Board of Parole •
STATE OF IOWA 1920 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF PAROLE FOR THE BIENNIAL PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 1920 INCLUDING CRIMINAL STATISTICS • J:.Ubllah•d by TilE I!TA'PE OP IOWA Dee Moln•• •r,, Ilonorablc W. lJ. llarding, Governor: We IJa,·e the honor to trnnsrnit hcrewilh in uceortluncc with law, the biennial rcpo•·t of the Board of l'a•·ole, und of C•·iminul Statistics for the period ending June 30, 1920. W. S. WITIIIIOW, GEO. '1'. R~;OOI C K, J. 0. \\'OOD MAS ~E~, Board of Pm·olc. Xovcmbc•· 19, 1920. BOAHD OF PAROLE AND DEP;UlTMEXT W1N1·u:u, s. WtTIIKOW. ChaiNnon, Mount Pleasant OooooE T. R&ODICI<, Member, Iowa City. JOIJ!< 0. W OODMAN8f.Y., .Member . ., Leon. Sam D. Woods, Secretary, Des Moines. Joseph Lampman, Parole Olrlcer, Jelreroon. William J. Greene, Parole Olrleer, Clinton. Bertha Boydston, File Clerk, Des Molnea. Olive Carventer, Stenographer, Des Molnea. Muriel Rlulns, Stenographer, Des Moines. • REPORT OF THE BOARD OF PAROLE This •·~port of the Board of Parole covers the biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Presented with it are t-omt>ilations of stati~t ics covering the same period. and also sincQ the organization of the board, together wilh county reports of ~riminal statistics •·equired to be made by clerks of the district cou•·t, under section . ::!93 of the code supplement with amendments thereto. PAROLES GRANTED During the period covered by this report 596 paroles have been granted, this total including men paroled from the two institution~. Fort Madison and Anamosa, and those paroled by order of the board before commitment and upon the recommendation of the !.rial judge and cow1ty attornfy.
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