PORI Established June 23,1862. I'ol. 8. PORTLAND, .MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, I860. Terms $8.00 per annum, in advance. Tilt* I’ortlniK* Daily Pross ii.fi Ai. KH'liil fc. WANTED REMOVALS. MISOISLLAN COUS. MISCELLANEOUS. THE DAILY PRESS Is published every day (Sundays excepted) by DAILY PRESS. A Double House for £ale IN EW Boarders Wanted. REMOVAL Cheap! ** Portland Publishing Co., STONE (JUTTING FEW Gentlemen boarders ran be accomodated, BUSINESS ORXL AIV X>. TT'HE Portland Water Lave removed their Co. also, a lew table boarders at2tl Congress street, DIRECTORY^ -AND A 1 office to the room over the Fasten* Express the Mock of two new houses Nos 23 At 109 Exchange Street, Portland. oc29 1w* office on Plum Street near Middle Street, HEcftlrand 23 Smith Street, for sale for $1,000 less Dollars a Wn invite the both and Monday Morning, November 1869. Terms:—Eight Year in advance. seplif L. D. SULPLfaY, Sec’y. than cotT, and will guarantee the title perfect.— DESIGNING I attention of Cil.y 1, Eaih house co ntains w el ve finished rooms, arranged Teacher Wanted. tor two t mill with undersigned Laving had years* readers to the list of Port- es, gas and water up stairs amt twenty-five Hair for the school on Couutry following I.ester from she EE is wanted Tho Maim* down. Good oxoerience as a mechanic Hatters him- MALE TEACH Coming Mnn. Stall* Dross REMOYAI „ cellars to eaeli house. This property THE practical tor the win'er self that he is master ot his and «s Cutting A I.OLg Island, Portland Han.or, wdl let urn the prepar- land BUSINESS owner $050 rent p r year clear. We business, either 0* the HOUSES, which arc among of the ed to tut nisi) and execute all kinds ot work term, Ai-pllcation may be made to The epistle Coining Woman in the published will sell this tor down on each designs Js every Thursday Morning at And Ware-House to Let l property $500 house, on Island Schools, un- some weeks calls out this a it the balance to be iu in his line, and rotors to the work designed and exe- BOOMS, undersigned,‘'Committee the most reliable Advance ago, com- $2.r»() year; paid in at a paid any sutn from $100 up- T’enu to com- establishment* in the City. advance, $2.00 wards cuted bv him in this and Evergreen Cemetery, til Saiuntay. November 12th, 1809. “To the lion. Mrs. subscribers have remove their ol per year, with interest a C per thus en- city piece, Btandhlgh, year. rpHl! place cent., Westbrook. J. T. ElVll RY. mence Monday, November 22d. panion 1 business to the store formerly occupied E E. ab ing any industrious mechanic to purchase a homo M. C.” by Yard on the of Wilrnof st AT- DR. S. C. GORDON, Advertising Agency. & Son Commercial street, Lead o< Richard- ol h s own for $500, as the ren» from the tene- Dump,loot Dates of Uplian spare ial4 Portland. LEWIS B. SMITH. Honored Wife:—It is nearly 10 o’e'ock, Advertising.—One inch of space, son* Wharf, where may be found a complete assort- ments will more than meet th« annual eodly AT *£1.1. & CO.,,174 Middle Street. My of payments, Portland, October 26th, 1869. dtd the children are tucked in bed, and "Etb column, constitutes a “square.” ment of the Inst brands of Family Flour, at prices be*.de paying tbe taxes and insurance. No parties salely which cannot tail to attract will New Store. stares mo in the per square daily first week. 75 cents customers. be admitted to examine these houses without a Drag A Heeds. although the week’s mending TO the Warehouse So. 9 Agricultural Implements per week LET, and Elevator on Central written permit from ( Block. 1 a to in after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; lapp's So. 119 Kxehango St. face, snatch moment spend writing Wharf, occupied by them as a grain store. GEO. R. & Situation Wanted. SAWYER It WOODFORD, continuing every other day after first week, 50 DAVIS CO., to you. je24eodtf UPltAM & ADAMS. Real Estate cents. and Mortgage JJiokers. CflAS. B. GJtEENLEAF, Can from the October 30, 1809. illw a young man who has had some experience in you spare a few moments Half three insertions or 75 inform his friends and the that care and driver in families. Auctioneer. cares square, less, cents; public BY of horses, private and honors of a public lire to read a lew one he lias a and store, Press Office. week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. WOULD opened drug Apothecary Mr. SHERRY tas in connection with his Address A. a., No. 327 Street. lines from fond and ? fl/EOiY Til. on the opened, C. W. HOLMES, Congress your obedient husband Special Notices, one third additional. II©WDOIJY O.