PENGUIN READERS Activity worksheets LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Audrey Hepburn Photocopiable

After reading 5 was a famous actor in Roman Holiday. 1 Are these sentences right ( 3) or wrong (7)? 6 Audrey was not ready to be his wife. Read the Introduction and find out. 6 Choose the right word or expression. a is dead. c a was helpful / unfriendly to b Audrey wanted to be a ballet dancer. c Audrey when they worked together. c She learned to be an actor at acting b The princess in Roman Holiday wants to be school. c better than / just like other young women. d She did not make many films. c c Humphrey was / was not friendly to William. e She had many sad times in her life. c d Ferrer was new / knew the people well in Chapter 1 Hollywood. 2 What happened first? What happened next? Chapters 5–6 Write 1–7. 7 Which thing happened first, second, third …? a The war finished. First write the year. Then write two sentences b Audrey went to school in England. in each box like the first box. c Audrey was born in Brussels. Audrey made a film with Fred Astaire. d The war started. It was a very happy time in her married life. e The Germans came to Arnhem. Audrey was in . f Audrey’s father left the family. Audrey became pregnant but lost the baby. g Audrey’s mother took her to Arnhem. Audrey helped Mel with his work in Spain. 3 These sentences are wrong. Change them so Audrey married Mel Ferrer. they are right. Don’t look at the book! Mel sent Audrey a dog. a Audrey’s father was Dutch. Audrey acted with her husband. b Audrey liked the color white because she 1953 Audrey won an Oscar and a Tony. remembered her mother. Audrey went to Switzerland for a c Audrey’s father was not rich. holiday. d Audrey was a funny, noisy girl. e Audrey spoke English well. Chapter 2 4 Answer these questions. a What jobs did Audrey’s mother do? b How old was Audrey in her first movie? c How old was Audrey in 1948? d Why couldn’t Audrey be a ballet dancer? e What changed her life? 8 Choose the right answer: 1, 2 or 3. Chapters 3–4 a When she was 24 … 5 Here are some men in Audrey’s life. Put the 1 Audrey was on the cover of a very words (1–6) with the right people (a–f ). important magazine. a Gregory Peck … 2 Audrey was in a fire. b … 3 Only one man was in love with Audrey. c James Hanson … b The Swiss mountains … d Mel Ferrer … 1 were very exciting for Audrey. e Hubert de Givenchy … 2 helped to feel there was no danger. f Humphrey Bogart … 3 were near her father’s house. 1 was the right man for Audrey. c Audrey’s dog … 2 had a wife and three children. 1 was a very famous animal. 3 made Audrey’s clothes. 2 was a present from her husband. 4 wasn’t friendly to Audrey. 3 was in the United States.

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Audrey Hepburn Photocopiable

Chapters 7–8 12 Match a–f with 1–6. 9 Match a–f with 1–6. a Audrey’s singing … a The Nun’s Story was a different kind of film b Audrey’s son … but … c Audrey’s fame … b Mel directed Green Mansions but … d Audrey’s husband … c Audrey lost her second baby when … e Audrey’s dog … d Alfred Hitchcock was angry with Audrey f Audrey’s co-star … because … 1 made Mel think she didn’t really love him. e Audrey didn’t act in West Side Story 2 had a terrible accident. because … 3 was not happy. f Audrey was nervous about the part of Holly 4 thought they were paying Audrey too in Breakfast at Tiffany’s because … much. 1 she didn’t want to be in his film Psycho. 5 was not good enough for the film. 2 she did not usually play bad girls. 6 was now two years old. 3 it was Audrey’s worst film. Chapters 11–12 4 Audrey acted very well in it. 13 Write the numbers. 5 she was pregnant for the third time. a Audrey and Mel lived in Spain for ………… 6 she fell from a horse in the middle of months. The Unforgiven. b Audrey was ………… when her father went 10 Choose the right word or expression. away. a Audrey took her dog / left her dog when she c Between 1964 and …………, Audrey and went to Africa. Mel tried to be happy. b Green Mansions was Mel’s first / last d ………… years after Mel left her, Audrey Hollywood movie. married again. c Audrey played / did not play in West Side Story. e She was ………… years older than her new d Audrey was / was not confident about her part husband. in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. f After ………… year, Audrey had another Chapters 9–10 baby, Luca. 11 Put the words from the box in the right g Audrey stayed with Dotti for ………… years. places. Use each word in one place only. h When she was married to Dotti, she only made ………… movie. boring well beautiful cried successful fights bad famous worst movie died Chapter 13 14 Say why. From 1961 to 1965 was a …………… time for a Audrey made only two or three movies after Audrey. She made some …………… films and 1979. her dog …………… . But the …………… b Audrey started to work for the United problem was Mel. He was not happy because his Nations. first film Green Mansions was not …………… . c she went back to her house in Switzerland in Also Audrey was now more …………… than 1992. him. Then Audrey started to make My Fair Lady. d there were white flowers in her house. This was a difficult …………… for her because e Elizabeth Taylor said “God has a beautiful everybody wanted to see Julie Andrews in it. new angel now.” Also she could not sing as …………… as Julie Andrews. When Mel visited Audrey they had …………… , and she …………… in front of the cameras. But Audrey was …………… in My Fair Lady and she acted well.

