an number of thus W. O. a Portland, and at Every Price* Agents M Bird, Merrill, tm Philadelphia lor Sarah yet equal votes, McCorkle, prominent merchant of which was a a Boston; j there general rush of the negroes. friend at Lynchburg, Va. He is not able to Woister. Iceland, lor To Canvass tor Mrs. Eliot’s new book, just published Elizabethport do; Mary, Gil- the ehoica of either the electors Lynchburg, was fatally stabbed at the R E M ^ Black 25 cts. 50cts. 75 cts. and a christ Belfast lor preventing by Virginia A scene of fearful excitement ensued. The return to his diocese. L Sets, $1,00 set. in beautiiul style, and sold at low price. Georgetown SC; Mindoro, Hig- State Fair eins. Calais lor Bridgeport; Rocket. Raton, do lor and the election into Friday. soldiers attacked Q_V Bracelets, 1 cent a pair. throwing Congress. the negroes with clubs, but Queen Victoria expects next summer to visit Providence; Everglade, Leland, Eastport tor Phila- This The New York intimate that Plated Sets, Solid Gold Sets, Ivory Sets, &c., &c., was precisely what happened in 1800. papers negoti- the negroes used pistols so freely that the sol- Ireland officially and publicly. In her pub- NEW delphia. 50 cts. 75 cts. and A NATIONAL WORK Sid. brigs Endorus, Catawba, and Julia K There were ations for the annexation of St. to Albums, $1,00 $1,25 Are?; 138 electors. Mr. Jefferson and Domingo diers returned to their quarters, and to lished diary she gives some rather entertain- achs Prudence, Garland, pints. T 11 then, Concertinas, $1,00. Accordians, $1,00. Now selling in immense numbers in all sections ot Tiger, Seymour, Mr. the United States are in progress. K. Wm Slater, Dresden. Carrie Melvin Sami Fish, M a. Burr had each 73 votes so that neither the number of dr com- ing accounts of her first visit there. Cyrus Babb’s our land. It is fresh, lively, and twenty-five thirty, Pocket Knives, 25 cts. 40 cts. 50 cts. 75 cts. and sparkling; splen- Harmon, S C Loud. E Arcularius, Rocket, Mary, Al- Information -FOE- didly illustrated wild elegant Steel Portraits Every was elected. In a choice was effected has been received at the Indian menced firing into the mob each. lred Keen, W O Irish. Mindoro. Congress indiscriminately. George Hunter, the little clog dancer of $1,00 Lady will want a copy; Gentlemen will want it tor Low HOS’t Ob—Ar 29th, Belts George & Mary. Lord, after and tedious Bureau that the small pox is making fearful The great darkness of the evented Skiff & Prices, Table Knives and Forks, 85 cts. and a set. them. No can aflord to be without it. only long balloting. Finally night pi Gaylord’s minstrel troupe, was lately $1, $2, family Philadelphia. Aeklaiu, Colcoru, r atais; A J Whit- havoc the Agents, particularly Lidles, can do better with this Mr. Jefferson was elected on the among Sioux. many fatalities, several were arrested at Light Store, ing, Carter, Mt Desert; Care-aa. Joyce. 30th ballot. though negroes Charleston, S. C., on the authority book, than with any other extant. Great induce- Ellsworth; It is stated Linnet, sparrow, Bristol; Olive Hamiltou The that Geu. Belknap is opposed to wounded and one was killed. Ooe soldier was of a ments ottered. and Agents wanted in every town- Elizabeth, danger thus disclosed that Congress dispatch from his mother, who lives in Large Stock, and Portland. any interference with ship in the United States. military the elections in also killed. Finally the mob retired and the New York, wants son Ar schs St might in such a contingency fail of making and her returned to hpr. Fresh New Goods l 30tb, Frankln, Coates, Stephens, *NB; Mississippi and Texas. soldiers shelter in I Cor n hian, Dodge, Bangor. a sought their quarters. Tbe little fellow told his to the Extra Premiums Given choice and that the country be history officer IN Millinery Cld 3* »h, barque Almira Coombs. Wilson, St John, might The Emperor of Russia will of Velvet Hats, 25 cents each. spend part as follows: To gr'od energetic men or women, in addition to NB; brigs Castiliian, Lang, do; Scotland, Cook, tor left without a President, Vice President the Miscellaneous. winter at Cowes, Isle of and Plash and Satin Hats in endless variety. our regular terms, Send tor Circulars, with com- Portland. Wight Nice, “I am 11 years o’d, and was born in Silks, Slmwls, or a legislature in session to elect Albany, Alpaccas, Poplins, Hat plete information and terms, .address HARi* GLOUCESTEIt-Ar 29th, sch Rena. Bishop, Rock- cither, France. Governor Washburn, of deuouu- N. I went to see a Frames, 15 cts. Bonnet Frames, 25 cts. Vermont, Y.; minstrel show one night tOHD P(JBLtMH!HG tan l for York. lei to the of the method of with CO., Hartford, adoption present British bark Strathspey, from San Fraucisco ces usury laws and private legislation. mother, and the manager asked me to Linens, Cottons, Flannels, Sepsllants, Flowers, Feathers and Ribbons at Prices i'san. ocUsnlm NEWBUKYPOliT—Ar 29th, sch Hattie Anna. and 1 did mother was the President and Vice President. for joiu, so; willing; this Lower than ever. Taplcy, Elizabethport. choosing Queenstown, foundered at sea on the 21th The at N. has beeu Men’s and from jail Portsmouth, H., pre- troupe pays me ten dollars a week and boards Boys’ Woolens, CALAIS—Ar 2otb, brig Nuevitas, Trask, Tiie advantage of this over the old is of September. The crew were and 1.50 each. Portland. way picked up sented as a common nuisance, and the county me; Bryants’ Minstrels will board and give me Gray Blankets, Horse Blankets. that it carried into San dollars a am PRINTS, DELAINES, QUILTS, 50 cts. 75 cts. 80 operates with greater certaiuty. The Francisco. is indicted for maintaining it. tweLt.v week; I glad mother has Umbrellas, cts. $1,00 $1,25 $1,50 FOREIGN PORTS It is sent for me; I reckon it is because she wants City Liquor Agency. elecloi'3 designate (lie persons in- reported that the cotton crop of the Blanket*, Cotton Flannel*, $1,75 $2,25. At Yokohama 26ih ult. ship respectively A comes from that on the me to and Towel*, Nap- Naples, llatchinson, story Kentucky join Bryant; twenty dollars is bet- Wax 15 cts. 25 cts. 50 ets. 73 cts. and for Manila, Tabor. Oii9 urn as South, which has been estimated at kiu», Crash. Dolls, $1,25. All person* who may have occasion to use repg: tended President and Vice-President so 3,000,000 ove of a ter than ten know. Varna, Hitkf*, Ate.; battle in 1863, the Colonel of one of the dollars, yer Mother thinks These are the of a tew ofCOGI A HASSAN’S Sid ini Whampoa lOib ult, ship Game Cock, Slier- bales, will at a prices of kind for medicinal or mechani- th it there is less chance of the elec- yield, moderate average of I can’t take of myself, but I can; I intend to You will find it liquors any burn, lor New York. throwing regiments of that State resigned “because the for your interest to look for goods. The variety ot his stock is almost endless cents to school and learn to be smart in this store Sid tm Hong K>>ng 10th ult. into If this twenty-five per pound, $300,000,000. go my pro- before buying. Frfph, New Goods are cal purposes, are informed that the City Agen- barque Cbatlannogi. tion Congress. happens the of liis were too for him.” and the continued crowd ot customers New York; I2tb « boys regiment young fession; lean black up and wash off wliat every one prefers these times,and as low prices purchasing Freeman, ship ompetuor, Mat- The President is quicker cy is with articles of excellent quali- to load choice is from the three the reporled to have turned nor man In the I and Large Sales, and Cash on Delivery is attest an on the of the Public of supplied thews lloil", tor United Slat s. persons having Mr. Hun ner ought to be satisfied with what auy troupe; want ter go to my appreciation part ov< r to motto, you can see it is tor interest to selected lor these No In port !• tb ult. ships Arracan. Sp« ncer, from New number of Attorney General Hoar the appoint- mother; it is sad to leave the troupe; it makes your get his eftorts to 2ive them the ty, expressly purposes. hi ;hest votes instead of the five as Mr. Tilton says about him this week: “Iu our York.arlotk; Bunter Hill, Davis. Fr» klin. Drew, ment of me but a feller wants ter will be sold at the those the nine United States Judges which cry, yer know, go Vest Goods at the Lowest liquors Agency except and Sumatra. Mullen, unc; barque Sami Larrul>ee. under the old system. If no person is elected judgment the Ledger, in point of moral tone, home, yer know.” Prices, are to be made by the meeting of purchased ot the State Agent, and they can be Thomnson, trom New York lor Slianghae, put hi in President belore the lourtli of the Vice Congress. is as good as the Evangelist, belter than the CYRUS K. BIBB, The enormous aggregate of his sale", Justify him distress. March, relied on as and of standard as cer- The Hen. in bis even low *r pure proof, At uebu 8th Howes, for New Washington of and lar to State reducing profits than ever. ult, ship Belvidere, President elect, if there is one, becomes Pres- Gilbert, formerly Advance, very superior the Congre- News. FLUENT’S BLOCK, ldg. has tified in the certificates ot aualysis from the York, Bath, established himself in the practice 90 Ar at Havana 19th sch Shack lord. rm ident. As the chances are very small that gationalist.” Corner Exchange St., Portland. list has been Inst, Palos, ANDROSCOGGIN Congress «£• Sts., State Assayer. The price revised, Fernandma; 2tsr. of the law in St. Joseph, Missouri, where he COUNTY. Exchange Oct 28, 1869. tfsn barque Merrimac, Nichols, Ziza, both the House of Representatives and the During the seasou just colsed, 225 cargoes of OPPOSITE and sufficient will be charged to (and cld2id tor Boston). has entered into a The Lewiston Journai says a of50 sum- CITY HALL. only profit copartnership with James lady October 12-sneodtf in port 2*1, brips Mary B Hinds Hastings, for New Senate will tail of making a choice, there is ice, comprising 65,000 tons, have been shipped mers drove to town with a load meet current We think this mode Hunter, Esq of that city. Friday $100 of expenses. Orleans; Poinsett. Sn w. lor North of Hatteras; J almost a moral that the from the Kennebec river, Maine. Of this produce, exchanged it for flour and and of the cannot fail to receive Polledo. Dver. and B F Nash. Mmilon. uiir mb S (1 certainly government PI. I.. A. Ucmnd Srntt. conducting agency The N. Y. Tribune has Alaska amount Thanksgiving supplies, and drove old Dobbin Kine, for I'.rnz s Santiapo will not be lelt without a tbe Knickerbocker ot Per Order responsible head. Company, homeward with a The Lecture Ccmmittee at the ot a pnblic approval. ▲r at Matanzas 18th dence proving that the felicity perfect as the wild- request large inst, barque Andes, Sheppad, B if method has gold recently discover- Farmingdale, skipped about 30,000 tons. Most zealot of number ot Ticket Committee on Agenct. Portland. it tnis some advantages it est Woman’s Bights could desire. holders, have decided to reserve BONDS! Liquor ed the S d 2 It W for up Stiekeeu river is very rich in of tlie ice went to New the sf, barque Griffiths. Drummond, also has some defects. One is that the Vice- quali- Orleans, Baltimore The Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Club of Minot Gallery tor the entire course. June 17,1869. dtfsn New York. ty and worth $20 ounce. The per Indian who Washington and and Hebron, in addition to their IPtir w.u The price of Reserved Seats for the course 6’s. Old at at Jobn. NB 2f»tb. Smith, for is almost left a to Philadelphia. $1,00; 25,000 Bangor barque Pialto, Presilency always prey discovered the have a Corn show at Montev deo; 27th. tcbs Coria hr gold lookout $125 the first three Geo. B. Atwood’s store, tor the opening entertainment 50 cents. a, Sleeper,ttavana; Thanksgiving draws near, and of rai- Belfast 6 s. E M Mitebc I. New Vork. mediocrity. hours. prices eveniug, Oct. the uot 25.000 Pennell, Saturday 30.h, 18(59, says Seats occupied at halt-past seven on each sins have an upward look. A cable Herald. The Ellis* Iron Bitters, few first class statesmen have occu- dispatch big-eared farmers are going to the 10 OOO Cincinnati Very Washington dispatches efforts are evening (except first) will be filled the usher. 7 S-IO, MPOHK.V. say stiong from received P. Oct. turn out in full numbers. by Will enrich the blood and prevent it from becom- Malaga, Friday, M., 29, order ot the pied the position of Vice President since the making by the Cuban JunLa and their Iriends By Committee. 7’s. ing watery and weak, giving a heal>hy t-punplexion, Sent 20, lat 23 23 N. Ion 120 10 E, ship Nightingale, by one of the most eminent houses The Journal learns that one or two families 10.000 Chicago from lor San Francisco. in and importing oi'30-sntt WM. E. re-tore th“ appetite, invigorate the system, and are Hong Kong present system was adopted. Tyler, Fillmore out ot Congress to induce President of Mormon converts left Mexico (or WOOD, Secretary. Oct lat ion 79 of this city, says: “No raisins under two dol- Me., Salt St. Louis 6’s. vary palatable, t hese bitters are recommended to 18. 30, JO, ship Kunna, from New Or- Grant to Lake about 10,000 leans lot Havre. and Johnson are of the recommend in his mes- three weeks ago, and that others all persons requiring a sale and valuable tonic to examples political forthcoming lars.’* This is an advance of about ten cents will follow in a short time. St. Louis impart tone and strength to the system, not given by which it is liable to sage to Congress definite 10,000 County 7’s. renegades place within something respecting box iu two Yes loi* bikers merely stimulant in their effects; which, al- the per days. The Lewiston Journal in of the o ie ol the belligerent rights qnestion. speaking Joseph! Coole 7’s. thoug they in >y possess tonic, vegetable properties, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS* siep highest office in the nation. Coliseum a 5,000 County Fears are entertained at tbe lottery says citizen of that place caunoi give the strength to the blood which the A foreign letter all available White House Tue brittle thread of one life is too says iron-clads drew a prize in the and it was forward- J. II. Portland Iron Bitters will insignifi- that Collector (General Grant’s brother- affair, SPBAGUE, 5.000 6’s. give. and oilier war vessels in Trieste are Casey ed him rough seat Wm. Chemist. For sale in cant an obstacle to between such men shipping Friday by express-a about Prepared by Ellis, place in-law) and were on board the State Maine 6’s. Portland Grosman & 305 street. MEN’S ammunition, cavalry and tor Dalma- family ill-fated 15 feet long, marked “glass, handle with care,” and 2.000 of by Co., Congress and a trust which are almost infantry 21-dGui sn rertaiu to --- Hair-Cutting je they “S' 1110 1 u 111 worth 50 cents for Rooms, 1 II Id tv Shaving tia. perhaps kindling wood. FOR SA.LR BY ibo excitement is great, and it would not UJ abuse. Our bitter experience und o' John- letter that it was his intention There will he a Univeraalist Conference No. 11 Market be if all the Sctavonian to leave St. Square, TTp-S:airs, surprising race, Hun- held at Mechanic November PERFECT MANHOOD. son lias made us more cautious in our Louis on the boat for New Or- meeting Falls, 3d Opposite U. S. SWA5f & pres- gary excepted, would rise to free themselves Tuesday hy and 4th. Hotel, BARRET, oc30-snlw# far on the evils oi SELF DRAWERS ent choice. But the lesson of and since that lOO Essay* Ytung 91m, this experience from the hated rule of leans, time he has not been AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Portland, Me. Stiddle Street. Anstria. ENERVATION .with certain for the and — and- will soon fade from our beard irum. help erring minds, and we shall The Times says Parker P. Burleigh ofLin- To the Government Bonds) Rarly Friday morning a fire occurred in <'onnninptive,—Wilhor’* Com- unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free ou as ueiorc out llie There neus, W. W. Thomas Jr., of add -poiiud of Cod Livkr Oil and Limk. go peaunng Vice i’lesi is great activily in the of cot- Portland, without Vtonfflat nt IfTiivhcl RntM. ot*22SNdlui ot Licking two miles south of building William Small of Fort possessing the flavor ot the ) charge. Address, to Co.