-t ?6d3t* I would Hair Work fc.»titbiiMhineiat, separate apart- gladly write oftener, but )ou know Under head ni “Amusements,’* $2.00 per WHOLESALE Valuable Real Estate Corner of Brackett and 8ts., Gray ments for Hair with private rooms for the for Sewing Machines. my numerous cares, and some of duties or less Cutting, Agencies my square per week; three insertions $1,50. And respectfu’ly invites attention to his fresh and W ANTED accommodation of ladies and children.—This is the seem very awkward to my unpractised hand. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine carefully selected ?tock ot medicines. Also to fancy CHAPIN .t EATON. 88 Exchange Street, (Weed.) FOR SALE. exclu- To be sure I gained some State Press” (which has a large circulation goods, patent medicines, &c. only establishment east of Boston devoted SMALL rentoi five <-r six rooms, centrally lo- Middle St H. II. Hay’s. experience during Laces, Embroideries, Hdk’fs., YV. S.DYER, 158, .over absence in the before in every part oi the State) for $1.00 per Fquare sively to Hair Work and Hair Cutting. The rooms A cated, by a family without children Good ref- jour campaign election, for first and 50 cents for LINEN AND »HE desirable on Bowdoin Mr. Grecnleaf has had ten (eight erence given. Address “W.” Press Office. ft do what I will, skimming the milk is not insertion, per square COLLARS, CUFFS, very property Street, years experience at No. 12 Market Square have been discontinued. Bakers. but each insertion. a extending ir. in tlie Western Promenade to in this city) as an apothecary. His long service with and as for working the butter with subsequent o' oct8eo<!4v my forte, GLOVES. within 131 feet ot Vaughan Street, the res- E. Dana, dr., and C. W. Gil & Co., in charge a Address all communications to &c. opposite key House Wanted. W. C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. hands as you told me, wbat mass! I idenoe and grounds ot J. B. Brown, Ksq., compris- the prescription department, is his best reference to my PORTLAND PUBLISHING who to hire a house in the western ot the other meek- CO. cpHOSE think it neeecrssaiy to go to Boston ing some the public in regard to hi? skill, care and capability part JOHN It MASTERTON, 22 Anderson Street. suggested to Betty day—very A or New York lor tic latest and best of The Newest the citv, for a small family but she in- styles in com poundii g prescriptions. oet4d4w^ and Cheapest WANTED ly—that the duty belonged to her, these goods will satisfy themse-ves that such is not 00,000 LEWIS PlfcRCE, took Square Feet, sf. and Itabbers. refused. She says you always the case, by examing my stock. connections in oc20dtt 88 Exchange (toots, Shoes, dignantly BUSrNESS CAUDS My Grmmanda superb view ot tbe and Inland.— l Into New York enable me to Buy Family School For Boys J. W. BOUCHER & CO No. 358 Street. care of the milk b 'fore jou went politics, present si elevation Congress Bight In the city and in every way one hers if head is ot the most desirable Boarders Wanted. and it’s no business of your localities for private dwellings. No. 12 New (a sool ai are Out! Will be so'd in lots 30 to 50 81.race Street, Bo4>ts anil Shoes—Gents Custom Work. turned. 1 do the best I but really Belty & they of feet front, to suit Chamber Sets MAN and WIFE can be accomodated with two can, BRENNAN HOOPER, purchasers. A nice rooms and board at 119 Cumberland sr., Street. is a little hard to suit. LEON M. Favorable term ot hr PORTLAND. ARE THE WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle BOWDOIX, puvment. Apr to cor. of Franklin st. Also, rooms for single persons. Then there is the sewing girl. What a time HENRY MERRILL, oct5it UPHOLSTERERS ItKV. DANIEI, r. A. IW., Prill. she me with her I would I i5 Middle f*t.f opposite Lead of Union. oct27d2*v* No 391 Congress st. MHITU, Booksellers anil Htationers. gives questions. her out oftbe house the dear chil- yo. 33 Free sep9Jtf Terms $400 per year. No extras. A limited num- pack only Street, BOOK AGENTS WANTED & 92Middle Street. WILL a 21-2 on ber ot scholars will he received at HOYT. FOOfl BREED, are so and I am so SaFem Lead <2*0 riOf* buy story bouse nay $60 per year, Finish! dren shabby getting v/ t Enamel company. J* V.J v./St. term at (Formerly in the How No. 368 Congre»s Street.) tfP* Lawrence street, 13 rooms, ar- or by he proportioned rates.
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