c Pearson Education Limited 2008 Audrey Hepburn - Activity worksheets 2 of 2 PENGUIN READERS Progress test LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Audrey Hepburn Photocopiable

Chapters 1–2 e …………………… made a film in Paris with 1 Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Audrey. a When she was a child, Audrey didn’t like books. c f …………………… was always in her thoughts. b Audrey thought she was not thin enough to be 5 What happened first, second, third? Write the a dancer. c numbers 1–7. c Her father left her mother. c a Audrey went to Switzerland to rest. c d Audrey stayed strong during the war. c b She won a Tony for Ondine. c e Her mother worked in a shop in . c c Audrey worked with Fred Astaire. c 2 Write the words from the box in the right places. d Audrey’s photo was on the cover of Time. c e She won an Oscar for Roman Holiday. c old little loved noisy dancing too f Mel and Audrey got married. c a Audrey ………… the color white. g She went with her husband to Mexico. c b Audrey’s mother felt music was for ………… . Chapters 7–8 c She thought she was ………… fat to be a dancer. 6 Some of the sentences are wrong. Make them right. d Audrey was not ………… like the other girls at her Audrey went to work in Australia. She was a nun in school. this film, and sang and danced a lot. The film was not e During the war, there was ………… to eat. a great success. Then Audrey played in a film directed f Her first part in a movie came when she was by her husband. Hitchcock didn’t want her to be in his seventeen years ………… . movie. The next year she had a baby girl, and spent a Chapters 3–4 lot of time at home with her. 3 Choose the correct answer, 1, 2 or 3. Chapters 9–10 a After making Gigi, Audrey decided … 7 Choose the correct word or expression. 1 she was going to marry her boyfriend. a People thought The Loudest Whisper was boring / 2 she was going to remember a Hollywood frightening. producer. b Audrey’s dog was injured / killed. 3 she could not stop making movies. c William was still in love / angry. b Givenchy thought … d Audrey was paid more than / the same as Rex 1 dresses were very important to women. Harrison. 2 Audrey was going to be his wife. e Audrey received / did not receive an Oscar for 3 Audrey was too fat for his clothes. My Fair Lady. c William Holden … 1 drank less than Audrey. Chapters 11–12 2 wanted to live with Audrey. 8 Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 3 wanted Audrey to have his children. a Audrey wanted to stay with her husband. c d Audrey’s future husband … b Her clothes in How to Steal a Million became 1 was the same age as Audrey. popular. c 2 was a lot older than her. c Peter O Toole was the top actor in Two for the 3 was a very old man. Road. c d Her husband had girlfriends again. c Chapters 5–6 e Young people loved Robin and Marian. c 4 Put the names from the box in the right place. f Her husband left her. c Mr. Ferrer Audrey’s father Gary Cooper Chapter 13 Mr. Famous Audrey Fred Astaire 9 Some of the sentences are wrong. Make them right. a …………………… followed Audrey everywhere. Audrey made many more movies. When she was older, b …………………… could not leave the USA. she was poor and hungry. She talked about her movies c …………………… starred in Funny Face. on television. When she was ill, Gary Cooper came to d …………………… loved the Swiss countryside. visit her. She died in the summer. Elizabeth Taylor said she was with God now.

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