^Iufirmury, Fairfield, the Com- very nauseating ariiele dency any political hack whose name or ton factories and railroads in the more South- as heretofore use is endowed the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Grantville, Ohio. One was missioneis appointed Gov. Chamberlain to d, by phosphate of building occupied by lime with a he ern States. A iling property, which rend* is the oil CARGO OP dXrw.lm Box Under-Shirts! influence promises to add to the of ten insane Southern exchange stated re- examine the Slate Lauds, and to select local- COAL, per Sctijr. sep25sx P, Philadelphia, Pa. strength by persons, and when the fire was doubly efficacious. Remarkable ities favorable lor testimonials ot its the t cket In some doubtful cently that “almost town of settlement by Norwegians can oe e>liibitt-AY, day ot is./j* Colby, Xewbury- stairway away, and nearly all public under the ciety entitled to great credit for its x.*»rxi/uv;ivi, tiupiiaur, oiiiigor, cue. November, buildings way, design being persever- toitnnate by a uee ot Dr. at o'clock, 1*. to hear all ance in this judiciously making timely 2J X., par.ies lniere.-teo, and port declines the Democratic nomi- hope of a rescue failed before could be to to break great and useful organization. GEO. C. GOODWIN & Co., Boston, Agents tor Schenk’s remedies. then determine and Uerald, they try down the present method ol Miniature Adnsnae.Nsv. 1 adjudge whether public conven- They have purchased their a New oct2;tocxl6msn Dr. M-heuck d«»ca not sav that all cases of ience Bra tie street uMiivsii ui gruawi, lie reached the firemen. land, graded England. Pulmo- requires should be extended to was uuui vvaius uuim- by building by days’ works and to restore the old Sun rises. 6 34 I Moon rbes.3.20 AM trotting course, erected a large and convenient nary Consumption are within the each of med cine Somerset street, and if .hey shall so aojudge, will nated for buihe Hun seta.4.53 I High water.8.45 AM Representative by tbe same party. The “champion old uiau” has been found in system of contracts. ball upon their own grounds, for their exhibi- emphatically asserts, that often when patients then and ther lay out the same, and lix the dam- have the most alarming toms such a- as N. tion of agricultural pioductions If sym* a violent ages provided ny law. Gen. Butler is Ossipee, H., by the editor of the Franklin The old about tbe fancy articles, You will Smoke chids. swe rs. and reported to have recently de dispute insauity of Mrs. and all are cough, creeping night general de- Al-o, pursuant to an order ot the etc., completely enclosed with a even s City Council, Union. He is only a hundred and Charles A. bility. to .ch a degree that they are obliged to MARINE said committee will ino. t n th., .., M. i.n. elated himself in favor of tbe Stale sixty years Plielps has broken out again. c'oie ience. Their track is one-third of a GO TO lie in and NEWS. putting mile ALLEN’S, bed, when they are given up by their and Franklin on and was born in Scotland. He and in phy- streets, said 18ib day ol Nt vr u.be r of old, learned to A ter living wiLb her husband at very good condition for the first sician, they may still «>e cureu. No ra dical treat- at Louisiana under military control again, as Grautville, year' IVo. 11 1869, 2} o'clock 1*, ai., hear all panic* Inlete-led, Everything indicates that the will Exchange Street, ment can create new lung-, but when the ate PORT or PORTLAND. and t**eu determine drink spirits in the Revolutionary army, and for a number of Mrs. was aston- society rank lungs ami adjudge * h her the only for its years, Phelps the diseased, »nd to some extent public remedy present lawless con- among best. A great interest is manifested AND GET Very uadiy d^sir yed, convenience requires v.iddle street should be laid became intemperate, and lias always smoked ishtd at the number of a cure may be effected b* Dr. Scheuck’s medicines out dition. recently physicians by the people in the vicinity for the weliare ol Saturday, Get. 30. trum Franklin to India sireets, up<>n the lines Also, in Scrotulous diseases these medicines are now aud chewed tobacco. About ago ho from Boston wliocalled the as well as lor the vast ARRIVED. occupied, and if r-hall so a< will then fifty years upon her with au os- Society number ol efficient. Dr. Scbenck bas they judge The 10 Good eiually of a Steamer — a id there Newark the ablest Democrat- every one seemed to for photographs Dirigo, Johnson, New York mdse to lay out the same, aad dx the dam ages a* Journal, became convinced that ihe use of ruin threat- tensible view to the of their resi- visitors; act as if a duty Imported Cigars $1.00. number of persons who have been covered ic in purchase was Octl6-d3wsw nearly Henry Fox. provided by law. paper New looks General incumbent upon them personally. with running sores, and now all bealeu This Jersey, upon ened to shorten his life and he concluded to as it and as she up Brig Emma LHalt,(o! Stockton) Liv- Also, that said committee will meet pursuant to dence, bnt, seems, suspected vhow its puriivin* which must Blanchard, Winfield Hancock as the properties, beuone to erpool Sept 7,—salt to order. an orde ot the City at tie junction «.t Con- coming man, thinks leave it off. He drinks a little cider occasion- with the real of her heal cavities in the lungs. Council, putpoee observing mental’ seb Mary Edward, Chaleur—80 bbls gress street and E istern Promenade, on Tnurs lay, the last National P. A. and N. U. Co.’s In the treatment ot Mccoiiey, Bay Convention blundered anil we are ro learn that 1,« Regular Hartford Phosphate Consumption, it is of the ut- mackerel. November I8t.9 at 3 o’ciocs P. hear all the sadly ally, however, glad condition. The upshot of this finessing was monthly meeting most to 11, M., importance give vigor and a tone to Scb C V aim in not si ill of the Portland and healthy Minot, Cromwell, Bay Chaleur—73 bbls part>es interested, and then de ermine mljudec nominating him, and nominates him is able to partake of simple food. an order for the of the Army Navy Union, Tues- the Hence it is to appearance parties in- system. necessary sti engthen the mackerel. whet* er convrDieiHv n a row st ee to oi the public quire-* for the in 1S72. day evening, Nov. 2, at 7 1 2 o’ clock. GENUINE appetite paiieut and improve the digestion. Sch E L * *o the K st- Presidency Washington correspondents says that the terested befjre Judge of Probate Tretethen, Wakefield, Bay Chaleur-200 be laid out fr. ui the "ramp southerly George Proper nourishment is with su h a* nill * novld2t required, togethe bbls mackerel. ern and if'they so j *dg itiru of on means as will make Promenade, The New York Drmorrat White, Needham, the of com- Order. ilie food The tlx tlio as testifies as fol- quesliou __Per easily digestible. seb Gen urant. Johnson, Chaleur -150 bbls and fh«*re 1 »y out thi 8u.ni.-, au carrying Jr., ly ineetiag American Relief Asso- gratmtiuslv. general, the bbls meckerel. •aid column t- will meet at tit** funcHou ot Wilson party: most nutritious articles are a (or Mr. highly *o be preyed; street .n street, on said lith day ot No- long while. When arrested the men were in appears Phelps, and Charles M. Ellis ciation will be held at their hail this but the lwllisllt, Pierce. Bay Chalcnr—78 bbl» mack- Munioy The Democratic of the United digestive organs must be strengthened iu or- i.M hear the and party the for Mrs. Monday cref*1 vember, at 4) o’clock parties act of counting their The coun- Phelps. Of course all Grautvill and eve, November 1st 1860. A Superphosphate der o mate either food or medicine serviceable. This ami a ju«l e wluthcr money. punctual then and iher# determine pum- States Is in want. atten- is met the Adams’ Chaleur-148 bbls sadly a requirement by Sea Weed Tonic, and lor Bay Moody street to be dis on- terfeits are very and such as very largo tract of country near anil remote dance is Per order. B]acke^:^Pera,1Z:l, lic convenience requires poorly executed, requested. this purpose it was designed. id' Wilson treei Its wants are numerous, hut serious. Tlic Standard Fertilizer for All tinued, and the ei’ension irotn could not deceive an thereto1 are of the result. Crop*. W uen the digestive a^e in ordinarily cautious man. expectant John J. Sheahan, | powers put good order, Sell Helen Maua Munjoy sir* et io iho Eastern Promen de. and it It wants Secretary the food has us elf cr. Princ?, Camden. amt brains. The — proper the s\stem ot the a wrl then there edges of many of the bills are of a reddish Ttnafrtn aawa if io pa- they so 'judge, dsconiinue tient .8 invigorated and ihe lungs begin to excreta LI’orp, Bristol—dry tish lor a market, ami extend Wilson as It wants We would call the seh«l! ^jUrUAda Moody street, street, aforesaid color, similar to that attention of our t"etr tunciious in a normal ami Frances, Perkins, Boston lor Bangor. as honesty. caused by iron rust, thoroughly reliable authority, that the Presi- readers Standard Guaranteed by Prof Jackson, ol Boston. livalihy manner and assess the damages provioed by law. It wants to the advertisement of Mrs. E. Then the heating powers of the Pulmonic CLEARED. Also In accordance vmh section ol the pluck. which leads to the supposition that have dent aucl Mrs. Grant have R. Eowle Syrup 21, Cdy “ they ceased all social j will complete the cure. Steamer NS —John m the written id the She has an excellent Chase, Mulligan, Halifax, Charter, up report Pity En-in- It wants of action. been buried in an iron box assortment of is Porteons. i* unity lor concealment conneclion with their Mr. A. E. Cor- Hats, Bon- Contain* 10 cent* Notable Pulmonary CoUMtmption almost always compli- r-er heretofore gaily made to this c mmittec, said relative, per Phosplior- cated with It w ants of until the time came to “shove” them. nets, &c., just received from the New York ic Acid. Dys|>epsia and Liver Complaint Brig Deborah S Soule. Soule. Gardena**—Churchill, rumuii te will meet at I be Mayor's Office mi Tm s- integrity purpose.” bin, ot New York. Their reason for this is Sebenck’s Mandrake Pills are Browns A and A Cha-e the 23d ol market, and will sell lor cash. intended to remove Munson, Littlejohn lay, day November, A. D, 18»'9, ut 8 Give lier a call obstructions Irotu the liver and Scu All :e St NB-John Por- •'clock 1‘ h. ar all the Long after the defeat of Mr. Saturday morning a fire broke out in evidently his in connecting them ‘1 per cent. Ammonia* restore its he Ithv T, (Br) Price, John, M., patti.-s interested, and at t Pendleton was Early duplicity at No. 4 Bb action have all the teous. on Clapp’s ck, Elm street. They efficacy » hi.-h is ascribed ir said report according io I tw. Said report re- conceded other the block. No. 66 and 68 Federal with the New York It is also to calomel or amt Seh G ates to by democrats, the Cincinnati granite street, gold conspiracy. -;b.ue mass.” are warranted not to Georgia Dcering, Willard, Philadelphia—h the location ol south lino of contain a ot Congr*** St., Eu it that Boston. It caught in the office of the ascertained that when the President sold his Be Beautiful.—If particle any mineral poison. These Willard. •elweeu Vaughan and Carter streets. |Uirer insisted upon ho was elected. Railway you desire New cure the most beauty you England Office, pills obstinate cottveuess, sick head- Sch Lookout, Bogan, Boston. WILLIAM one of the and house in to use L. ) Two after the flection an excited Times on upper floors, spread Washington Gen. Sherman,he gave should Hanan’s Mae-nolia Ttnlm ache, pile-, biuous affections, and all Mnarfaft Oct. 31. PUTNAM, days Ger- other diseases A i'*** IKH, Committee all that part of the his wife ot the which she It a •b,d r“*«* ARRIVED. man went into the of that through nearly building, $21,000 proceeds, gives soft, refined, satiu-]ike 151 Commercial St, Portland, Me. Re ver . sv tor,,vior cSUSs. S CHARLES V on couuting-room pa- texture to *8 w,u Steamer John Brooks. Liscomb, Boston. MERRILL, also the New Foun- foriliwith transferred to then the >,ruv“ 11,0 JAMES QUINN, New Streets. p r a of the occupied by England Type Corbin, present Complexion, removes roughness; Redness efHcacyof tlSttX ne Sch Gertie Lewis. Swell, Bay Caleurr-230 bbls j holding copy sheet, displaying in James nuyes, is. l». box Washington on his bridal to be used Wee<1 Tonic ami Man- mackerel, (115 two trips.) a dry, paper manufacturer, tour, and adds Samuel IT. — rA novl.ITt rooster, io his and made a threat- Baldwin, Blotches, Sunburn, Tan, etc., a tinge Robbins, General Ag’t, drake0drake Pillsp'lhsmi;0"-11'", are in valuable ?ea Colby, Bay Chalenr „0 blls baud, very and in a new auxilary medicines Thev Sch A il Lennox, paper and twine establishment. The Type Jersey real estate This of Bloom to the relieve tiie sutler it, a9 ening demonstration at the clerk in speculation. Pearly plainest features. It tBe pati4uyt o ackerel solitary is the Box 0013 New York 1 ttlmouic in Foundry loses Clark & shoes only money ever to him of the Bloom of Youth City. Syrup a cure. Thev have Sch Fleetwood, Babbage, Bay Cbaleur—259 bbls Annual c $4000. Warren, given by any brings to the cheek ejecting 3Iceungr. targe. ‘‘What do you mean? What do fading *“ advauc*d of mackerel. and rubber the President’s wh.ue sla*cs Consump- The Annual goods lose about the same amount family, uud it is not and the rustic IW Price $58 per Ton to Farmers. m>n“ b‘*h» were Meeting olthe Royal Uivcr Pain r Co want ? asked improbable changes Country Girl into a „.i lungs almost you the tiiat be used entirely destroy- will be held on Nov. at 10 o'clock A M frightened book-keep- and are also i u>uied. The iu the it lor the purpose ot to Fashionable Belle. A discount to Dealers. J to the ot MEMORANDA. Tuesday, 9, goods adjoin, conveying City nli’v«o.^o mptoms, according judgment u No. 153 Com in rcial St. Pot 11 am tor the er. Vat sail I mean?” mdlcaltd death The lives of Orant. at Boston I, Me., retorted tbe unwel- Fisk and Gould the oi speedy pa Scb Ocean. Irom Portland ing building wore impression that be was In the use of the .■mi was :bot eot office s ami the transaction «>t any uth » considerably injured by Magnolia Balm lies the Agents Wanted. actua,ly in a eo.idition havo uu into bv sebr Alert, of come visitor. “Vat ter sail been a' dying Harpswell. on ihe passneo justness that may come before them. tylel you mean, water. The to the the broker of the Grant GdtfsN pre.-eived lor wombs the use of Schenck’s and had rail and several damage was about family. It is certain true secret of No need sept by IP. stanchions carried awav U. tarn building Beauty. lady com- three great remedies. broke K. CONAN r, Set V. ven yer puts yer chicken rooster in 000. Corbin did PboAleit bowsprit and sustained other livid your $10 that convoy such an of her will Dr. Se •enck’s * Portland, Nov. 1st, 1869. novtid impression, plain Complexion who invest 75 Almanac, containing a full treatise < laniuge. and make me lose on the various f/ing paper, fnty dollars The telegraph reports that the and that they were influenced cents torms ot disease, his mode of treat- Constitution- [ grtatly by it in in this delightful aiticle. and New York Liver- excited al bill has been /Z/l EE'S Dient, general direction-* how to use bis medi- Lost! droo him ?” The Dutchman was re- Convention perfected their The sale ot can NE gale and ship- in the operations. gold fiually dis- Lyon’s Kathaibon is the Best Hair Dress- cine, be had gratis or sent by mail by address- S':??!?.#!.11*a 8,a "blch 8t°ve bid SICILIAN bis deckhouse ami bulwark ■. EVENING last, between Park and moved before cause for an assault action Tennessee Legislature ami passed to a and disclosed Corbin in all VEGETABLE ing Principal Office No. 15 North t»th Street, any third pelled it, the hid- ing- Oct 9-eod&wlm King, at Savnnn ih Irom SATURDAYVaughan Streets, a hadr’s Pur Cstlsr.- Philadelphia, Pa. loston, rih°?a>i4lh Ihe tiuoer will be reading in the House Friday. It will pass in eous of his character. Pi ice Tonic reports, insr, off Cape Coil, took a ferri- smtab'y reward il bv leaving the had been given. duplicity olthe Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed ie hurricane irom HAIR. SSE which veered to the s W, aud tame at office ol Z. K. Ilannun, Exchange Street the Senate without any material alteration. each $150 per bottle, or $7.50 a bait dozen. Mau- It In his General twenty-four hours Was driven hack to Mt November 1, I«t9. d3t of forthcoming report, Parker, SPECIAL. NOTICES. Irake Pills 25 cts a box. G. C. GOODWIN & CO., JWed Affaib at Bowuoin College.—Two tbe provides for the election of one bul ««®‘aine*l no hundred dele- the For 11 1 damage. Commissioner of Indian it is 18 Hanover St, Boston, Wholesale agents. sale Brig ,k gates to be Affairs, will, RENEWEK. Susie J Stroul, Irom Norfolk lor Brunswick, students at Bowdom College were expelled voted lor all male citizens over by all »»11 < Wanted. by the -A. H. IT WILL POSITIVELY RESTORE GRAY druggists. ra, sailed irom Charleston 2MU oiler effecting re- not understood,take ground against system of McKENNEY, Sept last week. On a latge number pf 21, convicted of any infamous crime. Af- IIAIR 14_] •airs, but struck on the bar ami aleak, aud A GENERAL AGENT for an old established Lite Saturday making treaties FROM TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. sprung with Indian tribes, and will BOSTON. eturued lor tx Insutatice Com v formed in ter the adoption of the new repairs. pan the students, fantastically arrayed, Constitution it advocate the It the hair from out. Batchelor’s Hair Dye. at the adoption of a plan somewhat sirn- TEACHER keeps tailing It Is the best Apply to JOHN M. FALK, Fa'mouth Ho a band of will be submitted to the of in the el. novidlw" and, accompanied by people for ratification ilar to oue in use in SINGING, dressing world, making lifeless, [siift brash v This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; DOMESTIC PORTS procession, Canada. the NOW prepared to receive suit and or The second During past pupils in cultivation hf)i£, healthy, glossy. the true andjiertect Dye; harmless, escorted their comrades to tbe car.'. rejection. Saturday iu Decem- there has voice and only reliable,in- PUGET SOUND Sid 15th, banjue Rainier. Uay- music, year been u marked in IS singing, at his room. No. 10 (up stantaneous; no disappointment; no lidteulous Real Es at* improvement C For sale all tints' Len. San Francisco. VAIi-W. H. JKHRIS, Agent, were ber has been set for election of and the stairs) hoou Block, cor. Myrtle and Sts.. by druggists. the ill etleets of bad Arriving there, tbe band played, songs delegates, general condition of the fewer Congress remedies dyes; invigorates anj NEW ORLEANS-Ar 26th. ship Mogul, Freeman, Rh:fttOlia-* removed from Horse Railroad Station to Ca- Indians; Port'an Me. Refers by permission lo M W. tbe hair sett and beautilul in lor Our Treatises on the Hair leaves black or brown — ioou B next ea t ot Citv Hall, where he w II p** and three cheers to the the first Monday January the ol Boston. sent free by mail. Cennebunkport. ock, sung given expelled meeting depredations have been committed under the Wliiiuey Mass., Mr. Sarn’I Thurston and Sold all and wlio want to • B. P. by Druggists Perfumers, and properly FERNANDINA—Cld 23d, brig Jas Davis, Part- •leased to see all pm huso of the Convention. J. L. Shaw of Portland, Me. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. Proprietors. the Uou-.cs, students as the cars started off. humane policy and more appliedai WtgKaciory, 10 Bond st, N. Y Lota. litre or Loan Money on or to I at or pursued, readiness Terms Reasonable. ocl0sn3weod ulge, Guadaloupe. Mortgage, octl8eod&eowsNim j uued-s-Nd&wlyr SAVANNAH—Ar 25th Inst, barque Sagadahoc, 'in s Houses. novldlw" njffnwmub ijannxigs. i ufmmmm w aw—a— jgaaawy v,gSJPBni—' —f (MfOBOM—<■——— fc* the BUltrf ~AT.«rluHeo t< Afculd not be satisfied if Irelaud 88fRANKF°RT’°Ct* luters mis* ton to W. & Son, l>%- ber of our hy per J. Manger family has passed away, at the age was confiscated for their It is Sm"h, Bitters. of Snow in Maine. doubly beuefic. LANCASTER 1 yd Thompson, Portland; Gen rranKlio niuety two years, but her place was soon our business IIALL, Concert Joshua N>e, JtC » Th«ror”tTn^7rMHosfett«rsfl|toniachNot ce—Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad. to do justice between two classes Freights. Grand NVab-rville; Spencer. Vila ,Leon- filled. Four applicants have been lor aid & Co., Boston. novldtf KNrKHTUNMKNT COLUMN. rejected constituting the bone and sinew ot Ireland 22.—[Fiom Alfonso & Blancli- On BY want of room. Several have been A,I,aT,anz>s» Thursday Evening, Nov 4th, applications whose interests are and extirpate 1—heights—There bas been nothing First Annual Arne > biy of Emerald Boat Club identical, awi5Jrir^u!aronering for made for board, which, for the same reason, J Further Reduction the the most European markets and rates have re- II ill—Kirn t\ B iller I roupa. of Public ancieut root of Irish wrongs. Twi mained f Sale. Deerinz had to be denied. quite nominal. For the United States the Malic Ohindler’s Full Band. Sheriff's Hall—Promenade Concert. opposite sources of error must be removed. Il demand by Quadrille Miss ADELAIDE PHILLIPS, bland, .8, CotijjraM Iu viewol this need of accom- Debt over has been kept limited, owing to the scarcity Cumbk AUCTION great enlarged of $7,500.000. would be wise not to meddle with the land D. II. tilAllENon execution and COLUMN. an'* P''*ceft hear a to recede. CHANDLER, Prompter. Assisted tbe Artists: will be sold at Pnblls modations, in the of this year an effort wJTi!lice’Wc tendency by following distinguished to the b & Commission spring question at all, unless we tin quote as tollows:—To Cork and | Auction, ghc.t bidder, 0 ortland, Gnu my ot Cum- Sbtris-Ctaas. Custis & Co. Ireland wants rest from agitation; but short- IS? toB6f—nominal; Mediterranean, Thos O. descri< ed Annuil Meeting Royal River Paner Co winter came round this would be commenced, box 50 to 1 Connell, Augustus Moiahon, The Celebrated Fianist. the following personal pro^uy, of lived rests must not be bv conces- iv*a uUn,ted States, ^ Sugar, $1 75; Young berland Sheet Nolle. of Commiitenoo ing Steamer Stonewall. purchased John Foley, Jr. I |th4, I'ool4 ot a Jin and Iron Woiker. Streets if not completed. An urgent appeal to the sions f. Oo, $6 50 to 7 00; do ** 110 gals. Molasses Tickets M- BUDOtiPHKKX. Basso. H. pregnaut with mad anarchy. In closing §4 00 to 4 25. #1—a lmitting gent and ladies. of Header, Tin and Sheet Iron' Ramson. our citizens was made JonsWing in part lr.,nPhotoiragber-—r and benevolence of through accounts with Checked Free. to commence at M. Double Sieel-E A- ty Removal—W. H. our cause deserves. A sufficient sum Central 1st mortgage bonds. 78 II HII JU AN KOTZSr Jerris. opinion, Governor Chamberlain UuileU IHI AH. oe28t.l F. O BAILEY, subscribed to us yesterday appointed France. States 5-20s, 1062. Momentous Attraction— F«r Auctioneer._ has not been warrant in build- ** Two Nigbu lion. Lot M. Morrill as U. S. to fill 186. .. 116J Tickets to the Course $1.75. Members Tickets ing on a scale suitable to our present wants or Senator, THE EMPEROR’S HEALTH. rT Only! bnprnue Judicial United States $1 (each member eutiiled to Even- Land at Auction. Court. our the Ten-lorties. 108 25; being two.) House and the future needs of city. Yet we still vacancy caused by the death of Senator 31.—The re Umou OCTOBER hope Paris, Oct. Le Public says the Pacific K 11 Sixes, gold. 83 ing tickets 50.-. Reserved Seat8 50 cts e\tra. The »' 3 o'clock PM. I abaJl TERM—TAPLEY, J., PRESIDING. that bv another we shall be more Eastern TUESDAY, Nov. spriug suc- Fessenden. port that the Emperor is from a re Kaiiroao. 114 Thursday and Fri-ay Evanlntcs Nor. 4 4 5. sale of reserved stats to season ticket-holders and hall suffering Hoston sell the new story and a Friday—Aaron v. Nathan Wood. cessful. Many of those from whom of his former and Maine others, will commence O t at 9 ON House_No f Ordway subscrip- TUE STORM. lapse illuess is false. Ou Frdaj Railroad.J4t Friday Morning, 29. bourn st. said house contains 6 toouit, p P® tions were when Michigan Central The renowned Comedian* and o’clock at Mr. Paine’s Music No sr. forwaid to correct and re solicited, staling tbeir pres- the some rheumatic Railroad. 1224 Pantomiinis*» GEO. Store, 77 Middle ol li»r1 «nd so.t — i Brought typical Augusta, Nov. 30.—The storm still contin- Emperor experieuced L. C. Doors at 7 gas. giwd closets, Fleuty __ K. and to ® ent inability to give, have assured us that but on [Sales by auction.] FOX, FOX, full Olympic Theatre. New open o’clock, commence at 8. and portorial v- they pains, Saturday they had disappeared Rates finished throughout in a thorough error. Suits commenced by Wood will assist us ues. Some six inches of snow have Manufacturing Company. 1034 York, Pantomime Bv Order of the Committee. » another year. the already and the was well. Company, embracing twenty-nine manner. Lot 40x78 It. This property Surely people Emperor quite Maine State Sixes. 1871. artists, the wouderlui o<23dtdWM.K. Sec. <;«e™ in aud not At- of Portland will not fallen. 9vJ including original WOOD, to srties wlab.o* » Atwell, January, 1803, July. long permit the comforts any 'L ™ rumored ministerial changes. Connecticut States Sixes. 97J opportunity can remam on well’s not at of such a Home to be confined desirable home. Pait ol ibe money paper was bought up by Wood, to a few per- Oct. 31.—The snow storm which Vermont State Sixes. 9»i Kiraljy Ballet when Bangor, No meeting of the Ministers of Council has Troupe mortzaee. 10 the sons, by the gift of so small a sum New Hampshire Stale Sixes. 1876. PEERING HA.LL,. per cent, discount, but at ten cents on they commenced on continued Sat- been held at since 97J -or- oe23td ■*. ©• BAILBY, Aeclifm. can be so widely extended. Friday through Campeigne (he Emperor’s Portland Water Worka Sixes, 1888. return. gold, 96J dollar. would we and has been severe. At Lincoln Prince Napoleon had an interview HUNflABI A.N and Again thank all those who by urday very SENSATION DAN0EB3! Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, House Lots for Sale at Saturday—Court uot in comes in their donations have with the Emperor yesterday. This event House and session; contributed to the com- eighteen inches fell; at Moosehead Like and Eleven In number, two male and nine temale, all In Nov. 1, 2 and 3. fort and coupled with the sudden arrival of Emile Olli* Auction. at 10 A. M. happiness of the inmates of the towns in co nbinailou and appearin' in Fox’. Comic Panto- Mouday Home, Piscataquis County one foot. Stages vier in Paris has caused the ru- Nov. at 3 o’clock P. M., I and hope for the continued interest and revival of the mime. ot CHABLCT WEDNESDAY, 3, sym- leave mors SHAY’S one and a ball story hour* No. pathy of the public. Dexter on runners. Some.eight or ten that ministerial changes are contemplat- H. ONMhail sell tile superior Court. Talbot & UUMPTY DCMPIY MONSTER SI. John Street. Said house contains six room*, inches fell ed. By order of the Board, here, but mostly melted. The weath- Co., Lot 50 110 leet. X would AND closets, Sc. by OCTOBER CIVIL TERM—GODDARD, J., PRESID- movement for a general disarmament.! good cellar, •T. Gbeeli, Secretary. er Is now clear and cold. call the attention ot met-banics aud others wishing a ING. It QUIN0UPLEXA.L TROUPE. Portland, Oct. 26, 1869. isgiveu out that one of the special objects Have just added to tbeir Hiecory, Diccory, Dock I home ot thoir own, to the above salt*. catholic Stock a large lot of the Saturday.—Martha C. fair. of Gen. mission to is Positively largest Hall Organization in tbe At the tarn ft time 1 s’ all sell the two lot* below Young v. Daniel L. TREASURER'S REPORT. Dr, Fleury’s St. Petersburg as played tor fix hundred and ten consecutive times A fair the to induce World. Five distinct Troupes m one. the above, bjth 50 by 110 feet. Qu »ue is a cellar lug Mitchell. concluded. To balance from last by Catholics of this city, which Russia to join the other great powers in New York. Arguments Deoision years account.$1,144 60 0 ot 20 and walled. are both and desirable ** has been in in a general disarmament. .inposed First.class Artists: They pleasaut reserved. Amount received from aunual subscrip- operation during the past week, lots Terms at Bale. tions Prices—Reserved seats unreserved seats 75 ni«o MAnniE wii.i.ktt 45150 closed on and has MINISTER TO RUSSIA. FALL $1; oct28dtq. ,»1 tiro itn<< b»ui the disposed of, public L9 their buci’^ssor. that wil Tried the Fire.—The alarm from box 21 Madrid, Oct. 31.—Sc nor Ardanaz, in his OnCITESTltA. believing he i«- by justice, 30 about half Ceivo from t e the secttally informed that Mr. Theo- Commission Merchant and Auctioneer JUDGE KINGSBURY PRESIDING. slight bureau daring the week was $1 estimates tor which ending to-day show, as before reported, a Mittens, dore Thomas will give one of his Grand damage—more by water thau fire. to 316 Conjrrese on Tnu even Saturday.—Peter II. Pratt of Bath, who 210,600; shipments the treasurer at New surplus in favor of the treasury. Street, will, sday York,$200,000;to the treasurer at NOmg. Feb. II, at 7 o’clock, .-ell at auction a large had been Boston,$200,- THE Shawls. men? of an kindly granted lodgings at the police Back Again.—The revenue 000; lo and THRONE. Breakfast consign Staple Fa tic v U oils. steamer Ma- depositors assistant treasurers, Auction sales station for three successive to national The prospects of the Duke of ALSO, $6,500,000. Orchestral Concerts ! every evening Goods will be fold $293,000; electing Genoa nights, got up early honing, which is at banks, $298,000. The d uring the rtsy in lots to *mt at »hole ale Chester, Penn., undergo- Uuited to the throne of with his purchasers on the last States Treasurer has in trust for the oa- Spain continue to improve._ Orchestra of prices. Cu-h advanced on all morning, stole the comforter and ing repairs, has been ordered back to this sta- The number descriptions oi goods. t'onal banks as security for circulation, $342,- of deputies in the Cortes known Hosiery and Consignments not limiicd. and of was to Gloves, pillow, disposed them. He arrest- tion, and will be here about the first of next 456950, aod for public ho in his favor is increasing. 110 Over Lebi uar» 11, 1868 dtf. deposits, $19,558,000.— Yesterday We beg leave to announce that we have Fifty F reformers ! ed and before Mutilated bank notes members, among them several accepted ■■ " brought His Honor, pleaded month. The numerous friends of Capt. Web- burned during tbe week, radicals, openly pronounced for but a of the Cloak and and a guilty and was fined and costs. $228,650; total amount burned, $17,309,024.— him; majority peo- Dress the agency ot the numbornf eminent 8olol9ts, $8 Committed. ster will gladly welcome his return. seem to he Trimmings. Bank curreucy paid for bills destroyed, $251,- ple hostile to his election. The NTAT^MKNT J iseph Bussell, complained of as a merchants being 460; balance due tor mutilated,$184,764 Bank have presented a petition in favor On Thursday Evening, Xov’r 4th. common Boat Club has disbard- ot the -OF TH1 drunkard, was sentenced to the House Disbanded.—Dirigo circulation outstanding at this date, $299,725,- Duke of Moutpensier. The Best Stock Velvet Rib- Kansas Pacific ed. The of Tickets of Admission 75 cents Rese ved Seats 25 of Correction for thirty days. Company have sold their boats aud 655; fractional curreucy redeemed durin" the RESIGNATION OF MINISTERS. Railway Company cents exti a. The sale of li^rei ved Sear* will corn- of the week, $421,100. bons in the For the sale of Its ill Merritt H. Adams aud-C. Smalley, for drun- disposed balance of their property at auc- It is again reported that ministers Ardauze City. nee on Monday morning at raine's Music Stor*, tion. THE NEW SECRETARY OP WAR. and Silveia have tendered where can also be obtained. C01?OKf]R€£ kenness, were fined $3 and halt the costs each. We regret the disbandment of this com- their resignations.— programmes oc29dtt The ot Cloak and Dress Buttons in New Seven Per Cent Year pany. It lias ranked the The officers of the army on doty in this resignation Izquierda is officially an- Silk Thirty among best in our city nounced. will assemble at the War on and Beal Estate Changes.—The following city. Department Mon- Velvet. Gold Loan, Free from Tax. M I C Insurance day at 10 A. in to Company, transactions have taken in real M., uniform, pay respects to WITHDRAWAL OF MARTIAL LAW. UJS recently place Gen. A in and texture from a OF N. Excitement in Belknap, tbe new Secretary of War. In the Cortes every stjle This Loan anounts to $6,500,000. ALBANF, T., estate in ibis city: Church.—Some considera- yesterday, Gen. Prim said the Point Lace to Linen. Blondinette Polka for Piano. ble excitement wa9 in ATROCITIES IN PARAGUAY. government hoped to withdraw at an Charles has the experienced State St. early day First Mortgage tjnnit.Graut and October 1st. 1869. Bradley, Esq., purchased Oct 31—B. the decree establishing martial that Corsets, Homan Ties, Kinking Price 95 Cents. Church in Washington, Mitro. G. Vedia, law,bat Fund residence ol tile late Sunday morning consequence ol at a Ribbon Bonds, James E. Fernald, on ot the present such step could not he taken be- Cuffs, Bows, Performed with in one of the Secretary Argentine legation, furnishes great success by Chandler's land. Capital invested U. S. Beg’d Bonds.$40 -,00ft do worshippers being seized with an for came the still remained at Edgings, Laces. Sent unil on Spring street. Price paid, $7000. publication an energetic protest against conspirators large, secured upon the extension of the from l>y receipt, of price. Published by 8 He was aod the cases of several of Railway L. A. 89 Court B Surplus.rfto.lgft, Z. K. epileptic fit. taken from the church Minister McMahon's statement that tbe atroc- the rebel leaders All of wbbh we will sell as CHEAP Blanchard, street, jston, Mas.1 Harmon, Esq has a lot of AS FIRST o w purchased ities of were before councils of war. near in 29*ll and medically attended to. Lopez, the Paraguayan dictator, not pending CLASS GOODS ean be bought in this town or any Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver, Colorado, a land on Mellen street, 50 feet front by about other. only do not exceed, but cannot even compare Italy. Total 130 distance of 237 of which 12 are com- Assets.. deep, next to that owued by Davis. w,ib|those committed tbe General com- miles, miles $640,183,38 Judge All Saints’ Day.—To-day being All Saints’ by THREATENED OPPOSITION TO THE ECUMENICAL Academy The residence manding the Allied Invested as follows, to wit: large comer of Cumberland we understand that army. COUNCIL. H. TALBOT & pleted, and the rest is under construction. It Day, morning Draver will CO., i^al- U. S. Keg’d Bonds, par value. 00 and Green AN EXTRAORDINARY FUND. $400,000 $427,875 streets, owued by Franklin Craw- be held at St. Florence, Oct. 31.—The Italian government J. tv. tti-al office. Luke’s church on State street at sc a the the RAYMOND, Estate—Compands 45,^00 00 Treasurer reserves the to No. 6 Block. Mortgage upon Road, Rolling Stock and Loans on Bonds and ford, E-q., lias been purchased Hon J. H. 9 and 11 Spinner will recommend in his re- right reject the decisions of the Clapp’s ADancing Mort- by at the latter hour a sermon o’clock; port that the amount received aod Ecumenical Council which are to Oct 29-dlw Will commence his term of Scliod at halt K»$CS. 00 Drummond for credited as opposed the Franebise ot this first-class besides now run- Dancing Ol^iO $10,000. will be anl the the laws of Railway, two Bins *f• cks in Aloanv*au«l preached Holy Communion conscience fund and that received (rom the the country and the spirit ol the age. past o'cIock The 2 1-2 bouse comer New York. 46,475 60 stoiy of Pearl and celebrated. sale of specimen fractional currency which is 75 ning through the State of Tubs Kansas, Loaus and Collaterals. 40,600 60 Kennebec streets, has been purchased Mrs. not redeemable be transferred to the Saturday Afternoon, October 23d, Accrued by sinking WEST INUIES. And in Interest. 10.493 93 Police six fund and to Successful Operation for 437 miles Ca-k on Mary Jane Davis. Items.—Saturday night persons applied thepaymeDt of the nation” AT hand. 10,995 45 were al debt. Tbe former is CUBA. Choice Cash due from brought to the statiou for nearly $140,000, and the Vermont Butter I west agents. I8,u00 00 28,99$ 4$ The new house, No. 33 Elm street, owned by drunkenness, latter of the Missouri River, and earning already two for and for nearly $23,000. Havana, Oct. 30.—Intel licence from the Received LANCASTER UaLL ! G. L. has also larceny eight applied lodging*. this day and for sale by 6d9 36 Wescott, beeu sold. SALE OF GOLD AND PURCHASE OF central is to tbe effect that a to meet $66. two BONDS. department body enough all ot its eipenses and existing obli- Losses in of Sunday were brought in for drunken- ol For young T.adies, Masters and M»ssjs. Term to protoss adjustment, iS.#06 oo One half of the block of two bouses on Ernerv The insurgents, while operating on the Cienfue- Secretary of the Treasury has directed D. cousistoi twentv-iour in whi t all the lat- ness. eos and Villa Clara railroad obstructed the B. BICKER A Co., gations, besides lessons, street, owned aud built by Josiah P. the Assistant Treasurer at New to est dances ot the day will be Wescott, York, give track in such a int.oducsd, $640^18338 notice that tbe sale of and manner as to cause a freight 183 Fare street. has been Bev. Mr. Arrest.—Truant officer on public gold purchase ocMMw_ move than the Interest this new Loan purchased by Gibbs, pastor Smith, Satur- of bonds will train to be run off. then carried upon be continued without du- They away Adam Van Allen, G. A. Van Allen of Universalist church. day, arrested two lads named Thomas change the freight the interior and burned the Both and Plain. President; Congress Square Conroy ring tbe month of November. into, in addition to this the Bonds arc also secured by a Fancy Vice President; R. M. Hamilton, and bridge, thus off communication between A New Phase in the Trade. Secretary. The 2 1-2 story bouse, No. 100 street • George Andrews tor larceny of a gun. It FURTHER cutting Soap Terms, Tickets W/ere there are Vaughan REDUCTION OF THE PUBLIC DEBT. the two cities. first of the Single 94,00. is mortgage two or more from one d -‘I.OO by unprincipled The of which he will be assisted by a Id Hall, Congress creased $,1,000,250. The matured debt lias de- Soap Mongers, proceeds the Bile of these lands are to be in- A. W. Harris, has sold the brick house Grand Trunk Railway—1930 bbls. flour. I ear who preieud to deal in Nixon’s .Snap, but remember hydrants. E?q., street. The public are invited. 1 do 40 cordially creased, priucipal $132,710, interest $49,781. bran, do lumber, 6 do latbs, 2 do bark, 1 do that each oi his men has a Chest on which Is painted vested the Trustees o tlie corner ol Pine and Lewis by In the 7 per cent Bonds them- quaurilleband. streets, lately The demand notes have decreased $1,385. The ship knees, 3 do apples, 1 do buttei, 1 do poiatoe-, 6 in large letters.NIXON’S SOAP. do LS for setting flity ot tbs o vned to Any competent man can secure the fractional currency has increased sugar boxes, 44 bales hops, 25 100 I have placed, for the accommodation of the WITHOUT EXTRA CJ8ROE. pROPOS Hydrants by George Gilman, Henry B. Hart, agency $4,034,143 88. wueelbarrows, pub- selves up to 120 or iu U. S. Bonds, as l Johnson pattern will be received at No. 59 Kx- Tbe bbls. lime, 194 cans 91 for Order Boxes at Messrs. Waldron «& and taken in of an old established Life Insurance gold certificates have increased milk, pkg-sundries; ship- lic, Fairbrother’s hange Street, until part paymeut therefor, tbe Company $8,190,- ment East, 1500 bbls. flour, 1 car 1 do Store, 425 Congress Adams & X'arbox’s Tickets, Gents.i.93,00 052.88. The in tbe ore, sundries. st, Furniture A Kinking Fund far the #i at the Falmouth currency Treasury increas corner Federal Redemption Ladies. 4.00 b^ick bouse on Brown street, owned Mr. by calling Hotel. See adver- ed Maine Central 1 Store, and Exchange st, ami at Mr. MONDAY NOON, NOVE1HBPR 1. by $589,291. Sinking fund increased Railroad—45casescarpeta, Isaac No tisement. $2,134,- car barley, I do excelsior, 4 casks starch, It bdls Oris, 5 North Ft. All orders attended to the Bonds. Hart. 843. Bonds action of have with Ladles’ Class will meet at '■ Gents. Class will Location ascertained and other awaiting Congress saws, 4 boxes saw lrames. 36 do axes, 250 sides leath- promptness. information ob- increased meet at 8 o’clock S. TV RAYMOND. I aine on The 2 1-2 No. 3 M $11,394,584. balance is er. to rolls I car 251 El) tVA It 1) The lands embrace 9oaie of the finest by calling EZRA story house, street, with Tiie C. P. L.’s will their Currency do, lumber, pkgs. sundries. NIXON, portions o October 19. CARTER, give second promen- and coin dlw Chairman ot Commluee ou $7,248,295.24, balance $116,994,711.69. Portland & Hydrants. stable lot 40x74, has been purchased by Mrs, ade concert at Kennebec Railroad—2 earslum- Factory Cor. Greenleat and Everett Sts. the October 27. 1869. dtd Congress Hall, Friday evening 41 10 magnificent Territory of Colorado, inclnding a of for ber, bags waste, bales batting, 5 do goods, 72 oct oOdlm Portland, Me. Spaulding Westbrook, $3000. See advertisement. 25 bdls 1 car 22 NEW carboys, sash. sione, hidea, 17 boxes coal field and YORK. t.-—w pinery. This ala o holds as Cbas. E. Somcrby has sold his residence cor- axes, 20 bdls broom bandies, 50 bedsteads, 68 bbls. Company E. o. FIRE. potatoes, 3 89 cases oil 14 sacks CRAM, ner of Cumberland and Mechanic to Hoarding.—We call attention to the planes, cloth, rags, an asset streets, Ste- adver- 169 1 car 1 do another tract ot DANCING SCHOOL J New York, Oct. 31.—Between 12 and 1 ba-kets, hoops, cattle, 9 bbls. apples. 21 phen R. Porter of this tisement ot Miss Butterfield. Her accommo- cases goods, 191 bdls paper, 7 bbls. 1 car [Commission city. o’clock this the and flour, bbls., Three Millions of Merchant, morning planing moulding 6 boxes 27 cars tor Boston. Acres in the State! oi Alt-moon Class every vednesday and Saturday Thu new bouse corner of Elm and dations are of a kind. mill ol raisins, treigbt Lincoln superior Ogden & Carpenter was with its con- Coal! at 3 o'clock. Evening ('ass every Monday and OFKEB8 HIS SERVICE, Steamer Ihrigo, from New York—5 bales Cheap Kansas, FOB THB owned Geo. L. has been tents entirely destroyed by fire. Ogden & Saturday evenings at 8 o’-ock. streets, by Wcscott, cotton, 12 do rags, 9 do burlaps, 10 do broom corn, Carpenter’s loss is estimated at In- and although not as a for J. R. Duran. 850,000. 1375 chests tea, 163 boxes raisins, 75 do 36 do pledged sJCurity this Loan, iale, Purchase, and of purchased by Hildeubband the Despkeadob.—A thrill- sured for peaches, We now Lave on hand a small Shipping $15,000. John McKenzie, wood tur- glass, 52 rolls leather, 100 bags rve, 1502 do sugar, HO lot of The Third Parish have sold their lot on Con' who their possession adds to the GEE & Men handise. ing autograph letter from Hilderbrand the des- ner, occupied a portion of the building, bhds. do, 40 kegs nails, 155 do spikes, 84 bdls cassia, largely Company's HARNJEN, Proprietors. the Memorial lost $5000. No insurance. & Um- 30ml dry hides, 8 hhds. tobacco, 60 bids, 23 oc20t* sepMdlstl gress street, adjoining Payson perador is printed iu the Western papers, in Seymour whiting, weaitli and credit. We estimate cabinet wlio do fruit, 46 bdls 60 bbls. 25 cases the to Mr. Daniel berfield, makers, occupied one palter, glue, clocks, While Ash Coal! church, Furbish. The price which he relates his wrongs, which are 200 pkgs sundries. many. floor, lost $15,000. No insurance. The fire Value of the we is suitable for cocking which we Compau/’s property, covered M. L. paid understand, $4500. His troubles began with the murder of his spread to the offices and stables of Mor- stove*, wfll deliver in Ward, New York Mtock and any part ot the city brother Frank the State ton & Co and the lime and stone yard Money Market* lOCAAJUISIC Jeff adjoin- by at Dedication of a School by Guards,under Nkw York, Oct. this; mortgage, 945,000,000 House.— The new ing, causing a loss of $15,000. Insurance un- 30—Money easy at 5 @ 7 per in ’62. His head was Mr. A. P. WHEELOCK Thompson, smashed, cent. The week closes with an easier so brick school bouse of tlio seventh known. feeling far At $8.50 Ton. net, while the Tdoaa is merely Twentieth Annual Course. district, a* respects call but with no from the per body mangled and cut to pieces iu a registration of voters. loans, change — kroposes to open a school lor iastruction in tb# ele- Pride’s was dedicated Sat- shocking high rates on is slid offered Bridge, Westbrook, discounts; prime paper Well screened. The above is Dentary principles oi Vocal Music, at the rooms of manner. The body was then thrown into a The of voters in this and at 9 @ 12 cent. dull. Philadelphia Coal. 00,500,000. afternoon. The services were registration city per Foreign Exchange Gold THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION he HAYDN ASSOCIATION, In Mechanle’s urday opened firmer at Some SAMUEL ROUNDS & The Bonds have Hall, mineral hole to rot. Next followed the Brooklyn closed In the the 1294. moderate amounts ot curren- SONS. 1 0 meet on ana with mur- yesterday. city have the boaor tr announce that their Twentieth TUESDAY FRIDAY evening*, at 7 Rev. Edward P. fol- cy have been sent to the and the Sub- _ ... Franklin Wharf. prayer by Thwing, total registration was 143,171, a decrease South, I'rea __ ( ’clock commencing Tuesday 44. der of his brother named being has received sales ot October 28. 1809. Series of evening <%mr, George Washington, from ury upon coin $1,600,000 nwre dlwls Thirty Years to TERMS, for a course of lowed bv brief remarks from tbe chairman, last year of 30.515. In Brooklyn the total than it Run, twenty lessons, Gentlemen a Canadian who was has paid upon purchases ot bunds. A»J as and engaged to be mar- was a decrease from CASH 3.00, Ladies $4,00; payable in advance. Mr. C. E. who introduced Mr. J. B. registration 56,561, teing there have been no material receipts ot corneric.r PAID FOB from Boody, May 1, 1869, and will pay He also proposes to open a school at the same ried to Hilderbraud’s sister. Both were killed last of trom it seems that >an*s year 12,686. any point, probable the and lace, for the rudimenls of Webb. Mr. W. spoke at considerable have lost Lectures Concerts \ teaching music to a length legal tenders upon the week's moment. by men in Union uniform. Two weeks after 3d Hand Seven I (. las- of Chiidien, from six to toorteen of on the made in in Governments firmer and advanced. Hent? Clewes Furniture per cut mere.I in G.M, years age; changes twenty-five years WILL “ iopting the mode oi ins'ruction used by Piofeasor this his sister Mary died of a broken heart. CALIFORNIA. dc Co. report the following 4.15 quotations -AND- COMMENCE school structures. Mr. E. H. Elwell also on 1 and Nov OTHER W. MASON, Teacher of Mudc in tb> spoke mechanics’ institute United States coupon fi’s. 1881 **.mi-annually, May 1, and are Two weeks later these same men robbed his exhibition. reg..119$ House Boston Primary Schools, which method has proved upon the school houses as related to tbe com- United States coupon 6’s, 1881. 119# Furnishing Goods, rree San iron, minently successful. This cla • wili me t on mother’s farm, drove off the cattle, and set fire Francisco, Oct. 31.—The Mechanics’ United States 5-20 1862. 119} Q.rernmcnt Tauisa, November As its educational it coupons Monday Eve’ng, 1, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afrernoons at munity. home, should Institute Exhibition closed last night. The United States 5-20*a At the \ to the house, which was the finest in Southern 1864. 117$ LEAVITT'S, Oor. Federal & Market Sts.. Coupauy paying the tax. ‘ air past two o’clock, Nov 3d he to the district the were over The Institute med- United States 5 20’s 118 commercing what home is to the fam- receipts $61,000. 1865. AT iy Messrs. and Missouri. His aged mother sent his little United States 5-20’s OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. CITY KoiZSCHMAR, LOWFLL have al was awarded to the Pacific Mills 1865 new...116$ The ot the Loan la HALL, n ad ily, made attractive without and within by Bolling October 28. Principal mao. the opportunity of hearing Prof Ma-on'a j npits a of United States 5-20's 1867. 116# pinkie brother, youth eleven years, to ask for a Company. * ug and can speak as to the success of tLis me and architectural embellish- United States 5-20’s 1868. 1164 _eodlw In WITH ▲ Uod floral, pictorial CHINESE LABOR. Id, luthe City of New York, but each 1 toe Boston Schools. family Bible and a few relics, but the child was United States 10-40 coupons...107* coupe- ments. Rev. E. P. Thwing on methods TER M3, for court# of twenty Lessons, In spoke shot the bowels. Hilderbrand con- Kookancliop has returned to this city. He United States 10-40’s will be In $1,50 through reg..107} Payable I.ond.n or a lvct.ee. of school An abstract of his address will forward 100 Chinese next week to work-pn Pacific 6*s. 108 Prnnkr.rl, training. WINTER_OPENING. Lrrnnd Concert! having had many years experience in tinues : the and El Paso Stocks firmer. The market closed at the follow- New it the teaching, we have in aoother column. Messrs. Memphis railroad. He says York, option of the 1 [r VV. hotesho be ab e to do somethin? placed quotations: MRS. E. R. holder, without may io- Thus were those atrocious deeds of blood and there are 3000 Chinamen in this State oat of ing FOWLE, --BY ar«l? tup ih- want felt and and Wilson added at the it* i lying acknowledged n Bradbury, Hawes, Torrey crueltv and robbery committed on my kindred and that more are to Mail. S9J notice, tollov ratca: ils comm employment, returning Ne»vork returned tromvew York, will eiblhlt unity—ot good elementary instruction in brief The music on tho occasion was Let man the to China at central.194 ngi g. He is red .o refer lo lie remarks. and family. any put question present than are coming here, owing Hudson.. HAVINGan el gant assortment o. ROUND HATS and in New permi ar- Abitr 1744 On *1,000 Bond Yo* .. 1 M. tbe Westbrook bis soul, whether sueh outrages would not have to the approaching national in that UONNETS, ou 433 (goW) cacb 4 ycar Kiss ADELAIDE Dwell, N. Rich, A. M. Smith, tharieaG. Rlcl- furnished by the quartette trom holidays Reading...964 PHILLIPS C aroused him to retaliation at the Michigan Centra'... .121 j d-,Sumner Feruald, p. W. Neal. He»n au- desperate Empire. London. Philharmonic and was per- ASSISTED BY A S olzschm ir, Wm. H. Society, admirably time when the law no longer had the power to BELLE BOYD INSANE. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. 924 Oct. Dennett, Sauuif*,,-i*,iF3dfi*. Saturday, 90th, _ J Illinois Ceutral. « « >hnL.Shaw. — formed. Tbe building cost $1900. Its lower avenge the wrongs for him, and for the sake ot 1324 Franklort..*,*. Belle Boyd, the notorious Southern spy, has Cleveland & Pittsburg. Corps of Distinguished Artists. room will accommodate 70 and the and yet even theu I bore these accu- 86$ 4 pupils, up- justice; been sent to the State Insane Asylum. Chicago & North Western. No. Clapp’8 Block, dm St. the «>tore atcvpw. AdiJE^S mulated without a hand to 120} The Agents of Loan, ball is to be used for lectures and occasion- outrages lilting Chicago & Rock Island. 104 Oct 27-dtw ^ To he followed *ith per brothers’ and sister-’ biood. I had avenge my Pittsburg & Fort Wayne. 854 of the and the coua- * as trust hail the condition koad, method me in al religious services. Mr. Webb remarked, never entered the Southern army, and deter- VIRGINIA. Erie. HUE pursued by fiflTrr^ cwctaclaa 2»| '''niniatin L c:tu b*1 louud in re ent w irk* n the by of Cumberland that mined to take wife and children and move Erie preferred. 63 BOOT'S which It eraminto They Supervisor county schools, my MUBDERS. try through runs, carefully -BY- \ S ellwag, Lawrence, Moor*-, Williams and «there. five miles but within six no town had so good schools and school houses. twenty away; months, Lynchburg, Oct. 30.—Miss 21 \. the on v one which ev« n appi oxiuiaies to a ru- to a com- Baglor,aged Dtmeitic Markets* estorse- when the crops were ready gather, are to the Loin an emphatic ana which kei ps the ey in its be t condition. there are few of tbe seventeen dis- years, was lound Thursday near Sharon, in happy give GEO. icy, Certainly ol soldiers and I met them New Oct. 30.—Cotton a shade clos- School for the Cabinet reliable Ocul.st win recommend it as the pany appeared pur- mui- York, firmer, Organ. V^DENllOFF, Esq. Eve»y tricts in Bland county, with her throat cut. The ment as a Westbrook that can boast a more sub- posely at the door, shot down two and retreat- ing quiet: sales 2800 bales; Middling uplands 264''. o lly correct method known. derer is unknown. Containing Progressive Lessons, Studies: and in all the larger cities stantial and tasteful ed to the woods and wife and chil- Flour—sales 9600 bbls.; State and Western heavy Itiscxtemiv ly practised edifice than this. joined tny nurse Scales; S^mrs, Due*s, Trios an«< Quartetts; Volun- FIRST CLASS INTBSTMKHT, is at- A negro of Henry Creecy, in Bedford and without decided change in price; superfine State 0 ibis country nod iu Europe, buf usually in Arkausas. taties, ami Recreative for vhe the dren, threw Mr. child into the fire 5 25 5 extra 5 70 5 90: choice 6 95 6 05; Interludes, pieces, LECT^^j; K nded considerable ad lltlonal expen e, at county, Creecy’s @ 40; @ @ Parlor and Choir. and iu some essen * by M. L. A. Couuse.—Our readers will remcua- come la every respect perlectly sure, tue Ocn-ist an the cetrect idascs Hilderbrand further says that he had yesterday. It was burnt to death. The nurse lancy do 6 10 @ 6 25; round Hoop Ohio 5 85 @ 6 15; ,e is fittetl by 6 6 Western A work or estanlised Annual sales d ot tlm the Got!* ian. 1‘he Ruing ber that tbe Mercantile Association was arrested. choice do 20 @ 45; superfine 5 15 © 5 85; popularity. 12,000 even icn puie’.as Library to the conclusion that he could no longer tials if made ar»tve keep common to good extra Western 5 choice id lurni hing being unned u charge of lectures and 55@58o; course concerts, for this season, a war the whole and SEIZURE FOR FRAUD. do 5 85 6 25; choice White Whea do 6 30 F. le ordinary pi I e oi the gla ses. up against country, beg- @ @7 00; By George Root. Bette* than Coverumcnl Securiliee. IOHXB.GOUGii,Biq S this evening at with a “let he Ford’s tobacco was seized Southern dull aud drooping; sales 315 bbls.; com- opeu City Hall, grand ging to be alone.” He promises that factory to-day by at C. II. SARI BY, mon to fair extra 6 20 @ 6 75; good to choice 6 «0 @ Trice Sent on of The Bonds will be sold for the present Miss Adelaide assisted orders from Washington for revenue frauds $2,50. post-paid receipt price. 4 **• concert by Phillips, by wil: never more molest anybody, and in future in 25; California nominal. Wheat—sales 172,000 oclleodCm No Exchaage means of counterfeit O, DITSO.V ft CM., Inter ut, by stamps. bush No. 1 1 No, 2 13 1 re- 96, and Accrued Mrs. Smith, soprano; Mr. Rudolpbsen, basso; act like an honest and peaceable man. The ; Spring 40; @ 35; No. 3 LECTURE, FIRE. 1 cted 113 @115; Amber Michigan 1 43 @144 — 277 Washington St, Boston. both in tlie celebrated Currency, -BY- Miss Alice Duttou, young pian- letter is in the hands of his ex-rebel friends, Corn lie * and lower; sales Seizure of Goods. The and machine shops of Talbot vy 2@3c 78,000 bush.; CHAfti. II. DllsflV Sc CO., foundry Mixed Western 91c @ 1 61 tor unsound and 1 03 to advance the rate. who propose to raise a subscription and set the Brothers were fire @ oct26tc 711 Broadway, New Fork. the Agents reserving the right destroyed by thisevaning.— @1 05 tor soutni. Oats l@2c sales 07.UU0 tlie whole to be under the direction of better; bTOTICE i« given that the following d«- player; outlaw up in a new home. The villain ought Loss, $165,000. No insurance. bush.* new Southern and Western Beef invited to these well- W. hereby *3@<6c. The attention of investors is GEORGE CUR'IS, 1 scribe*! gbvHts were seized at ihistxui on tin jinnur. That there will be a brilliant steady; sales215 bbls.; new plain 13 WELLCOME’S Esq. Mr. Kotzi to be caught aud hung. mess600@ 00; as one of the iys bereinalter mentioned tor violation of the iuv- new extra do 12 00 @17 5 ) Pork dull and lower; secured Bonds, which we reeo"-“Cnd audience no one can doubt. But we advise all nissOURI. iiie Laws, viz: sales 650 bbls ; a so 250 bbls. mess, seller January, at iu the market. a i—vstments .July 22,1869, on R. Rd. Wharf, 3 booties I lor the eveu if An American Senoka Repees Cuban 27 mess 30 44 31 at 30 50 most profitable lectube Biaj»*V to tickets course, they THE WRECK OF THE STONEWALL—FURTHER 7*; @ 00, closing cash; prime on board Scb. Abbie 1 purchase Liver iu uly 24, bbi little is Senora 23 50 @26 00. Lard unchanged; sLles 37o tierces; tmtu and Government Securities taken pay- al to all the lectures. It will Invasion.—A plucky lady PARTICULARS. Regulator BY- t 4, on tbe str et, 1300 igai»; Auj do not. wish attend a'so 500 do steam, seller at and 500 u/, February, lGfc ment at their market value, without commissions. aiket I76< >»--• Ou b *aid Oviedo (nee Bartlett) whose diamond weddiug St. Oct. 31.—The has a at steam Square, igars; ]8» be a in the end, as there are to be six Louis, Republican tierces sel'er January, 16}e; rendered 16} -AJUD R*««n; 21, on bad saving with maps giving full Information, * rig Merriwa, l Demiiobn Aug. created such a sensatiou in New York some dispatch from Capt. Taylor, one ol the commit- @ 18c; kettle do 18 @ I8}c. Butter quiet Whiskey Pamphlets, PA 16 bo ties from eminent men and an- Hon. \vn. mo AS i’uir New York, I box containing Brandy lectures probably tee lhat left here last night for the sales tfiO bbls.; Western frcos. to that of the nail. 8 00. Petroleum firm; crude i9c; refined bonded lj8 Fore .me is made for tickets portion a »a ‘treet, package, picked up below here yesterday alive, hut we 11 Lins is ail remedy for the LIVER ’W. «.?Ill »vat wish to be number of Spanish policemen. The officers 32.Jc. Tallow heavy at @ nfc. ed tairly ac- extraordinary tir. k. jesub db co.. LECTURE, ! Pin. Secure tickets to-day, if you have beeu unable to learn their names. The anl KIDNEYS, when diseased. It is compound- your tive at steadv prices. Freights to Liverpool steadv; THIS N. Y ^nV^noil^fttsUQ.dl at entered the dwelling and stated that Col. Ra- ed ot several of the best Itool*. tJcrl»» and Burui No. I'J, Pine Sirrct, to appear ant niake such in season. Reserved seats cau be secured wreck is still burning. The freight in the hold Cotton pci sail 4d; Wheat per steamer 9}d and per BY C nested Ot ^re- on the LIVER a ad KID- the uaU berehL eta.nr^-^re fael who bad returned from is and is stolen If the sail 91. known, which act directly augISdcodAcowimis I y days from Acis Quesada, recently injured being rapidly. the ot in Paine’s Music Siore. Oc\30—Flour firmer and more active NEYS, correcting Digestion, Purifying Blood, oods Will be disposed was in board of underwriters had sent a down Chicago, 1 accordancew^ New York, bidden the bouse. The tug at 4 30 0 50 for Regulating the Nervous Caring Pain in the m g Spring extras Wheat firm, nclivc System, Laird „Congress _ O,,ii,etor. $50,000 worth of properly could have been Shoulders. and Rev, Robt. Ooier. eUoBeaMmad^adbJr Labceny of Teams.—Sunday afternoon, grounds and dependencies were closely search- and bight-r; sales No. 1 at 06} @ 98c; No. 2 at 93) (aj Side, Back, Head,|Neck Limb9,Sink- saved. The sale of the boat has beeu taken in ing and Kaintnoss 01 the Weakucss ot the Press Job «mhcc, Oct 18. Lib- the 94jc; the aiternoon No. 2 was dull at 94c rash, se Stomach, Daily Portland. while a horse aud to Mr. aud then hou8-__—-- wagon belonging ed, out and is in charge of Judge Henderson, ler November. Corn dull; sel ers at Ul)c tor No. 2; Limbs, Languidness, Yellowness Arrived I here r.,,.r * I... Skin, Dyspepsia, Dry by, of were on Spring apartment. the Spanish in the aiternoon No. 2 was dull at l'4!c cash, sel'er Jaundice, PajuinJ*0 r printers* Exchange, Scarboro, standing private C/fX-'':' —TV. 1sweats, lrritaoiiitv, Ner- jir^. LECTURE, P fir.-t Oats vou>m,s., Loss 0* ftOP™ALS' street, three into the and were confronted by the lady, halt^NoveinWr. aclivej|$ 3£’S,fW)l|.*"t?'f- Memory, Weak Eyes, Dizziyr- -BY- boys jumped wagon representatives etc. Marshal. I lev null and lower; buyers 9ic and sellers 92e cash. Dropsy, These diflicultiesariiw*-^— Street. nhr f/>.. cStatet drove off. was sent told them that her apartment was NORTH CAROLINA. Exchange of the Iuioruiation of tho affair who plainly Hiuh Wines dull with sailers at 109. Mess Pork is er. Office u%itrcl ^ Maine. 5 tor Scrotulous and 1869- to the Bol- and not to bo invaded; that she THE PKIVATEER CUBA. eader at 30 50 lor old and 29 25 @ 30 00 tor new and Soltis a valuable remedy EVERY DESCRIPTION 0» MARK TWAIV •elub.riil. ) police office, and Deputy Marshals a sacred place pnrtiso". ini* 75 teller Jinuarv. Lard Syphilitic all Glandular Enlargements, ncnposALS wtl be rece ,ed at was not of the officers of 2G 50 @ 2C nominally 16) g Diseases,and ton and Perry started iu of the her word Col. Quesada there, Wilmington, Oct. 30.—All Canker, Humor in the Stomach and Bowe'S.Costive- *!*. »T.et, until pursuit lads, pledged 16]c lor old and 16)c ior new cash. Green Hams 14c. be »- SEALED B OCS. longre-r the Cuba were discharged by tree from aud jyTlie remaiBing entertainment will tor the owner in the must be satisfied with privateer to-day middlis « attle dull and weak at uess, Rheumatism, etc. It is Calomel »«“> 1869. at 12 o'clock noon, meantime having recovered and that tho Spaniards D. D. Cumberland 12jc. nounced in a few days. f4' in. Xt the Commissioner except D. A. Telfar, and 4 75 5 55 ior to fine Aloes—has al I the good properties of those Drugs wib Fuel lor tbe yenr on \ would not 3 00 3 75 ior Texas g light iwifSoli, s Courts his learn augban’s he off. But the policemen g and nonect the This is a & JOB bridge. The officers this and Munro, G. Isliug, R. H. Gibson, N. D. Phillips, fleshv Steers. Live Hogs quiet at 8 00 g 8 75 for bad. I'urely vegeta- BOOK, CARD, PRINTING, mroisMugiu iin.m a suirfh Ad ble sate lor all. a Barn arrested tho -- L. French and John who were 50 9 90 for choice to extra. Uetucdy, There will be Concert the Portland wm be A. best .ualbyot subsequently three lads and con- ue sausucu, Lynch, requir- common and 9 @ by with Neatness and cael, '"•'r'l^rSe. retired screened them to tlie the ed to give hail in $.ri00 each for their appear- in moderate demand Executed Despatch, of V CO STOVK slZtt.neV veyed lock-up. Senora Oviedo barred pas OiNcisNAi l.Oct. 30—Pork all and Medicine Dealers. One-half hour previous to the opening t BH vl, "»dj*S*n * they advanced, ance be to re the U. S. District Court. Lard old I^^Soldhy Druggists and duet, and to n, InUin.ad at 31 00 for new; slock small. quiet; 13}c lecture. ... ttm V. S. The horse and wagon of W. H. them would refurnished our office since the O'* }fi„,7ate time, and a. at the door, and assured they Meats dull at 11 tor Having completely be re err'd for 'on an titles and ai such pace Purriogton sage and new Die. Green 10} g and Sold The Gallery will Por dDc ■ from the Prepaied only by Great Fire, with all kinds of New Material, Course, » lor tlieD.sirlct of Maine nay was takeu Sunday ol his res- body. 14c lor sides and 15 g 15},: for hams. Price ot Reserved Seals lor the < , vicinity in over her prostrate shoulders, 13} g &c..we are on the short- V.rstm' get only SANDWICH INLANDS. Oct. 30 — Flour unchanged. Wheat Presses, prepared the euiertainmenr. 50 cents. te *>e endo but was returned to Wilwaokb.1!., opening ,he Proposal, »> ^ gtaM4 idence, subsequently to his The were compelled pause.— 1 1 No. 2 at 9«c. JEREMIAH liUXTOy, JR., est possible notice to accommodate our "« obt;llnCd at nud add’esteu P^opoMl. Spaniards THE LABOR QUESTION. steady; No. 1 at 00) g 101; 93) @ Tickets lor the Con, so, $1.73 «• C. S. Ooutta” and 39c. Corn firm at 70c for No. 2. friends and the public with Inc tte stable. chattered, screamed Oats quiet; No. 2 at Also Proprietor ol the Great German Cough Remedy usual Mar.bal They talked, argued, San Francisco,Oct. 31.—The steamer Idaho No. places member being en- Dtoofc-.^'*#■£. aud to Mr. to no live steady at 73c for 1. Harley nominal. «,$1-3 os nfof ReRest served Seal Annual day, being picked Her private law inquisitors 80 85c. The sale will commeuce on It* apartment Spain’s numerous have been held. centrifugal 77}e; prime g % OTICE IS that the subscrl- ut^ets Society will hold was communicated to tlie must Coi. ment and meetings lower; HEREBY GIVEN, # Pertland Benevolent Information police consider and tier word that oi “* •*« a‘ cl olce ot Officer*, on Wed- sacred, The favor the importation of the Chi- bets have been duly appointed Executors BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, Hannual ’leetlnr lor Quesada was not taken as sat- planters Tuir M at the office or the office <>n Sunday of auotber team that bad been within must he and classes Vsreisn Markets. the W ill ot »' 3 o'clock F lstaciory. In hold nese! The commercial laboring Seats Ik*. Evening Tickets to „la*Tov.) noon. time, cowed bv the lady’s of on London 11 GEORGE E. Fp'rlce o^Rererved missing since Saturday stand the encouragement European immi- flVAVSA, Oct. 28.—Exchange 16} g RICHARDSON, CIS. Eveniug Tickets with Reserved and well aware that shown to urge 2 Cards, Tags, 50 violence that a fresh of labor per cent, on Paris @ 2} per cent, pre late ot ot Cumberland Blanks, Labels, Concert TreaMurtrgNo.S^tx^u^r/muIyeS, Secretary^ an American and allege supply premium; Bridgton, In the County seats $ 1 »• lady might be resented the gration, on United States, short ight, in Gold, 7) pel Sleighing. — We are informed by for the in- mium; deceased, and have taken upon themselves that *.du C0M m iXTE K. Tub Fiiist by American is absolutely neees-ary agricultural in 60 every description of government, the Spanish do currency, days’ sight, 20® trust as the'aw directs. All per- Dispatch. policemen the country. cent.premlum; by giving bonds, H. f. Furbish, O. M. Marrktt, For Baltimore with Mail on the Portland & Kennebec hnally concluded to take the terests of 19 discount; short sight, do, 18 g 17 pel the estate ot said de- the Agent senora's word percent, sons having demands upou PB C. K. JoSK, and not insist upon ,1. C. IOTER, The regular packet fatal epidemic. cent, discount. .... are to exhibit the aud all Mercantile Printing:. that on Saturday morning the sleighing searching the apartment, ceased, required lame; Wm. E. Wood. C. H. Haskell, “h"?”*,8?™ road, so were soon oft. Oct. 31.—The following are the closlni are called te Gilman, Kelley, and prevailed on the island Havaka, jtersons indebted to said estate upon Bailey. will »» all the from Brunswick to A,, epidemic fever merchandise for the week ending yes James her < ergo engaged, was good about way quota'ionsof make pay ment to lot for the execution ot to were numerous. The population ot Sugar lor the week ft-, n ,ate super taellltteB Oct 15-Jtt For apply £ CO. in the several cities and Commercial and deaths terday:—The exports REUBEN SMALL. freight IELD and that The Bulletin announces the bad dwindled down to were N't KhRsONs, Augusta, of Honomapn village Havana and Matanzas to loreign countries 15, THOVIAS J. RICHARDSON, L*TJ» E,ngWharl. which tlie train passed, the following business changes in Maine: 00# boxes; to the United States, 5130 boxes; s'oek ii 1869. Executors. oo3Udlw -- towns, through two or three lamilies. boxe Bridgton, Sept. 21st, PAMPHLETS __* watehouse in Havana and Matanzas. 138,000 39-w3w BOOKS, Found. were out and the occupants a Brunswick—C. E. White, sold out sleighs enjoying stoves; to and 2500 hhds. Holdeis demand an advance, hut on llichardsou & Co. Sea 30 mi’es S. E. from Cape Elisabeth, Geo. L. large business Is notwithstanding merchant Pianolnwtrnction. merry time. B. SOUTH AMERICA. doing Board. Catalogues, AT new seine In,at. Portland—John Mastertou, baker; sold are lndi d to on of the hlgl same was not a of snow WAR. pos purchase account^ cannot be surpatB* The owner can have the by proving prop In Portland there particle S. Affleck. Smith and THE PARAGUAYAN market Nos. li i GENTLEMAN and WIFE or two , Which lor neatness anil dl.|*tch z*2£&£»KJgupcy-t*. out to James Baker demands oi holders, ougar firm; single ertv and charges. Enquire of I that steamei holders denim I can b iard aud country solicited, to wbicl paying upon the ground and no sigus any bad bakerv, dissolved; now Win, J. Smith. Lisbon, Oct. 30,-Tbe regular mail to 12 Dutch standard 8) a) 9} reals; haveguod pleasant roqm wTiii ^ Orders from the sep'i|«Cui L.DaNA Ji SON, Central Whart sue an advance of 15 to 20 at g 11 reals p ur small private larnily baying no children, by applytoi be fast as it came down on & Ring, dissolved; now C from South American porta has arrived, }; Nos. 9} atteutloa will paid. fallen. It melted as Bangor—Mitchell robe. reals for Mus oc30-lw* at No. 355 prompt T. B. hoots and shoes of Oct. 8th. Molasses Sugar firm at 6} @ 7} Congress St Foil SAL^* E. Mitcheli. Whitman, brings dates from Rio Janeiro to refin Friday. have covado and quotations nominal; lair good Stray Sheep. ,0W’ ___ sold out. The sessions of thy Brazilian Chambers is Press Job Office in Soc’ety, 1 on the back. The owner can hare the by pay Company will perform “Humpty Durnpty” sive 25 hhd rlo 60 7 hli 1 the Honse of Dr. Moses No. 4 Elm Tuea 5 No. Printers* Exchange, .he^ner JM^ South Tbomaston—George Mayo & Co. preparations were made, the allied force! Sta'es 81 n 50; p 85 ®J 00; p Dodge, St., ing E. N. or 00 4 ton to Falmouth uud in day at 3o’clock P. M., charges. TOKESBUJRY.Ulw oc30d3i» “Hiecory Diccory Dock," at Deering Hall West India goods; dissolved; now Georgi iu Paraguay bad again been put in motion ti Molasses 81 g 50; 4* St., Portland. Falmouth, Oct. 28,186SJ. ders 40 g 55s; do to France 50 g 55f. ocftatd Per Order. I Exchange Thursday and Friday evenings. Mayo. attack Lopes at Eitainalans. ... J■'gjgjlgsfiggggg'■ ■'>~^ i ■—l-j..^ »~jlj -i'JS———*— HOTELS. HOTELS. M Miscellany. | MISCKIiliANEOUs” ! VTf. \ 'i RAILROADS. _MISCELLANEOUS. _ __ a An AUMithed Court. (lay, andTonTi.n, Hotel Directory, EnPLOVMRNT.-tiOIn a United States employment Item, and or .m Pic Hotel, business. Great honorable, International A few the New Orleans which apie inducements offered ’in™ Oo, MAINE CENTRAL R. R, days ago, says Embracing the leadinj Hotels in the State,at plesmee. Address with Steamship one oun stamp, JAMES G nil and a young found. POUT LAND, ME. & Co., Bld,leiord,Ale. Cast port, Calais ana St. ayune, an old lady he Daily Press may always be MARINE INSURANCE! John, SL’MtaEK iWUNaswan. with istur themselves in charged mg WINDSOR court, Alfred. WHAT WE NOW ISSUE D1GBY, AND HALIFAX statement was GIBSON, BURRELL & 00., {Proprietors, AJBi' the Toe officer's clearly Proprietor. 4H*’>tOSa3 On uni after Monday .April Ism peace. County House, Richard H. Coding, Fall and certainly disclosed an equal culpa- Arrangement. given Auitnrn. This favorite public bouse lias recently f It was evident, however, that St. W. S. & A. Young, Propri- ANNUAL POLICIES ON HULLS bility in both. Elm House, Com). i»a-s*'ou this young lady?” the Eastern Ins. Capi. E. B. Winches- Augusta House, State St. Guy Turner, Proprie Co., Bangor. Brunswick, demanded of the old one. ter and tbe Steamer New magistrate tor. Eng- l had a right was the land, Capt E. Field, will leavo to,” calm reply. T. B. “ CrsDNOO House, Ballaid.Propilelor. House. Railroad loot <1 Siate streec, MON- What was she Ciislanoe THEY AHE HOT A VILEf.^ FREIGHTS AND Wharf, every doing?” Mansion House, Augusta Me., W. M. Thayer A'(jY HEi^K, CARGOES DAY and THURSDAY, at 6 o’clock P M tor East- Keeping company with a very Made of Poor and St. John. improper Proprietor. Hum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, and *v- port Corner of and Etato Streets- INSURED IN THE will leave St. John and on Portland & character.” Wintlirop, Jus* Liquors, docioied, spiced, and swcetned to Returning Eastport Kennebec R. R 1-lease tli© called sumo And what is that to you?” Hnncor. MAINE. ta-te, “Tonies,” “Appetizer? days Penobscot Al'GCm, that lead the on She's Exchange, a. Woodward,Proprietor. "Restoreig,” &c., tippler to dm ok- Connecting at E;istport with Steamer BELLE my daughter.” ennessand but are a an i. This long established anil popular House ruiu, true .Medicine, ina©., you R at b rmoftcrs unusual inducements to those who of California, tree fiTYsaaicisc©, N.B. & C. lor Wooostock aud Houliou pr from all Alcoholic Railway improper character ?” Bath Pro- all the conveniences aud luxuries ot Stimulants. Thevaie ilieGRf at sta'ions. “ Hotel, Washington 8t.O. M. Plummer, TjjjjjkJBde-ire BLOOD-PURIFIER an.t 1 do, sir.” prietor. we^ regulated Hotel. The Proprietor LIFE-GIVING PRINCI- Connecting at 8t. John with the Sisan er EM- “ filinriBa a Renovator and Do know who he was?” iHLlwill be ready to rece ve the public during PLE, perfect invigorator ot the IPlaciiSx IiBsa@a8saMce €©•, lew York, PRESS for Windsor and Halilax and with you Columbian House, Fiont Street, S. It. Bailey, at oil all matt, r Digby, “ name. I ve seen him the tail an,8 Me! me!” exclai ned the astonished court. Booth buy. BLOOD and att^r the cars of the LIVER, KIKNEYS and, BLADDER, these The Steamship CAK1.0TTA, will only, taking l’ortlurid »uuhe—N. B. pects to welcome all his old trirnds “The Life ot all F’esh is the Blood had »t all times. Aug. 10—t Skowhegan ditteiem A recent work on life in the Re- Crockett. Proprie- who come to thereof.”_ iheir route. Argentine tor. the atid the health ot It ha also a VIKST C:f.AN«* BII.LI- Portland and to make a host of new Purify blood, the whole sys- ones. Every tem will AHD lid 1,1, for V I.. L. LINCOLN. Supt. public lu the of the relates the folio#. guests only. FA LL 1H Ell LISE. v days tyrants attention will I o t/iven tn tlw winis.-.t Connected ]-•:». mit^i fiefhel. R. H. MCDONALD, J. WALKER & witn the house is a large and corn- For mf,Aptnat, anecdotes illustrative the wis- Co., mod ious New York, Philadelphia, Haiti more, Wash- fallowing of Ju'yw. dti HJk111 *»ft, B MOOJH, ON WATER Chandler House, F. S. Chandler & Co., Prop’rs, Proprietors. ington, and all the principal points dom of an ancient ruler there: San Francisco and Sacramento, California, and 32 STREET, centrally located where Sample Oiiapman S. Agents cau show tin ir South and Great Redaction House, H. Chapman. Proprietor, aud 34 Commerce St. (Commerce, a short meet good* tree of charge. West, South-West, The Of The reppitory of anecdotes relating to Qui- EAGLE IIOTElT running from Bleeker to Barrow>, N. Y. Proprietor, thank tul fur the liberal pat- Via VaualBi, Vail Hirer nod Newport. 'through lVkeca to all pjrtii of the \Ve*l all and ronage that the above house ling since Fare, ro and with which the Bridgtwn Center, Ifle tyrSeld l»y Druggists Dealers. anM-12w enjoyed Cabin, $5,00; Deck $l.oO Bags? age checked only $40,OO to t < lu« ;a, popular memory is opening takes pleasure in in Ills bicaao-dr.l 9I<‘chnnio Maine. orming through and transferred in N Y free of $44.SO to re is liis ex Cumberland House, Marshal Bacon, Proprietor' Falls, *•«! natrons t hat he will run free charge. .Uilwnuliee, »7 Trunk Office onto,* instance; Mechanic Jan. men; meets a long felt necessity; sells to and comtort. I bis linecouuecis with all ihe South- .i^site wIkuTPreble House, Market Ocean House—J. P. Chamberlain, Falls, 7,18C9. dtt a'l Square, Portland. Au hi tide had been stolen front a band, Proprietor, classes; without regard to politics, religion, or ATLANTIC. ern Boats and Rdlroad Lines from New York going and all endearvors to discover the thief had occupation. Secured by act ot Congress. Now Webt aud South, aud convenient to the California ». H. Conafeh. ready. Send for illustrated circular lull Steamers. n unless. drew the “ giving H. Shackel, General Agent. proved Quiroga up troops Cornish House—E. particulars. “To of this Dunning, Proprietor UNIVER SA L !” Shippers Freight.” Line, with Eastern and gave orders for the cutting of as many HAWKES & Co., 26 Washington Mass. Mutual Insurance Its new and extensive accommodations in Bos- ... .. „w“- Floweiis, Agen*. St., Boston, dephi Also Agent or Pacific ( small Oomp’y, and iu Steamship tor “alitor wands of equal length as there were Damariacotta. _Bt p20-4w ton, lar^e pier New York, (exclusively for the nia, China and Japan. 51 corner business of Ihe Is with facilities tor soldiers; then having had these wands dis- Maine Sanborn & Wall st., William, New York. Line), supplied Mar 22-wt;m&dtianl. Hotel, Jacobs, Proprietors. AGENTS WANTED FOB THE treight aud passenger business which cannot be sur- tributed 01.e to each man, he said in a con- January-, 1800. pass d. Freight always taken at low rates and for- fident voice: Damariicatlii Mills warded with dispatch. i’OSTLAW fj Insures Marine and “The man whose rod will be longer than Damariscotta House, Alexander McAllister, Against Inland Navigation liisks. New York Express Train leaves Boston at 1.30 P arrive in New York next about 6 the others tomorrow is Proprietor. whole profits ot the company revert to the Assured, and are divided the Preml M; goods morning SACO & momiug the thief.” annually, upon A M. New FORTSKOUTH R R. Secrets THEums terminated during the year; and tor which Certificates are interest Freight leaving York reaches Boston on Travelers Simon A. until redeemed. Next day the troops were Home, Hahn, Proprietor. issued,hearing the lollowing day at 9.45 A M. again paraded, Sights! Or Dividend of 40 per cent, tor 1868. and Quiroga proceeded to inspect the wands. OF TEE NATIONAL For tickets, berths and staterooms, apply at the SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Danrille Junction. OAPITOL. The has over Thirteen There was one whose wand was not company Ammetm, Million Dollar*, viz: company’s office at No 3 Old State House, corner ot longer Clark's Dining United States and State of New-York Monday, May td, 1 gelt. Hall, Grand Trunk Kail way most startling, instructive and Stocks, Cuy, Bank and other Stocks,.97,587,4.*I4 OO Washington and State streets,and at Old Colony aud hut shorter than the others. M. W. entertaining Loans secured Stocks and Passenger Trains leave Portland Depot, Clark, Proprietor. THEbook oi the day. Semi lor Circulais and Fee by otherwise...9,914,100 OO Newport Railroad Depot, corner of South and Knee- cSSESi dally “Wretch!” cried in a voice Real Estate, Bouds and Sun lor South Facundo, which our terms. AdilreFF U. S. PUBLISHIN G CO.. 4 11 Mortgages.* *910.000 00 land streets, Boston. days excepted) Berwick overpowered the man with dismay, “It is Dixfleld. BROOME ST.,NEW YORK. Interest and sundry Motes and claims due the Company, estimated at.*.. 900*5*10 0*1 Junction, Portsmouth and Boslon, at 6.15 and s.to sep20-4*t SUNDAY NIGHT LINE. A. M. and 2.S5 and 6.00 P M. thou!” Androscoggin House, L.D. Kidder, Proprietor. Cars Leave Boston tor AGENTS WANTED FOR leave every Sunday Evening, at 0.30 P.RI, Portland at 7.30 A. M., 12 SI. And so it was; the culprit’s confession was connecting as above. anu 3.00 and ti.Ofl P M. Biddeiord tor < a simple one; the credulous tearing Farmington. The Office, 3 Old State House, will be Portland at 7.30 A. 31., returning* guaco, open every 8.20 P. M. that bis warid would Forest House, J. S. TRGNTEEN , Sunday aiteruoon from 2 to6 o’clock, and at the De- teally grow, had cut a Milliken, Proprietor. 1PROVED. Portsmouth lor Portland 10.00 Stoddard John D. Jones, Royal Phelps, R. L. Taylor, Fred’k pot, from 9 to lu A M, and from 5 to 6.30 PM, tor A. 31 and 2.30 piece off it. Uut to avail one’s self of such Hotel, S. F. Stoddard, Proprietor. Charles Chauncey, 5.20 and 8.00 P. M. The “WONDERS Dennis, Caleb Barstow, K. James saieot tickets aud staterooms. and a man NirengCMt Rest Wriuger in the Henry Bogert, Low, On 51ondays. and the 6 means, must be superior in Intellect to W.H.H. Moore, A. P.Pillot, Dennis Geo. S. Steamers leave New York daily. (Sundays Includ- Wednesdays Fridays oVR Great N. Perkins, Stephenson* P. M. train to and from boston will ruti those about and must at least have some Fall*, H. World. OE THE WORLD.” Wm. E. Jos. ed) from Pier North Kiver, foot of Murray- via t ast. in him, 5JrenryCoit, Dodge, Gaillard, Jr.J Wm.H. Webb Rail Road, stopping Great Falls Hotel, o. A. Wm.C. David C. A. st, at 3.00 P HI. onlyal Saco, Biddetord, Kmne- knowledge of human r ature. Fro«t, Proprietor. Over one thousand illustrations. The Pickersgill, Lane, Hand, Sheppard Gandy, bunk, South Berwick Has a Double Gear and Lewis James B. Geo. Suiverick, and Junction, Porismoulh N.w- Double Pressure. largest, best selling, and most Curtis, Bryce, J. Howland,9 Francis Skidd i, Passenger Freight Agent. Hiram. attractive subscrip- JAMES buryport, Salem and Lynn. tion book ever CUas.H Russell, Charles P. Burdett, Benj. Babcock, Robert C. FISK, JK., The Workuiau Ahead. published. KergussonC On Tuesdays, ami it Mt. Cutler House—Hiram Send lor Lowell Holbrook, Daniel S. Rubt. B. Mini Samuel G. Managing Director Narragansctt Steamship Co. Thursdays Saturdays will rue Baston, Proprietor. Circulars, with terms, at once. Address Miller, urn, Jr, Ward, via Boston & Maine It. R. Warren Weston, Paul Spoft'ord, Gordon W. William E. May 15-dlyr R, stopping only at Saco Bid- A is told of a certain UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO. Burnham, bunker. Kennebunk, South good story prominent Kendall* Me. Which is the Best Clothes Wringer? Samuel L. Mitchell, James G. De Forest. deiord, Berwick Junction, Ituv Mills, sep20-d4wt411 Broome Street, New York. er, Kxeter, Haverhill and railto d gentleman of Philadelphia, who is Fairfield House, J. H. Fogg Proprietor. W.H. H. Moore,2.1 Vice-Prcst. John D. doRES,President. CUNAKD LING. Lawrence. (From the Boston Traveller oj July 2d.) J. I). 3d Vico-Prest Freight Trains daily each wav. excepted equally renowned for his ability to make and A Hewlett, Charles Derris, Vice-President. iSunday Wanted {rents. J. H.Chapman BKITMH A’ NORTH FRAN CIS OH ASK, Snpt* take a A railroad whose lewixton. After careful we Secretary. jk^TBIC joke. employee, examination, recommend the L OR The Farmers’ asd Mechanics’ Manual. Applications lor Insurance made to AMERICAN ROY©L M AILSTKAM- Portland, 3Iay 3,1869. Hit home is in came on DeW tt “Universal” as the bes* and strongest machine. Avon, Saturday night to House, Lewiston. Waterhouse &Mellen, X Edited by Leo. K. Waring, dr., author oi between NEW YORK and Proprietors. li has “patent cog wheels" double tor JOHN W. ask for a pass down to visit bis family. (Rowell’s patent -Draining profit,” Ac., and Agricultural Engin- HUNGER^ Office Kid Fore Sl,9 Portland*\{ ■iTiHMgganVEKPOOU calling at Cork Harbor. gear), with very long and strong alternating eer of N. Y. Centra) You are in the ot the teeth, park. 200 Engravings. Noth- Ig^Ortireliours from 8 A M. to 5 P. M. RUSSIA, Wedy, Oct. 20. | CUBA, Wedy, Nov 10 PORTLAND it R&CHIST£KjUt employ railroad?” together with the is on &riim*»/wrti«n-«>c«r Limerick. which, “patent stop" (which ing tike it e ver published; ittili Edilion now readv. TRIPOLI, Tburs 21. | ALEPPO, Tburs. 1! inou;'e(i the alluded to. Limerick no other allows the 44 gentleman House, a. M. Davis, Proprietor. wring*;)), rubber rollers to sepa- Also for, Coueybeare & Howson’s LIFE OE’ ST. JAVA,Wednesday, 27. | CHI NA, Wedy, 17 SUMMER rate to r«u 44 44 ARRANGEMENT. “Yes.” sufficiently ihiough the largest.article PAUL, Bishop Simpson's introduction. The onlv SIBERIA,Thurs 28. | KKDAR, Thurs. 18 easily, jet cannot separate so far that the cogs will work, B. DB. J. B. HUGHES, TO LET. 3. 44 iuu receive yuur iwy reuuiuriyr Mechanic Falla. complete (a E. TREAT &CO., Pub’s, 654 SCOTIa.Wedy, Nov. | RUSSIA, Wedy, 24 On and alter disconnect aud lose their as is the case wi li 44 Monday, May 3d, I860 Eagle N power, Broadway, N. Y. aulOdlwt PALMYRA, Tli. Nov 4. 1 ARIF Tburs. 25 □feggggn “Yes.” Hotel, H Peakes, Proprietor. CAN BK FOVND AT BIS | A, ■'M'* Iraius will run as lolluws: other wringers, whether the cogs are on one or both RATS 8 OF PASSAD K ends of the roll assenger train leave Portland ex- “Well, now, suppose you were working for To By the mu dally,(Sundays let. Wednesday steamers, carrying emigrants cepied) lor Allred and inteiluediale at a farmer instead ot a would ex- Naplc*. It also has the peculiar advantage of two pressure Slalious, 7.1.’ railroad, you Elm Nathan of First A. M. 2.00 and 6.15 P. 31. House, Church & Sons, Proprietors* screws, so arranged that each setew presses on both COLGATE & CO’S PRIVATE MEDICAL ROOMS up-stairs Tenement five rooms, and a good Cabin.$1301 M pect your to hitch his team ev- wash Second $0,(1, Leave Alfred for employer up ends ot the to1 Is the same as it it was in AN room in the for a with- Cabin....80 f Portland at 7.30 and 2 P 31 alike, the basement, lauiily 1 A.M, and AltO 1W ATI C out at No. 4 Locust hrough freight trains with car ery Saturday night carry you home?” Norridgewocb. centre, while the two together give double the ca- children, St. First Cabin to Paris.$145. gold. passenger attach fto. 14 Preble Street' Oct 18C9-dlw* ed leave Portland at 12.15 A 31. This seemed a poser, but it wasn't. Dan forth pacity for pressure. 30th, By Thursday and Saturday Steamers, House, D. Dantortb. Proprietor. Stages connect as follow s: said Ihe ‘‘Universal" has its iron parts either VEGETABLE SOAP ! First “No,” tbe man promptly, “I wmld not wrought Plext the Preble Cabiu.$80, gold Steerage.$30,.. currency. At Gorham for Soul h or malleable, and is built so strongly arid substan- Klouac, Furnished Windham, Windham Hill, expect that, but if the tanner had his team North Anitou. House to Rent, A steamer ot this line leaves Liverpool tor Boston anil ^“rthWlmiham, West Gorh.mi, tially »hat lor years it cannot be broken, in wringing Combined with is recom- be can be consulted privately, ard wit Siai.dlm. Sleep hitched and was SotiRUSLT Brown & Glycerine, t| O a man anil without children. The nres- every Tuesday, bringing ana passengers di- rails, Baldwin, lteumark, Bn I. veil up, my 1 should toTEL, Hilton. Proprietors. garments by tbe strongest the utmost coofiden* e the a* wife, ireigbt Sebago. gloti. going way, person. mended the WHttKE by afflicted l ent rect. call a Our readers be sure tor use of Ladies and oceup.nts (a widow and sod) would like 10 Hiram, Brownfield, Frveburg. Conway, Bartlett' him darned mean cuss if he wouldn’t may quite they will find the boats daily, aud from « A. M. to 9 P. M. Ja ** board in the house. to Steerage tickets from Liverpool or Queenstown kson, Free .'em. nad- let me ride.” North Ifrldgton. “Universal” wriDger a good and serviceable article. in the Dr. addresses those who arc under the Apply Ltmiugton,Cornish, Porter, Nursery. sutferiiig oe3Udlw M. and al! parts oi Europe, at lowest ia*es. isoitand Eaton N It., Wyomegoxk nov 1868. afflloLon diseases. wherher lro:r G. PALMER. daily. Mr. came out three House, O. H. Perry, Proprietor. 2, dly ap8 ot'irivate arising Through Bills ot Lading given tor A el Glascow At Buxtou Center, lor West Employee minutes af- impure connection or the terrible vice oi sell-abuse. fast, Buxton, Bonny Eagle, Havre, Antwerp, and ober ports on the Continent; South Limiugion, Liiiiiugion, daily. terwaids with a pass good for twelve months. hie entire time to that particul&i branch oi Norway. NOTICE. Devoting and tbr Mediteraneau poiis. At Cenier Waierbir ough Ibr the medical be feels wai-raoied in (JtjAU- To Let Limerick, Newfieln, ELM Itain $ I!JO A MONTH SALARY profession, Cheap. For and cabin at the Parsonsheld and uallv. house, St. W. W. Pro- The “Universal” cannot be thrown out of gear PAID A freight passage arpiy compa- Ossipee. A Fashionable Wbitmatsh, tor Agents, male and female; business Per- ANTEElNQ CUBE IN ALL CA8V6, whether of long At Alfred Woman’s Pbayeb.— prietor. when the is taken to admit of ny’s office, 103 State st. JAMES ALEXANDER, lor Springvals ami Sanionl < orner. | pressure off large articles, manent. Enclose 3 stamp. Van Allen | I 1 It I kneel belote thee, to Iuusf, E. C. Staples, Proprietor. thruog'i aud WlBSbSEBi Baltimore. Steamships:— night, feeling perfect- when the pressure is taken off to admit larger arti- Every intelligent thinking person masc know ItATEs, by Russell House.r. *hat remedies handed out tor use ••George Appald” Solomon Homes. ly tiappy, ior Madame Emile has sent me s. Boulster, Projrietor. cles, all the cogs may be disconnected and rendered general should h»ic House to let for $425, Capt. their established well tested "William Lawrence" tapt. Wm. A. Hallett. home a efficacy by ex|*trience >n 4* W. r>. LITTLE such lovely bonnet! a most useless. /"CONTAINING William & CO., heavenly Oxford. Allen's Balsam ! the hands ot a regularly educated whose 17 Booms, convenient for two Kennedy/," Capt.J. C. Parkert Jr. little I of while with physician, Vy wiibin Coot. Prank At. Howes. bijou composed salin, Lake Lung* preparatory studies «t him tor aU the duties he mu*t families, ten minutes walk ot the P. O. 44McClellan,” UNION TICKET House—Jbert G. sensible can a at 31 OFFICE coial ostrich tuffs. For this favor i am feel- Hinds, Proprietor. Any person understand ihat wringer fulfil; yet the country is flooded with poor nostrums -Apply Lineolu St, between the honrs of 12 Freight torwarded from Norfolk to Petersburg and wheels which can THE REMEDY FOR CURING and or or having cog play apart or discon- and cure-alls, purge.* V ig to be the best in the J, alter C PM. oc29dtt Richmond, by river iail: and by the \'a. tf Tenn. ocl3diwll 49 1*2 Exchange street. ing very gratetui. Island* nect when a article is the world, Air Lint to «li lu f’irytnia, Tennessee. Ala- large passing between which are not oil* seleas, but always injurious. Give me, i an humble heart and Union is little if any better than one without CONS bama and anti over the Seaborn d niul Roa- pray time, House—W. *. Jones, Proprietor rolls, any UMPTION, CO UGIIS, The untortunate at 6 / be particular in selecting Georgia; a new at because tbe fa»l to be ot •■erv ce noke R. R to all point.* in North and South If green siik, with point lace cogs al', cogs his physician, as it is *. lamentable yet incontroverti- Carolina; Vou are W est trimmings. when most needed. The “Universal” has not by the Salt. Ohio R. R. to and all Let me not too fond of this and de- Portland. ASTHMA. ble fact, that mar.\ syphilitic patients are ‘made niH- If Washington Uoiiig; grow gay this iaial but is Warranted DllONCBITIS, places West ceitful Adams objection, Durable erable with ruo; rt constitutions by maltreatment world, like other women, but make me House, Temie St., John Pro’tr. Through rates to South and West. Procure Tickets tbe Sawyer from Inexperienced physicians in general pract ice House to Let. given by Elfr-’-lgr? Albion AND CROUP. ;ioi Flue acco exceedirgly gentle and aristocratic. When House, 117 lederal Street, J. G. Perry, The “Universal” has taken more “first is a point tvmceued the best Passenger relations. premi- It genertiily by by phi logro- tenement in the new corner featrst, Beat and Most the whiter Proprietor. ums” as the at State and ll that up-stairs hou«e Fare including Berth ana Meals time to Rehab o Routes ! fashions come, let them suit my best, Institute Fairs, ihau AN hers, the study and management of thefle con e $15.00; all other AS EXPECTORANT THESpriug and May sts., to a family without chil- 48 hours. To Baltimore t>5 hours. le ol American House, St. J. H. wringers combined. diainte should engross the whole eiuit> oi those who Norfolk, THROUGH beauty, and let there be of InAa Dodge, Prep’r. dren. oc29?odU’ Al. G. FALMEU. For further information to TICKETS plenty Sold by Dealer* everywhere. would be competent and successful in their treat- apply ruflles and for 1 BRADLEY HOTEL, Co India and Com. E. puttings, pleatings, flounces, opposite IT ment and cure. The Inexperienced general pract-. SAMPSON, Agent, P°UTLANI>' *ia BOSTON, to all points ic the Grand Trunk GEO. II. Gcu’l HAS WO 4d:im me I deaily love them all. R*Way. HOOD, Agent, EQUAL. tioner, having neither opportunity nor time to rnalr- t o tTe t aug 53 Central Wharf, Boston. WESI, SOU 11 AND Nutt I H-WEsT, tarnish- Commercial himselt with ed at the lowest «itb ot Oh, Lord, lei business detain husband House, Co. Pore and Cross Streets, 97 Water afreet, Rodou. It t acquainted their pathology, common choice Iconic-'**’ at** my Chamberlain & is composed of lie act’vc principles of roots and y the ONLY UNION At Foss, P^pnetors. pursues one system of treatment: in Didst cases mat- Tenement of 5 rooms at No 8 TICKET OKeiCE, B—, ior be is not wanted at borne at Wringers of all kinds repaired. plants, wliicii a e extracted, so as to re- Oxford $t. pres- Cjty H Corner chemically ing an Indiscriminate ascot :uaf antiquated anddsx- A Oct 27dlw* Inland Route ent. 1 wish to tel, of'Gugress and Green street, tain all their medical qualities. Mo. 40 become with ■ 1-3 acquainted the John P. Davis A Co. gotcus weapon, the Mercury. ■ FOR- Ltcbange street, tan, dark-eyed who is at and Public foreigner, staying Falmouth P. E Ministers Speakers *»■ UTTLKkt C’oi. Hotel, Wheeler, Proprietor. slave t;a:a»££»iaefc. To let, with Board. ,**• O., ..ruts. Longswailow’s opposite. about a.i Who are so often rdieted w ith throat diseases, will Waldoboro and Oamariscotta Mar 24-dti Bring Portland 71 Gentlemen can he I House, Gree* st. R. Potter, Prop'r. find a sure in this Balsam, l and accommodated with front Railroad oud introduction, beseech thee, for Mrs. icmedy ozenges Ai wbo uavs committed an excess 01 any kind* chamber stramboai, Two Trips Long- Preble Si wafers, sometimes but this taken TWO and hoard at swaiiow will not. Bless and House, Congress w. M. Lewis & Co., give teliet, Balsam, hether it he ihe solitary vice ot youth, or the stic*.- per Ween. my children, a few will en>ure a NO. 44 FREE ST. Proprietors. times, permanent cure. rebuke of misplaced confidence In maturer Oc26dlw»_ GBSSD please send them a for 1 have Will all years, Steamer*4© has. Haas la- TBU.SX BJIlKa? good nurse, St. Lawrence those afflicted with Coughs or Consump- SKKK FOR AN ANTIDOTE IN HRAftON. neiilier House, Ind%st. J. O. Kidder. ••«■*•* ALDKN WINCHKN- OF (4V4DA. tbe lime nor inclination to look after tion give th a balsam a lair trial? They will be 'ihe Pains and and Lassitude and (To Let. St. Juljan cor G. Aches, Nervous Master, will leuvt them Hotel, MkRe and Plum Sts. nletsed with the result, and confess that the Suue Prostration DESIRABLE BACH, myself. And now, Oh, take car* E. that may follow Impure Coition, tenement of 8 rooms Will be Atlantic foot ot India Lord, Ward, Proprietor. STEAM Remedy is Found at Last. Whart, Alteration ol me while I and (NEARLY TIGHT.) arc the Barometer to the whole system. A ready lor occupancy Nov. 1. of Trains. sleep, pray keep watch over U. S. Hotel, Junction of Street. Portland, every Confess and Federal Sts. IT ISliOED BY ALL Do not trait for the consummation that ig sure to oc26td* Address S. w. L., Pre«s Office. * diamonds! is now established a voxdirful success. DRUGGIST*. fji- WEDNr.sDA at 7 o’clock A. M, for Waldoboro, my Amen. Gibson, Burrell & Co., Proprieors. low* do not wait for for oct9-4wt Unsightly Ulcere, touching at Boothoay ana Round Pond, and every FALL AKKaNG^MENT. Walker Disabled Limbs, tor Losaoi SATURDAY —At a House, Opposite B«gton Depot, Geo. OTEB 40,000 NOW IN UMH. Beauty at 7 o'clock A. M. for 1 •amuriscoiia, Presbyterian installation in Kanass, Bridgham Jr and Complexion. TO E T. Proprietor. touching at Boothbay ami Hodgdoo’s Mills. On and most ot th*m sold with that the JL and alter Se.«f. tbe otuer the who was trom the guarantee Mondar, 27th day, minister, Mis- Paris Bill. ttew * &«w* sad* Gats Rrturninu—will leuve Waldoboro’ every FRI- lralDs will money would bt refunded it noi liked. 'Tealffy *« Tfcia fTHE convenient and pleasantly situated house DAY WSK ruu as ioIIuwf: and who the Hubbard H. at 6 o’clock A. AJ, and Damariscotta souri, gave right hand of fellow- Hotel, Hubourd, Proprietor. by HJhiiiawy J and premises No 71 Slate st. near the new every Mail train lor South Parle and for Sxg;«v2cittee!‘ Epis- MONDAY, at 7 o’clock A. M,touching at intermedi- intermediate su- to him If not found sale In any and your store- copal Church, now occupied by Cbailes tioiiit at 7.10 A AI. ship who was took occasion town, Bradley, ate connecting the Boston Boats at Port- installed, Karmond’a keeper refares to get, one lor send the retail GREAT BUN-SUN CHOP. ifoong tncB troubled with emissions in sleep,—a E*q- Posse sion given November first. landings, Village* vot, land ana with the Boston & Maine and Eastern Express Train lor Danville to say that he was “from the home of the bush- price, fit, and we wsi forward, free of and bimplamt general!) the result of a bad habit is Also the houa*«mediat. ed Missouri greets victorious Kansas.” Lake House, J. Savage, Proprietor. Circulars sent free on application. BEE CHER’S ,.ay11| ..such only rent, consisting of three rooms, also ap‘27dtt and In a short time are Agent!. station§at*6.00P.,y people of every class and denom- toefrequent the bla-r'^ improved Styles Tone, _ der, often IV ITHOUT board at 224 Cumberland St. From and Rail- Accomodation from South St* Andrews, ftew Brunswick. inaton all over till* country and Europe. are accoiupiuled by a slight smarting or burn- Boston Providence Tatis, at 7 00 P. M. factured by They ing auu The Rail WayHotbl—Michael Clark, ProprieJ * <•* vital, beautiful religious thought and lctliog. sensauon, weakening the system in a man- _oc20-8t way fetation at 5.30 o’clock, P, M.f cai^oi account for. On with KT~ Sleeping Cars on all tor. PORTLAND & OGDENSMJRG Plymouth PutipUis published weekly, and contains examining (Sundays excepted) connecting night Trains. Mr. Beecher’s Strmons and Prayer* in lorm suitable deposits <* ropy sediment will often le new and elegant Steamers at Stoning- ton and in New York in time WM. P. HASTINGS. for preservation and Fo' sale all news ^hall particles of semen or al- To arriving tor early The Stuudlsh* binding. by SH? «aniJ.ieomeriIIie3 Let. trains South Company are not responsible tor l RAILROAD. dealers. Price 10c. received appear, 01 tl»* color will be of a thin milk- and West and ahead of all other Lines. a Yearly subscriptions UKK?1 In ease any amount $50 in tn Standisu Chas Prop’r* the t* a dark and turbid 01 Fog or Storm, passengers eicesding valneltmd at" House—Capt Thompson* Dinsm by publishers ($3)giving two handsome vo.umes LB^ru?f,aga,n cLfBhfiiig appear- by paying 91. all anless notice is and ! WE8TEBK oi 111811 mt,i Number of Houses on Brackett and Salem Sts.. extra, can take the Train given, pal (ot at the rate ot over 400 pages each. Half /early, $1.75. A new * who die of this difficulty, Night Express via. Shore on. ignorant ot the A after October 31st. Home new. Also'a Line, leaving at 11.30 P passenger for every $580additional value and superb Steel Portrait oi Ar. Beecher cause, which ig the nearly Stonington Al, and reaching presented mini her of smaller rents on New York U. J. BH to 8TAGE V* SEMINAL WKA&NK&3. Beach and Summer Sts, before 6 o’clock A. M. }'DliKS, ,1/onayntg /Ureotor, aj yearly subscribers Extraordinary offer! T ,.*2^22!? Inquire No. 21 Bracket Essex JM&fpelier <£■ St. cure in a St. ccJ9eod2w* J* W* B1CH 8. iMrnl County. PLltloIiia p(jc»nT ($3) and 1IIG h^Sk1* -a Perfe.ct such cases, an- a* ARDSuN, Agent, BAILKY, Superintendent. full and healthy &p26dtf 134 Portland, 22 Johnsbury a*. Eanoille lH(iRt;H UWTIO* ($2,50) an Unsectarian, in- restoration 0y the urinary orF-"®- Washington St, Boston. Sept. 1809. ,1tf ChrUtiar Journal—16 Persona who cannet personally conar^ the Dr., Sarsaparilla, listlroads. dependent, pages, cut and can do bo a TO LET. Ayer’s Valley l»y writing, in plain a sent to one r-uner, descrip- BLOOD. stitched, clearly priced, ably edited, tion ot their and the fWlWO large rooms on Congress St. over Store No. FOR PURIFYING THE audress tor 52 we*8 tor four dollars. diseases* appropriate remedies Pail, Tub, OFFICE. Special will be forwarded immediately. X 368, lor terms enquire at 306 Congress St. FOR BANGOR! Barrel, Kojr, stave. inducements to canvassers andtbo.-e up The this ex 'ST. getting iAll correspondent* strictly confidential and will n' I/ r* nr wr and Chair reputation JoB'SBDBY, Vt., Oct. 27, 1869. clubs, specinww copies, postage tor 5c. Hoop cellent medicine tree, fee returned, 1? deal *£• THREE TRIPS PEK enjoys, J. «. HMiO tfc Co.5 Park Y. oet7tf WEEK. cures, Pub’s, Row, N. Address: DH. is derived from its RAILROAD oct9-8wt J. b. H UQ Hjsg, „s,l'a,ut“r CITY uif iuciiMuNu many of which are tru'” CONTKACTOKS, No. 14 Preble Street. William E. Dennison, Master, will MACHINERY ! cases of t,r ■ ■ wwwi --v -■ Ui UaUU. Railroad 8Cfcfl£*r£tr,,s' tbe cadalion and masonry of uvvts, 2D O TO LJB1. VVbarl loot ol Stale St., ffo. IB Chestnut ease, 01 tbe above JSF' Send a Stamp for Circular. MuNDAY, STAVE SAWS, front 3 in. to 5 Street, Cortland, where, with nSlk?' roads, included be- ■■■^^Meyery WEDNESDAY,ami feet seemed e*,Tated tween it. Jolinsnury and the l.amoi le FARMER’S HELPER. Evening at 10 o'clock or on the arrival CYLINDEUdiameter; of MAINE. have been Valley in the EXectic Medical anl1 Wharfage or Custom ot Train Woodworking Machinery every corru*ti, and al8° Injirwary, Honro Express from for touch- tn-scrlpiton. Portable and Mndonei v Steam nd Clhred between Swanton and how to double the profits of ST9.?ifVQEWharf. to LI Boston, Bangor, Engines TLe i* the hy *t. £ ? 15,9,r('rict- App-y NCH. BARKER He Co., ing at intermediate on Penobscot Mecliiumis Tools, Turbine Organ bfst Reed Instrument now in »ur$. °us ey the ,own 01 7 FIE FARM.ane hew farmers and landings BayJ and Water Wheels, Shafting £ affections and S' Cambridge, will Shows their sons *0 THE XiADISa Commercial St. River. manufactured *' us*, voiced with a mellow and aenerai office of the can e-»ch make PKB Ac, by the rich, lowerful tone, r- -^orders, which were na- abovfeom- 81OO AiONTfift in Winier Iiclutr__139 ibt great aim has been to * Daobs* bTaf‘ i££ to 10,600 will a>5>. HUGHES Wl11 ,eave Bangor, every MONDAY. manufacture an instru- by the serein- up and including bov. copies he mailed tree to larmeis Send particularly invites all Ladies, w&o t State “™> to the ff*yatei01'’ seeps hand Hsuo Fortes oi the best ilyles be inform/-'ol vlrtua "9C*- CoIDnii!(ae reserve the riaht to re- Agents, Teachers, Students. Cler- led efficacy and superior virtue in regulating all SDdtone. \Av * Portlaud April t>, leCO. dtf dcSeodly WM. P. HASTIKGS. Scrof-5«8 P°,80n i8'n* «™»e most destructive th^irbiurtom£I,l pOUB,ble Parlie9- and all, wblahin gymen, Farmers suns and daughters and all Female Irregularities. Their action is erectile and House to Bent. 13^ -Price list *eut by mail. face, fften, this unseen aV“0taccjrUwitu ,ba "utI>:8lsof to sell certain ot producing relief in a short time. ene*-*8 °*.our and unfclt a family without children, the tenement the mines the thecompg”fes LADIES will find it invaluable in ail cases of fpoA upper Barnum’s Bath l^iantof organisijindei constitution order ob- inthe new honse corner and and invites the attneid or By of the Executive Itraction* after all other Spring May alreeta. FOR B.oomS| enfeebling fatal disease* Committee remedies have been tried in containing 6 or 7 rooms. BOSTON, Pectoral. without exciting a suptcion of its ASA C. MITCHELL. It is purely vegetable, Apply to AT Ayer’s Cherry presence Aeaia yam. containing nothing in G. 132 it seems to breed throughout Ch'ef P & O. B. the least injurious to the health, and be PALMER, Middle at. For inffion the body i,3 or30(101. K. may taken »p25eodtt_M. The new and mr »ea coin" Diseases of tho Throat and Durvs3# on some favo ole EnSiIleer; with perfect at all su)»ei then, occasion, rapidly n Division. safety times. steamers Cape Elizabeth such dev#*)! JOHN BROOKS, and Mineral as Coughs, Colds, Whoopuig into one or other of* hideous forms, oc30,ltd«_Western Sent to an part of lie with toll Springs, either on V ’J country, directioni TO LEI\ MONTREAL, having been fitted f Asthma, surface or among >e vitals. Jn the .Portland & byaddresstrg Are now Cough, Bronchitis, latvor tl.i* Ogdens burg- II nil road. DR. HUGHES up at great expense with a open lor the Season, on des may be Muhmy deposited in the H large and Consumption* jim#?* PreMoSir^et. Portland. first ciaaa atorea on number or beautiful State or tumors rmed in the Janl-UfaiAw,_Ho, Exchange St. between Room* Saturday heart, liver, or it siu~l Enginekb’8 1 Middle and Sfs. will run the season as follows: Afternoon*, r''*bablv never before in the whole history of its on the Office, is POTTi; Fore AjpU to presence byejbons skin, or foul ulcer hereby given that the subscriber has W. H. Leaving Atlantic Wharf, Portlano. at 7 o'cb»er Muuday all duy, nud won so mid so deeply on fiomei1' the lor been ANDERSON, iv* Has anything widely ations body, lienee the occa- NOTICEduly appoiuied Execuior ol the Will of •ml India Whari, dav at 5 of as this excellent *l,e of pliOPOSALSi- third turiiit.bTngc^'.0^;rB”’ }gfi| At office ot Naihan Webb, Boston, every o’clock P* mankind, sional use of a this Sarsaparilla ks ad- sotsond. and fouren divisions K.Ih/J ■SAMUEL Erq., M, iSundays excepted.) Monday I'orruooih. a long ho road, from N. BEALE, lale ol scp21lf No. 59 Exchange street. D2 C kefs ™'—ary complaints. Through visable, even wn active symptoms of extending Portland to Frveburg, amon4},," Portland, CWII*» or threetlfkel* 101 unei most of the races of disease in the of Oabmiare,.*1.30 dollar mill it h.J riff’ ?" I,11*1""? Terse1 ailnctcd with the 100,000. will bo received at this office County Cumberland, deceased, and has may Hi I ,ugher and in theirestinm- appear. following com- until taken him DfiCK,.. l.to -*_ ti?n 5. »niff'? highei genei-y »«« immediate November 15 inclusive, stating the number bid The upon sell that trust by giving bonds as hecomo better known. Its uniform plaints relief, and. at the Great, Itel’ormer of ■A‘l* if*'*!,1! J**? length, cure, )the use of this upon, kind ct wood and the prices, to include de- the Stage, I’e,t'0ns having demands upon To be Krotghttalteuas mual, thc various affections SAltSAPAHil.- tne estate ot sad lief. nr the luimsnn1nner /> A: St. 8 Fire, Hose or livery and distribution along the line o» said railro deceased are reqnired 10 exhibit L. BILLINGS, Agent. Fletcher ot the lungs and throat, have mi.i, i, Ant/^y d, who, having abandoned P|aee ]ire the Mav Go Soft Scald ol two and a same; and all persons indebted to said estate 1,1869-dtt uauie piuiwtur ugamst them, .T'*'”'*! S'-***'-. '<<"«»•, Head, JtiZufZr,,,' halt feet, or ranged in piles colors the whole show are Manufacturing sore oi y,tenr*lslour in Jivul world/femro .1, » 1* ca.led upon to make milder forms of disease and to it is Furore Kars, am! other crmdmnsr' contact endwise along one side ol the the sccnet. Being ray men I to Possession Given At Once! R«labli*hril I?,,*. young* ^'“hpu, load bed. Truthiul. m a. that ock. It h Company serouslaflWiv attacks and tJie Vleerans engravings. mil iia/e cuts L is tour Countin ^ rooms, also a Sale. Boot, Shoe & lie on in cftbJmfA *",°r tdon® 1 t)l( at convenient to be large Kept hand every aireetfo<£’nf 1,10 musiu- .ried points heieaiter as a NEW Corset lUrnty, and imionu lar and systems. designatedI/Lb™. or Crain, Provision and West ARRANGEMENT. laces, nre sometimes to n 1 revolts agreed upon wit h the SHORT ¥ !?«occupied subject c*lds arid • parties. GORING, °°^8 Store. Is lor a Fish Es- cmSi, u 1 Syph °r. Venereal and MercurialHi sen ot ties for the first HARMON, !li. c finely adapted Lamp Wic ks. should be provided with this antidote x.'H®‘iverics division, extending tablishment. Will be fitted lor kind ol lusi- Yarns, for t,*™' “re r-ur by it, though a longtime is for Portland to Lake up any iemi.Weelily Line X Braids, *c. Although settled is required iSebago, to be made by the SOLE 1 GEKTS FOR le^-s. Constmption timed.1 ; Piibdub these obstinate maladies by any medicine. J87°* curable, still great numbeis or cases But All' «&“«•. «>«■■.« Rent low. on the where thn .n la* continued use of this medicine will euro ° Enquire prem ses. °n i*'"1 Hie 18th SAMUIL G. case seemed hav< been specifications: conform strictly to the KSKKMSfcJMKt 21-dtt in,!, the tint TEIPPE, settled, completely i» i' the Leucorrhcea or Whites, Uterine following oc22t4w May —iMTSt-amu and Agent, aud the restored to cctjdamt. ---- Lowell & Dirigo Krai.. will patient sound health bv tm! ”"«!*• Mowed «. Oh til further »•. SO Cherry Pectoral. ?-nd f IHsenses, are com- Brett, Engravers- ZWigassi. notice, run us Inflows: Kilb, Sr complete is its mastery M"' The timber to be sound and UaUs ..Bo.iou. 'tltltuetely cared l>v its free from «. VVoarl> even dune 1 -di'iu ®yer tl>e disorders of tie aud would call attention to the Portland, Lungs Throat, that «*»*• Minute Dire.- an<1 *hake8J to 1>« eight leet JDoddS .W'> line ot samplca ex- TO LET! at 5 P M. and leave oBstiiiata of Item yield to it When K ,'/or cm"l ,..“.V1*°ncl"K i1*®fifth ot long-'cffi^: i,iUr~ for wbi.-l. r"1 J HD*?DAY. ff? m°8t node the number to be eight inches sonar*. »n.i Nilrer"iWe3itYf‘ w0 ieceived a *’ery M0-NUAY “»* thim’ under the Pec- luui-uuus iu ue hi * menus THURSDAY, at toralo5„1,Ch«0Ul<1.re^h Cherry °z, square. tio■.«>«; It A VI N Ko. <12 Commercial 3Wp.M.rk’ they subside am disappear. Kg? Newinc null engraved to Street, 1‘’rancon,a Dewed Ties. order and .J™P,riKoaml are fitted nu with fine Hard and J'“Wo hud to as samples turnished fir selections. •ccommoifinioiis for White Pine sPeakera great pro- m"t^:^urylSda^i,,oftoc^.u1v■7ve"etiulaints )'«»■! it, also Liver "0,1 tor Flour or passengers, this the tectimFtZmU? i/l;« / To beot sound timber and CAKD auaPted GraJu I making Timber. straight in the grain PLATKS engraved and K) btm8?nc»a' an<1 ‘’oa.ior.able route fur on baud and sawed to *s so that the hewed printed at travelers dimension*. cured a'war' relieved and often faces of ihe tie shad tjrm a nar- Once short n itice. between New York ind Maine. bjTit. wholly a,they olten do, from allelogrsm of the MoB*e* imme,1il“0,y- Enquire CO Com- tl'c nu' kni"’ar,M",r’■“ *«c requisite dimtnsions; to be eight UCTcWSalr"etS^e" Passage in State Room #5. Cabin MAItO rist 100(1. Tills S Alt SAP A It I one-tifth SPECIAL ATTENTION Passage $4, PLANK. by tllB I I ,? £°!f°““ leetlong; ol the number to have not has GIVEN TO WEDDING mcli2dtl Meals extra. takin» ,orer for the strength and than eight inches lace at ORDERS, a vaiietv of RANDALL, McALUSTER & CO. PJriw^fV^oraf^mal'rand^'1So fr<‘quent doses, ngV ..r the extern the smaller end; the re- large samples ot Reckp- Goo 8 forwarded to and from Montreal, unrimtewuM generally are is vh tno.n 'hose who are and maining tour-fittbs be tion and also the Quebec, A,ttsii:.(< not publish u,at»° “eed languid I.t.ties.rL.,,,,. may nairower, bui nut less American 0 pitmen Plates, latest Halifax, Sf. John, and all parts of Maine. Shippers ►HI \ lliis. thbceSam, ‘ent. Sleepless, ami troubled will. lhani six inches at Pharmacopoeia. An-1 iis r.nnfV.s styles ot Bil ets and are of8.|tD“r do Sein-aus^An the smaller end. All to be at least been well ba8 Envelopes. TO requested to send their freight to the Steamers IforSuleby dmp assure the rublic more rehenslons or or «ix enough desei vcd. But it is L.ET. that ltsiif „,h theless, people with Colored For ymptomatic immediate 8l"<'- iw&ik *-“* nce’ofpBrehkrtaL“sleL",c,,nVfnienfCT'ls0,twaler- >ow for oe- YES! 10 ready Mt. Desert notice, ®ss YES ! YES ! YES ! he as jf, upaney. Apply to Mackias, and indeed oil0 ♦h.or«.Blllous Foirer, &c., Practical and Analytical Chemists, palate any delicate wine. tVe all^na8JI1w SHORT _and it is with Cod Liver Oil. LOIIINO, el HARM OX. fr°m “ffeo‘lons which ariso i In a pure state !??." b°7 J' L' FALL Cffiie cf th« malarw.s11®OU8» IOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. --IT IS- lent tor certain FAF^EB, AKltAXaEMENT. Am-?iiC8n poisons. marsh, or miasmat.c conditions ot debility UNDER angOdtf W*‘ch tc. rla ly in tendencies and^tSIshl" FALMOUTH HOTEL. __ 47 Danforth atreet. II to Consumption allham. Aon At its name imuitn, it the best physicians Oc23-lw OXE TRIP Mast., 1st)*. decline to prescribe it* PER WEEK. WE ftiil. does noi 7 t so sickens HAVE ContainiiigneiUier Alsc^iCn,-B’a”d given,that the subscribers have CrlrftJ'"E dreadfully the patient 'Jh .i l,**®1*113® APPOINTED Zinc,, nor other i Deeu *? ,lcre'Jy JVE oakes it do '"e!,mer any mineral «?L 'Sul»ll|t. Bismuth duly appo.nted Executors Will of more harm than good. uvi" V lewis. whatever, it in '"l"ous of the Nervine all b V'm.'1)011,1 3 TON6 IZTW nowise lnlnr„, substance WILLIAM P. this becomes obsolete It.0 W E Tin FESSENDEN, late of Portland, Kor sale all L L & s E Y 22™J’?-?1‘-U™P,or‘anceofit??„?Il/iPa*ic,|t- E by Druggists. Price the county of Cumberland T tl.op OC22-8wt tee:, .deceased ami have la- r^oogf^A^Kiu,,®1^,vilhout it. Dor’t fail to it. " '“lour a parallel in we try Vnr L| “i™V ,!,.,,',' $20,000 the believe Urug" histonTor’ w «^"’«^nd.Lthe , Grocers, and Fancy Quods Kxclininro Our pride is gratified the !? Xec^lllZ^r ;ists, Dealers'! si., by aclSiowG?'"^tclne. e estate said the CLOIHES receive of (lie radical cures ,l",«" oi deceased, a™* Manulactured only by CLEANSED I OEALEB9 IN cir“*n t ub™*to’exhibit Is just me _IItiling the have BAIVdOBCITY If public long needed. It is 1®aJewlek’ (itchex, (j/i a bc< contains the ronouictecx, JoMES D. t 1 nujd resembling r, Jeaet particle FESSENDEN, jiuEnc Manufacturing 01 spirit, and bas William h. Company, Colors been proved by analysis to con- Ipcctacli s & fessknden, { Exeentor.°" Perfectly Hectored. tain, in addition io Ml landings ,beftb°ve-ni»in- Nautical gum. sugar, glutint carbon, luv- BONDS ! arr5lin^^’1?,,c!1^ orlli*,|,l np.at Instruments, •v^SstPsm'mra,^ari,inK f|nin PeJPVf181 f.-ssenden, ( ufint certain \ V same night. t of the Liver it!Vnplnln/!’.' torpidity nrthlul, Sept 2U-, 24 Street Boston. ingredients of eqetablk or-ein RObti At SrUUDI A ifnts tor the Water trace VANT. General City mi,I „i port« ,ia,men,s or La- (no or Mineral,) to which it owes agenti, !“'iS*!li"« yicintry the*u™ 6UmuLu”« orl3t»od3m its ben- FOB SALE BY ore ,udt fnrto'teKWSSSS!*remedy’ 1H9._QegJlatvgwP eficial and as a i.Ks,reel. , for Bilious Disorders powerlul ettects tonic, nutrient anil Portland, Oct. 1869. ••a and Liver Comnlaints it is remedy. 15. st5Sii,ork,2,k“'in F«r oc‘22eo/h 0I*P°r|unity Fjslihg Vessels SON, FOR Portland Savinis Portland, { be W!S , ® SALE! Bank. will run regularly **? made upon tieni.aiid at rates as 'Hke in Cnpt Nelson, between .. <»vortble ****TCE, $1.00 PER t< fasrijix irom the or to Prop,let... Fares, 5 s .i’01"8 supply wharf, Fine it. are BOTTLE• 1 ave tbe Ci|y Boiler, ilinmaeior ia I LI, ■“•^MBtathls Port the offered hi our sites lu New Yora or i;0uin„ same delivered. aeteT’,6-lt- in ure made in this Bank on aud Windsor, remainder of w A5 only two vears. '™g, deposits or before ih. he t’or American W tfii asjttsr i 3d. day ot will season. For freight or passage, having good ac- \o. 31C S. November, enmmenrenn 15,1?8 11 ^aas-ssK OYEK Congrnsg iStvciet. D. DAVENPORT, c I Iron, the 1st. oininodutions, apply t» c2~ n? u* E. KoBBI NS, Aug 18-dtf l?KEE??^ Deposits this day3 *2 9B>nv'" 1 Troas’p. septd3m Portland, Oct. lb, 18*9. »ou°-,35-,_ti. A. D. WHIDDKN. ojlWeodlm oclBdtd No U N°'*$*£*[HlghUnd*. KKANK Union Wharf. I LL KINDS OF BOOK ANI> NOYES, Treasurer, 1st S« JOB PRlNTI\»IMINQ Portland, .I860. tt j \ neatl executed at this office.